Welcome to Part 1 of the 10th Annual Goal Setting Series! Looking for Part 2? Here you go! 🎉
Friends! This post officially marks a decade of our annual Goal Setting Series together! 10 years! I’m a bit at a loss for words as I write to you, thinking back on how much has changed in the last decade—and the things that have remained true all those years.

One of those things that has been a constant is YOU and your kindness. You’ve encouraged me over this decade when I was the one trying to encourage you. You are generous and wonderful, friends!
Over the last 10 years, we’ve shared our fears, our hopes, our blunders, and our victories together. What a gift! I never imagined I’d be writing this series for so long—or how it would impact me personally.
There have been wild things that have happened because of this series – from a book contract to Oprah calling (true story) to a partnership with Southern Living to goals achieved and meeting people from all over the world.

But, the very best thing, above all, is how my faith has grown. Some people think goals are narrow targets that you have to strive for at the expense of everything else (which is why most people abandon them—totally unsustainable and not true!).
I’ve learned something quite different. I think we’ve learned it together. Cultivated goals are leaps of faith, believing in what we can’t yet see because they’re worth it. They’re worth the risk and faith to dream about what matters, no matter the outcome—or how life changes. Our circumstances may change; what matters remains the same. The alternative to intentional faith-filled steps forward is something you and I decided long ago we didn’t want. In fact, it wasn’t even an option: going through the motions. Aimlessly wandering through life. No, thank you. I’ll take the beautiful risk of faith any day.
A la Oprah, it feels fitting to share the 10 Things I Know For Sure from the last 10 years together! 🎉
10. There’s no such thing as perfect progress on a goal. All progress is imperfect (case in point!). And it’s okay to be scared—sometimes being nervous means something is really important to you.
9. It’s okay to grow slow—in fact, it’s really good.
8. I’m not a goal person. Neither are you. So, we decided to do things differently… and it works.
7. Striving for perfection halts real progress on the things that matter. And sometimes our plans just don’t go as planned.
6. We can’t do it all and do it all well, but we can choose to cultivate what matters. That means saying no to distractions and a big passionate YES to all the rest.
5. Small steps add up and good things grow little by little—not all at once.
4. It’s okay to let go of a dream to make room for a new one. (Thank you, friends, for teaching me this.)
3. PowerSheets work. Writing down our goals makes us 42% more likely to achieve them.
2. Our days are numbered—and we should LIVE them!
1. God is real. Nothing is impossible with Him.
10 years ago, I had never been on a hike, Cultivate What Matters didn’t exist, PowerSheets were just an idea in my head, I wouldn’t even think about letting my hair down, I didn’t have kids, I was NOT a gardener, my husband had yet to become a rapper and go viral, and 10 years ago our marriage was a mess.
I was a different person, friends. Now, I know for sure that God can change anything and anyone. I’m living proof—and I’m so grateful He’s not done with me yet!
Looking back at the last 10 years gave me SO MUCH passion to live out the next 10, Lord willing, with great faith. The best is yet to come!

And it all starts here. Up next week, I’ll be sharing a look back at 2020 with a year in review post. Then, on December 30th, I’ll be sharing my 2021 PowerSheets goals.
Yes, this series is simplified this year! It feels fitting, given all we know for sure, that this would be the year to shift things. Just like I had to let go of the podcast this year to focus on homeschool in this season—I am doing things differently for this Goal Setting Series.
I can’t do it all (you know that!), and I hope this invites you to remember the same and let go a little bit to make room for life. Instead of a step-by-step series, I’ll be sharing my process here in two simple posts, and Team Cultivate will be walking you through all the rest – with me coaching you step-by-step in some really fun videos! Get your PowerSheets and dig into Goal School! You are already loving it!

A big thank you to everyone who entered! What a joy it was to hear your responses and get to chat with you in the comments! Congratulations to our winners below! If you’re a winner, please email Abbie@CultivateWhatMatters.com to collect your prize within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected!
But, I couldn’t pass this milestone without a 10-Year Goal Setting Series giveaway—one of everything in the Cultivate shop (YES!!) – Rebecca Walters, a pair of AirPods – Allison Lieuwen, a scholarship to Financial Peace University – Sara Driscoll and an Echo Dot –Courtney Doi! Enjoy these yourself or have New Year’s gifts for everyone you know! 🙂 Simply comment to enter and we’ll choose winners in early January. Bonus points if you share this post with friends!
See you next week and, till then, get out there! Get your hands dirty, smell the roses, and cultivate what matters : )
Your turn! Have you been doing this series with me for years? What do you know for sure from the last 10 years? Where were you 10 years ago, and what has changed since then? I’d love to hear!
P.S. Shhhh. A special 10-year celebration discount just for you. 🎉 Get 25% off anything in the shop with code 10YEARS now! Code is valid through January 1. Happy shopping, friends! I’m so grateful for you!
Ready for Part 2? Get to it!
keep reading
Congratulations on 10 years of helping us determine what really matters and cultivating goals in line with that vision. I’ve watched your progress and process evolve over the past few years, and dabbled a bit here and there. This year I am ALL IN- and finally purchased my first ever full-year PowerSheets! (High-fiving myself :D)
Congratulations on 10 years! May God continue to Bless you and your endeavors.
First time power sheets user! I’m just finishing up my prep work and so excited for the new year. I learned about power sheets in a school group. I had no idea that you were somehow connected to Dave! We have been following the baby steps since 2017! Congratulations on your decade milestone and thank you for the opportunity to win such an amazing contest! 💕
Congratulations on your 10th year anniversary. I wished I found you earlier but I am grateful I am here now. Better late than never 🤣! Thank you for all you and your team do. So far 2021 promise to be a great year for me and my family. God bless your business and everyone involved.
Congrats on 10 years!!! I love your goal planners. 2021 will be my 3rd year in a row using it! It it has really allowed me to better focus my time and make progress little by little towards my goals. Thank you for this great product!!!
Thank You for an amazing 10 years! I got started on my powersheets this year and convinced my other planner friends to join. The deep work has truly made my outlook in life so different already. It had moments of laughter, crying and reflecting on memories. I have some big goals; possibly moving, getting married, publishing my first book and graduate school!!! It is full of adventure and I know that’s powersheets will be my accountability to get through all these adventures.
Congratulations on your anniversary! First time power page user here I can’t wait to get started. I placed my order yesterday and I’m eagerly waiting to get my hands on such a a beautiful product.
Congrats on 10 years! 2020 was my first year with Powersheets and I’ve seen so much progress since January! As a mostly stay at home mom, most of my 2020 goals were related to home and family, but if I didn’t have Powersheets, the challenges of Covid would have halted any goals I set out to achieve. I’m so thankful to have moved forward with my goals and excited for 2021!
I’m a senior PowerSheets user! And I still need time to anazlye, plan, dream, write it down!
Love the tutorials! And…..everything color coordinates! 😊 -
I’ve been using Powersheets since 2016 and am so excited to start this new year with them again!! CYYL was was such a huge gift in motivating me this year and I’m excited to see where 2021 takes me!
I am so excited! I’ve never used one planner for the entire year because I didn’t end up liking them. Last year was the first year I started and ended with the same planner! I am SO excited to do it again!
Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary and the amazing impact you have made for many. May 2021 bring even more adventure and prosperity.
I just found out about PowerSheets this year when I began following @planwithlaken and I was intrigued from the beginning!!! This seems like such a wonderful planner that focuses and creating and, more importantly, ACHIEVING our goals. Thank you for sharing your ideas and products with us for 10 years!!! And here’s to another 10 years!!!! And more!!!!
I just learned about Powersheets last week so I am a newbie. I know for sure that our time is precious and we need to be fully present for it! 10 years ago I was living in South America and now I am back in Florida!
I’m looking forward to learning from you!
10 years ago I was naïve, scared, and about to marry my abuser. Today I am free from those chains, a single mom to 3 boys under age 7, going back to school, and an authenticity coach for creative female entrepreneurs. I’ve reclaimed who I am and I’m better than ever.
This is my first year doing PowerSheets, but my forth year following along with the goal setting series. I found Culivate What Matters after reading the book and falling in love with Lara’s heart and intention! Ten years ago, I was a few years into my professional career, married to my high school sweet heart, and a dog mom. Now, we’ve got 3 kiddos, we’re getting ready to celebrate our 15 year anniversary, and are working through this crazy beautiful life together!
This is my first year doing powersheets. I enjoyed the process especially since I’ve had health issues and being pregnant. I actually do powersheets at the hospital.
Thanks for the giveaway and the inspiration of how far you can come in a decade! This is year 5 of powersheets for me. Working on that prep work and taking my time to be intentional. Love your team, products and community! Cheers to 2021 squad!
Goodness. I have followed powersheets for 4 years now. 10 years ago…no kids, working full time, living in an unsafe apartment, never owned a car 10 years later…. 3 pregnancies, 2 kids, living in a 3 bedroom apartment, SAHM, bought 2 cars, sending our oldest to private school, husband has changed his career completely. What I know is things change. Growth doesn’t have to be big or knowledge by other’s as growth in order for it to actually be Growth. Sometimes letting go is better – no matter how hard it hurts. Grace and self care are important.
This is year #2 for me with PowerSheets and I love them!! They helped me accomplish so much this year even if it was crazy- moved forward on some house goals & organized some spaces, clarity on business ideas/goals, started my book, built better habits, in the Bible more (if you haven’t heard of The Bible Recap check it out!!), got outside with my son/husband more…. and more! Thank you for PowerSheets, definitely worth the investment!!!
Lara, congrats on 10 years!!! 💞 2021 will be my fourth year using Powersheets and Write the Word journal, but I’ve been following CWM for a little longer. CWM has been a huge blessing in my life. And not only with Powersheets and Write the Word, but just the heart and passion behind this company. Thank you and your team for everything!
This will be my second time using powersheets and the clarity and motivation they bring is so refreshing! So encouraged my Team Cultivate and can’t wait to see what 2021 brings ✨ Merry Christmas from Australia 🎄❤️
Thank you, Lara, for following God’s leading and embracing his plan and timing for unfolding His dreams for you! The ripple effect of your obedience is far reaching. It is deeply impacting me in Holland, MI…and I can’t help but share it with others!
