We sat in a team meeting, trying to come up with an answer to this question: How do we help people more often than just once a year with our annual print magazine?
Social media is great. Blogs are great. But, holding something in your hands is a different experience. It has the potential to become part of your everyday life.
That was a powerful realization for us. If we could get good words, and meaningful tools into people’s hands, maybe they would sink more deeply into their hearts. A domino effect of change could happen. Big change. World change, even. We are a tiny team, but we believe that what we have is good, and something the world needs: hope.
Our fifth-anniversary issue of Southern Weddings was a landmark issue for us. My marriage had recently come back to life, and our theme for the issue followed-suit: love never fails. Long before there were thousands of shops offering prints (and this was just four years ago), we took what felt like a big risk and made a gold foil print of those words to match our issue: Love Never Fails. Our hope was that couples would hang it in their new homes together and remember what matters most. We quickly sold out, and people began to understand and live out those words.
A few months later, in the Lara Casey Shop, we released this print, and this desk card, with the same hope: inspire people to cultivate what matters. Help people shift their thinking from distractions, comparison, and lies we tell ourselves too often, to truth. Life-giving truth. We sold out again. Having meaningful words in people’s homes, tucked in lunch boxes, on desks, and written on family room walls, was doing something.
Over the years, we have done notepads, prints, water bottles, original artwork, T-shirts, desk cards, sketch books, and lots of prints with my handwriting. We were up for creating whatever was going to help people get truthful inspiration in their hands. And then, we took a big risk and released the first PowerSheets, hoping that these goal-uncovering worksheets, filled with thoughtful questions and prompts, would help people uncover good goals–and take action. Four years later, thousands of people from literally all over the world are continuing to cultivate what matters with them. From one woman losing 90lbs and taking back her health, to students finding direction in their paths, marriages being strengthened (praise Him!), businesses being launched, moms finding fresh contentment right where they are, people being able to better navigate seasons of transition, and the simple things in daily life being savored more intentionally, the impact was–and is–happening.
But, two years ago, I started to feel restless. Like the feeling you get when your clothes don’t fit well. I had just gone through a miscarriage and we were beginning to pray about adoption. God was opening our hearts to things we never imagined. Lots of change was in motion in our family, and in our company, and some things didn’t match that heart change.
My website felt too flashy.
We were selling too many different products, which was a lot to manage.
And shop name felt too, well, about me.
We kept running into walls when we wanted to share more good words with the world. Using our Instagram name @LaraCaseyShop felt like we were selling things, even when we weren’t trying to at all. For instance, earlier this year, after I posted this about wanting to quit my business, and we started telling more of our new story, having the word “shop” in our Instagram name didn’t feel like the right home for what we were sharing. Now, don’t hear me say that having “shop” in your name is a bad thing. It’s not at all! This is just what we personally felt in these four walls with our specific story. For us, our name began to make us feel confined, like we had to talk about shop things since that’s what our name was. But, this shop wasn’t created to just sell stuff; it was created to help people. My friend Lindsay and I share a heartbeat. She recently did something similar with her company name and I love what she shared:
“I love making art. I love making it for me, for you, and for the Lord. I believe that He’s given me this gift to bless Him, others, and to steward well. So the solution cannot be quitting. The solution, it seems, is a mind-shift. The solution has to be found in perspective.”
She shifted her perspective from selling art to blessing others with art. And her shift has made a greater impact.
Is selling bad? No way Jose. I believe that God has given us tools and words to help change lives, and the money we make is a tool to help change lives too. We are given all these things to steward well. And for us, to steward what we’ve been given well, we came to the conclusion that we needed a new home to do it from. We wanted to break free of the title trap, and have a home that fit. We wanted to tell other people’s stories, too–YOUR stories. We wanted to simplify, live well, give big, and help you do the same. We wanted a home that was bigger than just a shop. Because we didn’t start this to run a shop; we started this to run this race of life well and help you do the same.
But, renaming a shop is a big deal. There was so much we’d have to change, and what would the new name be anyway???
Here’s how this conversation went for all of us:
Well, “Cultivate” is our ideal choice. This word has defined the last few years for us. We’ve tilled up the soil, gotten our hands dirty, planted meaningful things, tended to them little by little, and in the last couple months we’ve started to see the fruit. We are cultivating what matters, and the intentional decisions—and little by little imperfect progress–has been worth it.
