Welcome to Part 1!
Friends! This post officially marks 11 years of sharing our goals together and 10 years of uncovering what matters with our PowerSheets®!

This year, in keeping with the simplicity of last year’s series, I’ll be sharing my PowerSheets process and goals here in three simple posts. You’ll find a comprehensive 5-part goal coaching series in Goal School where I walk you step-by-step through setting your 2022 goals in fun videos (and there’s an audio-only option this year, too, if you’d rather listen!). Get your PowerSheets and enjoy free access to Goal School and the series. You all are loving it!
First, let’s look back!

I’m ending this year more grateful than most. Was it because amazing, great things happened? Interestingly enough, 2021 was one of my most challenging years—and, as a result, a year I learned to cultivate gratitude and see blessings-in-disguise. I’m ending this year with more peace and clarity than other years because of one truth that never wavers with my circumstances: God is faithful. Bright spots are much easier to notice and celebrate in the dark, right?
Uncovering the good things of 2021 took a little digging. After 2020, I started this year tired. I think a lot of us felt that way. I’m so grateful for the PowerSheets process guiding me to make little-by-little progress throughout the year, instead of feeling the urge to make major moves in January. It always surprises me (no matter how many years I’ve done this!) how small steps add up. Think about this: if a ship’s captain goes a tenth of a degree to the east, what happens? A complete change of course. It’s the same with our lives. Small things are the big things!
I went back through my calendar, photos, and the good things and challenges I shared throughout the year in my monthly posts: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. I had forgotten many blessings until I took the time to intentionally look back and notice them.

This was the year we celebrated 15 years of marriage, went on two memorable trips with our church group, saw both sets of grandparents for the first time since the pandemic began, and enjoyed our fifth year of homeschool. Ari took a leap of faith into a new job and we marveled at God’s faithfulness on our team. I wrote in my Bible each night, read Psalms in bed, and woke up to read the Old Testament with friends each morning—a slower read through the OT in two years has been a delight.
Grace and I started something for just the two of us I hope continues for many years to come: we each have a journal that we write in together before I tuck her in. This was all Grace’s idea and I’m so proud of her for growing this daily habit. I even took her out for ice cream when she finished her first journal (we’re both on our second now!). She writes about her day and I cultivate gratitude, intentionally counting the blessings of the day. On some days, the blessings felt hard to see, but this daily practice always brought me back to my word for 2021: faithful. God is faithful in it all. Always. Even when I can’t see it or feel it, He is at work.
Through sleepless nights with health challenges and my neck injury this year, Ari and I grew closer as we wrestled with aging and discerning what to do. (More in the next posts when I share my goals for the new year.) This led to unpredictability with how I would feel each day and being more vulnerable than I’d like to be about that at work. I know so many of you experience chronic pain. Through it all, God continues to show me that He is faithful. That word was ever-present as I tried my best to mother and lead and teach each day. Our team has been a gift with all of this. I have felt so loved and supported in taking steps back at work where possible and watching each woman I work alongside own her role and lead with such grace and goodness.

More good things and things I loved:
– The garden! It was a banner year in the garden with thousands of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and beautiful blooms. It was healing for us all after 2020.
– Hawks and falcons—always. There was one in particular that soared above our house through the spring and summer, calling out and reminding me of the freedom I have in Christ. I would take walks on breaks just to see him!
– Homeschool. My favorite subjects to teach this year: the Bible, hymn study, poetry, geography, and habit study!
– The rhododendrons on Roan Mountain
– Our church family. We sat out under this big oak on our friend’s farm and worshipped the Lord each week.

– Our winter garden. We planted lots of broccoli, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower among the pansies and violas for the winter.
– Our Meyer lemon, pink lemon, and calamondin trees
– The bees! Y’all know how much I love the bees. I plant most things just for the honeybees and bumblebees; I love them so much.
– Raising Monarch butterflies with the kids this year
– Sitting on our front steps in the sun, watching the birds at our feeders: chickadees, nuthatches, bluebirds, cardinals – and a flock of cedar waxwings visited us this year!
– Josh in his happy place: PJ’s in the garden

– Praying for friends
– Praying for my husband
– Praying for my children
– My husband and children praying for me
– This book – an all-time favorite
– Losing my phone – I felt guilty for several months about forgetting text messages throughout the challenges of the year and I finally had to let go. Turns out I’m not the only one. Most people appreciate this grace for themselves, too.
– Time spent at the Honeysuckle Tea House with friends
– A beautiful light our friends, Mark and Tamera, gifted us.
– Watching The Chosen many times over
– Our kind neighbors coming over just to chat
– God‘s Word
– Clarity. There’s nothing better than being clear on what matters.

What were some of the good things from your 2021? In sharing, you’ll be entered to win your choice of intentional tools from the Cultivate shop (YES!!). Simply comment to enter and we’ll choose winners in early January. I’m including many of our sold-out products in this giveaway as well, like Green and Natural Linen PowerSheets from my personal stash! Bonus entries if you share this post with friends – just let me know in the comments.
