Hi! Yay!
I’m so grateful you hopped over here. : )
So, here’s the thing. Yes, you are reading pixels on a screen. But! I’m a real person typing this, and I know you are a real person too–with a story that matters. So, will you tell me about yourself? I’d love to know who you are, or if we’ve met before, what’s new in your life. I’m sharing my thoughts below, and I hope you’ll join me in saying hi too!
I’m Lara. I’m a mom to three (one through the gift of adoption), a grateful wife, and a believer in the “impossible.” I’m the creator of the PowerSheets, a grace-filled goal setting planner, and an unlikely gardener. I am passionate about faith, good goals (here are my goals for 2019!), and helping people get unstuck and un-rushed. I founded the Making Things Happen movement, Cultivate What Matters, and, even though I felt unqualified, I wrote two books. I love the women I work alongside each day, hot boiled peanuts, my garden, exploring local farms, and living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Your turn! Tell me who you are, where you are from, and fires you up.
I can’t wait to get to know you.
keep reading
Hi Lara! My name is Tiffany and I stumbled across your blog through City Mons Blog here in Albuquerque, NM. My husband and I are in the process of foster-adopting and we get licensed this next month! So I’m starting to connect with other mothers as this will be a new adventure for me. I have no children of my own, but am so so excited to become a foster mom and hopefully an adoptive mother soon! My hopes and dreams are to be able to take a break from teaching and be a stay at home mom with a side home business refinishing furniture and making organic beauty and spa products. So nice meeting you!
Hi Lara! I’m Katherine, and my discipler recommended power sheets to me. I’m currently in medical school, and am looking forward to being more intentional with my free time. I don’t have very much, and I tend to be selfish with it. I am also looking forward to better taking care of myself with what goes into my body. A few more things about me: I am from Alabama, I am an avid reader (when I have time), I love watercolors, I have a cat named Sherlock (she’s a girl though), I enjoy traveling, I like mountains more than beaches, and my favorite foods are sushi, potstickers, and macarons!
Hello! I’m Keela. It’s nice to meet you. I believe I stumbled across your blog via Pinterest, and I was immediately attracted to your spunk! I’m from Texas. I have a plan to travel the world, love, and write. But who knows? God may change that plan.
Hi Lara, I’m Maria, 29 years old Bolivian living in Florida. I work in logistics desperately trying to find a more meaningful job/career. I love your blog because you have shown time and time again that you can get whatever you want in life with the help of God, but I’m so stuck in my career that feels it will never change.
Anywho, I love gardening, cooking and music! Nice to meet you! -
Hi Lara, I am a mom to a two year old and a vizsla dog and we are a military family. I wear a lot of hats and someday I aspire to have a green thumb. I am excited to get my powersheets to renew my 2017 goal of embracing life! I have taken charge of my health already and I am excited to have a renewed sense of energy and hope for what is to come! Thanks for being so personable and reaching out!
Hello, Lara. My name is Ellen. In February 2016 I left my house with my daughter and son in love to pick up my youngest son at college for a skiing day trip. I had no idea that by 8:30 AM my life would change forever. A freak accident on a warmup run sent me to the trauma unit in a large teaching hospital more than two hours from home. I was in surgery by 2PM. By evening I was in a bed in the trauma unit where I had more surgery eight days later. After a week in a rehab facility, a bone infection threatened my leg and my life. Back to a different hospital closer to home, I had additional surgeries. I left home in February and got home in April. On June 18, 2020 I finally had surgery number eight – a knee replacement. I was medically retired just as my eighth grandchild arrived in 2017. I received a second BA in English with a concentration in writing in August 2019 and am now in graduate school as a candidate for a Master’s degree in English with a concentration in Literature. I’m trying your PowerSheets because my life has changed so much that I feel completely adrift. I’m trying to sort out my new situation and I feel stuck. The latest surgery has helped considerably with pain, but the PTSD/anxiety/depression disorders make me feel unglued some days. These disorders are mostly in remission now but they flare up whenever I feel anxious or stressed. I am hopeful that using your planning tools will help me discover how to live my new normal.
Hello – I’m Tori and I’m so glad I’ve found you! I’m in my late twenties – single, no children – and currently employed at a local university. But my desire is to be self-employed and I’m in the beginning stages of building a creative/art business.
I have so many ideas and desires for this business flooding my brain; it can be overwhelming to think about where I am and where I’d like to be in the near future and beyond. But reading your words have inspired me to take time to cultivate where I am by planning. I’m formulating my ideas into plans and actionable steps to reach my goals. It sounds so simple, but taking time to write and plan is doing wonders for me.Thank you Lara for sharing your heart and allowing yourself to be used by God. You’re inspiring many to do the same.
Hi Lara! I’m a 27 year old, Jesus loving, single girl, law school grad from TN who has struggled with the bar exam, but I have found such rest in Christ during this season of trials. I’ve said 2017 is going to be a banner year and I’m loving my PowerSheets to keep me on track. From prioritizing my relationship with God, focusing on my health, and studying for the bar, this year has been full of little by little progress! It’s also helped me in ministry as I’m a Young Life leader and a youth group volunteer with my church. I love how the Lord has called me in to ministering to high school students. It really fires me up to love them well!
Hi Lara, I’m Rachel, a scatterbrained, part-time working wife and momma in South Alabama. I so appreciate your site and all that you do to encourage other big dreamers like me.
I’ve started a little website this past year and already seen God work in incredible ways through it – but also experienced very real heartache and trials that have pushed my little family to our breaking point.
I feel incredibly passionate about following God’s adventurous journey for us – while somehow keeping my calm as I try to make the most of our chaotic life. I don’t want to get lost in the crazy, I want to do my best to work hard and embrace it, savor it, and make sweet memories instead of hurried, frazzled ones. Praying for you and yours, RLD 🙂 -
Hi! I’m a 33-yr-old RN who God has delivered (through counseling, prayer, and an amazing, supportive 10-yr marriage) from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I’m the healthiest and happiest I’ve ever been, thanks to Him! Oh, and I’m also a pastor’s wife! In 2016 my husband and I moved to Milwaukee for him to take over a 1,000 member urban church and it has been the biggest blessing. But change is never easy – my word for 2017 is TRUST as I wait on Him and praise Him for all He’s done. Powersheets help me focus on my walk with Christ, serving others, and good stewardship of all I’ve been given – thank you!
I believe I first heard your story on the God Centered Mom podcast back in February. I looked you up on Instagram(my favorite social site) and then I realized that you were the creator of the Power Sheets I had heard so much about in the last few months. Since then you have been a great encouragement to me to love my life just the way it is and to really give myself wholeheartedly to my most important calling – motherhood. Experiencing your warmth, joy, and kindness through Instragram is such a welcome part of my day. Thank you for being you and for building an amazing team of encouragers in the Cultivate What Matters team!
I forgot to introduce myself!
I’m Christina! Momma to one, my Bella butterfly. I just turned 30 and I was soooo happy to do so. I have been married to an amazing man for 11 years now. I homeschool our darling daughter- which is the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever experienced second to marriage. I also lead worship in our precious church and I loooove homegroups. -
Hi Lara! I’m Johnica…wife of 10 wonderful years, mom to my sweet boys (4 and 6), and full time learning consultant for an education company. A Chapel Hill Alum! Love that you live in what I consider one of the best places ever!! Go Heels!
I’m so thankful for all the many blessings God has given me. However, I feel like I’m in a continuous circle of stagnation and uncertainty of His purpose for me. Excited to become part of your community and really focus on cultivating what matters most to me while pleasing Him.
Hi Lara,
My name is Caroline, and I became familiar with your work while I was a freshman at UNC Chapel Hill. I happened to stumble across the Southern Wedding Magazine blog, and I have been a faithful reader ever since :). Beyond SWM, I so appreciate the work you are doing to help women live more intentional, fulfilling lives. I currently live in New York City with my husband of four months (a December Chapel Hill wedding!), and I find great joy and purpose in my career as a certified nurse-midwife. Lovely to “meet” you! -
Hi Lara! I found your blog on Instagram! You are so inspiring and real – I want to be more like that! 🙂 I am 22 and I live in the beautiful Colorado mountains! I love to write and have had a blog for quite a long time! I recently started a jewelry business (more of a ministry lol) where I hand-make jewelry and each jewelry piece is designed to encourage and remind women of God’s promises! 🙂 I also love to hike and you have encouraged me to start a garden (pray for me lol)! Thank you for all that you do!
Hi, Lara! I’m Lecy from the Washington DC area. I’m a big sister to seven, aunt to four and mom to six fuzzy critters. I’m a writer, a photographer, and an avid book reader. Just finished Make It Happen last month (I know, so late to the game) and it was so inspiring and encouraging to me. I can’t wait to get a copy of Cultivate when it comes out. It’s so nice to meet you! 🙂
Well, Ms. Lara, your little email was exactly what I needed today. I listened to you on a random day on a random podcast called Goal Digger. I was intrigued by Powersheets so I logged on to check them out. I’ve been TRYING to balance my life a bit more and set goals at the same time. I have noticed my life seems out of whack for a long time and it’s been overwhelming with figuring out just where to start to feel less chaotic. Kind of hard to describe but I’m striving toward progress NOT perfection. I have my own small real estate business here in Las Vegas but I also have 2 little people that need me more than making money in real estate does. I wish all of these ladies and you could come and sit on my backporch with me and we could chat each other up. I’m thankful you are doing what you are doing and helping us lean in and listen to what God has been trying to lead us to. Looking forward to Cultivate!!
Hi Lara! I’m Ashlie, i’m 28 years old and from Georgia. I’m very passionate about weddings and am currently starting my own wedding planning business. Besides that, I’m a wife and a dog mom. I enjoy reading, writing, baking and watching movies. I first heard about you through your blog, a few years ago now. I admire your strong faith and I have learned so, so much from you. One day, I hope to be able to meet you in person.
Hi, Lara! I’m Amanda from Toledo, Ohio. I am 36 and a wife of almost five years and a new mom to a 5 month old little girl. I came across your blog, I believe, a couple of years ago and read Make It Happen. Your transparency of your life and joy in the Lord are contagious and an encouragement! I love following your work and seeing how you are building into your home and children, in particular.
Hi Lara!
I’m Sarah. I’m 22 years old and about to graduate with my bachelors degree in public health next month! My plan is to go to graduate school and get a masters in Occupational Therapy. God has been so good these past few years and I have found what it truly means to walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7) from putting me on the correct career path to putting the love of my life right in front of me, God has been so good!I love everything that you are doing here, Lara! It’s so encouraging to read your story and see how you cultivate what matters even through this crazy thing called life. With God all things are possible, all glory to Him!
Hi Lara, I’m Adriana. I’m a 26 year old writer-with-a-day-job and theatre geek from Kentucky who is working on leading a more purposeful and creative life. A friend of mine brought me to your book and just within the last month I’ve learned a lot more about myself and my role in the world. I always knew that I needed to be more creative, but I’ve had a hard time recognizing how to do that while fulfilling God’s purpose. Through your book and a lot of meditation, I now understand that a lot more. Thank you so much for bringing me closer to my faith and helping me to focus on accomplishing small tasks to reach my big goals.
Hi Lara! I’m Krista from Nebraska. I stumbled across your Write the Word Journals months ago on Pinterest. A few weeks ago I started following Cultivate on Instagram and learned of your webinar yesterday. It was very inspiring and I appreciated your 10 steps. I am a relatively newlywed (2 years) with a 1 year old daughter. I have also just finished PA school and am journeying into the professional world. I am from a very faith-filled, religious family but I’ve always been too Type A and needing “rules” to have a real, personal relationship with the Lord. In just the few days since I found your resources, I have felt inspired. I am excited to begin writing the word. Thank you for sharing your faith!!!
Hi Lara !! It is so awesome to meet you ! I am from Pittsburgh and a VERY proud , life long Pittsburgh Penguins fan ! Being a stay at home mom has been such a blessing to me. We have 5 children who range in age from 11-20. I homeschool my 11 year old with the help of his incredibly awesome teacher ! I love my friends and family and try daily to give encouragement to all of them. This summer, I am planning on starting my own blog ! Holy Guacamole Batman, my life is a little crazy but I would not want it any other way !
Hi Lara,
We’ve talked before but my name is Kayla, I am 24, married with no kiddos yet and trying to walk in purpose regarding what God wants me to do in life. I am really passionate about womens/young adult ministry with emphasis on nutrition and self-love. These passions stem from my own health journey, I was diagnosed with a disease that causes stomach inflammation 7 years ago and after a few years in what seemed to be remission I am having issues again. At times I am weary but I am also hopeful that God will heal me and that this dietician I am seeing tomorrow will help get me on the right track to feel good again. Your transparency throughout the years has helped me so much and I LOVE powersheets they are such a gift. Thank you for all you do!
Hi Lara! I came across your site back in 2009 and have been following you ever since! I had the pleasure of attending your MTH tour in Phoenix several years ago and spending time with you and your sweet family when my family visited NC. I love hearing your hear for people and the Lord and your fire for the Lord fires me up! I have two little boys now who are 3 and 1 and I struggle with my calling every single day. I am a full time working mom and still trying to figure out where I am supposed to be. Thank you for always being so real and transparent with us. You are encouragement to so many! Bless You!
