
I’ve been dreaming of this for a year now and am thrilled to announce the first-ever Making Things Happen™ workshop :: an intensive designed to fire you up for the coming year.  I invite you to spend an afternoon with me making a clear, active, successful plan for 2010.


I’ve been blessed to be overwhelmed with new consulting clients since I started Lara Casey Reps in June and have had the honor of working with some incredible artists and professionals.  In order to accommodate the influx of new requests and my ever-growing schedule, I’ll be cutting back on individual consults in 2010 and traveling the country with my amazing team to give these workshops.

From branding to bold moves and everything in between, I’m inviting 30 people to join me December 21st (two weeks from yesterday!) in Watercolor, FL, for an intensive like no other.  I’m fired up and intend to make sure you leave feeling the same way.  I’ll be asking attendees vital (i.e., hard) questions and require that this intimate group be ready to lay it all out on the table.  This workshop is not for the faint of heart, but for wedding professionals (photographers, planners and entrepreneurs) who really want to change, grow, and harness their full potential in the new year.


I am offering this first workshop at half the cost of future workshops as a thank-you to the people in my hometown who have supported me in my personal and professional growth. But, I’ve already had several people inquire about flying in for this first one, so this isn’t just limited to locals. Future dates and locations will be announced soon.  Because this is a small group, I also will be taking the time to evaluate each attendee’s individual brand, from websites to blogs and social media presence, and everything in between.  In some ways, I believe I give my best advice in the first 5 minutes of a regular consult, and that’s the same sort of gut reaction and individual attention I’ll offer in my workshops.


December 21st, 2009 at the Watercolor Resort in Watercolor, Florida.  1-4pm.  I invite you to join me for dinner afterward at my favorite restaurant in the world, Fish Out of Water :: details + reservations ::


If you are planning to travel from out of town, this is an ideal location to spend a winter weekend.  Be sure to call Carla to reserve your room or house rental.


[UPDATED: SCHOLARSHIP CLOSED. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WINNERS] I also am offering one scholarship spot.  The Making Things Happen™ scholarship winner will be announced via my WeddingRep twitter tomorrow night at midnight.  Simply leave a comment here telling me what you want to make happen in 2010 and why you need — not want, but need, yearn, and have — to attend the Making Things Happen™ Intensive.

I’m so excited about the upcoming year and can’t wait to kick it off with you!


images :: rae leytham photography


  1. Ashley Baber on at

    I NEED the Making Things Happen Intensive because I know exactly what I want for my company, but struggle with determining/taking the appropriate steps to MAKE IT HAPPEN. And in addition to my daily business, “I have this crazy idea” that I have been sitting on for quite some time and really NEED to figure out how to MAKE THAT HAPPEN in 2010. Simple. as. that.

  2. “Get over the idea that you just aren’t good enough, you’ll never get caught up, and you’ll never be great” – Your last blog post woke something up in my Lara… I know I have so much inside of me, so much to give my clients, give myself. I am not lacking in dedication, motivation or passion merely in know how. I NEED to attend this workshop because I’m tired of wanting things to happen and wishing things would happen, I’m ready to make things happen. I know with the no bull straight forward life changing experience of this workshop I will achieve the amazing things I know I am capable of. Thank you for offering this workshop and for taking the time to invest in people Lara.

  3. Oh my!!!! I am so excited for 2010. I have changed the business model of my company to focus on bringing my branding and design services to the luxury wedding professionals I have met this past 2 years. I am soooo excited to begin working with the community of inspired and talented professionals making happy couples weekend after weekend. I NEEEEEEEEEED so badly to win the scholarship so I can understand how to communicate my brand and my company in the best possible way. Keeping my fingers crossed! I am so ready to make things happen in 2010 and beyond!

  4. JESI HAACK on at

    Ok. the Lord has blessed me. My business has grown in miraculous ways in the 1 year since I launched. God literally placed this industry in my lap and every single day I feel honored, blessed, lucky, and incredibly flabbergasted (vocab points) that I get to do this job for a living. Now, here is my sitch:
    I have so so so much work (blessing)
    I don’t know how to organize all of this work (not a blessing)
    I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I have
    I get scared every time a new inquiry email comes in because I fear that I won’t be able to handle another client
    I miss my husband and son 🙁
    I need, yearn, long, am crying out for help in organizing, prioritizing, strategizing and any other -izing that will FIRE ME UP to be successful in 2010! Not just busy, rich, or popular kind of successful, but joyful, peaceful, confident, balanced and content kind of successful.

    Thank you Lara, this sounds AMAZING.

  5. Lara,
    I am just in the planning stages of a new exclusive wedding planning business with Katie Beth Broaddus, Adams & Broaddus Events, for the national landmark Rattle & Snap in Mt. Pleasant, TN. They are just launching the opportunity for brides to host a wedding on site and they have agreed to hire our company as their exclusive wedding planners. We believe that this intensive training would be the perfect place to learn and be proactive with the development of our business model. It will also be an exceptional opportunity for us to hear directly from an experienced professional like you about this business. So often people are looking for help after making tremendous mistakes and failing. They are looking for counsel to make repairs. We don’t want to start that way. As very accomplished book publicists, we deal with national media on a daily basis and have negotiated, pitched and secured high profile hits for our authors; however, this is new for us and we want our launch to be smart and right. We know that your first-hand knowledge will greatly enhance our ability to accomplish this. And, we’re cute, fun and well-connected with media (and both true Southerners). So, we’d be willing to help you if you help us! 🙂 This is a true passion for Katie Beth and myself, as good Southern women who are complete suckers for a good wedding! We hope you’ll allow us the opportunity to attend and absorb like sponges what knowlege you are willing to pass along.

