Welcome to the 9th annual Intentional Goal Setting Series! Here’s Part 1 and Part 2 to get you started living your best year!
Have you heard the news?! The 2020 One-Year PowerSheets are SOLD OUT for the year! The good news? You can still get the 2020 Six-Month Undated PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner and get started at any time of the year!
Want to listen to this post instead of

Let’s dig in!
Remember how you felt when you started this series just a few posts ago? Equal parts nervous and excited, maybe?
What would you uncover in this process? Would it be hard? Would you be able to follow-through? Would you be adding to your plate instead of simplifying things?
But, you felt the fear and dove in anyway. You stepped outside of your comfort zone, and that says a lot about you!
Look where you are NOW.
— You are doing goal setting differently than you’ve done it before.
— You are NOT choosing goals out of thin air or because of comparison or fear or trying to keep up.
— You, my friend, are uncovering what matters. And that changes everything!
You’ve blown me away in this series and you’re getting ready to choose your best goals for 2020—goals you can’t wait to get started on. I’m so excited for you!

First, let’s refresh our minds as we begin! Review everything you’ve written so far. Like we talked about in Part 2, look for the threads or themes in what you’ve uncovered so far.
I can’t believe what I would have missed had I not reviewed everything again with fresh eyes. Here’s what I found…
— The biggest thing that keeps popping up—my clearest thread—is spending time with my physical Bible and growing a richer faith.
— I also circled and highlighted many things that have to do with solitude, moving my body, and helping our children delight in good things. (See my word of the year popping up??)
Now that our minds are refreshed, let’s write out some goal ideas! Make a list of “goal ideas” for the year that help you live out what matters in the big picture. Your goal ideas don’t have to be perfectly written—just write what comes to mind first when you think about the big picture. Feel free to share some of your goal ideas in the comments, too!

Check your goal ideas to make sure they’re worth spending your time on. Let’s sort through the goal ideas and see if we can find any weeds. It’s easy to make goals that sound good or goals that look like other people’s. Let’s not do that 🙂
The idea here is to do your life well, not to give yourself a new to-do list of random things that sound good or things we think we “should” have on our lists because everyone else does. Maybe those things aren’t right for you in this season—or ever. Be intentional about how you decide to spend your time, with your own unique gifts and talents and resources. How you spend your time is how you spend your life. Check each of your goal ideas to see if they are leading you in the right direction.
Do a GOAL CHECK and ask these essential questions:
— Will this goal help me to cultivate what matters?
— Will this goal help me get to where I want to be when I’m eighty years old?
— Does this goal help other people?
— WHY do I want to make this goal happen? Am I desiring this goal for the right reasons, or am I striving for “perfect”—or whatever I’ve been chasing?
Download a free printable checklist (direct download) below!

If the answer is NO to any of these questions, then it’s possible it’s not the best use of your time. Don’t run in circles with goals that don’t directly connect to what matters most in the big picture. Cross goals out that don’t fit. Be bold and take leaps of faith as you write!
If you are a believer like me, here are some additional questions I’m asking myself (there’s so much more for you in my God + Goals 5-day reading plan on the YouVersion Bible app!).
— Does this goal help draw me and others closer to God?
— Is this goal rooted in God’s truth? (Find scriptures to support it!)
— Does this goal rely on my strength or God’s?
— Does this goal help me steward what I’ve been given well?
Yep! I have a printable for these questions if you want them, too! Download it below (direct download)…

When I was a personal trainer in New York for many years, I had a client come to me and say, “I want to lose 20 pounds because that’s what I weighed in college.”
Can you guess how far a goal like that will take someone?
You guessed it! About the same distance between my thumb and my pinky!
When we dug deeper into what mattered to him in life and where he wanted to be when he was 80, a picture of true fitness started to emerge. Instead of, “I want to lose 20 pounds because that’s what I weighed in college” (not very motivating and more self-defeating), his goal changed to, “I want to be healthy and strong so that I can walk my daughter down the aisle. I want to live a long, happy life so I can be a better husband and show my kids how to be joyful and healthy, too.”
True story.
That goal worked.
That was motivating.
Get real with why you want these things to happen and connect them to something that really matters to you. This is the key to achieving your goals instead of tossing them aside.
There is so much goodness to come when we write our 2020 goals in the final post in this series coming December 27th using a special method I’ll tell you about then. For now, keep making a mess and digging into that rich growing ground of yours!