Hello friend. I can’t remember how I first started following you, I think perhaps a blog post or something in your shop that led me to your Instagram. Your contagious laugh and joy drew me in! I feel like I know you. I got the PowerSheets for my birthday last year and have enjoyed GRACE-FILLED goal-setting this year. I’m late-20’s living in a big city in Texas. I’m in my fifth year of marriage and we have a 2 year old girl (so FUN). We serve in our church and we both work from home. My passions include encouraging others to follow Jesus and live alongside Him, colors, nature, being with my family, creating, and eating! I’m currently trying to learn Spanish (haha!) Currently reading your first book as well. xo.
Hi Lara, I have been following for a while. I am an empty nester and a seminary student (also wife and mom to bunnies – Jackson and Humphrey). As a returning and older student I needed to find a way to do school and still do the other creative things I enjoy, also I’m a runner and a reader and so I needed tools to organize all of that. Today I started the Cultivate Gratitude Journal and I love it. This seems like something I should have thought of but didn’t. It fits my spiritual style perfectly and lets me connect with God in a way that is natural for me. Thank you!!
Hi Lara, I’m Stephanie! I live in Pennsylvania and on my way down to North Carolina to visit family we stopped at a Barnes & Noble and being engaged at the time your wedding magazine cover stopped me dead in my tracks. It was beautiful, colorful and exactly how I imagined my wedding to be. I read it cover to cover the rest of the trip and ordered more volumes off of your website. I looked up your personal website after than and your darling magazine had led me to you and Emily Ley and you have both changed my world soooo much!! So grateful for you and your inspiring story/messages!
Hi Lara!
I am Becca; a Minnesota girl who loves Jesus and recently married. I first found or ‘meet’ you online through instagram 4+ years ago. I think it may have started with Southern Weddings/finding you through Gina Zeidler . I kept following for your passion, genuineness and faith journey.I love that you create intentional helpful tools that encourage everyone on in their own walk with their goals.
I love how you have let God use you & you encourage, assist and help so many other individuals become the person God would have them be!
Hi Lara!
I’m a married for 17 years, work at home/homeschooling mom of four. Life is never dull!
Writing has been my passion since I was a kid. That’s why I discovered and fell in love with the Write the Word Journals! I’ve been blogging for quite a few years now, and I’ve done some freelance writing more recently. Now I’m turning my attention to larger projects, and I have plans for both fiction and nonfiction books.
Balancing my marriage, homeschooling/raising kids, work, writing, and everything else that needs doing has always been challenging for me. That’s what attracted me to Make it Happen and Powersheets. Progress sure isn’t perfect, but I’m enjoying having Powersheets to help me stay more focused. 🙂
Hi Lara! My name is Jessica and I live in a little place called Stanwood, an hour north of Seattle in Washington State. I love weddings, drinking London Fog tea lattes, and am a self-proclaimed foodie. Seems like God’s taken your journey all around the bend as He’s done mine. I had done deputation to become a missionary to the Philippines before, worked in childcare before, and now I’m working on getting hired as a wedding planner at a local venue. I was so excited to be able to start your book Making Things Happen when it finally came in at the library. 🙂 Had been curious about you and your story ever since I stumbled upon your beautiful website after I discovered your Power sheets watching a video of a lady who was showing off the goal setting tools she likes to use. Thinking God has something more for me to than just being a sales associate. What brings me joy is looking through wedding books and seeing all the beauty contained in there. I recently bought your Southern Weddings Vol. 9 magazine and have found it Sooo amazing!! Keep up the Great and beautiful work! Hope to see you at a MTH conference in the future!
Hi Lara! I so love that your story is untraditional. It shows how God works in such wonderful ways!!
I am a married WAHM mom to a crazy bunch of 4 kids, two boys and two girls ages 12, 7, 6, and 3. I live near Chicago, IL and I was a teacher before deciding to stay home after having our 3rd baby. I then started a crochet business for a bit and then while I was in a season of struggle and trying to find myself about 6 months after our 4th little guy arrived when I came across a blog post on how to “Make over your mornings”. I went right to it and one of the things it recommended was starting your day by reading the Bible. I had gone to church all my life, but never had a relationship with God and most definitely didn’t have a Bible. I went out, purchased a journaling Bible and started reading it! I found you through that same blogger who posted about your power sheets. I ordered the power sheets and the Make it Happen book December 2015. I was in a low place with some health issues and your book inspired me to start up my own direct sales business which has been so good for my family! I didn’t make it through the power sheets last year, but preordered them right away for this year and also ordered a set for my husband! I have been diligently working through them this year and they (and you!) inspired me to join my very first Bible Study and to seek out a relationship with God.. You see that simple blog post about starting each day reading the Bible, led me to a MOPS group, which led me to a new church, which brought my family to knowing God and having a relationship with Him like never before. At 34 yrs old, I have finally given my life over to Christ and accepted His love. Through this time, you have been such an inspiration. I love that you are so bold in your faith and not afraid to be truly you. I consider you a mentor in my faith walk. I just watched your webinar with Shanna Noel as I have recently purchased a bunch of illustrated faith products and I am loving painting in my Bible!
What fires me up is God’s love, spending time with my husband, loving on my kids, and running. I love to run! 🙂
Hello there!! It’s so sweet to read about God’s grace in your life Lara! I’m Susanna, and I’m a college student in small-town Nebraska. I will be graduating this year with a degree in elementary education, early childhood education, and Spanish. This year was my first time using Powersheets and they have blessed my life greatly. I have cultivate some life-giving habits this year because of them. I adore children and have a passion for serving the Lord. I love that you added grateful to your “job title.” I have learned so much about gratitude these last few years, and I want to continue to wave the banner of gratitude over my life. I even considered writing grateful on my graduation cap!! Have a blessed day! 🙂
Hi Lara! I’m Laura, a wife, a momma to a 2.5-year-old with a baby on the way in a month, and a full-time engineer. Things are a little chaotic here as you can imagine, so I always appreciate hearing you talk about living in the mess! Nice to meet you!!
Hi! I’m Traci from Atlanta, 36,. . . . I went to school at Wake and Law School in DC. I have a 9 year old son and soon to be 5 year old daughter (she loves looking at your Instagram and liking your pictures on all of your social media feeds). I actually didn’t discover you until Novemberish of last year but I’ve been hooked ever since. I have a really strong faith foundation but feel like your products, blogs, and videos have helped me to focus and do more for God, myself, and my family. I really hope I can look back at the end of this year and see true progress and not feel like I’ve wasted or not met goals once again. I’m hoping next year I can attend my first MTH conference!
PS Go Deacs!
Hola Lara, saludos desde Argentina. Your story and unconventional path has been such inspiring for me! I’m Laura from Argentina, I work as journalist since 20 years but last year I started to feeling disconnected from my profession. In that ‘state of soul’ I discovered your website (I think through Emily Ley blog). Your words, your posts, your ideas went music for my ears… a kick off to start listening to myself and start once for all my own personal revolution. And I did it! It was almost the end of July 2016 but I decided to do the Powersheets prep work. I bought a notebook and wrote down the answers of every step. This process was so revealing and refreshing. And I found my word of the year for 2017: purpose. I’m using my first Powersheets and I love them, of course. They are so useful… even for me, living in other hemisphere, with the order of the seasons upside down 😉
Please keep going sharing and inpiring. We are so grateful for that. Many, many thanks -
Hi, Lara! I’ve been a follower for quite some time (and had the pleasure of hearing you speak and meeting you at the Influence Conference twice!). 🙂
A little recap and life update…
My name is Katie; I’m a magazine journalist turned greeting card editor. I’m passionate about encouraging others, writing, creating, and living this life fully for Jesus. I’m also a big believer in God making the impossible possible, and my big “impossible” is meeting a Godly man and being a part of a Godly marriage. I’m walking through a particularly hard season currently, because after years of praying for those things, I was dating someone I truly thought I would marry. That relationship recently came to an end, however, and that’s been a huge challenge to my faith. I can absolutely relate to feeling like things are messy, broken, and imperfect. But I’m encouraged that like you said… I can cultivate what matters right where I am. Right in the mess, right in the tension — flaws and all. And I’m still hoping, praying, and believing that God can make my “impossible” possible. 🙂 -
Hey Lara!
My name is Abbie. I am in my mid 30’s. I have a 3 year old adopted baby girl who we have had since birth. I actually was in her delivery room :-). I work as a minister at a church. I have been there for almost 11 years now. They let me do all of my office hours at home, so I can be with my little one :-). Working from home is such a blessing and on the most difficult of days, I try to remember that :-). I found you through a joint webinar you did with Emily Ley. Simplified Planners are my jam! I LOOOOOOOVE the PowerSheets and Write the Word. Totally just did an Instagram live for the new Write the Word journals and to give Cultivate What Matters a shout out! I have always wanted red hair and curly hair…..soooooo I pretty much covet your hair every single day ;-). My husband and I will be married 10 years in October, and I would like to come to Durham NC for our anniversary. Any suggestions of places to go and things to see. Loved Em’s blog post on this today! Keep on with what God has inspired you to do, because through you God is inspiring many many others to do with God is calling them to do :-). -
Hi Lara! I found your instagram through either Emily Ley or ValMarie Paper (can’t remember which one!). This is my first year using Powersheets and they are AMAZING! I’m a believer. I’ve been married for 14.5 years to my best friend and I have two amazing daughters (one bio, one through the gift of adoption). I have a medical condition that prevents me from having any more bio children and my oldest literally prayed our youngest to our front door. We homeschool and are finishing up our 6th year of homeschooling with Classical Conversations. I teach English & writing at CC and I LOVE it. I love to cook, plan (yes, it’s a hobby!), scrapbook, and spend days at the pool with my family.
Hi! I was introduced to you when a friend posted a picture on Insta of her Powersheets. How had I never heard of these before? I realized instantaneously that I needed them and you in my life! I quickly started following you everywhere. (Creepy?) Hope not! Anyway, I am loving my Powersheets, I just received my Write the Word Journal and am making my way through Make It Happen. I am a homeschooling mom to four and love to read and write.
Hi Lara! I so love that your story is untraditional. It shows how God works in such wonderful ways!!
I am a married WAHM mom to a crazy bunch of 4 kids, two boys and two girls ages 12, 7, 6, and 3. I live near Chicago, IL and I was a teacher before deciding to stay home after having our 3rd baby. I then started a crochet business for a bit and then while I was in a season of struggle and trying to find myself about 6 months after our 4th little guy arrived when I came across a blog post on how to “Make over your mornings”. I went right to it and one of the things it recommended was starting your day by reading the Bible. I had gone to church all my life, but never had a relationship with God and most definitely didn’t have a Bible. I went out, purchased a journaling Bible and started reading it! I found you through that same blogger who posted about your power sheets. I ordered the power sheets and the Make it Happen book December 2015. I was in a low place with some health issues and your book inspired me to start up my own direct sales business which has been so good for my family! I didn’t make it through the power sheets last year, but preordered them right away for this year and also ordered a set for my husband! I have been diligently working through them this year and they (and you!) inspired me to join my very first Bible Study and to seek out a relationship with God.. You see that simple blog post about starting each day reading the Bible, led me to a MOPS group, which led me to a new church, which brought my family to knowing God and having a relationship with Him like never before. At 34 yrs old, I have finally given my life over to Christ and accepted His love. Through this time, you have been such an inspiration. I love that you are so bold in your faith and not afraid to be truly you. I consider you a mentor in my faith walk. I just watched your webinar with Shanna Noel as I have recently purchased a bunch of illustrated faith products and I am loving painting in my Bible!
What fires me up is God’s love, spending time with my husband, loving on my kids, and running. I love to run! 🙂
Hi, Lara! Gracious, I think I met you 8 years ago now?!? I’m a wife and mama, homeschool cultivator and blogger, and all around coffee addict. I love to cook, read, play in the dirt, and am so very grateful and humbled at the incredible opportunities God has blessed our family with. I recently spoke at Teach Them Diligently Nashville to a room full of mamas looking to re-find their joy in motherhood. Without the support of my darling hubby and the action steps I have learned to use since the MTH in Houston, I would have continued fighting the push to speak. So thank you for doing gladly what you have been called to <3 It helps more people than you will ever know. Hugs!
Hi Lara! I’m Brittnie and have been following you for a few years. Loved your first book, Make It Happen. I am a mommy to four kiddos (one with special needs and two that live in heaven – lost a baby at 8.5 weeks and another stillborn at 5 months gestation). I am so thankful for God’s amazing grace and the way He walks with us through our hardships and desert journeys. Thank you for always being genuine and vulnerable. You, along with a handful of other women, encouraged me to rise up, run my messy race, and tell others about the work God has done in me. As a result, I wrote my first book, Desert Song. All the best, Lara!!
Hello! My name is Adriane and I’m a mom to an awesome 7 year old boy, wife to my best friend, and marketing professional living in Michigan. As I approach 40 later this year (yikes!) I am struggling with life’s priorities, my place in my life (i.e. what I want to be when I grow up), and what I hope the next stage in my life brings. It’s a lot to think about! I am also struggling greatly with my faith…and I purchased your Write the Word Cultivating Faith journal this week and can’t wait to get it and get started! It’s great to meet you!