    With Warmest Regards,
    Heather Adams

  6. Gina Zeidler on at

    Lara. What an amazing opportunity, first off thank you for being so generous. I truly feel like God works in wondrous ways and has lead me to you as a part of my journey. Last week, I stumbled upon your site as a recommendation from a friend, then the next day your amazing post truly touched my heart and has helped my clarify, review, and dig deep into what I want out of my life and what my calling is. I am at such a pivotal point in my life and business, reading your words were so refreshing, inspiring and amazing. It’s funny, I posted on my blog last week “I would just love to meet Lara in person, give her a huge hug thanking her and then talk for hours about life” 🙂

    Since reading your last post I haven’t been able to sit still. I have so much passion, excitement, imagination, determination to really make things happen. I am in the midst to make major decisions about rebranding, focusing and updating for 2010. I long, ache, yearn for the opportunity to have guidance in this from such a superstar in the industry. Thank you again for the opportunity. Good luck to everyone!

  7. I’m beyond excited to hear about this!! I could write you a novel about how my company, Goodpaper, has grown in the past year. But looking forward, Goodpaper has a crazy 2010 ahead. Goodpaper will make its brand-spankin’-new web debut at the beginning of 2010 (Jan 7) as a classic, Southern wedding stationery brand (and blog) that I am extremely proud of and wholeheartedly believe in. I’ve spent a year building a reputation, a customer base, and a brand while developing strong vendor and inter-industry relationships. I would love. love. love. to interact with a group of like-minded wedding professionals.

    These pieces of Goodpaper are very strong. But I have to, need to, and MUST attend this intensive to harness the strength of the driving forces behind it and develop a clear, tactical, actionable plan to ignite the potential Goodpaper has for the coming year. My goal for 2010 is to Make (GREAT) Things Happen for Goodpaper and contribute great (or shall we say “good?”) things to an industry full of opportunity! Thanks, Emily Ley

  8. Oh my goodness, Lara, I am thrilled to hear that you are offering the Making Things Happen intensives. I would love to attend, especially in Watercolor. This year has been one of intense personal reflection on the status of my business and the direction I desire to point it for the future. Have you ever felt you were on the verge of something great, but feel like you have stalled or are unsure of the next steps required? That’s me. I am eager to push forth, but want to be sure the process and the direction are well aligned so I can Make Things Happen as my company and team close out 2009 and move forward with excited anticipation into 2010.

  9. “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” That is from one of the best books ever written… The Bible. I’m calling 2010 my year of living Fearlessly. It’s the year to either make it or break it for me. I used to live that way and boy did I go far. I once again need to be able to feel the fear of jumping out of the plane and do it anyways knowing I’m taking risks but the rewards will be so sweet. I need to be able to once again walk the 6″ beam with no safety net and even with my knees shaking know I can do it. I need to feel the fire again, to feel the fear to take the risks and go at it. I yearn to take my business to it’s pinnacle.

  10. Paul Bryant on at

    I desperately want/need/yearn to attend on scholarship because I have a fledgling wedding film business (1.5 years), and need to take it to the next level so I can tie the knot myself!

    God has blessed me with a woman who inspires and challenges me every day, and while I’ve enjoyed a reasonably strong start in business, I need to step it up if I’m going to be able to make a strong future with her. While I’m very comfortable making pretty pictures, there’s just so much I don’t know about the business side of, well, this business! I know that if I’m able to attend, your intensive would be a catalyst for bigger and better things for my business, and for Court and myself.

    Thanks so much, and congratulations on the success of LCR!

  11. eliesa on at

    Oh WHAT?!?!? This sounds amazing!!! As you know, I am all about making things happen. Not just talking about it, but actually doing it. No fear, no bullshit, no excuses. Let’s get it done and live the dream! What I am most frustrated with about workshops is that at my current level, no one is offering anything that goes above and beyond to keep pushing me. I feel like I have conquered so much, but there is still SOOOOOO much I have yet to do!! I would love to be immersed in a group of people who will challenge my work, my thoughts and my goals – and who will also support and build each other up! So, I would LOVE to attend your workshop…I honestly can’t figure out on where to sign up…but if I can’t find a way…I’ll make it happen myself! :0) LOVEe

  12. Amy on at

    Lara, I don’t know where to start. That is pretty much where I start each time I sit down to accomplish something on my mile long list. Right now my life has taken a totally different direction and my struggle is to figure out how to take my business with me. I started a couple years ago developing a potential wedding photography business while beginning my bachelor’s work for my nursing degree, working full-time, and newly married. Now I am seeing things grow and go in the direction that I would like, not really knowing how it happened, and everything changes! I can’t breathe, I feel lost, confused, dizzy, and close to crying when I try to write my to do list down and think about how I can reach these goals. One week ago I had to quit my full-time job (which I am very thankful for) and move with my husband from Minnesota to Oklahoma (a totally different country if you ask me) for his start in air force pilot training! Now I am put here to figure out this place (tiny town, base living), where I fit in, what I can offer while I am now jobless and taking care of my home and husband. Last night I cried with my husband about how I see people doing things I want to do but I don’t know how to get there. It costs money or you have to know the right people. I feel like I know what I want but have no idea how to get there. Just reaching for it! He shared with me God’s word and I appreciate your quote of 1 Peter 4. It is really about giving it up to God and having faith that He put me here for a reason. I can’t sit and let it just happen, I have to work for it! I need guidance to help me fit the puzzle pieces together so that I can breathe again!

  13. i am at a do or die moment in my business. I am torn about whether to play it safe but my heart yearns to be fearless. I want for my business to become a exptention of who I am not just photos on a page. I want for 2010 to be the turning point in my life, career and love. I want to attend this workshop because i see you everyday pouring your heart out and thats who I want to become. I want to attend this workshop for my daughter so she can truely see what passion , determination and fearlessness can bring you in our lives.I want to make a difference and touch lives.You have inspired me and sparked my love of my business again. Thank and much love Christina L

  14. I am looking forward to Making things Happen in 2010. I just registered and arranged my travel! Looking forward to it.

