Hi. [Insert nervous pause and deep breath.]
I get nervous when something has the potential to change people for the better—when something matters to me. And this matters to me. A lot.
I’m not an expert on faith, or trained in professional ministry, or a Bible scholar. I’m just a girl who has been radically changed in the last few years. If you’ve read Make It Happen or heard the story of our marriage, you are probably wondering how in the world our change happened.
From being on the verge of divorce with Ari and our marriage transforming, to the heart of our company changing, to our family growing in a way I never expected, I have learned that grace is a real thing. It’s not just “Christian talk.” It’s very real. Friends, the impossible is possible.
Grace changed everything.
If you are reading this and have no idea what I mean, or feel frustrated not having felt His grace, or want it more than words–I rarely say this but–I know how you feel. For a long time I thought, “Maybe I’m not good enough, or reading my Bible enough, or mature enough as a Christian. Maybe I’ve been too bad. Maybe I’ve messed up too much. Maybe God just isn’t listening.” I felt like I didn’t get it and I never would.
Then God showed me, through a series of challenges, that faith is not about my ability to perform. I don’t have to be perfect to have it. I don’t have to fix everything or have all the answers.
I don’t have to have grown up in church (I didn’t), or have done all the right things (didn’t do that either), or have quiet time every day (mine is pretty loud!).
That is why the “Good News” is good. We don’t deserve His grace and He gives it to us anyway.
– Maybe you have no idea where to even begin with faith, and it all feels overwhelming.
– Maybe you’ve been at this faith thing for years, but you feel like something is missing.
– Or maybe things are great, and you just want to keep the momentum going.
Wherever you are, I’ve decided to do something I would have wanted when I was brand new to all of this—and needing a fresh start. I’m hosting a live webinar about faith. Join me (invite your friends, small group, and co-workers too!) on Wednesday, August 17 at noon EST for a FREE Cultivating Faith Webinar. I’ll be sharing my story with you, my top 10 keys to rooted faith, Bible 101, and simple resources for growing a real relationship with God–no perfection required!
My hope is that this hour we’ll spend together will give you clarity, and simple practical tools to help you cultivate a relationship with the real God of the Bible. Nothing else matters.
The first 500 people to join will get live access (I hope you join me live so we can chat together!), and everyone who registers—whether you can join live or not–will get a replay link when it’s over. Even if you have something planned that hour, be sure to sign up. I’ll be sending you the replay and resources to your inbox right when we’re done!
A quick tip: With my work, and three littles running under the same roof, one thing that has helped me get into the Bible is the simple act of writing the Word. You can try it yourself with your own journal, a scrap of paper, or get one of the Write the Word journals that I created for this purpose. Try starting with these verses. Really—give it a try right now, and see if the act of writing the Word, in your own messy handwriting, doesn’t change you. I get easily distracted, so literally writing God’s Word has been faith-transforming for me, and it only takes me a few moments to make a big impact on my faith. Little by little, word by word, your faith will grow. I’ll be talking more about writing the Word, and many more simple tips next Wednesday!
See you there!
P.S. Save the date for August 31 for our PowerSheets webinar, too!
P.P.S. Enter to win a full collection of Write the Word journals by sharing this post and leaving a comment saying you did! : )
keep reading
Sharing & Pinning
I am so excited for this webinar and as a busy mom of two the idea of something that would get me into the word!
Shared! Love this idea and would love them!
I love this and cannot wait for the webinar! I am getting off of he computer right now to go and try “writing” His word. Thank you for inspiring us!
I look forward to seeing your smiling face every Wednesday! Thank you so much for all of your wisdom
Pinned, because simple can make all the difference. Thanks for reminding us that quiet times can be fun (and a little loud)!
I shared the blog post through my Instagram! Hope this can help fill the webinar! I’ll be there 🙂
I love to journal and this collection of Write the Word books are lovely tools I will use to feed my soul & spirit!
Pinned it!! -
I shared it! And I am really looking forward to both webinars! I appreciated your Facebook chat today–my anxiety and fear of losing control are my biggest stumbling blocks in walking with Jesus. I have also been eyeing those Write the Word journals as I have been looking to recharge my quiet time! 🙂
I’m starting my own War Binder and writing out scriptures & prayers are what I’m using it for and I just happened to stumble across your journals today, what a wonderful tool and addition they would make to my War Binder. Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement, Jesus is shining thru you. Shared and God bless!!
