The 2019 Fresh Faith Challenge


Looking for the August Fresh Faith Challenge? Join me for 31 days of writing the Word together! Sign up below!

You’re looking back at this year and feeling a little blah. You wish you’d been more consistent in your faith—maybe in Bible reading, or prayer, or perhaps, like me, in trusting God over your worries.

You want a fresh start with your faith in 2019.

I haven’t finalized my goals for the new year yet (slow cooking over here and having a blast!), but I know one of them will be reading the best life-motherhood-goal-setting-business-relationships book: the Bible. 🙂 Reading and praying through the Bible is my number one goal this year, and little by little, I’ve made progress. It hasn’t all been perfect, but it didn’t need to be. I’ve learned a thing or two along the way—especially in the times I’ve been tempted to jump ship or skip a day. Lord willing, I’ll finish the Bible again this year on December 31st.

Let me stop right here.

If I would’ve read “read the Bible again this year” on someone else’s blog a few years ago, I would have felt so far away from that. I had trouble staying focused on even a single verse of the Bible each day, much less reading the entire thing—what!? Does the idea of reading the Bible, even in little bits at a time, intimidate you? You’ve tried before and lost interest. You’re not sure where to start. You’re worried you won’t get anything out of the time you put in because it’s such a big complicated book, right? Afraid you’ll quit after just a few days?

Let me introduce you to something created just for us (the people who want it, but are afraid we’ll fall off the wagon!). Starting January 1, with one single verse, we’re going to kick-off this year in the Bible together. 

We’ll do it little by little, with zero fluff. 

No devotionals.

No study guide workbook homework.

We’re going to get right into the Word.

How? The easiest and most impactful way: writing it. When you write the Word of God in your own messy handwriting, something happens to your brain. You start making decisions about what you’re writing (as opposed to typing it digitally or just reading it and forgetting it five seconds later). When you write scripture, it gets in your heart, no distractions—it’s just you, the Word, and your pen and paper.

The Fresh Faith Challenge: 31 Days of Writing the Word kicks off January 1 and I CANNOT WAIT TO DO THIS WITH YOU!

The challenge will run January 1-31, 2019, to help you start your year right—putting the Word above everything else. No stress, no fuss, just fruitful time with the Lord! It’s going to be so good! We’ll have more details for you soon, and even graphics to invite friends to join you, but for now, just sign up below (it’s FREE!).

(Looking at you, my friend….) Please tell me you’re in! I’m excited to start this year with you in the life-giving Word, in prayer together, making new friendships!

How to sign up in 3 easy steps (invite your friends to join too!):

1. Enter your email below to get on the list and we’ll send you a Fresh Faith Challenge kick-off note as we get closer to the starting line!

NOTE: The challenge has finished! Follow us on Instagram to hear about future faith resources.


  1. Ashley on at

    I’m excited to really dig into this! I was working on “Cultivate Prayer” until my advent devotional started. Write the words have honestly transformed the way that I live out my faith, and has given me so much confidence in God’s love!

    • Lara on at

      Ashley, I’m excited for you!

  2. Tammy on at

    Is it ok if I use my own journal I already have one I like the whole blank journal thing I might be obsessed with paper can’t wait to start

    • Nancy Ham on at

      Yes!!!!!!!! Just join in using anything you like. These ladies aren’t just about “selling products” for the sake of profit. They want you to live a beautiful cultivated life…with what tou have! Can’t wait to do this with you Tammy. Xo Nancy

    • Lara on at

      Of course, Tammy! I’m excited for you!

  3. Brianna on at

    Yes! I am so excited for this! 2018 is the first year I’ve ever read through the entire Bible, and I’m looking forward to doing it again in 2019! Writing the Word will be an excellent way to kick off the new year!

  4. Joelle on at

    Thank you for this! What a wonderful way to start the year, I can’t wait. I have the Cultivate Faith journal that I’ve been working on, but not consistently. I will be using that. I bought 3 write the word journals to give as gifts this year too, I can’t wait to share this with them as I gift it to them!

  5. Katja on at

    I hope it’s okay to join this challenge “late.” I celebrate Christmas through Monday, January 7–because why stint on on the season, ammiright? Nope, for reals, grew up with other traditions and sometimes feel behind the rest of the world. I got my PowerSheets and am still “slow-cooking” (love that!) my 2019 goals. I know what areas I’m working on but am still cranking out my answers to the first 34 pages and have faith that whatever I’m able to do in my time will meet God’s time. Thank you and Happy New Year!

    • Lara on at

      Katja you’re right on time, and I’m so glad you’re joining us!

  6. A on at

    Write the word challenge sign up

  7. Margie Andama on at

    Thank you ☺️

  8. Dinah Miller on at

    It is March, is it too late to sign up? Would like to begin now and go thru December 2019 if possible. Thank you!

    • Lara on at

      Hi, Dinah! The challenge is closed now, but we would love for you to join the Cultivate Faith Facebook group (just search Cultivate Faith) for encouragement all year long!!

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