Hi Lara! This message came on a day that I desperately needed a friend. You are such an inspiration and such a breathe of fresh air. I just want to walk on over and hang out and soak up some friend time. I am an Air Force wife of 20 plus years, moving around every three. I am a Homeschool mom to two who are finishing up 7th Grade and mom to one college student finishing up her Freshman year. I’m currently standing at a cross roads and trying to figure out what to do, what is my calling, where am I suppose to go next. I just started the Power Sheets the beginning of the year and am slowly getting the hang of them. Keep on inspiring those around you, those on the other side of the screen, because you are making a difference. Thanks for being real and for being honest.
Hi Lara! I’m Cati– 27, been married for 6.5 years, and we have three kids, ages 3.5, 1.5, and 4 months (1 older boy, 2 sweet sisters!) We are northern transplants to Virginia and loving the south. I own a company that provides online writing and English tutoring for homeschool students. I heard of your Power Sheets through using my Emily Let Planner. I’m a recovering perfectionist 😉 and I also up every word of your blogs because your honesty has helped me learn to be honest with myself and make important decisions regarding my marriage, my motherhood, my business, etc.
Hi Lara! My name is Hayley. I am a newly married 23 year old who is about two graduate next month with a Master of Social Work. I’m simultaneously excited about what’s next and overwhelmed by the fact that I don’t really know what’s next! I feel like God’s inviting me on a journey to discern what my gifts are and use them for his glory. I’m a recovering people pleaser and have spent a lot of time in paralyzing indecision. I’m ready to do what I love and make things happen! I love hip hop dance, doodling, and just decided I’d like to write a book one day about what Jesus in his graciousness has taught me.
Thank you for using your gifts the way you do, Lara. I’m so thankful I found your website and I’m excited to dive into your book and Powersheets soon!
Hello! I’m Mary. I ‘ve been in social services for 21 years. I always wanted to help children n difficult situations when I was growing up so that’s how I ended up there. After all these years I’m ready for a change from that. My husband and I have been together for 28 years. We have no children but we have lots of wonderful nieces and nephews! I don’t remember how I found your blog but I’m so happy I did. You post lots of inspiring stuff and I love the power sheets. I started using them last year. I think they are great for helping me stay focused. I read your first book and I’m looking forward to reading the next one!
Hi, Lara, I’m Shelby. I’m a fashion stylist & blogger and currently reside in the Central Valley of California but eagerly wait on God to move us for a number of reasons. I’m über passionate about ethical fashion that empowers the women who wear it but also the women who make it. I’ve had an equally intresting journey and totally relate to your story & loved Make it Happen, it was one of the first books I read after I moved here and helped me understand everything that had happened and was happening is part of a larger plan that is His own & it is good.
Hi Lara! I’m Katie, a 22 year old single lady from Greenback, Tennessee. I am currently an admissions counselor at Hiwassee College and am in a season of having no idea what I want to do with my life except to live it intentionally. Some of my favorite things in life are exploring small town boutiques, my Nana’s home-cooking, hearing my Momma and Daddy sing, Southern hospitality, and my beautiful Smoky Mountain home.
Good Morning Lara. My name is Chasitti. I am the mother of a two year girl named Penelope and recently engaged to my now fiance, Patrick. I work in Business Operations and through my random internet strolls I believe I found a link you your Instagram on PureWow and it lead me to your blog. I am always looked for ways to be more organized and inspired and your blog provides just that. Thank you and I look forward to reading your new book.
Hi Lara. Your Powersheets have changed my life. I am an interior designer, dreamer, reader. Mom to an adorable 6 year old girl and wife to a devoted, “dude” of a husband. Looking forward to reading your next book. Happy Summer.
Hi Lara,
I’m Webly, single mom to my amazing sunshine, Horizon, my son, a techie web designer, online &a social media strategist and a food lover.
What attracted me to your work is the fact that I always feel rushed like I never finish doing anything. Through my prayers God whispered in my heart to slow down and re-evaluate what matters.
I’m not good with journals but to date there are only 2 that inspired me : Zig Ziglar and yours. I did get the one that was the folder style but I guess you know by now it’a not easy to carry around. Needless to say I’m super excited about the pink journals and getting one as type these words ( not really I have to finish typing first right? LOL)I love your heart and your love for our Creator. I look forward to get on my own journey of cultivating what matters.
Nice meeting you.
Webly -
Hi Lara! Who knew that you askingme to introduce myself would stir up so many emotions. It was one of those moments in life where heartbreak & healing meet & you know it’s time to let go of what isn’t & embrace what is. The tears came because all the “cool” things I wish were a part of my introduction are not. I had always thought I would be a wife & mom. I’m neither. I’m divorced with no kids & I’m 44. (how is that even possible..44??) So if I’m not a wife or Mom, who am I? For starters, like you, I’m a gal who has decided naturally curly hair is the best! I also love the Lord & I am a girl on a journey. Am living daily discovering the life He has planned & becoming the girl He created me to be. It’s hard, it’s scary & it’s great. And Lara, it has been so nice to “meet” you & get to know you the past several months. I will
never have the words to explain how you helped turned my wondering into a life with intention. I’m Robin & I’m blessed with a great life, a great family & most importantly a great God! -
Hey, Lara,
I’m Precious and I’m a college student in FL, born in the Philippines, and raised in Japan. I struggle to know how to introduce myself because I’m constantly feeling lost in limbo between who I am and who I want to be. Basically, I’m a Jesus lover, seeking to find my path and live intentionally for His glory.
I heard you talk on a podcast, followed you on IG, and just subscribed to your email. I’m excited to learn from you! -
Hi Lara!
So great to meet you! I am very excited to begin this exciting journey. I heard about you thru a friend and decided it sounded just like what I need to discover myself again. I am in my 40’s, mom to 2 great boys and wife to the love of my life. I am excited to bring all 4 of us on this adventure!! Thank you! -
Hi Lara! I’m Stefania, 30 years old Italian girl inspired by people like you! I really need inspiration in this moment of my life… I live with my fiance, two dogs and three cats, and I hope soon to be a mom!
Hi Lara!
I’m Courtenay and I am a 31 year old Army wife and we are currently stationed in Hawaii but are originally from Virginia. I am a musician and a former high school band director, and am a fur-baby mom to two fuzzball kittens. I discovered you and the Write the Word journals after seeing an Instagram post about them and I realized they would be perfect for me. I’ve used my quiet times to copy and write out scripture and am excited to use the journals and their themes to become closer to the Lord and and refresh my heart through this practice. I can’t wait to see what else I discover through your website and other products as well! Thanks so much! -
Hi Lara! I am married to my high school sweetheart (21 years this June), mom to 4 fantastic kids (17,nearly 16, 12 and 9), lawyer, advocate for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation), coffee drinker, paper enthusiast, first time Power Sheets user (trying not to beat myself up because I skipped May!). I love your encouraging and empowering message. Thanks for all the inspiration!
Hi Lara! I found Cultivate through Southern Weddings and absolutely love the mission. I’m a 22 year old originally from coastal Virginia but living in DC currently. I just finished my masters and will be a high school religion teacher next year at a Catholic school in Northern Virginia. I’m getting married in less than two months to my high school sweetheart! Needless to say, this summer feels like a huge time of transition for me and I want to very intentional about discerning God’s call throughout all of it and renewing my faith life. I picked up a set of powersheets and your book to help with that 🙂
Hi Lara! I’ve been in a pretty frustrating job for almost two years — the university is the wrong fit for me, I have an absentee and generally unprepared manager, directions are often unclear… I just received a job offer from a university that I am THRILLED to work for, but now there’s a fear that I won’t measure up since I haven’t grown as much as I should or could have over the past couple of year.
Hi! I’m Beth Anne. I’m 31 and live in Northeast Florida. I just got married in April and struggling in my twenties with the dating pool. I really want to work from home eventually helping online businesses get organized with their financials.
I love your powersheets and the couples one as I am really bad at following through with goals. I’m good at writing everything down but bad at acting on them and I think the couples one will be good for our marriage and we pile through it.
Hi Lara! I discovered your site on IG somehow! I’m really excited to continue learning about goals planning. I’m a Homeschooling mama of 5. My oldest babe graduates this year and I’m ready to do all the things I’ve always wanted to do with my family:-). So thankful for this community and the blessings it is bringing!
Hi Lara. I’m Trish. I learned of you from my sister-in-law Sarah Beth. I am in a “season of suffering” so nothing is really firing me up right now.
Hi Lara! My name is Erica and I’m recently coming out of an extremely tough bout of postpartum depression. I first came across you from the beautiful work that you produced under Southern Weddings! With me being a wedding photographer in New York, I always loved visiting the site and seeing the awesomeness down south. But I think more recently, I’ve discovered you and your website through instagram. There’s a joy that shines from your feed and I’m totally grabbing a hold of it! I’m looking forward to reading your book , Cultivate, because I do want to live intentionally.
Hey Lara, I’m Kristen. I’m a digital consultant living in Atlanta. I have been following you for a long time now, and you’re always a breath of fresh air and encouragement in my day. Your authenticity. Your transparency. Your joy. It’s all so incredible. Thanks for always listening to God and sharing your heart with us. It makes such a big difference in my life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I also started my own small business in May and am trying to embrace the idea of growing slow as I try to find clients 🙂 Can’t wait to read your new book too. The first 3 chapters were already life-impacting!!!
Hi, I’m Mary from TN. I’ve worked for the Department of Children’s Services for 21 years. I don’t remember how I found out about your site but I’m so happy I did. This is my second year using your power sheets. They are so helpful for keeping you focused. I read your first book and I’m looking forward to your next one! Thank you s much for all the wonderful posts from you and your staff. Lots of inspiration and most of the time it’s just what I need for that day. Thank you s much!
Hi Lara! My name is Jessica. I’m 23 years old and currently living in Montgomery, AL! I work as an office manager for a small inflatables company and I have a small part time photography business. I am asking God to lead my heart in whatever direction He wants me to go career wise. He has given me a longing for a stable, life-giving career and now I just have to figure out what that looks like! I have a degree in Music from Troy University (go Trojans!) and I am serving as Worship director at church. I love helping people gardening, cooking, taking walks with my husband and our two pups, and doing anything creative! I read “Make it Happen” almost two years ago and I have been following your blog ever since. I am not a goal setter and it really challenged (and changed) the way I goal-plan. I’m really looking forward to Cultivate!
Hi Lara, I’m Jennie. Though I have been a mom for almost six years, I am a brand new work-from-home-mama. I have been using your powersheets since 2015 and am a total brand evangelist! It was following people like yourself, Emily Ley, Nancy Ray, Jess Connolly, etc that I finally gathered up the courage to enter the working world.
My daily mantra is “Today, LIVE into the person God made you to be.” He made me a mama, a wife, and as a woman who is hyper-organized and loves marketing and advertising. I am also really involved in my local church and absolutely love seeing women walk in the freedom that is given them.
Thank YOU for saying “yes” to what God has asked you to do.
Hi Laura! I’m Daphne and I’m a stylist, event planner, and designer living in Austin, TX. I love being outside, making things, and eating kettle chips with chopsticks. I found your site through a friend who attended your MTH conference back in 2009 (?) and have been hooked on your mission and story ever since. I’m an essentialist planner at heart and LOVE your Powersheets – from the spiral binding to the fill-in-the-blanks to the constant encouragement and reminder of what really matters. They’re everything I wish I had created myself. 😉 Your ability to keep the main thing the main thing and to encourage others to do the same is such a gift. You’re one inspiring lady. Keep up the great work!!!
Hi Lara! Thank you for sharing your journey with us! I discovered PowerSheets on Instagram sometime late last year, and I have been using them for the past six months. For me, “success” is continual growth in a way consistent with my values, and I love the focus on growing, even when it seems slow!
I live outside of Atlanta, and I teach high school math. High school kids make me laugh and challenge me to think and get better every day. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to invest in the next generation! I also love my family and my local church and spend a lot of time with both. I’m 30 and single, and while that “status” sometimes makes me feel like a misfit in this corner of the world, I really do have a wonderful life. 🙂 -
Hi Lara! Thank you for all you do and write and share. I’m so grateful for the ways that you serve God and let Him use you to bless all of us! I just wanted to share that I was waiting for God to provide a new job at the exact same time that you were waiting for Josh to be born, and resting in God as I waited along with you was so helpful. I’m seeking him again about career things and both my May and June tending list has “pray impossible prayers and expect more”. (I think I stole that from your or Jess? Thanks!) Thanks for your inspiration!
Hi Lara! I grew up in Pennsylvania but live in Maryland now. I am a wife, mother of 2 active girls ( 6 yrs.and 20 months), and work full-time at a local community college. I recently discovered my purpose and feel my job allows me to fulfill it. However, my daily schedule is beyond crazy and many nights I go to sleep feeling behind before the next day begins. I found out about your Powersheets when I purchased an ultimate bundle. I have been wanting to be more intentional about how my time and my family’s time is spent. I also have some goals that I want to accomplish but never have the time to work on them. I almost cried when I saw the words “Cultivate what Matters”. This is exactly what I want to do!!! Thank you for sharing your story! I am excited to begin this new chapter in my life. God bless!