  15. Josh Ulmer on at

    Ok..hmm..don’t know where to start. Our business has increased this year from last year, but I’m still working a full-time side job, so that my wife can stay home with our lil girl, and then in our spare time we do sessions. The sessions have been enough for the wifey to stay home thanks to God, but by next october I’ll be out of a job as my position is ending with my current side job! As a husband and provider this is an extremely frightening thing. I feel though that it is the time to make the jump full-time into the photog business as well, b/c I really feel if I don’t take this chance now, there might not be another opportunity! We are at a do or die point in the business and our life….at the moment I’m even freaking out typing this..why, well what if success comes our way & not big success but just enough to sustain…it freaks me out in sense!
    So I need this, to help me be a better husband who’s willing to take a chance & really make this work! I need this to hopefully launch our photog business enough that we can continue on this path of our dream business & for me to be able to have more time at home with my new 9mnth old baby girl! I’m tired of living in the fear of what might be and what could have been…as I end this out I even hesitate to hit the enter button!


  16. Hi Lara!

    I would love a scholarship spot because 1) you are a tremendously inspiring person who I’d love to learn from 2) I need inspiration and motivation right now more than ever as I am going through the end stage of a divorce that has really left me questioning and wondering and trying to figure out what I want out of life and my career as a photographer now that it really is up to me and not my husband and I 3) I love to travel almost more than I love photography and would be so filled up by the chance to travel to Florida from Ohio to learn and grow and be renewed 4) I can’t afford the workshop on my own as this time of transition to a single person w/ a small business is very hard financially so as much as I’d LOVE to be there, I cannot afford it on my own! Blessings to you!! Hope to see you in Florida on December 21st!!

  17. Major Branding Overhaul required. Don’t know how to put dire state of company’s marketing methods into words…website should show you how DESPERATELY I require assistance!!!! Scholarship – stat!

  18. A year and a half ago, Lucky Photography was born right at my kitchen table, which is by far the best meeting place of any. And at that moment, I think that Stacey (my partner)and I realized that not only were we responsible for our respective families, but also the fact that we had a responsibility to make our clients, our hometown, our state, and each other proud of what we represented. Well, it must have worked, because we booked 32 weddings in a 6 month time frame. Never did a wedding together or apart, but when it clicked, it clicked. However, let me tell you that if you saw me now, that I am frazzled (is that a word)and on the verge of dancing naked in the rain until they put me in a funny farm. And why is that? Stacey. Ha! Just kidding. It’s just that we want so much to grow, but without losing the personal touch that we’re complimented on. So, we need to know how to do it, when to do it, why to do it, and of course what “it” really is. I think that it’s funny and I’m sure that God is laughing, because I’ve finally realized His will in all of this, but the funny part is me turning in circles every night excited about what I know will be. This is probably the hardest thing that I personally have ever done. And I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t been broken in the process by a multitude of factors. So, bottom line, we need inspiration, guidance, direction (preferably how to get to hotel where we’ll be staying for the conference)and most of all, we want to do it right the first time. Thanks for doing this for everyone.

  19. This past year (economy and all) has certainly been unkind to a great many people. And while it isn’t that I find my situation has been any worse than most others (nor am grossly unaware that it could have been far worse) – I can say that it’s been incredibly trying for both me, my family and my business in many, many aspects. From 2008 to 2009 my photography bookings have seen a significant enough decline that I felt it necessary to return to school (to pursue an advanced degree in the sciences.)Don’t get me wrong… Never once have I given up on my dream of making it big in the photography industry. I went to school for art the first time around, and – in light of recent economic turmoil – thought it might be wise to have an entirely alternative back-up plan. At least, that’s where I’m at right now.

    Even to date – as I burn my candle at both ends – I’m satisfied… so long as it offers a glimpse of hope and the possibility of furthering my photography career by even the slightest measure. Currently, I run my business (essentially) full-time, go to school full time (Geochemistry), work part time in graphic/advertorial design, wait tables at a good friend’s restaurant two nights a week, and care for my amazing three year old daughter each and every one of those days. All of it accounts for SO much to be grateful for, but at the same time (self-admittedly), it wears me to the bone.

    In July of this past year, my husband was also unfortunately subject to a series of budgetary cuts within the state (meaning he had to fight to find a new position in this wonderful Florida job market.) Luckily, within a month and a half, he found a new spot, despite not having any of the benefits we had previously depended on. As a result of all that (and some insanely expensive medical care in between) this year has financially eaten up any and all of what we had put aside for advertising, marketing, workshops, or anything else for that matter.

    Unfortunately, it gets harder and harder to advance your business when there is so little to filter back into it. At this point – rather than throwing up my hands and/or faltering to a sense of being broken – I conversely feel the need to dig deeper for answers (& inspiration). I want (and need) to feel more driven. I want to feel like I can keep going and eventually make my way to the top. I NEED to prove to my daughter (and to myself) that this is not as impossible as it starts to feel sometimes. I think it’s going to take a new fire being lit somewhere deep enough inside that – along with the grace of God – I can find the strength to see my dream finally come to fruition.

    There isn’t any workshop I can see helping me more (in terms of feeling empowered and inspired to succeed as a woman in business) than yours. And thought these may sound like little more than words of flattery, I say them with complete humility, honesty, and reverence. I admire everything you’ve been able to accomplish at such a young age, and especially in an industry as tough as magazine publication can be. A scholarship would essentially be my only opportunity to attend a workshop like your (or of any kind for that matter) and I know the benefits would be completely invaluable to my business, and ultimately to me and my family!