Shared & Cant wait!
I just shared on twitter — I hope that it blesses someone else! I know that finding you and your inspiring words has blessed my life !
I shared on FB! I’m so excited about this!! Thanks Lara and team!
I shared this post on Facebook! Super excited about the webinar!
I shared on my Twitter! Ohmygosh, I am ridiculously excited about this giveaway! Thank you!
Very excited to join in and share! Posted the link on fb today. Blessings!!
Looking forward to this Lara! And hugging your sweet self at MTH in October! 🙂
Also I’ve registered and shared the post on Facebook! 🙂
Shared via Pinterest, as I know several of my friends who are not on Facebook are fervent pinners 😉 Thank you for being intentional in sharing the gospel, and the ways you seek to strengthen your faith, even in times of struggle and trials.
Shared! Thank you for your amazing words!
Just shared on FB! Looking forward to the webinar!
Thank you so much for sharing, I have shared in return. I’m going on a bit of a faith journey and it’s really great to use all your references on how to connect in my own way. I was raised Jewish and haven’t had much exposure to the new testament but have been going to church recently with my husband and feeling really inspired by what I’m learning. Looking forward to your webinar!
Shared on Facebook!!!
Shared on FB. 🙂 Can’t wait for the webinar!
Shared on pintrest! I can’t wait to watch the webinar next week and love love the idea of the Write the Word journals as a mom of two little ones…and incorporating them into it!!!
Shared! Can’t wait for the webinar! So thankful for you Lara!!
Shared on FB!
Hello friends! Thank you for answering many of my prayers and helping me accomplish one of my goals (spending more intentional time with God)! I work for a church and often praying feels forced. I feel that I’m not smart enough to read the Bible. That I don’t worship the “right” way. Etc. Etc. Etc.Thank you for for every single word and program and idea and tip listed in this single blog post. (I shared it to Pinterest).
I can’t wait for this event (although for some reason it’s not letting me sign up!). I have been a Christian since a young child, but it hasn’t been until very recently that I’ve truly started walking everyday with Christ. I now finally get it, if that makes sense. I feel like Christianity used to just be part of my identity, and now it’s who I am. God had to take me to some really low places to finally surrender, and now that I’m climbing back up I’m so thankful for the valleys. I’m now seeing that my relationship with him is a giant love story, not just a box to check. And you, Lara, have been so inspiration in my walk with Him. Thank you!
I was feeding my baby while typing that — sorry for the typos! I meant to say that you’ve been *inspirational* (and an inspiration!). Also, I’ve shared and pinned this! (And emailed people with your post as well to make sure they see the info about the class!)
Pinned and Tweeted! I missed the webinar registration cutoff 🙁
shared on pinterest! 🙂
I shared this post of FB. Thanks!
shared on twitter
I shared this before I even saw the giveaway thing because this is something everyone needs to read… and I have totally been eyeing those write the world journals! They’d be perfect for me!
Pinned!!! So excited!!
I shared on FB! I am so excited to watch this webinar! Thank you for the tip on writing the Word. I am new in my Faith and I am so grateful and excited!
I invited all my Facebook friends to join!!! It’s going to be awesome!!!
Shared! I absolutely cannot wait for this!
Shared!!!!!!!!!! Love this ministry!
Hi! I’m not available at that time, but don’t want to miss out. Is there a way for me to view the webinar at a later date and time?
Julia -
Thanks for the opportunity!
Sharing with some dear friends who need this little boost… myself included!
Shared! 🙂 Thank you Lara!
So excited for the webinar Lara! Thank you so much for sharing your life, struggles and victories with us all so our faith can grow as a result of seeing yours grow too!
I’ve shared it, and I’m really looking forward to it! So excited that it’s 6 pm Danish time, so that I can join live! 🙂
Shares in FB and on Pinterest.
Pinned! Thanks for offering this webinar and giveaway. Excited to put some fresh ideas into my quiet time.
Awesome post. Tweeted and pinned.
Shared on Pinterest!
I have shared on Facebook & Pinterest. I’m so looking forward to this webinar. Facing some challenges in my business and personal life, need God now more than ever in my life. God Bless you Lara!