BUT! Someone else has that domain name, and someone else has the Instagram handle.
So, that’s out. If it’s not perfect, we shouldn’t do it.
Brick wall.
I prayed. We mulled. We discussed all kinds of other names. We slept on it (for about five months). But, Cultivate just wouldn’t let us go.
And now I’m in tears typing this. I wasn’t at all expecting them, but I believe this is confirmation from the Lord, once again, that He is in this. This isn’t about a company name; it’s about our lives. Little by little, change has happened. Little by little, God has been teaching me to grow what matters, in whatever season I’m in, with what I have, and that I don’t have to do all the heavy lifting.
‘So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow’ (1 Corinthians 3:7).
God’s three answers to prayer: yes, not yet, and I have something better in mind. His answer to my prayers about our company name was a combo of not yet and I have something better in mind : ) When I let go of chasing “perfect,” I finally found freedom and truth. The name became abundantly clear.
In a meeting, I said it out loud:
Cultivate What Matters.
We all got still.
CultivateWhatMatters.com and CultivateWhatMatters on Instagram just happened to be open. Would it be easier to tell people Cultivate.com? Sure. But, that wasn’t God’s plan. And God’s plans are always better than ours.
Because, you see, it’s not about just growing any old thing. It’s not about doing more or being more. It’s not about striving for perfect, or having it all together. It’s about growing the right things. It’s about growing what you’ve been given right where you are. It’s about growing what lasts longer than you. That’s what matters. And we want to help you get there.
My friend, Andrea, sent me this note a few months ago as I was in the beginning stages of writing my upcoming book, Cultivate (releases next May):
This past Sunday our pastor said something that made me think of you. His sermon was about work and how we serve the Lord through our work. One of his points was that we were designed for work. Work was part of God’s plan even before the curse of the fall. In discussing this he referenced Genesis 2:15 “the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.” Then he pointed out that the Hebrew word used here as “cultivate” is `abad and that it is the same word used for “serve” in Joshua 24:15 “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This just really struck me and made me pause and think. I love the idea that the hard work we are doing in cultivating our faith, our lives, our businesses, our children is serving the Lord. I immediately thought of you and your work on Cultivate.
That’s it.
Cultivating what matters means serving, blessing, giving, and finding deep contentment knowing you are right where you re supposed to be, mess and all. Flaws and all. Flowers grow through the dirt, and so do we, friends. And they don’t grow for themselves; they grow to bless others.
So, there you have it. Our new shop and company name is Cultivate What Matters, and we’re so grateful! In sharing this with you, we feel like we’re all coming home.
What’s ahead and when this change will officially happen: In the coming weeks, we’ll be launching the 2017 PowerSheets, the Cultivate What Matters sticker books (these are arriving as I type these words—wait till you see them!), and most importantly, CultivateWhatMatters.com (right now it redirects to the PowerSheets site). The new site will be home to a new inspiration blog, goal accountability groups, live coaching, downloads, and much more. Along with the Cultivate What Matters site launch, we’ll be changing over our Instagram name and social info to match.
And more change to share today—the relaunch of this here website! : ) These past two years have been a season of transition and change, and the glitter and flashiness of the old homepage just wasn’t me anymore. We’ve simplified it and included new photographs thanks to my friend Amy (now that I’m embracing my curls and have a few more kiddos around the house!). On the new home page you’ll find three free guides on Goals, Faith, and Marriage, to equip and encourage you to live out the words of our soon-to-be new company name.
The blog has been revamped, too. I’ve been blogging every week for the last six months, and I wanted to be able to connect with you more easily. A mobile-friendly version of the blog has been needed for a while; no more zooming in to read things. We’ve also made it easier for you to interact in the comments by using your Facebook profile if you choose.
There’s more and a few surprises, but I’ll let you poke around to find them : ) And we know a bunch of stuff isn’t done and there are glitches we need to still fix, but we’re launching anyway!
More about our new company name and our changes on Facebook Live.
There’s more to say and share, but in the name of done being better than perfect, I’ll end with this little prayer that’s on my heart right now:
Thank you, Lord. Oh, Lord, you are GOOD. I just took a big deep content breath. I feel You with us. May these changes, our work, and our imperfect words bring you joy. I’m so grateful for this change, what you are growing in all of our lives, and most of all, for Your transforming grace. AMEN
By His grace my marriage was redeemed.
