Posts Tagged ‘covid19 goals’
October Progress and November PowerSheets Goals
It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon. – Sarah Addison Allen on November My friend, Eric, said something this week that struck me: “It’s wise to live each day as if it is the gift that it is—to live as though your days are numbered” (Psalm…
Read MoreSeptember Progress and October PowerSheets Goals
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables. What a month September was! We started school!!!! Sarah lost her first tooth, we pulled out the garden to make room for the new season, and the homeschool has started so well. Getting into new rhythms…
Read MoreAugust Progress and September PowerSheets Goals
The breezes tasteOf apple peel.The air is fullOf smells to feel-Ripe fruit, old footballs,Burning brush,New books, erasers,Chalk, and such.The bee, his hive,Well-honeyed hum,And Mother cutsChrysanthemums.Like plates washed cleanWith suds, the daysAre polished withA morning haze.– “September” by John Updike September 1st brought cooler air—a welcome refreshment for deep breaths as the school year begins! I’m…
Read MoreJuly Progress and August PowerSheets Goals
When August days are hot an’ dry,When burning copper is the sky,I’d rather fish than feast or flyIn airy realms serene and high.– Paul Laurence Dunbar I’d rather be fishin’ or out in the garden! 🙂 What a month out here! We’ve picked at least 1,000 tomatoes and marveled at the monarchs we released this…
Read MoreJune Progress and July PowerSheets Goals
That beautiful season, the Summer!Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;And the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Well, Josh ate his first tomatoes from the garden in June, so you know it was a good month! (Tomatoes are kind of his thing.)…
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