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Hi, friends! First of all, how are you? I prayed for each of you who left requests on my last post and am here to pray if you are reading this right now and have something on your heart. I believe that prayer can change things and that God is real and listening. I’ll ask for a couple prayers too, if that’s okay. We submitted our adoption paperwork and profile a couple weeks ago, so now we are waiting for the Lord’s timing to be matched. There are so many layers to adoption, so general prayer for the Lord to make His plans clear would be wonderful. Also, prayers for endurance and wisdom in my writing over the next eight weeks would also be appreciated, as I enter the third trimester. Thank you for praying!

View More: by the amazing Gina Zeidler. This is how Grace feels about May! See more Gracie fun and my maternity pics here.

What’s new: Our gardens are planted and I am so grateful. I started writing my next book, which is very slow and very hard, but the soil has been cracked. Seeds have been planted in the garden and for these pages. Now, to tend, cultivate, and watch God make things grow, little by little — and to keep saying YES to what He has for me. To help me stay focused, I’ve taken the last week off of social media and plan to continue for as long as the Lord wants me to. It has been refreshing and eye-opening.

View More:

Our recent team retreat was so fruitful (photo above by my wonderful friend Katelyn James!), our house got a little crazy with PowerSheets orders, and my mom’s visit here was also a joy. We gardened with mom and Gracie had a blast sitting on the front porch with her in the rocking chairs, telling silly stories at night.


Also new… #TheOfficeReno is done! Full tour coming soon to Southern Weddings, but here are a few sneak peeks below from my sweet friend Robyn Van Dyke. I’ll be transparent in that I feel hesitant to share images of a “space” without telling you more of the heart behind it. It is just a space and I am grateful for it, but I also know that this world is not my home. More to come…

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What’s ahead: Writing. Writing. Writing book two. Putting my everything into these pages for the Lord. Also, we are taking a little family vacation/babymoon next week. And then more writing. I’ll also be sharing some encouragement on creativity, competition, and comparison at the Creative Women’s Summit on May 14th, which is free for Influence members — join us.

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I’ll start my April goals update by sharing that it was a challenging month for me. I was physically tired and struggled a lot as I tried most of the month to write, but I didn’t crack through the soil till this past week. All in God’s timing, but it was a tough one. I struggled with fear, doubt, trust, and all things that ultimately led me to see that I needed to mature in my faith. The struggle led me to see places where I haven’t been truly loving God and have instead let the world get ahold of me. I am grateful for the refinement of this past month and pray it continues!

My April PowerSheets Goals update:

April Monthly Goals:

  • Write the book. This is my main focus for April, May, and June. If I don’t reply to your emails or texts, it’s because I have to pour into these pages in order to make time for these babies that are coming into our lives soon. I don’t want to have the book still on my list when babies come! In progress, little by little.
  • Lead a truth-filled April Bible Bunch. Done. It was awesome.
  • Enjoy a joyful team retreat. Yes. This was so fruitful. It changed the way we plan to do everything in business and with the content we produce. You’ll see those changes roll out soon! I am grateful for the wise ladies I work alongside.
  • Be a joyful light to my mom when she visits. It was a great visit with lots of gardening time and good food. 
  • Plant our veggie + flower gardens. Done. This was a lot of work and so worth it.
  • Move into my new office with a “Heaven is my Home” focus — i.e. not focusing on stuff, but rather on doing God’s work in this new space and shepherding this space well. Yes, as I mentioned above, it’s done! I struggled along the way with material desires and prayed hard through it all. I am grateful for our new space and pray to continue to use it well to do His work.
  • Prepare well for our family vacation. Yes, all packed and ready to go.
  • Host and worship during a meaningful Passover. Yes, this was a wonderful experience and Ari did such a great job leading and teaching.
  • Cultivate fields of gratitude — praise Him! This I battled with a lot this month. Through the struggles, God taught me that gratitude in our circumstances is not what lasts. Gratitude for who He is lasts because He never changes. So, I have more of a focus on praising Him for who He is and that is a good thing.

