The best things in life are cultivated little by little. Hello, friends! Welcome to my new weekly series. Each week, I’ll give you a quick update on life around these parts, and Ten Things to Help You Make Progress on What Matters, little by little (with some fun ones thrown in too!).
On Monday, life changed. The judge declared that our adoption is final! When we began the process three years ago (feeling terrified and excited, but more terrified), a friend offered us this advice: just take the next step forward. You can always change course, and the next step will reveal itself after that. Take it one by one. We found so much freedom in that. Whether it’s adopting a baby, growing a business, cultivating faith, or doing something you’ve always wanted to do, take the next best step forward. You have permission to change your mind along the way. But, maybe–just maybe–your little by little steps will lead you to something marvelous. For us, they led us to family.
Oh, we love you, Sarah Celeste! See photos from her first six months with us here.
Need some help uncovering your next step? Here are 10 Things to Help You Make Progress on What Matters This Week (In no particular order!)
1. Get unstuck. Let go of the fear and striving, uncover really good goals, and learn how to take action on what matters most to you. This week I shared my Top 10 Keys to Making What Matters Happen. Get the free replay and my new e-book here.
2. Cultivate fresh faith — no perfection required. Faith is taking a risk—believing in what you can’t yet see. Get my free Cultivating Faith e-book, and free live class here.
3. Stop working, start living. If you’ve been struggling with working long hours, try this tip. Set an alarm on your phone that says “Stop working, Start living” at the hour you want to stop. I did this for several months to break free of working longer hours and build better boundaries on my time. It helped!
4. Make it Happen. I asked my publisher permission, and they said yes! Here’s a free download of the first part of my book. I hope it encourages you!
5. Dance like no one is watching. This kid. Wait for the end. Oh my, I needed that giggle!
6. Come to Chapel Hill in October. If you want to get unstuck, I invite you to join me this October, in-person, for the Making Things Happen conference. Yesterday, we went live, to give you a look at what happens at Making Things Happen. See you there!
7. Have coffee on me today! A friend surprised us this week with five heart balloons—one for each heart in our new family. I’m passing on the kindness, and have loaded this with $50. I’ve never done this before, and I hope several of you enjoy a cup of coffee with this today–or buy one for a friend! UPDATED: Y’all love your coffee, and I’m so glad! I added $25 more, but this may run out fast too! : ) UPDATED AGAIN: Thank you all for the sweet messages. I’m so glad you enjoyed the coffee and tea with friends. This was fun! Looks like it may all have been used so I’m removing the card link. We’ll do this again sometime soon!
8. Get motivated with some great new products. I’m giving away the first set of 2017 PowerSheets, one of our NEW sticker books, ten sold-out Simplified Planners, my favorite colorful pens, and much more here.
9. Remember our code word : ) We have a new code word, me and you. The number of days left in the year is our “word” to cheer each other on. Today’s code word is 120! On Facebook live this week, I shared more about this, and I got a little choked up at the end. : )
10. Lastly, tell me what your one step forward is. What’s the one (maybe scary) step you are considering or are taking today to make what matters happen? Leave a comment here telling me what your step is, and I’ll give away some fun things from the shop to several of you. And know this: the best prize is taking that step. I’m excited to hear from you, and encourage you in the comments.
Here’s to making progress on what matters, little by little!
P.S. It’s okay to grow slow.
keep reading
Thank you for your encouragement, Lara! I’ve been working on moving forward little by little through my Powersheets. I got them a few months ago, started prep work, and never finished because I was worried about making my Powersheets perfect. I’ve realized that Powersheets are a place to get messy, so I’m setting time aside today to work on my Powersheets alone. It’s a bit scary because I feel guilty for setting time aside for myself and not getting things on my to-do list checked off, but this is what matters.
Focusing on the little joys in life definitely help with achieving a big-picture goal. Love that you incorporate your own stories and speed bumps along the way with us- very genuine! Congrats on your newest addition, and thank you for the coffee!
Lara, I love that you have picked up your blog again – these emails on Friday always seem to come at the perfect time for me 😉 My first step today is to watch the reply of your Powersheets webinar and to finally do my September tending list. Happy weekend to you and your family!