Hi Lara! I’m Laine, a medical student in South Carolina! I stumbled across your blog after being an avid reader of Southern Weddings for years, and I am thrilled that I did! I just ordered my first set of PowerSheets and I cannot wait to put them to good use. I am a planner by nature, and I look forward to this tool coming in handy as my life becomes more hectic in the coming months! What makes me most excited, though, are new paths that I didn’t necessarily anticipate, but that I know are part of a bigger plan orchestrated by God. It keeps me on my toes, my life exciting, and always has me anticipating what will happen next!
Hi Lara…I started following you right before your
Make it Happen book came out…love your blog, your honesty in communicating the “real” journey with God and all that goes into that. I am married, 50yrs old this year (milestone!) and have a furbaby named Joey that is a beagle mix.. I like to travel to the beach (Live in Cincinnati, Ohio, but grew up in Jax., FL)…and do cardmaking/scrapbooking. Working from home as a project manager & Learning and Development leader. Hope to continue to listen to God’s wisdom to lead me into a more joy-filled, day to day relationship with him. Thank you again for inspiring me every day with your writing, your tools, and your heart. -
Hi Lara, I found your information when I purchased the Ultimate Homemaking bundle. One of my goals is to be a stay at home mom. My two kids by adoption are almost in middle school now. I can’t believe it’s gone so fast. We have three cats, one dog, four fish and the wild bunny who lives in the neighborhood and makes frequent visits.I’m looking forward to reading more here.
Hi, Lara! I’ve been following you for a couple years now and have always joked with my friends that you’re like my social media role model: real, steadfast and putting the right priorities first. I’m a newly-married teacher and I can’t wait to read your new book!
Hi Lara,
I started following you on Instagram after a friend suggested I would love you (they were right!). I am 28 and getting married in September. I work in professional theatre management in Atlanta and learning that your undergrad degree was in theatre makes me love you even more. Thanks for sharing your life with us. I can’t wait to dive into your new book.
Hi Lara,
I found you through a friend who is always full of encouragement when I went to visit her in Dallas at the end of May. She told me all about the Powersheets and I was bummed that I had missed the boat for the year. However, I started following you on Instagram and saw that you were rereleasing them for the last six months of the year – wooooo! It’s been a great exercise for me because….
I am a recovering perfectionist. I am 29, I just changed careers after getting my heart broken in public education. I just bought my first house. My boyfriend and I are nearing engagement and wedding planning. And I’m about to turn 30 in the fall! I have a LOT going on.
On top of all of the crazy life stuff, I have a dog named Cosmo Kramer (my siblings’ dogs are George and Newman…), I’m working toward living debt-free (sooo close), and I love my Apple Watch.I’m a morning person, and I don’t drink coffee or eat peanut butter.
I just bought your new book and cannot wait to dig in. Thanks for being you.
Hi Lara! I’m Sarah. I’m 31 and I got out of the military about 6 months ago. I currently have a part time job at a bookstore (yay books!!), but looking for another job because Hawaii is expensive (boo). I love reading, photography, hiking, and reruns of Friends and Gilmore Girls. I found you through Instagram and then went to your blog. I downloaded the first 3 chapters of Cultivate and knew I HAD to buy it. Last year I felt like God was calling me to write and for a year I put off starting a blog because I didn’t know anything and wanted it to be “perfect”. Your book has been such an encouragement in letting that go. 🙂 thank you for writing it!
Hi Lara, I am Cyndi from Michigan. I’m a mom of a 17 year old and a 15 year old. I am a wife to a wonderful Godly man for almost 19 years. I have always loved words but am just getting started with doing it regularly since my kids are older now. My 17 year old just graduated and he is starting college soon. My 15 year old is entering her junior year of home-schooling. I just started writing for my local division of the disability network. I am legally blind so this project is dear to me. I just got your “Cultivate” book on audio and I’m very excited to read it. Blessings on all your work in serving the Lord!
Hey Lara!! My name is Stacey and I am a 31 year old mom and wife! I have a one year daughter, Carly, and have been married to my husband, Jay, for 9 years this August! I have been a follower of your Instagram for a while and love the encouragement that you give! God is so good and I just want to live the life that He made me to live! I work full time but I sell Thirty-One also! I love reading, being outdoors, Fall weather, coziness, calligraphy and Hallmark channel ????
Hello Lara! I am Kristina. For the past 20 years I have been blessed to be married to the daddy of our five sons (19, 18, 16, 15 &8) and two daughters (13 & 4) . We homeschool until grade 9. It isn’t always easy, but it is so rewarding. Life is short. I never regret time spent with our precious children.
I recently listened to your Make It Happen audiobook (so great to hear the author’s actual voice). You impart such wisdom. I look forward to reading Cultivate.
As an adopted child, myself, I applaud you and your husband for welcoming your Sarah. Your family is lovely.
I received the PowerSheets recently and now I see why they are so well-reviewed.
Thank you for your beautiful witness, Lara. God Bless you and yours!
Hi Lara, I’m Kristen from PA. I’m a farmer/firefighter wife, and SAHM of two boys (ages 4 and 1), and my younger son is medically complex. He is currently overall undiagnosed, but we are managing his many issues fairly well. I think I “discovered” you about the time he was born, when I was all but living in the hospital with him (he finally came home at 12 weeks old). Since our lives mostly revolve around what J needs or what appointment he has, we’ve all had to adjust.
My priorities have changed dramatically, and I truly celebrate the inchstones and the everyday now. I’ve had to shut out much of the world to focus on my children. I am very conscientious about what else I “let in,” because if it doesn’t help me or them, it’s not worth the brain space. I don’t sweat the missed naps, if my four year old wants popcorn for breakfast, or that my baby will need therapies for the foreseeable future. (I do have expectations and rules, lest you think it is a free-for-all over here!) Every day I have with them is a blessing, and I believe it has given me and my husband a unique view of the world.
Hopefully I will have the chance to read Cultivate soon, and maybe at some point get your powersheets. Blessings and love to you and your beautiful family!
Hi Lara – My name is Tracie. I’m a mom to 3 girls, the youngest is 18 and will be heading off ot college next year. My husband of 32 years and I live in the Dallas area. We enjoy roasting coffee, road trips and yoga. We are learning to play string instruments and participate in a beginner’s orchestra. It is a way to bond with our youngest daughter who has been playing since she was in the 3rd grade. I found you through a friend (Macy English) who was filling out her powersheets and posted it on Instagram. I’ve been setting goals all my life and I can’t wait to get my Powersheets in October and work along with this amazing community of women. I watch Jess every week on Instagram live and I just love her sweet spirit and encouraging nature. I’d like to read your book, but I’m not sure which one to start with. Thank you for all you do to encourage us! ~Tracie
Hi Lara! Im Megan, Im close by in Raleigh, NC … though I lived most of my life in WI and MN. Im pretty new to many things in life lately although Im 31. I was recently married and am currently finding my way to God and experiencing things I never have before. My husband is enjoying this journey along side me and Im so grateful for him! I am currently finishing up your book Make It Happen and am excited to read more!
Hi Lara! I am Dr Sumitra Chopra. I am from India, working as an Asst Prof in a small town in Saudi Arabia and we really miss out on freedom to do a lot here. I am 41 yrs and have a one yr old son and expecting our second by late Jan. I have been a Chritian for eons and waited on the Lord for many years before the Lord led me to my husband. We have been married two yrs now. IIove God’s Word and am really passionate about being a wife and a mother and hope to be a full time Home maker soon. I stumbled across your site by searching for something else goals related and love the powersheets I saw on Youtube. Hope to be more intentional in living life and cultivating what matters for eternity.
Hello Lara! I found you through Allie Casazza. I live in God’s country – beautiful Colorado, where I stay home with my two daughters (through the beautiful gift of adoption), write, edit, and help out at my daughters’ school. I find joy in prayer, writing, and loving and encouraging others. I’m greatly attracted to the story of Saint Teresa of Avila – another great woman writer who encouraged other women and helped them grow closer to God. I also love to travel…and always seem to be planning the next trip. Thank you!
Oh boy, where do I start. I found you through an ad on facebook. I bought the journal immediately and LOVE it. Bought a second one right away for a friend going through cancer, which I just came through myself. I am a Pastor’s wife and mom to three adopted children and two biological children. I am selling Rodan and Fields skincare now, and thank goodness I found it, because we are now supporting our oldest adopted son, who has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and our second is in University! Then three more teenagers! Life gets expensive and is super busy and so my next purchase if the Power Planner!!!
Hi, I’m Kathy. I lost my only son from an unexpected internal deformity 2 years ago when he was only 2 weeks old. It’s completely changed my life as I’ve been struggling through loss, grief, and the sovereignty of God. The top 3 ways I process through the grief is Bible study, art, and exercise. Last month by God’s grace I ran my first marathon which I decided to do when I had only run the occasional 5k races (turkey run anyone?) and 6.5 miles as my furthest (back in the day when I was trying to get fit for my wedding almost 5 years ago). This helped me realize that I can do way more by God’s grace than I typically try to do. So I decided to open up an art shop called Redeeming Goods. I’m really looking forward to the new 2018 power sheets coming out bc I think it’ll help me stay on track with the Big Picture and practically “calculate with Christ” everything on my to-do list.
Hi Lara! Jen here! Mother of two kiddos in elementary school. Married to my high school sweetheart for almost 17 years. Former English teacher turned stay at home mom. In the last year I have totally transformed the way I eat due to some autoimmune issues. I finally feel like I have the energy to set some goals and live intentionally for really the first time in my life. I am 39. I love to read and write and cook and take pictures. I have lived in fear for a long time—fear that the other shoe will drop at some point and things will fall apart. But I’m trying to give that fear to Jesus—trying to learn more about his purpose for my life. Thank you for your sincerity and encouragement to set intentional goals and focus on what really mattters.
Hi, Lara! I learned about your PowerSheets through Robin Long’s website which I found by googling how to live a balanced life. I’ve been on quite a spiritual journey for the past year just with growth and perseverance through some health issues I’ve had for almost 5 years. I am soooo glad to have found you! I just received my first ever PowerSheets and can’t wait to figure out a time to sit and do some planning for 2018. I’m also in the middle of reading your book “Make It Happen” . I just want to thank you for following God’s plan for your life because it is affecting mine in a BIG way. I am a mother to twin boys graduating high school this school year (which is having a huge impact on my meaning of life as they go on to their next phase), and also step-mom to a college freshman and a junior in high school. We have a business where I do the office work out of our house and balancing that and 4 teenagers along with my wonderful hubby has been a load, but very rewarding at times. I love to garden, see my nieces and nephews, home decorate, and learn about healthy living and cooking. Pushing through health issues praying for enough energy to be able to reach some goals this coming year, keeping my relationship with Christ at the top of the list!
Lara, I am a home schooling mom of 2 boys (13yo and 11yo). I have been married for 19 years to my college sweetheart and we live in the suburbs of Atlanta. I am a reluctant goal setter but excited to use the Powersheets to help become more disciplined in different areas of my life. I am currently reading Make It Happen and excited about what 2018 has in store for me while using Powersheets. Thank you for being transparent about where you are headed and sharing your goals with all of us!
Hi I’m Emily, I live in London working at a health charity, but grew up in an orchard in Somerset. I love gardening and books (when I was less busy I had a blog about them https://fictioninflower.blogspot.co.uk/), and sewing, and friends. So excited to start using powersheets as I also love nice stationery and goals!
Hi! I’m Christina, I live in Greensboro, NC, and I’m a wife to my super sweet husband of 2.5 years. We don’t have kiddos, but one very spoiled fur baby! This is my first year using PowerSheets, so I’m very excited. 2017 was kind of a rough year for us, and I have really struggled lately with feeling like I’ve accomplished all of my “big” goals. So, I’m hoping that the PowerSheets will give me new direction & help me figure out where I want to go next..
Hello! My name is Lisa and to be honest, I’m sort of lost in my life right now in a lot of areas! I don’t have any kids but I have a great dog. A few years ago I stumbled across a post (most likely Pinterest) about Powersheets and was curious. Then promptly forgot about them thinking I had everything under control. ha ha what’s the saying about making God laugh? A friend on Instagram posted that she got the Powersheets and it all came back – the curiosity I initially had but this time it was stronger (apparently the need for some intention was at at tipping point) . I feel that I’m old enough that I should know what fires me up but I don’t. Not yet anyway. I’m hoping in 2018 I can figure it all out 🙂
Hi! I’m Kellie. My husband and I have spent the last 15 years serving as missionaries in SE Asia; we have three kids and a handful of animals that make up our family. I thought I would really rock missionary life, but it turns out that i’m not such a great self-starter, and in the last three years since we moved to our present location, I have been floundering. I have all these dreams and goals and plans for the future that I can’t seem to turn into action today, so when FB suggested that I join a PowerSheets group & I then googled it, I felt like I’d found some hope! I ordered the Powersheets for my Father in Law to bring out with him in a few days, and I can’t wait to get started!
Hi Lara!!
I am a newly wed and celebrating 5 months next week! Life being married is a fun adventure to say the least 🙂 I discovered you on Instagram a few years ago and I love all the encouragement you post and talk about!! Your upbeat personality brightens my day and keeps me motivated! -
Hi! I’m Nicole. A wife and stay at home mom to a two year old and seven month old. I don’t have any big goals that will change our lives right now. I love what I do and the stage of life we’re in. But I do have smaller things I want to change and i’m great at starting things but not so much at follow through. I’m a type A list maker and thought if I had the power sheets to write through my goals i’d have a better chance of actually accomplishing them. I’m excited to start!