Congrats, Jenny Fulford, Holly Halliwell, and Kelly Galyen! Keep an eye out for an email from Abbie!

Your turn! Have you been doing this series with me for years? What were some of the good things from your year? I’d love to hear. See you back here for Part 2 next week!
P.S. A special Goal Setting Series discount just for you. 🎉 Say YES to what matters in 2022 and get 25% off anything in the shop with code SAYYES now! Code is valid through January 1. Happy shopping, friends!
keep reading
My daughter got to go back to school full time. We bought a house ( move in January)! Husband went back to work. Spending one on one time with my son. Made a bug business shift and now I feel freedom and excitement again. Did a detox! And more!
I met my love this year and we found out we are pregnant, and I am now 7 months pregnant at 37 years old! 🤗❤️
I truly enjoyed reading your blog, and so glad that you shared your year with us ! I love honey bees & bumble bees, too! 2021 was a year with a lot of highs and lows, and a lot of uncertainty, but when Jesus told us to “look up” and “keep our eyes on Him”, he truly saw the world we are currently in… he knew that through the peaks and valleys ..keeping our eyes on him kept our feet firmly planted! How peaceful it was to be on solid ground through it all!
Looking forward to hearing more about your feelings on maturing! I’m going to be 50 in February, but in my mind I’m still 28, but physically I’m feeling my age! Although I do not have a husband or children, I too, am sorting out my feelings and navigating the “new normal” as I age while working in a field that is relatively a “younger persons” field.
I have been a Powersheets user for @7 years now, and my goal this year is to be more intentional in looking back at my months (years) and creating a timeline of Gods goodness & faithfulness toward me!
My oldest daughter (always homeschooled) graduated from high school in May, got her first job, and just finished her first semester of college! It has been so fun watching her grow up! My oldest son is learning to drive, and my youngest son still enjoys lots of hugs.
This year I finally got to take a family cruise we had been postponing for over two years. I’m glad my family was all still in good health to be able to do it. I also celebrated four years at my job. And on the health front, I rarely drank any soda – including on the cruise ship where I could have as much as I wanted. That was a hard habit to give up for sure.
The highlight of 2021 was welcoming our son into the world! After experiencing the loss of my maternal grandmother in 2020, finding out we were expecting our second child brought so much light back to our life during such a dark time.
Thank you for sharing. I love reading your blog and have been doing so for years, along side doing PowerSheets. I’ve never actually commented, but wanted to say Thank YOU for being a light, for sharing of God’s glory & faithfulness, and providing a tool that has helped me time and time again focus on what truly matters and walking in obedience to the Lord. I’m especially grateful for a healthy little baby girl. I made all my goals last year only to find out a week later I was unexpectedly pregnant with our second child (just nine months after having our first). I spent most of the year pregnant, throwing up, in the hospital, and in bed, however despite not feeling well God showed up in so many faithful small and big ways, one of which was my husband only having to deploy once for a short time this year and being home to care for me and for the birth of our sweet baby girl. Several years ago my Christmas gift from my husband was a ticket to MTH and it’s so neat to look back and see all God has done since then. Thank you for all you do. Keep loving Jesus and being a light. Merry Christmas!
p.s. the sweater you wore for CYYL this year was gorgeous & oh so happy! 🙂
2022 will be my 7th year <3 2021 my word was Fulfilled and in reflection as I filled out my 2022 Powersheets I feel like I lived up to my WOTY. My oldest finally was able to move on campus at UNC as a sophomore since her freshman year as off campus. She came home on occasion but unlike last spring was able to actually come inside for hugs rather than staying outside on the screened-in porch at a distance!
My youngest plays field hockey and we were able to see her games in person this fall! She will be a senior in high school next year so this was a wonderful season for her. It's bittersweet to see her final years in high school.
My husband and I went away for a weekend to the mountains to hike. It ended up raining most of the time! But we read, and watched the rain fall and listened to the silence and connected and it was wonderful all the same.
I had a major surgery in August and recovered without any issues after much pampering from my family. And I was finally able to start running again in October with my run club! The Fit4Mom women are such a wonderful community for me and I'm so thankful for them.
I have so many wonderful things in my life and I'm so grateful for all of them. I'm truly fulfilled by the interactions I have, the things I learn and the experiences I get to have.
I am on, I believe, year five of Powersheets and love them! I haven’t begun 2022 prep yet but I am not stressed about it, it will get done. 2021 brought a lot, A LOT, of changes and challenges. Through it all, I am most grateful for growing closer to my husband, watching my kids as adults, starting a new church and immediately feeling like family, and moving my grandmother in with us to care for her in her last days -she was here such a short time but I am grateful for every moment.
We moved back to my home state and have gotten to spend so much more time with family and friends. We’ve gotten to go to the beach so much, which is my happy place! My husband has been teaching my boys to fish and they have found so much success and built so many new skills. It’s been so fun to see them learn and grow in new ways!
