Let’s dig right in: How was October for you?
Wait–what’s that I hear??
Let’s hit the brakes for a minute because I think I can hear your thoughts from here! 🙂
When I asked how October was, did you think of the hard things first—or want to skip answering that question entirely? (It’s okay if you felt that urge!)
We often want to MOVE FORWARD instead of looking back, right? Even if there was a lot of good in the month, we want to move on.
Let’s flip the script for a minute.
Before a farmer plants a seed, what does she do? She evaluates her growing ground–the soil she’s standing on. She looks back at the last growing season to learn from what went well and what didn’t. Do you know what’s exciting about that, something that so many people miss?? Rich soil is filled with transformed remnants of the past. Those bits of the past help plants to flourish.
The same is true for us.
When we take a look at where we are, and how we got here, we get to reap the rewards of retrospect.
And we can do this quickly together right now! A few seconds answering 5 simple questions can potentially help us gain years of intentional living–totally worth it.
Planting our winter garden–the pansies are back!
My PowerSheets help me take a quick look back each month so I can move forward with confidence and clarity. Here are some of the questions for you to try yourself:
- What were you especially grateful for in October?
- Who were you grateful for and why?
- What is a favorite memory from October?
- What are you choosing grace over guilt about?
- What good lessons did you learn?
Here are my answers (in my messy handwriting!):
Those few seconds of intentional retrospect help me see the good–even in the small things– and get after what’s next. Here’s a deeper look at what I learned and my October Goals Progress:
October Monthly Goals:
– Read + DO What’s Best Next . – Even though I didn’t read more of the book in October (I redirected here and focused on reading Traction instead), I practiced the principles I’ve learned so far. In October, I focused on leading my team to make the good of others our top priority–read the letter I wrote them here.
– Cultivate our 2018 PowerSheets release with prayer (no better fertilizer and soil nutrient!). – So, a funny thing happened. I prayed for humility, and the Lord answered in several ways, one of which was a little challenge at the start of our launch day. Things that feel like challenges at the time might just be God growing you. It’s not fun many times, but now I see it as an answered prayer!
– Write Gracie’s Garden. – I redirected here, too, and have moved this to December.
– Uncover God’s wisdom for our family with Ari. – Read more about this in my October goals post. We made progress, but not in the way I expected! This has brought me to my knees the most in the last few weeks.
Challenge and conflict are a part of marriage. What makes a healthy marriage isn’t a lack of conflict; it’s learning to embrace it and dig into it in a healthy way. We humans don’t often like to talk about conflict, do we? If we don’t talk about these things, though, it’s so easy for others to feel isolated–like something is wrong with us if we have tension in marriage or family at times. We all have it!
Some challenges are harder than others, and we’ve had some of those lately. The interesting thing is that Ari and I are great. We’re closer than ever. But the enemy does not like that. The enemy likes to bring friction where good is happening. The enemy would rather I not write this paragraph or be married at all. The enemy does not want me to tell you our story.
In fact, he tried to convince me not to share any of this in this post. But, I hope this helps someone!
Our marriage used to be very different. We used to fight without hope of resolution. We started sleeping in separate beds. It all seemed impossible to change. We have a bedrock of faith together now, but does this mean our marriage is magically perfect or we don’t sometimes lose sight of that hope? No. It means we have a way to get back on track–a source of conflict resolution and a Counselor to help us when things get challenging. And it also means we get attacked.
When it feels like the rug has been pulled out and I’m on my knees on the hard ground–I get two choices: my way or His way. My way tends to be trying to control or fix challenges, to blame or be prideful when I feel hurt. His way is for me to LET GO.
‘The truth is, I’m fearfully, imperfectly, and wonderfully made. And so are you. There have been many times of transformation in my life—not a single, all-at-once event—all leading me closer to the woman God created me to be. Like layers of petals that come undone over time to reveal a fruitful center, I’ve been in a continual state of coming undone. It turns out that coming undone is part of coming alive.‘ – from Cultivate (page 51)
I came undone a little more in October, and for that, I’m now grateful. (See, the gifts of retrospect are real!) I feel fired up about growing my faith and Ari and I have stronger armor on.
More on this in my November goals in a minute…
Back to October progress…
– Nurture the hearts in this home in new ways. – Yes. How? Nothing complex here. By being on their level, doing the things that make them feel loved. But, I have failed here so many times, too. I have raised my voice and lost my cool and seen my sin as clear as day. This has also prompted the PostIt Prayers you’ll see in a minute…
– Create my Cultivated Calendar for Q4 (the last three months of this year) and 2018. I am so excited to go through all 10 of the steps I shared here for the weeks and months ahead. – I made progress here in the last couple days of October (I made my list of important holidays and celebrations for each month and put them in priority order) with more to come this month.
– Set joyful plans for Ari’s 40th birthday. – Done. Thanks to your advice in my Instagram lives in October, I told him to kindly stop asking about having a party for his birthday because I’ve got this! 🙂
– Set our new budget. – Progress was made here and we hope to have it done by next week. The hardest part so far has been deciding on sub-categories in our “shopping” budget, which includes everything from homeschool supplies to toilet paper. Anyone have advice here? What categories do you find helpful in general for your personal budget?
– Start reading Traction.– Yes! I am so grateful to be reading this with my coworker, Emily.
I never end a month with all my PowerSheets bars and boxes filled in, because it’s about progress, not perfection–and little-by-little progress adds up!
October Weekly Goals:
– Meal prep. – This has become a habit now. I make a batch of vegetable chicken soup on Sunday that lasts us till Wednesday. We hard boil about 2 dozen eggs, too, and try to have cut veggies and easy things to grab throughout the week. For those that don’t know, we gave up family dinners a long time ago for the sake of our sanity and sleep! The kids eat dinner really early (around 5) and go to sleep shortly after (Sarah at 5, Josh at 6, and Grace at 7) so that Ari and I can have time together at night and everyone is rested in the morning. Ari’s schedule is unpredictable, so the pressure of dinner as a family every night had to go. We do breakfast with daddy instead, and everyone is a lot happier. This is why “meal prep” fits us better than traditional “meal planning.”
– Homeschool with joy. – Now that we are through the getting-our-feet-wet stage, it’s time for me to get after this more.
October Daily Goals:
– Continue reading my chronological Bible reading plan for my Number 1 goal.– Yes. I have continued listening to the audio version first thing in the morning on the Bible app before the kids wake up.