By His grace we have helped women uncover clarity and direction—and found it ourselves too.
By His grace I am Grace, Josh, and Sarah‘s mom.
And now, by His grace, we share this story, and invite you to join us to Cultivate What Matters.
Thank you, friends, for all of your love and encouragement as we’ve travelled this journey!
To celebrate, I’m giving away a set of our new Flair pens (for you to use to write meaningful words in lunchbox notes, post-its, in your PowerSheets, or wherever!), and five of our new sticker books that are full of colorful, and genuinely meaningful stickers for your planner, PowerSheets, or wherever you want to use them (for example: put down your phone, drink water, take a day off, rest, and many more). Tell me below: what do you want to cultivate in your life?
keep reading
I want to cultivate those precious small moments with my family. The moments where we are just being, giggling and talking about Jesus!
Oh my goodness! This is absolutely perfect and I am unbelievably thrilled to pieces for the company. The way God works is absolutely incredible.
I want to cultivate a life that glorifies God, builds community, and allows me to be my best self as a wife and a mother.
Joy!!!! I want to cultivate JOY!!!!
Oh my heavens- I want to cultivate all the things that matter to me. I have been slowly chipping away at the things that don’t matter in my life, and prioritizing the things that matter to me (primarily my faith and my family). I have found that when I tend to those things first, the other things eventually happen when they need to. THANK YOU for this post and everything you do. I pray for you, and hope that the Lord continues to bless you.
Your honesty is encouraging!
I want to cultivate a quote life of working with my hands–here in my home with my children, my husband, and all those the Lord brings into my life. I’ve spent so many years trying to reach for goals that didn’t fit my calling. Now I’m looking to my calling to discover my goals, and that shift in perspective is so freeing!
Cheering you and the team on. You all bless me so much.
I am so excited for this!! I have been using my powersheets, little by little, to work on me. I feel like I am cultivating just that…me, and what I am growing my roots in! I work with people all day every day, and I find myself always telling others that they can’t pour from an empty cup, but not taking my own advice very often. This season, I want to cultivate a healthier relationship with work, so I can continue to be there for others.
Love love love the new site, Lara! -
I want to cultivate our house and build it into a home that is a safe haven for our family and others.
WOW! Love this new name!!! So excited to see what the Lord has in store for you!!! Going along with the theme of gardens and fruits and cultivating what matters…I daily want to be cultivating more of the Fruit of the Spirit in my life! More Him, less me. Then, that transfers into everything else I do and cultivate in my life!!
I want to cultivate an attitude of service toward my aging parents. They have served me so much over my life and I want to return their love and kindness in their time of need.
Grace upon grace as I begin my journey into motherhood. I want to experience guilt-free snuggles with our newborn and not worry about a messy home! This season is so sweet and should be enjoyed instead of frantic and chasing perfect.
Just read this post in full. So excited about this for everyone and your amazing team! Thank you for sharing your heart & how God has revealed all this in His timing. I found your page two years ago for the Powersheets and it was a breath of fresh air! Finally something that worked for me for goals. But it has been so much more than just setting goals following your Instagram and videos. You and your team have impacted my life so much and I will forever be grateful. Prayers for you all as you move forward in this step of faith to serve women in their lives. Have a wonderful weekend!
I love this and am so happy for you all. I want to cultivate a life that serves God and my family. I am so thankful for his grace!
Love it so much! It is so fitting! 🙂 I can’t wait to see what is to come from the new site!
Right now, I want to cultivate and strengthen my marriage! Your blog is always such an encouragement to me to do the hard work in my relationships and I’m so grateful for you!
Love the new name!! ❤️ I want to cultivate PATIENCE!
Wow! This is the PERFECT name for you and your amazing business. So happy for you and what God has planned for the future.
I want to cultivate meaningful time with my husband. Especially time we spend together in the word! This is such a reminder and encouragement to do so!
So much love to you all,
eeeek!! YAY! So happy for this change, and your obedience to the Lord. I can’t wait to see all the changes, and experience where you wonderful ladies are headed next. Thank you for being such a light, the Lord is doing impactful things through you. I’m looking forward to cultivating my new career. Working with mommas and babies is such a passion of mine and I can’t wait to cheer them on and guide them through new mommy hood. 🙂
I want to cultivate grace and let go of the need for perfection. I want to cultivate faith that God has me and has my life.