Grateful for my kids’ homeschool co-op, for God’s provision for a job for my daughter this year, and for 19 years of marriage.
2021 highlights…using Powersheets to plan Togetherness with the women in my family, cabin retreats. We made such good memories, and made up for lost 2020 time. Also went deeper with my church friends and made two new friends just by Trying!
Job and career shifts for my husband and myself- unexpected, but quite wonderful. Watching our littles grow and flourish. Time with family and friends. It was a very hard and very good year.
This year I focused on building some good habits. Wearing spf everyday and reading. I met my goal of reading 25 books this year!
This is my first year with Power Sheets and I am SO jazzed. My word of the year last year was Soulful and my 2022 word is Surrender. My biggest accomplishment last year was doing my first marathon swim. I swam across Lake Tahoe – the Tahoe True Width Swim – 12 miles!
The best thing that happened this year is that I quit breastfeeding after 2 1/2 years. It helped me come alive again. It was an addictive thing for me. I craved it like a drug. I did nothing when I got home from work but sit with my toddler. Motivational help came from powersheets and the community that surrounds it. I hope to have much more success in 2022!
Good things: my 1st grand baby being born. (And what a time– being quarantined so to see and keep baby, staying quarantined BUT SO WORTH IT. New life is such a beautiful picture even when the challenges of health.)
Family time together– a hiking, bear searching trip given to me by my son. What a delight to hang with the 26 year old, Initiated and gifted by said son. A Beach adventure with immediate family♡ And a sweet Thanksgiving with the 85 & 87 year old parents. So blessed.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ -
Straight from my “Good Things” page in my 2022 prep work:
Finally going to therapy
Write the Word journals
The chiropractor
Ladies Bible study group
Getting my home in order
Taking time for myself -
This has been a year! I also struggle with looking back to find good, and one of my goals next year is to intentionally document the good so it’s easier to remember and so the less-good doesn’t take center stage in memory.
But 2021 good:
When my beloved 11 year old cat, my furry friend since she was 12 weeks old, ran away (never ever set foot outside!)…. The GOOD is she came back to us, perfectly healthy, and with a reminder to not take loved ones for granted.
My husband received a “career” placement with USPS.
I finally gave myself permission to let go of a thing that no longer serves me or my goals.
Using Powersheets (first year!) has created a tremendous shift in my mindset and clarified many things for me.
I was privileged to enjoy another week by the ocean, listening to my favorite sound.
This year I allowed myself to be vulnerable and let people surprise me. I’m pleased to say that they have surprised me in the best ways. I am starting to feel like my village is slowly, but surely being built and I look forward to continuing to cultivate these relationships in the upcoming year!
Getting to spend time with my aunt after 2 years, weekly Zoom discussions with my friend, being able to get my booster shot, decluttering my home, writing down family memories.
Well this year I chose to add Powersheets to my planner/journal/goal setting “collection” so already that makes 2021 a good year, right? 🙂 I also discovered a love of diamond painting and have been continuing to enjoy the live giraffe and eagle cams around the world!
This year I accomplish my biggest goal of moving back across country with my family from California to North Carolina and I am so excited because now I get to see the cultivate store live and in person the next time they have a pop up shop. This year God was able to save my marriage of 11 years. Also, my kids are back in school full time and they are still trying to get adjusted to it. I also was able to see my mom who I haven’t seen in nine years.
At the end of 2020, I unfortunately had a miscarriage. So I went into 2021 the lowest I’ve ever felt. However, it was a time that I prayed more than I ever had. Through prayer, and waiting and trusting, I became pregnant again! I gave birth to another baby boy!
I was finally able to visit my parents and brother this year, for the first time since the pandemic. It was such a blessing to spend Thanksgiving with them!!
A good thing that grew this year was deep relationships with our neighbors and becoming members at our church
Some of the good things in 2021 were watching my son read his first paragraph after years of struggle; our first ever family vacation (we fell in love with Emerald Isle); and spending time with friends who we hadn’t seen in over a year.
* This year I challenged myself to ‘just do something’ and to do it with joy! I can be a perfectionist, not starting ‘the work’ until I think everything is perfect. We all know that gets us nowhere, right? As I look back over 2021 I remember the times I succeeded. So excited with being a ‘newbie’ to Power Sheets to keep moving forward defeating the perfectionist in me and ‘getting it done’!
* I’m sharing this post in hopes that others will see the value in Power Sheets and come along for the journey through 2022. Thank you, Lara, Emily, and the staff. -
Some highlights were reading through the Bible in a year, milestones for both of my teenage children, being able to travel and visit family again, and enjoying time with my pets.
We are expecting our third little boy! I got to watch my oldest come out of his shell. My son is learning to memorize scripture. I finished reading through the Bible for the first time! We visited the beach and I learned how much that restores my soul. I’m learning a new photography medium, which has been so fun!