– #RunLiftPraise – Start weights back up again so I can have the strength to love my family well. – I am so grateful for you all encouraging me on this one! It took a couple weeks to get back on track, but I have had a lot of fun doing this in the morning with the kids. Josh even says, “Mommeeee!!! Ab time?” Which, for him, means climb-all-over-mommy time, as evidenced below…
Photo by Grace of the Mommy Couch during “ab time” 🙂
– Eat green + clean. – Yes. Although, I discovered Sunbutter recently and it’s way too good.
– Rest in the Spirit. – Yes, but not by my efforts or with ease. It was a challenging month as I mentioned earlier. I clung to the Lord in those times which gave me new peace and rest in my soul–even in the mess.
– Raw prayer (I am grateful for my prayer journal). So much prayer continues to pour out for so many needs in the world, in our community, and in this home. I am grateful for a God who hears us. – Yes. Raw prayer continues as something I am cultivating.
– Praise dance. – This was my favorite! We did a lot of praise dance parties in the mornings, as you may have seen on my Instagram stories.
Here are my PowerSheets goals for November:
My last goal update hit a chord with you, and I’m so glad it did. We each have a unique purpose and it’s time to get after it. My theme for November is to do just that and, after what I learned in October, I feel double passionate about getting after this life: passionately pursuing my faith, my husband, my family, raw prayer, the work I’ve been given to do, and getting after grateful.
The PostIts are prayers to direct my thoughts and actions this month.
November Monthly Goals:
– Prioritize with diligence. – I know this may sound funny, but prioritizing in new ways is my top priority. A friend told me something this week that stuck with me: if everything is a priority, nothing is. Prioritizing means to choose one that is above all the others. I have already searched scripture for direction on this. Here’s the best verse I can find on how to prioritize. This is my verse this month.
Why this goal? So many reasons. I work 40 hours a week as the CEO of a growing company, I homeschool two half-days a week, I have three kiddos I love to love, and I have a marriage to cultivate. I want to do these things well, working heartily from a place of rest and trust in Him. The transition to homeschooling has led me to rely on His strength more, and I am grateful for that. But in the fringe moments between all of this lately, I have been tempted to the extremes of getting just one more thing done and wearing myself out, or idleness–which is different than truly resting. Instead of being tempted to strive, or be lazy, I want to keep coming undone.
I want to surrender the things that might be good, but might not be His priorities for me in this season–or at all.
Prioritizing doesn’t mean doing more; it means doing the right things and surrendering the rest.
– Cultivate my calendar.– I feel the urgency to do this task now! Grace’s 6th birthday and Thanksgiving are ahead.
– #GetAfterGrateful project. – I’m all onboard the Rach Kincaid train this month! I wrote about her and this phrase in Cultivate and I hope you will jump on this train with us. My project? Writing 30 Ebenezers–30 specific remembrances of God’s faithfulness in our family (see Chapter 10 of Cultivate). I may share them on the blog with you. Also included in this goal is to continue praise dancing, singing, and expressing my gratitude.
– Write my (7th annual!) 2018 Goal Setting Series with fresh eyes. – This is the most popular series here on the blog each year, and my hope is that this month prepares me to write it with fresh eyes and rooted faith. Mark your planners for December 20th, the first day of the series!
– Be a light-filled mom from resting in you, Lord. – My PostIt Prayers will help with this one.
– Less house, more home. – We had several major home repairs made in October: replaced a cracked and moldy shower (black mold all through the insulation in our bathroom), kitchen repairs and updates, walls that were cracked from our foundation settling, leaky sinks, broken doors (our front door wouldn’t close!)–so many things needed fixing and updating. Let me tell you though, once you start fixing things, your eyes start noticing more things to fix. I want my eyes fixed elsewhere, knowing I can’t take this house to Heaven with me! While there are still many things to put back together after our repairs, my focus is on cultivating our life-giving home. Less working on the house; more nurturing the souls in it.
My sweet buddy on launch day.
November Weekly Goals:
– Homeschool with diligence–careful and persistent work and effort.
– Continue reading and implementing Traction.
November Daily Goals:
– Raw prayer.
– Continue reading my chronological Bible reading plan for my Number 1 goal.
– #RunLiftPraise
– Eat green + clean.
– Prioritize. This is also a daily goal because, in learning how to prioritize in new ways, I want to act on it. Little by little, I believe this will add up to change in every area of our lives.
I’m not sure this counts as a Halloween costume because it’s my REAL LIFE.
Your turn! Do you have goals for November? What are you cultivating in this new month? I’ll pick one of you to send a special surprise box of goodies to from the Cultivate What Matters shop, as well as a T from Simply Sow and a copy of Sally Clarkson’s new book, The Lifegiving Table (so good!). I love sending real mail, and I love hearing your thoughts!
Congrats to October’s winner, Stacey Meredith!
P.S. We’re HIRING!
keep reading
Hi Lara!
We have our spending budget broken down to groceries, household items, and clothes. My husband is a teacher, so we also have a separate school money category. We keep cash for the school money, household items and clothes and keep them in envelopes, that way we are able to keep track and let the money accumulate if needed for a larger purchase.My goals this month include:
– joyfully preparing for the holidays at work
– volunteering
-meal planning
– no eating out
and weekly date nights, even if they are at home 🙂 -
My November goals are:
-Exercise 3x a week
-Blog 2x a week
-Work on a family history book for a Christmas present
-Prep for a December book advent calendar-
I’ve been researching my genealogy for a long time and my grandmother has always been interested and used to drive me around when I was too young to drive myself:-) So for Christmas I’m going to make a Shutterfly book on her father’s line (and mother’s next year) and write up a little profile on each couple and include photos, images of documents like my great grandparents engagement announcement, and maps for ancestral hometowns. I think it’ll be a great way to share the family story with my relatives and hopefully, something that will be passed down. I’m reminding myself that my research will never be done, so do it now and it’s okay that it’ll need updating one day.
Hi Lara! I loved this post. It was so meaningful to me. My two big goals for November are to get my postpartum depression under control so that I can love my husband and kids well and get our budget figured out and working so that we can pay some debt down.
So excited to get my 2018 PowerSheets in the mail! First time user!!
My November Goals:
– Contact guests for Season Two of my podcast, Selfish (I’d really love to have you on as a guest, Lara! Will you?)
– Set a budget and plan for gift spending (I always end up with too many gifts that I forgot I bought!)