My next step forward is setting up an initial photo shoot for my website. As the last step of launching my blog, I am nervous and want to prolong diving into the unknown of this new adventure. However, I have felt the Lord calling me to minister to women around me, utilizing this platform. I plan to start today by reaching out to photographer friends. I cannot wait to love others through this ministry!
I feel like I’m in this space right before a big step. I’m in a new city, heading back to school after some time away, new to a church, new to a neighbourhood, new to so much. Everything in front of me feels like a step, so I’m taking it one minute at a time and trying not to worry about anything other than keeping my eyes fixed in the right spaces. I’m meeting with a health specialist next week which is one of the areas I’m excited to take steps in. I met with a financial aide person on campus this week and am excited about taking a step toward better money management as well.
Oh Lara. Thank you. I really appreciate you and wish I could invite myself over for a good chat.
My step is signing up for National Novel Writing Month! 50k words in 1 month, time to get my novel written. AHHH.
My next step forward involves continuing to let go of the need for control, my Type A personality has me completely exhausted! I’ve been giving all of this to God and over the last few weeks, my steps have been SO much lighter! Glory!
Congrats on your adoption finalization. When the judge signs, and you sign, it’s the most amazing feeling in the world. I’ve been there. I celebrate that day every year for me, the end of a long, stress-filled journey, that I would never change. My kiddo is 7 1/2 now, and I wouldn’t change a minute. Congrats again – your baby in the picture is ADORBS. 🙂
Thank you for helping me make it happen! I’m still walking through trying to figure out what my it is, but I’m also resting in His arms and doing my best to follow His lead. Every day reminding myself His plan is always better than my plan.
I have two next steps: Getting my Real Estate license to help with our building business. Number two is physical steps. After a few health issues it is time to get serious and get back into shape!
I agree with Kristina, I’m so glad and grateful that you’ve been blogging and filling up my inbox 🙂 My one step that I need to take is to update my resume and start prayerfully looking for a new job. It is scary to leave a job but I know that it’s time to move on and do something else with my talents. Looking forward to meeting you Lara in person in October!!!
I absolutely love this! My next step is Prayer. I read the first chapter of your book (thank you for letting us download the first chapter!) and identified so much with those feelings of being overwhelmed. I felt like you were speaking right to me.
There are so many things swirling around my heart and mind, but as a sahm I want to be sure of the specific direction the Lord would have pursue. Thank you so much for your encouraging words and posts! God has used them to encourage me greatly in this season of life. -
Stepping into women’s portraiture. Leaving behind what I know and am established in and following my heart… A leap of faith but I’m SO excited for what’s ahead!
My next step is to spend some time this weekend while we are away at the cabin brainstorming a loose plan for my new business and some other things that God has been igniting in my heart recently.
Going to the doctor to find out what my next steps are to repair my damaged vocal cords. [insert feeling scared and hopeful]
My one step– pray. I remember a while back you wrote a post or instagram with the message “prayer is an action”. That’s something I need to constantly remind myself of. Before starting my September goals, or list of things to tackle this long weekend, to stop and pray, and that not only is an action. It’s the best action.
My next step is to BUY your books…I’ve been given a chance to reset my life and I don’t want to waste it. : )
I’m going to spend one hour each week night working on my business idea. I am exhausted just thinking about the extra work after work, but I’m praying God gives me the boost of energy if this business is in His will.
focusing on planting instead of just planning 🙂
My one step – pray about what church community we should be a part of and who I should talk to about mentorship opportunities; letting go of fear and letting God use me where and how he wants me
My first step this weekend is to FINALLY sit down and take that design class I’ve been afraid to start. Letting go of that fear of failure and stepping out into this messy and imperfect future! Thank you so much for your encouragement it was most needed.
My next step is to get up, go to a coffee shop, and work on revising a certain paper. This one has seemed like a mountain to me, but I’m so close to finishing!
My one step is taking the time this weekend to really focus on my business. It became and LLC over the summer and I’ve let the stress of it all kind of pull me away from actually creating new content. I work a regular 9-5 in addition to my creative business, so this weekend will give me the time that I need to get serious!
My next step is sitting down with my husband to make big financial goals and drastically reduce our spending. This feels like a big step but I’ve been taking baby steps in this area for a while and am ready to buckle down and “feel the burn”.
