Woooeee, May was a big month! We pulled things out of the garden and planted new ones, set my homeschool schedule with Grace for the fall (I’m teaching her two days a week and she’ll be going to a “homeschool school” the other two days for the Kindergarten year), had an amazing Team Summit, added two new team members (who we will introduce you to soon), and I became a mama to a kindergartener!
Grace named our bike and trailer, “Electric Blue Lightning.” She is not technically electric, but she sure has some cute passengers!
It was also a month of praying big prayers and receiving unexpected answers. We had several FaceTime conversations with Sarah’s birth mom, and hope to have her visit us soon. This is such a wonderful and unexpected turn of events after a year of no contact. We also started meeting with our new church family group, which has been refreshing. Instead of meeting at night when our little ones are sleeping (which meant one of us could go, but one of us had to stay home), our new group meets on Saturday mornings at our house. We are SO grateful!
My little buddy exploring the Fearrington gardens.
Here’s a recap of May goal progress and my PowerSheets goals for June are below too.
My May PowerSheets progress:
– Plant the garden. Yes, little-by-little we are pulling out the pansies and replacing them. It’s looking great, and we are having fun getting out in the dirt!
– Cultivate book launch prep. Yes! It’s time! Pre-order Cultivate here. (Pre-ordering is so helpful to ensure retailers have enough books in stock on launch day. I am so grateful for the many friends who have already reserved their copies!)
– Create the budget with Ari. We have made very little progress here because I haven’t made the time to dig in, but this is a focus for May. In fact, I put it on my calendar just now to have a finance date with Every Dollar next Friday afternoon.
– Lead a refreshing team summit. This. Was. Awesome. A full recap is coming soon!
– Prayerfully launch summer products. Yes! Our new collection has been such a huge help to me personally, and I have loved seeing many of you get your first set of PowerSheets and the new Fruitful Friendships workbook!
– Implement new team meeting structure. Yes! We have completely re-vamped our meeting structures and schedules. Instead of one weekly team meeting and two Cultivate What Matters marketing meetings, we now have a weekly Tactical meeting for the entire company (that is scheduled to the minute and so helpful!), as well as a monthly Cultivate What Matters meeting and a monthly SW meeting for more long-form conversations and decisions. We have also implemented daily standing check-ins, which has been awesome! We stand (no sitting as it’s supposed to be a 4-minute meeting to kick off momentum) and quickly share our top priorities for the day. We also see who needs help with tasks, and that’s it. Four minutes a day, first thing in the morning before we open our laptops, has been so valuable!
– Create a new date night plan. Huge thanks to my friend, Joslyn, for offering to help us make this happen. We love her and the kids love her too!
– Hire a new caregiver. This is still in process and I would be so grateful for your prayers as we find the right fit for our family.
– Pray impossible prayers and be open to new possibilities. Yes! As referenced at the start of this post, I’m so grateful for the fruit that grew here.
We pulled lots of pansies and violas out of the garden to make room for new flowers. Grace was not at all excited. ; )
June is already shaping up to be a big month, too. The PowerSheets include a goal refresh every three months, and I was especially grateful for the summer goal refresh this month. Here is a video of me doing my PowerSheets for June and a peek at the new color coding process I’m testing (and LOVE!).
June PowerSheets Prep with Lara Casey from lara casey on Vimeo.
If you don’t have a set of PowerSheets yet, now is the perfect time to get one because they are 6-month undated sets. June is an ideal start time!
And here are my monthly PowerSheets goals for June:
– Prayerfully and praisefully release Cultivate. It took two years to write this book (with a complete start-over and two babies in between) but in 26 days these pages will be out in the world. And I have something special just for you–the first 43 pages for free! I am admittedly nervous to share this. When you write a book in the middle of one of the messiest seasons of your life, it can give you butterflies to think of people reading the words you wrote in the thick of it. But, so much good grew out of that season and I hope these pages help you in your season too–right where you are.
– Pray impossible prayers and be open.
– Steward our budget well and passionately.
– Hire our new caregiver.
– Write a homeschool “starting” plan.
– Grow closer to our family group.
– Solidify new team roles and rhythms.
Join Jess and me every Wednesday this summer to talk about how to make friends as an adult–it’s possible! And the best part? No perfection required. Mark your planners: noon EST each Wednesday through June and July LIVE at Facebook.com/laracasey. See you then! Photo by Olivia from Nancy Ray Photography.