– Constantly encourage friends that are going through tough stages of life (marriage, work, friendships, etc.)Thanks so much for your encouragement through the blog, social media, and email!
My goals for November include:
Learn how to cook and use a slow cooker.
Include enjoyable activities in my planner and do them!
Be mindful about spending money.
Drink two glasses of water every day.
“Cultivate” a gratitude bulletin board on my refrigerator.
Improve my skills as a new nurse.Thank you, Lara, for opening my eyes to whole new world of opportunity and growth and slow but steady progress.
Hi Lara!
Our budget is pretty broken down, thanks to YNAB. Groceries remains a lump sum, as do household supplies, and individual clothes/shoes accounts. Makes it easier that it‘s just the two of us.November goals:
– cultivate my relationship with my partner even deeper
– prepare Dyary for use with PowerSheets in 2018
– remain calm/have faith that PowerSheets *will* arrive
– read your two books that I was able to obtain with birthday money
– make a basic plan with timeline to tidy the flat
– finish the plan to reach out to my estranged mother after 10+ years
– look forward to Advent -
My goals include organizing my storage better, seeking out godly counsel where I’m struggling & spending more time with the Lord.
Looking forward to my first year using the Power Sheets!
Hi Lara
(I’ve been following you guys since end of last year, but this is my first time posting)
For October, I am especially grateful for having been able to move back home to Florida. I moved to Massachusetts last year to kinda regroup myself from a series of life-happenings. It was a rough year away, but I’m back, and ssooo happy to be here. I am super grateful for my 7-yr-old daughter (who is on the spectrum). She keeps me going and has become my day-to-day purpose. My favorite memory last month was the amount of smiles and happiness squeals from her. Natural smiles are hard to come by from her, and they were glowing that day, which made my heart so happy.
I am choosing grace over guilt about the fact that my 17 yr old decided to stay behind. She is your typical rebellious teen, who also just had her own little baby girl this past august. I’m choosing to take her choices gracefully and accept that this too shall pass and just remind her I am here for her. I pray for only the best for her (and have prepared with an extra bedroom in my new home *just in case.
In the midst of all of this, I decided to go forward with starting my own biz, which has been in the works for some time now, and I just need to get it going. I learned that my little one is watching closely anc has expressed that she would love to be involved as well. She’s hoping we can do some instagram and/or you tube vids. Together we decided to document our journey with our new-found interests which include yoga (excellent choice for her with her special needs and myself with my chronic illnesses) and finding great foods she can enjoy, which is challenging due to her wheat and nut allergies…she’s hoping we can start growing some indoor fruit and veggie plants as a project. So, I have my work cut out for me, but I’m looking forward to all of it…I’m excited.
Thank you for all you do for us, your audience
Mia -
Lara, a great marriage book that I have just read, as I too have had way too many years of struggles in my marriage, was What Did You Expect? By Paul Tripp. Excellent book on a very grace filled and realistic look at marriage and the hard day to day habits it takes to make your marriage thrive.
My goals for this month are:
-Spend time in the word >5 days a week.
– Pray each morning for myself, my husband, my children, and my godchildren
-Make each child smile 1 time each day (I have 6, so it’s a feat)
– Input receipts into our program weekly
– Order my 2018 Power sheets!-
Woohoo! Information sent 🙂
My number one goal is to make a plan. It‘s my last semester at university and time to right my thesis. I need to make a plan on how to cultivating what matters of the next 4 months while also prioritizing my thesis
I was actually inspired by you and your post it organization for when you wrote your second book. I think I will use that method to plan out my chapters as well 🙂
October was rough and beautiful all at the same time. I am incredibly grateful that my parents home is still standing and that they are safe after the Northern California wildfires. It is truly a miracle, as whole neighborhoods are gone and homes 2 streets over from their house were completely burned to the ground. Thank God they had a landline and got the evacuation call when they did. It has been so beautiful to see our communities come together to help the 1,000’s of people displaced. My October goals moved down my priority list last month and November goals look a lot different than what I expected. Some of my goals for this month include a lot more giving of items and funds to people who lost everything in the fires. Also, I usually try to get my Christmas shopping done in November. This month, I’m working on creating Christmas presents that are more sentimental than material – photo projects with the kids, experiences, etc. Leaving your home with the threat of fire really makes you think about all your material items and which ones really matter. I also have a standing weekly goal of having Family Table, which is not easy with a 2 1/2yo and 1 1/2 yo plus our work schedules. With the PS this year, we are on our way to making this almost a daily routine. 🙂
Hi Lara! Thanks so much for encouraging us all with your November goals!
My goals for November all center around preparing our hearts and home for our new little one arriving any time this month! I’ll be working to tend to my marriage, invest in the heart of our firstborn, and allow myself grace-filled time to just REST in the Lord!
I have “Write Things” under my monthly goals and “Write Something” under my weekly goals. I started 2017 with the lofty goal of publishing one book and writing another. Life hit me with a few bricks, and while I’ve done plenty of writing in my journal, I’ve made almost no progress on writing my stories. This month, I just want to write something fun, and remember why I fell in love with writing in the first place. 🙂
Hi Lara!
For my budget, one of the most helpful categories is “blow money”–that covers all the surprises that come up, like replacing things in the house, unexpected small expenses, gifts/parties that are unexpected, things like that.I am SO happy to have crossed off a pivotal goal today: Releasing my ebook! I have been working on this for years but the last month was the big push to get it out there. If I hadn’t attended MTH in March I don’t think this ever would’ve happened! So yayyyy!
My other monthly goals are:
Grow my emergency fund
Draft a book proposal
NaNoWriMoIn my daily goals:
Write the Word (I just started the renewal journal)
Exercise daily
Checkbook check-in
Zero out (“put the house to bed”–run the dishwasher, tidy up, look at my planner for tomorrow so I can go to bed calm.) -
My goals this month include getting back into my prayer and devotional life more routinely as I was before, praying for friends going through tough times right now, cultivating my relationship and praying over my boyfriend and I and our future together, and really focusing on my career!
My main goal for the month is to “savor slow” with my two young children. I work full time and remind myself to really embrace our time together in the evenings, making our time intentional and meaningful. 💗
I absolutely love your grace filled posts full of real life progress!
For the month of November my goals include: Listening to God’s plans for me instead of just creating my own, create intentional and helpful courses that will guide my readers closer to their purpose, and go through every single day trusting the Lord and resting in Him! Can’t wait for my power sheets to arrive so I can see these goals in a action!
