March Goals

In the snowing and the blowing,In the cruel sleet,Little flowers begin their growingFar beneath our feet.– “March” by Mary Mapes Dodge A thin carpet of green catkins covers the pear tree outside my window as I write to you: spring is here. My daffodils and great-grandmother’s jonquils are blooming, the bluebirds have returned, and the smell of mulch is better than any Parisian perfume. I love this season of new growth! Affiliate links are used in this post. February highlights:…

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February Goals

The birds have been singing to-dayAnd saying: “The spring is near!The sun is as warm as in May,And the deep blue heavens are clear.– “In February” by John Addington Symonds We are inching closer and closer to spring—I can feel it. February brings glimpses of life below the surface: bulbs pushing through the frozen ground, catkins forming on the trees, and new bird sounds from migrating flocks returning home. I love this month! I’m ready to cozy up with hot…

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January Goals

January isA clean white sheet, newly-ironedAn empty page:A field of freshly-fallen snowWaiting to be mappedBy our footsteps.– John Foster Hello, mid-January! As mentioned, I’ve taken these first days of the year to set new rhythms. All of January (and likely part of February as well!) is my “January 1st.” I love these first days of the year and the opportunity to be made new through new habits and intentional choices. It’s fun to try new things! Affiliate links are used…

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My 2024 Goals and Word of the Year

“New Year’s Day is a good time to fix one’s eyes on the only One who knows what the year is to hold.” — Elisabeth Elliot Like my friend Erin, I, too, feel like I’m tiptoeing into 2024, taking it slow and carefully considering each step. You, too? December was full: a month of loss, continuing to recover from surgery, doing the holidays with as much meaningful intention as I could muster, and hosting family. I didn’t have my usual…

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2024 Goal Setting: 2023 Year in Review

‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.’ Yes, indeed. 2023 was the year I grieved my Dad through all the first anniversaries (the anniversary of his baptism, Father’s Day, his birthday, the anniversary of his death, etc.), the year we renovated our health, my first year as a full-time homemaker, and—among many other significant experiences—the year my best friend breathed her last. This year was the hardest, and it was, at the same time, the most fruitful…

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