
Happy March, friends! Welcome to a new series I’m starting where I’ll update you on my goals and what’s new around here!

What’s new: I’ve loved the first part of this year, taking my time setting good goals, growing in friendships (I’ll be teaching a Influence class on friendship this month), spreading our mission with the ladies I work alongside, and watching my book launch unfold. That last part has been surreal and yet peaceful. Many people ask me, “How’s the book doing?” I don’t know. I just pray it is encouraging others. I’ve been intentionally fixing my eyes and heart on what’s in front of me, namely these silly people below. This is normal Gracie behavior, as evidenced by Ari’s non-reaction : )


Ari and I have been taking an eight-week Dynamic Marriage class which is intense and so good. We’ve been leading several Bible studies together and trying to keep up with Gracie. How do three-year-old’s have so much energy!? 

Also new around here: lots of sawdust! (Do you like our paper runway up there in the first pic?) I work from the second floor of our house, in one room, with five other ladies. We’ve been bursting at the seams for space in our little home office, so we’re deep into attic renovations. Till then, this is where the shop is operating from: the (future) nursery.


Speaking of the shop, we launched a brand new shop last week! This has been over a year in the making and we are tickled pink. I love our little packing assistant (see the Our Story page)…

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 3.00.05 PM

What’s ahead: I’m starting to write book two this week and growing a human continues. We are also getting anxious about our adoption, but trying to be patient till the end of summer when we will begin the process in full swing. Waiting for something you want is hard, but ripening can happen in times of waiting. We are trusting in that. Also ahead this month is the Making Things Happen Conference, three shoots in Texas for Southern Weddings (I’m not going but the ladies are!), celebrating eight years of marriage (praise Him!), and hopefully getting out in the garden once the snow melts. I can’t wait! We started our seedlings this weekend : )


My March PowerSheets Goals: Every time I sit and make time to work through my PowerSheets (more coming this month — hooray!), I am so grateful I did! The hard work is worth it. A big highlight for me is this goal. More March Goals:

  • Begin writing a powerful God-glorifying book two
  • Host a meaningful MTH Conference
  • Finish reading The Best Yes
  • Diligently complete our Dynamic Marriage class
  • Prayerfully lean my schedule to commit wholeheartedly to writing book two
  • Begin final adoption paperwork
  • Complete and prayerfully move into new office space
  • Celebrate eight years of marriage well
  • Write our plans for all future Bible studies and classes I’m teaching in the next weeks
  • GIVE – meet + pray for needs
  • My weekly goals center around prayer, soaking in the Word, and learning from Godly women.


Fresh links:

P.S. CONGRATS to all the Goal Setting Series winners!

Happy March, friends! What are your goals? Trying anything new this month? 

keep reading


  1. Just signed up for your Influence class! Can’t wait, as friendship is something I’m uber passionate about. Also, LOVE the shop relaunch. And Gracie is THE CUTEST EVER.

  2. March is going to be such a great month, Lara…you’ve got so many exciting things going on! You constantly inspire me to be intentional about the goals that I set and connect them all to a deeper “why”. Thank you!

  3. Elle on at

    One of my goals is to start a garden! What do you use/do for your seed starter?

  4. Julia on at

    Seeking encouragement & prayer. even though February was a short month, I found myself struggling to fully use my powersheets (1st time user). It’s already March 3, and I haven’t prayed or planned my Monthly goals. I have a hard copy + an audio version of your book. I find myself in need of re-listening/re-reading, over and over again!! I need to remind myself to take small, doable action steps. Just sharing this post is a biggie for me.

  5. Emily on at

    Love this post! So many great places your story was shared this month! 🙂

  6. Georgeanne on at

    I’m happy to say that my goals for March are in full swing–one of those being unplugging from all electronics for at least an hour a day (inspired by your book) and NO email post 7pm. Finding time to completely unplug has been a little tough for me since I’m in charge of so much social media at work and so much of my job description includes technology, but I’ll find a rhythm.

    I need to start planning my garden.. spring will be here before I know it! I want to have another go at growing watermelon. I tried growing Sugar Babies last year and didn’t have much luck!

  7. Rosie on at

    Where do I get more info about the prints in the soon-to-be nursery (second pic in post)?

    • Lara on at

      Hi! Those are beach photographs from a friend : )

  8. Kimberly on at

    I am anxiously awaiting for the Powersheets to be restocked this month!

  9. Thank you for the wonderful post! While I do have specific goals related to my business, I have found it so much easier to focus on one word for the year instead of resolutions. Reading all of these goal posts reminded me to look at my word for this year.

  10. Danielle on at

    My main goals this month are definitely to begin to network well with people in my present community and create some long standing relationships. Also to step out in faith to be God’s hands in a way I’ve never done before. Whatever that looks like. The new thing I am trying this month is my African dance class and I am looooving it! Loved this post!

  11. This months goals include moving and settling in my 75 year old Mum into our Granny Flat and processing all the emotions that go with this … on both sides; achieving my 3 month personally set fitbit challenge; setting the next 3 month goals for health and wellbeing, begin the process of reinstating our veggie patch let go due to a series of major surgeries… all of these are equally important for very different reasons.

  12. Kara Layne on at

    Love keeping up with all of your latest and to see your growing family! And that little Gracie is just the bees knees. Congrats on the new shop!

  13. Elise on at

    I recently found your blog/ website and just wanted to say how happy it made me! To find another Christ-follower that is trailblazing in their industry. Your story has really inspired me to keep what’s important in life at the forefront and push to make it happen, thanks!

  14. Brooke on at

    Recently finished your book. Which I loved. It was so practical and helpful. Two things I have implemented is less time on social media and phone call days. I get so much accomplished! Shooting to get out of debt and conquer some dreams. Could your little girl be any more adorable? We are expecting and hoping to adopt this year. Thanks for being such an encouragement.

  15. Emily D. on at

    March was HARD. It started really well but then it just….sort of fell apart? Man! But I’m glad to say that doing my Refresh/April power sheets today has given me new motivation and new fire! Sometimes it’s easy for me to think that once I “mess something up” or fall down in my habits I should trash everything, but the power sheets give me the ability to stop that sort of thinking and motivate myself!
    And I LOVE the new shop!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so grateful the PowerSheets encouraged you to keep going! I am cheering you on!

  16. Sarah Buis on at

    I just love the fresh links, I always find exactly what my hard needs.

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