The 2019 Fresh Faith Challenge

Looking for the August Fresh Faith Challenge? Join me for 31 days of writing the Word together! Sign up below! You’re looking back at this year and feeling a little blah. You wish you’d been more consistent in your faith—maybe in Bible reading, or prayer, or perhaps, like me, in trusting God over your worries.…

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How One Small Step Forward Can Change Everything

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn Wow! Does that hit you like it does me? Every time we talk about this concept at the Making Things Happen Conference, it changes us. Those five people could be family members, friends, or even people on social media you’ve…

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The best things in life are cultivated little by little. Hello, friends! Welcome back to my new weekly series. Each week, I’ll give you a quick update on life around these parts, and Ten Things to Help You Make Progress on What Matters, little by little (with some fun ones thrown in too!). Zinnias we picked from…

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Before I share anything ahead, know this: I am so grateful! I am going to share some of the challenges of the postpartum period, but I know these are so small in the big picture. I praise God for my family, and at the same time, the weeks after baby were (and still are) challenging.…

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