Cultivating what matters to me is being extremely intentional with my time and my family. Serving what is precious to me. Serving Jesus.
Absolutely beautiful post Lara!! Ive been following along the last few months and look forward to your friday emails weekly! You and your sweet team of girls have inspired and encouraged me so much in my everyday journey of faith, marriage and motherhood 🙂
I LOVE cultivate and the new name…seems to be a theme in my life too. 🙂 I want to cultivate JOY and THANKFULNESS…to let Christ radiate through my attitude and actions; to love and serve the Lord and others with faithfulness. I want to be okay with small and enough…because truly enough is a feast!
Thankful for you and many prayers and blessings on this ministry! <3 -
I love the new name and it I believe it fits what you do as a company all together.
Right now I need and want to cultivate grace in myself as a new SAHM and strength in my relationship with my significant other. Man some days are tough like heart reaching tough and many times I find myself looking in a mirror or reading a blog (mostly yours) wondering what I am meant to do in this world, for me, for my daughter but mostly for HIM.
Thank you! -
I want to cultivate mental peace and calmness. I want to create a mental place where anxiety and fear just don’t grow. My mental soil (if you will) seems to allow the weeds (fear, anxiety, depression, unrest) to flourish but the fruit and flowers die before they can take hold.
This makes me think of a phrase I once read: ‘the evils of soil exhaustion ‘.
I loved your post, your new name and I was hooked on your every word. I just kept saying “YES” as I read through. I want to cultivate what matters in my life and that means nurturing, loving and purposefully making time with my husband. To love him with intention each and every day, to cultivate our marriage for the years to come not just for the right now. I want to cultivate my relationship with God, to deeply follow him like I have never done before.
You have such a wonderful ministry and I am so thankful for leaders like you! -
I think I’m still learning what is worth cultivating and probably we will never stop learning, since our lives change from time to time and God is challenging us to new things, at least this is what I personally feel 🙂 But I believe as long as wenall try our best to cultivate what matters and surrender to Him, He will show us what those things are and I’m excited to keep learning what to culivate! I’m so grateful for your and your teams intentional help in doing so!
I am working on cultivating service to those around me. I’m a little sick of ME. I want to focus on others, make them smile, encourage them, treat them, LOVE them.
This is so exciting! Love the new name! I want to cultivate contentment in my life right now–with my marriage, not having kiddos right now, my job, and friendships. Instead of always wishing and wanting for bigger and better, I want to have my hands and heart open toward contentment.
I want to cultivate identity and rest. I want to grow deep into He says I am and claim that identity. And also, rest is a fruit of that- no more toiling needlessly to “prove” my worth.
A welcoming and loving life!
Congratulations on the renaming and relaunch of your shop and company! I want to cultivate balance between my personal and professional life. I also want to cultivate a sense of peace and grace as I navigate through a season of change and transition in my life. I think this may be the year for me to take the leap and get your PowerSheets. Thank you for always being a source of positivity and encouragement!
I love the new name! I want to cultivate deep friendships and faith . We moved 2 years ago and I haven’t really developed new friendships. I love my family, so much, but really want one or two deep friendships… I haven’t found those, yet.
What do I want to cultivate? I guess since I don’t have a clear intention maybe what I want to cultivate is some clear vision. I’ve got long term visions I’m working toward but a lot of the day to day parts feel like and endless. So a steadfastness. Yes. I’d like to cultivate steadfastness.
Congrats on the new site Lara. I’m on my phone and LOVE not having to zoom in and out. Boom!
You’re such a beautiful influence to me. Thank you. Love you. Can’t wait for that someday magic moment in time when we are in the same room again. -
As a sexual assault counselor I want to be God’s hands and feet while I’m sitting across from a survivor. I get the privilege of watching Him cultivate growth and healing in their life.
Love the new title!!
I love how your labor of love has bear much fruit! I want to cultivate a life that is pleasing to Him!
I want to cultivate more joy in the things He has called me to and more dependence on Him
So excited for you guys! I love your hearts for spreading encouragement! I want to cultivate a life that reflects Christ’s and to cultivate my little family’s hearts to love and follow Him in their everyday lives.
i want to cultivate an intentional, godly life.
I want to cultivate more presence in my life. Less striving and running towards the next thing. I want to stop and savor all these moments upon moments that pile up each day. I want to truly experience the every day ordinary wonderful of living this life God gave me. Just me. I want to live it well and to the fullest.