10 years ago my husband was alive, we were struggling together and raising our son. We were committed to making it work. 6 years later he passed, leaving me to raise a teenager on my own. I was lost and looking to grow my life. I found power sheets 3 years ago. 2021 will be my third year. The first year was ok, last year got derailed, but I made so much progress in spite of Covid.
I love the streamlined prep work and am working on my vision board now.-
This is my second year doing Powersheets and it has been so transforming! I found myself having to give a lot of grace for the progress on some of my goals, as I gave birth to our second babe three months ago. My husband and I have been able to make progress on house projects and have had such productive conversatios that flow straight from Powersheets. We find ourselves actually planning to get things done and do things that we want to do, rather than just wait until we “get around to it”. Powersheets helped me to get in a good mindset for postpartum life…. Thanks for such a great tool!
It’s year four for me! I love reading your goal posts! Congrats on ten years, and it’s so inspiring to read about all God has done in your life in the last decade!
I know for sure that God can be trusted with my life. My ability to control things, and my imagination for the future is so small, and His infinite. Ten years ago I was in the middle of my junior year of high school, coming out of my shell, and wrestling with big faith doubts. I had no idea of the sorrow and the joy ahead of me, had no idea I’d be married now, living in Montreal, with a masters of education and a loving community I’m deeply invested in. I know Jesus much better than ten years ago (and am excited for getting to know him deeper still in the days and years ahead!). He’s helped me out of many of the insecurities that paralyzed my dreaming for the future. I’m on an adventure here in QC with my little family, and look forward to all He has in store for the next decade!
Congrats! The Cultivate Team has inspired a lot of change for my short life. We can all hope for 10 years of evolution like Lara, and these resources are just a beginning. Her story- What a testament to the beauty and depth of God’s love and power!
Thank you for such an encouraging post. It gives hope to see how much good God has brought through you and the Cultivate team in the past 10 years. This will be my second year and I am continuiing to learn the process. Even in this crazy first year of PS I was able to see small, slow progress toward my goals and found encouragement in the keeping on and keeping at it. Thank you again, and congratulations on the adventures and lessons of 10 years!
Congratulations on 10 years! While I’ve only been a powersheets user for a year, it’s been so impactful and helped me realize my dreams and what truly matter! Thank you for all you and your team so!
First off, thank you for sharing your passion with us. May God continue to bless you!! I discovered the Powersheets system about six years ago but I wasn’t ready to commit (too expensive, my life isn’t interesting enough, what if it doesn’t work, etc). Finally this year, with the pandemic i decided maybe I could give it the 6 months version a shot and see how it goes. Boy am I glad I made that decision! Ten years ago, my life wasn’t perfect and could care less. Fast forward to today, my life still isn’t perfect but I’m putting in some work to make it a live I love.
It’s my first year! Congratulations on 10 years!!
Congratulations on a decade of goal setting and inspiring others to live (and number!) our days. This is my second year using PowerSheets and even in the uncertainty of 2020, they kept me focused on my goals. Thank you, Lara and Team Cultivate!
Wow, my life also was totally different 10 years ago. I had just graduated from my masters program, newly married, hadn’t found God, and my goals were all superficial. Now we’re living in a different state, bought a house, have 8 year old twins, and I’m attempting each day to live a life that matters. Thank you for all you’ve shared and taught!
This will be my first year with PowerSheets! I’m so glad I’m finally doing this 😊
Congratulations on 10 years. This is my second year or should I say a refresh year for me after 2020. Thank you for sharing your passion, I thoroughly enjoyed the CYYL session and look forward to making progress on my 2021 goals
Yay! I love setting goals with your method! I’ve been using it for 3 years now. December is my favorite for this goal setting series! Thanks for the fun giveaways 🙂
Congratulations on 10 years!!! Thank you so much for all you do to serve us. I have learned so much from you in this last year or so. I was introduced to PowerSheets about a year and a half ago. I bought the 2019 undated PowerSheets and did them off and on for a while. Ten years ago I was laid off from a long career and eventually moved in with my parents to support them as my dad battled Alzheimer’s. I’m really looking forward to shifting my thinking and cultivating what matters with the 2021 PowerSheets! Thank you for sharing your heart with us!
This is my second year of power sheets and I have been blown away at how God worked on things in my life last year. So much answer to prayer including big transitions and during that change I accomplished so much of what has been in my heart . Power sheets were a big part of discovering what my heart was really saying. knowing again that I could do it and was loved the way I am. I am looking forward to see God work in me and my steps. More than we can think it imagine! That is our God! Thank you for blessing my life!
This is year 3 of Powersheets for me! Well, imperfect Powersheets. Lol. The last 10 years have shown me that I am stronger than I ever imagined, and that I don’t need to be strong all the time. I have learned to let go, and allow others to find their own strengths. 2021 will be a year of moving forward!
Yay to 10 years! I’ve only been with you for a few of them, but I’ve been so blessed by your enthusiasm for life and your willingness to let go of the things that are passing away in order to pursue the things of eternity with all your heart. I love your monthly check ins and hope they continue! They encourage me to set God and people oriented goals, rather than the task goals that I naturally lean towards 🙂
One way I’ve make imperfect progress is in my goal to memorize the book of Ephesians. My goal was to memorize it in a year, and now I’m heading into year 3 of working on it and I’m just starting chapter 5, but you guys! I have four chapters of the Bible memorized!!! That is progress worth celebrating, even if I didn’t achieve my original goal!-
I’m rememorizing James, and your sharing inspires me…thank you!
Hello Lara!
Today was absolutely a blast getting to spend time with you during Facebook live as you went over Tips on How to Plan Your Year! I am a complete newbie to Cultivate What Matters and the incredibly beautiful 2021 PowerSheets Goal Planner. So far I have really been enjoying this journey I have taken with Cultivate as I worked on my Prep Work and really discovered “what matters!”
I want to just thank you and your amazing team for making this all possible! I really appreciate all the hard work that you guys have done in creating such an incredible product. It is truly amazing, you guys did fantastic and I am happy to have you all on my side! I look forward to continuing everything in 2021 equipped with not only my Goal Planner, but also with this wonderful new community of people. No matter what life brings I will always be grateful for all the encouragement and support that I found here.
Congratulations on your 10-Year, that is a remarkable achievement definitely worth major celebration! Thank you for sharing the celebration by offering such a generous give away! Here’s to another ten years may they be as cultivating as the ones before them and provide new blessings and bigger celebrations within them.
Sending love and warm hugs,
-Stephanie Marie <3 -
I just found powersheets last year and in one year it has already made a huge difference in my life and I can’t wait to see where 2021 and my new goals takes me. I was also able to attend CYYL for the first time this year and truly enjoyed setting aside a whole day sticky for this purpose.
It’s my first year with yearly powersheets. In 2019 I tried it for the first time, but it was not the right season for me. With covid and being a mother now I retried the 6 months again and I can’t imagine a life without my powersheets. I’m happy to say I’m a proud powersheets user. As long as it is possible I’m willing to support this business. I just love so much about CWM. Especially the stickers, give me all the stickers!
10 years of succes, let’s go for another 10 years. I’m trying my best to celebrate the upcoming years with this family.
Thank you, Lara, for your very contagious joy! I’ve been following you for a bit now but I am soooo hesitant about stepping out to buy the planner because I just know that I will fail and not fill it out! I want so very much to “cultivate what matters” but I’m always allowing the tyranny of the urgent or fearful overwhelm me.
I feel like I wasted the last 10 years and now my marriage (of 22 yrs) is stale, my (teen & adult) children are spiritually lukewarm, and I feel so very tired (physically and spiritually). I want this new decade I started in April to be different!
However, I am still so very thankful that the Lord rescues me from the lies that try to drown me and that He has never left me! I want to move forward faithfully to do what He has planned for me! Hoping this next year is truly cultivating!!! 🙂 -
Congrats Lara. You have inspired me so and been such a blessing. This is my third time with power sheets but I didn’t do well the first two times, but this time I can feel the change. I so love goal school, it has helped so much. I am working on my goals. I have 3 and for the first time I am excited to see what God and I will do together. I have never been so ready for the new year. Thank you Lara for helping me to understand growing slow is ok even at 55.😊
Congratulations on 10 amazing years! You have blessed and inspired so many by allowing God use you. It takes big work for big dreams and we have a big God that can handle it. I pray that God grant you even more wisdom and vision for what the next 10 years hold!
This is my first year using Powersheets and I’m so excited to join the family! Congratulations to you and your team on 10 years!
I love your list Lara! Congratulations on 10 Years! I am starting my second year with you & your amazing team! You have truly changed the way I think about goals and I am so thankful for it! I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish in the next 10 years!!
Congratulations! This is my first experience with Power Sheets and I am super excited to learn the system! I loved Goal School and learned so much. 2021 is going to be a great year and I believe that this is a tool that is going to help me accomplish the dreams that God has placed in my life. Thank you for helping so many people excel!
This is my first year of finding and using Cultivate What Matters products. I started a quest in 2020 to live a better fulfilling life after almost dying in 2019. God sustained me in 2020 and I plan on reclaiming 2021 to be the best I can be. The last ten years saw my kids grown and sort of an empty nest except for my college daughter with autism. I want to be a good role model for both my young adult kids. 💕 Thank you to the moon and back for giving my passions flight!!!
Congratulations on ten years!! 2020 was my first year with PowerSheets (had never heard of it before then) and I am so excited to dive in for year two. <3
Thank you Lara. I started cultivating with you only two year ago…I’m almost 50 now (wow, writing it down makes it even more real) and If I look back, I can see that a lot of Things have changed in me and around me since I started cultivating meaningful goals. Now I can look ahed and work on my growth with more faith, knowing how to enjoy the in between. Thank you
Congrats on 10 years of goal setting!
What a great post!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and wonderful products with the world! 10 years ago I had a little toddler at my feet. I knew he was my last and I was trying to enjoy every minute. 2021 will see me sending my 3rd daughter to college and that little toddler entering his teens. I have only been on this ride with you for three of those 10 years but I’m so thankful I found you!!❤️
10 years ago I was a new mom not sure of how I was to spend my days. 10 years and 4 kids later, some days it still feels like I’m not sure but I’m thankful for powersheets for always helping to clarify the process.
Congratulations on 10 years! 2021 will be my first year trying PowerSheets for myself, but I have seen the process work for a bunch of YouTubers that I follow. I have also been loving the Write the Word journals for a simple way to dig into the Word.