Oh man. My one step is pretty big…and I’ve been putting it off. I founded a non-profit last year, and this big step is to move ahead from our pilot group and ask 4-5 new teachers to partner their classrooms with schools in Uganda for this school year! I’m scared of the rejection…but I’m even more afraid of them saying yes and then having that responsibility!!! I’m going to send those emails right now as I’m already sitting at my computer responding to your post! Thanks for the push I needed!
Hi Lara! Thank you so much for the encouragement, I’m feeling inspired! My next step is to attend Bible Study Fellowship on September 14. I am really looking forward to growing in God’s word and praying for His wisdom and guidance with our first baby arriving in March! Striving to set grace filled goals rather than comparing myself to others. 🙂
Hooray for five hearts! That is so kind of you Lara to treat others to coffee on this day! 🙂
My next step is finishing the paperwork for our Home Study for international adoption. Gotta finish 3 things this weekend!
I am starting the Contentment Challenge so that I can pursue happiness apart from material items.
I feel like I have been hit with so many messages this last week and especially this morning about, “being courageous because God is with me wherever I go.” When messages repeat like that, I start to listen! I’m not sure what my next step is, but, lol just read the verse you have posted below as I wrote this: “There is no fear in love.” (1John 4:18). I’ve honestly been holding back in the love area as a single person, afraid to completely put my neck out there and walk as though I believe marriage and having a family is possible. I say it, but then have all these fears jumbling around inside and have a tendency of holding back. Randomly, someone super new in my life said to not be afraid to hold out for the one God has for me–to not settle for less than His best and that a happy and healthy marriage IS a possibility. I was not expecting that at all, but accepted her words gladly. So, maybe my next step is putting myself out there and not holding back in fear anymore that it won’t work out and with the fearful idea that “all the good ones are taken.” I have been praying and believing for the one God promised to me 11 years ago and maybe this is the time to take the next step. Thank you for this post–it has got me thinking with a jumble of ideas. 🙂
I hadn’t heard of her before, but I am checking out her website right now–thank you so so much!! :)!!
I really want to apply to grad school and need to take my GREs by November. I am a mom of 3 kids, I work two jobs, it feels very scary, what if I don’t do well enough, but I know how badly I want to do it too.
Thank you, Lara! I’m setting my alarm one hour early, even on the weekends! With two littles at home, it can be so hard to get out of bed early but I know I need that time to start my day off right. Maybe it’s reading, doing a devotional, writing or working on some business ideas. I’m not sure what it is I’ll do with that time yet, but I’m going to make room to do it!
I love this!! My scary step is setting up my home office and transitioning into a mostly work from home dog mom. I’m growing a business and leaving my regular work schedule to devote more time to it.
My next step is most scary to me. To take the leap and sell our house so that we can move back into the neighborhood that I love. So many things need to fall into place for this to happen. Praying hard to know HIS will, that we’re doing the right thing, holding onto Faith and trusting that He will direct our steps. Scared that this may put a strain on our marriage too. Somedays I feel full of hope, somedays I worry if we’re moving in the right direction. The advice “Just take the next step forward” is most timely for me!
My mom passed away withon a two week period of being diagnosed with an aggressive cancer recently she was my only family and support…since she was all i had besides my husband he has since became very controlling and abusive…i really wish i could afford a powersheet workbook..i think it would help me to move forward and set some definite goals i feel so lost and confused lately
My next big step forward is learning how to step back in my business to take a admin role rather than a direct teaching role, so I can take care of the business better, and spend more time with my kids and husband, and be ready to welcome our third baby (in three years) in December.
I’m continuing to establish our home in a new place. I’ve been dragging my feet because we are away from family, but I know I need to dig deep where I’m at. I just signed up for a Bible study for people that recently moved to the area. Now I just have to make myself go!
Our next big step was actually my husband’s last day of full time work today, and this upcoming weekend that we have dedicated to preparing for our home study – our last step before we (hopefully) become licensed foster parents. We are a young married couple, with no children of our own, but God put fostering on our heart and after a lot of prayer together, we decided to go all in. We’re taking a leap of faith and both cut down our jobs to part-time so we’d have margin in our schedules to pour into our foster children. We’re nervous but excited to see how God moves! Your webinar on faith a couple weeks ago was so soothing for our souls – this is a season of God asking how much we’re willing to give Him, and it was so good to be reminded why we should be ready to give Him our all!
