With my small business and three littles running under the same roof, my “quiet time” each day is pretty loud! I prayed one morning for God to give me a deep and simple way to connect with Him, right in the thick of it, and the Write the Word journal was born.
The Write the Word journal is unique. Each day, you’ll get a selection of key verses to write out, along with space to write your thoughts, prayers, or anything else God places on your heart. These journals were created with the big picture of God’s story in mind, helping to point you to places in the Bible that will help you to know His heart in direct and deeper ways.
My hope is that you dig into the larger context of each scripture as you Write the Word, reading the surrounding verses and chapters. We chose each selection of scripture to point you to the big picture, not to make you feel good for a moment. God’s Word is rich, and it will transform you. That’s why I LOVE these journals–you get directly into the Word.
We sold out of the previous Write the Word journals in December, and have been working on this new collection for almost two years! Remember back when I mentioned some exciting new products we really wanted to release, but intentionally decided at the time to grow slow? I was talking about this collection, and I’m so grateful we chose to wait till this very week to share them. The wait has been worth it!
Our FIVE NEW EDITIONS (!!!) were created as a collection to walk you through foundations of faith and various seasons of life, right where you are.
Write the Word // Cultivate Faith contains a selection of scripture that is fundamental to faith, making this volume a perfect gift for someone who is new to their faith or looking to cultivate a fresh or renewed faith. If you are doing the journals in order, start here!
Write the Word // Cultivate Joy is filled with scriptures specifically selected to help you delight in the goodness of God. Perhaps you’re in a season of craving fresh joy. This volume is full of scriptures to help you celebrate the joy that’s yours in your faith.
Write the Word // Cultivate Gratitude is filled with scriptures specifically selected to help you grow in contentment through God’s promises and assurances to us. Full of scripture on thankfulness, this volume will help you get after grateful.
Write the Word // Cultivate Hope is filled with scriptures specifically selected to help you find God’s peace and assurance in seasons of waiting, challenge, or unknown.
Write the Word // Cultivate Renewal is filled with scriptures specifically selected for those who need a reminder of God’s promise to make all things new. Get still and reflect on His life-giving truth with this volume.
Look at those inside liners! : ) : ) : )
How to Write the Word:
Have fun! Color outside the lines with these special journals. Bedazzle them, use your Cultivate What Matters stickers in them (I love doing this!), paint in them, make a mess—whatever helps you dig in and fall in love with the Word. The paper is thick and wonderful!
Do these pages however you like: in order or in your own order, daily, weekly, or however works best for you.
Use a great Bible translation like the NIV (New International Version) or ESV (English Standard Version). I love using a physical Bible, but I often use the digital translations on the YouVersion Bible app and BibleGateway.com, too.
Very important to cultivating true faith: read the verses surrounding each selection of scripture to gather context and meaning.
Get creative with the “Today is…” section on each page! You can write, Today is April 12th, Today is AWESOME, Today is sunny, or Today is the day I get to see my best friend! That space is yours to play with.
You’ll also see a place to write what you’re grateful for. Today, I am grateful for YOU. Thank you for taking this Write the Word journey with me.
And new to these volumes is a special space to write a focal word for the day. I love this section so much! It helps me to hold onto a focal truth for the day.
We designed these to be used as a full collection to take you through each season. Order your All Seasons Collection HERE and get 10% off with the full collection (no code needed)!
I am excited to see how God reveals His heart to us as we write, memorize, and celebrate His life-giving Word together!
P.S. Join me for a free Cultivate Your Faith live webinar with Illustrated Faith founder, Shanna Noel!
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Love these! What a fun idea and the colors are gorgeous!
These look awesome Lara and I just bought one this morning!
Thank you for encouraging us to read the verses around the pre-printed ones. Appreciate the reminder that context is important and God’s word is for life, not 1 moment of 1 day! -
I am sooo excited about these journals. I ordered my set today and even wrote about them on my blog this evening. Lara, thank you for your faithfulness!
so beautiful and life giving!
Returned from Easter holiday and found my #CultivateFaith journal in the mail. So excited!
what would you say the meaning of ‘stay positive, work hard and make it happen’ would be to you??
Hi Lara! I began following your story, cause and cultivate community earlier this year. I ordered the complete set of these beautiful Write the Word journals. I began with Cultivate Joy. At first I wasn’t sure if I would have any words to fill my On My Heart page, but boy was I wrong. As I started digging into my Bible (which had sat unopened on my bookshelf for a long time), I was not only reading His word, I felt it deep inside, and I can’t wait to complete every season!
I also have to say that your words are very inspiring to me. I am also a working mother and wife. We have been blesses with four beautiful children, and often find myself searching for a way to find balance. I look forward to your blogs and FB lives! Thank you for your work, this is truly what God put you on this Earth to do.