Cultivate Worship—A New Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31
Faith, Legacy, Little by Little, Personal

On January 1st this year, having no idea 2020 lay ahead, I did something intentional: I stepped away from social media and asked God to help me live numbered days.
I had just turned 40 and, in doing my PowerSheets, it all clicked. No more waiting for someday or till I had it “all together;” it was time to LIVE THIS LIFE!
Right here.
Right now.
I wanted to let go of distractions.
I wanted to make the most of what God has given me.
I wanted to cultivate the hearts of my children in new ways.
I wanted to enjoy this life, right where I am.
I wanted to do the things I’ve always wanted to do.

And that meant first stepping away from all the noise (could you use that right about now, too?) and then opening a Write the Word Worship journal. This was my way to get directly into the Bible – no fluff – and get some clarity on what God wanted for my life. It became a safe space for me to write out all my thoughts and be nourished with the living and active Word.
The world quieted around me as my pen turned living words into swoops of ink. Every word of Scripture I laid down on the page became written on my heart, too.
The day I finished the journal was the day the pandemic began closing schools and bringing us all home. As the news rattled off how our world was changing, I remembered all the scripture I had spent those weeks writing. In the midst of so much uncertainty, I knew what was certain: Him. I felt the peace that passes understanding (only God can do that). His Word changes everything.
And writing His Word illuminates this even more. There was a study done at Princeton and UCLA comparing what happened when students typed notes versus writing them by hand. Those who typed their notes didn’t retain the information, but those who hand wrote their notes had something entirely different happen. They internalized what they wrote. They captured the heart of the information, and they retained it.

What we retain, we act on—it becomes part of who we are.
As we near the finish line of this year like no other, I want to see this year through God’s lens, not mine or the world’s. I want to finish this year as I started it: focused on what matters and looking to the future with expectant hope against all odds. I want to see the good in all the hard and praise Him for it. And I want a safe space to process this year and lay down my heartaches at His feet. I want to let go and make room for the new. I want the Word. Plain and simple. Because when you let the Word into your heart, it changes you.

Let’s do this together! I’m overjoyed to invite you to the first-ever Write the Word Worship Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31!
This 21-day online study starts on November 30th and I can’t wait to do this alongside you in a beautiful and intentional journal. If you’ve done the Worship journal from Cultivate before and loved it, you’ll LOVE this. This exclusive journal has different construction, teaching inside from us and the P31 team, and… a page of tear-out scripture cards! 👏 This is a beautiful refresher and goes a bit deeper with the videos for the study as well. What a perfect way to prepare our hearts for holidays that may look different—and finish this year in the Word!
Sign up for the study NOW and grab your exclusive Worship journal made for Proverbs 31, based on our bestselling (and sold out!) Write the Word | Worship journal. Huge thanks to the team at Proverbs 31 for inviting us to create this exclusive journal, and for helping us all focus on what matters as we close this wild year!
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105 ESV
P.S. Need some encouragement right now? Read my devotional today on the Proverbs 31 blog!
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Is this study combined with Proverbs 31 (the COMPANY) or is it also based on Proverbs 31 (the SCRIPTURE)?
@Monica. The study is with the company Proverbs31
I would like to buy paper cultivate worship journal for study. Will you be printing more?