August Recap + September PowerSheets Goals


A new season begins for us next Tuesday! I’m starting homeschool with Grace and I am so excited and grateful. This is a whole new adventure for us that we have prayed over and researched and readied ourselves for at length. But the fun and freeing part is going into this new season — which could be more of a lifetime than a season — with readied hearts and open hands. As much as we prepare well for things, all of life is in His hands. I’m excited to see what He has in store for us! More on this next week when we begin.

September is a month of NEW.

New rhythms.

New learning.

New direction.

(Prepping for NEW PowerSheets coming October 25th!)

and new faith as we rely on His leading and step into all of this… new!

Here is a recap of August and the little-by-little progress I made on PowerSheets goals.

My August Goals Progress:

– Set homeschool in motion. – Yes! We had a great getting our feet wet day, and it was so fun and gratifying.
– Make Ebenezer’s with the Lord. This goal was inspired by 1st Samuel and a message at church about making memories with the Lord. When we make memories with friends, it bonds us closer together. We end up telling “remember when” stories, and we feel connected. I wrote about intentionally remembering all the Lord has done in our lives in Cultivate, and I am excited to do more of this in August. – Yes, this happened but it was not by our doing and not how I expected it would happen. We had a really hard staycation week and it ended up being a time of needed refinement… and therefore deeper refreshment than any vacation could have given us. Letting go of control is real rest.
– Refresh our family goals with the Parent’s Goal Guide . – YES! I am so grateful for the progress we made here and for my chat with Korie Robertson about setting goals as a parent. Ari and I set a few practical goals for our family in the coming months:

Goals for the Isaacsons and Daughters 🙂

1. Help Grace use the potty at night. Yes, she’s almost 6, but we haven’t pushed this till she was ready. She’s gone two nights in a row of getting up to use the potty and she’s so proud of herself. We are too!
2. Potty train Joshua (he’s already rocking this!)
3. Pray for Sarah more, and with the other kids present too so they learn how to pray for her. I have not mentioned this on the blog till now for many reasons, but I believe it’s okay to share a little of where we are now. Sarah has emotional and sensory challenges that have been challenging since the day she was born. The weight of what I’m typing here feels like it needs a blog post by itself, but I don’t have more to share than this: the Lord placed her in our love and care for so many reasons and we are grateful for all the challenges. They are opportunities to love her more, show Grace and Josh a deeper love, and connect deeply with the Lord as we love her as we have been loved!
4. Use Josh and Sarah’s nap time after church as a “daddy daughter date” time to grow Grace and Ari’s closeness
5. Get away. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but we saw during our recent “staycation” the need to be refreshed by stepping out of our environment to get new perspective.
6. Grow deeper roots with our church family group. We are getting together on Saturday morning for Bible study, and on Monday for a BBQ!

Back to my goal progress from August:
– Read + DO What’s Best Next.  – I didn’t make as much progress in reading this as I had hoped, but progress matters, not perfection. I did practice what I learned so far and LOVE this book.
– Lead our Fall Team Summit with joy. Each quarter, our team has a summit to learn together and prepare well for the season ahead. – YES! This time was needed and all praise to Him for how well it went, what we learned, and what’s ahead.

Having KPI (Key Performance Indicator) story time. Ha!

– Give a transparent and light-filled Core Business Presentation. I’m in a small group of Christian business CEO’s and it’s my turn this month to share everything about our business to get their guidance and feedback. I’m excited! – YES!!! This was one of the highlights of my year. I got surprising and God-led feedback from the group. From that meeting, I have made some larger business decisions that I would never have considered before.
– Pray over + through the 2018 PowerSheets shoot. – YES! The shoot was awesome!!! I can’t wait to share it with you.

SO grateful for the 2018 PowerSheets shoot with these ladies.

– Joyfully re-release Write the Word – YES! Again, all praise to Him!
– Suprise —- [I can’t tell you yet!:)] – Yes! I surprise spoke at a conference and it was so fun!

With Kristin, Kat, and Kaylee at the Creative at Heart Conference.

