“I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”
– William Wordsworth, Daffodils
Hello, March! This is the month we’ve been looking forward to—the month we get to start our seeds, celebrate 15 years of marriage, and see the earth come alive once more! The camellias are blooming and we had our first daffodil this week—spring is coming!
A quick look back at my February goals!
February Monthly Goals:
— Love for Him – a focusing on loving others for the Lord and reflecting His love in several upcoming birthdays (Sarah is turning 5!) and Valentine’s Day (one of my favorite holidays with the kids!) / We really enjoyed these celebrations in February!
— Get a 15-year anniversary gift for Ari. / Done! And I am super excited about what I chose for him (and that he doesn’t read this blog, so I can tell you!): crystal Shabbat candlesticks. They are super simple and lovely—something we can pass onto our kiddos. We also decided to write each other 15-year anniversary letters and I’m going to have them professionally lettered afterward to hang in our home. For family gifts, which really only happen on these big milestones, we asked our parents to each get us a mezuzah for our home. This will be so special, as well, and we can pass them to our kiddos, too!
— Write my remaining 2021 lists: scriptures and a family reading list / Yes! I am SO grateful I spent an hour making the scriptures list a couple of days ago. My next step is to study them this month! And I ended up making a Pinterest board of books we’ve read and books we’ll read for the reading list. The visual aspect of doing it on Pinterest made it extra fun.
— Make playlists for each kiddo – Striking this through because I already did it! The moment I finished my Tending List, I did my little not-so-secret move with goals — I went ahead and did something about them! It felt so good to get the momentum going instead of waiting for some other magical day. And the kids LOVE them. We had the best dance parties this weekend and they felt so loved!
— Get outside – make friends with winter
February Weekly Goals:
—Shabbat – I am loving my Val Marie Prayer Journal (that I decided to use to pray over our team and work this year!), my Write the Word journal, favorite Bible, and I just got this Vine’s dictionary.
— Homeschool with love – I am still loving every minute of this!
— Read Life Together with Ari. – continuing this in March
— Continue reading Glory Girl with Grace – continuing this in March and we are loving it! 🎉
February Daily Goals:
— Bible reading
— Close my rings (Apple watch fitness rings!) – progress!
— Write the Word – continuing through Psalm 119. Probably my favorite thing on this list!
— Neck exercises – this continues!
Onto March! Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead—all action steps from my 2021 goals.
March Monthly Goals:
—Celebrate 15 years of marriage! We are going on a little trip with the family to hike and we have some fun surprises up our sleeves. Will report back!
—Start our seeds indoors
—Get the garden prepared—soil + mulch
—Celebrate Passover
March Weekly Goals:
—Study yearly scriptures—I made my list of scriptures to focus on in my goals and am going to study them this month with this Greek / Hebrew keyword Bible
—Homeschool with love
—Read Life Together with Ari
March Daily Goals:
—Bible reading
—Quiet time in the Word
—Write the Word – continuing through Psalm 119
—Neck exercises
Your turn! What are you cultivating in this new month? Share in the comments below. I love hearing your thoughts!
keep reading
Are the letters you and Ari are writing like a Ketubah? I was studying today and came across the word Ketubah in my studies and had to look it up. I read this post last night and what I studied today seemed similar to what you mentioned, so came over to ask!
Thank you for sharing your March goals with us, Lara!
A few of my goals for the month, Lord willing, are as follows…-Continue feasting on Jesus’ words of Life and Truth!
-Continue weeding stuff out of my life! (in preparation for…)
-Take action on [some work projects I’ve put off]
-Tackle my taxes
-Break ground for NEW garden and blueberry plantsI’m also looking forward to starting a walk-100-miles-in-the-spring challenge I’ve done the past couple years! So, exercise is a daily goal and I’m happy about that!
Thank you again, and may God bless you as you seek Him!
Maggie ♥ -
Happy anniversary!! So exciting! 🙂
My March tending list also includes starting seeds! I’m so excited! I also hope to finish the quilt I’ve been working on this winter, file my taxes (in Canada and the US), and make some plans to celebrate Easter + graduation for myself and a few of my siblings. It will be busy, but it also feels great to be on the final stretch of some Q1 goals I’m really happy I made.