April Weekly/Daily Goals:

  • Prayerful marriage tending, using all we learned in Dynamic Marriage. This was challenging to transition from such a focused period of marriage learning to practicing it in the “real world.” We are working on it though!
  • Sing hymns to Grace/meaningful morning walks. Yes, did this and it was a joy.
  • Send Encouragement Postcards. Yes! I sent several and loved doing this.
  • “Heaven is our Home” actions — finances (we’re working to cut our family budget in half to save for our adoption) + choices (where we choose to use our resources of time and money and heart). I put an alert on my calendar to go through our family budget and business finances each Friday morning and it has helped, but we have a lot of work to do here on the personal side to sacrifice more. A huge help this past week — I started reading Interrupted again (the new updated version) and it has ROCKED MY WORLD. Highly recommend this book.
  • Prayer for team, contentment, friends, and others in their faith and marriages. Yes.
  • Read some of The Best Yes myself and Shepherding a Child’s Heart with Ari. Didn’t happen. I am packing Interrupted and both of these books for our trip though.
  • Fitness + weights. I walked or did some cardio every morning, but weights didn’t happen. Most mornings I have felt tired from restless pregnancy sleep, so I’ve had little energy for lifting. I decided to make this easier with my May goals and aim for doing them once a week instead of every other day.
  • Rest – sleep and soul rest. By pregnancy default, I’ve gone to sleep earlier every night (i.e. – crashed around 9 with the lights still on!).
  • Get outside — yay for great weather this month! YES! Praise the Lord for the better weather!
  • And the big one: Love God’s word. Yes, especially the last couple weeks I have been loving my Bible study time in the morning before I open my laptop.

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Okay, onto May and the PowerSheets Three-Month Refresh! The REFRESH! This was a new feature we added to the PowerSheets this year to help refresh goals once each quarter and it was sooooo helpful. WOW! All the exclamation points!!! : ) My goals got refined — simplified and changed — and I feel clear about where I’m supposed to focus for the next three months (and where I’m not). The PowerSheets Refresh is a winner. So, I thought it would be helpful to show you how my overall yearly goals changed after going through the Refresh.


Original 2015 Goals, written at the end of January and refreshed goals below:

1.  Seek (my 2015 word!) the Lord deeply above all else and before all else. Why? Because all other paths lead nowhere and because I need God to direct my steps or I get far off-track. Because I am innately selfish. Because I don’t have the answers, but He does. Because I want to do this life well and live on purpose. SO many reasons! Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. (1 Chronicles 16:10-11)  Refreshed goal: Know the Lord deeply, above all else. Constant companionship with Him. Why? Because that’s the only way forward. All other paths lead nowhere. Matthew 7:13-14

2. Raise God-loving children who want to love and live praising Him! Why? Because Grace and these children are His and we want to honor and cherish those gifts. Because we want our children to know the freedom and joy we have in Him. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life…” (John 16:24)  Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deut 6:4-7) Refreshed goal: Raise God-loving children who know and love God’s true heart. Why? Because “every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17). These children are from Him — a gift from the Father. 

3. Bring many to know the Lord’s heart and life-giving transforming truth. Why? Because God is life and I know what it feels like to live without Him. I am passionate about sharing His story and how He has changed us! I could choose so many scriptures for this, but will stick with Psalm 118.  Refreshed goal: Bring other’s to know the Lord’s heart and that He is the way — His truth is the only way forward to Eternity — to true transforming love. “I am the way and the truth and the life…” John 16:24.

4. Use every part of my work for Him — internally as a leader and in all we do. Why? Because He didn’t give us this business and work just for fun, He gave it to use for a bigger purpose. Because our work or encouraging marriages matters. Because, though we are imperfect, God can use our surrendered hearts and hands. Because I don’t want to waste my life or talents. Because I only have one life on this earth to encourage others to what matters! Because we are blessed to be a blessing. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col 3:17)  Refreshed goal: Use every part of my work to glorify Him and worship and love Him. Why? Because “every good and perfect gift is from above…” — every penny is His and to be used for His good work. Help me be wise and diligent in shepherding what you have given us, Lord! Colossians 3:17.

5. Live a marriage and family that deeply pleases Him. Why? Because when we are strong together, we are stronger for everyone around us. Because being strong together means first being close to the Lord. Because it’s God’s will that we would honor Him in our marriage and family. Because we love Him! A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10 But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)  Refreshed goal: Submit to the Lord and to my husband because it pleases Him! Worship the Lord together in our marriage — in our decisions and conversations and prayers and activities and closeness. Why? Because it pleases the Lord and we are compelled because of His grace and how He has transformed our lives! “Honor one another above yourselves…” + Joshua 24:15

6. Be a faithful humble leader, working heartily for the Lord in our family group, Bible Bunch, small groups, Bible studies, in our business, in leading Grace’s heart in our household — in all things! Why? Because these aren’t “responsibilities,” they are they are hearts. Because God has chosen these things for our life and we want to do them well to honor Him and encourage many! Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. (Col 3:23)  I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)  Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. (Romans 12:10-13)  Refreshed goal: Be a faithful humble LISTENER, working heartily in the Spirit in our family group, Bible Bunch, Tuesday study group, individual study, in the words I speak (James 3), in teaching Grace’s heart in our household, in all things. Why? Because God is alive in me and I should let it show! The goal: Matthew 28:16-20 + Romans 12:1-13.