August weekly goals:
– $100/week on groceries. Let me preface this by saying that the Isaacson’s eat a lot. We go through two dozen bananas and 2-3 dozen eggs a week. Josh is also allergic to dairy and soy, so we are limited with some choices. All this to say, groceries is one of the largest categories in our budget. I read an article recently about a family of five that spends $100 on food per week and it inspired me. It feels doable with some creativity and determination. We are giving this a try and have already made progress. I’m excited to teach Grace through this and get creative.  – We made great progress here! We stayed at $100/week for two weeks and purposely relaxed a bit when my parents and Ari’s mom came to visit. The last couple weeks of this month we stayed at about $150 – 200/week. This was HUGE for us! Most of all, we have learned to be more resourceful, better about making food from the pantry instead of always eating fresh, and to save every tiny bit of food (if you have little kids you probably know what I’m talking about – the little food scraps add up!).

Sarah was not into Aldi, but we liked the prices! 😉

– WORK IT. I want to have more fun working out this month. – I am super grateful for a shift that happened here. I simply turned up the praise music and danced in the kitchen which made it so much more fun and satisfying to move my body.
– Love Sarah + Mackenzie with prayer. Mackenzie is our new caregiver (Sarah is having a baby this fall!). My goal is to love them both through lots of love and prayer in this transition. – Yes! We are so grateful for Sarah, and Mackenzie has already blessed our family so much!
– Encourage and pray for my buddy, Amber. In our office, we have a new buddy each month to encourage, and I’m so glad mine is Amber for August! – Yes, we had some great buddy chats, got to see each other in person for the 2018 PowerSheets shoot (she works from Nashville) and I am just super grateful for her.
– Grow our faith in our date nights. – Yes. We missed a couple date nights with my parents in town and our team dinner, but it made our date night this week extra special.
– Enjoy the garden. – Yes! I used lots of flowers from the garden for shoots, picked lots of flowers for the house and our office, and Grace and I planted a few mums for fall!

I love her.

August daily goals: – Yes to all of these!
– Continue reading my chronological Bible reading plan for my Number 1 goal!
– #RunLiftPraise
– Delight our children
– Stay active in my work days —see how I do it here!

Here are my PowerSheets goals for September:

Each quarter, the PowerSheets give you a Goal Refresh section, which is so helpful. As we grow and change, our goals often do too! Here are my refreshed goals.

The color bars are me testing a color coding system: giving each big picture goal a color and then labeling my monthly, daily, and weekly goals to match those big picture goals. This helps me instantly remember the big picture and WHY I’m doing these things.

My September PowerSheets goals!

Monthly Goals:

– Start homeschool with JOY! Here we go!
– Give and teach the Cultivate book. I am grateful for the last few months in listening to the Lord’s leading on this one. Right after the book launched, I clearly felt Him telling me to be quiet. So, I did. And now I feel Him urging me to open the book and teach and give it all away! I am grateful for the last couple months of rest from books after five years of writing and rewriting and launching them. I’m grateful for this space and time to step away — a time most people would be promoting a new book — and listen in a new way instead of teaching.
– Read + DO What’s Best Next
– Love on Josh in his preschool transition. He’s so excited for school!
– Wisely and diligently prepare for our 2018 PowerSheets launch. So much goodness in store!
– Model our new Incentive-Based Bonus System. This is an internal program for our company and a bit of a beast. We have a traditional end-of-the-year bonus system currently, but this new program is a lot more fun and has great potential to grow our culture in new ways. I’m excited to love on my team and implement this, Lord willing, in October.

At our Cultivate Team Summit this week at Fearrington Village.

– Decide on and plan Ari’s 40th birthday celebration for December. I have no idea what to do! Any ideas that fit with my life parameters (i.e. three kiddos to take care of so flying off to an island isn’t in the cards unless y’all want to come babysit for a weekend 😉 )? I really want to make him feel special and remind him of the gifts and talents the Lord has given him.
– Write and prep the “Cultivated Calendar” webinar with Emily Ley. Emily and I have been friends for over a decade now, once owned a business together, and are from the same small town (Pensacola, FL). We also have a passion for what matters and making those things happen. Save the date for September 28th at 3pm for a live webinar about preparing well, time management, and organization.
– Pray for and determine our 2018 vision plan. We have some opportunities for change in 2018 as a company, and we are actively working to uncover good goals and a clear vision.
– Write the Gracie’s Garden book! If this happens, I will be so grateful. Little by little, I hope to make progress here this month.