I just passed my license exam Wednesday to be a licensed registered dietitian. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has next!
I’ve been struggled throughout my adult life by a chronic pain condition, which effects not only my body but my emotions and sense of self-worth. Today I took that a step toward not letting this get the better of me– I picked up the phone and made a call to my doctor’s office to start physical therapy again. Not a huge move, but it sure FELT big! Thank you Lara for your encouragements, they mean so much in my life! <3
Hi Lara, thank yo for your words of encouragement. My little step is not so little. It’s trusting God and learning how to talk to Him. For weeks I have been receiving a word, “You have not, because you ask not”, at some point I was even frustrated. Every morning that’s what I heard. I have been praying, asking, praying and asking. Even writing it down in case that’s the way I was supposed to ask. Still haven’t heard my answer and have not received what I’m asking for. So my question is, how do I ask? How can one have by asking if the asking is not being answered. I can’t believe God doesn’t want to answer my prayer, I ask for a healthy and thriving business. I want to help my husband with our finances. Well, Lara, that’s my little step. Prayer and trusting in the waiting. Thank you for this space. Have a lovely weekend.
Love this – but we have a problem. Gracie is smiling so beautifully in that photo that I suddenly got this glimpse of her at 25! Stop growing cutie! Thanks for the encouragement this week, Lara!
We just reserved a booth at the biggest trade show in our industry (where we’ve never exhibited before), to launch a new product we developed. And the show is in 7 weeks. It’s totally crazy to try to plan, build and ship a booth that fast, but we’re gonna make it happen!
My next step is to be intentional about keeping the armor of God on all day long. Spiritual attacks have been fierce and long lasting lately and I can easily get distracted and then defeated if I’m not walking moment by moment with God. On a practical side of taking the next step, it’s time to get organized so I don’t feel overwhelmed as Christmas approaches.
Congratulations on the adoption! I’m done having kids, but I would LOVE to have a little one at home again. Get ready for a tiny package of sweetness!
I made the leap and left my comfortable but unfulfilling job to be a work at home mom as a curriculum developer. I’ve been so much happier this past month, and I can see the positive effects on my family! My next step is to get more consistent with my newsletter to clients, because that is the one area where I really need to step up my game. -
My next step is starting my college transfer application, with a new major, today! I’ve been avoiding it for as long as possible but I’m trusting God’s timing!
My next step is to prioritize what needs to be done this month and to let go of some things. We are part of a little church plant, and our Pastor and his family lost their entire house this week to a flash flood. So we are in crisis management mode, helping them to move what they can save out and taking down drywall and as the only other staff member of the church, I am essentially running the church this month. So I need to let go of the non-essentials and be ok that my vision for this month and fall has drastically changed these last few days.
My next step is to brainstorm ideas for a portfolio project that I will use to apply for a photography residency. I passed on it this past spring because the timing wasn’t right, but if I skip it this year, I know it will be out of fear.
We’ve had personal marriage and employment struggles that I’m not going to type here. But you wrote on Instagram a few months back, “Purpose doesn’t go to work, it goes to love. Love those people fiercely. You don’t need a title, position, or perfect “dream job” for that. You know what’s inspirational? Putting food on the table for your family. Keep going, sisters. You have value in the Lord and that’s all that matters” and I needed that. I started applying for jobs right then, and one of them wants to hire me! This Tuesday is my final evaluation before they consider my entire file.
What a blessing all the resources here are! While its not confirmed just yet, the plan is for me to (finally) quit my job and start living my “side gig” full time! I’ve been working 40+ hours a week and running a wedding & event planning business for about 10 years. With two small kiddos, I just can’t keep doing both because while I’m present for the big events in our families lives, I’m constantly distracted trying to keep up with emails or deadlines! Once I got the go ahead to leave my full time job in January from my husband, I felt such a huge relief and I know that was God telling me I was moving in the right direction! So, I’m currently in a season of planning, goal setting, and rebranding because in 120 days, I’ll start a whole new journey! Im terrified but so excited! Every post, video, webinar, and book here has been such an encouragement…thank you SO much! Can’t wait to try power sheets…that totally sounds like my jam! 😉
My one step forward begins with a fresh breath and a new month as September begins!