I am so excited for you, your family, and your business!! Living in His purpose!! I am cultivating what matters in my home. We have had a LOT of transition over the last four years (we have moved ten times), our three boys are 7,5,&2, I’m finishing up my bachelor’s in two months and my husband just started a new master’s program to further his education as an educator. It has been exhausting. Good!! But exhausting. God has pulled, stretched, smooshed us and pulled us up in more ways we could have ever imagined. This year I am really focusing on my husband and our boys and loving on them well. Also exploring master’s programs for myself!
So excited for this, Lara & team! 🙂 I want to cultivate PEACE. I’ve had a lot of anxiety and clutter (both mental and physical) lately, and I just want to clear it all out — everything from my mind to my closets.
Love thr new name!! Thanks for including us in all the prep leading up to its launch on InstaStory . I want to cultivate love and grace. With 3 teenagers, ok the youngest is 12., it is a struggle to guide them through this season of life. While we all mess up, parent and child, I want them to know more than anything that I love them. I want to extend them grace when they make mistakes. I also want to give myself some grace, because sometimes I forget God’s plan for them to grow and become more like Him may take a different path than I would want them to take.
i want to cultivate WORSHIP. my phrase for the year is “worship wildly”. i want my life to be a constant state of praise and worship to the One who created me. He is worthy! He loves me in my mess and continues to take broken things and make them beautiful, make them holy, make them HIS!
I want to cultivate and finish well the race I started with home educating my children. Two and and half years left and all of my children will be raised. It’s a daunting task to have the end so near.
Finding happiness in every situation is what I want to cultivate.
I want to cultivate my relationship with God and encourage my husband to join me. Have REALLY loved the Write the Word Journals and looks like it’s time for more. They make great gifts too!!
I want to cultivate my new venture and purpose in my life. I am praying that this is the right direction to bring me time and resources to focus on helping others.
I also wanted to add that you are such a gift. I am continually inspired by your words. Thank you for sharing with such honesty. -
I want to cultivate an intentional home for my boys, full of grace and love and Jesus and I want to cultivate gratitude even when it feels like I’m sitting in a whole mess of dirt.
I want to cultivate my soul. I’ve subjugated my own needs and passions over the years for perfection, acceptance, and public perception. I’m ready to connect with what brings me closer to the Lord.
Through your writing cultivate has come to mean so much to me. I am working on cultivating myself right now. I want be the best child of God, wife, and mother through God’s guidance. With my husband deploying next year I am working to cultivate more in faith and not worry as much. It is so difficult, but I know I can take it to the Lord and he know better than I. Congratulations on finding your new identity in Cultivate What Matters! I am looking forward to what the Lord has for you to share with us!
I want to cultivate joy, wonder, and awe regardless of the circumstances I am in.
My marriage and my relationship with God.
I absolutely love this post, Lara – your new company name and your “new” website are so encouraging, and I really think that it speaks to what God is doing in all of our lives. It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to do perfect and be perfect, so “Cultivate What Matters” is such a great reminder for me.
I want to continue to cultivate meaningful relationships, contentment, doing things well, and doing them joyfully. I’m a student and schoolwork comes fairly easy for me, so I often lose motivation to do schoolwork well and with joy (“I’m doing this because I have to, not because I want to.”) Then, I end up comparing myself to other people as the standard for my worth and start feeling empty. I want to start doing everything with a joyful heart as shift from just focusing on stuff and start focusing on people.
I would like to cultivate better relationships with my husband, kids and friends and most of all, the Lord.
Thanks for all that you do!
I want to cultivate authenticity and vulnerability in my writing. I don’t want people to just see a nice pretty surface. I want to be real in my writing, to write things that help people, and to give joy, hope, and beauty to the people who interact with me, whether virtually or in person!
LOVE every big of this. “Cultivate” is exactly where I thought the name was going & I couldn’t be more thrilled! I am really working toward being intentional to cultivate a meaningful home where life is lived & celebrated!!
I want to continue cultivating my faith, and the cultivate more patience and grace!!! I love my write the word journals, they are helping me do such that.
I want to cultivate deeper bonds with my foster babes. I want to continue to cultivate a home that is a place of refuge and peace. I also would love to cultivate more time to take care of myself so that I can serve others better!!! Thank you for all of your encouraging words and sharing so much of your journey!!!