Weekly Goals:

– Continue to practice leaning out our grocery budget
– Love on my buddy for the month, Nicole!
– Laugh and pray in our date nights

We loved having my best friend Gina here to shoot our 2018 PowerSheets. Gracie loves Aunt G!!!

Daily Goals:

– Continue reading my chronological Bible reading plan for my Number 1 goal!
– #RunLiftPraise
– Delight our children
– Eat more green
– SLEEP + REST (i.e. Read a good book before bed instead of looking at my phone which keeps me from falling asleep well)
– My words for the quarter and for the month: Rely (on God, not myself) + Cultivate (do what He says — dig in, little by little!)

Your turn! I’d love to hear: Do you have goals for September? I’ll pick one of you to send a special surprise box of goodies to from the Cultivate What Matters shop. I love sending real mail, and I love hearing your thoughts! Congrats to August’s winner, Alaina Monts!

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  1. Brianna on at

    Your children are the cutest! They are getting so big! 🙂

    August was a tough month for me personally, so I’m taking it easy in September. My main focus is to love my husband well, and to cut my emotional spending (I tend to shop when I’m feeling happy/sad/frustrated)!

  2. Cathy Van de Casteele on at

    My word for the month is Prepare. Baby #4 is coming in October so this month is all about preparing our house and our family to welcome her so that I can rest and enjoy the newborn weeks. Lots of meal prep and library books about babies and working ahead on church stuff on my Tending List.

  3. Sarah on at

    My main goal is to transition into school well. That’s both my twins’ kindergarten AND my graphic design course. I’ve been feeling so anxious about both but know we’re being Lord-led so I’m putting my trust in Him instead of me. It’s working…. Slowly. So my goal is to continue this and amplify those efforts.

  4. Nicole C on at

    Hi Lara, my main goal for September is to tend to and cultivate relationships with the ladies on my team. Thank you for helping me see what’s truly most important.

  5. Brenna on at

    I love all of this! I’m encouraged by your diligence in setting goals , aiming to stick to them, and giving grace when it’s hard. My main goal for September is to slow and rest. August feels crazy and chaotic and fast, but I think fall gives me a minute to inhale and exhale deep. I’m looking to be intentional in resting, through things like not looking at social media from 10pm-10am and starting the morning with a song, rather than the hustle and bustle of the day.

    Hope your September goals go well!!

  6. Samantha on at

    August was my 3rd month using Powersheets and I finally feel like I’m letting go of my need to fill every line and set lofty unrealistic goals. I only completed two monthly goals on my August tending list, but they were BIG. I made some decisions to get our finances in order that hurt now but will really help us. I’m so excited to move into September. Thanks for your words and encouragement!

  7. Hanni on at

    Thanks for sharing Laura. I know the range of emotional and sensory issues is wide spread but I thought I would mention a book that has been so helpful in raising our daughter. It is called The Highly Sensitive Child. I literally cried when reading this book because it helped me understand how to love and take care of my daughter. It explained so much and helped my husband and I to get in the same page in how to parent her. I know how hard and challenging these issues can be but I also know God will give you the grace and wisdom you need.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing this! I am grateful for your recommendation!

  8. Alaina Monts on at

    Oh my goodness!! I’m so honored! Thanks Lara!

    My goals for September are inspired by Jess saying that it’s okay to have blank space on your PowerSheets! I’m starting the second and last year (that’s so scary to say! But also: thanks, God!!!!) of my Masters’ program and with that comes a huge thesis to write. I’m giving myself the time to really just focus on that, and self care.

    For the month, I’m planning to work to settle into my new apartment and make it feel more like a home, and writing a solid outline for the project.

    Each week I want to go to church AND Bible Study, try to fit in one exercise class at the gym (I bought a semester pass to give me a gentle kick in the pants), and meal planning.

    My daily goals are staying pretty consistent: Reading the Bible and praying each day, doing some sort of movement, even if it’s just a solo dance party, and (inspired by reading Cultivate) getting after grateful.

    Less really is more for me right now, and I’m trying to be comfortable in that!

    • Lara on at

      Yay, Aliana!!! Send me your info at : ) So excited for you and I love your goals!

  9. Myra Kushon on at

    I have been so inspired by your books and am currently prepping for powersheets! I definitely feel slightly overwhelmed but am trying to not let that get in the way of setting intentional goals! Thank you!