I just remembered another! I want to celebrate thankfulness all month and initiate some thankfulness habits with my kids for the upcoming holiday. 💗
Thanks for helping us cultivate what matters!!
My November goals are simple.
Keep God time 1st
Trust Him
Do as He leads and let Him do what I can’t
Breathe. Trust. Breathe. Trust.
One thing at a time 😊 -
I come to the blog everyday because I’m so hungry to read about this stuff that matters truly!
Do you have goals for November? What are you cultivating in this new month?
Monthly I am cultivating relationships and finding ways to serve and add value to others. I am seeing the good in everything and everyone! I am prepping for my vision board and my powersheets for 2018 (having a vision board party with some friends Dec 3!). I am budgeting and planning meals and christmas shopping so I feel prepared and don’t need to focus on that.It’s going to be a month of savoring relationships and this beautiful season!
Hi Lara! Thank you for sharing your goals and authenticity with us. It truly helps!
I am being laid off at the end of the month after nine years at my current job. It’s sad, but I’m taking steps to start my own business and start a new adventure as an adjunct college professor. I’m so excited! My goals for November largely focus on “pray-paring” (to use your word!) for my last day, making a photo book for my coworkers and saying a grateful farewell to my clients and colleagues. I’m also taking steps to start my business, planning ahead for the holidays, and doing something special for my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. One of my favorite daily goals is to let my one year old son remind me of what’s really important.
I usually hate November because Halloween (my fave holiday) is over, the weather turns cold and I find the holiday season to cause more stress than bless! I am looking at November with fresh eyes thanks to my tending list. Grateful for your encouragement!
I look forward to your goal posts every month, they are always so encouraging.
My November goals are:
– Homeschool with grace and diligence.
– Encourage my family members in their life’s paths and passions.
– Pursue my path further – delve into what direction I’m meant to pursue. I’ve almost got this figured but looking to focus more.
– Budget. Create a solid one.
– Complete a Whole30 to reset my body from the inside out.
– Purge more of the excess from our home. Especially the toys – it’s my fave month for this because we donate our toys to our local Santa’s Workshop to be loved by those who have none.
– Practice kindness in the community with our children. -
I’m trying to get most of my Christmas shopping done now because I really want to go into Thanksgiving and the Christmas season in a calm and contemplative way. I want to teach my babies the true meaning of these holidays and cultivate family memories, gratefulness and praise for our savior and His birth. Also my almost 2 year old can not eat gluten so I’m trying to find and practice recipes for the holidays now so we have yummy treats and food she can enjoy with the rest of the family!
Hi Lara! The one goal I will be working on this month is to make my 30 Days of Gratitude journal. I will craft one page each day, and focus on all the good things God has given me. Choosing joy is hard for me, so I hope I will have a changed perspective at the end of this month! And of course, that doesn’t happen without relying on the Holy Spirit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂
I’m doing my Novermber goals today, and this post hit home (x 1000!). Prioritizing my time and actions is top of my list, and it’s encouraging to see that this is still something you’re having to cultivate too! 💗💗
Hi Lara!
I just ordered my first set of power sheets and I am incredibly excited about them. My husband and I were just discussing how we needed to lay out and define our goals when God helped me stumble onto your website!!
My November goals are t -
I actually pulled out my old Power sheets and decided to give them a try again for the end of the year. I think my biggest goal for Nov is to affirm my husband more. Being intentional about it because our marriage needs some attention right now.
L O V E your post!
Thank you for sharing your goals and inspiring us all to cultivate what matters embracing our humanity with humbleness & honesty. -
Hi Lara!
I just ordered my first set of power sheets and I am incredibly excited about them. My husband and I were just discussing how we needed to lay out and define our goals when God helped me stumble onto your website!!
My November goals are to:
Order Christmas gifts early
Plan out dates with my husband
Organize workout routine
Stay rested
Work on my generosity muscles! -
My biggest November goal is getting back into daily morning walks. My most powerful prayer time has been missed due to a third pregnancy and now that I’m feeling better, I’m ready to get back to my warrior time!!
Love this!!
A few of our goals are:
-Start eating “real food”. I recently read the “100 Days of Real Food” recipe book and it wonderfully convicted me. We try to eat well but I am definitely going to be taking steps to do better.
-Walk and exercise at least 2x a week.
-Stay in the Word
-We recently simplified our home quite a bit but I am still going room by room making sure it’s all staying kept up 🙂Thank you for all you do and share. It is so encouraging being a part of this community and family!
Lara, this past October was incredible. First, I met a friend I met online and had a successful project with, in person for the first time. Second, I accidentally saw your powersheets on Instagram, watched your live video and loved them. When I first thought of ordering the one year planner, an idea came to my mind: what if I won’t survive until 2018? I’m not being pessimistic here, I’m just trying to make it clear for myself that I only own Today and Now. Your powersheets make that super clear, your prayers and praisings remind me that I’ve been loved with an everlasting love. Thank you Lara for the loving community that you have built, I’m very grateful I’m a part of this.
OMGosh. You are so warm and encouraging! Thank you for your raw honesty. I truly appreciate all your company do for me!
My monthly goals for November are cultivate family time – I have 17-year-old boy girl twins and they’re off running and doing school activities and part-time work at a local grocery store. They are gone more than they’re home so family dinner and family time are few and far between, however we make the most of it when we are all together! Or one on one.
Improve myself care by reading and fresh air. Live with a grateful heart and participating in a 30 day journaling gratitude challenge. Use my resources wisely that I have been blessed with. Honor God‘s temple in my body by moving and eating properly.
Craft time to release stress.My weekly goals are to budget with the EveryDollar app, enjoy God‘s creation by getting outside, Clear my mail pile, screen free Sabbath, family meals, painting my bathroom and changing the lighting.
Daily goals are set aside time with God, phone off at 8:30 PM, eat only at hungry, stretch my body, and tidy up the house.
Whew. That’s a lot. 😊☺️
I’m on maternity leave with baby 3 and I’m very tempted to try to fill my “time off” with to-do’s. But I have made sure to make my top priorities:
1. Getting to know our newest babe
2. Cultivating the hearts of my big boys
3. Quality time with my husband -
I love that your November page was not crammed full! I find when I set TOOOOO many goals it just all falls apart. I am keeping things simple in November. Daily Walks after the kids get on the bus, meal prepping on the weekends, reading a book a weekly that I enjoy (my TBR pile is so high but I am a fast reader!) and focusing on NaNoWriMo this month….making time every day to write for me. I already have a lot of my Christmas holiday stuff done ( i know crazy!) so I can go into this season feeling calm and actually enjoy it!