So many good things. I have made slow but steady progress on my goal to get into better shape. We got to see my parents, sister and mother-in-law twice this year after 20 months apart. My youngest is really starting to talk and blossom into his own personality and has daycare teachers who adore him. My oldest loves school and is disappointed when he has to miss math for a special event. My husband has finally finished schooling/training after a mid-life career change to be a doctor (10 years including 1 year post-bac school, 4 years of med school, 3 years of residency and 1 year of fellowship), and I am coming into my own as a leader at my work.
Though it came under very difficult circumstances due to losing my Mom suddenly, I am closer to my Dad than I ever have been and am thankful for that. I was always close to my parents, but it’s a different kind of closeness now because Dad and I talk and/or text every day now. (Dad is 71, didn’t know how to text before, but loves it now. He’s even “teaching” my uncle who is 74 how to do it. When he told me that the other day I told my husband “Awwww, it’s so cute! They’re texting each other!) It’s the same with my brother now. As Dad has put it “I couldn’t possibly be any closer to my kids than I am now.”
In the midst of the craziness of this past year I was offered my dream job! Also got to visit my youngest at school since we couldn’t go last year, and passed an incredibly hard national certification! It ended up being a pretty good year 😉
I was able to secure an engineering internship and further my career!
I loved reading about your year and prospects for the next year. 💛 This year I celebrated my people and loved when they celebrated me (my birthday) – it was so fun and life giving. Cheers to 2022!
Hymn study! Love!!! I think Lisa posted this beautiful book in a gift guide, and I can’t stop thinking about it: https://www.amazon.com/Timeless-Hymns-Family-Worship-Gospel-Centered/dp/0736983384/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=timeless+hymns+for+family+worship&qid=1639713207&sprefix=hymns+for+family+wo%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-3 The older the hymn, the better – in my opinion!
I’ve had to rely on God more than ever before in 2021. Looking forward to turning the page in 2022.
Studying the word. The Lord has been speaking and encouraging it. And this last year I have learned new steps. And have a hunger for studying. 💕🎉🙏🏻
This was my first year using power sheets and I was very sporadic, but it was still always in the back of my mind what my goals were. Im hoping to see more progress this year in many areas.
2021 was tiring but still so many things to be grateful for and one of those being doing write the word with my son and now the advent box as a family.
Talking to our boys about hope, peace, joy and love as well as gratefulness makes us think on them so much more as well and learn together as a family. -
I was able to find a job in my profession this year after being terminated August 2019. I was not only grateful for finding a job but I became even more grateful for the job when in the fall we ended up needing to replace both our vehicles rather suddenly. I am so very grateful for the light that our grandchildren bring to my life. They live 1 1/2 hours from us so I am very grateful for technology like FaceTime so that we can visit with the kids. This is my first year using PowerSheets. I am very happy to have found them to have some help clarifying what matters and learning more on how to embrace little by little progress.
For me, it was mental health. I had been struggling with how to parent post college kids and stress etc… finding Joy was one of my main goals even as a pastors wife…
Using the little by little process, I broke through so many barriers from physical health, counseling with mental health, & spiritually with my walk with Jesus…Thank you for reminding us all that “Steady plodding” is a good thing!!!
This year, albeit challenging, was FULL of good.
My word of the year was “present” and I worked hard to soak up the beauty of my unique, current season (mid 20s, not yet married or with kids, working hard…it’s unique…!)While focusing on presence – ironically I had a LOT of change! I bought a first house (!!!), I bought a new car in 3 days (not planned but so orchestrated), I just signed for a new job today (not at ALL planned), I stepped out in faith and broke up with my boyfriend – as hard as THAT was I’m now confident I did the right thing, I stepped up at church and became a middle school youth group leader – Wednesdays are the best night of my week & I adore my 9 sixth graders. We were able to travel again – maybe not as much as planned – but I hopped on a couple airplanes! I learned a lot about my work style and goals. I found a lot of peace in place of anxiety (thank you God!), and I cultivated a journaling life.
On the smaller side of things, I had a little rose garden that brought me more joy than I knew was possible!, I met new neighbors, made this house a home, made new friends, took a year off of my wedding side business, spent lots of time at my parent’s cottage, hosted more times than I can count, and read some hilarious books.
What a true JOY ghis year was. -
Thank you for sharing! I’ve been using Powersheets for 2 years, and they really have helped me live a more intentional life. This year, we moved to a new city, and I’m thankful to God for his provision in bringing new friends and jobs into our lives!
Started a new job. Started homeschooling. Had a third baby. Haven’t used Powersheets in a few years, but would love to jump back in!
I love reflecting over my year and counting my blessings. I can easily tell you the things that went “wrong” in my year, but the many many blessings are numerous! Looking forward to reading the new year series!
Love this series!
Good things in 2021:
Hit a big goal with our business
I am pregnant with our second baby (24 weeks!)
Seeing my daughter grow & memories with her (2.5 yo!)