  10. I have a full month, so I’m using this month as a much more focused month regarding goals and keeping my list small.

    For the past few months, I’ve set a number of times I want to workout outside of the classes I go to twice a week. That hasn’t been as successful as I imagined, so this months goal is to workout more than I did last month 🙂

    I’ve also got on my list to ready three months in the month.

    Weekly goals are: meal planning and go to the exercise class twice a week.

    And daily goals are to make sure all dishes are done before I go to bed and to work on my posture! I sit at a desk all day, so I’ve been actively trying to remember to focus on my posture when I can so I don’t slouch.

  11. Julie on at

    I just finished my September goals, it is so helpful! I especially love the time it makes me take to look back on the previous month and reflect on my actual life for a bit!

  12. April on at

    I am starting my fifth year homeschooling next week and I don’t feel any more prepared so I need to set some goals with that. I’ll have a 4th Grader and a 1st grader, and three little ones under foot as well. So here goes something!

  13. Lindsay on at

    I am looking for September to be full of rest and celebration. With my birthday and a friend’s wedding, I’m excited to spend quality time with friends celebrating life and love. But I also want to refill my well. I’ve been running on empty, getting by with bits of rest here and there, but I’m looking forward to embracing a season of slow. My tendency is to plan until my heart is content, but it usually leads to busy and frustration. I am clearing the calendar and tending list to make room for rest.

  14. Ginger Hatcher on at

    My biggest monthly goal is to start to embrace change with Truth. Our family has lots of changes coming up in the next year that I’ve struggled with. Most of my goals are related to preparing for all of that. Also, acts of love! As a family we want to be more intentional about loving others in various, tangible ways.

  15. Hailey Wilson on at

    I love all of your vibrant colors and your excitement for the Lord! I am new to your site, but thought I would give it a shot 🙂 This month, I am asking the Lord to help me dwell in him instead of moving in my own strength which would be far more “comfortable” in a season of unknowns. I also want to learn how to better encourage my husband instead of just validating his accomplishments and behaviors as we move into our second year of marriage. Thanks!

    • Lara on at

      Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here : ) I don’t know if you have downloaded it already, but I have a free marriage guide on my homepage at that may encourage you.

  16. Irene P on at

    Man, feels like summer flew by and we’re now almost in fall. I broke my foot at the beginning of summer which threw all my plans of exploring and adventuring out the window. Now that my foot is feeling much better , I hope to get a last trip or two in before the rains start and get back on a healthy routine. Bring it on September!

  17. Laura on at

    I am trying get through this huge move to another state with joy, peace, and strength. I’m fully relying on Him. How do you even begin to maintain/manage a household with three littles while it’s completely turned upside down. Placing writing on pause to focus on this transition. So thankful to be moving closer to family and my husband’s new job!! However I really want to be about five weeks down the road but I’m torn I want to cultivate this time as well and not wish five weeks of our life away! Some cultivate goodies would be such a happy little pick me up gift during this high stressful time!! Prayingfor your sweet baby and for you and Ari! The Lord is so gracious and I know he will fill you both to overflowibg to meet her needs!

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for those generous prayers. I have felt the Lord telling me not to share till now, and I think part of why He wants us to let others in is to pray. I am sincerely grateful for your prayers for her!

  18. Lisa on at

    September is going to be an exciting month. I have one main goal and it’s to complete our final adoption homestudy. Then do my best to wait patiently til we hear if we are approved and most importantly trust God in the process.

    • Lara on at

      That is so exciting! May the Lord be with you in every step!

  19. Mary Beth Wortham on at

    I love reading about your goals and your progress. It’s refreshing hearing other people’s goals and knowing that you don’t cross everything off your list 100% each month as well. Next month is a month of preparation for my husbands deployment. He doesn’t leave until next spring but this his first one and we have a lot to learn! I also want to keep our groceries at 75 a week…. if a family of 5 can do $100, surely the two of us can do under $75!! I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!

    • Lara on at

      Thank you to your husband and your family for your service! Ari deployed right after we got married (Iraq) and it was such a unique season. We learned to relish our time together and it made me pray a whole lot more (in a good way). Prayers and love to you both as you prepare!

  20. Cortney on at

    Thank you for this!