Hey Lara, I’m Margarita, 25 year old from a small country in Europe called Lithuania. I’ve found your blog through Lauren Hooker and her podcast. Currently I’m studying Management at university and teaching English both online and in my city. My goals for the new year is to start sewing and designing clothes (the dream of my childhood) and set my blog related to language learning. I’ve asked my friend to send me your Powersheets and I truly believe they will help me achieve my goals! Thank you for everything Lara!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hi Lara! I’m Natalie and I’m a single 25-year-old young professional in Madison, Wisconsin. My older sister introduced me to PowerSheets and got me my first set for 2018. Being just a few years out of college, I realized I had quite a few goals to improve my life and settle into being a “real adult”. I’m excited to have something on paper to hold me accountable, and a sister/best friend to motivate me when it’s feeling tough!
Hi! I am Becca. I am 26 years old. I’ve been married to my husband Tyler for 10 months we both met because we (at separate times) went on a mission trip called the World Race. 11 countries in 11 months. We both love the Lord and adventure ! I love to paint and to do calligraphy. I love working with watercolor and ink. I feel most at peace and rest when I am doing either or both of those 2 things. Many of my goals are revolves around growing my business called Joyful Creations. I am also a children’s minister. I am in my 3rd year of ministry. Working in the church I am now has been really hard but I adore the kids and watching them learn about God.
I am a Type B Girl, but I heard about you and Cultivate through following Nancy Ray!
Oh, I’m a Duke fan btw…but hopefully we can still be friends 🙂 🙂
My type A friend alex got me my planner for Christmas because she knew I needed the push and knew how much I would benefit from it! I am so excited to dive into this process and really commit to it.
Thank you for being so bold and inspiring!! -
Hi Lara, I’m Mandie. I am a fitness instructor/stay-at-home mom of three. My husband and I have been married for 13 years now and have had our ups and downs as well. This is my first year with Power Sheets and I’m SO excited about it. I have been wanting them for months and I’m so glad I finally get to dig in
Hi! I’m Julie! I’m a homeschool mom of 3 (2nd grader, 1st grader, and a 1 year old). I found you through another blogger I follow. This is my first time using PowerSheets and I’m excited! I like a wide variety of tv shows, I’m into loose leaf teas, I have both dogs and cats, and my husband is in the military (reserves). Oh, and I really enjoy learning new languages!
Hi Lara! I’m Staci, and I found you through PowerSheets which I found out about through Diana Kerr! I found Diana because I recently had my second child and was googling “intentional maternity leave” to see if anyone else out there had ideas about how to make the most of that season of leave from work. (With my first kid I just survived and watching every season of “Parebthood” was my greatest accomplishment. 😛 so I wanted this one to be different. To not just watch tv but to grow in my faith, Family, etc and really use the time wisely. Enter Diana- the only human on planet earth who has ever blogged about this topic (at least that I could find at the time!!). When I found her and then as a result you and PowerSheets…I feel like I’ve really found my Tribe and have been so very excited to dive into this community!!
So that’s my story— and as for me, I’m 31, full time working mom of two, pastors wife (married for 8 years) and a daughter of the King!! I love quality time with my man (and kiddos), all things organization/planning, seeing people take their next steps in their careers or personal lives…oh and coffee. Lots of that!! 🙂
Thankful for you and for this Tribe!!
I’m Kinsey! I’m 26 and have been married for a little over 2 years. I got my masters degree in English literature on a scholarship because it sounded interesting. I love to read, and it’s pretty much my only hobby. After graduating, I got a job as a copywriter for a megachurch in DFW. And just this month, I started a new job at my local campus of that church as Children’s ministry assistant. God has certainly laid my path and I’ve seen how He has gone before me in every decision. I’ve always loved working with kids, babysitting, nannying and teaching preschool dance classes for several years in high school and college. That’s me in a nutshell. So grateful to be here!
I am Ashley 🙂 I am 32, married to my very hard working husband who points me to truth on a daily basis, raising 2 boys ages 2 and almost 4 months. I am an RN but have been staying home to care for my family for almost a year and a half now, still struggling some days to find my purpose at home in the midst of the mundane. We relocated across the country for my husbands job and God has done much with this move, bringing my family closer together and helping us to start a beautiful garden where we are already teaching our new friends all about eating healthy and growing your own food. We love to garden and have people over to try outside the box foods. I have loved finding this site and it has given me a new inspiration to take my days by the horns so to speak and to be intentionally in the drivers seat of my day and where I want to go rather than just having my days happen to me. I love good coffee, good books, spending time with friends, and making yummy food from our garden 🙂
Hi Lara, I’m Ashlyn, a 29yr old registered nurse from Australia. I love to help and encourage others (esp women), I also love the outdoors and have a passion for hiking. It’s New Years Eve Here in 13hrs and I’m planning to go hiking instead of the traditional celebration. I really want to spend time with God seeking what He wants for my 2018. I came across your blog on Kristin Schmucker’s Instagram story. I saw your powersheets and clicked the link. I was surprised at how wonderful they are, but more so blessed when I began to read your blogs. You truely have inspired me to plan well in order to achieve my goals in 2018. Many many thanks for being exactly who God called you to be! 🙂
Hi Lara,
I’m Natasha. I’m 35 and have been married for a little over a year. My husband and I are from eastern North Carolina (he’s a huge Tarheels fan!), but we reside in the Washington, DC area. 2017 was challenging in so many ways. As we ease into 2018, I want to reflect on those challenges in a more positive light and focus on using what I learned from them to make this year (and every year after!) the best year possible. I trust God’s plan for my life and want to enjoy the process of discovering His will and experiencing His love each day. I learned about PowerSheets from a high school classmate who was going through a tough time and found that using them radically changed her life for the better. I’m super impressed with your work and already have my sights on purchasing a 2019 copy since all of the 2018 copies have been (wisely) snatched up by other lovely women. Thank you for what you do!
Hi, Lara! My name is Cheri. I’m a wife of almost 33 years (in May), and mom to two grown young men. My husband recently retired from the military after 32 (nonconsecutive) years of service, and we all moved to Colorado this past August. We have a new home and are settling in. While I am still working my East coast job remotely, my husband and son are experiencing challenges getting back in the work force, and it is frustrating and disheartening. We are blessed to have friends in the area, and we love exploring our new home state. I stubmled across your Cultivate blog at the end of December when I was searching for goal-setting help. What a find! I am thrilled God led me your way. I am ready to put more forethought and purpose in my life, not just operate on autopilot. I look forward to growing this year and reading your blog to remind me that things happen little by little! 😀
Hi Lara—my name is Lisa & I am a 57 year old business owner. I have 2 lifestyle boutiques that keep me hopping! In my previous life I used to be an Associate Director of Admissions at a Big Ten University! Then I was a multi-tasking, organized, miracle worker! Now, I need help getting motivated to push through my goals & develop new strategies to take my business to the next level!
Hello! I am Teresa.. I am 46. Married for 20 years and mother to a 19 year old. I work in a government job, not what I would choose to do, but fell into it for financial reasons. Love Jesus and want so much to align my life with what He has for me. Just found the power sheets and have not started them. They are just staring at me. Making a date with myself to jump in tomorrow. Thank you for inviting me to introduce myself
Hi Laura, I’m 52 years old and Mom of 3, Gram to 3 and Honey for 34 years to the most patient man in the world! I stumbled across your website after googling “Christian Planners” and boom there you were.! I’m finishing up the home schooling of our daughter after 20 years that have grown me in too many ways to name and entering a definite season of change in my life. My life…not perfect but honestly blessed! I wake up every day and stand totally amazed by grace!!
Hi! I’m Pauline, 39 years young and living in New Orleans. I’m a mom to an energetic 8 year old girl and married to my best friend of 13 years. I work in Oil & Gas industry as an IT analyst but finding myself at an interesting crossroad of wondering how to use my giftings for his glory. I’m being led to apply to seminary this year, so we will see where that leads. I love being a part of women’s ministry and I’m an IF: state coach helping to equip and unleash women for His glory.
Grateful for your work and have been going through your step by step process to define my goals for 2018! -
Hi Lara! Jasmine here! I’m 22 from Atlanta, GA. I recently graduated from Agnes Scott with a degree in PreMed/Public Health. Women’s health is my passion and I dream to conduct a lot of research on Maternal Mortality in the future. I love to paint scripture, cook plant based meals and explore nature in my free time. As the 2nd oldest of 7 I probably should have it all together, but I don’t. I’m just cultivating my season and allowing God to take me wherever He wants next! So grateful for you <3
Hello to Lara and the whole cultivate team! I’m Liv, a dreamer and a newly married wife recently relocated to Chicago. I love the Psalms, runs on the lake, and walks in the zoo. I’m passionate about education and intentional living. I love dancing, encouraging, and helping people solve problems! My mind’s eye sees the soul as a garden filled with God’s flowering seeds. When I came across cultivate and read your language the heart – I just burst into tears of joy and wonder of His work and your work’s loving spirit! I don’t have a garden, but your blog has inspired me to start up three little house plants, keeping things growing in spite of the snow. Thank you for your beautiful encouragement and for everyone in this open-hearted community.
Hi Lara! I’m a school psychologist who helps teachers make goals for students all the time, but never sets goals for myself! I love reading about your story, and love the idea of incorporating my faith into goal setting.
Hi Lara!
I’m a wife, mom, sister, friend and believer is Jesus. I am continually being sanctified. In my 20s I was living the dream and climbing the ladder as a web and print designer. A few years into my career I lost my job and I’m so grateful because the Lord showed me clearly that my work didn’t need to define me, I needed to define my work. And at that point, age 29, I decided to use my creative gifts for His glory. I worked as a Sr. Designer at a large church and then moved into Communication Director at a christian private school. I loved that job, I was engaged with students – taught some design classes and helped build a brand I was proud of. But after my 2 children, the Lord had to show me I was putting that job as an idol. Although it was Kingdom work, my priorities were out of whack. I was not being obedient to what He had for me and our family. I’m a bit stubborn sometimes, it seems. I have to learn lessons the hard way. During that time I was owner or part owner of 2 different stationery businesses. We went to the NSS and we sold wholesale. It was a fun experience. I discovered Emily Ley during that time and then you and have followed you since the early days of your magazine.In 2013 I made the hard decision to leave my career and come home. I had no idea how it would work financially or why I was really supposed to do it. But oh how God knew! Over the last 4 years we pulled our daughter out of private school to homeschool – what a blessing to us all! God had provided again and again for us in the way of freelance and new job for my husband. Last year was a major year of answered prayers for us and some big moves.
I tried doing Powersheets in the past, and then won a set at Creative @ Heart in 2016 but have never committed the time to it. This year my word is INTENTIONAL. I have goals that I’m excited to make slow and steady progress on. Thank you for heading the Lord’s calling, listening to His voice and doing things He had called you to do. Hard things. Uncomfortable things. Necessary things. It’s so hard to see early on in His plan but when you’re on the other side… what a beautiful thing to look back and see His loving guidance. Blessings to you and your team.
Hello hello! I’m Carmen, a 36 year old stay home mom to three rambunctious little fellas. Leviticus is 6, Elias in 5, and Gideon is 3. My husband, Stephen, and I have been married for 7.5 years now. We stared a family shoetly after and life has been quite a ride. My fellas and I spend our days homeschooling, playing in the yard, building LEGO sets, and just enjoying being together. I have dreams of doing more with my days, I love to read, do crossword puzzles, I enjoy working out but I don’t always do these things on a daily basis and I want to change that. I’ve not been the best when it comes to giving myself “me” time and that’s something I’d like to really work on. I spend lots of time trying to be there for my family and friends (especially my brother during a difficult time in his life) and I feel it weighing on me.
I came across the Power Sheets on Instagram and literally, that day there was a mini explosion during a conversation between my brother, my mom and I. Afterwards, I thought “I need to do things for me and my boys, who are with me at my best and worst” so I immediately made a purchase. I’m beyond excited to start using the Power Sheets.
Thank you for the gentle encouragement via emails and words of wisdom. -
Hi Lara! So nice to meet you, seriously. My name is Emily, I’m a Washington state native, wife of 7 years to my best friend Patrick, and mother to two hilarious little girls, Charlotte age 4 and Alice age 2. Pat and I met in nursing school in 2005 and after years of distant friendship, I reluctantly admitted that he was amazing and we married in 2011!
Since then we have travel nursed across the country and beyond, with contracts at Yale New-Haven, Johns Hopkins, and finally the Africa Mercy ship (our dream!) before returning to the Pacific Northwest. We fell in love with Seattle and shortly found out we were expecting, so we decided to stay!
Charlotte was born, my nursing career came to close, and I have since found new joy in my life at home raising our family. I feel like the luckiest girl. My husband remains my best friend. Our girls are both amazing and challenging. I am surrounded by a beautiful band of women who encourage one another in faith, work, and just all the things. And I’ve just come out of the early motherhood fog to discover new loves like trail running and calligraphy (yay!).
Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself, and for taking all of us along on your blog! Cultivate What Matters and the goal setting series have truly been game changers for me. -
Hi Lara! I am Brenda and I live in Sunset, Texas. I am 60 years old and have been married for 40 years. I saw a Facebook post about you from a lady I used to go to church with. I checked out your website and now I have purchased your books, powersheets, and write the word journals. I am so excited to used these tools. I have been just living life as it comes along for the past few years. My word for this year is Intentional. Thank you for being honest and encouraging. I am looking forward to what God has in store for me, while living intentional.
Hi Lara! I’m a Jesus follower, wife to Daniel (almost 10 years), and a homeschooling mom to four girls (ages 6, 4, 3, and 6 months). Being at home and caring for this family is my greatest ministry. But I also love teaching the 2nd graders at our church on Sunday nights. I’m in Portland, OR! And I get fired up about sharing my story so that women know they aren’t alone in their journeys. I get fired up about see ing people go after lasting change. I get really fired up about hand lettering God’s Word. and I get fired up about becoming an emotionally healthy person. I’m coming into a season of slowing way down and getting very intentional. Your Powersheets have been so helpful and I’m grateful for this tool! Thank you!!
Hi Lara! I’m a Jesus follower and women’s ministry director at my home church in Bandera, TX! We just built a new building that houses a FITNESS STUDIO! We have a large ministry called Fit for GOD that ministers to the entire community of women here, so we had to build a facility to meet the needs! So exciting! I have a website (firstfruitsliving.com) dedicated to helping women stay fit and eat healthy. ALL IS FREE that we do! Love your website because it encourages women to stay in God’s Word and to be organized! Wonderful tools for all to use! Thank you for your ministry to women!!!
Hi Lara! My name is Grace and I am 23 years old. I’m six months into marriage to my best friend and I am so very grateful for him. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I am thankful for the love he shows me through my church family. I work for a collegiate admission office and love getting to spend time with students who are trying to figure out what their next steps will be after high school. I am a first-time Powersheets user and I’m thankful for the focus they have helped to give in what has been a very rocky season of transition and fears over the past year or so. Thank you for the encourager that you are (I started following along with CWM last summer) and thank you, most of all, for the ways you bring Jesus into every aspect of your life.
Hello Lara!!
My name is Bethany Ehardt and my sister was the one who led me to your website! I am a lover of Jesus, dancing, traveling, organizing and planning. When she came across your site, she knew I would fall in love with your mission. I am a graduate from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan with a Communication and Journalism degree. I have traveled the past two years with the auto show as a product specialist as well as well as worked as a dance instructor for a local Christian dance studio. I have been planning weddings for several years and about 3 months ago I decided I was ready for a change and a new opportunity to grow in my faith and career. I felt the Lord leading me to Dallas, Texas and decided to take a leap! In January of this year I started my own event planning company called Ehardt Events. I love to plan, I love to design and I love to bring peoples visions to life. It has been an amazing adventure and I can not even begin to explain how faithful God has been. This season of my life has required a lot of courage, but it has been one of the most rewarding by far. I love what I am doing and although there is so much more I want to accomplish, I know that thanks to Jesus Chirst and His power in me, I am well on my way! Setting goals is so important to me and encouraging others do the same is a passion of mine. I love what you are doing and I am so grateful that God is using your gifts in such incredible ways! Thank you for your incredible guidance and encouragement! -
Hi Lara! I’m Beth, a 61 year old saved-by-grace sinner who was introduced to your awesome Power Sheets by my daughter, Margaret Westerlund. She inherited my passion for many things including planning and goal-setting. We have done some different systems in the past, but WOW, yours is so pretty, inspirational, powerful. I spent a lot of years teaching high school and college English, juggling that with raising our two kiddos (hubby’s job includes tons of travel), editing a Christian women’s magazine, writing lots of stuff here and there. Today, I’m sitting at my home desk, wearing my leggings and comfy top, a cup of coffee nearby. I’m a well-seasoned writer, meaning I have to color my gray hair and use some serious night creams, but I love who I am today. And I am super excited for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. My adventure includes growing my faith, blogging, a work-in-progress novel, and being more intentionally loving as a child of God, a wife and mom to adult kiddos and their spouses. After so many years, sometimes I’m tempted to put things on autopilot. Your Power Sheets are helping me change that and focus on tending what matters. Love that. Bless you and your work.
Hello, my name is Grace and I first discovered you when I was searching for a planner for 2018. Unfortunately I missed out on getting your 2018 planner (they sold out) but I so loved the idea of them that I keep checking into your website to see when they might be available again. I am a 62 year old woman, with a blessed life. Lately, I have had a feeling that its time to branch out and discover what truly inspires me. I’m not quite sure where to start, the the idea of changing careers (having my own business maybe) is so exciting to me. I’m ready to transform ! Your creativity has really inspired me. I know we are decades apart in age, but I am a young 62 year old !! I am trying to organize my thoughts and goals…that is where I need the most help. thanks for getting to know me ! Also, I am a widow, I manage a dental practice, I live for the beach, I’m a total mermaid in my soul.God Bless You
Hi Lara!
My name is Shalla, I am 29, a small business owner and live in British Columbia, Canada. My husband and I were mindlessly scrolling through Instagram on the couch one day when I stumbled upon the Cultivate Powersheets through my friends at Earn Spend Live! I started following Cultivate and later you as well! I can’t remember if it was through your account or the Cultivate account that you prayed at the end of a live story. My husband and I are believers but have been a little distant from Christianity for some time and we needed that prayer. We were totally drawn in. You inspired me and as a result, my husband to get to know God again. I’ve read both of your books (and we have both listened to your audiobooks while we worked) and they’ve touched our lives so much. Needless to say, we are huge fans of yours and are so grateful to have discovered you. Your have sparked a change in me to not only pursue a deeper relationship with God, but with my husband as well. You’ve also inspired us both to focus on our purpose —one that inspires others as you have inspired us.
Thank you! -
Hi Lara! I’m Rachel, 33 year old architect (part time stay at home) and Mom to two rambunctious boys (ages 1 and 4). We moved to Texas last summer and have struggled a lot since moving, mainly due to the emotional and financial hardship of Hurricane Harvey (which came the month after we moved). Our house is finally fixed, though (yesterday in fact!) and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I bought your power sheets at the beginning of the year and have been so encouraged by “little by little progress adds up” (I repeat this to myself regularly!) and your messages of hope. I had been feeling a bit lost/stuck, but am now excited to see what’s next. The power sheets have helped me focus and also see how much I had been chasing the things of this world and not making time for the more meaningful pursuits–family, love, healing, rest, play, the spirit. It has been hard work, but can’t wait to see what this next season of life brings!
Hi Lara,
My name is Annie. I am a 53 year old stay-at-home homeschooling mom to two, married to my best friend. I’ve graduated one from homeschool, and still homeschooling one. I came upon your site just a week or so ago through a friend. After checking out your Blog and placing my name on the ‘Notify Me When the 6-Month Power Sheets’ become available, I immediately went out and got your first book which I’m currently reading. I have a lot of plates spinning in the air right now, and was desperately praying that the Lord would help me navigate this season. I found your posts encouraging, authentic and inspirational. They were filled with hope. I am so grateful to have found your site and your products. I am looking forward to placing my first order and seeing how the Lord is going to move in and through me during this very challenging season of life that I find myself in. -
Hi Lara,
My name is Candace. I am an Army Chaplain’s wife and homeschooling mother of 8. I heard about you through your interview with Corie Weathers in the Military Spouse Wellness Summit. My husband and I lived in the same place for 13 years where he was a youth pastor. I LOVED being a pastor’s wife. Navigating the military world has been a lot more challenging, to say the least, especially with such a large family. Your interview was so encouraging to me and gave me the inspiration to start small and cultivate what matters. Where some areas of military life have paralyzed me (grief, unfamiliarity, chaos, loneliness), I find great blessing in my husband and children( and when I have time, my hobbies). I really believe the Lord led me to you. Thank you for doing what you do and agreeing to be a part of the summit. I have your books (started Cultivate, taking endless notes) and been watching your vimeos and reading your blogs. What a bright light you are for the Lord! ❤️🌞 -
Hello Lara!
I’m Heather. I’ve been a believer since before I even knew, but I usually tell people since I was four. I’m 31 now, and I am a nanny currently thought Ive had quite a few jobs in my life. I like to write and my not-so-secret secret dream job is to be a full time author.
I’m coming up on my fourth year of marriage to (in my opinion) the greatest guy a girl could know. We met in college in Georgia, and remained good platonic friends for years before he decided to change that.
I was introduced to Powersheets by a friend, and this is my first year using them. I left a fairly lucrative job (that I hated) and my family (who I love) in Oregon in order to move to the South (which I told myself I’d never come back to) where my husband was finishing up his PhD. Of course I love him, but the circumstances are not the ones I would have picked for myself. He’s currently done with his PhD and is working as an adjunct professor, while looking for full time work. We want to have children, but due to things I won’t go into we will not be able to have them naturally. We’d love to adopt, but we’re just waiting right now till we know where we’ll end up. I’m not a big fan of waiting.
Anyway, Powersheets came to my life in a very tough time. I had a lot of anxiety and get a LOT of weight since moving. I don’t really feel like I fit in in the South, and I felt very lonely. I also felt like I was unable to hold life together as a wife. I explained it as feeling like I was on the edge of everything trying to scrabble my way to the top. The edge of friendship, of deadlines, of having a put together home, of bills. I was working hard, but going nowhere.
This year has been almost a miraculous difference. I was a little worried about actually buying the Powersheets. On our budget $55 could possibly be the difference of eating interesting meals or eating beans for a week. I chose beans (I like them anyway 🙂 I am so glad I did. Powersheets has improved my year to the point where I’m surprised it just took this little book to do it. I tell every woman I know about them now. I don’t push products on many of my friends unless I think it is absolutely amazing. And I do think they are.
Also, I should say, I won a copy of your book Cultivate, and I read the whole thing in one day, making notes in the margin and underlining like crazy, along with weeping about every other page. What an absolute gift. So, thank you for your work with writing and Powersheets. It’s really made helped me through a rough time. I’m looking forward to some of those new products. -
Wow…so many typos right after I said I wanted to write full time. How embarrassing! I meant “though I’ve had quite a few jobs in my life” in the top paragraph.
In the third paragraph I meant “I gained a lot of weight.” -
Hello! I’m Rachel. I am a wife to a college student and mom to a toddler Bear. I am managing a team at work. My dream is to stay at home with more kids, but I am currently the breadwinner. I am a recovering perfectionist and started using Powersheets in January. They have helped me manage my time and make progress during this crazy busy season of life. I am so grateful for the push and the encouragement!
Hi Lara! I am married to a disabled combat veteran and am also his caregiver. I am a stepmom to his 10 year old son, and we have the cutest puppy in the world! I too have had a miscarriage, and struggled with that. It’s been 5 years, and I have yet to get pregnant again, but hopefully one day… I too love to garden and that is actually how I cam across your book, Cultivate. It has changed my life. It has brought me back to God and is helping me refresh our relationship. For the first time in a long time, I feel hope and joy. So, thank you for sharing your story and for getting this book out there. It has made such a difference for me.I can’t wait to try out the power sheets! Love what you are doing, keep it up!
Hi Lara! My name is Jennifer and I have two kiddos (7 & 10). I am a new believer and have been working on getting to know Jesus. I started this as an intellectual pursuit, but God is working in me to engage my heart. I am excited to continue on this journey. I heard about Powersheets on a few Christian mommy blogs and finally headed to your site. You’ve been very inspirational and I love your authenticity. I can’t wait to order my set of Power sheets next week! By the way, I’ve seen a few of your webinars and you have an AMAZING laugh. It always makes me smile.
My name is Natalie. I’m a 29 year old stay at home wife.I found your blog through the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. I’m trying to get my husband and I ready to move into our first apartment and I am so overwhelmed. I’m really excited to learn more about you and see where my journey takes me.
Wow! I am so glad I purchased the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle! Reading your stuff has been such a breath of fresh air and I LOVE my parenting goal book. I was doing it with my kids last night. So beautiful and fun!
My name is Erica and I have three kids (13, 9, and 6), one, also through the gift fo adoption from South Korea.
I get excited about helping mothers tame the crazy in their lives. My bio mom (yup, I’m adopted too!) and I have a ministry together where we help moms gain control, vanquish mommy guilt, shatter shame, and regret nothing. I love how your products fit within that. I can’t wait to use more!
Hi my name is Natalyn. I just recently bought power sheets and I’m excited to use them! I’m from Ohio, almost where Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia meet. I’m getting married at the end of July and I’m looking to have good habits in place before everything gets flipped upside down! After we get married, my future husband is training in the NROTC unit at OSU so he will become an officer in the Navy. We are praying that he is accepted to flight school, but who knows what will happen!
Hello! I’m Kristin, a mom of a 2 year old and another new one coming soon. I gave the 2018 power sheets to one of my sisters for Christmas, and then got one for myself in hopes that it would help me conquer some negative habits and thoughts this year. I was so excited to start fresh in January, but came down with awful morning sickness that lasted thru March. While I’m thankful for the gift of new life, I felt totally benched from my life for awhile. I love how you encourage us to start small and that there is no magic to Jan 1.When I finally started feeling better, I started with the spring refresh. Progress feels very slow still but the small things are starting to add up. Grateful for these resources, tools and community.