Hi Lara,
Just received my first ever set of Power Sheets on Saturday! I don’t want to wish the rest of 2017 away just so that I can start using them, but I don’t want to wait to get started on my goals either.My November goals:
– get my Christmas shopping done in a fiscally responsible way and to give thoughtful gifts that show my love to all who receive them
– no eating any added sugar until Thanksgiving
– participate in any craft show that is thrown my way, this is stepping outside of my fear of failure
– get into a good morning routine that gives me some time alone before my girls all wake upI am SO grateful to have found this community– feeling a little FOMO about how late I am to the party, but I can tell Power Sheets are going to be a game changer for this chronic goal abandoner.
It has been proven difficult to cultivate well in the season of moving when your husband is already working out of state and your job requires so much attention – and who can forget prepping the home to sell? It certainly requires cognitive breathing and taking the whole process one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. I’m digging into the dirt, ready to see what comes up in the spring!
Lots of love to you and your team – you are all rocking it! <3 -
Hi Lara,
I am brew to power sheets and just received my 2018 power sheets. I feel I am st a crossroads in my life and hope they will help me get to the life I want. My goals for November are to make our home a haven for my family. This begins with decluttering and hopefully getting back to the basics. Less technology and more talking and hanging out together. Another goal is to improve my health with good clean food and more exercise. My last goal is to enjoy the holidays and keep it simple.
For November, I am re-prioritizing work stuff. I am a ministry assistant to our pastors and I work about 10 hours a week. I am also a homeschooling mom to a 5-year-old, a 2-year-old, and I have. 6-year-old with autism spectrum disorder who goes to an AMAZING private school in where he receives ABA therapy and his academic education. I no longer say SAHM bc I am in and out the door all day long. I used to mak myself available all week to my employers, answering texts and emails all day as they would come with questions and requests and there were many weeks when I was at the church every day with my kids in tow doing this or that. I went completely the other directions a few months ago and have been working close to a 10-hour day once a week and only doing other stuff after my kids go to bed. That has stole time from my husband and rest from me. For November, I am trying out some time 45 minutes-1 hour a day of work 3-4 days a week from hom and then an 8-hour day in the office. Basically just trying out some new work-from-Home boundaries.
Oh Lara I love this post! It’s exactly what I needed. One of the biggest things that stuck out to me was “what was the biggest thing you learned in October?” Because I hadn’t actually reflected on that yet & I realize I need to not just understand the information, but to also apply it. So I will be spending a lot more time investing into the lives of people around me and not just my work itself. Also keep us updated on your budget tips! Those are great
We recently moved cross country. My goal(s) this month are to get each room organized and decorated so it feels like “home”. We keep calling our old home “home” as this one doesn’t feel like it yet. We need it to feel more like “home” before the holidays hit with all the emotions of missing our son/brother who went to be with Jesus a few years ago.
Get well | prioritize my days now that I am home | more quality family time | prioritize my life with God
-2018 church nursery schedule
-date night with husband
-schedule a massage
-postcard to a friend
-counsel with a friend
-write the word
The longer I read this blog, the more I figure out how to benefit from my Power Sheets. I’m so grateful for you Lara and all your hard work to invest in me. Praise God! -
Also I want to cultivate my relationship with my husband. We are about to celebrate 25 years but I feel like our marriage needs a lot of work sonoraying for that.
I plan to finish a 15-20 page research paper for school.
Daily Bible studying and prayer. -
I’m working on cultivating my health. Eating well. Moving more. I’ve struggled all year with this, but turned a corner on Oct 16th when my mind focused on your message “what if today changes everything?”
My marriage and family are two of be biggest things I’m trying to cultivate right now. Life can get messy and it’s easy to forget we are doing life together and need each other! I’m also trying to get braver and stronger at being present in the season I am in. Trying to really cultivate and draw close to God remembering why it’s important to have different seasons!
P.s. so inspired by this and you! Thank you for always sharing!
Bethany Mercincavage
We are cultivating family traditions in November and December this year. It’s such a special time of the year and we want our children to know the reasons behind the celebrations. We want to cultivate time as a family and create new things we can look forward to each year at this time. Most of all we want to cultivate gratitude and joy during these last two months of the year!
Hi Lara! A few of my goals for November include going back to church (it’s been a long road, but we’re making little by little progress!), celebrating Thanksgiving with gratitude, contentment challenge check-in (we’re on month two!), and intentionally praying for my family. Grateful for your encouragement and vulnerability sharing your goals and your recent friction – always good to hear we aren’t alone in this broken world!
For November, I want to focus on being a light at my job. I work in a retail job and holiday season has already started. People have a tendency to not be very patient during this season. And as a team, we are going through a lot with management. I want to love my team well through treats, encouragement and bringing a happy attitude. I want to serve out customers by always giving them a good experience. To return any negative with peace and joy. I want to focus on things to be thankful for, not on what’s going wrong. I also want to have quality time with my family. I don’t want to get so caught up in work and stress that I neglect them.
I’m cultivating family time and being present! Putting down the phone and just be with my kids and my husband.
These days are passing too quickly, my oldest just turned 7 today (whaaaaat??!?!?) and I don’t want to look back and not remember the moments because I was too distracted.I’m so excited for my first Power Sheets, but I started setting goals with intention this month 🙂
Both of my girls have their birthdays in the same week as Thanksgiving— my goal this year is to savor these celebrations and family time rather than rushing around and chasing perfection. I love reading new books but intentionally left reading off my to-do this month to allow more time for saying ‘yes’ to my people. I also have the goal to not say ‘yes’ to one more thing and keep my calendar open for rest and slowness — 2 days in and I’m still going strong! 😂
This month, I am cultivating school – I am in a web design program – and wanting to make sure I get everything I can out of it, AND cultivating my family, making sure their special moments are created and celebrated.
I’m focusing on cultivating a life giving home. Healthy comfort foods, evening walks, read alouds, and lots of hugs and encouraging words. Thanks for the great post and all that you do.
I am making progress on meal planning to match my new anti anxiety diet – it is a total overhaul for me, but I’m trusting God for the motivation and determination to carry through!