    I am in month 3 of powersheets and am loving so much. I am doing well on goals and I am actually enjoying not making progress at all on one of my goals from the prep work. Kind of weird to say, but it makes me excited that fun things are still to come and I am allowing myself the mercy to not feel like I have to do all goals in 6 months.

    I am transitioning to working from home this month (one of my goals hey hey!) so most of my monthly goals are cleaning and organizing related.

    -Build a shelf for storage
    -Make a trip to the storage unit
    -Clean clubhouse (where I will be working)
    -create office space at the clubhouse

    Then other monthly goals to make progress on other goals:
    -Save $500
    -Vaccuum my car
    -schedule October SoulCore classes (a prayer centered workout class I lead at my church)
    -Buy a larger garbage can for bedroom (#reallife)
    -Read 1 book

    Weekly goals are to cultivate good habits:
    -Meal Plan
    -Meal Prep
    -Cardio 3xs
    -Social Media Free Sunday

    Daily goals:
    -Victory over a bad habit
    -Pray a Rosary
    -Read the Gospel for the day
    -Make my bed (I always feel special when I get home and my bed is made)
    -in bed for 10:30pm
    -10K steps

    I’m coming for you September!

    • Lara on at

      I love all of your goals, and I’m so grateful the PowerSheets have been a great help to yoU!

  21. Amy W on at

    My goals are:
    Monthly: Menu plan. Simple cleaning schedule for me and the kids.
    Weekly: social media free weekends
    Daily: Bible reading plan. follow homeschool schedule. Living room tidy by 4 pm. Get outside. Exercise and steps goals.

  22. Janae McMichael on at

    I want to cultivate margin in September! As a teacher, the slowness of summer stops as the leaves change color. Even as things get crazy in my days I’m striving to be intention about making space in my days for what matters; for being still and resting in His presence.

  23. Kayleen W. on at

    My goals for September largely center around slowing down and preparing for fall/winter! It is our family goal to open our home once a week for meals with family and friends which means lots of intentional preparation for both our homes and our hearts. Also, making a fall “bucket list” for our family and overhauling our budget to prepare for the holidays!

  24. Britt Hanson on at

    I’m so excited to join a gym this month — finally working on the “get fit” goal that I’ve had for, well, a long time! 🙂

  25. Ilissa on at

    I’m excited to create a library of classes for my new biz this September. A personal goal is to incorporate some meditation and reflection time each week.

  26. Petra on at

    Lara, thank you for your constant inspiration.
    My goals for September are mostly about settling into our new home – we got married two weeks ago! Organising rooms & our stuff, home making, intentional dinner table times etc. My other two big goals are to become more submissive – to the Lord first & then to my husband. I’m a very independent girl but so want to become a better helper to Michael! And another big goal is to prayerfully enter a new ministry year – Michael is in full time youth ministry and I’ve just moved countries to join him. Exciting, new & challenging times ahead – but as you say, all praise & glory to Him!!! Happy September 🙂

  27. Sarah Ellen on at

    I love what you shared about Sarah. Our oldest has had sensory challenges sense birth and was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in the last two years. I often don’t feel “enough” to meet his needs (and throw in two more kids younger than him). Reading your words encouraged me. I have told myself that God put us as his parents and him as our son for a reason. I can find peace in that God knows what He is doing, especially when I am feeling like I can’t find my way through my son’s emotional outbursts and behavior. Knowing that God is in control, not me, allows me to rest in his strength and provision and to give myself grace.

    • Lara on at

      Well reading YOUR words encouraged ME! I feel like I’m reading so much of my heart in what you shared. I know it may sound cliche but I sincerely mean this – I am grateful to know we are not alone. This has been rather isolating for us at times. Thank you for sharing!

  28. Petra on at

    Lara, thank you for your constant inspiration. I’ll be keeping you all and sweet little Sarah in my prayers, I love that you are confident that the Lord placed her with you for many reasons – you’re right! May you be blessed as you bless her little heart.
    My goals for September are mostly about settling into our new home – we got married two weeks ago! Organising rooms & our stuff, home making, intentional dinner table times etc. My other two big goals are to become more submissive – to the Lord first & then to my husband. I’m a very independent girl but so want to become a better helper to Michael! And another big goal is to prayerfully enter a new ministry year – Michael is in full time youth ministry and I’ve just moved countries to join him. Exciting, new & challenging times ahead – but as you say, all praise & glory to Him!!! Happy September 🙂

    • Lara on at

      Ahhh! Congrats on your marriage! That is so exciting! And thank you so much for your prayers for Sarah. That means so much!