Your turn! Today’s Goal Uncovering Steps:
—Review everything you’ve written again and mark, circle, highlight, or sticker the threads (or themes) you’re seeing.
—Write your goal ideas.
—Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.
—Write down your WHY with every goal idea.
Need some extra motivation? The Ultimate New Year’s Giveaway is on!

A big thank you to everyone who entered! What a joy it was to hear your responses and get to chat with you in the comments! Congratulations to our winners below! If you’re a winner, fill out this form to collect your prize within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected!
Here’s what you could win…
— 10 sets of 2020 PowerSheets to help 10 of you cultivate your BEST year yet! –– Jennifer Abe, Diana Riddle, Gina Fornito, Sarah Gusky Kemer, Noelle Carroll, Misty Krasawski, Mikel Rogers, Susan Smith, Tracey Mai-Lauffer, and Ashley Woleben
— A Goal Guide Bundle to help you dig deeper on your specific goals. –– Lindsey Sivils
— Five signed copies of Cultivate. –– Shelby Koerner, Sara D Whittle, Sarah Snyder, Gail Boos, Rebecca Burton
— Five signed copies of Make It Happen. –– Ashly Hilst, Jessica Evans, Andraea LaVant, Rebecca Olsen, and Cheryl Tynes
— One Write the Word All Seasons Collection to help you cultivate fresh faith all year long. –– Tanya Chmunevich
— A gift card (YES!) for a massage to kick off your year refreshed! –– Ruth Gyllenhammer
—A pair of Apple Airpods to listen to your favorite podcasts, music, or audiobooks. –– Cee Jay
— A Swoozie’s gift card for all of your gifting needs! –– Luna Stanley
—A Revelation Wellness membership with a ‘Wellness Kickoff Package” to cultivate your health in the New Year. –– Megan Kurtz
— Dave Ramsey’sFinancial Peace University course—a life-changing experience to help you pursue financial freedom. –– Callie Carter
— One Val Marie Paper Yearly Prayer Journal. I’ll be using one this year, too! –– Marcia Howell
—An Audible subscription to check all those books off your reading
list! ––Hailey Noonan
— One Art Bar canvas (up to $150 value) to brighten up your walls. ––Jamie Goodall
— A Fitbit to help you celebrate your literal steps forward. –– Christine Langford-Dixon
— An Echo Dot to keep you dancing. –– Rachel Nordgren
— Two Italian Gift Frames from Framebridge to frame the memories that matter most! –– Hosanna Stump and Julie David Roberts
SHARE THIS SERIES WITH YOUR PEOPLE. Don’t keep all this goodness to yourself! I’d be so grateful if you spread the word about this free series. Email this kick-off post to your friends, tweet it, ‘gram it (here are lots of sharable graphics for you to make it easy!), text it—sing it to the rooftops! Let’s get all our friends in on this so they can feel as refreshed and clear about 2019 as we will. Here’s to our best year yet together—starting now!
Enter your email for the FREE Goal Setting Series ebook!
In the 2020 Goal Setting Series, you’ll get:
Free goal coaching to help you set the right 2020 goals.
Downloadable goal setting worksheets including the signature Intentional Life List.
Access to a library of Word of the Year wallpapers for your phone.
And so much more!
keep reading
I love your positive encouragement & motivation!
Thank you for the checklist, like a final gut check!
Lara, this has been fun and challenging and just … all the things! 😂 I found a verse of the year too; Psalm 37:3, and this is what stands out to me: “Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.” So good!! Cultivate faithfulness here means to serve and labor in firmness and stability… but it also can be translated “feed on His faithfulness”! I’m going to choose both. ❤️ Thanks for all you do!!
I LOVE this verse!! 🙂
So exciting!! 2020 we’re here for you!!!! Pumped to use my faith-filled goal setting checklist as I work through powersheets prep!
Looking forward to a new year with intentional goals— thank you for the wisdom and encouragement!!
The goal setting posts have been so helpful and encouraging. I’m excited to be setting my 2020 goals and ready to have an intentional year!
Checklists speak to my heart!!!! LOL!!!! Having these will really help me think through the list of goals I have brainstormed. Last year, I think I made “too many” goals. This year, I really want to simplify and focus. This will help!
My goals just naturally emerged after all of the thoughtful reflection in the prep work. So excited to see what 2020 brings!
Hi Lara and the wonderful ladies behind the scenes!!