This so fabulous! I’m so excited for you all!
Cultivate….oh my. I want to cultivate community and joy. I want to cultivate less anxiety and more trust in Him. I want to cultivate bravery and peace.
I celebrate with you, your family, and your team!
🙂 -
God has gifted you greatly Lara! I am so thankful you and your team are listening to His plans for this amazing platform you have! It is such a blessing!
I want to cultivate joy. The type of joy that is contagious and takes my breath away with thanksgiving for Him. -
I want to cultivate relationships – so much of life has been focused on my career lately, and I’m feeling a little off balance!
I want to cultivate FREEDOM! If you asked me earlier this year I would’ve said my ultimate goal was to find joy. I came to realize though my definition of joy was so wrong, and for me, striving for joy was like striving for perfection. Living in freedom though opens me up to God’s plans, embracing the imperfect, being ok with it, and receiving endless grace!
Thanks for going against the grain and taking the tough path for the benefit of for your readers! I’m so excited to see the things you all will do!
This really resonated with me. There’s so much I need to cultivate in my life but I want to be intentional in cultivating my relationships and pointing them to Jesus. Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to see where the Lord leads in this next step.
Lara – I am so excited about the new name and direction you are going in. I love the name and it made me smile the minute I read what the new name would be. It fits perfectly into everything that has been going on in your life and the meaning you want to bring in your company and to your customers. I am looking to cultivate some contentment in my life. The last few years I’ve felt off and that something is missing. I’ve started working towards developing more of a relationship with God in my spiritual life and I’ve recently met a wonderful man that I’m excited to do life with and developed some great friendships with people at work…but I am still feeling some unrest. I think a lot of it is just patience and prayer. 🙂
I want to cultivate hope and charity. Charity never faileth and I love that. We can always choose to love, to be kind, to have hope, and to let that light we have been given shine to those around us. God is good. Thanks for sharing your path and how the spirit of the Lord influences your life.
This is wonderful news! I’m very excited for all of your team! This year I want to cultivate a deeper connection with my boyfriend, and a deeper relationship with God. Thank you for your inspiration
I want to cultivate peace. I find I can get so stressed out by so many circumstances that don’t deserve a second thought, and I want to be able to release that to the Lord.
I want to cultivate my relationship with my husband and my living daughter as well as my daughter who was stillborn in 2014. My husband and I started a non profit, forever my baby you’ll be, to honor memories of all babies gone too soon and to offer support to families as they begin the grief journey. I want to cultivate this non profit and I pray daily that God works through us to help as many people as they can. What a beautiful new website name. Cultivate what mattersis such an inspiration!
I want to cultivate a happy home and family life but also a strong non profit that we started in honor of our oldest daughter Emma, who was stillborn in 2014. Forever My Baby You’ll Be was started in her honor, but our hope is that we can help families experiencing the loss of an infant and I pray daily that God uses us to offer peace, healing and hope.
i want to cultivate a life of contentment within myself. to trust more in gods plan that i am where im suppose to be.
I want to cultivate more heart. More heart for being true to myself. More heart for my passions. More heart for my clients. More heart for living fully. And more heart for the people in my life who bring me joy.
Congratulations! This is so exciting and I am so thrilled for you all that the right name happened at the right time! (the way it always seems to do!) I am going through so much change right now, both my children are in school full time this year (as a SAHM that is very jarring) I have a new job that is challenging me to no end and I have this calling to finish my book. I am cultivating balance and calm right now. Trying to balance my new job with motherhood and family and trying to stay calm through it all…because I theres been a lot of tears and self doubt these last two month- missing being with my kids all day and being back at a job. I am struggling. Thank you for all your do for us with your inspiration, uplifting words and for just being real. Congrats again on the new name and great changes ahead!!!
Thank you so much Lara. I feel your virtual hug! :-} xo
I’m striving to clultive more peace with God in my Life. I need to let Him be God and me His servant.
there are several things that I want to cultivate:
Less is More
Move more, sit less
Home is a wonderful place to beI am hoping with fall here, and the holiday season on the way that I can keep these on the top of my thoughts.
I want to cultivate a lifestyle of servant hood and charity within our family, and raise up kids that love God and people.
I’m in my final year of my undergrad this year. I am praying that God would help me cultivate peace, patience, and trust in him!
I want to cultivate a life that involves more quiet time so I can be filled to pour out more of Christ
A deeper prayer life!