  29. Hannah on at

    This month is a season of change and new beginnings for me. I will be moving out on my own for the first time. I’m so scared as it’s just me and my business supporting myself. But I trust in Him and His plans. I’m in need of guidance this season, with big decisions ahead. Lots of 🙏 Doing my season prep tomorrow for a new season thanks to the powersherts: They are so full of so much heart and goodness. And I’m so excited for the launch

  30. Rebecca Gatlin on at

    My goals include having social media free weekends as well as turning off my phone at 10 every night. I want to be less dependent and addicted to looking at my screen!
    I want to move each day, even if it’s for a few minutes.
    Write the word each day!

  31. Tammy on at

    My word is bslance. As a teacher getting back into classroom I am having to adjust my routines and not be saying yes to all. Balance is key for my heart

  32. Jaclyn on at

    I teared up during your openness regarding Sarah’s sensory challenges but am continually inspired by your conviction to trust in the Lord and dig into the challenges to ultimately glorify him. What a gift Sarah has in you, Ari and the kids And vis versa

    My biggest focusg for the month is to love my husband well. I have found myself easily distracted by my toddlers needs and need to pay more attention to my husband!

  33. Kristen Mendes on at

    While I have a lot of things for September I’d like to think I’ll get to, I do have a few that I am focusing 100% on. First, my husband and I are fostering with the intent to adopt. So one of our goals is to start preparing our hearts and minds by praying and seeking guidance from other Christian foster parents. Another goal for this month for myself is making it a habit to remind myself that it’s okay not to be perfect! I might be new to this “mom thing” but I have to know that God is in control!

    Always love reading your posts and your book, cultivate, came to me just when I needed it 😊. -Kristen

  34. Lauren Bailey on at

    Hi Lara! My September goal is to set aside time every morning to rest in God’s word. I have been terribly sick with my second pregnancy, and I have not made this a priority. I see it in how I view myself and others, my lack of joy, negativity and overall selfishness. Being in God’s word brings me refreshment and hope and perspective, and it is essential. I pray for His strength in this. Thank you for your openness and vulnerability to so many women!

  35. Nicole on at

    I want to cultivate a home full of joy, life, and togetherness. I want my children to know that home is a safe and joyful place to be.

  36. Nicole on at

    And my main goals this month all center around just being with my family and enjoying each other as we prepare to have our newest brother next month!
    And also… pottytraining my youngest 😬

  37. Megan on at

    This was so encouraging to read! I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed at the goals I have racked up for this ” new year” (August feels like a new year since my husband works in a university). But it is a good reminder to take things slow and cultivate the important ones first.
    I would LOVE to potty train my 2 yr old before baby sister arrives in December. And I would love to finish at least 1-2 more books in my chronological scripture plan as well before October. I’ve got this!!

  38. Julia Pethtel on at

    I was delighted to meet you at the Creative At Heart Conference! That was such a sweet surprise! One of my goals for September is to read Cultivate. I loved the except you read during your talk. I trust it will be helpful as I seek direction in specific aspects of my business and personal life. I want to point my arrow at my unique target, and that alone!

  39. Marti Jones on at

    Love hearing about your $100 grocery budget and how you are simplifying life

  40. Chelsea Dudley on at

    I wish Hawaii had an Aldi. Ok, so I don’t know what it is exactly but I want it. Also, I love the idea of when the younger two are napping then the older one gets special time. I have three under five.

  41. Sharrone Brawner on at

    One of my September goals is to show up authenticly in ALL of my relationships. I tend to stay to myself these days and instead of speaking up and offering my thoughts when asked. I am really hopeful that I am able to show up for myself with others beginning this month. <3

  42. Mollie on at

    The goal I’m probably most excited about this month is planning for “Crockpot Sundays” — I need to do a better job of meal planning and bringing leftovers for lunch, and what’s more autumn-y than a crockpot simmering and football on tv?! 😊

  43. Sarah T on at

    I picked up a set of the undated power sheets back in July and I’m really enjoying them! The brain stream and let it go are some of my favorites to bring clarity and vision. September is my favorite month and some of my goals include:
    Weekly: deck time (dinner out on the deck, afternoon reading as September weather is ideal), food prep morning, snail mail encouragement mailed each Friday, memorize a weekly scripture.
    A few monthly goals: a whole ‘7’, update baby book, listen to two books
    A few daily: pray, gratitude, limit IG to ten min a day

  44. Katie on at

    My September goal is to be present and completely focus on what I am doing or who I am with at any given moment rather than letting all of my thoughts and worries bounce around and distract me. Using my phone as a trigger to get off my phone- every time I reach for my phone to aimlessly browse I remind myself to just put it down!! It’s amazing how much of life I miss out on by scrolling.

