June Progress and July PowerSheets Goals


That beautiful season, the Summer!
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;
And the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.

– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I didn’t plant these zinnias, friends! In fact, most of the seeds I planted this year decided not to grow. 90% of my zinnias this year are volunteers and they are glorious. God is good. No matter my shortcoming or poor seeding efforts, He always surprises me!

June was a big month. We traveled to see my parents in Florida, hiked in Tennessee, and marveled at the Lord’s plans. In July, we’re celebrating my dad’s retirement after over 50 years of helping people to see. My dad has always been a dear encouragement to me and I’m so proud of him. Also in July, a 2022 goal will be realized thanks to our wonderful team. I’m taking three weeks away from my desk for a sabbatical. As you know, I’ve been praying about this for several years. I am grateful to get to have this time to be revived anew. Here’s what’s on my Tending List for July—all action steps from my 2022 Goals.

I love this month: the fireflies, picking blueberries, and tomatoes beginning to ripen! What goals are you tending to in July? I’d love to hear!


  1. Kristina on at

    Hi Lara, that sounds all very wonderful! Congrats to your dad on his retirement! How exciting!
    Do you have any tips how to get 14K Steps in a day? I work from a desk 8h a day and already struggle with finding the time to get 10K in!
    My main goal this month is to enjoy the process of moving to a new city and not get stressed out by logistics!

  2. Joy on at

    I love your goal to sing every day. What a great idea. Music drops out all too easily and adding it back in must bring you so much joy.

    A few of my top July goals:
    Reserve a restaurant for my son’s rehearsal dinner—he’s getting married this October!
    Choose a dress for the wedding
    Weekly—go to gym to lift weights for strength and do some cardio; write in my journal four days; study for teaching a Bible lesson four times
    Daily—drink water; take vitamins; read or learn something new

    I may add music or singing to my daily routine. Such a positive thing to incorporate!

    Have a wonderful sabbatical.

  3. Cindy on at

    Reading this on July 26th, so I don’t have much time left in the month to follow through, but here’s what I’m going to focus on the next few days.
    1. Spend more time outdoors.
    2. Meditate everyday, if only for a few minutes.
    3. Review all emails and notes about an issue I’ve been researching.
    4. Be kind.
    5. Pet my dog more.

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