Finished paying down all of our “small” debts
Invest in our marriage -
After a crazy busy family season from April-September I felt myself spiraling. The stress (all good things), changes in my family, and busyness finally caught up. In November, I broke down and told my husband I just needed a few days to myself to process all.the.things. It was one of the best things that could have happened. Being vulnerable with my husband for the first time in a long time coupled with putting myself first for a few days, helped me to connect with him and with myself. I’m still tired, still adjusting to the changes in our family (2 kids married and moved out) and now just listening to where God wants me to go in this next season.
I went on a High Adventure trip with my daughter’s American Heritage Girls group. It was definitely a challenge for both of us climbing up a mountain with heavy backpacks containing all of our camping stuff for two nights. The highlight of the trip was spending a day white water rafting on the last day. The hard part was being away from my son (who spent the week with Grandpa and Grandma) and my husband (who spent the week repainting the kids’ bedrooms after work each day).
What an inspiration to the end of 2021! As I read this post, I am reflecting on my own life…which has been a wild ride! Our family went through personal struggles this year, very hard struggles. It seemed to us that each day we were attacked in some way by Satan. I believe to this day that because our family has gotten closer in our walk with God, Satan is attacking us because of this.
As I said, we have had our ups and our downs, reflecting back I see that it was the way God intended our year to go. There are reasons why things happen the way they do. We moved into a new place, I started a new business, we paid off our debts that should have been paid off years ago, and realized that we need to be content in where we are at in our lives and wait on the Lord. Are we the only ones struggling with this?
We keep asking God to open a door for us but all we get is to be patient, have faith, and wait on Him. It’s been a hard struggle to keep the faith…oh the faith. We feel like we are the only ones going through this type of struggle in our lives, are we? I don’t think so, everyone has something they are going through. What I can say is that I am so thankful for the troubles and victories that I and my family have gone through this year. It has made us stronger and brought us closer to God in these trying times. What an answer to prayer.
I was just reading this verse this morning that came from the Proverbs 31 Ministries and it is Psalms 61:2 (NLT) “From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety…”. That sums it up right there. Ever notice that verses start showing up at the right time with the right verse to get you through the day, hour, minute, or situation you go through? Anyone else experience this? Thank you Lara for you beautiful words that you write in each post. They are such an inspiration to me and help me keep the faith.
I’m so grateful for Powersheets. I got a 6 month undated version this past spring thinking “I’ll give it a try for six months. It’s just a few goals, right?!” No, no it’s so much MORE. My mindset has drastically shifted through this process. My life has changed, for the best. So thank you.
* Work – A year earlier than I had planned but the weight that lifted off my shoulders was immense as I finally handed in my notice in October and retire early January after I finish my Christmas/New Year holidays.
* Faith – I dug deeper this year by accepting a leaders role in my church (Catholic) for one small group (RCIA); started reading the Old Testament because a newish friend wanted to get to know God better; and purchased the box set of WTW Psalm journals (not cheap in AU$ including postage)
* Friendships- I cultivated those that mattered with more intention and let go of others that didn’t. God especially helped me bond with a woman of faith who has been my inspiration by saying ‘yes’.
* Home – finally turned my small backyard into a comfortable go-to haven. Without PowerSheets this definitely wouldn’t have happened as my dream became a goal.
* Space- decluttered physical in the home (about 50% there); emails monthly; f/b ‘friends’ down to a manageable number at around 100; headspace by enjoying more sunsets.
I’m so looking forward to Embracing 2022 with the help of God, my PowerSheets and all that is good in life. -
This is year 5 for me and I am so grateful!! This 2021, I enjoyed slow mornings in the Word in our sunporch, learning SO many lessons from the Lord in the garden, God refreshing our marriage, and throwing confetti every week to celebrate the good because His joy is not invalidated by our grief ✨
I have been doing PowerSheets/Goal Setting Series in some form or another every year since 2014, and it is always a beloved part of my preparing for the new year rhythms!
Some good things from 2021…
– my loved ones and I staying healthy
– sweet time spent with my husband
– starting a new position at my company
– finding the right therapist and medication to manage my anxiety/depression
– treasured relationships with family
– a trip to Germany/England and a surprise trip to NYC
– beloved friends who love me into being
– turning 30!Thank you for continuing to light the way, Lara.
-Waking up on New Year’s Day on Lake Tahoe and feeling so good. The selfie I took to remember because you could see it in my skin.
-Saying yes to a relationship, even if it didn’t work out. I opened myself back up for the first time in 10 years.
-All the time spent next to the ocean.
-Making my home a sanctuary.
-Falling in love with my skincare.
-Falling in love with new foods.
-Remaining open after heartbreak.
-Planning road trips to new and interesting places close by.
-My time at home with friends and family and enjoying all of my favorite places.
-Saying goodbye to a friend who moves away so that we both could grow and heal individually.
-Spending a lot of time alone.