    Thanks for giving all of us out here a chance to win something so special, and I look forward to following your many successes (whether or not I do have the chance to join you for the Watercolor event!) Happy Holidays to everyone and here’s hoping for an incredible and prosperous 2010 for us all!

  20. Laura Brooks on at

    Do you know what it’s like to have a dream that is as much a part of you as your limbs and your soul but no matter how much passion and determination you had you still couldn’t live your dream? I have wanted to be a photographer since high school, falling in love with photography before an image was instantly displayed on the back of a LCD screen and a masterpiece in the form of silver and fixer took time to develop. I’ve lived the life of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger since I can remember, always trying to smile through the bad in hopes of a better tomorrow. I want to take charge of my life and make my dreams come true. Only I need help. I have talent, I have vision.. I see the world through angles and f stops.. but when it comes to the business side of photography I am so clueless. Most of my life I have been struggling to survive.. I want to live! I want to live my dreams and get on the path to finally put my hard work and determination into a successful, mind blowing, inspiring photography company! Thank you Lara for giving people this opportunity and sharing your knowledge with others.

  21. who isn’t excited for 2010? everyone is. why do we yearn to learn valuable tools from you? its simple we need to learn how to execute our dream. we’re a husband and wife team, branded ourselves fairly well this past year. however, we made the big jump and increased our rates. we’re scared…flat out, over the moon scared for 2010. we’re meeting all the right people, getting a loyal blog following, but we know that isn’t enough. we have the tools and know we can learn more on how to execute that dream we have. we’re motivated, patient, passionate about what we do we just need that extra something that we know we are missing. why pick me to win the scholarship…that’s simple because we need to learn how to not only market to the “right” client, but we need help to learn how to execute that dream.

  22. ross on at

    This is going to be awesome!

  23. Jeff on at

    Hi Lara,

    We are reaching out to you for guidance, for inspiration and for hope. In 2010, we want to increase our bookings and expand into new markets, and this challenge has us a little overwhelmed. The bottom line is that we know we truly have something special to offer, but we struggle get that across to potential clients as well as we should.

    Can you help?

  24. Lauren Kelly on at

    My desire to be at this workshop goes far beyond want or need it is simply a necessity for both me and my company. I have been planning weddings for 4 years now and feel that this year I have hit a brick wall. My heart and my head are beaming with great ideas but I am missing the follow-through and intensely crave the tools to be able to share my ideas with those that could benefit from them. By attending this intensive, I would be given no choice but to lay it all out on the table, be vulnerable, and learn from the best. I have no doubt that I would walk away with immense amounts of knowledge and a renewed spirit for 2010. Lara, thank you for inspiring us in so many ways and for encouraging us in our own ambitions.

  25. I need BIG things to happen in 2010! PERIOD. I NEED big things…….I have quite the story of loss in my life as a young woman which has hindered the direction I have set out for myself. Do you ever look back on the story of your life and say “well…this wasn’t in the plan…gosh, that sucks!” I am a young 25 year old business owner and I have found myself saying that after these past 2 years…

    I NEED inspiration. I NEED direction and I NEED to find a renewal of not only myself but my photography as well. I need a mentor to step into my life and kick me in the butt so that my sob story ends and my life begins again. I need someone who can be bold to tell me the truth about my business…I NEED big things to happen in 2010!

  26. Hello Lara! I am sure everyone else will write a novel about why they want to go but I am going to keep it simple. I NEED this class! I am so close to breaking through I need someone to slap me around and light a fire under my butt! That is all….I NEED IT! Thank you for ROCKING!

  27. Cadence on at

    Wow–Lots of wonderful, talented people people on here with so many goals and desires to get where they’re going. Truth be told, I don’t think my desires or yearnings are any stronger than anyone else’s. We’re all entrepreneurs–we’re a strong breed of people. I just launched my brand last week and I have so much work to do; this workshop appeals to me because I need a kick in the pants, I need to hear some real feedback from people who don’t already know me. And most importantly: I want, need, yearn to learn how to better serve my clients. Learning this will make me a stronger photographer, friend, partner, daughter…person. And to me, that is what it is all about. Thank you for the opportunity, Lara! Best of luck in this new endeavor.

  28. What an opportunity!?! Lara, I am sure I speak for a lot of people when I say, you’re spirit and refreshing ingenuity has transformed this industry. And you are continuing to transform this industry by sharing what you know with other wedding planners.
    In 2010 I will be juggling three businesses, my wedding planning business, invitation company and new inspiration blog. You have inspired me in the way you have handled each of your businesses. And you seem to do it so successfully!
    Wedding stats show that in this economy when budgets get smaller, wedding planners are the first thing cut. I would love to transform bride’s thinking that wedding planners are the first vendor to contact. They can save brides time and money and help couples enjoy this special time in their life for what it really is. I am hoping my new blog will begin the process.
    I know your knowledge and experience with your own businesses would steer this vision in the right direction.
    Thanks so much!

  29. Jenny West on at

    I am constantly craving to be part of an assembly of great and talented people. Your amazing opportunity to be included in this workshop is more than I could hope for. The passion I feel for my work never goes away and if I could connect the passion and desire with a new vision of business and new contacts, it would cure a craving I have had since day one. The next year will be a true test of endurance and growth, we will be going into our third year and beginning to take on a new venture. We have to do it right, the first time, thus your workshop would be major! When you surround yourself with the best and learn from the best you have the utmost responsibility to hold your end of the deal. I need THAT, to be great, all around with my business and my life! Thank you Lara!

  30. I had such a blast at your seminar in Pensacola this past Spring! I WANT MORE! 🙂 Using the advice you shared with us has really gotten me headed in the right direction. Now I am in the process of launching new branding, a new blogsite and really shaping my world into what I want it to be. You, along with other inspirational people in this industry have helped keep my eyes on the prize. However, it is difficult at times to know if you are headed in the right direction to make your dreams a reality. I follow my gut, but NOTHING can replace the advice of someone who has been there and done it. I want so badly to truly tap into the fact that I am the only thing holding myself back and that only I can take the reigns and make it happen. I love what I do and I yearn to make it a full time, successful endeavor. The idea that I could truly succeed at doing what I love just totally blows my skirt up and makes me giddy!! All the best to you Lara!!

