Really good. And really hard at times. But, the hard times are what break me down and make me focus on what matters. Grace woke me up at 4am and wanted to be held and played with all morning. She’s sitting in my lap right now as I type this. OK, she wants to tell you all something….
mnb h v vg drcvvv txcv eeeeeeeee nncxvccccccccccccc eeeeeeeeeeeeeee – Love, Gracie
I love her. More than I could possibly explain. I told my life story to 30 new friends yesterday and when I got to the part about having a baby, I was speechless. All I could say was, “everything changed.” I am so grateful to have friends like Gina who capture Grace the way I see her. Oh, this melts my heart! Last night at the Casey-Isaacson house…
Now, you can see why it is going to be sooooo hard to leave this afternoon for the next week for the Making Things Happen Tour. Emily, Gina and I kicked off the 2012 Tour yesterday here in Chapel Hill and are headed to Atlanta, DC, New York and Boston now. I haven’t been away from Grace overnight ever, so y’all give me extra hugs when you see me on the road! But, I have to say that I wouldn’t even dream of leaving her for this long if I didn’t know with all of my heart that the work we do is important. It’s that important. I can’t wait to see everyone and watch your journey’s begin! The 2012 May Tour is completely SOLD OUT, but there are a few seats left for the fall.
And, to kick things off, we launched a NEW Making Things Happen website yesterday!!! Yahoo!!!
Fast forward an hour now and Grace is happily napping while I finish work and pack. She’s so cute when she sleeps! A little peek into what’s been goin’ on around these parts:
Grace is nearing 6 months old and grows faster than kudzu! I write daily letters to her here.
Oh, my heart!
She is my favorite.
My family came to visit last month, too. This is my 94 year old Grandma Bunny!
Emily Ley and I have been hard at work with Making Brands Happen, our new Power Sessions…
…and doing branding webinars. We only have 4 client spots left for the year, by the way. Read all about it here and win a seat to our Summer Branding Series!
We’re in the beautiful thick of print prep for our fifth issue of Southern Weddings, aka V5. Emily Ayer and the SW ladies and I are SO excited about the editorial content we have cookin’! Our calendars are packed with exciting shoots this summer. It’s going to be our best issue yet!
I finally buckled down and wrote my first digital book, The Challenge! I took the very popular Challenge series and put it into an active workbook format. I’m just releasing it for clients right now and am so excited to have it complete!
Aaaaaand…. I’m working on my own new site, blog and brand! You can get a behind-the-scenes peek into my inspiration for the brand on my Pinterest. It’s been a long time coming and I can’t wait to share the goodness ahead! On my front porch yesterday with Em.
Phew! OK, time to pack. God is good. Really really good, friends. Thank you for all the encouragement you give me to just be me and follow the narrow path. I’m so grateful and can’t wait to hug many of you this week on tour!
photos top to bottom: Nancy Ray, Gina, Gina, Nancy, Emily March, my iPhone, Emily March, my iPhone via my new favorite app, VSCO Cam.
keep reading
NEW on the Blog: Life is Good. What’s been going on lately in my neck of the woods… https://t.co/TmIVkOjA
I can’t wait to see y’all tomorrow! I’m so excited for the good things in your life and I’m thrilled to make 2012 my year! No turning back! Thank you for the constant inspiration!
Best wishes and lots of love for this round of MTH. Excited to welcome new faces (and crossing my fingers for a trip to one of the Fall sessions).
LIFE IS GOOD: Really good. And really hard at times. But, the hard times are what break me down and make me fo… https://t.co/yJuYFklO
So grateful for my husband and best friends for loving on me as I tearfully said goodbye to Grace for a week. https://t.co/rpj3dbxt
Tearing up at how beautiful your family is and how amazing it is that I (along with other MTHers) get to spend time with you, Emily and Gina this week. Thank you for sharing yourself with us Miss Lady! Love ya!
So happy for you and all the joy that Grace has brought you! I get to hug you in real life in June at Engage right? 🙂 Hope so! xo AH
I love your heart, Lara! It’s shining SO bright in this post! What a WONDERFUL life! You are SUCH an inspiration and oh my, oh my… Gracie is the cutest baby EVER! What a sweet video!! Congratulations on the eBook, too! I’m BUYING IT! I’m also looking into the Branding Webinar series! YOU ARE AMAZING! I cannot wait to see the new webiste :: your pins are soooo gorgeous. I love that teal & gold! Please stay strong on this tour and know, from a MTH alumni herself, you ARE changing lives!!! It’s THAT important, you’re right!!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING ALL THIS WITH US!!! xo
shes gorge – lovely pic x
OH MY WORD! Lara, does that babe ever look sad. She is quite possibly the happiest little lady I have ever seen! What a doll! Sooooo excited to meet Emily, Gina and you. Don’t be alarmed when I give you gals some big ol’ hugs! xoxo
Oh Lara! My heart is so full right now. Reading this has made me want to really do the things that make me happy and mean the world to me. GPS has always come through for my family and I and somehow I always ‘forget’ to put Him first. Your words are like a sweet song to my soul! Thank you, friend! I am just so sad I don’t live near you – God knows how I need people like you in my life.
God bless you real good this year! You are such a blessing to many by being a living example of HIM!
(This is my first ever comment here and probably amongst the few I ever left on a log time in any blogs:)Happy New Year! Wishing you JOY, Laughter, Peace, and Love!!
xoxoVana C
Sweet Lord! I left my comment in the wrong post:)