Golden in the garden,Golden in the glen,Golden, golden, goldenSeptember’s here again!Golden in the tree tops,Golden in the sky—Golden, golden, goldenSeptember’s going by!– Annette Wynne It was an abundant August. Homeschool was in full swing, and we horsed around Primland once more (this time with kiddos!). We also hiked over Labor Day weekend in the North Carolina mountains with friends, had a visit from my mom, and savored the last of our garden blooms as we gifted them to neighbors in…
Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air. – Ralph Waldo Emerson August brings a few more days to drink in the wild air of summer while whispers of fall begin. We’re taking one last family trip to the Virginia mountains to finish this season well, enjoying the farmer’s market and a brand-new bucket of sidewalk chalk. What a month this is, friends. It’s a big one for me on many fronts; namely, it brings…
When the scarlet cardinal tellsHer dream to the dragon fly,And the lazy breeze makes a nest in the trees,And murmurs a lullaby,It is July.– “July” by Susan Hartley Swett As I’ve gotten older, it has become harder to pick a favorite month. I’ve learned to savor so many delights in each season! I can’t bear to prune my bolting oregano; the honeybees are in flowering herb heaven. Lately I’ve been picking herbs for my breakfast each morning. I get my…
Why was June made?—Can you guess?June was made for happiness!Even the treesKnow this, and the breezeThat loves to playOutside all day. – “Why was June made?” by Annette Wynne May 2024, you were filled with dreaming, decisions, gardening, and grief. May began with graduation celebrations, the end of the homeschool year, and all the emotions that tend to come with settling into summer rhythms. The middle of May ushered in an experience I’d anticipated for several months: my best friend’s…
If I could stay up late no doubtI’d catch the buds just bursting out;And up from every hidden rootWould jump a tiny slender shoot;I wonder how seeds learn the way,They always know the very day—The pretty, happy first of May;If I could stay up then, no doubtI’d catch the buds just bursting out. – “The First of May” by Annette Wynne April was the fullest travel month I’ve ever had with trips to D.C., Miami with Ari, and Cambridge, Massachusets,…