November goals include reading a fiction and Christian living book, hosting well, cultivating gratitude, preparing for Christmas, & date nights and family memories!! Cultivating gratitude is a new one this month!
MONTHLY: finish a minimalism game I started in September, try a podcast club, sign up for boy scouts, organize all legos, read 6 books, plan anniversary trip, meet monthly savings goals. WEEKLY: Spend 30 minutes moving journals, read up on Charlotte Mason, have regular read-aloud time, expand my son’s food list, make seasonal bucket lists and monthly lists for topics to cover in homeschool DAILY: workout, drink lots of water and eat clean, inductive Bible study review each day, practice gratitude, live cultivated days (after your cultivated calendar webinar)
I loved the video of the guys unboxing…favorite quote “it’s pretty much motivational scrapbooking”!!! 😂 This month I am cultivating looking for who God wants us to serve – up close and personal. We serve in the military, currently in an overseas assignment. Usually during the holidays we watch for those who have no family close by and serve them in various ways. This year that is true for everybody here! So, praying, listening, cultivating a heart with eyes to see beyond the obvious.
If my goals had a theme it would be stewardship.
I am running my first 5K in 15 years on Thanksgiving I’m 6 weeks into training and focusing on the finish line!
Find quick and healthy recipes that my four year old will tolerate other than yogurt and couscous 😉
Updating our family budget for 2018.
Weekly family meeting and follow family flow plan.
Potty train my 2 year old!
Practice self care everyday!
Finish James study.Some finish lines this month and some maintenance, but definitely a month of gratitude!
My November is back to basics. Simple goals. Read my Bible & Pray!
One of my goals this month is no social media November! Just sticking to messenger and Facebook … Wanting to be present, not run to social media when I feel restless and to stop the comparison. I love seeing what is new with friends but it can become unhealthy too so I am takin’ a break 🙂 My other goals are to finish “Cultivate”, move into our new little house and start some veggie planter boxes … we’re in Guatemala by a volcano so should be interesting!
I’m just really discovering all you do and am so ready to jump on board and figure all of this out! So here are my “unofficial” goals for November:
1) figure all this out
2) do Bible Study Fellowship daily instead of all at once
3) have a more organized prayer life
4) Be wise about Christmas shopping-shop early, look for bargains, don’t be a perfectionist
Loved your point about priorities. Not everything can be first in line. That helps so much! Thanks for all of this. -
Thank you for letting me be heard. With so much distraction, comparison, and the magical unicorn of finding balance in our lives. A couple of my monthly goals for November is to; 1. Make a new recipe every week, try something new. 2. Communicate with all of my siblings on a weekly basis. 3. Making a priority to spend quality time with my husband. Getting my hands on your powersheets have helped me prioritize my life and to find the balance we all so desperately need in our lives. So excited to get my hands on the 2018 powersheets. As far as the shipping update is concerned…girl, you are worth the wait! 😍
Lara, God is speaking to me through this post!
1) idleness is different from true rest
2) once you start fixing things, your eyes start noticing more things to fix. I want my eyes fixed elsewhere, knowing I can’t take this house to Heaven with me! While there are still many things to put back together after our repairs, my focus is on cultivating our life-giving home. Less working on the house; more nurturing the souls in it. – YES!!!My goals for November are to move more than 5000 steps a day for at least 20 days (I managed 13 days in October), to read my Bible 5 days a week, and to get a series on the Four Tendencies finished on my blog. And many other, more boring (for others) things 🙂
Grand mom of 10 little kiddos.A fractured relationship with my daughter was restored in October, I will never take that relationship for granted again or any other that I value.
She sent me a copy of the praise on her PowerSheet for November on our relationship. It is true that you do not realize what you have until you lose it, I never want to be that person again, by valuing all relationships the Lord has gifted me with, especially family.
That will be my #1 priority for November.
Value, tend, and nurture my family -
My goals this month are different after a very busy season. This is not all inclusive but the most important: . -Lift my anxiety to the Lord (Phil 4:4-7) and Listening to the Lord’s voice and obeying (John 10:3-5). Also remembering that I am limited but HE is limitless! Thanks for all you do Lara!
I moved for school in August and feel like I am settled so I’m wanting to get more plugged in with my church, practice gratitude in the present moments, write a letter to a friend each week, and do my morning routine!
This is amazing!!! And I’m so excited to begin my 2018 power sheets! First time user over here! But that doesn’t mean I plan on waiting to cultivate what matters right now. I’m 32yo and medically retired after being diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer last year. My days are no longer “hectic” as they used to be. But I’m a total planner, and I love setting goals for myself… even though life has slowed down. Maintaining my health is more important now than ever. For November, I really want to get down to the basics of health. My daily goals are to spend time in the word and prayer ever day, get sunshine on my face, sleep at least 7-8 hours (sleep is so important!). I would like to do some sort of physical activity at least 3-4x a week (will work up from there in future months), and start meal planning. We will say one new meal a week. I know that sounds basic, but it’s HUGE for me! As sometimes meals have included eggs or a bowl of cereal when I’m too tired! Haha thanks so much! I’m so excited to start!!
Your words about striving and idleness hit the nail on the head for me. October was a whirlwind and I jumped the extreme from trying to do “just one more thing” to being lazy on the couch “resting”. Not resting by reading or praying or simply being refreshed by a moment of silence but mindlessly on my phone. My goal for November is to truly embrace and uplift the precious people I have been given. I will focus on them as opposed to all the “busy” this upcoming season brings. Thank you for the always honest and inspiring words!
I really am going to focus on finishing my Advent cross-stitch. I’m so close and just need to put my mind to it and get the last bit finished. I can’t wait to show my kids how setting a goal and working towards it weekly that you can actually achieve it.
Looking back to the good stuff from October:
– Finally stared the blog I’ve been putting off since February (gah!)
– Back to truly studying music
– Taking part in this amazing choir I love again
– Making progress in our house renovation project by finishing tiling our bathroom (the husband and I are doing it all ourselves!)November goals:
– Get clarity on what business to start after all (too many ideas, very little action. I need to get this off the ground asap as I haven’t been bringing much in from my 0-hour contract and the hubby is feeling the financial weight on his shoulders a bit too much)
– Finish renovating the bathroom
– Start renovating the kitchen! (which is non-existent atm; we’re currently cooking in the living room, haha)
– Coordinate our church’s Christmas play with love and find balance between not being a control freak and still doing a good job pulling things together
– Keep fit & eat healthy (been doing ok with that, yay!)