Hi Lara!
I’m Aine (pronounced On-ya – it’s Irish) and I just turned 47. I’m in Idaho but I’m from Texas. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 27 years. He works out of state 20 days out of the month. I have 8 children: 3 girls (24), (21), and (17), and the boys are two (14 – one is adopted), two (12 – twins) and my sweet 5 year old who was born on my 42nd birthday and is diagnosed with non-verbal autism. I have homeschooled all of them, except the youngest.
I am a writer. I used to blog alot before the days of facebook, and then I stopped, and I am trying to convince myself to blog again. However, that’s not my true love – it’s more of an outlet. My true love is writing novels that teach principles through the power of story. I am almost finished with my first novel length story.
My greatest weakness, and what led me to you, is getting stuck in trying to figure out the perfect plan of action. I have studied and read so much on goals setting, used vision boards, hired life coaches and so forth, to be honest, I’m burnout. They all work, but I got so tired. I suffered a nervous breakdown 5-7 years ago, and I am unwilling to do it again.
I found your blog in Dec/Jan, and I think your power sheets were gone by then, or maybe they weren’t and by the time I decided maybe this was something I wanted to look into they were.. I can’t remember. Point was, I bought the Make It Happen book and when I received it I put it on my pile of books to read and kept going. Fast forward to this month, and now I’m SO burnt out, SO exhausted and sick of everything, and I looked over to the little pink book and thought, “Uncovering my purpose… that’s what I need.” Because I already knew what I WANTED, and I thought it was the same thing that God wanted, but I had been spinning my tires and getting nowhere. At least, that’s how it felt.
I took 2 weeks off of everything I could and started working my way through the book. I ordered the power sheets and some of the goal helper books and bought the Cultivate book on my Kindle to prep for when I was finished with the book, and then got down to business. And when I got down to everything, I realized I was right on track. What it killing me is… I question myself. I’m constantly second guessing. And that is my word for the rest of this year: TRUST. Trust God, Trust me, Trust the process… Trust it’s all going to work out. Trust that I’m not too old and trust that I still have much to offer. So thank you, your book is FABULOUS and I thank you so much for it, because I did uncover what I needed to know to move forward and make it happen. And I think I might have found a couple of areas I might be neglecting in my life to cultivate as well that could alleviate some of that burnout. I’m so dying for these powersheets to get here – any day now. 🙂
PS Redheads rock (I have three). 😉
Hiya <3 I am Sam, Sam I am. lol I am an almost 30 mama of 2 very vivacious redhead girls and married to my best friend who is currently serving in the military.. I am a family story telling photographer and wholehearted, intentional and simple living mommy blogger. Both of my business are in their very beginning stages and I am still trying to figure out exactly what and how God wants me to use them to touch lives. I just know that I am supposed to! I struggle with ADHD (recently diagnosed and still figuring it out) so it's been tough trying to navigate the boss mom waters. I am fired up about art, nature, food, fresh air, traveling, magic (typically the disney varity) , nostiglia and connection.
Honest I feel like I was supposed to find you. I was looking for books to read on how to live more intentional and purposeful life and your book, Culitvate, was everywhere I turned. Other books came and went, but your book was ALWAYS there. I knew it was a sign. I was nervous at first, because that typically means that God has something pretty serious and big to tell and that I have to do something about. I am beyond grateful I did though. With my whole heart thank you for writing this book, creating the powersheets and….just being you!
Hi, I’m Sonja, and I first found out about Powersheets when my goals coach said “I found this thing I think you would like. It’s colorful and fun”. (I like bright white paper, and beautiful pens – happy and bright). That was in mid-January, so I added my name to the notification request and ordered my undated sheets the day they became available. I own a law practice in Michigan, and strive to accomplish more than I do at the moment. Here’ the thing, I LOVE learning, but then get stuck in the overwhelm of not knowing exactly where to start.
I am in an LDR and that gets the best of my emotions sometimes. (today, I made an old school paper chain after I dropped him at the airport – 58 days until he returns) and I can’t wait to see what I accomplish in those 38 days. In 10 short days, I have a my quarterly planning retreat and those power sheets will be filled out!
Good Morning! I am a young 53 year old Georgia peach, empty nester with my soulmate of 34 years. Our children are 27 married daughter whose husband is my “favorite son-in-love” and 23 year old recent college graduate son and his beauty of a girl. I am a planner. I plan a lot sometimes my hubby says I plan too much.
I found you looking for a way to have goals to plan for not random plans. I have a degree in history and one in ministry. I a ministry assistant and event planner for a non-profit and a administrative assistant for a Southern Living Custom Builder. I also manage a POA and several pieces of property. Yes, I am busy. Luckily , I do love all of my jobs, I just would love to find a bit more me time.
I have bought your books and your Cultivate planner and am ready to get started on it. I plan to start to start on it, I am hoping, this weekend, Thank for your willingness to share what the Lord has blessed you so others like me can cultivate and grow and intentional life!
Hi there and Good Morning ya’ll! I am a 30 something that has taken the step toward business ownership and is on the journey of finding “balance” between growing into a new role, managing the expectations I have of myself, and trying to be attentive to the small details of getting this thing up and going in the right direction. I am an interior designer that wants to create spaces that are not based on buying lots of junk – so its a different path – I want to encourage gratefulness, organization, and adding special heirloom objects – not just changing rooms continually. Its a different road and I believe Jesus is leading me to it and others through helping them create homes that support and encourage positive living and habits. My website is http://www.avco-design.com (it won’t allow that in the field to the right for some reason). Please stop by and see what I have done and let me know if I can help any of you in the future!
Hello y’all!
My name is Shelby, I live in Detroit area and work as a nurse in Detroit.
About me: grew up in a challenging household where I grew up way quicker than I needed to. God is using my childhood as a way to not replicate the past.
Personal life: married for 3 years (in Sept) to a man the Lord gave me as the greatest gift. He’s very patient for my anxieties of my past and is 3 years into his walk with God. So he’s learning to slowly become more comfortable leading.
Desires: to have more Godly friends, to be part of something Godly (whether a Bible study where I help bring women to God or be a part of a Christian company; like SheReadsTruth which that would be a dream).
Ideas: I have a great idea for a planner that is Biblically sound with holidays for OT and NT. Where the days are labelled what Biblical holiday it is and the scripture behind it and how we are supposed to celebrate it. So many people don’t know the true meaning of holidays and we need to be educated.
Thank you for being a sister in Christ!
Hi Lara! My name is Nancy – I am originally from California, but I live in Denton, TX now. I am a history professor and I love to travel, take photographs, and enjoy my coffee! My husband and I have two dogs who are our furbabies. I am new to Powersheets and finding that they are already helping me SO MUCH. Thank you for this very powerful system! 🙂
Hi Lara! My name is Tracy. I’m from Chicago, happily married, and recently became a new mom to a beautiful 4 month old girl. We recently moved away from our support system to a new house I love. I am here because… in the chaos of all this change… I’ve lost track of who I am and what matters most to me. I am in survival mode, sleepless, and letting life live me. I bought the undated powersheets last week. Through your process, I’m starting to rediscover myself and what’s truly important. It’s becoming a powerful tool and I’m hopeful in becoming the person I’m meant to be.
Tracy -
Hi Lara! My name is Ashley, I’m a Wisconsin transplant living in Boston with my husband of almost 2 years! I’m here because I want to build an intentional, cultivated life amongst all of the distractions we face. I wanted to start off with a strong foundation in my 20s as my husband and I build our life together! Culitivate’s goal guides, write the word journals, and powersheets have all changed our life together! Through the process we’ve really drilled down on what we want, and have taken the time to really get there. Thank you for all that you and your team does!
Hi Lara! My name Stacy, I am a single 54 year old rediscovering my self thanks to the Powersheets process.I have been a fan of PS for a little over a year now and I just love them! Do I get everything accomplished each? No, but thanks to you, your team, and the wonderful community on Facebook and Instagram it finally is sinking in that it is OK. I still have to figure out what I need to let go of and I keep trying new rountinues to see what works and what doesn’t. Thank You! Stacy
Hi, Lara,
I’m a married mom of 2 who suffers from chronic illness and both of my children do as well. I’m just trying to find myself again. I’m caring for me and them and throwing in the husband, I’ve lost who I am. I’m desperate to find the real me again. -
Hi Lara! My name is Sydney. I am a single mama from Sweet Home Alabama. God is my main squeeze, and he has saved my life more than I can count. I struggle with focusing on what makes me happy or “fills my bucket” these days. God kept showing me the Power Sheets over and over and I finally splurged and got my hande on a bundle yesterday. I would love any tips/tricks. Thank you!
Hi, Lara, I’m Betty, a 66 year old mom of 3 sons, 2 daughters-in-love and 4 grandchildren (2 were a bonus with one DIL). My family doubled in the year 2017 & 2018 when two of my 3 sons wed and had babies. I learned of Power Sheets from Kayse at Anchored Life Kits. I recently purchased the starter pack and have begun working through them. This is the FIRST time I’ve gotten even half way through goal thinking/planning. I knew this is something I need because of a cancer diagnosis this year (it’s not mine, it’s an invader God is helping me to fight off!:) Since I work part-time (usually full-time with my 2nd parttime job during tax season), life has suddenly spiraled with all the appointments and the energy drain from treatment. I’m sure the power sheets will help me get back on track and they already have made me realize I probably need to rethink one of my parttime jobs in order to be able to do some of what I want -like devote more time to my dear husband and family Thank you for this product! Blessings on all of you!
Hey Lara, My name is Shelby. I am a wife, mother to 3 (27, 26 and almost 17 – all homeschooled) and grandmother (Mimi) to 2 (nearly 3 and the other due any day). I am an avid planner, but often get stuck in the follow-through and doing. I heard Powersheets mentioned a couple of times in various places, so I followed the breadcrumbs and here I am. I have listened to two episodes of your podcast, began reading your book (Make it Happen), watched you and Shunta talk about goal setting, and began your YouVersion Bible study. I cannot get enough. The things that you say speak directly to my soul. I have never experienced anything like it. I am passionate about God, my family and …. well, I am still working that out. So thankful to God for putting you and all your wonderful content in my path!
Hi Lara! I’m a mom of 2! I found you through an Instagram post of someone using your PowerSheets and new I needed to have them. I am a business owner, work a full-time job, and managing my home – so time is very limited. My passion in life is my two kids – seeing them learn and grow – as well as helping other children with challenging behaviors and their teachers through my business. I want to leave a legacy of “love for others”. I am hoping to find better balance in my life and meet my many commitments with grace and humility! I love your positive energy – it is very inspiring!
Hi Lara and everyone!!!
I’m Veronica, dog mom of two fur babies- one is a 13 year old Pom and the other is a 6 month old Border Collie!
I am a wife of 2.5 years to a wonderful man, and I came across here after attending the IF: Gathering! I’m really excited to take charge of my goals, and finally MAKE. THEM. HAPPEN! It has been a challenging year for me, but by the grace of God, I’m here and ready to flourish in more areas of my life! I LOVE YOUR PRODUCTS AND YOUR POSITIVE ENERGY!!!!! Ready for 2020!!! -
Hi Lara! I’m Sheila. This is the 2nd year I’ve bought PowerSheets – but am dedicated this year to getting more out of them – but making sure I take the time I need to cultivate parts of my life OUTSIDE of work. I’m unmarried with no kids – but my great-nieces/nephews are a big part of what I hold as most important in my life. Looking forward to an AWESOME year of setting & achieving my goals…
Hi Lara!
My name is Jamie and I’m new to PowerSheets. I’m ready to take control of my next steps!
Hi there! I’m Crystal, and I am a freelance copywriter/social media manager and SAHM to two incredible little girls, ages 3 and 1! Traditionally, I haven’t been great at planning or time management. And I’ve been seeing how that negatively affects me in this season of life. For 2020 I basically have two goals: 1) To kick anxiety to the curb once and for all, and 2) To live intentionally. I’m tired of getting to the end of my days and weeks (or, let’s be real, to the middle of them) and wondering what on earth happened and how I’m going to catch up! And I’m tired of wasting time on things that don’t line up with my priorities or the life I want to live. So here I am! Looking forward to learning a better way!
Hi! I’m Lisa and I’m from the Netherlands. I have two cats : one through adoption and she gave me my second cat. Love them both, they’ve pulled me through hard times as did you and every inspirational person out there!
I’m a creative woman and hippie at heart, I’ve lost that part of myself for a few years but it’s coming back I feel it. My woty 2020 is bohemian, I love the style and lifestyle and I’m just so excited where this mindset will bring me. 💟✌🏻 -
Hi, Lara! I am a wife, a mom of 4, and ER doctor from Ohio. I work swing shift and have 4 busy kids, so I feel like I’m moving in a thousand directions at once. I also find myself getting sucked into social media much more than I’d like. I feel disorganized and exhausted and I feel like our kids’ childhood is passing us by! I’m looking for focus and how to prioritize family while still growing my career.