I have always wanted to publish something in a magazine that comes out for my professional field/region. I never feel like I have something to say when submissions are requested. Today I decided to figure out what I have to say, even though submissions aren’t open! They might be eventually, and I’m going to try to be ready! So today I read the criteria for submissions and brainstormed topics. -
Hi Lara ! Congratulations on the final step in adopting Sarah Celeste, I feel so joyful for you and your family and couldn’t help smiling deeply about it!!
My one step forward is slowly finding what I’m good at, and what I can make into my own business. I live in a rural ski town in Australia (yes we do have snow here!) and there’s often full time work for only those three months of winter, so I’m taking responsibility for myself in trying to create my own year-round employment. It’s a bit scary going it all alone, but I have faith.
Your generosity in the giveaway and the coffees is so inspiring! Although I don’t live in the US I’m going to shout a friend a nice cuppa this week! xx -
Today was my last day of work at my job, I’ve left to become a virtual assistant working with a friend. Really scary to leave all of that security behind and head out on my own path. Definitely a big step for me!
My one step forward is looking for a better job I am way to comfortable and maybe scared to try something new but I need to open up to better opportunities.
I’m always so encouraged by you, Lara! And CONGRATULATIONS! What a sweet, sweet week I’m sure this was celebrating sweet Sarah! One of these days I will make Making Things Happen happen 😉 For now, my one step forward is breaking up with the snooze button. My students need my best, and my best comes after a good breakfast and an un-rushed morning with time in the Word. It’s been a battle these first two weeks but I know it will be worth it.
Lara, these posts are something I look forward to each week! A big step I am taking is to have a social media free weekend, as well as no social media after 10:00pm on week nights. My marriage needs some help right now and I’m praying th at limiting social media as an escape will help me to spend quality time with my husband, strengthening our relationship.
My one step forward this month is to write on my blog once a week. I took August off after having done 100 days of blogging. I’m ready to jump back in:0)
My one step forward is going to be focusing on cutting out the things in my diet that are bad for me and to start exercising. And actually do it this time.
Lara, I have always loved writing. I began a blog in 2009 but have only published a few times on it. Unfortunately fear and anxiety take over and I have a hard time sharing my writing. I had a professor tell me in college that I didn’t know what I was doing where my writing was concerned (this from a chemistry professor) even though I received high scores from my English and Writing professors. That one remark continues to have its grip on me. My goal is to overcome that negative remark and take one step forward each day to begin writing again. I pray that I can overcome the fear and anxiety and be released from it. Thank you for all of your wonderful advice! I truly appreciate it! Congratulations on your beautiful family and for being an example of grace and humility.
This post hit a nail…
I’m moving from writing my “stories” to asking others if I can write theirs!
The challenge to write where I was, where I am, has been with me for years. So write I have. I write mostly about emotions and sometimes about people, places and things that evoke those emotions. You can see years worth of my efforts on my blog, https://laughinghereonearth.blogspot.com.
In this season, I am feeling very challenged to stretch beyond my comfort zone and to that effort I am asking a few people whose spirit of creativity I admire to let me write for them. -
I am in such a season of…
*jump* into the unknown, the possible, the impossible and am finding your words encouraging and rescuing.
Many of my cohorts admire your years of work…yet you are still just a mom who is working out nursing schedules and embracing your natural curls.
Thank you, will never be enough. -
Thanks Lara for everything that you do. My nexts steps forward are: 1. Setting the alarm that will remind me: stop working, start living and I will start to play more with my 3 kids
2. I’ll go to the park to do exercise and pray in the nature everyday
3. I’ll finish the arragements of my coaching packages and give it to God. -
I so love this! I’m partially though my Powersheets, but after your Instagram Story yesterday, I saw just how easy it is to fill all of those spaces in. (I was totally overthinking it!). My next step is to schedule blog photo / video shoots for October’s posts. 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration! And CONGRATULATIONS on the adoption. I’ve never seen a baby who smiles every time the camera is on her! She’s beautiful.
