July Goals

When the scarlet cardinal tellsHer dream to the dragon fly,And the lazy breeze makes a nest in the trees,And murmurs a lullaby,It is July.– “July” by Susan Hartley Swett As I’ve gotten older, it has become harder to pick a favorite month. I’ve learned to savor so many delights in each season! I can’t bear…

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June Goals

Why was June made?—Can you guess?June was made for happiness!Even the treesKnow this, and the breezeThat loves to playOutside all day. – “Why was June made?” by Annette Wynne May 2024, you were filled with dreaming, decisions, gardening, and grief. May began with graduation celebrations, the end of the homeschool year, and all the emotions…

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May Goals

If I could stay up late no doubtI’d catch the buds just bursting out;And up from every hidden rootWould jump a tiny slender shoot;I wonder how seeds learn the way,They always know the very day—The pretty, happy first of May;If I could stay up then, no doubtI’d catch the buds just bursting out. – “The…

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April Goals

Sang the sunrise on an amber morn —‘Earth, be glad! An April day is born.‘Winter’s done, and April’s in the skies,Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!’Then, the sound of growing in the airRose to God a liturgy of prayer.– “An April Liturgy” by Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts March was miraculous: a much-needed…

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Our Garage Home Gym Makeover – Before and After

Ahhh, spring has sprung, and I’m excited to share one of my favorite home spaces with you today. You’ve been so patient as I’ve taken time to heal from surgery (that story is coming soon, too) and emerge from winter hibernation. As you know, we’ve had a bit of a health transformation over the last…

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