7. Listen and learn from wiser sisters and be completely humble and gentle so that God can dig into my heart as I listen and learn. Why? So I grow closer to God. I need to keep learning and growing and practice a deep humility. Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. (Proverbs 10:17)  Refreshed goal: (Here’s exactly what I wrote to myself and to God in my PowerSheets…) I’m stuck on this one. Lord, please give me a wise Godly sister to help disciple me. Titus 2:11-14.

8. Encourage others in truth and in love. Why? Because that is the gift I believe God has given me. I feel hesitant in owning that, but I know that not acknowledging that gift is shrinking away from potential good. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. (Romans 12:6)  Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thess 5:11)  Refreshed goal: (This was a BIG one for me in the refresh. I dug into what the Biblical meaning of “encourage” is and it changed me!) My study notes: Encourage – (Greek: parakaleo) to implore, helping to develop something in another, no fluffy “inspiration,” to call to one’s side, call for, summon, give support or advice in order to inspire continued action. “For I am not shamed of the gospel because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16, “encourage and strengthen him…” Deut 3:28, “encouraged them to remain true to the Lord…” Acts 11:23. So, my goal is to encourage as the Lord desires — to strengthen others in faith!

9. If it’s God’s will, write a book to encourage marriages — to break down barriers. Why? My why is pretty simple here and at the same time totally overwhelming and scary. Because God told me to. I feel insecure and not equipped, but God keeps bringing Moses to mind. Moses wasn’t equipped, but God gave him the words. I am putting my faith in that! My verse for in starting this process and seeking wisdom on what to write: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5)  Refreshed goal: Write a book about moving forward to God. And the scripture I keep repeating in my head a dozen times a day: James 1:5.

10. Know that ALL we have is fully the Lord’s. May we give it all away for Him! Why? This has been on my heart for the last couple years and God keeps pulling me to more fully surrender. I am praying on this and ready. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7  Refreshed goal: (This one turned into a prayer.) Lord, help me here. I feel you deeply calling me away from worldly things. Thank you, Lord. Help me love you more — FAR MORE. The goal: “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:25). Also, “Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?”

My new word for this quarter: Lord.

On the heels of that great Refresh, here are my May Goals!


May PowerSheets Goals:

  • Write to help others move forward to God
  • Complete the James Challenge (I’m writing out the book of James this month along with prayers related to each section — it has been awesome so far!)
  • Lead an encouraging Bible Bunch. We will be studying Acts 1-9 this month. 
  • Worship and please the Lord on our family vacation
  • Help others move forward to God at the Creative Women’s Summit — glorify Him!
  • Prayerfully introduce Write the Word in May or June. Well, there you have it — I sort of introduced it right there : ) More to come, but this is a something I’ve been working on for over a year and it will be live in the shop in a couple months. I’ve never been more excited about a new … I don’t even know what to call it. Not just a product or a journal or a tool. It’s a way to get into, interact with, and love God’s word, even if you’ve never done it before. I pray it helps many women grow in faith — no matter what stage of faith you are in! more to come on Write the Word soon : )

Weekly goals:

  • Marriage prayer + tending – study and pray with Ari
  • Teach Grace about God’s good heart
  • Deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Jesus
  • Weights + stretching + pregnancy exercises
  • Pray for babies + cultivate PRAISE for Him!
  • Encourage team on “Growing Marriage” mission
  • Encourage others in faith + marriage
  • Pray for team
  • Pray for friends + family
  • Live by the Spirit, not by the flesh

Daily goals:

  • Love the Word!
  • Worship Him outside
  • Work out – sweat!
  • Clean green eating
  • Worship music / generous prayer
  • Rest in Him / sleep

Fresh links:

  • Nothing new, but I’ll share this one again in case you missed it and need some encouragement: I shared the story of our marriage crumbling and God doing “the impossible” on the Unveiled Wife

Lastly, some encouragement that I’m carrying over from last month: Where you can’t, God can. I’m holding onto that truth this month too! He is able, friends. Here’s to a great May!


  1. Emily D. on at

    “When you can’t, God can.” What a great reminder! I’d love that on a card in the shop!