I’m so excited to start PowerSheets for the first time in 2021! My sister and I are newbies together and it’s been so much fun getting together to fill out our prep sheets and plan together! Thank you!
Thank you for reminding me how much faith in myself and my community matters! I’m just beginning my Powersheets journey in my young twenties and the stories I read daily are inspiring. I’m proud of the digging I’ve already done in the prep work and combat wait for the lessons to come. Congratulations on 10 years and much appreciation for the giveaway 🙂
Congratulations on 10 years, Lara!
10 years younger me would not have recognized the present me. 2010 Me was in graduate school, never dated, extremely depressed, was an atheist, and afraid of the future. I lived really passively and had no major goals other than get a job and an apartment after I graduate. If I could give a glimpse to my past self of who I am now – past me would be shocked to tears. 2020 Me is a healthcare worker, is a new Christian, is married with a toddler and 8 months pregnant, and lives in a cozy home in the suburbs. And above all – I’m happy where I am, as I am, and hopeful when dreaming about the future.
So, 2020 was actually my first time with Powersheets and despite all the chaos, I was able to use the goal book to get the most essential things accomplished. I persuaded 2 other friends to make the jump with me. It felt incredible. I feel like I got a glimpse at how I can fully use the Powersheets through goal school. I am so excited for 2021 to use its full potential! I love how the Powersheets community lifts everyone up and I’m excited to see what CWM has in store for the future.
I came to power sheets through the chamber event this summer. I’m loving the prep work and thinking about how I want to grow this year.
I started with your first and second version of PowerSheets and fell away because of busyness, children, homeschooling, etc. Now in my 50’s (early 50’s 😉), I’m back and loving it! My advice to all would be to start PowerSheets young and stick with it! Thank you for your perseverance in creating PS and continuing to evolve through the years! Congratulations on 10 years! 🎉
10 years!! Congratulations. Your work has helped countless people to grow little by little and accomplish great things! This past year, despite a global pandemic, I learned to focus on what was important and was able to start several new habits that made a difference in my mental health. I also took better care of my personal physical health. I still ate the sourdough bread my husband learned to make and the endless chocolate chip cookies my kids made. I was unable to walk as much as I hoped because of an injury. But I am in better health at the end of the year than I was at the beginning because I focused on what I could do: drink more water, eat more veggies, eat smaller portions. I regulated my sleep schedule and made time for scripture and meditation first thing in the morning. These were all things I have tried to do for years! Going through the prep work for Powersheets and the monthly and quarterly planning helped to keep me on track. This is the first time I can say I used EVERY SINGLE PAGE of a goal setting/planner EVER! Thank you!!!
I am so, so happy for you! Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve had powersheets for almost five years now, and I really couldn’t do without them. I’ve changed so much (in a good way!) since I found you. ❤️
Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been along for the ride for the last four and my life is so much more intentional because of them! Cheering on your next 10!
I have listened and watched you grow your business and grow your family over the last 5 years. You have grown your life, faith,family, and business well. It has been with grace and intentionality with sincerity and joy. You are such a good wife, mother, and woman of faith. This so inspirational for the women who follow you and also aspire to live a grace filled life I thank you for being such a great role model. Thanks Laura Merry Christmas
Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve learned so much from you over the years. I’m really hoping that the Powersheets on my Christmas List are under the tree for the 2021 year!
Lara thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for taking that leap of faith 10 years ago!!!! I’m so grateful for Powersheets and for your Cultivate what Matters company. You have not only helped me flourish in my little “book business” that I love with all my heart but you have helped me stay accountable to my personal goals and family!!!! I love the most how much you openly include your faith in all that you do. I know God will continue to bless you and I am standing with you excited for the new year to come!!!!
Congratulations on 10 years! That’s an amazing accomplishment. I’ve loved following your progress over the past few years. Keep it going!
Congrats, Lara and CWM! I’m so grateful for another year with you all. I can’t wait to share what big things your company has helped me cultivate in my life. 🙂
10 yrs ago I was in my sophomore year of college and my baby brother was just born. I was thinking so many things would have happened or things would go a certain way. But it didn’t, they didn’t. And learning the hard way that that’s okay. Where I’m going is I guess where I’m meant to be.
10 years! Wow! Y’all have definitely impacted me and my life for the last several years! LOVE CWM and PowerSheets!
Lara Congratulations!! 2021 will be my second year with Powersheets and I don’t know how I missed your personal website. I’ll be spending my day off reading your blog and starting my prep work. The one product you have created that is my favorite is Write the Word journal. It’s my 10 minutes with the one who loves us all and giving them connection we all need this year. Thank you for your creative minds and kind spirit. Cheers to another ten years.
Congratulations on 10 years! I have been using Power Sheets since 2018 and they have helped me to find out what are my true priorities. Thank you and your team for all they do.
Congratulations on 10 years! How exciting! So grateful for powersheets & the way it has helped me “number my days.” ♥️
Congratulations, Lara, on 10 wonderful years! 2021 will be my 3rd year using PowerSheets, and I absolutely love the process. Over the last 2 years, I’ve been promoted, bought a house, got engaged, became an adventurer and gardener and more. I attended CYYL and look forward to using Goal School to help me achieve my 2021 goals.
This is the first year I’ve completed my prep work (I’ve started and fizzled and felt like a failure for it several times in the past)… and I am SO STINKING EXCITED for the year ahead. I’ve never been one to thrive with open-ended things (structure and expectations help me) but for some reason, as a stay at home mom, I didn’t realize that I could set those expectations for myself. Going through the prep work has helped me to narrow down what I need to focus on and give me a plan to follow. Thank you for this process and beautiful products Lara!
The is is my first year here and I am so thrilled to get to jump right in! (High fives alllll around!). I am thankful for the gift of power sheets, for the gift of being able to grown and not be stuck in one identity box for life, and I am forever grateful that my faith is my cornerstone for it all. 2021 is going to be beautiful, purposeful and intentional…no matter what!
I know that faith can carry you through even the darkest of days, even when your thoughts are littered with darkness, the Light that lives in those who love Jesus will not be over taken and will shine through with hope. I know that chocolate chip cookies can brighten any day. I know that marriage is hard, and hard things are worth fighting for. I know that being a mama is the greatest gift I’ve even been given. I know that relationships only work when you allow each other to grow and evolve. I know that I can do anything I put my mind to, but not ALL the things I desire to do!
10 years ago I had a 3 year old, and 18 month old and a newborn. I was finishing my Bachelors degree. My husband was finishing his Masters degree and we were exhausted on every level imaginable. In those ten years we learned countless life lessons. Shed a lot of tears. Laughed until we cried. Nurtured our kiddos into some pretty rad humans and added three teenagers into the mix who needed love, stability and a chance at life. We have moved across the country. Started new professions. And are gearing up for another wave of parenting teenagers! In the past 10 years what I’ve learned most is to not take myself so seriously, to be more accepting of others, and to love fiercely…no matter the cost.
Cheers to 2021 🎉 -
This is my fourth year using Powersheets! What I know for sure from the last 10 years is that God is with me, He loves me, and He has plans for me! 10 years ago, I was grieving the loss of my first child and moving to a new state where my husband was starting a new career. Now, I am preparing for Christmas with 4 children and celebrating 10 years for my husband’s teaching job! We are also part of an amazing church and community I could only dream about 10 years ago! God is so good!
I have not done the power sheets but have used the planner in PENCIL this year. I have appreciated the simplicity of the focusing on what is most important and what I enjoy doing.
Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been following Cultivate What Matters for about four years now!
Lara, you are a blessing! Thank you for walking in the path God set for you to bless others! I discovered your planners (and write the word journals!) last year and it’s the only thing I ask for for Christmas! It’s changed my life to grow slow! Intentional little by little progress really adds up! It works and I’m so thankful I stumbled across your path.
This is my 1st year in Power Sheets and I am so excited about the future. I thought I was ‘too old’ to set goals and change my priorities, and I have always felt guilty focusing on myself. Just through completing the prep work I’ve realized that making time to cultivate my life will only help me be everything I am to everyone else even better. I am so grateful to have found this amazing community that allows me grace and growth all at the same time!
Congrats on 10 years! Thankful for your vision and love for the Lord in all you do!
Thank you Lara for changing my life! This will be my 3rd year of powersheets. I am definitely a better person today than I was then. Congratulations on 10 years!!
Congratulations on 10 years. That’s an amazing achievement!!
Congratulations on 10 years, that is so awesome!! This is my first year using powersheets and I cannot wait to see what I can cultivate in 2021!
Thank you Lara for your hard work and commitment. You’ve changed countless lives, mine included. You’re helping me grow a legacy to pass on to my children.
Congrats on 10 years! That’s amazing! Last year was my first year with power sheets and things got off track but I’m back this year ready to make better choices this year and get closer to some goals and complete some goals.
Congrats on 10 years, excited for my 2nd year!
You’re too 10 lessons spoke to me. So much that I took a screen shot to share with my family (mom and siblings). I am very grateful to be part of this community and am learning so much from you and about myself. What a journey! Thank you for sharing your heart and faith with us. It’s uplifting and inspiring.
With love and gratitude,
Marilu <3 -
So thankful for your fantastic powersheets and the little ( sometimes not so little) nudge they give me to keep pushing forward on dreams. Your overflowing joy in Christ and enthusiasm to live the life He calls us too is refreshing and motivating! You are a blessing!!
Congratulations on your 10 year milestone. If only I had found you 10 years ago…Yet, I won’t spend time on regrets. I have found you now.
I look forward to completing my 2021 PowerSheets this weekend. I have FAITH (yes all caps) the planning I do now will have tremendous impact on myself and my entire environnment by the end of 2021, with continued growth expected every further out.
Thank you for being you and developing PowerSheets; they are a the tool which has helped to rescue me out of my major depressive situation. I’m now, mostly, at peace and am working hard to stay this way.
Thank You.
–Kelly Morris
I am new to Cultivate and goal setting in general. I have begun my prep work and I am loving this process. Your guidance in goal school and on social media has been so helpful. I am ready to crush 2021!!
I love the powersheets and your motivational blogs. It helps to know that I am not the only one not perfect. That it takes time to learn and grow so I can offer myself grace!