I want to cultivate better relationships with my family. Love the new name!
Congratulations on the new site & name! I always knew that it would be Cultivate What Matters!! I want to cultivate my faith, health, relationships, conversations, my actions, thoughts, and feelings to be GODLY and meaningful.
Love the new site name and the meaning behind it! It is beautiful and suits the work that you do.
I want to cultivate a stronger faith in God during this period of transition in my life and a more open, loving heart that I may follow where He leads me!
self worth
This is fantastic! Thank you, Lara for inspiring and demonstrating what it truly looks like and means to “Make it Happen”. Your writing has forever changed my mindset and I am so grateful.
I want to cultivate a deeper love for my husband and for us to be be an example of what following Jesus and loving others looks like. I want to cultivate relationships with my 6th grade students and teach them that God’s way is so much more rewarding than the world’s way. I want to cultivate my hobbies and spend more time doing what God has blessed me with abilities for. I want to be intentional and transparent in my friendships and be an insiration to those around me.
I want to cultivate an intimate relationship with the lord, living out what it looks like to surrender to him on a daily basis. I want to cultivate a thriving Christ centered marriage with my husband and be an example to other other couples young and old. I want to cultivate a ministry that glorifies the lord and encourages women in all seasons of life to lean into Him and see the beauty He has for us in each season. None of these are easy by any means but cultivating the good stuff is worth the hard work and the heart work.
valuing my creativity (true self).
I pray that I will cultivate a meaningful career that can evolve into a lifetime spent helping others, advocating for children with special needs, spreading love, joy and positivity through my generation who desperately needs it! You are such an inspiration to me, and have been through my college and graduate school years, and I am so excited for your new journey! Thank you, Lara!!
I want to cultivate stillness. Mostly stillness of my mind–I’m always searching for better, newer, more, and what’s next. I feel a tug to be more present, simplify my endeavors and dreams to listen more intently to God and God’s calling for my life.
I want to cultivate more intention with my life. To not merely fritter away the minutes of the day with meaningless action but to me intentional, purposeful and to drink in the goodness around me. While I know that every moment won’t be filled with things I’ll want to remember or savour, it’s to be intentional about how I go through those situations and live focused through them.
I want to cultivate health more in my life- spiritual health, and overall health. Getting outside more, being deeply rooted in the word and saying no to stuff!
It has been a challenging year. I want to cultivate meaningful productivity, joy, and my relationships.
I am incredibly excited for you & your team – and very thankful for all of the hard work you do for us. It is sincerely appreciated! -
Yayyyy! I’m so excited about this! You ladies truly do cultivate what matters, so the name is fitting. I want to cultivate adventure in every part of my life – even when life is uncertain. I want to be able to see God’s hand in my life and know and trust that what He has planned for me is better than anything I could have planned, so for me sometimes life is truly an adventure and I want to enjoy it and share it with others.
I want to cultivate my friendships and the people that the Lord puts in my life!
Ohhhh my, those pens are fantastic!! I want to cultivate JOY 🙂 🙂 🙂
What I want to most cultivate in my life is being a good steward of all God’s good gifts to me! That’s a broad phrase and answer, but it’s been on my heart so much lately and extends into so many different areas of my life. 🙂
P.S. So many congratulations to you and your team for this new phase of your business and ministry! You are all amazing, and I love seeing God work through you! 🙂
Lara, thank you. And I thank God for that name drop He laid in your heart. We could cultivate anything, but to cultivate what matters is what is most important. I want to cultivate my confidence, release my fear of failure and that I’m behind schedule on life. I’m a major procrastinator and that has caused me to feel like such a horrible person. I want to be better. And I really look up to you. You give me hope that I can be that free in my mind just like you are most days. I appreciate your honesty. Because even though you have become successful in different areas of your life, you show me that it’s still ok to not be ok all the time. And I look forward to finally completing my PowerSheets that I’ve had literally all year (because well, I procrastinate) with any pen really and actually being proactive about my life. Much love to you and your team.
What a lovely post! So happy you’re following your heart & God’s plan.
I want to cultivate inner peace in my life. Especially lately, I’ve been getting so much more involved in my business, my family & my friends…but loving the “me” time & time with God. I desire to cultivate a routine that brings contentment & peace to my heart each morning.
Congratulations. God is sooo good. I want to cultivate one moment at a time. Living in the present. Today is a GIFT!
