Cultivate Your Life Podcast Episode 026: Dear January Selves


You’re feeling it. The end of the year, with all of its bells and whistles, is coming at you like a freight train. Christmas music has been playing for months, and if you haven’t already purchased ALL of your gifts, you feel behind.

Do you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle? And refocus on what really matters?

Me, too — and today’s episode has some really good news for you!


In this episode:
— Does being “intentional” conjure up images of Pinterest, crafts, and hours and hours spent with loved ones? While those things aren’t bad, we start today by talking about how they aren’t a requirement for living with the big picture in mind.
— I tell you about another one of my orchids, its untimely demise, and the message my daughter delivered to me when I really needed it. Once again, I was reminded that His plans are always better than mine.
— Are you in the middle of that right now? Just wanting to get all the things done? Or are you feeling like a failure, having not done the things you had hoped to do this year? We talk about how maybe God wants to grow something different in you. He is there in the unexpected!
— I ask you to think about where you were on January 1, 2019 (and I tell you what I would tell my January 1st self, if I could go back and talk to her!). We also hear from some other listeners about what they would tell their January selves!
— Then, we looked ahead to our January 1, 2020 selves and wrote a little letter to that gal. What would it take for you to look back then and know you cultivated what matters now?
— I gave you a reminder that we get to choose and there’s still time. We can’t do it all and do it all well, but we can opt out of the crazy! As a reminder of our opportunities to choose and the importance of gratitude, we took a little break out in the garden.
— So, where do we start with turning our hearts around, and in the process, turning the rest of our years around? I start with prayer, and I finish the episode by praying for all of us.

Interested in some of the things I mentioned throughout this episode? Here you go!

— Listen in to episode 1 for the story of the infamous orchid — the one that first taught me the power of little by little progress!
— Curious about the flood in our house? Here’s the backstory!
— I shared Psalm 37:3-5.
— Get your 2020 PowerSheets goal planner today! Then, join us for PowerSheets Prep Week starting December 9th. Together, we’ll uncover what really matters and set goals to help live it out!

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  1. Jan Bailey on at

    I would love to be a support person and part of cultivate your life. I sincerely appreciate the GOAL SHEETS and have started to use them in 2020. Thank-you!!

    • Lara on at

      So grateful for you, Jan! Excited to see how you cultivate your year and tend to what matters most!!

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