– Post weekly in my new blog -
This month I am really trying to get some major progress done on my goals for 2017! The past two months have been exceptionally busy with social functions, travel, weddings, etc., and I am happy to say that this month promises to be much calmer–we are actually going to be home most weekends this month! I was not able to make much progress on some of my larger projects the past few months due to constantly being on the go, so I’m hopeful that I can really focus and conquer in the month ahead!
I was struck by some “Christianese” I’ve been using lately. I’ve prayed for a “hedge of protection” around my marriage and it struck me in the past few days that a hedge is a plant. And it’s not going to protect anything if you don’t tend to it. It’s going to be scraggly and full of holes and gaps. My priority goal for November is to tend to the hedge around my marriage and my home. We’ve been in a season of change and low-grade upheaval. Our hedges need tending.
Lara, thank you for sharing your PROGRESS! It helps and encourages me to keep going when I don’t finish a goal!
One of my November goals is to finish a painting for a friend and come out with a small Christmas collection of handlettered cards before thanksgiving! -
This is so helpful Lara! Thank you for your transparency and vulnerability in sharing these with us! I’m keeping it simple this month. Serving my clients well, being thankful every day, reading and prepping for 2018! It’s going to be the best ending to the year because these last few months (my first ever with PowerSheets) have paved the way for a relaxing, enjoyable holiday season.
One of my goals this month is to prepare to celebrate my bestie’s birthday from afar. We’ve been best friends since the 4th grade and she is currently studying her heart out in Pharmacy school. She’s turning 25 in December and we have an ongoing thing that I celebrate her using balloons and she celebrates me with paper (I’ve been tp’d multiple times, my car, my side of the dorm room, etc). Since we’re in different cities for this milestone birthday, I want to shower her with balloons and love to take her mind off school for just a minute. This goal will take planning and coordination with her friends at school. I don’t want to miss this day for her!
My biggest monthly goal (aside from my yearly goal of reading the Bible and daily gratitude journal) is putting my hope in Christ. We are in our 13th month of blending families and it’s hard -a lot harder than I imagined- and I don’t want to become discouraged or resentful, but to continually hope in God and to be an example of peace, joy, and love to my family.
This month I want to cultivate my health. After two and a half years, between being pregnant and going straight to treatment for breast cancer, IT IS TIME! So specifically I am committing to 10,000 steps a day, 4-5 days per week , no more potato chips at lunch (mindless eating) and reading a book on wellness.
This is so great Lara!
My November goals are :
– do yoga or Pilates 3x a week and start jogging to prepare to run a 5k in March
-To not put so much pressure on myself as I look for a job I have peace about
– Finish reading She’s still here by Chrystal Evans Hurst
-Get used to being a dog mommy
-Have a fruitful thanksgiving with my family -
Ready with my tools for 2018!
Hi Lara!
I’m interested in how reading the Bible chronologically has impacted your faith so far? I have a chronological Bible on our bookshelf, and you’ve inspired me to try doing this next year!
My November goals:
– Work on Christmas inventory for Christmas Sip ‘n Shop
– Finish “Business Boutique”
– Complete custom projects for mother-in-law and two friends
– Mom’s birthday
– Allie’s Wedding
– Get our Christmas tree!
– Family ReunionAnother big goal that I’m excited to check off soon is completing my FIRST Half Marathon on Thanksgiving Day! I’ve always said I would never do this, but finally decided to challenge myself, and it’s been so worth it! I would dread running 3-4 miles, and now I look forward to my long runs and get encouraged with the progress!
Thank you for sharing your heart, and I look forward to receiving my 2018 Powersheets soon!
I’m almost 6 months pregnant, work full time at a large church (going into our busy season AKA Christmas prep), and we’re hosting a large Thanksgiving dinner this month. So I’m doing something a little different with my Powersheets and not writing ANY monthly or weekly goals, and instead ONLY using the daily habits section filled with self-care items. Mine include things to keep me sane & rooted in the Lord this month: Bible reading, read 3 pages of a book, exercise, clean, and sit down to drink your pregnancy tea. I’ve never NOT made any monthly goals in my Powersheets, but with as many tasks as I have to do this month, I wanted to try this to remember to fill my cup before I pour out into others. Thanks for inspiring!
Thank you for sharing the lessons you’ve learned along the way – it’s a blessing.
My November Goals:
– Eliminate frivolous spending and shopping out of emotion (stress!)
– PLAN for gifts for family that are within budget, and plan when to get them, so December is not a whirlwind of wasteful spending
– Read a story to my daughter every day
– Have “God-talk” with my husband each week
– Be STILL in the Lord. Reduce the noise. Listen for Him
– Complete a work plan at my job -
Hi, Lara! 🙂
I love your openness and honesty! It is always so refreshing and inspiring to me! Thank you for including us on your journey. 🙂
I’m still working on my November goals, but these are my main goals so far:
1. Seek first the Kingdom (and fast from things that I know are stealing the focus of my heart). I’m using the last few months of the year as a time to refocus my heart. I want to be in the Word daily, drinking deeply from the well of truth, so I experience the renewing of my mind on a consistent basis. Strength is a big focus for me the last few months of the year (see goal #4). And I want all of the goals I set to help me love and serve the Lord with all of my heart, all of my soul, all of my mind, and all of my STRENGTH.
2. Explore new creative/ministry outlets. This has been such a season of learning and discovery and refining for me, and I’m excited to take new steps toward some things God has been calling me to explore and pursue.
3. Continue writing my women’s devotional. My progress on this has slowed in the last few months, and I want to get back to writing regularly. I am making it a goal to choose one afternoon this month to devote to writing.
4. Strength train twice a week with my personal trainer. I started training in September, and this week will be the first week I have to miss one of my training days, just due to a scheduling conflict. I’ve been so encouraged by the progress I’m making (I’ve never stuck with a fitness routine before), and I’m excited to keep pursuing this and growing stronger, not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually.
5. Drink at least 50oz of water daily and eat clean (ish) for training purposes. 🙂
6. Pray earnestly and humbly. Ask God more questions in prayer and wait for His answers. Pray for Him to increase my hope and faith. Be expectant.