I’m a bit of a “lurker”, but this was such a moving story! It’s so inspiring and I know it comes straight from your heart. Congratulations on the new name, too! I love it! There’s a new season in you and there’s a new season in me, and that is what I plan on cultivating (my new season being claiming healing in my marriage, deepening relationships, and boldly sharing how great God has been in my life), because it matters! Thank you for sharing!
I want to “Cultivate” a peace of mind, I have been extremely down lately. I would love to order the 2017 Power sheets to help me with that.
This is definitely an exciting new chapter to add to your story. I myself am definitely in a season of change. I am trying to cultivate relationships with my husband, family and our small business. It’s been a long road but I’m grateful for God’s guidance. I feel like I’m finally receiving confirmation of his timing and I couldn’t be more excited. 🙂
I want to cultivate change- big meaningful change that faces fear head on and helps to cultivate thriving, love and growth in all areas of my life.
I love the new name! I want to cultivate a relationship with God that allows me to better serve those less fortunate than me.
Cultivating my baby girl, non profit, blog, and a book. 🙂
I want to cultivate a business that will let me help more people and provide the balance to support my family.
I want to cultivate my relationship with God, read more books, wake early, spend time crafting instead of on pinterest. I want to cultivate my marriage, and strengthen the relationship I have with my husband.
I want to cultivate gratefulness, and be more appreciative of what I do have already!
I am wanting to cultivate a deeper relationship with God first, my spouse second and my girls third. I want to cultivate a rich learning environment for our homeschool.
Wow, Lara! Your story is incredibe! The change isn’t just a logo, but it’s so meaningful! I understand what you’re talking about and went through. I even scoured my Bible looking for words for my new blog I’ll be opening. It wasn’t until mine came out of my mouth too. I’ll come back and share with you more when I’m ready, but I just wanted to say thank you for your story because it definitely reassured me that I made the right choice for the name of my blog too! I want to cultivate my relationship with God and let Him grow our relationship as I spend time with Him. That’s my top priority and next to that is my blog. It’s so great to see ‘cultivate’ as part of your shop/blog name, Lara. I was on Instagram the other day and saw the @CreateCultivate account and my heart smiled when I saw your new name because it’s not just a name, it’s a call to action. xo
I would like to cultivate peace and more grace for myself and others.
I want to cultivate my self-esteem and self-love. More practically, I want to cultivate more transferable skills to move out of my dead-end job
I want to cultivate a heart of submission so that I can heed the wisdom of God and actually do the things He has called me to do and not lose myself in my sin of selfishness and pleasure seeking.
I am on a new journey with my kids homeschooling them this year. I would like to cultivate our relationships and balance between school, activities, my business and family time. Our finances are needing a little cultivating too, which is never fun:((
Oh man! Glory glory glory! Congratulations! Your open heart is really allowing God to reach His people. I’ve been on a journey to discover what it is I need to make happen, and this perspective change is exactly what God’s been revealing to me. Thank you.
This sounds like an exciting new change! I love your new name!
I want to cultivate a life of sincere hospitality!
Lara: This is beautiful. Couldn’t help tear up as you shared how the Lord led you to new places. And I love that you didn’t fight it, but leaned in, despite the inconveniences and logistics of changing a whole brand name. The Lord has recently been leading me to cultivate something completely new, but it’s a sweet thing to watch Him do things that were only ever far off dreams for me. Thanks for sharing His work in you!
I want to cultivate more intentional time with my husband, family and dear friends. I want to continue to cultivate a marriage filled with love, respect and vulnerability to share all parts of ourselves. I want to cultivate our first pregnancy while being patient and seeing what God has planned for us. I want to cultivate a home based business that will allow my husband and I to be present with each other, and be able to spend more time with our future children. I want to cultivate more faith in my life and trust that we are exactly where we are meant to be at this point in our lives.
I want to cultivate a sense of calm during a season of our lives where we are always rushing around. Love the new name and announced changes!
Peace and Joy
This post blessed me more than words can say. I just ordered my power sheets (YAY!) and ran across this post. Last year, I planned to finally incorporate a side business I started years ago. Long story short…..when I learned that the name was already incorporated by another business and the Url was taken I got so discouraged and let it all go. This post just served as new motivation and truly a word from the Lord to seek Him first in ALL things. Thank you thank you thank you for being a vessel!