Congrats on 10 years!! I am another first user. I look forward to using my Power Sheets to help me with my goals. Usually, my goals are forgotten by the 2nd week of January or I don’t have a clue how to break them down to complete them.
10 years!!! What a journey! I’m relatively new to powersheets, and I admit I’m a good starter, not a great finisher. But this year I’m really committed to sticking with it! Thanks for the help and encouragement all along the way!
This was such an encouraging post! Thank you for sharing and congratulations on 10 years!! I’m excited to keep digging into my own 2021 goals with these reminders.
Congrats on 10 years Lara!! Thank you for PowerSheets – they have been such a game changer for me!!
Congratulations! I am so excited to plan for next year!
Congratulations on 10 years! Lara, you and your team has brought me hope in some of the most challenging times of my life! Ty for being you and being faithful with the little…may he continue to bless you all!
Huge congratulations on ten years!! I’ve been with you for about half of them 🙂 you’ve been a blessing to me.
I am so thankful you have been empowering women to change the world for a decade! 2020 was my 1st year using powersheets, but I found them in Sep of 2019 and counted down til they went for sale. I am not sure I ever was looking forward to something so much! That was a really hard wait! I was so pumped and decided that 2020 was going to be my best year ever! My dearest sweetest favorite person died in January (my grandmother), & then well we know how covid quarantine went which got the best of my husband’s bipolar/addiction which put an end to our marriage. Needless to say 2020 was not without the hardships, but boy was I thankful for your encouragement, your fortitude, your encouraging book, which I have quotes of all over my home, and I can say 2020 was the best year yet, because as my word of the year stated, Iwas FOCUSED. I had my eyes set on what matters the cross, my kids, and myself til I’m 80+. My word of the year this year is Homemmaking- I want to make my heart into a place where the Holy Spirit is welcome, not with dust, garbage, and the simple things that entangle. But clearing our my heart space for the lover of my soul. These thought processes would have never happened apart from your strategic planning. And, I certainly know there are thousands of stories like mine. You are changing the world by empowering these ladies to be the potential God has given them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
This is my first full year with Power Sheets and I’m soooo excited! I read Lara’s book, Make It Happen and I’m so thankful for the past 10 years you all have focused on helping women like me to focus on what matters so that as the years fly by…and they do (how can I be 56?!) not one will feel wasted. And I can lie down each night with no regrets in what I did in that day to stay focused on the things that really matter. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and can’t even begin to express how thankful l am. Lara’s Cultivate book is on my reading list for 2021 and I ordered her children’s book for my granddaughter for Christmas. Oh, and Power Sheets have been ordered for my daughter’s birthday coming up in 12 days. I can’t wait to show her this wonderful tool! Thank you!! And here’s to a marvelous and focused 2021!
Oh how I love love love PowerSheets and Write the Word. This is my second year with PowerSheets and this year has been so crazy, it has been great keeping some order in my life. My love for the word has been rekindled and I am 100% sure it is because I found “Write the Word” journals! Thank you all for all you do!
Congratulations! I have been following along for several years now and must say that powersheets changed my life and the way I thought about myself. I used to beat myself up when I didn’t accomplish things and now I set goals differently, based on what really matters. I’m able to see real progress when I let go of perfection – God used you to change my heart, so thank you!! You and your team are such a blessing.
Congrats on 10 years! This is year 4 for me and it’s been such a blessing in my life!
I’ve been using powersheets for 4 years and SO much has changed since starting. I had a baby in 2019, became a stay at home mom, and fell in love with cycling! I find so much purpose and joy being home with my daughter!
I first experienced your goal planners at IFLead a few years ago! Holy. Cow. Like my fave thing ever! (It’s also my favorite gift to give to my friends!) Since then, I now have twin toddlers and feel like my life is a total whirlwind. I SO want to get my life together and I think your tools are so helpful in that endeavor. Congrats on 10 years!
Congratulations on such a big milestone and huge accomplishment!
It’s my 2nd year doing PowerSheets and I’m so in love with everything!!! The process, the gorgeous quality products, how much you and the team pour into us! I love Lara’s enthusiasm and laughter!! Thanks for creating an amazing life changing system!!
Congratulations on 10 years! I just found you this year through Jennie Allen and I’m so excited to get started. I missed out on goal school thanks to the busy USPS, but my book finally arrived a couple days ago and I’m digging in this weekend! Cannot wait to get started!
The most important lessons I’ve learned in the last ten years are that nothing lasts forever and nothing is promised. Now that may seem a little negative at first but I promise it’s not! These are two concrete facts of life and the realization of these this has made me grateful for all the little things in life. It’s made me love harder and deeper. It’s fueled my passions. I try hard not to take anything for granted and don’t sweat the small stuff. 🙂
Congratulations on 10 years!! I think I’ve been song for the journey for 4-5 years now and have enjoyed every celebration and evolution of the team and the Powersheets. My first set is sitting in a binder I bought for them right now 😊. You guys have come a long way since then and I know it will continue to flourish. Thank you for showing me a business that puts God first and in everything it does. Beautiful to see and be a part of!
Wow. 10 years ago I was a single 20-something missionary doing relief work. Today I’m married to an amazing man who love me almost as much as he loves Jesus, we had 4 kids in 4 years, and we get to continue serving together as missionaries. He discovered Cultivate What Matters last year and got me the book and power sheets for Christmas and my birthday, and it was a huge turning point for me in my battle with post partum depression. Thank you for a decade of heart and hard work that you’ve poured into this ministry that touches so many.
Yay for 10 years! It’s so much easier to see how God has been growing us when we can look back that far. I can get really caught up in the day-to-day and not think I’m getting anywhere, but when I consider life 10 years ago, I know there’s been progress. Took the leap finally and am trying Power Sheets out for the first time! I’ve done other goal-setting stuff that hasn’t worked, so I’m a little nervous for this one, but also think that this time could be different. Thanks for all your hard work over the years, Lara!
Can’t wait to get started!
First year with Powerhseets, and have been enjoying the Prep Work process so far. After having quite a turbulent year where a lot of my goals got put on hold, looking forward to tackling some of my personal and professional goals in 2021. Congrats on 10 years! 🎉
10 years ago I was a 14-year-old girl in middle school who had no idea what was going on in my life. I was just living life as a kid doing whatever and going to school and going home and not really doing anything. And little did I know 10 years later I would be graduated college, working on purchasing my first home, having a community surrounding me that loves me and pushes me closer to God and have true hope that things get better. I didn’t know then but I know that God is who He says He is and that His word is true and He loves me so much more than I thought He did when I was 14. And when I look for it in the next 10 years is to have completed my masters degree be able to work for myself by expanding my business and hopefully I will have a family of my own.m, but most importantly my relationship with God will be stronger than ever!
Congratulations on 10 years of helping people start and began reach goals changing the trajectory of their lives. Here is to 10 years more!
Thank you for all you have done in the last 10 years. Your work is incredible
10 years ago I gave birth to my first baby. It made me a mother. Later than most but so filled with joy and so scared. But now 10 years on and 2 more baby’s I feel like this is where I’ve always wanted to be. I love powersheets. This is my third year using them and I will never go back. Thanks to the cultivate team for all you do.
This is my third set of PowerSheets. I love the things it has helped me accomplish since using them. Like everything worth having, it only works if you work it. ☺️ Good stuff.
I have been doing PowerSheets for 5 years now and my life has changed so dramatically! Every year just keeps getting better and better and I’m so thankful for this process and this vibrant community! Happy 10 years!
I so need some focus & goals in my life… your sentence above about wandering aimlessly through life, is what I feel. I have all these ideas & thoughts & goal in my head but that’s where they’ve stayed for the past 10 years. You’ve founds good way to get them out – I need to also. Going to poke around your site & see what I can find to help.
This last year was my first time using power sheets. What a help in a crazy mixed-up year to help me get my head around planning.
Congratulations on ten years of goal setting! It is amazing to think back over all the changes that the past ten years have brought, and it is exciting to think of what could unfold in the next ten years! Little by little …
That’s a lot of growth in 10 years! Way to go!
Congratulations, Lara and Cultivate Team for 10 years serving others!! This will be my 3rd year with Powersheets. I honestly can’t remember how I came across them, but they have been so helpful in helping me define who my 44 year old self is and wants to become. As a homeschooling mom of 4 I entered my 40s feeling like I had lost who I was outside of Mom and Wife. I’d love to say I have figured it all out, but I am slowly working through it.
I almost didn’t purchase the Powersheets this year as we are focused on paying off debt and creating our emergency fund, but I asked for them as a Christmas gift and they will be under the tree for me. 2020 hasn’t been consistent each month, but I know that they work when I give them the time!
Congratulations again on 10 years!
Congratulations 👏
Celebrating 10 years is something huge! 👏♥️
I am so exciting because this is my first year using my power sheets. I just got mine few days ago and because I loved it so much, I ordered another one that is arriving tomorrow for a dear friend!
Can’t wait to cultivate what really matters.
Thank you to Lara and the whole Cultivate team ♥️ -
Wow! How fitting to do a post today on IG with goal planning and how it has changed my life. Congratulations Lara, I have been on this journey with you for going on my third year and I am so grateful. My life has forever changed because of Power Sheets. Thank you and Happy 10th
This is my second year doing this, but things seem to have gotten derailed in 2020. I’m prepared to get back on track.
10 years ago, I was just finishing grad school and making a career switch. I am now far into my second career and ready to make that next big jump!Congratulations on 10 years!
Congratulations on ten years! I owe so much progress to you and your team!! I don’t know that I could ever goal plan without you ever again! Thanks for sharing your faith and being vulnerable, fun loving, kind, and generous! Here’s to the next ten!!! Cheers!
Congratulations on 10 years!!! I feel as though it’s not been that long, but then I stopped and remembered that night (early morning) in 2015 when I was at my absolute lowest (diagnosed with Charcot in my feet and had major surgery & couldn’t walk…little did I know this would be surgery #1 of 6…)…I was scrolling the internet for motivational/Godly words and Lara’s video popped up for Cultivate What Matters & I watched it and INSTANTLY knew this was a place that I needed to be! A safe haven of all things I needed – encouragement, virtual hugs, a shoulder to cry on (virtually), and non judgement! Then I found out about Powersheets!! The Cultivate team, Lara, and Powersheets truly were the accoutrements I needed to go along with my faith walk ! They were the jelly to my peanut butter !!! LoL I’m forever grateful for Lara to share her story and to talk about Jesus and God and the love they have for all of us!!