June weekly goals:
– Bible journaling with Grace. We have loved using the She Reads Truth Bible and supplies from Illustrated Faith!
– Writing in the margins of the Bible to Grace. (More about this in Chapter 10 of Cultivate. : ) )
– Love others as I have been loved–lavishly!
– Stretch my perceived limits to grow strength and endurance in my fitness
June daily goals:
– Continue reading my chronological Bible reading plan for my Number 1 goal!
– #RunLiftPraise
– Eat more raw foods.
– Stay active in my work days —see how I do it here!
– Share why I have the hope I have
– Praise Him!
Oh, June, you make me nervous and excited all at once. It’s time to send these pages out into the world! Pre-order Cultivate here. (Pre-ordering helps to ensure retailers have enough books in stock on launch day. I am so grateful for the many friends who have already reserved their copies!)
Your turn! I’d love to hear: Do you have goals for June? I’ll pick one of you to send a special surprise box of goodies to from the Cultivate What Matters shop. I love sending real mail, and I love hearing your thoughts! Congrats to May’s winner, Sara Ward!
keep reading
My primary goal for June (aside from celebrating the end of the school year and getting to be with my little ones all day for 2 months!) is health. Not only improving the way I look but my overall health and well-being. A new job last fall has taken a toll and I have not only gained weight but feel very out of shape, discontent and it has set my anxiety off to a place I feel I can’t control. I have committed to a new workout plan, overhauled our eating plan and put myself on a 10pm bedtime! I owe it to myself and my children to be as healthy as I can and enjoy this life I have been given. I am so thrilled for you that you heard from Sarah’s birth mom, I am sure that was an incredible feeling for you. Love seeing that she continues to be that smiley baby :-}
I realpy want to be mindful about growing deeper in my faith, as well as strengthening our marriage.
I also read the first pages of your new book and preordered instantly. Thank you so much for sgaring your heart. It means more than you know to me. -
The month of June is full of trip preparation for a missions trip to Peru! I have a ton to get done, but I am use my Powersheets to help keep me on track!
Can you expand on explaining your date night plan? I am so intrigued!
June for me is for savoring and celebrating. My husband and I celebrate 4 years of marriage! Because I’ve pushed myself in other months toward big goals, this month is just maintaining habits that I want to continue to cultivate (read the Word, prayer, journaling, etc) and savoring moments with our 3 year old and 7 month old. I want to look back on June as a month where we made memories and focused on what matters: intentional and quality time with family and friends.
Lara! I love the little by little progress you’ve made on your May goals and all the June goals you’ve set out! I’ll definitely be praying for your homeschooling journey with Grace! My mom homeschooled me from day one. It’s been hard and stretching and crazy but so worth it. I’ll be a high school senior next year (eek!), so my June goals include starting college applications, spending meaningful time with my friends who are going off to college soon, and clearing the clutter (it’s been on my tending list for the past few months but hasn’t happened) . Daily goals include standing for at least two hours at my desk, drinking five bottles of water, and spending heart time in His word. Now that school is over for a bit, I really want to focus on blooming and preparing my heart, body, and space for the next season in life.
I just started using powersheets but for first time in a long while I feel at peace. I too am working towards a healthy strong body. I joined a gym and I am tracking what I eat. I am aLao reading through the chronological bible and loving it. I am just getting ready to journal the word. Just a few of my goals
Can’t wait to read your new book. -
My main goal for June is yo love my family well! My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer and is starting chemo next week. I want to be there for her as well as take care of my husband and children.
i have one goal + only one goal for june: have a baby! my husband + i are expecting our first baby at the end of june. i am excited, nervous, and basically every emotion in between! but i am choosing to lean into the Lord and trust Him for all our needs!
My goal is to continue to pay down debt. The Lord is being so faithful to provide extra income. I am so grateful!
Hello Lara! Just now seeing you are looking for a caregiver so I just submitted my application. I know the deadline was yesterday but I pray I’m not too late for you to review my application….I feel the Lord brought me to your blog to see this job! Hope I get the chance to interview with you and if not I pray you find the perfect fit for you and your family!
I love seeing goals so thanks for sharing! This month one of mine is closing on our new house and moving in well!
I will focus on self-care this month. My health and well-being are vital to accomplishing anything. I’m starting with a small but significant goal which is to drink 80 ounces (or more) of water every single day!
Excited to read more and create more art with my little ones! Yay for the summer reading program at the library!
