January Progress + February PowerSheets Goals

January 2020 is one for the books for me. To report on my January PowerSheets goals is just scratching the surface to tell you all that He grew in me this month—and in our marriage and children and my team. But, I hope the updates below are illuminated with this summary of my pivotal month.…

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Numbering My Days

To summarize January 2020 is like us looking at a masterful painting together and just talking about the frame. To summarize is to leave out the beautiful, complex, and simple details the Lord wove together over these 31 days. (31 days that have added up to a pivotal (and by that I mean “of crucial and…

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December Progress + January PowerSheets Goals

So… it’s the first part of January! Which one of the following best describes you: —I haven’t set goals yet and I feel behind!—I want to make my goals happen now. I’m anxious for life to change.—I have goals, I just don’t know how to accomplish them.—There are so many goals I want to complete…

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