Welcome to my new series, Little by Little! Each Friday, I’m going to wrap up the week with a quick post about my little by little progress, things I am loving right now, and a scattering of various thoughts. Here goes!
First, the most important news: my husband joined Twitter. You’re welcome.
And I joined Snapchat a couple weeks ago. I felt like a dinosaur trying to figure it out, but I have to say, I love it. It’s quick, fun, real, and I get why all you youngin’s like it so much. It took a full year for the ladies in my office to convince me to try it. Here’s a peek at life lately in “snaps.” (See, I’m even learning the lingo!) Follow along: LaraLaraCasey. A tip: I’ve been using it as accountability for my goals, namely working on my diastasis recti.
I’m making little by little progress on the goal to finally read the books that are sitting on my nightstand. Books I’m loving this week: this (finally finished reading this one), this (finished this one too via audio book and loved it), and this (so good!).
This. Made me weepy.
These. Make my belly happy.
Since we’ve moved all our shipping to our fulfillment warehouse (out of my garage!), we need a new title for our Packing Assistant, Grace. Any suggestions on a new job title for her? Let me know.
Okay, there are still a few things left in the garage, namely magazines. I had saved several boxes, but this is my summer to simplify. I can’t take them to Heaven with me, so get yours!
Let’s talk about feeling-all-the-feelings four. Grace has had a lot of big emotions lately and I’ve been having them right along with her. More here. Anyone have wisdom for me? I’m all ears.
My mom writes a food column. I love her from my head tomatoes.
Single friends, this is good stuff.
In one word, what kind of life do you want to live? Tell me.
Truth right here.
A few practical tips on starting over that I’m learning.
Fruitful Summer is on. With my book (re)writing, this year is simplified compared to last year, but I think it’s actually better. Five weeks of practical and simple tips, printables, worksheets and lots of grace for your friendships and to help you cultivate a meaningful summer—no perfection required. I’m excited for next week’s FS Guide to land in inboxes.
It took some convincing, but Emily and Lisa are on board and I’m excited! Southern Weddings is joining the Fruitful Summer party with their own spin on the theme. The SW ladies are going to encourage you in your current season–dating, engaged, newlywed, and those that have been married awhile.
Speaking of dating, I love this and her.
We finally decided on 2017 PowerSheets covers (releasing in November)! Your feedback made it clear for us. Thank you thank you! There are still a few of the current undated 6-month sets left. Best to start in July, so I’m making it easy for you. Get free domestic shipping on remaining PowerSheets this weekend using the code PSFREESHIPPING. Feel free to share that code with friends!
Photo by Olivia Wolf of Nancy Ray Photography
Can anyone recommend an organic soy/dairy-free formula for Sarah? I am still pumping for her and we have some amazing friends who have donated milk, but we will need to supplement with some formula soon too. Any recommendations?
This weekend we’re having some friends over, going to a pool party for one of Grace’s sweet friends, church, and a BBQ with our family group. What are y’all looking forward to?
Signing off for a #SocialMediaFreeWeekend, friends! See you on Monday!
keep reading
Yes to the dinosaur Snapchat feeling! The pull has me coming into it and now my son (17yo) wants to join. Praying about this…
Thank you for sharing about starting over – for me, I am constantly starting and stopping and am needing to embrace the grace in it all.
I am now one of your hubby’s followers on Twitter! Love it!
And finally, I am incredibly grateful for your vulnerability in this space and out all over. Gotta get back to my #socialmediafreeweekends!!!
God bless you Lara!!!
Hi Lara! Check out Chef Ahki for a non-dairy, organic and healthy formula substitute. She has a FB and IG account.