Whether I win a prize or not… I’m forever committed to this team & will always be excited to use their products!!
Love Lara and this team!!! -
So thankful to have learned about cultivate what matters and start working towards my goals!
What a milestone and beautiful recap! I found you guys less than 30 days after I got married when I was coming to terms with not being able to work anymore due to disease progression. I got a set of 6 month powersheets in 2018 and the hope write the word edition. I do not believe that this timing was a coincidence – it was surely intentional by God. Thank you for faithfully taking the idea God gave you and sharing it with the world. I can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring! So grateful for you and team cultivate!
Love this ten year look back! This is my sixth year in the powersheets and I’ve loved every minute of intentionally planning out my year. I’m a better disciple, wife, mom and friend thanks to this powerful tool!
In the last ten years, I’ve moved across the country, met and married my husband, had two babies and two jobs and several different addresses. I’ve learned over and over that God is faithful and He is GOOD.
Thanks Lara for reminding me to always cultivate what (and only what) matters!
These are such great tips. So often people are afraid to start but that’s the first tip. Just START
I heard about Lara when she was on a podcast with Sally Clarkson and I immediately ordered the power sheets. This is my 5th power sheet year (first one was only 1/2 year). I’m so grateful I found Cultivate. I’m an overseas missionary mama that homeschools, it has absolutely changed my world. Thank you so much!!
This is my first time! I absolutely love your products. They are so colorful and inspiring! The power sheets are perfect for me. I have always made some similar for my self. I can’t wait to use them!
Congrats on 10 years! My first years of Powersheets were 2017 and 2018. I lost momentum 2019 and 2020 but recommitted for 2021 and attended Cultivate Your Year Live… WOW, life changing. Please continue doing the virtual CYYL so us non-locals can join and start out Powersheets on a strong note <3
Wow! What an accomplishment AND AMAZING giveaway!!!
10 years, wow!! Big congrats. Wish I had found you all sooner. I really appreciate all the resources and encouragement. Wishing you success for years to come!
😳 a lot has changed in the last ten years!! Congratulations on all the small steps and the big changes! Thank you for sharing your heart and your journey and making an impact on our lives!
What an amazing giveaway!
I’ve been doing this series with you for 4 years now. Last year I attended CYYL in Chapel Hill and it was an amazing day. This year I signed up for the online version of CYYL but have not watched it yet. On that day I was scheduled for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound – it was the soonest available appointment I could get so that was my priority that day. Now I am waiting for a biopsy to be done next Monday the 21st to know more. It’s been hard to open my Power Sheets, but I know I need to do it. You are so uplifting and inspirational.
Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been looking forward to these blog series posts all month!
Congratulations on 10 years! 2021 will be my third year of Power Sheets. My first year helped us plan for our wedding and I have loved creating intentional goals rather than generic ones that fizzled out. I also joined CYLL this year (unfortunately not live) and the coaching and encouragement has been so good – thank you!
10 years ago I was about to graduate college with big plans, but I think the most progress has come for me the past 3 years as I have done powersheets and tracked my little by little progress!
Thanks so much for all of your enthusiasm and coacthing and encouragement. Congrats on 10 years. Your planner is layout is beautiful and I’m glad to have had one last year and the 2021 is on it’s way! Thanks again!
Congratulations on 10 years! This is my first year (2021) using PowerSheets, and I am so excited! I also have been so impressed with your company and the heart I can see behind everything.
Congrats on 10 years!! 🎉 What a blessing to have been able to touch people’s lives through this program for so long! 2021 will be my first year using Powersheets, and I couldn’t be more excited!! 🙌
Congratulations on 10 years! Been eyeing your power sheets + community for years. So excited to dive in with these tools this year. Thank you!
Congratulations on 10 years! How exciting! Love the CWM products and the encouragement from within the groups.
Congratulations on 10 years Lara and Cultivate What Matters Team!! You’re such an inspiration to me. I’m grateful for your message, products, coaching and encouragement. It’s all been such a blessing. I love Power Sheets!! They’ve really helped me see the bigger picture and the small details. I look forward to 2021 and all God has in store. Thank you for all you do, for your passion, faithfulness, and encouragement. You’re all the best!!!
The last 10 years… wow. I graduated from college, moved to NYC to pursue my Broadway dream, left NYC, moved to Nashville, lost my mom unexpectedly, released my debut album, got engaged, moved back home to Indiana, got married in the middle of a pandemic, and fell more in love with Jesus through the messes than I ever thought possible. It’s been a hard rollercoaster, but I am so grateful for all that I’ve learned 💜 And this will be my third year using Powersheets. I finally feel like I know what matters!
Congratulations on 10 amazing years! I’ve been here since almost the beginning and have loved following along on your journey and creating my own. Much love to you and your family now and in the future. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do. Thank you for being genuine!
OMGosh. I’ve been using powersheets for 4 years now and I’m not turning away anytime soon. I am so so motivated by your energy AND Ari’s rapping. It’s such a joy to support such a wonderful company!
This is my third year using CWM and every year I feel stronger and more focus. Congratulations on reaching ten years!! I’m so grateful to my work colleague who shared this product with me and the journey we are making together to cultivate happiness in our lives! Thank you, Lara! My CWM book has been the greatest change and has helped me find joy in places I took for granted!
Wow!! Congrats on 10 years! I’m a recent new customer and I am in love with the planners, well product offerings in here really! So glad to have found them! Looking forward to 2021 so much!!
Congrats on 10 years! 2020 was my first year with Powersheets and I’ve seen so much progress since January! As a mostly stay at home mom, most of my 2020 goals were related to home and family, but if I didn’t have Powersheets, the challenges of Covid would have halted any goals I set out to achieve. I’m so thankful to have moved forward with my goals and excited for 2021!
Oh my goodness – it is absolutely INSANE how 10 years changes everything, for the good, bad, and ugly! I’m so thankful for Powersheets and how dramatically they have changed my life and how much more I’ve accomplished since starting goal setting and having those boxes to check off. It’s Mind-blowing how motivational having well-thought out and important goals written down and displayed can be!! Thank you, Lara and crew!!
Congratulations on 10 years! This is my first year using Power Sheets and I can wait to get started!
I’ve only been using Powersheets for this past year and have seen so much change for me already. Ten years ago my life was very different, too: was living in San Francisco, survived a near-fatal car accident, and was in an abusive, unsupportive relationship. Was also lost in my career as a 20something and did a lot of soul searching. While I can’t say that I’ve completely found my career path since then, I can say that I am on a better track now than back then. Plus I crossed off a ton of milestones this year: got engaged, married, and had a baby. 😂 So 2020 has definitely been better than 2010!
I have been purchasing PSs for the past 4 years. Each year I get closer and closer to completing! I feel this is the tear coming up. I love the new PSs ! I think more thought has been given to the layout and prep work! Let’s do this!
First time doing power sheets!! Waiting to dive in until I’m off next week, can’t wait!
Powersheets have made my life so much better! The process really works! 2021 is my 4th year!
Congrats on 10 years!! This will be my first year using Power Sheets, but I wish I would have found them sooner. 10 years ago I wish I would have started exercising and eating healthy while I was still young and before I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. It’s so hard now looking back and wishing on things I would I done differently, but I’m looking forward to using Power Sheets to get started working on my goals. You’re such an inspiration Lara!!
10 years! Wow! How exciting and what a thing to celebrate! So happy to have found cultivate 2 years ago.
My word of the year for 2021 is breakthrough!
(Have you heard the song “Won’t Stop Now” by Elevation Worship?)
‘And I know a breakthrough is coming’❤️ -
Yes! I’ve been following your Goal Setting Series for years! I love seeing how you process through everything! I love it! You help point me to God more and more and I’m so thankful 🙂
This is my first year using Powersheets! I am so excited to try this new way of goal setting, and through this process learning how to set and work on goals to better myself and my overall health and wellness!
I have purchased power sheets the last several years but was never focused enough to use them. Think fear of failure. This year due to being unemployed I decided to use my 2020 power sheets and just purchased the CYYL. Hopefully I can turn things around. I know for 2021 I want to focus on living out the fruits of the spirit.
2021 will be my second year using powersheets and I feel so motivated to grow in the areas I’m choosing to focus. Thank you for creating this wonderful tool that has been such a blessing to so many.
This is my third year with Powersheets – the first one got me through a major transition in my life with the WOTY of Reaching & Rooting. I moved to Intentional, now looking for my 2021 word with another major goal looming in the horizon. I was even able to gift some PowerSheets to a dear friend and now I have an accountability buddy for 2021!!
Hi Lara!! Congratulations on 10 years!! I thank God that He has blessed you and that you are a blessing to all of us!! I am so glad I found you and Cultivate a couple weeks ago. I am a new PS user and already, I have made small positive changes in my life thanks to you! Thanks so much for sharing your talents and insights! I feel empowered and (almost) ready to face 2021!
Congratulations! What an incredible milestone for you to celebrate this year. You’ve truly changed people’s worlds in ways big and small.
Congratulations and thank you for being so generous with your wisdom and grace!
Thank you for helping me cultivate what matters in my life all of these years! ♥️
Congrats on 10 years!! You have such good content and encouragement Lara. I’ve used Powersheets 3 different years and the results are amazing. My biggest takeaways are grow slow and the yearly review. I love seeing the good when I look back!
This will be my 2nd year, interested in seeing continued growth!
Congratulations!!! I am new to the Cultivate world but I’m so glad to have found it. Cheers to many many more years for you and your amazing company.
Congrats on 10 years! I love Powersheets and can’t recommend them enough! So helpful for focusing on what really matters and making it happen!
Congratulations on the milestone! 🎉 I purchased my first set of PowerSheets in 2020. Although the year hasn’t gone as planned, my PowerSheets have kept my eye on what really matters. 💛 Thank you and your entire team for your advice and positivity which helped me remember to smell the flowers while I grew little by little in 2020. I’m so glad that my friend recommended PowerSheets and Cultivate What Matters to me. Here’s to another decade of joy and growth!
Next year will be my 3rd year using PowerSheets. Even with all the challenges of 2020, I made progress on the most important goals. While it won’t be finished this year, we *should* finalize our teen sibling adoption from foster care by Spring Break 2021! PowerSheets kept us focused on the next steps and mini goals to make this finally happen.
