September Progress and October PowerSheets Goals


“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables.

What a month September was! We started school!!!! Sarah lost her first tooth, we pulled out the garden to make room for the new season, and the homeschool has started so well. Getting into new rhythms takes time and patience—and I’m so grateful we’re in the thick of it. Good things are growing.

The last of our zinnias – how fun is that two-tone flower!?

I loved my September goals. We’ve been slowly, but faithfully, working through the process of “Kondo’ing” our house. I did this process over a decade ago and felt God telling me, with all the transitions ahead in this new season and the kids in new stages, it was time. We’ve done our clothes, books (as a homeschool family we have amassed quite a collection!), and various other things thus far. It has been a wonderful process. If you’re considering a big clear-out yourself, my recommendation is to take it one step at a time and give yourself lots of time to do it! My hope is to finish by the end of the year. 🙂 I also loved making progress on my goal of enjoying these people in front of me. We have the sweetest church group and have had a ton of fun together lately—hay rides, muscadine picking, and lots of time for the kids to run around in open fields while we worship. It has been delightful.

In case you missed these:
— Say YES to what matters with the 2022 Powersheets Intentional Goal Planner. They launch on October 6th at 10 am ET✨
— I was tickled pink to be included in this Wall Street Journal piece about one of my favorite subjects: caring for our customers.

Farmer Josh with some of the last of the tomatoes for the season!

Onto October! Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead—all action steps from my 2021 goals.

October holds a lot ahead and this month’s Quarterly Goal Refresh was right on time! Ari is making the transition to a new job after 13 years at UNC. It has been an emotion-filled few weeks for him (tuck him in your prayers, pretty please?). He has loved his work teaching and in academia and is also looking forward to a new adventure. We have a farewell celebration soon and I will have a few tissues in my pocket ready for both of us.

October also brings our annual PowerSheets launch! Join Ari and me live next Tuesday evening at 8 pm ET on the Cultivate Facebook page (come in your PJ’s – I’ll be in mine!) for a celebration of ten years of PowerSheets. Ari has been commissioned to rap live 🙂 Stay tuned to our Instagram for details. The next morning at 10 am, more fun begins as the 2022 Collection launches. I’ll also be live on the 6th with a bit of fanciness and some surprises. If you are on our newsletter list, you’ll have all the details! I can’t wait!

My goals for the month:

October Monthly Goals:
— Be grounded – rooted in Him
— Pray through the PowerSheets launch
— Create the “Big List” – my annual Q3/4 list of everything I need to do to finish the year well
— Enjoy the mountains – a little trip to Pilot mountain at the end of the month for fall break
— Plant the fall garden

October Weekly Goals:
— Help Ari through his transition at work
— Worship at work

October Daily Goals:
— Read the Bible
— Fluid fitness – my reminder to stretch and breathe as part of my fitness, too!
— Rest

What are you looking forward to in October? Share in the comments below!


  1. Abby on at

    I will be praying for Ari with his upcoming work transition. Bittersweet moments for sure.
    I loved reading the Wall Street Journal Article! CWM’s delightful customer service is one of the reasons I keep coming back to shop! and Yay for a new Powersheets launch and lots of lives! Congrats on 10 years!

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much, Abby! You’re so kind! We are so grateful for YOU!

  2. Brooke on at

    Oh, I will miss seeing Ari around the hospital! Best wishes on his new adventure! Hope to see you at the farmer’s market one morning – it’s been too long!

    • Elizabeth Anne Link on at

      I am so excited as I’m in the middle of my Cultivate Power Sheets. They are really helping me get things out of my system, and I love putting my thoughts on paper. It helps me see things clearly. I think that Cultivate will empower a lot of women. It’s also helping me organize my thoughts on my crocheting business

      • Lara on at

        So fun! Cheering you on!

    • Lara on at

      You’re so sweet, Brooke! So grateful for you!

  3. Kyla on at

    Congratulations to Ari on this new adventure! I will be praying for a joyful transition into this new season for him and your family!

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading the WSJ article and made mental notes of ideas I can implement as I serve others and build my business. Thank you for being a bright light, Lara! 🙂

    • Lara on at

      You’re so kind! It’s my pleasure, truly!

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