Eight years. Eight years! I was thinking to myself that “MTH,” as we call it, is the longest running creative conference, but it isn’t. Because we’re not just for creatives. The Making Things Happen Conference began in 2009, after what seemed like a small leap of faith at the time: I posted a blog entry answering a question I’d recently been emailed — “How do you make things happen?”

Making Things Happen

Before I knew it, the post (“How to Make Things Happen“), started making waves. Those waves grew quickly into a movement. Emily Ley, Gina Zeidler and I travelled all across the country doing the conference.

Making things happen is about focusing on what MATTERS and physically doing something about it.
Making things happen means making tough decisions.
Making things happen is about grace, not perfection.
Making things happen means saying NO to what is holding you back, and YES to your unique assignment here on this earth.
Making things happen requires guts. And fierce passion. And knowing that you don’t have to do it all, be it all, or have it all to live on purpose.
Making things happen – the right things – will change everything.

Our 1000+ alumni have launched new businesses, left behind unfulfilling habits, and helped thousands of other women live on purpose too.


Making Things Happen is for everyone, because MTH is about uncovering what matters to you, and doing something about it. Every time I lead this conference, I do the work right along with the attendees. And every time I’m changed. There’s no magic to it, but we have learned a lot over these eight years to help women simplify and take action. You might be a mother or wife who is struggling to balance family responsibilities. You might be a working professional trying to run with a big idea. Or you might be a small business owner burning the candle at both ends. (Or all of the above!) If you’re ready to use your potential on purpose, MTH is for you.

Making Things Happen Speakers

MTH is unlike any other conference. MTH is the work you do before investing in other conferences. Before you take action on what’s important to you, you have to know where you’re going. This intensive was created to give you a solid foundation and action plan. It was created to help you simplify and gain direction.

Making Things Happen October 2016

I want you to join us. Meet me here in Chapel Hill on October 17 and 18th! Many of you have told me you’d love to go. Take the leap. I’ve been doing this conference for eight years and I fully believe in the work we are doing. Your gifts have a purpose and they were meant to be used!


The early-bird rate ($1000 off) ends July 31—or till we sell out—and we’ve sold out every conference. You can also check out the NEW Making Things Happen site, and blog posts from our recent alum:

Read Lauren’s experience at MTH.
Read Megan’s five favorite things about MTH.
Read Madeline’s recap of her time at MTH.


I can’t wait to see you there!

Lara Casey signature

keep reading


  1. J Atkins on at

    So inspirational!

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