  31. I NEED this workshop because I NEED someone to light a fire under my butt! You taught me so much in your Social Media workshop in Pensacola that I know this workshop is going to be just what I need at this point in my business development. The support from friends, family, and clients is great, but I need to be taken out of my comfort zone if I am going to grow as a photographer and as a business owner. I NEED an objective critique of my work, branding, and business model in order to set my business apart from others in my area. I’m not just looking at 2010… I’m thinking ahead to 2011 and beyond!

    Anyone who goes into this workshop is going to come out of it ready to make some serious business changes and take it to the next level!

  32. Erin Brauer on at

    Hello Lara!! Goodness–how to find the right words… Right now I am in the midst of quite a transformation in both my business and my creative self at the moment. My work has been taking some dramatic changes and I have had some amazing people come into my life quite synchronistically that I am very excited to work with in 2010. I am frequently in those states of mind where I pace around with new ideas swimming around in my head and am really struggling with how to take the ideas and incorporate them into my business. I think I have done very well so far managing my photography business, my inner creative compass and motherhood, but right now, as I sit on the cusp of a true breakthrough, I feel that I desperately NEED a guiding hand to show me how to take what is inside me and create something that is new and fresh–I am sooo close–I just need the push.

  33. Lara, you are such an inspiration! My company is slightly over a year old and although we have had a great first year, I’m at a loss for how to make things happen and where to go from here. We’ve successfully gained presence in the competitive Washington D.C. market, but don’t know how to proceed from here. I have so much passion, desire and a commitment to grow my company and give the very best to my clients, but truly NEED this workshop and your guidance to learn how to make things happen in 2010 and beyond. I’m sure this workshop will provide tools that can be use for life to reach both professional and personal goals. Thanks so much for developing this inspiring workshop and I’m positive it will have an amazing impact on so many wonderful people.

  34. I had played soccer since I can remember and even professionally when I was 14. But when my dad left me and my mom, eventually I had to choose between groceries and my life love of soccer. My world crumbled as two great supporting pillars in my life were no more. I was blessed with an art teacher that took me under a creative wing, inspired, pushed me to my limits and enabled me to see my potential. This year I graduated Summa Cum Laude receiving my BFA in visual communications from Cornish College of the Arts. I started my own business in graphic design and have since ventured further into photography by creating my own wedding photography business. In 2010, I plan to revolutionize the industry by infusing graphic design and wedding photography in a way which has yet to be seen. I need this love of mine, this dream of mine to come true. Not just to pay back loans or make a living, but to accomplish and give couples what they truly deserve on the most important day of their lives. I know that attending your dream workshop, Making Things Happen, will enable me to achieve my dream. I’m thankful for the scholarships that have made it possible for me to get to where I am today and hope to receive this last one. Thank you.

  35. Monica on at

    I am in awe with regards to the response you have received about the scholarship for your workshop. I pray you find this inspiring. I am not in a place where I believe I am worthy enough to have the dream of a lifestyle business (image, events, life planning) and keep telling myself if I had the money then I would do it.
    It sounds like most of the people who have responded are looking for direction, motivation, encouragement and faith. You and I have never met, but I sense that God is using you in mighty ways to inspire these people.

    Since I don’t have the money to attend or the faith, I will pray for all of those who wish to attend. I pray that somehow, someway they will all be able to make it. This may sound ridiculous, but I know God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or imagine. Maybe now He will do it for me, too.

    To all of you who wish for a successful business, I wish you grace and everything you need for a successful 2010.


  36. Denee King on at

    Making Things Happen – I just must be there! 2009 has been such a year of learning – mostly by the proverbial trial and error and a lot of “I’ll just figure it out”. Having started this business without anything more than an idea I dove in without a clear understanding of where we were headed. We have a BIG whoopin’ (a true southern term) ONE year under our belt and a even bigger dream of where we believe we can take this idea ….with some solid guidance (hint hint…this is where you come in). Lara, you’ve been such a role model and I just NEED (yes…NEED NEED NEED) this opportunity to bring the vision into clear focus. Oh and I can imitate Ethel Merman like nobody’s business so hey…if there’s a lull in the conversation….I’m just sayin’…. Bottom line….I NEED AND WANT TO BE THERE! Love ya

  37. aiesha on at

    Yearn does not suffice. I am breathing for this opportunity to realize the best me yet, for myself, my family, my company, my country and ultimately my clients who share and entrust their most special moments with me. there is a pang in my soul to make things happen…now…and happen perfectly. i am bursting at the seams with ideas and a dream list and action list that seems unending, and is often scary and daunting, as i do most of it on my own in my very young company. but i am braver still. having the opportunity to be surrounded by this kind of energy, and expertise is exactly what will put me in stead to continue building the dream, creating bigger, better dreams than i knew i wanted, and doing things i never dreamed possible. i yearn to learn, and become better and best, with an enthusiasm to imbibe all i can. taking it in and giving thanks every step of the way.

    at top of the list – officially launch my company with an event that blows peoples’ minds, extend my brand via merchandizing and by offering new services not yet offered in jamaica, develop existing projects such as destination wedding packages, create more regular and varied revenue streams as i no longer limit myself by my title, but instead apply my talents wherever i can, and build strategic relationships/partnerships to make it all happen.

    thanks, lara! for even this moment to think out loud!