Okay I have some things to share that I hope will be encouraging to you.
1) I’ve been doing goal-setting inspired by Cultivate What Matters for several years now, following along with the blogposts and my journal. This year I finally decided to get Powersheets and use THE REAL DEAL 🙂 And then I just got married, moved, and changed churches last month. It has been a wonderful season of change. One of my new friends, Kim, had me over to her house and we randomly discovered that she had just found out about Powersheets and had ordered literally the same cover as me. God is SO good to provide me with support and tools for this exciting but challenging time of life.
2) A while ago, I read a book called Shopping for Time and one of my biggest takeaways from the book was a principle that seems to go right along with your values: best deal of the season. Their metaphor was shopping, yours is gardening, but the point being to figure out what is the best thing for you to do in the season you’re placed in. It has been helpful for me to uncover that deep
learning is the best deal of the season while I don’t have kids. Just wanted to share 🙂3) On a more personal note, Lara I just wanted to encourage you that every year, every month I see your faith, your relationship with God go deeper. It gets more and more laser focused in each blog post. You may not see that because you’re living in the midst of it, but if you go look back to posts from years ago, you might get a glimpse. May God be praised for how he is working mightily in your life!! He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. Thank you for your openness so I get to watch him sanctifying you!!
Much love,
Rachel -
Looking forward to doing my prep sheets.
I literally could not come up with a why (or at least a why that I liked!) on one of my goals. Letting it go and making room for the other 5!
Treads are hard for me. But time with God is huge. Leaning into peace is big to. And health.
I am hate it but I know I am key to the atmosphere of my home. It effects everyone. God gave me this role for a purpose. Still lots of work to do for my goal. I also need to make sure to keep it simple.
I am struggling. I feel God has told me to run and exercise for a while now. I just started to yet now I have a bonion on my foot which is so painful I cant walk. I’m not sure what He is trying to show me.
I hate waiting till next week for a new podcast but at least I’ll have my physical powersheets then!!!
Going back through what I have written I am discovering that I am needing to take better care of myself this next year…. not sure what that will look like yet but it has definitely shown up as a thread.
so excited about goals and clear vision for 2020!
I’m nearly done with my Powersheets prep for the year as I followed along most of the way through the Powersheets prep week, but I still love hearing Lara’s take on each step through her goal setting series, too! thank you, Lara!
I am so inspired by you and your podcast! I love listening to your coaching on focusing on what matters most. I attended the webinar earlier and said that my “why” is: I want to live a long, happy, and God-filled life with my husband. That already gives me 4 important areas in my life that I want to dig into: long (health), happy (home/recreation), God-filled (faith/purpose), husband (love/family). Thank you for being my inspiration!
Thank you for this guide! I’m very excited! I know that doing the hard work now of discovering the goals will pay off tremendously.
I am loving this series . My friend and I have been meeting at least weekly to go through our goals together with the power sheets . I love this process so much and am excited to see how my word of the year for 2020: surrender plays out
Closeness with God – goal number one!!!
Just started listening to Part 1 … Looking forward to following along and working through this!
Thank you so much for this giveaway! You are such an inspiration for generosity!
—Some themes that support my word of the year (Faithful) are to lessen distractions and increase quality time spent with God, my family, and for myself.
—My goal ideas and whys:
(1) Keep a Prayer Journal because I want to daily meditate on the Word and write out my prayers. This will also be a great record for me to look back and see how God was faithful in 2020;
(2) Simplify my life because I want less cleaning/looking for things/planning and more time to cultivate my walk with the Lord and my relationships with my family;
(3) Cut back on spending to not only invest in retirement, but to also be in the position to give generously;
(4) Improve my physical health because I want to live to see my children and grandchildren walking in faith with the Lord. I want to grow old with my husband. -
Thank you for the practical advice! Yay for 2020 goals!
I am getting so much practical help out of this goal setting series. Thank you!
You ladies rock and are so encouraging! Can’t wait to dive into the powersheets. I am also gifting to a family member this year.
I love your goal setting series. I look for them every year. Thank you for sharing your talent, enthusiasm, and encouragement!!
2019 was full of what felt like poor health and chaos. My health has not yet been restored but I’m ready to move past it and be my best self, regardless of the fact that each day’s best may be very different. I’m working my way through the blog posts and prayerfully considering my 2020. Thank you for your encouragement!
My word of the year is Abundance, and I’m seeing themes of intentional connection with God, family and friends in my goals.