7. Make meaningful memories with family, savoring and celebrating the last few months of the year.
I am focusing on myself this month!! After a love and fun filled summer, my twins started kindergarten in September, and so that means I’ve spent 4+ months caring for, planning for, and giving space for other people. I need to regroup and refresh!!
For me this means daily yoga (so far 0:3, so practicing grace there), being diligent for the Lord, and spending time with friends. I’ve decreased my commitments for the month too!! Hopefully I will find rest and peace and thanksgiving for this month, so I’m filled with God-given light for my family in December.
Thanks for the encouragement to look back!
My goals for November are:
– Staying focused on the goals I set at the beginning of the year. Things like my graditude journal, my fitness goals, my house routines. I want the last 60 days to be as strong as the first.
– Be intentionally present in the holiday activities my husband and I have chosen for the holidays. (ie: not just rushing on to the next thing) -
it’s crazy to me that after reading your post, I thought of 2 more goals for the month of November. Here’s my list:
Tie up lose ends with our upcoming family vacation
Start the framework for our 2018 family calendars
Finish project for grandfather’s memorial
Eat from our kitchen more! (includes meal prep)
Talk to my mom each week
Have some personal quiet time (for journaling/devotions/reading to support my introvert soul) -
I didn’t like looking back and always wanted to move on , but when I set goals and pursued them little by little, looking back at it and seeing the progress I made is so encouraging! Also looking back helps me appreciate all the areas in the month that God extended his underserved kindness and helped me endure through tough and stressful days. The good decisions I make today helps me look forward to looking back in the progress I’ve made. One goal of the month I wrote down for October was to ask my boss to cut back on my hours at work so I can have more time to focus on things that are more important, surprisingly I accomplished that goal! I’m so thankful for God for making it possible and I cannot wait to see what he has plans for me this November. I just have to keep focus on doing his will, as the scripture you brought out, happens to be one of my favorites: Matthew 6:33. ❤️
Hi Lara!! Your post is extremely timely for me in this new season in my life. My husband and I just had our first child in September and I haven’t used my 2017 powersheets in 3 months because I’ve been so busy. I love when you said “Prioritizing doesn’t mean doing more; it means doing the right things and surrendering the rest” because as a new mom and people constantly in my ear about how I should raise my daughter it can be challenging to focus on the main things in my life without getting trapped in comparison.
My goals for November include:
•Complete baby shower thanks you cards (I’ve had to give myself lots of grace in this area)
•Start my blog with intention and purpose
•Plan & celebrate a minimal joyous Thanksgiving
•Cultive routines with my daughter
•Declutter my master closest
•Begin a meaningful baby book for my daughter
•Gracefully transition my daughter into daycareThanks again for such a timely post! [(digital hug)(in my head we’re besties 😁)]
I’m excited for November. I’m looking forward to reading more of Cultivate and clean up the living room for family celebrations in December and January. If I start now, it will be so much better for my family. My other goal is to enjoy this season and enjoy the rest God is forcing upon me.
Lara- one of my big November goals is hospitality. My brother is coming to visit at the beginning of December. We don’t get to see each other often (not even once a year!) so I am EXCITED. This includes some decluttering and small projects around house. Writing things out always helps me clear out my “mind clutter”! BTW, just got my 2018 power sheets in the mail and can’t WAIT for Dec 4th : ). I have a feeling that 2018 is going to be off the charts ❤️ Blessings, Jennifer
Love this! October was head down and keep going for me and now I’m having a chance to look up and see where I am and where I need to go! My main goals right now are to plan homeschool for the next two months. We do an intentional advent and Thanksgiving study so on it! My business is also growing and my family may need to depend on it more in the coming year so I’m making plans, company manual, and getting ready to hire a VA so I can take on more clients. A lot of tending and creating breathing room!
Lara, I saw your question about tending a BUDGET and I wanted to share a book that helped me think bigger about budget goals. “Worth It” by Amanda Steinberg taught me so much! Enjoy!
I loved reading your goals Lara. My goals are to get through the holiday season! I’m making inventory for the holidays (i’m a potter) and we are gearing up to be champions for a Small Business Saturday event for our local downtown! I’m very excited about this!
So my goals are: 1.Rally our downtown businesses and create promotions for the event. 2. Break down my pottery work flow for Nov and Dec. 3. Plan a fun promotion for my pottery and break it down into weekly and daily tasks.
I can’t believe your 7th goal-setting series is coming up! I still remember coming across the first one and how God changed my life through that and through you. I will say it till the day i die–Lara Casey, I am grateful for you! 🙂
Oh, and here’s what I’m cultivating this month thanks to PowerSheets 🙂 https://dianakerr.com/november-2017-powersheets-goals/
Thanks for all that you are sharing, the good and the not so good. I just got my first set of PowerSheets for 2018 and I’m excited and a little bit scared to start digging dip into my soul.
But for the month of November my goals are to give more attention/real time to my husband. It is our anniversary month and we have 3 little ones and rarely go out and have some alone time. For this month I am planning at least 2 dates of just us so that we can reconnect as a couple. As you say little by little! -
I’m late to November goal setting but I finally feel like it’s all making sense. I feel like I have had such a long journey to get to this list but I think that’s another story for another day. I’m reading Cultivate each morning before my little one wakes up and it’s been transformative. I just wrote my very short tending list for the rest of the month:
– Move my Body (run, walk, class)
– Mindfully eat
– Allow moments of stillness
– Prioitize and execute my work
– Love on my familyI know these seem simple and aren’t broken down into monthly, daily, and weekly yet but it feels like a good start for me that is obtainable.
Thank you for all you (and your team) do to inspire and affirm others!
My November goals were around picture archiving: pruning 1,500 from our total pictures (I did slightly more, thanks to weekly family memory organizing being in the schedule — the result of a cultivated calendar) and finishing my 2016 iMovie where I combine all our video clips and insert still pictures to flesh out the story (my first time ever!). I’m not a photographer, just a mom with a lot of pictures.
Also, preparing for an intentional thanksgiving and advent in our homeschool (again, part of my cultivated calendar). My fitness goals are 7,000 steps and get outside once a day… which is actually hard for me as a homeschooling mom of 4 that are 6 and under. Especially with nursing 3-4 times per night… so I take this goal with grace.
I’m on my fourth month of social media free weekends and I’m loving it. Deleting the apps was the best advice. Thank you.
And continue with my Bible reading plan … I finished it early due to all those middle of the night nursing sessions so I’m doing a few new things til the end of the year.