A New Site + A New Name

We sat in a team meeting, trying to come up with an answer to this question: How do we help people more often than just once a year with our annual print magazine? Social media is great. Blogs are great. But, holding something in your hands is a different experience. It has the potential to become part of your everyday…

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LITTLE BY LITTLE / A New Name for This Season

We’re entering what we’ve historically called our “busy” season. On the calendar: my site re-launch in a few days, a conference in a week, another site launch that same week, all of our 2017 products launching the week after that, and a magazine coming out the week after that. (And my book manuscript is due in…

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I’m Lara, It’s Nice to Meet You!

Hi! Yay! I’m so grateful you hopped over here. : ) So, here’s the thing. Yes, you are reading pixels on a screen. But! I’m a real person typing this, and I know you are a real person too–with a story that matters. So, will you tell me about yourself? I’d love to know who…

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LITTLE BY LITTLE / What Do You Want to Grow?

The air is getting cooler, and I’m feeling it: I’m going to have to let go soon. The cold will take these blooms in a few short weeks, and I’ll begin dreaming again of next year’s garden. It has been a beautifully imperfect year in the garden. Nothing manicured. Lots of surprises. Like the time…

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LITTLE BY LITTLE / Cultivate What Matters

I often wonder if what I do everyday is helping others. Not in an “I don’t think I have purpose” way, but I genuinely don’t have the ability to know most times. After webinars (like this one and this one) or speaking, or even in writing my first book, people ask me, “How did it go?” My…

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