Thanks so much for sharing your June goals, Lara! This is my first time doing Powersheets (I got the 6-month goal planner and I’m so glad I did!) so here goes:
Monthly Goals:
Make @ least $500 dollars with my passion project
Finish all June internship rotation comps and evaluations
Spend quality time with at least 2 friends this month
Visit one new place in my city (museum, park, forest, etc.)
Learn 5 new things from my nutrition practice groups (I’m studying to be a registered dietitian)
Do at least 1 mission /service project this month
Create a monthly budget
List out instagram hashtags to use for sharing my personal journey
Hit success club (for my network marketing business)Weekly Goals:
Review class syllabi and assignments
Write list of upcoming rotations
Bring binder to class on Tuesdays
Contact preceptor for upcoming rotations
Write list of weekly comps and evaluations due
Make at least 1 healthy family meal ( I live with my parents and younger sister)Daily goals:
Do a daily 10-minute devotional first thing when I wake up
Work on a comp and evaluation
Message at least 1 friend to send love/give encouragement
Do a 30 minute workout video (follow workout plan)
Make/Pack a healthy lunch
Finish a “procrastitask” (these are things I tend to put off until the last minute, like tidying my room or working on assignments)
Get off the internet/phone by 10 pm each night
… And that’s it! I might have overloaded myself a bit this month, but I’m taking it one day at a time 🙂 -
My june goal is to pratice stillness. At almost 40 I am learning to slow down and enjoy my 4 1/2 year old.
One of my goals is to successfully transition back into work after having my son 11 weeks ago and ending maternity leave. I go back in a week and am worried about the anxiety it will place on me and our family. I’m excited to see my colleagues but am afraid of taking time away from my new son and relationship with my husband. Lots of prayers as I enter this new role of working mom!
Love these, Lara! My biggest June goal is to begin writing a devotional that God has placed on my heart. 🙂 And I, too, am planning to pray impossible prayers and be open. I have some pretty big dreams on my heart, and I’m eager to see how He answers!
P.S. I can’t wait to read Cultivate! Pre-ordered it last week!
June is a busy month for me with lots going on at work. I have some work related travel and we also have a family vacation planned the last week in June. Oh and it’s my birthday month. Trying to keep my goals simple. Get the big work things done, make time for family and friends and then unplug and let go to enjoy vacation at the beach. Praying it all goes smoothly.
This month is the final stretch of an incredibly demanding job for my husband. It has physically and mentally stretched our family to the max. My goal is to remain the armour bearer for my husband during this season as he works so hard to provide for us. My kids and I barely see him – my kids actually go days without seeing him due to his schedule. So my goals include being fully present for my kiddos even when I feel drained. To keep from feeling that drain, my goals are to sleep well and fight the urge to stay up late to enjoy the solitude and time to myself. They involve keeping the sugar from my diet and focusing on eating real foods that will give me the energy I need. I also commit to digging deep into God’s Word for that daily bread that I can cling to. We are also removing my daughter from public school to homeschool her this upcoming year so for me, it’s finalizing plans and ordering our curriculum. And it’s helping her to finish this school year well. She finishes school the last day of June so we’ve got nearly a month left. The push is on! Striving to be gent,e with myself and yet strong in my tasks. Here’s to a wonderful June full of good things.
so grateful for powersheets and your heart!
My goals for June include filling out my new undated PowerSheets prep and then setting big goals for July! Our June is incredibly busy with church softball, community band, and a few extended family activities. I want to make sure my husband and I take some intentional time away from the busyness and enjoy each other’s company.
I love goal making so much! God bless!
I recently discovered Lara and Cultivate What Matters and I’m so IN! Just ordered the Powersheets. In addition to my 9-5, I coach Track & Field at a local high school. I’ve been totally beating myself up during the track season wishing I was rocking all of my other goals, but those words “I can’t do it all and do it well,” gave me a moment of clarity. I had a great track season, develop relationships with some really awesome teenagers (which we all know…teenagers are tough), and gave back to my community– I did that well. Now it’s time to refocus my efforts. My goals for June include: reading Make it Happen, completing the 30 day simplicity challenge by Emily Ley, being intentional about giving my husband words of affirmation, and writing.
While I haven’t completed my June goals or tending list yet, after a big wake up call this month and every month going forward I am working to love myself. I am going to let myself do what I love and what I want to do–not what I think others want me to do. <3