My rough draft of my goals and the WHY:
1) make room for Jesus, be intentional in taking time away with him. This is because He is my constant companion and I want that relationship to grow and thrive.
2) Build on existing life giving friendships because my ministry is one of pouring out and listening to others and I also need those safe people who will listen to me and who bring life to me.
3) growth in my relationship with my husband because if we are not intentional our relationship will not grow and I desire for it to be one where we enjoy each other more each year.
4) have fun adventures as a family and record these memories because I want us to be a close knit family.
Thanks for providing all these good questions! It’s so helpful! -
I’ve never considered analyzing my goals in such detail! A good thing isn’t good when it adds too much or isn’t actually what I need to be doing right now!
Hey Lara,
My word of the year is “SAVE”!! -
I really enjoy how going through this process has refined my goals. One of my original goals was to foster my relationship with my children. By the time I reached the actual goal setting stage I worked out that my relationship with each of my children need to be different goals.
The thing I want to keep in mind is – How I spend my days is how I spend my life!
Excited to start my 6th year!
This year? I’m focusing on values to live by instead of goals to accomplish. That way it turns it into a way to live intentionally instead of allowing myself to view it as a to do list! I’m pretty excited about it.
This one really made me think more about my “why” and motivated me to re-look for threads I may have missed earlier. All progress really is imperfect progress!
Fingers crossed!!!
—My themes are faith, fitness, family, friends and finances.
-My goals are daily devotional and bible study, lose 50 lbs, date nights and family dates, declutter and organize my house, and stick to a budget.
—My goals seem to align with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist.
—daily devotional and bible study to grow in my walk with God; lose 50 lbs (or more) to achieve maximum health and enjoy a long life with my family and stay involved in my community; date nights and family dates to keep our marriage alive and keep our family close; declutter and organize my house so I feel comfortable inviting friends over; stick to a budget to increase savings so we are prepared for retirement and any emergencies that come up along the way.
Thank you for this system and encouragement! Happy Birthday!!! Have the best year yet!
I just put in an order and notice a couple of other things I’d like to add to my order. Could I do that and have them delivered at the same time? Thanks
My word is grow because I want to grow as an author, I want our financial security to grow, and ultimately I want our family to grow (adoption!) this year.
Current goals are 1. A down payment on a house by September! And 2. Start the home study process in January (so soon!) And 3. Embrace Schedules
The theme I am noticing is wanting to be rooted in the word and purposefully present in my home/family. Why? Because I get one shot at this life and I don’t want to die with regrets.
My word is Living. I am tired of.leyting work consume my life. I used to have balance and have seen the detriment of the imbalance.
Still working on nailing down my goals for 2020.
Some ideas:
Restoring health
Memory makers (intentionally planning for celebrations, traditions and small moments of fun)
Finances – crushing debt by the end of 2020(!) and teaching our kids about money
Recreating our home – I’ve realized that I’ve treated our house like a hotel (I’m checking out anytime) – I want to settle in and make our home really feel lived in.My why is when my kids look back on their childhood, I don’t want them to just remember various moments. I want them to see that their dad and I really made an intentional plan for them to see beauty, experience fun, and fall in love with the Lord.
I’m getting such clarity of what 2020 will look like and how I’ll be able to achieve my goals!
Goal ideas: reaching 500 classes at Pure Barre, reading through the entire Bible, writing my Compassion sponsored child every month, having friends over, drinking lots of water, starting to doodle, using my planner supplies instead of buying new ones, reading every day, digging into the enneagram
I can already see how some of these will go together and be stepping stones to bigger goals!
Giveaway: Encourage someone idea.
I messaged an old friend to catch up and let them know I was thinking about them. Its been been crossing my mind for a while but I kept putting it on my do tomorrow list. -
I decided to keep my goals very simple this year since I want to really focus on these. I am focusing on Taking Care of Myself, Having Fun with My Family and Intentional Eating/Keeping My Body.
Thank You… Soooo True…
This series is the best! Thank you so much for guiding us through the prepwork in the powersheets each year! This is my 3rd year and each year my goals get deeper and deeper. It truly is about little by little! God has great plans for us!!
I love that my adult children are getting on board with starting to use the cultivate planner! Generational!
Forcing myself to really connect with the why for my goals is always a game changer. This year even more so because I realized that I wasn’t always being honest with myself about my why in the past. This year I refused to let me deceive me.