  38. Oh my! What an wonderful & life changing opportunity this would be for me. A little bit about me…I’m the editor and publisher of The Perfect Palette. A website dedicated to providing daily wedding inspiration with a focus on wedding color palettes. I’m very proud to say that the progress that I’ve seen over this past year is incredible. What started off as a love for making wedding inspiration boards has truly turned into an outlet that is both fulfilling & rewarding. Everyday I wake up and my heart is so full knowing that I’m inspiring brides around the world with my ideas. I’m truly one of those people who loves helping others, who thrives on drumming up inspiration & who loves to share my vision. Through The Perfect Palette, I’ve become a virtual planner of sorts. I’ve received hundreds of emails from brides around the world who send me their ideas, including pictures they love, color palettes they are considering, and stories about how they would like their weddings to look like & feel like. I then take what they tell me and put my spin on it and create something they can use as a visual guide during their wedding planning. Through all of this, I’ve actually attracted some really great advertisers who have been so gracious to sponsor me. Because of readers & my supporters, a business has been born. A business that I love. To be honest, my heart has not felt this full in a long time. Before starting The Perfect Palette, my days were truly not as fulfilled. In 2010, my goal is to continue to grow The Perfect Palette in a way that will enable me to do one thing. Quit my job in corporate America & focus solely on this incredible creative venture! Didn’t see that one coming did you? You see, I work full time for a technology coming. A company that on any given day attempts to suck the life and creativity out of me. It’s a job I’m not inspired by & quite frankly I don’t know how I’ve stuck with it for all of these years. I absolutely don’t belong in the profession I’m in. You see, I was an art major, and I graduated with an art degree. But unfortunately, I never really figured out a way to make a living doing what I loved. So like many art majors, I fell into the trap of doing something that I didn’t love just to pay the bills. In life, you end up doing that. Sometimes you find yourself pushing your true self to the side in order to simply survive. So that’s what I did. I took a job I didn’t love. So now 5 years later, I’m still in that job I don’t love and I’ve created this opportunity that people say I may have a chance at making a living with. To make a living using my creativity is truly a dream of mine. I truly treasure having the audience and following I have on The Perfect Palette and I can only hope that this success will grow in 2010. Everyone in the industry has been absolutely incredible & i’ve had the chance to collaborate with so many wonderful wedding professionals. I just want to extend my reach even further, and I know that with the Making Things Happen workshop, I’ll be enabled to do just that. Thank you for this opportunity.

    Chrissy From The Perfect Palette

  39. amy karp on at

    Making things WORK is what I do. I started to write this comment and got distracted by hanging two bulletin boards while standing on a kitchen stool and having my 18 month old baby boy try to eat my toes through my flip-flops. Now as I type this comment on my kitchen counter-top with 6 other browser tabs pertaining to my business open and dinner on the stove, I am making things WORK. I NEED to know how to make things HAPPEN!

  40. Melissa on at

    Love your spirit and enthusiasm for life! You are an inspiration. Best wishes in your new venture!

  41. Lucy on at

    It’s pretty ironic…or maybe a God-thing that i saw your tweet tonight about 3 hours left for the scholarship spot! It would be truly blessing to be able to attend this workshop! There are so many reason why i need to come! I am a young business, trying to get my feet off the ground. Currently I work about 4 jobs trying to pursue my dream of having my photography business my main source of income, and I’ve had a hard time at making that happen. I know what my true passion is but it’s hard to follow it when I’m so busy with my other jobs. I need some direction and focus in my business, ideas to inspire me, tools to better market myself and the words from other who HAVE done it! Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  42. Corey Ann on at

    What I want in 2010 is to run my business better and not like I’m spinning in circles and landing on something to do. I need focus and fast! 2010 is just around the corner!!! I’m ready to rip the guts of my business apart, toss them on the table and get some new ones and I’d love the scholarship to help make this happen!

  43. Ali Phillips on at

    “Coffee is for Closers”! You go girl. What a great and awesome day you have planned in what looks like a magical place. I can not go the 21st of December (because I would love to go) but I wish you the best of the best with your seminar. Make it HAPPEN!

  44. Lara, I read Monica’s post above and had to respond. I couldn’t find her email link either because 1) I’m an idiot or 2) it’s not entered. I hope you don’t mind, but it pulled at my heartstrings and I felt that I had to open my big mouth. Monica, I believe in you. So there. I don’t know you from adam’s house cat, but I do know God and I do know that He’s faithful to us when we’re not faithful to ourselves. OH I have so many stories that I could tell you to prove it. So, you can do it. And you are worthy because you are God’s. Simple as that. You already have the compassion that is required to succeed. Money? Yea…I am sort of lacking there too, but who the heck cares if it’s what God wants you to do. It’ll get done whether you’re a millionaire or a penny pincher. So one day, email me and when we hit it big, I’ll buy you coffee and we’ll laugh about the crazy road we had to take to get to that coffee shop.

  45. There are so many things I want to make happen in 2010. I started my event planning business in 2007. I started this business because I love planning events, but I had no business knowledge, I am desperate for knowledge. I am still trying to establish my business and brand to exactly what I think it should be. I need to attend Making Things Happen, to get the knowledge and boost I need to make things happen in 2010. I need help to figure out which direction to go into next, and I need help to achieve my goals. I have to attend Making Things Happen or I don’t know if I will be able to keep making thing happen without it. I want to take my business to the next level, but now sure I know what that is.

  46. Katie Martin on at

    Looking forward to it!

  47. Lara, first off let me say THANK YOU for this wonderful workshop you are hosting. I have dreamed of being in the business of making dreams happen for others. I have been blessed with being able to plan weddings and parties over the past 6 months. It is my passion and dream to be able to do this full time. I happened upon your website a few months ago and read your blog often. I have to say your outlook and energy and “Make things happen” attitude have lit a fire in me and made me realize that I CAN do this and I can MAKE this happen. I am blessed to have a full time J O B of which I am thankful for because it allows me to provide for my son and me, but I need to wake up everyday and be excited, driven and passionate about what I do. So, I know that attending your Making Things Happen Workshop will provide me with the tools to pursue my dream and to “Make it Happen” in 2010!

