You’re not sure what to focus on right now with all that’s going on—you feel stuck, unsure of your next move. Life as you knew it has suddenly changed, and your goals need some major changing, too. You’re worried about the future—and in some ways about how you will survive this. Long-term planning feels impossible right now, so how do you move forward? How do you thrive in the midst of all of this uncertainty?
Let’s talk. LISTEN NOW!
In this episode:
— I guide you through three steps to thrive in the midst of uncertainty, and then how to pass that gift on to others!
— We talk about what it means to take the long view, to stay focused on the big picture. This season won’t last forever, but it will have a lasting impact on our world. (I tell you about Grandma Bunny’s experience with the Spanish flu, too, and how every challenge in our lives will change us—and that’s a good thing!)
— We consider what it might look like for this time to actually grow us for the better. Ugh, we kind of don’t want to go there at first, do we? The gifts we’re left with from this season will most likely be ones of perspective.
— We talk about, in the words of my friend and MTH speaker Hannah Brencher, do in the dark what you know how to do in the light. Sometimes we just want to sit in the muck, yes? But this is encouragement to care for ourselves in the way we know to do when things are going well – right now, right where we are.
— I take you out the garden and we talk about planting seeds (of course!). Think for a moment about what you’ll be so grateful a year from now to remember about this time. I tell you about some of the very specific things I’m doing in this season to cultivate a good, joyful, intentional life RIGHT NOW.
— I share a little encouragement for my new homeschool mama friends that was shared with me three years ago.
— We finish by talking about the third step to thrive in this season: helping others thrive, too. My biggest motivation for being the best I can be right now is to help the people around me—Ari, my kids, my team—live with joy and without fear even in the midst of uncertainty. I share some really simple and practical ways to do this that you can try today!
Interested in some of the things I mentioned throughout this episode? Here you go!
— My PowerSheets are my home base and number one recommendation for this season – not an ad, but they are truly how I’m cultivating an intentional life amidst all the turmoil! I’m so grateful I have these and so many of you do, too! Don’t be afraid to scratch things out and get messy (and check out these great blog posts you’ve all been loving about using your goal planner right now).
— I just finished the Write the Word Worship Journal and am a few days into the Write the Word Hope Journal. Both are SO good for this time!
— Who would have known our Hope Journal would be so needed right now?? Truly for such a time as this. I talk a little bit about creating this journal, and if you’re curious, there’s much more here.
— The Legacy Journal is what I’m using to record for our children the good and the hard in this time.
— Two things we’ve enjoyed as a family recently: Heidi (the end is so beautiful!) and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, the Mr. Roger’s movie.
— Found yourself suddenly homeschooling your kiddos? Here’s a joyful, simple resource that might help: our free homeschool planner download.
— Listen to the April PowerSheets PrepCast!
— If Team Cultivate can pray for you, we’d be honored to do that! Just fill out this form.
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Lara, I love your POPTART/ PODCAST!!!! It’s the only time when my house gets dusted.