This is my second year using Powersheets, but the first year I’m actually getting all the prepwork done. I’m definitely in a place where 2021 is approaching too quickly and not quickly enough all at the same time.
Congrats on the 10 years! Wish I could be celebrating being with y’all but so grateful for the 3 years of crushing goals I have done with y’all!
Yay for 10 years!! Looking forward to 2021, my 1st year with powersheets!!
I just started powersheets this fall and it has been a very streamlined, hopefilled goal setting and achieving process! Thank you and congratulations!!
This is my first year using PowerSheets. I am a little intimidated and a little hesitant. I have never intentionally set goals and I don’t want to let myself down. I am struggling with my word of the year because I want to be INTENTIONAL with everything I do in 2021 but I also have to be FORGIVING and allow myself to make mistakes and/or not be perfect. I never thought it would be this overwhelming. I am going to face and do it. Hmmmm, maybe my word should be FEARLESS. Congratulations on 10 years!! I am so very happy to be a part of the Cultivate What Matters family.
Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been doing Power Sheets for about five years now and here’s what I’ve found to be true – 1. Writing down your goals works 2. Little by little progress adds up!
I’m so excited to have found CWM! This is my first year with Powersheets and I am slowly working through the replay of the live since I had to work that day. I’m loving the prep work! Thank you and congratulations on 10 years!
Yaass I love everything about this! All was not lost in 2020, but instead deep weeds were pulled up and new seeds were sewn and the soil was tilled!
Congrats on 10 years!!! I have been following you for a few years and have done Powersheets for 2 years now! More than ever I need to remember that little by little or baby steps make a difference!
With 3 littles, 3 and under and staying home I can feel like I do not accomplish much but my goals remind me that cultivating takes time and that is okay!
Thank you for all you do! -
First time Power Sheets user and so excited for the intentional progress towards my goals in 2021!!
2021 will be my second year doing powersheets. I saw so much growth in 2020, even with imperfect progress. I am so grateful to Lara and the rest of the cultivate what matters team for your encouragement and positivity, and of course for your amazing resources! I struggle with perfectionist tendencies, and the tending list has been so great to help me focus on small steps each month to make progress, little by little! I bought a set of powersheets for my mom and my two sisters-in-law for Christmas this year because I wanted to share this wonderful resource with them. Thank you!
I am so glad that I found Powersheets back in 2018! The last 10 years have shown me again and again that our God is faithful!!! Congrats on 10 years!!
Happy 10 year anniversary! So glad you’ve been around and have been able to share and inspire so many of us. Here’s to another 10 years.
I am so grateful I came across your book “Make It Happen” five years ago! Congratulations on 10 wonderful years of helping women across the GLOBE cultivate what matters in their lives! All my best to you dear friend!
10 years?! I originally found you via Southern Weddings and have been along for the ride for five years! 10 years ago I was finishing grad school and planning our wedding. What a crazy and wonderful 10 years it’s been!
Celebrating ten years with you! Thank you for following God’s leading and as a resulting impacting do many times. I heart Cultivate What Matters!
I found Powersheets way back in 2014, then i had the 2018 and now 2021! i love seeing how far i’ve come and even though i didn’t finish the first two sets i bought, i have a good feeling about my 2021 set!
Love this! And I love the picture of modeling to us all what it looks like to have intentional yes and intentional nos. This is my 5th year with PowerSheets and just as I’ve grown and changed so has the way that I’ve used PowerSheets. They have helped me with some early on very practical goals in my life as a Mom of 4 young kids and they also have helped me shape my perspective and vision in life and family and ministry. I am looking forward to continue working through the prep work. Thank you for keeping on as we keep on as well.
Lara, thank you so much for following the call that God had placed on your heart! I’ve been so blessed by Cultivate What Matters and the PowerSheets have really helped me to be intentional in my life!! Grateful for you and your team!
I know for sure that I can handle more than I ever thought possible. I can do hard things!
Congratulations! 🎉 What a huge milestone!
Halfway through my prep work. Looking forward to 2021!!
Almost done with 2021 goal planning and I’m so thankful for Cultivate What Matters! Powersheets, Write the Word Journals, Lara’s books, and of course the stickers have been life changing!
I’ve been a Powersheets user for 6 years and I’ve been thrilled with the progress I’ve made each year. Some years were better than others, but ultimately I’ve cultivated what matters. And I’m grateful to Team Cultivate for helping me to do that! Congrats on 10 years!
I purchased my first power sheets for 2020- it was all new to me , but I was excited, though I had a slow and late start…and then in March we had to move and we ended up on a farm in the far north of Canada where the nearest town was a 2 hour drive away! (Neighbors were 1-1/2 hours away!) My work on my sheets stopped… and I decided to save it for 2021!?!? I’m hoping I’m not so far behind that is discouraging to start up again…I will start in March…where I left off- and my goals will stay the same as I chose life long focuses for mine. Also the new changes made for 2021 sound like things that would be helpful to me, in the future! I’m a total perfectionist and tried to do every single page just perfectly…last year…and searched the web trying to see how others laid out their pages for ideas to spur me on, as I’m not that creative on my own, but when I see others ideas …it helps me to get going! (Just takes a lot of time!!) (Though my 1st year didn’t get very far, I’m still sharing with my daughters and friends about the power sheets so they will have a chance to test them out for them selves!) I am starting to read Cultivate! this month!!
Last year was extremely tough for me and certain events forced me to start over and set out on a new path. I really needed to dig deep and didn’t know what to do. A friend mailed me Lara’s book Cultivate and it was perfect timing. It spurred hope in me and I started listening to Lara’s podcast and then learned about the Powers and the Cultivate Your Life team and support system. It helped me get over the old and focus on the new and it was a blessing. Best of all, it kept me anchored in the Lord and helped me spend time on only the things that mattered. I’ve been numbering my days and am so thankful for all that Lara and the Cultivate Your Life team has done!
Congratulations on such a huge milestone! I love your top 10 list. Just another reminder of the blessing you are to each of us. ☺️
Congrats on 10 years! So much growth happens in that time 💕 onto my 4th year of Powersheets and looking forward to finishing my prep work now that we are on Christmas break!
Wow! Congratulations on your 10 year milestone! We have all been impacted in so many ways by you and your team! 10 years ago, I was welcoming our first daughter into the world, was teaching (and had no idea I would turn into an organization coach for busy mamas), and didn’t intentionally goal set or plan each year. This year is my 3rd year using the Powersheets and I felt so FREE completing them, knowing that leaps of faith and big dreams are where all of the adventure takes place. There is absolutely no “going through the motions” happening over here! Thank you for your encouragement and coaching to get me to this place. Cheers to an amazing 2021!
This will be my second year using PowerSheets and I can’t wait to dive in!
This is my first year for PowerSheets… encouraged by two friends from church. I’m so excited to have this to focus on as we have just heard we will be in lock down for all of January. I’m determined to focus on what matters most for 2021 no matter what the circumstances! Happy 10 years Lara, your a true encourager.
10 years?! Hard to imagine a time when there weren’t Powersheets around.
Thank you, Lara, for the work you’ve done in these past ten years. I’ve grown as a person because of the amazing things you’ve put out. Thank you!!!!
Woohoo! 10 years! What a time to celebrate!! So thankful I found you❤️❤️
I have done goal setting with you since 2013 when I had a new one year old and I was just figuring out the career and motherhood balance I wanted to have and how to be more intentional with my ministry and family life. I don’t know how I found you and your blog/social media, but I have followed and enjoyed your journey and have been blessed by you sharing so openly along the way.
Ten years ago I lived in Florida. I just graduating with my Masters degree and was happy to be teaching and serving middle school students at a nonprofit job. I had no kids and was finishing paying off student loans so my husband and I could save for adoption. Now, I live in NC, have two kiddos through adoption, have a wonderful blend for my part time career and am homeschooling. I was only an official powersheets user for one year but they taught me how to “live the lifestyle.” I use the principles still today! So thankful for your company and your obedience.
This will be my 4th year using Powersheets and one thing I know for sure is that God is good no matter what. 10 years ago I was in my senior year of college, in love with my (now) husband and completely clueless LOL. Now I’m a stay-at-home-mom with our 20month old son who has special needs, which will leave him unable to walk or talk. Since he was born my goals have drastically changed and I’m really learning the meaning of growing slowly.
Congrats on 10 years! I can’t wait to get my goal planner and begin setting some major goals for 2021!!
Lara, I’m SO thankful that you continue to share your goal setting each year. I believe I found you in high school or sometime thereafter. I’m 26 now and, at this time every year, I’m back on your site to walk through the incredible questions you’ve come up with. You’ve helped me focus by providing consistent check-ins. It’s amazing to be able to look back over the years and see what’s consistently mattered to me and in my life. Thank you again!!
I hope you keep doing this for a long time to come. 🙂 -
Congratulations on 10 years! And what a great giveaway! I would love to have those tools to get off to a fresh start in 2021:) Thank you for all you do!
My life is so different than it was 10 years ago and I am so excited to live purposefully in the next 10 years. Thank you for all that you do, I am so grateful!
Congratulations on 10 years! Such an amazing adventure and I’m so glad to be a part of the journey for the last two years! I know for sure from the last 10 years that I place my trust in Christ alone. 10 years ago,
I was studying abroad in China and had no idea who I was or what I wanted to do in life. The only differences between then and now, is location, my vocation as mother and wife, and my confidence in Christ, despite the uncertainty in who I am and life. -
WOW Congratulations on 10 years. We ordered the power sheets for the first time this fall and have been working on them the last 2 weeks. I am so excited to keep going through 2021. And to you hears to the next 10 years!!
Thank you for your consistent joy and commitment to teaching others how to number our days. I have learned so much from using Powersheets and am thankful for your faithful example of a purposeful life!
Congratulation on 10 year and thank you for all you are doing. This is my first year and I am grateful to come across this and hopeful it will help.
Congrats on 10 years and cheers to 10 more and beyond!
I’m a first time user and very excited!
Congratulations on a decade!! Love your top 10 list! And love your Write the Word journals – they’ve been my go-to for quiet times this year. Thanks for all the great work you are doing!
I can’t wait to work on my 2021 goals!!! I so look forward to this goal setting series every year.