  48. I realize that I do neeeeeed this. Why? I let opportunities slip by me. I have a business that has the potential to be very successful, if I just had the guts to believe more in myself. I am always willing to help others in this amazing profession, but with all of my technical knowledge and experience, what I lack is the personal ability within myself to make things happen. This is my desire that continually goes unfulfilled. Even this amazing scholarship opportunity I allowed to sit until the last moment – I want 2010 to be new, different and better for me and for my business. I love your excitement, your dedication, your enthusiasm. If just a small portion of that could be passed on to me, I know I could accomplish my goals and dreams. Thank you for making this opportunity available!!

  49. Mimi Nguyen on at

    You had asked your readers to list their catch phrases in a previous post. Mine would be, “It is how you do it.” What matters most is how you make things happen, how you treat your clients, how much you put into your work, how you present and brand yourself, how you show that you adore what you do. How could I not need and yearn to sit with you in this one-of-a-kind workshop? I am positive it will turn into a rite of passage for the best wedding professionals. Yes, the best.

    They say the measure of person is how he or she rises from struggles — transforming challenges into drive instead. I feel fortunate to have the love and support of my clients, friends and family; however, I know very well that I have much more to learn and grow as a professional and artist. There are many times when I question how to do something, but I never question why. I feel that one of the most valuable modes of learning is sitting down with someone — a mother, a friend, a spouse, a colleague, a mentor — and just listening and learning from their experiences. I would love the privilege of being part of your workshop and seeing what shaped your life and career and hearing your recommendations. Why? Because you are honest with your feedback and critique and truly want others to be successful and happy.

    What I’d love for 2010: to stand out from a field of talent, to make my brand more cohesive, to network more with other industry professionals, to refine my art and skills as a photographer, to reach higher clientele, to be more efficient, to travel more, and to have more adventures. 2010 sounds like a dream so far, and I would love the honor to make things happen alongside you and your team.

  50. mM potential is at least twice as big as my presence. I posess: drive, elephant-sized work ethic, integrity, and talent/skills/super-creative ideas. What I need: goals, a plan, honest criticism, and a super-awesome example. (you certainly fit the bill, Lara).

    My business is begging me to make it happen and I need someone to show me how.

  51. Mimi Nguyen on at

    Hi Lara, my previous comment didn’t show. Here it is again, just in case. =)

    You had asked your readers to list their catch phrases in a previous post. Mine would be, “It is how you do it.” What matters most is how you make things happen, how you treat your clients, how much you put into your work, how you present and brand yourself, how you show that you adore what you do. How could I not need and yearn to sit with you in this one-of-a-kind workshop? I am positive it will turn into a rite of passage for the best wedding professionals. Yes, the best.

    They say the measure of person is how he or she rises from struggles — transforming challenges into drive instead. I feel fortunate to have the love and support of my clients, friends and family; however, I know very well that I have much more to learn and grow as a professional and artist. There are many times when I question how to do something, but I never question why. I feel that one of the most valuable modes of learning is sitting down with someone — a mother, a friend, a spouse, a colleague, a mentor — and just listening and learning from their experiences. I would love the privilege of being part of your workshop and seeing what shaped your life and career and hearing your recommendations. Why? Because you are honest with your feedback and critique and truly want others to be successful and happy.

    What I’d love for 2010: to stand out from a field of talent, to make my brand more cohesive, to network more with other industry professionals, to refine my art and skills as a photographer, to reach higher clientele, to be more efficient, to travel more, and to have more adventures. 2010 sounds like a dream so far, and I would love the honor to make things happen alongside you and your team.

  52. Hey, that’s a group pictures of us from your Social Media Workshop earlier this year!! Okay, I have less than an hour left and will give this a shot. I need, yearn to have a top notch 2010!! I need to be a social media queen like you and help flourish my business to the next level! I was still working at my Corporate America job earlier this year when I attended your workshop. Not to be a brown-noser, but that and A Bryan Photo’s workshop in Birmingham (which coincidentally you were one of the guest speakers) really helped me pushed to be the best!! Thanks to you, I have Seth Godin’s 10 Tips on how to be remarkable.. when the going gets tough, I read that and really put it to heart! As of May 4th (after the workshop), I did the most daunting move especially in this crazy economic times to give up Corporate America (and stable income) and follow my heart and excel on what I’m passionate about! Had amazing weddings this year-travelled to Miami, New Orleans, Boston and NYC for weddings.. BUT that’s just the beginning! 2010 is the year to rock it! I yearn to make that happen. I need a new business model.. I am inspired and motivated.. I need someone to steer me in that right channel.. I want, yes, I want b/c I yearn to lead a fabulous (and organized) lifestyle like you do–I love to travel, network and just have my business grow .. like Emeril would say, BAM! 🙂

  53. Lara,
    As I have said many times before, you are brilliant. Not just the “she’s so smart” brilliant, either. You take the experiences that life gives you, learn from them and teach others with your lessons. 2009 was a very hard year for many people, myself included, and many lessons were learned. For me, it wasn’t the economy or unemployment, it was not being informed enough to make the correct decisions on behalf of my company. It is hard to admit that, but who hasn’t made mistakes? Honestly? You are supposed to, right? I could definitely use some straight shooting and honest criticism. I know where I want to be, but I am at a loss as to where to begin. The transition from 2008 to 2009 was a major one and I made a lot of mistakes. Growing my business is not just a desire, it is an absolute necessity. However, it isn’t just enough to grow, I want to mature as a business owner. I need my company to stand out, be unique and become everything that I’d hoped it would be. I don’t just want to be good at what I do, I have a need to make our industry better, by bettering myself and my company. I know that most of these goals are going to take more than 2010, but getting the information to move me in the right direction is exactly what I need. Having someone like you to help me find that direction would be priceless. What you are doing here is beyond words. The industry needs more people like you, who are willing to teach and share in order to make our industry better as a whole. There are so many deserving stories here and each and everyone one of us deserves this scholarship in our own way. I don’t think I could chose the winner if I were in your shoes. I hope that the people who can afford to make the trip will, and that those who can’t will continue to learn, strive to make a difference in their own way and pass that drive onto others. Thank you for this opportunity and for being such an inspiration to so many of us.