One of my favorite parts of the Power Sheets this year was the nudge to thinking about if you have a “budget” for your goal. That has been such an ah-ha for me as I cultivate my list of goals and really think through my resources.
I have one concrete goal set for the first six months of the year, and I’m really excited to start making small steps towards it!
I love the emphasis on review-so often we rish through, eager to get to the next thing. I’m savoring the journey- thank you git all that you do!
This has been a really nice part of my mornings while on vacation. I am going to miss this series.
Here are my check out goal ideas and whys:
1. Seek God in prayer, reading, and listening. I want to make room for God in my life. During the checklist, I struggle with if this goal is for the right reason. Is it because I need change/things or because I actually want to love God. But I tried life without him and its not what I want either.
WHY? I want to learn to love God. I want to learn who he is. I want to trust him. I want to carry him in my heart.2. Make art and open a shop. I am not sure if this goal will get me to where I want to be but I have to try it. This year the desire has been building up. I have so many ideas that come up. Its a feeling. Its what I am hearing. I believe my gift is God given but I never trusted it.
WHY? I want to follow my instinct. I want to give art a chance. I want to let out what is waiting inside. I want to provide more income for my family.3. Take moments daily and check in monthly.I do well with planning but what I do not do well is leave time for rest, movement and reflection. And I feel so much better when I do.
WHY? I want to manage my time dufferently. I want to be healthier and more positive mentally and physically.4. Seek guidence on how to serve my family. This one is all yes! I want and need God to be apart of my parenting and loving my spouse.
WHY? I want God to be apart of my parenting and marriage. He gave them to me and he knows the best way to handle them. I want to lay down my burdens and rely on Gods strength. -
Just getting to the action plans today. I’m loving this new yearly overview. My 8 goals are big and some are seasonal so these pages are really going to help.
Love really putting intention into my goals!
I am so encouraged by the new set up on pages 36-37!! For 4 years I’ve been doing the Powersheets and setting meaningful goals was difficult for me….. and now I know why! The new “how to choose your best goals” pages and a few new processes implemented in previous pages were so helpful!! My goals for 2020 are:
1. Build a healthier Megan!
2. Cultivate a faith-filled life!
3. Become financially free!
4. Focus on teaching, rather than selling!
5. Do what I love! (and remember what makes me happy!)I realized one of my goal drafts ended up being a result of other goals, so I eliminated it. It allowed me to see that it’s not really a goal to be a good friend, but to work on these other goals will allow me to be more present and healthier to be a better version of myself!
Then releasing the “overwhelm” to spread these out across the year is so helpful! I truly am so grateful for your work to enhance the Powersheets year by year to help us uncover what matters most!
This has been eye opening
I’m loving the process of uncovering goals that matter. Little by little, I’m getting closer to finishing my prep and it feels amazing.
Thinking (in part 2) about the legacy I want to leave is helpful for honing in on goals that matter and bring fulfillment. The story about the personal training client discovering his ‘why’ really resonated with me! My goal ideas are to know to God more deeply and personally, and make decisions centered around the legacy I want to leave. This includes my physical and spiritual health as well as the job opportunities I pursue.
Thank you for the goal setting checklist. Am I desiring this goal for the right reasons has been the most revealing question for me. I’ve always asked why and the questions about where I want to be when I am 80 don’t resonate with me, BUT am I desiring this goal for the right reasons led to deep contemplation and ongoing conversations with the Creator.
I’m so amazed to see such strong themes appear for my goals as I review the power pages I’ve already completed. I love that I was encouraged to consider whether my goals were right for the season of my life. As a mom, I have to remember that some goals can wait for a better time to be cultivated.
Seeing the threads in the powersheets is so helpful to see what I actually want or am capable of accomplishing. This year I want to live into my goals- I am a nurse scholar, I am in the best shape of my life, I choose the bigger life, I go all out for friends. Nowhere near these goals but I am claiming them now.
—I discovered quite a list of threads going on in my prep answers!! Some of them are: Falling in love with Jesus; lightening my load; encouraging others; meaningful, purposeful, God-honoring work; punching procrastination out of my life; God’s Word; and more!
—Goal ideas: Fall in Love with Jesus; Be Filled with God’s Word; Invest in Others; Moving Hands; Clear Vision; Remember.
—Check your goals with The Intentional Goal Setting Checklist. Check!!
—Write down your WHY with every goal idea. Done! I’ll share more on Part 4!