You’re overwhelmed. You don’t have time, patience, money, sleep, rest, or peace right now. You’re not sure what’s going to happen next or how you will get through. You feel stuck. Not sure how to ride the waves instead of being trampled by them. You want the best for the people you love, but stress keeps you from being your best self. Stress keeps you from acting from a place of love.
Please imagine the following on a giant billboard outside your window: Fear isn’t tangible. You can’t touch fear. Which means, fear can’t touch you. The tough love is that it’s all in your head. How do you break out of it? ACT. Do something. Bit by tiny bit, build your life back up. Build it up new. Begin anywhere. Say it, send it, stop it, start it, move it, love, give, forgive, just do. It’s physical. Take the positive warnings fear brings, then make a decision and launch. It’s called a leap of faith for a reason. A leap not a hop or a step. It feels like flying, like you may not land, as if for a split second you are weightless. It’s scary. But, then you land and something crazy happens. You have sprouted real wings. You feel even better than you did in flight. Do not let fear, the intangible, paralyze you any longer. Life is too short.
Right now, stop. Breathe it all in. You can do this. Slow down and feel whatever you are feeling – anger, sadness, joy, pain, whatever. Feel it, then let yourself remember the great times, the laughter, the joy, the excitement, and the sweet words. Remember the love. It’s still there. It never left in the first place. You’ve got this. God had it taken care of before he created the ground you leap from.
Everything you need, you already have.
keep reading
YOU’RE OVERWHELMED….: You’re overwhelmed. You don’t have time, patience, money, sleep, rest, or peace right now… https://t.co/8GrkB1xq
This is so powerful! Thank you for sharing your sparkle! xo
I needed to read this today! I started a new business 2 months ago and I am fearful of what the future brings! God is good and so faithful and I just need to listen and respond to His call for my trust! Thank you for your inspiring, heartfelt words! I love your blog! xoxo, molly
Dear Lara, this felt like it was written just for me. Thank you!!! It’s abundantly clear He has me and He has always had my back.
This post was such a gift and encouragement to me today. Thank you so much!
Lara, You said it again so perfectly. Thank you and God Bless!
What a fantastic post. I honestly felt better after reading this – thank you!
Lara, you have no idea how God is using you to reach me right now. As a working new mama, I definitely don’t have enough money, time, or sleep right now, but I have your words, and they always lift me up. Thank you for putting your voice out into the world!
hi lara! i stumbled upon your blog this evening and it’s certainly past my bedtime but i can’t stop reading your inspiring blog posts! i’ve got so much on mind, feeling overwhelmed by juggling so many things at once. thank you for this blog post!
This is exactly what I needed to read today. Exactly. Overwhelmed is something I’ve been feeling for so long now and have only started recently pushing through. I’m at a stage where I finally feel in control – and this mantra is only going to help me more. Thank you so much! Love you work xxx
Hi Lara! Thoroughly enjoyed your talk at the mart. Very inspiring and I’m ready to get started. You mentioned some paperwork available to attendees and I didn’t catch how to obtain it. Can you provide that information again?
This summer I have had the opportunity to intern with a wedding planner here in Nashville and what an awesome experience it has been! I recently started following you on Instagram and was blown away by your passion for not only your work but for the Lord as well! I am a senior in college and my dream has always been to work for a wedding magazine. After exploring your website I just felt so compelled to get in touch with you! I would love to learn more about your business!