  54. Hi Lara. Thank you for offering such a great opportunity to learn from you. I need to attend Making Things Happen because your advice would be an invaluable source of information and direction that would give my business the boost that it needs. I scour countless blogs, videos, teleseminars of yours and other marketing/ branding/ wedding planning gurus to gather a hodge podge of information that I “hope” will help me to find my total bliss in this business that I am pouring every piece of myself into. I yearn for this intensive because wedding/ event planning and stationery design are the only ways that I know how to communicate through my art- through my clients’ vision. I yearn for this intensive because nothing else in this life has ever felt this right- nothing like this occupation. I have to attend because hands down, Lara- your success is a dream that I need to know and believe can be a reality for me. I am driven, passionate, and an out-going work horse that has come before you in complete humility to beg that you pick me for this scholarship.

  55. Hi, I NEED to attend this workshop! I just found out about it 5 minutes ago, and it has been the thing that my husband and I have been talking about for weeks, literally. I am finishing my first year as a wedding photographer, and I need so much help. I really want my company to be a service to the brides that I work for. I feel like I am bumping around in the dark when it comes to branding and other company issues. My husband is returning to school full-time in a couple of weeks, and as we have 2 boys under age 3, we will be relying on my photography company solely for income. We HAVE to make this work. PLEASE allow me to come to this workshop. I have no other way to attend. This seems like such an amazing opportunity, and I would LOVE to take advantage of. I would be so grateful to be considered. Thank you for allowing someone to attend this workshop who otherwise wouldn’t be able.

  56. Ash Little on at

    I caught this very late…Maybe it was just meant for me to attend! Good Luck everyone!

  57. I learned of your story and have followed your work for a few weeks now. As a young business owner, I wake up every day with the desire to succeed and survive. I have owned my firm for 2 years now, and have been blessed beyond measure. I strive for excellence in all that I do, and firmly believe that God places things in our paths for a reason. I not only have a background with event design, but also editorial/print design – – and just like you, it is my goal to be a successful designer and have an outlet in print form to inspire people with the beautiful things we create. I have been blessed with the talent God gave me, and it is my job to share that gift.

    As a person, business owner, designer – I never want to quit learning, growing and pushing to be the best I can be. I may even be past the deadline, down to the minutes, but I know that I stumbled on this for a reason. I would love to learn from someone like you, and to be blessed with a scholarship would be an answered prayer.

    My motto: faith over fear. We never know what tomorrow brings. The economy, personal struggles… so many things slow us down in life, but I feel that being able to hear from someone like you with the drive and experience you posses is priceless. So in short… choose me. I want, need, yearn, and have — to attend the Making Things Happen™ Intensive. 2010 is my year.

  58. Kate Bentley on at

    I live to learn and I love weddings! I have never wanted to do anything else in my life but be a wedding planner. I started my career with no real training and very little wedding experience (other than the occasional family event). My first job was working for a corporate hotel chain and I’m fortunate to live in a “top 10 destination wedding hot spot”. Having landed my “dream job” I hit the ground running, learning as much and as quickly as I could. While my initial experiences taught me a lot, I quickly grew tired of the stifling “cookie-cutter” environment that corporate America adopts when handling weddings and events. I took a huge risk and my boldest move yet when I resigned last May from my Wedding Sales Manager position to pursue my dream of starting my own wedding planning business. I adopted the motto and named my business, “Love, Laugh, Live, Happily Ever After” and have been helping people do so ever since. My goal when planning a wedding is to create an event that represents the spirit and style of my clients. All I want to do is make a difference in the wedding world and help people to achieve the wedding they have always dreamed of. While it may sound silly after five years of experience, I still get a feeling of excitement when someone gives me the opportunity to plan their wedding like it was my very first one. While I know there will be many worthy applicants vying for this scholarship, I feel I am a most deserving candidate because I am passionate about what I do, eager to learn, and will make the most of every aspect of this experience. I stay up at night dreaming of the person I want to be and wake up each morning striving to do just that.

    Please, check out my first of many Key West Wedding Videos on my blog!

    Kate Bentley
    Happily Ever After

  59. Hey Lara! I’m counting down the days! I can’t wait to finally meet you. 🙂

  60. I held off on commenting until the contest was over because (and it pains me to say it) I can’t swing the travel for it right now. Otherwise, believe me, I’d have written a book to convey how much I yearn for not just any guidance, but YOUR guidance. You know how much I love you 🙂 I am sure it will be a life-changer of an intensive for the attendees, I’m so excited for the 20 folks who’ll be going! I’ll start saving my pennies now and cross my fingers for an LA intensive in 2010, fo sho 🙂

  61. Hi, Lara My name is Lara also. I Look at you and I see myself. I’m 39 and have decided to take the plunge of starting my very own Wedding and Event planning firm. Lara’s Theme. I would love to have the oppurtunity fo the Making things Happen Scholarship. I also am a florist I recently left my job at a Flower Shop to MAKE IT HAPPEN. I am a single parent of a teenager. Family and Friends think I am Crazy. I am beyond determined to MAKE IT HAPPEN. I would love to meet you and learn everthing you have to offer. Passionately Lara Fiorelli

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