June Progress and July PowerSheets Goals


That beautiful season, the Summer!
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;
And the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.

– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Well, Josh ate his first tomatoes from the garden in June, so you know it was a good month! (Tomatoes are kind of his thing.) Between the garden exploding with bounty to popsicles and a trip to the mountains with friends, it was a fun month for this crew!

A quick recap of my June goals:

June Monthly Goals:
Fill our days with Your Word. – This looked like reading to the kids at dinner (4 pm around here!) and singing hymns with them.
Let God take care of me. – Most definitely made progress here. I was about to write “Take care of myself” on my Tending List, but surrendering to God‘s power, not my own tends to prove more effective. I focused this month on listening to the Lord in taking care of myself so I can take care of others.
— Finish For the Children’s Sake. – Moving to this month – almost done!
Pray-pare for Refresh Your Year Live. – It was wonderful! HOORAY!
Prepare for a new season. – Praise the Lord, huge progress here! I’m grateful for my PowerSheets to help me know where to focus in times of transition!

June Weekly Goals:
Shabbat + Havdalah – This was poor planning on my part for the Havdalah part. We were out of town a bit, so I didn’t have our supplies, but we did Shabbat and I love lighting candles on Friday evenings!
Kick off summer enrichment homeschool. – Officially kicked off! Grace officially graduated from 3rd grade, marking our fourth year of homeschool! I’m so grateful for this journey and excited for all of our kiddos and how God is growing them. We do school year-round so we can enjoy shorter school days and more time around holidays and summer fun. My favorite intentional planning tools? The Cultivated Homeschool Planner and this new weekly planner notepad that I can’t get enough of! We make products we love and need ourselves.
Study the Scriptures

June Daily Goals:
OT Bible reading
WORK OUT – I started lifting weight again and it makes me so grateful!

At my favorite hiking spot above – Roan Mountain, Tennessee!

In case you missed these:
— I share about growing good things slowly on the Strong Women podcast.
— Learn how to ace the interview, land the job, and launch your future with Dee Ann Turner and me.

Onto July. Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead—all action steps from my 2021 goals.

July Monthly Goals:
— Help people to thrive!
— Recite my four (refreshed!) goals each day. I was SO grateful for the Mid-Year Refresh and Refresh Your Year Live helping me uncover clear goals for the rest of the year. Dig in here!
— Pray

July Weekly Goals:
— Read aloud to our kids at dinner
— Read Psalms and Matthew at night
— Weights – strength training 3x week

July Daily Goals:
— Bible reading
And these last four are reminders of my goals for the rest of this year:
— Humility
— Strength
— Belief
— Breath

Your turn! I’d love to hear how you’re refreshing yourself for the next 90 days. Share in the comments below!


  1. Jenny on at

    I loved the RYYL Finish Strong track, thank you so much for offering it this year! This quarter for me, I am preparing for and taking some vacation rest, celebrating birthdays in my family (five in the same month!), working through a summer philosophy course, seeking for ways to support my husband in his busy season, and seeking opportunities to show hospitality to neighbors. I have a plan to redecorate our living and dining rooms, but I think I may have to wait until Q3 to start, as my plate is pretty full with everything I wrote above!

    Also, I started to memorize Ps 119 this year and I hope to finish that by the new year! I’m on verse 55 🙂 Sharing because I know you had mentioned on your blog about studying it. Adding one verse a day sounded overwhelming at first, but it’s actually not bad with the right method!

    • Lara on at

      Jenny! I LOVE that you are memorizing Psalm 119 – and on verse 55 already! Amazing! Praising the Lord that you were encouraged on Monday. I loved our time together. It gave me such clarity!

  2. Cassie Nolin on at

    This month my focus is to lean into Luke 16:10 – “Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much…”
    I want to savor the last real month of the garden (New England struggles) and establish new rhythms in our home. Then of course I will still keep my goal going strong of throwing confetti once a week over the big and small victories because our God is GOOD 🎉🙌🏼

    • Lara on at

      YES! Cassie, I love your heart so much! Cheering you on and throwing confetti with you!

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