Logging off Facebook is my first step!
First of all congrats on the adoption! What a wonderful blessing for your family and I love seeing those sweet smiles (from all 3!) I got the powersheets this summer and started them on Sept 1st! There is so much change right now with my life as my youngest goes to Kindergarten (sob!) and I have a new job (yikes!) and am back to writing my book….maybe most importantly, after years of putting myself last, I have started taking care of my health, my body and my soul. I am making ME time so read or listen to music or just sit in silence and breathe, Life is so good when you just stop and be still. Thank you for all you do and all the wonderful tools and words you share with us. :-}
In February I dropped out of college. I didn’t feel like I measured up or that it would even matter to get my job to the next level. Getting a BFA in graphic design was the one dream I have had for years and years. And I’m going into massive debt and coming out a failure. (Not in my grades, I have excellent grades and have received two awards from professors). It’s a terrible thing feeling worthless and incompetent and not good enough.
But my advisor contacted me this summer and offered to help me get back in school. And with a leap of faith that it will be ok no matter what, I have finished my first week back in class again.
Congratulations to your official family of 5! Such love, so many blessings — for you and for them. <3 My next step is take MORE steps. I was recently diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic. I've made changes in my diet and this week, for the first time in 20+ years, I went to the gym! Treadmill only so far, but I will add more — step by step. So thankful for life. So thankful for the many blessings in it!
I guess my little by little is to cultivate faith. Not just a small faith, but a true, completing believing, blindly following, ultimate trusting kind of faith in God. Our family has such uncertainty when it comes to our finances right now, and above us trying to “figure it out,” I want to just trust that God already has figured it out. I want to crush the thoughts in my head put there by the enemy saying that God doesn’t have plans for us, or that God won’t provide for us. I know they’re lies, and I know the truth. So today, I’m going to start little by little by writing down some of those scriptures that tell me the truth when the enemy comes at me with lies.
My first step forward is to de-clutter room by room.
My next step is to simplify and prioritize my goal list for Sept and fill out my tending list. Really want to limit my self to 3 meaningful daily habits so I can become really connected with them.
Thanks for your encouragement Lara. I love your
book, am reading it for the second time. You’ve
inspired me in so many ways -
I’m struggling with wanting to find my core identity. I put that into my search and came up with your blog. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Loved this list Lara! I’ve been reading “Make it Happen” for the second time and working through a brand new set of Powersheets. I’ve become way too honed in on doing what I think people WANT me to do vs. what my heart is telling me I NEED to do. This list was a kick in the rear. <3
Lara, So happy to see all the fruit happening in your life. I am so excited for your new book, the 2017 powersheets, the finalized adoption and Josh’s 1st birthday! I’m encouraged by you and would love to catch up soon.
Lara, I am LOVING these weekly posts. They are such an encouragement and a motivator. My step this week was renewing my website and domain name. I haven’t been blogging very consistently in the last year or so, and I was struggling to decide if keeping the blog was best use of time and money for me. After some prayer, however, I realized that it is one of the major gifts and opportunities God has given me to share who He is with the world, and so I decided it was worth my investment of time and money to keep it going. Making that decision has also encouraged me to be more intentional with using it! That will be my next prayer and action step…to see how He would have me use it more often and more specifically. Another little step I am taking is getting a date on the calendar with two sweet friends. We are hoping to create a women’s devotional together and want to get moving on that soon! 🙂 Tonight I am also hoping to sit down with my Powersheets for the first time in a few months. 2016 has been such a busy year for me (I moved offices and homes!) It’s bummed me out a bit that I missed most of the summer Powersheets sections, but I am jumping into fall with hope and purpose and passion. Can’t wait to see all He has for me in the last few months of 2016! I am praying for you today, Lara, and hope your week is off to a wonderful start! 🙂
We are in the midst of moving in just under two weeks. I have felt torn on tending to my business during naps times or preparing for the move. Also, often I have intentions of watching webinars live, but my little guy is wide awake during them. Lately, I have been using nap times to watch/listen to webinars while I pack. It’s been a great way to pour into my heart and business while still tending to our home. Thanks for sharing your heart so transparently!