Cultivate Your Life Podcast Episode 001: She Believed She Couldn’t

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In this special first episode, get ready for an adventure! You’ll finish this episode believing that transformation in your life is possible. I share my story—all the hard parts that led to the good parts—and I have a few surprise guests!

In this episode:
—I guide you through how you get from where you are now to where you want to be. And I share a real transformation story—my imperfect, messy story—to show you that transformation really is possible. I tell it all—the good, the hard, and everything in between.
—We talk about the things you’ve always wanted to do and the woman you’ve always wanted to be, and how those things might feel really far away. BUT, you’ll learn how to make your own transformation happen. (The first step might surprise you.)
—I unpack what the word “cultivate” actually means. Maybe you’ve heard the word before, or maybe you’ve seen it in my company’s name—but do you know what it really means and how you can actually do it?!
—You get to meet my favorite people! My kids—Grace, Josh, and Sarah—and my husband, Ari.
—I tell you about my untraditional college education (hint: it involves Carnegie Melon and a class in clowning, not a business class). I’ll also talk about why I left my first career.
—You’ll learn about the closest thing to an “easy button” that I’ve discovered in life. It’s life-changing, and it will set you free.
—We talk about a place a lot of us have reached in our life: when the pain and fear of staying the same start to outweigh the fear of change and the unknown.
—I tell you about a man named Ray—a trainer I met in New York—who totally and completely changed my perspective with four words that are a huge part of how I am where I am today.
—I flip the script on the old quote, “She believed she could, so she did,” to what’s true for my life: “She believed she couldn’t, so God did.
—We identify where transformation really begins. Here’s a hint: It doesn’t start with strength. Honestly, it starts in the opposite place—a place of weakness.
—I remind you (and myself!) that your past doesn’t define you, and that out of hard things come really good things.
—I share a story about how the secret sauce of PowerSheets—connecting the HEART to your S.M.A.R.T. goals—emerged from one of the clients I coached back in my hometown gym in Florida.
—We talk about how focusing on the big picture will truly change your life and the decisions you make today.
—I share the humble beginning of Southern Weddings, the magazine I started in my bedroom with my cat sitting next to me on my 13″ computer during my husband’s deployment to Iraq to keep my mind off bomb threats.
—Ari and I tell you the story of our marriage… a real, grace-filled transformation story. He even shares his new talent with you!

 Have I convinced you to listen? If not, what if I told you that at some point in the episode, my daughter Grace also tells you an embarrassing story about me ripping my pants… interested now? Ha!
Interested in some of the things I mentioned throughout this episode? Here you go!

—Read more about our Southern Weddings transition and how we let go of something good to make room for even better things to come.
—Don’t waste another minute of your life living on accident—get your PowerSheets® Intentional Goal Planner today! You’ll set good goals that are connected to a big picture that you can’t wait to get started on, and tend to them little by little all year long. 
—Follow along with my Eighth-Annual Intentional Goal Setting Series, starting with Part 1!
—To read the entire story I shared an excerpt from, grab this book (or digital copy for my tablet friends!)
—This Couples Goal Guide will help you and your significant other align on what matters most and start cultivating those things. Ari doesn’t love goal setting, but he’s gifted this goal guide to friends and coworkers!

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I’D LOVE TO MEET YOU! Come say hi on Instagram! I love sharing my life with you! If you loved the outro, don’t miss the Ari Raps highlight on my Instagram!

SUBSCRIBE NOW to the Cultivate Your Life podcast on iTunes so you won’t miss an episode. If you love the podcast, please leave a quick review on iTunes—it helps lots of other women find this free encouragement! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. I’ll be featuring some of your reviews in a future episode!


  1. JulieHomen on at

    Cultivate Your Life is already my new favorite podcast. Episode one is so inspiring, episode two has the best tips to avoid burnout, and episode three gets me fired up to set good goals! If 30 people “like” this comment, will you post a picture of you from clowing class or show us a little something you learned in your next live?!?!?!?! 😉

  2. qian on at

    I was surprised that it was an hour long. I haven’t finished in one setting yet but it is SOOO GOOD!!! I love your courage to share your story of ups and downs and your marriage story is truly so inspiring and hope-filled. thank you for sharing so vulnerably and for getting Ari to share as well!

  3. Shanann on at

    This was such a beautiful testimony! I listened every second. Thank you for sharing.

    • Lara on at

      That’s a treasure to hear. Thank you so much, Shanaan! It’s a joy to have you here.

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