-Sticking to therapy for a whole year. -
Hello!! This past year, I discovered Grace with making small memories & letting household chores wait. Being outside for a walk or bike ride is much better for me than cleaning the kitchen counters or vacuuming. Taking time to talk on the telephone with loved ones while being relaxed & not multi tasking is a joy.
This has been a busy year working in the UK health service with all the ongoing threats that covid brings. But there have been good things and many blessings from the Lord.
I’ve been using Powersheets for about 5 years and found the structure of each months tending list helpful as I balance faith, work and home.
Little by little progress has helped with steps in the garden, in reading good books about the faith, in putting my phone down more when out of work, and in studying for a MBA alongside work.
At the moment the pandemic is surging in the UK again… but God is good and remains in control. -
Made progress on my book
Spoke at a statewide conference in my field
Had my parents and all my kids home for a visit together
Had a great year in my flower garden
Set a weekly review habit that is helping me remember to check my goals and intentions -
I’m grateful for finding a group of women on the Powersheets group Facebook page. In a completely uncharacteristic move, at the end of 2020 I decided to join an accountabilty group that was posted on the page. Me, meeting with a bunch on internet strangers? And yet, this last year that group of women have become a source of encouragement, and our bi-weekly meeting are a highlight of my day. I’m excited to see what we all accomplish together in 2022, because we all made great strides in 2021 🙂
I adopted a puppy who has taught me how to love, and care for, (and struggle with!) something besides myself. I’m so grateful for 2021, even though I didn’t achieve all my goals – I cannot wait to see what 2022 brings!
I haven’t sat down to start my 2022 Powersheets yet but as I look back on the year it’s been a full year of a few things. We’ve embraced deep over wide. We are going deep into the things the Lord has for us and learning to enjoy the “what’s right for our family” motto. Homeschooling pivots to incorporate a 2 day a week in person component has been a learning experience for me as the Mom but truly a joy for our 4 boys ages 4-10. It’s been a pleasure to watch them embrace the joys of homeschooling alongside others and to see the teachers love our kids the way that we do. It’s been a treasure and joy to see them embrace the Lord and others along the way. It’s been a wonderful surprise to add traveling back into our memories this year. We traveled back to visit my Mom whom we haven’t seen in 3 years now and we were able to visit our extended family on my side and my husband’s side and meet two new nephews that were born during the pandemic. The Lord continues to teach us to lean into the actual life that He has given us and to remain in that place contently while always pursuing depth of relationships with Him. It’s been hard not seeing all of our former friends at church while they still remain online but we are expectantly waiting for them to take steps of faith at the right time for them to see them return. There are many things that fill our minds but then we place it all in the Lord’s hands and look to see if we are growing in Him in the wait. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and Merry Christmas to you!
We adopted a puppy from the shelter, took our kids to the Florida Keys, made new friends and reconnected with some old ones.
I have been following along and using powersheets for 4 years. I am looking forward to “GROWTH” in 2022 using my word. (Which is GROW). 2021 was HARD and felt stifling and stagnant.
Accidentally pressed submit before getting to the good stuff.
My kids getting to go back to school. Getting to go back to work and seeing my work friends. All of the family time spent together. Movie nights and Pool time. -
I’m starting my second full year w Powersheets. In 2021, I finally allowed myself to utilize audio versions of books. Somehow before I thought it was cheating?! Crazy- anyway that enabled me to “read”/watch/ read along the entire Bible in 90 days on the You version Bible. I read much faster, reading along with the narration and it really gave me deeper overview insights to take it at the 90 day pace rather than a full year plan I had tried and petered out on many times. That was a big learn for me: If you’re struggling with a long term goal- think out of the box and get “all out assault” on it! I attacked for 90 days. and I accomplished more than I ever dreamed! Thank you for the quarterly refresh concept! Even just this one win makes Powersheets sooo worth it for me!
My word for the year was trust. I really wanted to grow in my trust in God to heal from anxiety, occasional depression, but also just to live a life fully dependent on Him. And so one of my good things from 2021 was that I grew more than I could have ever imagined in my ability to trust God and this is the first year where that trust allowed me to be experience God’s healing and comfort when it comes to my mental health. Anxiety and depression no longer have control over me, but I have been able to conquer it through Gods word. I started writing scriptures and thoughts in my journal because of my experience with the Write the Word journals. Something about writing the scripture transformed my relationship with God and helped me to trust him more by writing the words myself. I think this also extends to why I continue to buy Powersheets even if my busy medical school schedule makes it difficult sometimes to keep up with monthly check ins because the prep work forces me to write out my goals in a way that helps me to accomplish them throughout the year. In looking back on my 2021 goals this year, I did not accomplish them all, but my spiritual goal for the year was definitely accomplished and for that I am so thankful because I know from my better relationship with God, everything else can and will improve.