I Regret not purchasing my 2021 Powersheets When I had the money to do so. However this past year has been a blessing. I was able to listen to your podcast and the blog post and they were so encouraging to me and life-changing. I think you have a wonderful ministry to women around the world and your family.
Congratulations on 10 years! I’m so grateful to you and this entire community for all the encouragement and inspiration over the years.
There are several times where I get super excited. Two of those times are when Powersheets get launched and when the Goal Settings Series comes out. Congrats on 10 years! I am so glad I found this company to help me grow in all of my goals.
This is year 2 for me! I’m so excited I learned about this – when so many are talking about how they want 2020 to be over, I’m able to look back and see all that was accomplished! I’m so excited about diving into all the goodies for 2021! I even encouraged a few friends to join in – so awesome!!
What a decade, sweet friend! So proud of you and all you have accomplished, as well as the way that you lift us all up as you go! I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since I did MTH with you in Atlanta. Back then, I was newly married, and when I envisioned my perfect day, it was Christmas time and I had two children snuggling up by the fire with me. Today, it’s Christmas week and I have two beautiful babies by my side, ready to enjoy the magic of the season. The wish has come true and I am so so thankful! I’m looking forward to a fresh start in 2021 and will use my gratitude to guide me along the way!
This will be my second year using Powerhseets and I’m so grateful to have found them! My husband is in the military and my PowerSheets helped me through such a difficult and long deployment this pass year. They helped me to say focused, dig deep on what truly mattered to me, and helped me figure out where I should be focusing my energy. Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful giveaway and thank you even more for creating PowerSheets, they are truly life changing! <3
10 years??!! That’s amazing! This is only year 4 for me and man, do I wish I had met Powersheets sooner!
Congrats on this big milestone and you’re so sweet to wait to shower someone with gifts!!
This will be my 4th year with PowerSheets. I joined just around the time when things were shifting fully into the new Cultivate what Matters, and I discovered these weren’t just for business owners. It was a God timed introduction for sure, that first year cultivating what matter helped turnaround some serious fear and anxiety in my life as I focused on what I could grow and what I needed to let go and let God. I’ve been thrilled to be part of MTH and CYYL, and am thankful for the women I’ve met through both. Cheers to 10 years!
Wow!! 10 years! Congratulations and you have taught me that it’s ok if goals change and little by little when before I would give up immediately! Also love your #1 – God is real and alive in us! He can truly make us! Thanks again! 3rd time powersheets user!
2020 was my first year using power sheets and even though I put them away during most of the year they still helped me start 2020 on the right foot and finish the year as strong as possible! I wish I had found Powersheets 10 years ago! Congratulations on this milestone looking forward to the next 10 years with CWM!
Congratulations on 10wonderful years of inspiring people!!! I adore the power sheets and am dreaming of getting my own set one day. They have such a unique perspective! They are so inspiring!!!
Congrats on 10 years. This is my third year following along with the Goal Series. Looking forward to this year’s, modified version and all.
Congratulations on 10 years!!! This is my first year with PowerSheets, but I am SOOOO excited and motivated to start!
Congrats on 10 years, Lara! Excited to dive into my 2021 PowerSheets and make 2021 my best year yet! 🙂
Can’t wait to start year two in power sheets! Being able to look back and see what worked and how much my goals have changed this year has been amazing!
I just found Powersheets a few weeks ago and it was just the right time. -
Yay, so fun!! Congrats on 10 years!!!🎉 This will be my first official year using power sheets and I’m so excited!
Congratulations! This is my second year with powersheets and first with write the word journals. Love both products!
Wow 10years!
Really really curious and excited to try power sheets for the 1st time! I stumbled upon Cultivate in the suggestions for you from my library. Woah! Has it ever been eye opening & inspiring. I hope power sheets are under the tree this Christmas. Thanks Lara -
Congrats on 10 years helping cultivating what matters.
I found CWM in 2018 and bought my first powersheets ready for 2019. It’s really helped me in me define what was important and work towards what mattered – no matter how slowly. It also helped me set realistic goals. Thank you Lara and the team. 🙂
This is my second year with PowerSheets and I am so grateful! 2020 was a rough year but I made huge strides in my goals!! Congratulations on 10 years!!!
I’m so excited to see how your company and products have grown! I’ve been following you for 10 years and have old power sheets binders!
I’m so grateful that as humans, we change and I’m also grateful for seasons of reflection, and it feels like 2020 has been a big one. I firmly believe that change hits deep when we choose to reflect on it- so thanks for doing that Lara, and encouraging the rest of us to as well. Reflection can be ugly sometimes and thats why we avoid it, but if there is anything I’ve learned this year, God can indeed bring beauty from ashes.
10 years ago: I wasn’t married to my husband. I didn’t have a daughter. I didn’t live where we do now. I didn’t really understand autism (my daughter has it) and how it would change how I live. I didn’t know how much I need others to function during the day. I wouldn’t have ever gone to a counselor for help to deal with past hurts. I wasn’t as quick to forgive or ask for forgiveness. I was very black and white in my opinions. Lots of growth has happened.
Congratulations on your success!! I just got my first power sheets this year and I am LOVING it so far! I can’t wait for this new year to see how it all unfolds! Super excited to start cultivating what matters!! Also loving that book! 🌺🌼🌷💕
Congrats on 10 years! I bought powersheets once back for 2019, and it sat on my shelf for a year. I dusted it off and used it for 2020 until March… Then I fell off the wagon lol. As I approach a new year, I’m halfway through this pregnancy with my second boy, and life is still so uncertain, but I know some things need to change. I’m going to release my FEAR and actually try to change! What’s the worst that can happen, I don’t complete my goals perfectly? At least I’ll have something to show for it! God doesn’t want us to be perfect, we’re not Jesus! Little by little it’ll add up.
Congrats on 10 years!! I just started listening to the podcast and ordered my first PowerSheets. Excited, though it’s a bit intimidating. Looking forward to cultivating what matters in 2021!
This is my first year using Power Sheets and I am so happy that I found them! I am a planner and an organizer but have always struggled with follow-through on things I want to change. I cannot wait to see what 2021 is going to look like after putting in some intentional thought into where I am headed in the next 12 months. Congratulations on 10 years and I am excited to join this community as it continues to grow over the next decade.
I am so thankful to this company and the Powersheets. I’ve used them for 1 1/2 years and 2021s version is sitting under the tree. They have helped me clarify what matters and go for my goals!
Congratulations on 10 years of growing impact!
I’m on my third year with PS. Ten years seems like yesterday but wow so much has changed. Some not great changes but many of the very good changes have been cultivated through Powersheets!
I’ve been a planner since I was in middle school but I have really enjoyed setting my 2021 goals with Power Sheets. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
I heard about Cultivate from a business analysis workshop this afternoon! I am looking forward to finding out more. I am also a mom of three, full time job and someone who wants to learn and dive into a number of things to my detriment at times😅.
This is my second year; and believe me I have SEARCHED for the right planner. My friend Barb introduced me to you, and even got a group together so we could share and encourage each other (yes, Barb is amazing). Looking forward to jumping in, fearlessly.
This is year 5?? Maybe 6… I love my goal sheets! They are an early Christmas present from my husband each year! I am so thankful for them each year. 💜💜💜
This is my second year and I am super excited!!!
I’ve been participating for two years. I just bought the 2021 Powersheets and am looking forward to using the Goal series to set mine up for success. Thank you for creating this wonderful community of powerful women that are supportive and motivating. I am grateful!
Congrats on 10years! This is my first year to use powersheets and I can’t wait to get started on my new goals for the year!
Love my PS! Congratulations on your achievements!
Between Powersheets, your two books, and Write the Word, my life has been vastly improved. Thanks for all you do!
Congratulations on 10 years-what an accomplishment! I just discovered Cultivate What Matters and I’m already in love. I can’t wait order the Bible devotionals.
Thank you!! -
I wish I could go back 10 years ago and start then with Powersheets. The last three years have been game-changers (well, maybe NOT 2020), and I’m looking forward to rethinking 2021 based on what I learned this year.
I have used the power sheets for three years and although 2020 looked a lot different than expected I am excited to sit down this week and look over all that I accomplished and the many things I have to be grateful for.
This is my second year doing powersheets! The prep work last year was totally PROFOUND for me. I can’t wait to dive into this year’s work over break. It gives me such hopefulness that we are never stuck.
Wow! 10 years! I recently found your planner and I’m hoping it will help me have a more meaningful year
Thanks for such a great tool! This will be my 3rd year using Powersheets and I am grateful for the direction it provides 🙂
I’ve been following along and using your goal setting process for a few years now. Despite lots of unexpected circumstances this year (!!!) we managed to launch an online business and take a huge step forward in a long term goal for our family! I’m truly grateful for all that you and your team work hard to share with us x
Oh, HAPPY DAY! Yay for 10 years of Power Sheets!
I did my first set of powersheets in 2015, and I started in a hospital cafeteria. I had just left my job which was destroying my health, I had no idea what to do with myself, but I knew that I wanted to write a book and do what God was calling me to do.
And Powersheets DID THAT. I started a website. I worked on getting my memoir published. And this past January, in a year that’s been awful every other way, my DREAM CAME TRUE and I held my book in my hands! 🙂 You have inspired me in so many ways and I am so grateful for you Lara, and the entire Cultivate Community! -
Congratulations on 10 years! It’s so encouraging to read how God has worked in your life. I’m excited to prep and plan for 2021 and see how God will work in my life.
This is my first year and I am having so much fun.
I just received my power sheets for the third year and I can’t wait to dig in!
Wow congratulations on 10 years! I am just starting PowerSheets this year, and I’m so excited, and a little bit nervous. I’m excited to take control and plan things instead of going through the motions. In 10 years, and especially bringing it home this year, I’m lucky that many of my friends have stayed the same, and certainly the importance of deep friendships has stayed the same. Now that I think about it, I’ve actually lived in the same area for 10 years now. Wild! I hope you have a really wonderful holiday season and a bright new year.
Would love to win and share the goodies with my sisters and friends! 💗
Congratulations! You have inspired me in so many ways over the past few years! Thanks for all you do!
10 years ago I was 20. Living life like a daily dumpster fire. God spared me 8 years ago when I got pregnant with my oldest son. I’ve been feeling like I’m in a rut after this year and I am excited to dig in for the first time to powersheets. I’m excited to dig deeper into my faith and look into opening my own business by the end of the year.I can’t wait to make 2021 my most cultivated year yet.
