I read a book this weekend. Do you know what a monumental statement that is for me? Truly an act of God and I’m not just being funny in saying that. It really is. 7 is the first book I’ve ever read without using an audio version or skimming or stopping at chapter 2. I went with my friend Nancy to see the author, Jen Hatmaker, speak last Friday. In my heart I laughed about someone like me, who in a recent blog post professed to not be a “reader”, going to a lunch with readers of a book I never read. I had no intentions of reading it. “I’m just not a good reader.” But, God had other plans. I resisted. My resistance held out all of 24 hours until I found myself clicking “buy now” on iBooks Saturday morning. I devoured every word. In 48 hours. And friends… it has changed me profoundly. More on this later. I want to act on the change in my heart before I tell you about it. Till then, read the book.
My friend Casey Chappell is adopting a baby this week who has downsyndrome and, while God brought them the funds they needed yesterday for the adoption fees (God is good!!), there will be so many needs for this new life ahead. Casey is one of my dearest friends and already has four beautiful adopted children. Her family inspires me to no end. My #SpreadGoodnessToday project is going to their adoption this week. Get your scripture cards and donate here.
My first draft of my book proposal is due to my agent for review on Wednesday. I have a lot of work to do.
I also have to write my engage13! presentation.
We have SOLD OUT of the Making Things Happen PowerSheets four times this year and I am so inspired the incredible progress PowerSheet owners are making, myself included. We’re putting a few fun upgrades on them and will be releasing the next batch soon. PRE-ORDER your set now before we sell out again. We expect these to ship in late May/early June. Follow the #PowerSheets hashtag for updates and to see how others are making things happen with them. Also, the fun notepads in the first image are up in the shop now, too! These are our press samples, so just one available of each for now.
I’m so grateful that we are going to see my family in Pensacola this coming weekend. So grateful. I miss my mama and my sweet daddy and Grandma Bunny and my amazing giving brother… and I can’t wait to get Gracie in the pool : )
Our new nanny, Meredith, starts next week. We are so grateful for Meredith and at the same time I may need to attach the Kleenex to my hip for the rest of this month. Words can’t express my sadness in Susan leaving, but I know she will change the world in her work ahead. God has great plans for her.
He has great plans for you, too.
Why this random short blog post? I’m taking some time off of social media. Maybe a couple days, maybe a week. I don’t know. I do know that God wants me to focus on other things right now. It’s hard to say no to the creator of the universe. : ) I need less “stuff” and more of Him. Less mental clutter, time replying to Instagram comments and posting pictures and more focus on Him (my goal is to get through all of Psalms this week). Yes, I easily take weekends off of social media and have for the last 2 years running, but I need that same focus in my week right now in order to make the things I want to make happen. More time to write my book that I know God wants me to write. More time to pray about the big change in my heart I feel stirring like a tornado after this weekend. More Gracie hugs when I have a break from work instead of looking at other people’s kids on Facebook. More face time and less phone time. If you want to join me, feel free. The world will not end. : ) Less is more. I love you all!
P.S. The randomly chosen winners of the Goal Setting Update giveaway are Lauren (print from the shop!), Mel (print from the shop!) and Monica (TIEKS! YEAH!). Email me your mailing addresses ladies and we’ll get your prizes to you. Everyone who entered, I can’t wait to hear your progress in July. I’ll have an equally fun giveaway then!
keep reading
I love this Lara!! We just finished 7 as our spring bible study and it does rock one’s world. Praying for you this week as you take time to seek God and His plan for you! Have a wonderful week!
Cannot cannot cannot express how much I loved 7 as well! Talk about a life changer, right? I can’t wait to see Jen in person at a conference soon, and I’m so glad she was just as fantastic in person!
LOVE this! I read 7 last month for the Contentment Challenge & it truly changed my heart in such BIG WAYS! Can’t wait to hear about what it stirred in your beautiful heart! Joining you this week in more FACE time, less PHONE time! Love you, friend!
I love your heart! You always inspire!
Thank you so much for sharing this book with us. I actually came across it last year and wanted to read it and completely let it slip in one thought and out the other. Now Im purchasing!!!!
xo, Have a beautiful week!!
I’ve been doing the same thing girl. I’m actually loving not being on facebook. It’s so different when I log on now. Social media has always been my weakness, but I’m committed to a live well lived, not one lived thru others on Facebook. 🙂
Lots of love! <3
I too read 7, and it was amazing! She just made you think a little differently about what matters. Glad to see it greatly affected others too!
I really love this! Can I please download the “less is more” photo and use it?