Hi! I’m Valerie from Clarkston WA I’m a homeschooling mom of 4 I am working through prep for my first powersheets and am SO excited. I am planning to open a business selling my art in 2020 along with teaching a women’s bible study with my best friend taking women through whole books of the Bible. I am SO excited to see all that 2020 has in store as I cultivate the things that matter most to me! ❤️
Hi Lara! I found you in an odd way, someone shared your note about “You know all those things…” because it looks exactly like my handwriting. It is the weirdest thing to see handwritten notes from someone else that look like I wrote them. And, usually they are statements that I might have written a note to myself about anyhow! So, happy to “meet” you online and use your Powersheets.
Hi Lara!
I’m Barb Johnson and I live in Round Rock, Texas. I’m 54, married and mom of three. I homeschooled our youngest two for years and I’m almost done!I’ve been building runway for my business, The Dignity Effect, a leadership development program to “ignite a culture of dignity in the workplace, one Catholic leader at a time.” I have a corporate partner and will roll out my first program by June of this year!
Last year, I was blessed to work with the founder of Jason’s Deli to write a book on servant leadership. Right before we signed our contract with the publisher, he passed away. I’m in a holding pattern until his wife is ready to pick up the reins. So, I’m planning a great year in spite of this unknown, trusting in God’s timing.
My WOTY for 2020 is Stewardship. I have to take care of the time, talent and treasure God has provided, knowing he will bring all good things to frution in it’s right time and order.
Thank you so much for using your time, talents and treasures to create PowerSheets. The materials and processes have been transformational.
Happy New Year!
Hello, Lara.
Last night I finally said yes to Power Sheets. Eagerly awaiting arrival of my goodies. Planning for 2020 was today’s priority even before I placed my order last night. Looking forward to a whole day for thinking and dreaming.
I’ve built a truly delightful life in my retirement years (in Portland, OR). I’m a memory keeper/scrapbooker in my creative life. I love to learn new skills and used #the100dayproject to jump start digital scrapbooking in 2019. I read, I volunteer and love independent films. I have a tendency to say YES to something new without saying NO to anything. I want to develop that practice in 2020.
I am married, two daughters (both adopted), & with the bonus grandchildren I now have 10!
Happy New Year!
Hi Lara! My name is April and I found you through a hiking blog that I follow. I ordered the PowerSheets planner and it arrives on Tuesday and I am so excited! This year I have so many goals and I know that the planner will help me achieve them!
A little more about myself: I am 21 years old and from a town on the Wisconsin/Illinois border called Beloit. I’m not married or a mom yet, but I hope to be some day. I found myself looking back on 2019 and wondering where all the time went and how I had let everything I’d set out to achieve slip by. I’m optimistic that 2020 is going to be a much better year!
Hi Lara! I’m Jessica and I currently live in Raleigh (close by!) while my husband works on his PhD at NC State. My sister introduced me to PowerSheets this year, so I’m pretty new to your world. 😊
I have a 4 year old boy and a 1 year old girl (born in Chapel Hill actually!) We’ve had six miscarriages that have led me to become more and more passionate about natural health and healthy diet over the years. I’m also an entrepreneur at heart and have been working for some time to turn my passions into a successful business… but that’s a biiiiiiig work in progress. 😉
Hello from Oklahoma! I’m Kathy, mother of 2 grown children and coach’s wife. I purchased PowerSheets this year as I work to update my blog and move from writing my suspense trilogy to writing/illustrating children’s books. I’m nearing the end of my school counselor career and looking forward to retirement. I can certainly see how the PowerSheets planner will help me reach my 2020 goals!
Hello! I am Tambur. I have been happily married to my hubby for 28 years. We have spent 11 years living overseas in three different countries which allowed us to travel extensively. We are currently living in southern New Mexico. We have been blessed with four amazing kiddos. This year is a year of TRANSITION (my word of the year). Our youngest child will graduate from high school. We will be transitioning with a move from NM back to our home in VA, moving our youngest into college, becoming empty nesters and my husband is thinking of retiring from a career with the government and going into private industry. I will transition from 24 years of full-time momhood to being a solo act as I support my husband in his career change. I have some self-growth areas I want to work on this year. It will be a year of adventures but I look forward to this next chapter in my life story.
Hi Lara,
I literally stumbled onto Powersheets a couple of weeks ago and completely impulse purchased, sure I had wasted my money. I’m just getting to the goal setting and so far, so good. Time will tell I suppose. I’m a mom to two teenagers and desperately need to make some changes. I am a New York (Long Island) native transplanted to Wake Forest NC 10 years ago. Hi neighbor!!!
Hi! I’m Sydney! I’m about to be 25 and am a teacher from western Pennsylvania. My husband and I got married about 2 years ago and I want to cultivate our family, relationship, and continue to cultivate my faith and live into it. I found you via Instagram a few years ago (probably from Emily Ley but I’m not too sure). I love your positivity and the joy you and your team bring to my feed while inspiring me to live in to my goals as a Christian woman.
Hi Lara! I am a wife and mama to two sweet little boys! I started hearing about powersheets a few years back and finally jumped on the bandwagon last year and haven’t looked back! I long to cultivate a home that is a safe, loving and joyful place for our family and everyone who walks through the door. I also love encouraging other women and seeing them walk fully in the freedom God has for them! Your work has been such an encouragement to me and I love seeing how God has radically transformed your life and is using it to bless and inspire others!
Hi, Lara! I am nearby in Raleigh,North Carolina and a proud graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Once upon a time I had a career in the Northeast in television news, but after having three daughters , one each three years in a row (!), we moved back to my hometown and I became a freelance writer to give me more time with them. (High school senior, junior and sophomore right now…)
I started with you with a Write the Word journal and liked it so much I took the big dive into PowerSheets this year. My planner sits on an easel on my desk to keep me focused! I appreciate the faith-centered, positive community you have created here.
I spend my spare time in my garden, running, sending handmade smiles through my paper crafting and reading all the books.. I have been happily married for 20 years to my Yankee who brought me back home . -
Hi, Lara! I’m an artist, avid cycler and bartender living in Atlanta. I am originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia and graduated from Old Dominion University in. Norfolk, Virginia. After living on the east and west coasts, I decided to change my scenery and head south! I have yet to leave as I have found my amazing partner-in-crime and my parents also live here. In the past two years, I have delved deeper into my faith with God and I have found you and the community you have created and of which now I am a part.
I came across your Powersheets program through a fellow bartender and beautiful soul and I am SO thankful she shared with me! Your Powersheets have been such a reawakening for me in the past two months. Thank you! Your words are inspiring and uplifting and have helped me to understand that life is powerful, but it is also meant to be LIVED. Thank you, Lara!
Hi Lara! I am in Nassau New Providence the BAHAMAS. I discovered you and Powersheets from Simple Scrappers podcast. I read your Cultivate book and it really touched my heart…especially because I am adopted and have spent the last year in solitude growing my Faith Garden with God. I also started a small kitchen garden and have surprisingly grown tomatoes, collard greens and plenty herbs! Thank you for being so open and vulnerable with your story. It touched me deeply and I look forward to continue to grow with you and the Cultivate community. 🙂
Hi Lara! I am based presently in South Bend and was able to participate in your Crowdcast earlier in the week. PowerSheets are amazing addition to my life and the life of the business owners I work with. Thank you for sharing your story. Faith can move mountains.
Hi, I’m Dawn and I’m from Payson, Arizona. I have 3grown children, my daughter and spouse started fostering a child and look to adopt in the future. Next I have a son, he just joined the Navy to become a pilot and the youngest well we’re working with him. He high spectrum Austin and we have have struggled for a long time now. I know God has a plan and a purpose for us and especially for my son. My husband and I have been married 8 yrs and struggling for the 4 yrs. I have turned more to God and His word for myself and family.
I have started reading your blog and books, a lot makes sense and started to take notes and apply what I’m writing and learning about goal setting and the big picture. I think it will be something I could stick with and be imperfect while doing.Thank you so much for sharing.
Hello, Lara! I found your website after hearing Emily Ley refer to PowerSheets on one of her videos, and my curiosity was piqued. I’ve been a Simplified Planner user for 3 years, and just added PowerSheets as part of my Mid Year Refresh. Working my way through all the prep work has been a fun journey, and I’m very excited for the rest of 2020. I’m 57, mom to an 11 1/2 year old Bouvier named Colden, a pharmaceutical sales rep and owner of my own side business. I love my life in Saratoga Springs, NY, where I ski, run, play tennis and golf and grown a range of perennials and vegetables on my tiny .17 acre. I’m looking forward to growing in all the important areas of my life, and know that my Simplified Planner + PowerSheets are going to be an amazing combo to help me flourish!
Howdy, Lara,
I’m from Texas (can you tell?) and I discovered your powersheets last September at IF:Lead sponsored by Jennie Allen. They gave us a sample of your cultivate what matters and it couldn’t have happened at a better time. I am a retired school teacher, but as God would have it, I am now working as a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Consultant. This has turned into a self-employed business. So, I train young people in leadership skills, as well as career and college readiness skills. It is very rewarding and fun!! It is my passion to work with our future leaders and teach them how to make successful decisions for themselves and others. I am in the process of really learning how to cultivate what matters and have been working on it for about 6 months. Somewhere along my life line, I am to write a book, although I am not sure what to write about, but God has put that on my heart. Thank you for reaching out and setting a real example of being “imperfect” so we can all learn how to be the examples that God wants us to be. -
Hi Laura,
I’m Jill Turner. I’m the managing editor for the National Christian Foundation’s page. I think I actually discovered you through our analytics one day when I was researching a link through which we were getting new reads. The link came from a blog post where you mentioned that you’d opened a Giving Fund with us! (I can’t find that blog post anymore, but I’m sure this is how I found you.)
I’ve been a fan ever since and shared your content with a few people on my editorial team. I’m looking for a way to incorporate some of your content on our site. Would love to talk some time. This month, we’re wanting to gather a couple of stories from millennial-age givers. The fact that you’re talking about legacy already on your site is pretty amazing! You have a great story. Write me sometime when you have a few minutes. Would love to talk with you.
Hi Lara! I’m Cathy from Toronto, Canada. What fires me up? Reconnecting with what fires me up is what fires me up lately. Powersheets has been helping me come out of auto pilot! I’m on my second six month powersheets (going to annual in January..yay!!) and I’m really exploring my life – and not what I think everyone else expects it to be!! I am also cultivating my connection to God….doing it for me…learning and trying to understand versus being told I have to (and of course being shamed when I wasn’t doing it “right” – and I wonder why I am a perfectionist!!). You’ve been pivotal in that…..boldly declaring your trust in God….It’s inspiring (scary for me right now but it’s a journey I am ready to take)!! To think that about one year ago as I turned 50, I thought it was too late to change….
Thank you Lara!!
Hi Lara! I’m Veronica and I’m from Madison, WI. I get fired up about Weightlifting and other types of strength training. I love good coffee, good food and good conversations.
Hi Lara! My name is Jaime and I have recently found you and PowerSheets from an interview you did with Christy Wright last year. It popped up in my podcast rotation and I love every word you utter! It is also wonderful you have a nice speaking voice!
My husband, Mike, and I have been married for 3 and a half years and I am a Stay At Home mom to 4 (ages 12, 11, 9 and nearly 3), one from my starter marriage, 2 kids from my husband’s starter marriage and then our “glue” baby, the one that binds us all together. We are truly living the Yours, Mine and Ours life!
So I have been gulping down every video, book, interview, training, what have you, of yours I can get my hands on! You have created a resurgence of fire within me! Right now, I am really searching for my next step. I am nearly finished with Make It Happen and I have Cultivate on my nightstand, ready and waiting.
Our youngest son will be going to Kindergarten eventually, if I can let him go, and when he is off learning everything and enjoying new adventures, what am I to do? I know I have some time and I am trying to be present in our kids lives now, especially since this little boy is our last baby and these years are so fleeting, but I am also trying to make a plan. I want to live and love a purposeful life and I want to make it happen. In this season, my purpose is to be here with these kids and nurture them and tend to them and love on them. I feel as though we have so little time, but I am thankful for the time we do have together. I am also so very grateful to my husband who does the heavy lifting in our family so I can stay home with our kids!
I love organizing and re-organizing and rearranging furniture often, which absolutely drives my family nuts! I love music! Before COVID, my family and I were very involved in many aspects at church, which has obviously slowed down tremendously. I am a feeling lost and am really reaching out to God, a lot, like a lot, a lot! 🙂 I am content in this season, but I am worried, which never gets anyone anywhere, about the season to come.
Thank you for all you and your Cultivate team do! I am so very thankful you all are out there doing your thing! I am also very, very thankful for the leading I have been getting from God towards you and all you are bringing to my life. Thank you!
Jaime Patterson
Hi Lara, and all,
I am a Mum to 2, an army wife, an almost full-time lecturer at a university and doing my doctorate. I have recently had back surgery and I bought the 6-month PowerSheets because I want to re-set. I’ve been so busy trying to be everything and I want to choose what matters. I also know that in the next 6 months I have no teaching commitments at university so I want to be really intentional with this time.
Oh, and I live in Australia.
If we were in your garden, I would have bought something to share because I love to bake, and I love to garden too, but we move a lot (military), so I like to think each house is left a little sweeter than we found it.
Nice to “meet” you.