January Progress + February PowerSheets Goals


January 2020 is one for the books for me. To report on my January PowerSheets goals is just scratching the surface to tell you all that He grew in me this month—and in our marriage and children and my team. But, I hope the updates below are illuminated with this summary of my pivotal month.

Here are my January PowerSheets goals and what I learned. I can’t wait to hear about your progress, too!

January Monthly Goals:
— Cultivate our calendar for 2020—looking ahead at the whole year to plan what matters. / I made a little progress here but decided to space the planning out more by quarter. You’ll see this reflected in my February goals.
— Break my goals down using the action plan pages and yearly overview in my PowerSheets. / Done!
— Decide on new digital boundaries to try. I want to be away from the internet more—even for good things. There are so many things I want to grow and do in 2020, and I want all the time I can get to do them! I’m not sure what my new boundaries will be, so the goal is to decide on a new rhythm of when to use my phone and other digital items—and for what good purpose. / Done! More here.

January Weekly Goals:
—Sabbath / Yes! More here.
—Play more music in our home to fill our souls with music / From organizing our Spotify playlists to sitting down to our old Craigslist piano with a tattered hymnal, this has been so good.
—Write in my commonplace book. / Done! Progress made.

January Daily Goals:
—Bible reading using this plan / Loving this pace of just a small portion a day. This is giving me time to let it really sink in.
—Run with Him / YES! More here.
—Write the Word each day in the 2020 Fresh Faith Challenge / LOVED it and I’ll be keeping it going in February.
—Interact with my physical Bible / The Fresh Faith Challenge made this easy!

Don’t miss these from January:
Download the free How to Break Down Your Goals Guide
Watch the How to Follow Through On Your Goals live class
Listen in to the February PowerSheets PrepCast
Enjoy my chats with Nancy Ray, Amy Tangerine, and Denise Pass

On to February! I have 2 goals for 2020 (each with 4 mini goals under them) that are focused on growing something that matters to me in the big picture. Each month, I’m breaking my yearly goals down using my PowerSheets®. Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead!

February Monthly Goals:
— Live into this change
— Plan our summer hiking adventures
— Make our summer homeschool plan
— Get ready for the Flower Show with Grace and my mom (!)
— Pray-pare to move into our new office
— Get outside!
— Celebrate God’s love for us

February Weekly Goals:
— Shabbat
— Do strength training for runners
— Enjoy reading (books listed here)
— Listen to the Bema Podcast (Ari is leading a discussion group about this podcast, so I’m dipping my toe in, although much of it flies over my head) and the Bible Project Podcast (the Sabbath series is so good!).
— Make music in our home

February Daily Goals:
— Bible reading. I’m going through this plan with friends each morning.
— Run with Him using the Peloton app and my old Craigslist elliptical now in the colder months. The kids play Legos while I “run!” A few tips: I listen to my own music sometimes and watch their feet in the Tread classes pacing. You can filter out classes where the music has explicit lyrics. I do NOT love all of the classes or instruction (some of the teachers are too self-help-y for me). I do, however, love taking Matt Wilpers’ classes. He is an excellent technical trainer—takes me back to my personal training days. My form and focus are improving with his coaching!
Write the Word each day
— Interact with my physical Bible (this is the one I’m using each night)

Want to do your February pages with me guiding you? Introducing the PowerSheets PrepCast! Enjoy!

Your turn! Do you have goals for February? Did you make progress on something from January? I’d love to celebrate with you! (Even the tiniest steps forward are worth celebrating!)

Don’t have your 2020 PowerSheets yet? The Six-Month Undated PowerSheets are here!


  1. Julie A Roberts on at

    Going deeper into God’s word is one of my goals for this year also. I definitely feel like I am currently only scratching the surface. The Bible Project podcast intrigues me… I love their illustrated walk thru the books of the Bible.

    • Lara on at

      Yes! It’s been a great resource for me! Cheering you on, Julie!

  2. Sarae Martin on at

    Lara, I have been meaning to link this to you because when I found it, it so reminded me of you, your journey and your mission to help us all find the important things to invest in.


    I have bought your Powersheets a few times and have never been able to follow through with them all year because I never could determine if the goals I had chosen were the ones God was wanting me to pursue. There was a lot of thing I wanted to do, but were they God’s desires for my life. In Dec. this post came out on John Piper’s blog and these questions have helped me so much is praying over what God would have me focus on this year. Not all 10 are answered yet in my life, but I am regularly putting them before the Lord and waiting for Him to show me how to accomplish them. And now I am taking my 2019 Powersheet book (which is mostly empty because I froze) and breaking down these answers into small step goals I can meet each month. The two together are making a “cultivate what matters” difference.

    • Lara on at

      Sarae, I love this! I’m cheering you on as you continue praying through your goals!

  3. Regina Renee Ward on at

    What books are you reading in February? The link goes to your summary.

    • Lara on at

      So many books I’m loving right now, The Call of the Wild and Free, The Montessori Toddler, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, Digital Minimalism, Get Out of Your Head, and Heidi with the kids! They’re linked in the Numerbing My Days blog post!

  4. Gabriella Harper on at

    Hi Laura, I just found you on Instagram and spent 2 hours on your podcasts and blog, etc! Hearing the podcast of “taking back your summer” just really hit my spirit and there was something so soothing about that garden series. I just loved it! I felt like “this is what makes her special” like I could feel that beauty in the simplicity and contentment and it was more spiritual than just another goal setting post. Now seeing that you’ve stepped back to get back to essentially that heart, the wonder of nature and your children, I know you are living out your purest message! You are cultivating what matters the most (the lord, your family, nature, adventures, and the memories your making with them❤️). I feel privileged to have gotten a glimpse into the fruit you create on the earth and treasures you are storing up in Heaven. You’ve modeled how to start a business with the Lord and let it support what matters the most to you. Would love to be your real life friend over tea and turn the phones off and chat someday!💕 Good job, sister! You did it, now you can enjoy those littles that it was all for!😘❤️

    • Lara on at

      This is so kind! Your encouraging words mean so much, Gabriella! So grateful you’re here!

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