  45. Kel on at

    My major goal for this month is to love my husband abundantly. Work has been so stressful for him lately.

  46. Lida on at

    This isn’t so refreshing after this insanely long week. I forgot it was another month this morning. In 1 week our lives have changed so much and I don’t even know where to begin. In addition we haven’t had power for 7 days and our friends lost their homes. It’s tragic to see my hometown like this. In the same way, I’m GRATEFUL to see God working through this time. It really puts life into perspective. So many things that we think are important aren’t!

    All to say THANK YOU for reminding me that there’s a new season ahead. THANK YOU for the encouragement to say – rest, be still, be silent. In a time where everything is spinning.
    Keep on smiling!
    So much love,

    • Lida on at

      IS SO REFRESHJNG* silly phone! 😂

  47. Aimee on at

    I’m into my second month of using powersheets and one of my goals for September is to be in the Word and pray everyday! Having a tangible reminder of these two things is so helpful!

  48. Annie on at

    My goals are to continue to learn to prioritize rest and healthy choices for myself -consistently getting much needed me time amidst taking care of the family. Starting homeschool with my oldest this month. Creating better rhythms for our days and weeks that create an atmosphere of pace and joy in our home and remind me to be truly present with my family and enjoy the moments. This is a goal I started in August and saw some progress on that just felt so encouraging and fulfilling. I felt that I was able to refine priorities a lot better in August so that even though I ended up sick most of the month, I still feel like I made progress in what mattered. I’m looking forward to some time to refocus for September, hopefully today! Embracing grace and progress over perfection!

  49. Ki on at

    Set real attainable goals instead of a long list of unattainable to-do’s.

  50. Sharon Meekins on at

    My number 1 goal is to continue making progress in getting my debt paid off.

  51. Katie Fox on at

    Yes! Lots of new goals in September! Monthly: visit my grandparents at least once, find a new church home, go on a date with hubby and kids (individually), read through Exodus . Weekly: get creative, stick to $150 grocery budget- thank you for inspiring this one!, try yoga, send snail mail (haven’t done great with this one in the past but this month I’m determined!) Daily: walk 10k steps, pray (&listen), no snooze in the AM , eat more mindfully

  52. Sarah Lewis on at

    One of my goals for September is to establish my new a work routine with my newborn. It’s definitely a big goal and I’ve certainly never done anything like it, but I believe that God has big plans for us in this season of change 🙂

  53. Amanda on at

    I want to take time to really celebrate people I love this month- it includes my husband’s 30th birthday and several baby showers and I don’t want to rush through all that goodness!

  54. Sophia on at

    He Lara, I am a 21 year old college student from the midwest that has fallen in love with your style of writing and adorable family. My goals for September would be to start my book based on foreclosure, growth, and redemption I also hope to blog more intentionally this fall. I would absolutely love to hear back.

  55. Kimberly on at

    God is in the process of uprooting us from our hometown to a new city with a new job for my husband. I was reminded again as I read your blog post how powerful goals and living intentionally is and got up early this morning to dive back into my Powersheets. I was going to skip it this mo th with all the changes happening but because of what you wrote I realized I need to set intentional, God inspired goals for this month because living intentionally in the mess of change is important. Thank you for sharing your heart and journey here continually . God has used you in so many ways to encourage me and move me closer to Him and his desires for me as I’m diligent in the daily things. 💜

  56. Jordan on at

    My goal for September is to refocus my life on God. To get Him back in the center of my life and marriage and to stop putting work as most important. I just read Make it Happen and I am so pumped to start this new month fresh and ready to go!