Wow! Congratulations on 10 years!
This is my third year following your blog, and my second as a Powersheets user. 10 years for me has seen an incredible change: a move across the country; graduate school; falling deep in love with my Saviour (a heart love, not just a head love); meeting and marrying my best friend; and, experiencing loss and celebrating life as we started a family.
What I know for sure is that, while circumstances change, HE does not. Praise the Lord for that truth, especially after a year like this one! -
Congrats for 10 years! I am a PS newbie and I can’t wait to get started.
I loved reading about your ten years and all that God’s done in your life! So inspiring, and makes me want to reflect on all that He’s done in mine the past 10 years, as well. It’s so crazy to think of how much has changed because of His faithfulness, but also what remains the same.
Congratulations on ten years of intentional decision making and sharing that gift with others! I am really excited to try this and look forward to the ways it will help transform and manifest positivity and peace!
Happy anniversary! In the last 10 years, I’ve learned, and more importantly, seen, the power of little-by-little progress in realizing big dreams and little wins. So thankful for your encouraging words, and looking forward to 10 more in the future! Wishing you and your team a very merry Christmas and happy new year!
This will be my first year using power sheets and I am beyond excited to get started! Congratulations on 10 years – what a testimony to the Lord and His faithfulness and his richness in kindness towards you! It is so inspiring- LOVED that your #1 is that “God is Real!”
This is my third set of powersheets! I love the beautifully designed pages and the heartfelt content. 10 years ago I was newly married and working full time as a graphic designer. Now I have two kids and am a full time stay at home mom. Two completely different worlds!! Powersheets have helped me to focus and have meaningful structure to my days. I am so grateful for the cultivate team and their encouraging emails and posts. They really bring a lot of happiness to my days.
I can’t believe it has been 10 years! I’ve been an on looking and observer for so long. I wanted the powersheets and all it stood for but I just couldn’t do it. A lot has happened in 10 years and the biggest in my ugly divorce that brought me my biggest blessing my miracle girl( who is know five )! This year I decided 2021 was going to be my year so I got powersheets as a Christmas gift with cultivate live to help me follow through. I have never felt more excited and a little nervous to take on 2021 with my goals, powersheets, and community behind me! Thank you Laura for all you have done over the past ten years! Here’s to believing in a brighter happier goal setting 2021!
Whoo hoo!! Ten years!! Congratulations and thank you for encouraging us along the way. I realized recently that I am only 25 short years away from 80. That is sobering but it’s a gift to be intentional and cultivate what matters.
Congrats 🎉 on 10 years! What a beautiful accomplishment.
This is year 2 for me with my PowerSheets. Thank you for the guidance and wisdom. 2020 was so much harder than expected but as we sat last night and reflected as a family, we realized that we accomplished so many wonderful things and found the courage to open our hearts to new adventures. -
What a gift your company has been to me. Thank you for your faithful service.
I am so hoping to try this! I am starting back as a full time teacher possibly in the fall and lots of changes happening!
Having three kiddos and going back as a full time teacher And in school right now has me a little all over the place! Hoping getting this will help! -
Congratulations!! Love your goal setting series each & every year. Looking forward to settling in with this New Years weekend!!
Who isn’t looking forward to 2021? Let’s plan on making it a good one. Happy New Year! -
Looking forward to cultivating 2021!
This is my first year doing PowerSheets, and I am so thankful that I have found you! I am so excited for my goals and living my values, and I’m excited for how Power Sheets will help me remember my goals and dreams. This is the first year in 10 years that I will accomplish what I want to accomplish. Life is so different than it was 10 years ago – it’s a reminder that things can completely change and you can still be yourself.
I just found you this year, so I don’t have a ten year story yet, but I am so excited for the next 10!
Just got my very first power sheets and it is so powerful!!!
I’ve tried yearly goal setting and breaking them down each month and I have made some small progress, but always feel like I’m stuck spinning my wheels.
With the power sheets I feel like the mental clutter is finally cleared, I know exactly where to put my time and actions into, and cannot wait to see how that changes things!!!
Thank you so much for taking your idea ten years ago and turning it into a reality.
So excited to be back planning my goals for the year!! As a mom of five 8 and under, homeschooling the 3 older ones while the two littles play , I feel like life passes me by without being intensional. Congratulations on 10 years!!
I used Powersheets a couple years ago and they were amazing! The prep work was so helpful….it asked questions I had never considered for setting goals. These last couple of years finances have not allowed me to get the powersheets but I have done the prep work from my previous planner and then used that as a starting point for my goals. I plan to do that again this year. 🙂 I also love the Write the Word journals and use mine almost every day. I look forward to seeing what God is going to do in my life in 2021
Last year my word was Routine. I actually created some routines and habits and stuck to them. I’m very proud of that. Sadly, my Powersheets wasn’t one of them. THIS is the year that changes, but due to my husband being out of work, I’m going to repurpose my old PS since I hate to waste all of the unused pages. I have been following Cultivate for a couple of years and am so thankful for the encouragement I get from them. I have a quote from Lara above my writing table and it cheers me own everyday as I journal – today was 194 days without missing a single one. It’s working already! Thanks for all you do.
This is my second Powersheets. I can be a bit of a slow starter and I didn’t utilize last year’s fully. I’m excited for a fresh start and so, so ready for a new year. I really appreciate the guidance in a flexible, encouraging framework.
Hello! I have been following you for awhile and I love how you make goal setting and keeping so simple and intentional. I appreciate you keeping God highlighted, as well. 💗 blessings
Happy Anniversary – congratulations on 10 years! I’m excited to have bought a full set for my daughter (grown) to implement and enjoy. I think this will give me and her something to touch base on as well as add to my motivation to dive in and get more consistent. Thank you for the way you inspire!
I’ve been doing this with you for four years. I have learned and grown so much in that time and added two little people to our family. I know for sure that family is so important to me and that my life is better because of my husband and three kids and that they must always be a priority not an afterthought. I”ve also learned to let go of a lot of things I spent time worrying about in the past (though this is an ongoing struggle) and that when I’m having a hard time, movement, music, prayer, or reading is usually the best answer! (sometimes a few of those things at once!)
Thank you, Cultivate Team and Lara, for ALL you guys do and for the AMAZING and beautiful Power Sheets. 🙂
I am so thankful for the work you’ve put in to making Powersheets what they are…AMAZING! The words above that resonated with me the most were, “Striving for perfection halts real progress.” Those were wonderful words for me to hear.
I asked for powersheets for Christmas and it’s the one gift I got! I used them last year and while I didn’t expect them to really work for ME, I feel like they helped me stayed tethered to hope throughout the year. I was reading through my goals from last year a couple nights ago and it was really special to realize that all areas held some growth. The ones I wouldn’t have expected are oddly the ones that perhaps grew the most! And the ones I had the biggest hope for grew small. That’s alright.
Onto the next year with hope in my heart.
Yay for 10 Years!!! This is my second year and I’m so excited to have my husband along for the journey this year!!!
Thank you for the giveaway! Looking for tools to guide my decision making 🙂
I bought my first PS in Jan 2020 (who knew how much I’d need them)! They have transformed how I set and work towards my goals. Attending CYYL in December was an amazing way to do the Prep Work for 2021, and I’m so excited for this coming year! Thanks Lara for all you do – I always look forward to your wisdom!
So glad I found y’all. Can’t wait to cultivate!!
i haven’t used powersheets YET but they look amazing. i have been using the write the word journals everyday and now i’m interested in powersheets! ooh and ive used the parenting goal guide and loved that!
Looking so forward to this year ahead!!! This has been a series I have loved for 5 years!!!!! Thanks!
Just completed my first year using Powersheets and can’t wait to see continued (and imperfect) progress in 2021! Thank you, Lara!
Oh my goodness, I’m so incredibly excited to see how the powersheets will change my life for the better in 2021! I can’t believe I only discovered you now!! I’ve never been clear on my goals EVER always leaving projects and ideas half done if I even pursue them. I’m not even halfway through the prep work and I already know exactly what I want to achieve and a pretty clear idea of how I’ll do it!! Thank you for an incredible (life changing) product and CONGRATULATIONS on 10 years!!
I just spent the last week walking through my powersheets prep work and am so excited about the goals I’ve uncovered for the year! Not that they don’t scare me… but they’re worth pursuing! Little by little! So grateful for your process and how you’ve helped me uncover the good stuff for a few years now!
Yay for 10 years! Thank you for sharing some your prep work with us. This is 3rd year using PowerSheets and I loved the new layout for the prep work! I’m finalizing my goals today and I’m excited for 2021!
I “stumbled” upon PowerSheets while listening to another podcast during which the host mentioned that she was using them and was very hopeful about the changes in her life. Thing was, at the time I was searching for podcasts about sewing to listen to as I did my daily walk. Since that time every resource I’ve needed has just appeared and I’m so excited to begin to change my life this year. My word of the year is LIGHT, and I’ve decided this is THE YEAR OF CLEAR. I’m going to clear out my house, clear excess weight from my body, clear my life of what doesn’t matter to make room for what does. As I continually “happen upon” the resources I need, I consider them a wink from God letting me know that this is the time to begin. Thank you, Lara, for your help in this journey!
I have loved using my Powersheets in 2020 as well as my other Cultivate items. The process really works to help you live intentionally. Thank you, Lara and Team Cultivate, for your encouragement and enthusiasm throughout the year!
Thank you Lara! For always offering words of encouragement in a too often discouraging world. Thank you for being willing to be used by God to not only help others but for developing tools that allow others to help themselves. Thank you for ALWAYS unwaveringly giving God the glory. I recently started listening to your Cultivate book on audible, it’s so great! It’s an easy listen because it feels like a 1 on 1 conversation with you. Your word choices paint vivid pictures in my mind. I am thoroughly enjoying the book.
[…] discovered a word for the year a few years ago when Dayspring offered a quiz. I later ran into Lara Casey’s awesome end of the year blog series which includes finding your word (and goals) for the year. The Dayspring quiz is quick and […]
[…] annual goal-setting series hosted by Lara Casey. This blog series is always so fun and so inspiring! I’ve been using my […]
Thanks, Lara for sharing your thoughts. I loved your ideas and point of view. You have highlighted some awesome points. Great.