The good of 2021…there were so many small things like developing friendships, starting new routines that help bring peace, DIYing some home remodel projects (new floors, lighting, painting cabinets), but most of all was taking our family of 5 on a summer vacation. It started off rocky with our van not starting after we loaded it all up with suitcases and kids, but a short 2 hour delay, we were on the road. Took the kids to the beach for the very first time and to experience their joy is something I will always treasure. Lots of other little moments in between like the graciousness/kindness of the kids’ school teachers, the help of my parents on the aforementioned DIYing (lending us tools, helping us paint, etc.), a membership to the local pool for summertime fun and turning 40!!! Can’t wait to see what good comes in 2022.
Thanks for this blog post! I always love reading through your posts. They inspire me & give me new ways to think of things. Good things that happened this year: Taking my mother to meet her first grandchild, swimming lessons for myself (at 35!), biking riding, Joy in July, creating a window decorating contest for businesses in our Downtown, paying down debt, visiting a doctor that cares & making new strides for my health, starting a podcast, and learning more about God by reading with a friend.
This was my 3rd year doing Powersheets. One morning months after my Mom had passed away I rolled over in complete grief and probably depression-wanting so badly to not feel that way anymore and to have the joy in life I once had. I opened Instagram and saw the words, “What if today is the day that everything changes?” on my feed. Something inside stirred. I’m grateful for such an encouraging, hopeful community you’ve built for all of us to be apart of.
This year I picked “Unimaginable” as my word- I didn’t know if the big dreams I had were possible. I put, “Live by the ocean, work for the ocean” in my brainstorm page because that’s my life long goal. I didn’t make plans to cultivate that goal specifically this year- I choose to focus on some other things. However, the unimaginable happened and I’m sitting in my new office that over looks the ocean- doing work that connects middle and high school students to the ocean that I love. Good things grow little by little!
I started a new job after 10 years of being a stay at home mom. I wasn’t sure if I would like it, but I’m at an elementary school as an instructional assistant and I help kids with reading and math. Kindergarten, first and second. I have groups and one-on-ones and I love it! I love all my kids and they all seem to love me. Even when I have to get them in trouble, which I hate! My daughter got a freak staph infection in her finger and had to have two surgeries but she’s come through the other side with just a faint scar running down the inside of her middle finger that I’m confident will fade more with time (she’s only 6). My son has really come out of his shell and become a much happier kid. We spend a lot more time together than we have in the past few years. He’s 12 and so funny!
I got my DREAM job this year, leading the shelving team at our local public library! We also got to take our kids on a Smokey Mountain vacation! And this seems really small, but it brings me so much joy: MARVEL MOVIES ARE BACK!!!
Had our third baby just a few weeks ago and seeing how his big brothers love him brings me so much joy! That is definitely the biggest blessing of 2021!
I have watched my daughter and step-daughter become close and loving! My SD’s early years were rough, and this year she has blossomed as she has become aware of what boundaries are healthy for her. It’s been a struggle, to helps, support, and educate in ways that her dad can’t relate to, but to watch her grow makes a hug on my heart so much.
Family beach vacation, fun visits with my sister including a kid free two days for her of just sister time! I’m so excited you see your goals post, going to read that next!
Your grateful spirit is very inspiring. =) -
Thank you so much for sharing Lara….it’s such an encouragement to see how God is working in your life! I’ve been using Powersheets and following your goal series for 4-5 years I think (I’ve lost count), I’m so glad I found Powersheets when I did, as it’s helped me grow through some very difficult times. This year has been the beginning of a changing in seasons I think. It feels like we’re coming out of a time of grief and loss into something new. This year we’ve celebrated many good things…the safe (early) arrival of our rainbow bub after a difficult pregnancy, the gift he has been to our family and the rich family time we’ve had, my hubby finishing 4 years of uni and starting a new job (this was timed perfectly by God), which has enabled me to delay my return to work and have more time at home with my 3 kiddos!
I’m planning on spending next week doing mine and I can’t wait!
This year, we moved with the military and, despite leaving many close friends, we were also thrilled to learn that three were moving with us! It has been such a blessing to have friends still close after cultivating a friendship over the past few years. We also were blessed with being able to buy a second home, due to the low interest rates and some additional income that we were not expecting. Huge blessings for us this year
We spent time with my family, we spent time with my in-laws, we spent time together, I am grateful for it all. There was so much good in this year. So many struggles, but such incredible good. This is my third year with Powersheets, and I am loving the effect on my life!!
We are raising our 3 1/2 year old grandson. He is such a happy boy and brings so much joy to my life.
I’m thankful that God blessed us with the means to buy my childhood home this year. I’ve battled several major health issues in the past few years, but God has been faithful and not only blessed me with good health but also grew my husband’s business so that we could take this major step!
So grateful for extra time with family this year.
Seeing how the little by little progress has made huge changes not just in my life but in the whole family. We’ve rediscovered our love of the local library, spent more afternoons playing in the sunshine and intentionally dug into the Word of God. What a joyful experience to see how the garden of our heart can grow over time when it gets the proper attention and care!