  2. Kelsie on at

    Thank you for always sharing your heart Lara! May is shaping up to be a BIG month for me as I graduate nursing school and have several interviews. Praying for my heart to only desire the Lord’s will!

  3. Danielle on at

    I’ll be praying for you. Love you so much and so excited to see your goals and desires be for Him!! What a joy. Praying for your kidos salvation.

    Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord: (‭Psalm‬ ‭102‬:‭18‬)

  4. Krisitna on at

    I love your monthly updates, Lara! They are always filled with truth, encouragement, wise words and a lot of love! I’ll be praying for you and your growing family!

    I’ve been wanting to get the power sheets forever because they seem like such an awesome tool but shipping to Europe is so high that it just does not make sense. I was wondering if you could start thinking about providing a digital version of them. It would be awesome to be able to buy them and then get a PDF via email (for example) to print them out myself. I don’t know if that’s something you might consider doing but I thought I would just through it out there 😉 Right now I’m using your book as my tool for goal setting and that has been very helpful so far!

    • Lara on at

      Hi Kristina! Thank you so much for the prayers. I am so grateful! We don’t have plans for a digital version and we wish shipping internationally wasn’t so much too! Enjoy the book : )

  5. Yvette on at

    I love you sweet always inspire and amaze me with your Grace. Thank you for being transparent and sharing your words of wisdom with the world. You make me a better person daily.

  6. Thanks for this! I’m looking forward to doing great things in May and then a nice REFRESH before hitting the ground running in June! My life has changed A LOT over the past few months, and I know it will all work together to honor God in the end. I’m excited to see where He is taking may family over the next few months and I think my life today will look so much different from my life in December. Love you dearly…xoxo.

  7. Bethann on at

    Lara, thank you so much for sharing your heart and your process in how you work through your Powersheets, goals and refresh as God leads you to change your goals. Blessings to you!!

  8. Jennifer on at

    Praying so hard for you and your family! I am also SO excited to be joining you all LIVE at the Creative Women’s Summit! 🙂 Praying for each of you and that the Word the Lord gives to you will resonate in the hearts and minds of women all over the world!

  9. Angie on at

    Please pray for my daughter! She graduated from UNCG in Dec, and moved to Chapel Hill in Jan. She works at a school there, interpreting for a deaf student. While living in Greensboro, she attended Day Star Church. She hasn’t found a church yet and is dating a man who is not a Christian. My “mother’s heart” cries out to Jesus every day, asking Him to intervene. Please believe with me for God’s will in her life! And if you have a suggestion for a church, I would be so greatful!

    • Lara on at

      Yes, I am praying now and would love to invite her to church. Can you pass along her email address?

    • Angie on at

      Her name is Taylor.
      I tagged her in one of your earlier insta posts.

  10. Angie on at

    Oops, grateful! 🙂

  11. Chelsea on at


    You, your family, and your story are such an inspiration to me. Since you mentioned prayer…there is something I would like prayer for. I’ve been battling depression, anxiety, and fear for years. Just recently I’ve been experiencing several (minor) health problems. I’ve been praying, believing, and seeking for healing for so long that, honestly, I was beginning to lose hope. But in January, I read that 2015 in Hebrew is “Haphak,” which means turnaround, shift, or turn over. And I started to believe again. In February, God set a series of things into motion that have been so liberating and restorative, and I’ve experienced a lot of breakthrough. But in the past month or I’ve had kind of a setback. I’ve been grieving over the loss of my dog. I’m confused, and I just feel STUCK. Like I can’t get any further. Things were moving along so well, and now it feels like I’m pushing against a huge weight, or a brick wall. God’s been so good to me, but I just want to be free. The biggest thing I need right now is just His Love. I just want to experience it, not just in my head, but in my heart. And I want the strength to keep going until I see breakthrough in its FULLNESS.

    Ahhh, sorry to write a novel on your blog post! And thank you so much for always being so vulnerable and sharing your story, your struggles, and your victories! I love to see how God redeems, restores, and reawakens the stories and dreams of others. It gives me hope for my own journey!

    ~ Chelsea

    • Lara on at

      Chelsea, I am praying for you now. Praying for you peace, rest in Him, and for your faith to continue to grow. Most of the times my faith has grown, it’s been from times of deep challenge and refinement. God meets me there in my mess because He’s the only One who can pull me out of the pit. Every time He does, my faith and trust and joy grows. I am praying that for you!

  12. Sarah Buis on at

    I know I can always come to your blog and my heart feels so much lighter.

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