  57. Catie on at

    I am a fellow redhead living in TURKEY! I listened to your audiobook this summer and really enjoy hearing YOU read it! The undated power sheets were waiting for me when we got to the states for a short visit and I am excited to use them. One of my goals this month is to write more for my website and travels writing. I am using an app to time my writing and record how many words I write! It is so helpful to SEE what I have done in few days and makes me motivated to do more! Thanks for sharing!

  58. Sarah on at

    Thank you for your openness in sharing about your sweet Sarah’s challenges. My oldest daughter also has sensory and emotional challenges and I agree that it can be very isolating and overwhelming. Not only are the behaviors themselves tough to deal with, but oftentimes, common parenting practices and advice can make situations worse, even if those strategies work for your other child. We’ve also found that professionals don’t even agree about how we should diagnose or handle our daughter’s behaviors. We are also an adoptive family, which made it challenging to even arrive at or firmly believe in a diagnosis since we have limited medical/social background information. In many ways my husband and I have felt like we are forging our own trail, and personally I have really struggled with feeling like a bad mom because she struggles.

    In the middle of our toughest phase with her (about 1.5 year ago), my mom told me that God had given our daughter exactly the parents she needed. I actually used to teach social skills and emotion management…my mom said “do you think that was an accident?!” At the time, I was so stuck in despair because the behaviors weren’t “improving.” It has been a helpful chant to remind myself that God knew exactly what He was doing when He placed her in our lives, and that He did it for her benefit. He gave her the parents He knew would rise to the occasion of raising her, even if we sometimes get tired, don’t do it perfectly, or if progress is incredibly slow! I’m so glad to hear you repeating that phrase as well. It’s so important to remember!

    The next phase of my journey has been realizing that I need to stop trying to “fix” my sweet girl. My job is to enjoy her, to appreciate her, to cheerlead and equip her to rise to HER highest level–not to have her meet a societal standard or the standard of what I “wish” she would be. This has been so freeing!

    I’m not quite at the point where I am thankful for the toughness of this journey but (I am also giving myself grace/freedom to hold both of these thoughts at the same time) I am so, so thankful that I get to be her mom and wouldn’t trade THAT for the world. I wish you the absolute best as you keep working hard to be the best possible mom to Sarah.. She is so blessed to have you and I know you feel blessed to have her!

  59. Sarah on at

    And a PS: this blogger/author writes beautifully with very wise insights about mothering a differently-wired child. You’ll enjoy!

  60. Allison on at

    One of my goals is to write both my husband and 20-month-old son love letters as we anticipate the arrival of a new little one at the end of the month.

  61. Angela on at

    I enjoy reading your goals each month! They provide so much inspiration and I appreciate your vulnerability as you share what is happening in your life.

    My big goal this month is to slow down and take things one at a time . Working in education, September is a fast paced month of change and excitement. I want to savor each moment and be attentive to each students unique needs.

  62. Susan Purnell Ruffalo on at

    This month I am doing some renovations in my house. I actually live in Southwest Florida and I hope hurricane Emma doesn’t have other plans. I have faith and I have secure home here that is built to the most current hurricane standards. Thank you for your prayers!

  63. Anna on at

    My goals for this month include becoming more diligent and consistent with my daily routines so that I can spend more time developing new skills, not just always catching up.
    In regards to Sarah’s sensory issues, have you looked into outpatient occupational therapy? If not, it may help you gain some tools on how best to meet her needs. I’m a little biased since I’m an OT, but let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to shoot me an email as well!

  64. Rhiannon on at

    I love you sweet friend! You and G look so beautiful in that last photo too. My September goal is to submit my proposal! There. It’s out in the open now 🙂

  65. Jenny on at

    I had goals the beginning of 2017 and then sucked my goal mindset right out of me. I don’t want to head into the last months of 2017 like this. Today, I will figure out where I am in my goals, adjust and grant myself grace so I can finish 2017 with purpose.

  66. Rachel Hodges on at

    Hey Lara!

    I love how you have been vulnerable and courageous to share some of the challenges you all are facing with your sweet baby girl! I work with adoptive families and can not recommend the book “The Connected Child” – and the work of Karyn Purvis, a wise & faithful woman who spent her life caring for children and advocating for them. Her work has transformed and brought hope & healing to many adoptive families. If you haven’t been introduced to it yet please consider checking it out! You’re welcome to contact me for info!

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