Grateful for times of Sabbath rest & also for our camping trip this year. First time with 3 kids, but it was wonderful just to get out in God’s creation & be away from tech…something we plan to do more of in 2022!!!
I think the greatest thing was getting engaged. I am still amazed at God’s faithfulness in bringing me a man who loves me so much! I also really enjoyed spending so much intentional time with my siblings. That time was priceless.
2021 was a growing year. All under the dirt. We traveled, celebrated birthdays well, decluttered our home, spent time outside, tried some “scary” new things, had a beautiful Monsoon season (finally!) and experienced so many fun firsts as a family.
What a year of blessings despite so many challenges:
– Saw my daughter flourish in a new school.
– Spent more weekends on family outings and mini adventures locally.
– Went on a beach trip as a family and escaped the day to day grind.
– Reaffirmed my passion for scientific research.
– Raced a triathlon for the first time since having my daughter.
– Celebrated a healthy pregnancy with the pending arrival of a baby boy in the new year.
– Completed medical residency and became a board certified physician.
– Maintained contact with my dear friends despite not being able to visit in person.
– Became an aunt to the smiliest and wonderfully inquisitive little girl. -
– Savoring my grandpa’s life and the rest of his time on earth, as hard as it was.
– cherishing the friendships made in my and my husband’s first home together before we moved.
– taking the leap to move to TN 🤍
– experiencing the Lord’s faithfulness in financial provision, guidance, and new and incredible friendships in our new home!
– watching the Lord take our efforts and multiply it and use it to spread His love, truth, and goodness to more people than we imagined! -
Thank you for sharing!!
Some good things this year – I started memory keeping! I have loved it as a way of tracing God’s hand through my life. He’s led me through some difficult trials, but I can already see fruit and I’m so thankful for how far He’s brought me. I’m also thankful for starting a new job, for becoming a comfortable city driver, for growing as a new household of three (my mother-in-law moved in with us this year!), and for starting a monthly prayer group for teachers!
Getting to meet Patty (my goddaughter) was a HUGE highlight of 2021. That little girl is just so much sunshine and meeting her was such a blessing! I’m also going to be an aunt for the first time in the next few weeks! Also being able to see my 91 year old grandmother as well as a lot of family over the summer was *huge*.
I had a baby in February, so he’s a major highlight of my year!
Hi Lara,
One of my good things of 2021 was the joy of “rediscovering” the outdoors. I’ve explored markets/fairs/small businesses, tried new walking/running routes, and found new spots to plan picnics or simply spend lazy Sundays surrounded by community.I have thoroughly enjoyed goal setting with you for the past few years and look forward to another great one!
I’ve been following along for a few years! I celebrated my first year of marriage this year and we have also been paying off chunks of debt little by little. The biggest win has been getting plugged into a small group after moving to a new state during COVID. It’s been a game changer for both our mental health and marriage.
This is my 2nd year with PowerSheets and I loved the goal setting process and daily habit tracking in 2021. One of the good things in 2021 was my daily walks (no matter the weather!) and that I made connection with other people a priority.
Wow, what a year 2021 has been! I celebrated being in my current job for a full year. The transition from academia to government work has been challenging in more ways than one, but I know it was the right move for me and my family. We also celebrated being in our home for a full year. It doesn’t seem like we’ve been here that long (what with all the boxes still left to unpack!), but we’ve developed a great relationship with our older neighbors across the street. We were worried about moving into a neighborhood made up primarily of people in a much later season of life than us (we’d been spoiled in our old home having neighbors who were our age and also childless who became fast friends of ours). But we’ve settled in nicely. We had family photos taken for the first time since 2011 and celebrated 10 years of marriage. Our baby puppies (who aren’t really babies anymore at 7 and 8 years old) are in great health and full of energy. I finished my second book and submitted it to my editor just before year’s end. I’ve experienced some major professional accomplishments this year. And did all of this while navigating work-from-home and COVID. In all, it’s been a good year!
It has been a very difficult year. Trying to focus on the good things like we could see family and friends this Christmas as we weren’t allowed to last Christmas.
Gathering! We have been able to gather a little more and I have enjoyed visiting with more family and connecting with them. <3
I have learned the difference between being alone and being lonely. I have felt God’s presence as I have pursued Him instead of the world for comfort
Congrats!!!! I Just arrived and wanna read everything to start !!! Thanks for sharing all this content!!!!
Last year my family and I went on vacation. It was our first real vacation. Last year was also my rebeginning (totally not a word, but I’m using it) in my relationship with God. It was also a year of rest.
This is my 5th set of Powersheets (!!!) and the prep work is always so refreshing! I’m proud of how I made progress reading through the New Testament in 2021 and being consistent in my exercise routine.
[…] discovered a word for the year a few years ago when Dayspring offered a quiz. I later ran into Lara Casey’s awesome end of the year blog series which includes finding your word (and goals) for the year. The Dayspring quiz is quick and […]