January PowerSheets Goals

Lara Casey January 2019 Goals PowerSheets

Feeling overwhelmed already on this 15th day of the year? Which one of the following best describes you:

— I want to do it all right now. I’m anxious for life to change and I want to make all my goals happen ASAP.
— I don’t know how to accomplish my goals.
— I have so many goals I want to complete this year—I’m overwhelmed!
— I don’t even know where to start. I haven’t set goals and I’m afraid I’m behind!
— My goals feel the same as last year, am I doing something wrong?
— I haven’t made perfect progress—I already feel like a failure.
— Doing new things feels hard. Is it supposed to be hard?
— I’m afraid to commit to goals! What if they’re the wrong ones or what if I don’t do them?
— Feeling great! Feeling clear. Ready. Let’s do this.

My Word of the Year (heart) will, Lord willing, come to life through small decisions made over the course of the year—not all at once.

I’ll be guiding you to break through ALL of these to help you move forward on the things that matter—without burning out before February—starting with Break it Down Week next week! You’ll break through the barriers you’re feeling, and learn how to break down your goals into do-able action steps you can’t wait to get started on. You’ll feel equipped and ready to get started on what matters, and to live a year of follow-through! Sign up for the live webinar here and get texts from me throughout the week with encouragement and tips by texting CULTIVATE to 55222 (fun, right!?).

How do you get started?

Small steps.

How do you make a goal happen?

Small steps taken over time.

How do you avoid overwhelm?

You guessed it. Break your goals down into small steps! 🙂

A peek at my Yearly Overview in my PowerSheets – a great tool to break down your goals over the course of the year so you don’t burn out!

I make these small steps happen using my PowerSheets® each month. If you’ve just started a new set of PowerSheets, welcome to my first monthly update for 2019! Each month, I’ll give you an update on my progress from the previous month – what went well and what I learned from – and I’ll share my goals for the month ahead. I love writing these posts for accountability, but mostly, I love hearing your goals! New this year: I’ll be making you a short video with my progress each month rather that writing it all out. This way I get to show you how I’m doing some things and make it more fun in the process—like having virtual coffee together!

I have four goals for 2019 that are each focused on growing something that matters to me in the big picture. Each month, we’ll break our yearly goals down into “mini goals” that help us achieve them little by little. The Tending List in the PowerSheets makes this easy to take action: it’s a list of monthly, weekly and daily action items. This helps me know what to focus on and where to spend my time well, no perfection required!

And it’s called a Tending List for a reason. I never end a month with everything perfectly marked off, and guess what? I don’t need to! All progress is imperfect progress and perfection isn’t the goal. Goals come to life when you focus on progress not perfection.

Have you ever jumped ship on a goal the moment you didn’t make perfect progress? The way we do goals helps you not do that. Let’s dig in!

I filled out my January Tending list this past weekend, and it was right on time! There’s no rule that says you have to start exactly on the 1st of each month. You aren’t one bit behind if you have yet to make your January Tending List!

January Monthly Goals:

— Begin the Contentment Challenge
— Begin HeartSchool (homeschool with heart!)
— Do the Fresh Faith Challenge
— Cultivate our 2019 calendar (learn how here)
— Prayerfully record the Cultivate Your Life podcast
— Prayerfully set new company pace + goals

January Weekly Goals:

— Study Psalm 90:12 – ‘Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.’
— Weekly family Sabbath

January Daily Goals:

— Old Testament Bible Reading – I’m doing this with a small group of friends this year and loving it!
Write the Word
— Sing
— Strength – I’m lifting free weights (or free-running kids!) at home two days a week with the kiddos!

Your turn! What are your goals for January? For 2019 as a whole? I love hearing what you’re cultivating! I’ll pick one of you to send a special surprise box of goodies from the Cultivate What Matters Shop. I love sending real mail, and I love hearing your thoughts!

P.S. Don’t have 2019 goals yet? Now is the time to order your PowerSheets! The Multi cover is sold out and Teal will be the next to go. Use code BREAKITDOWN for 25% off your one-year goal planner and set yourself up for a year spent on the right things!

keep reading


  1. Victoria on at

    This month is all about laying the groundwork and easing in (and getting used to Powersheets, first timer here!). My 5 umbrella goals this year are Community, Home, Marriage, Firm Foundation (all my personal health/faith/reading goals), and Adventure!

    • Lara on at

      Yay! I’m so excited for you, Victoria!

  2. Candace on at

    I’m right up there with folks who haven’t set all their goals yet – and that incomplete feeling is hard!! But as December unfolded and no pre-baked goals lept to the page, and the. January came and still my Powersheets prep wasn’t done there came a point when I decided to lean into the tension! What’s been happening while I struggle to picture where I want to be when I’m 80? Well I’m bound and determined to find out now! Hugs to everyone in the trenches, I’m holding out that little by little progress applies to Powersheets prep work too!!

    • Lara on at

      Yay, keep going my friend! Your answers don’t have to be perfect. You’ll get a change again in three months to refresh your goals, so I encourage you to dig in right where you are. So proud of you for embracing the tension! : ) : ) : )

  3. Rochelle on at

    Investing (guilt free) in myself is a theme for January (and 2019) from committing to a workout program I’ve always wanted to try (even though the $$) and unsubscribing/unfollowing people and companies I’ve supported in the past but don’t serve me anymore. December was all about serving others so this month it’s a flip to invest in me.

    • Lara on at

      Love all of this, Rochelle! So good!!

  4. Heather on at

    In agreement with Candace! Just learning about how this all works and even thinking about the goals is currently my little by little progress. Have been listening to the wonderful podcasts and appreciate them so much. Still picturing where I want to be when I’m 80 and figuring out what things are most important to me while living life each day. Enjoying the slow process.

    • Lara on at

      Wonderful! So glad you’ve been encouraged, Heather!

  5. Michelle on at

    I’m new to power sheets and didn’t receive them until after Jan 1 (it’s just a date, right?). I’ve been thinking of my goals for this year but haven’t written anything down yet. … sorta afraid to put pen to my shinny new power sheets. Silly isn’t it? I’m thinking goals in faith (read the Bible in one year) health (mental and
    Physical), creativity (permission to take me time to sew at least one project a month) and some sort of goal for the year to clear each room and closet of unneeded things.

    • Lara on at

      I’m so excited for you, Michelle! And here’s a little nudge for you: get to writing and make a mess! You’ll be so glad you dug in and did it! : )

  6. Tracy C on at

    For January I’m working on me. Learning how to manage my finances, personal development podcasts/videos, getting to bed on time, waking up to have an hour to myself (reading & Yoga), and drinking half my body weight in water. It’s a big list but so far keeping track has kept me on track. As for 2019 I am working on me (personal development), more quality time with my family, growing in my Faith, improving my health and working on financial freedom.

    • Lara on at

      Tracy, this is so good! The list may seem big but just take it one step at a time!

  7. Sue on at

    I came late to the Powersheets and only started end of Dec. I am saying NO to wanting to get started and plow ahead into “something”, and letting the process of working through the sheets show me the themes and big picture goals. My word of the year “ENOUGH” as in – I am enough ! and Enough not getting to where I want, and taking small intentional steps to progress!

    • Lara on at

      Sue, I love your word of the year! I’m so glad you’re taking it slow and intentional.

  8. Leah on at

    This is my first year using PowerSheets and I’m loving it so far! It’s helping me bring more focus to my priorities. My big 2019 goals are to grow my faith, love my husband well, do the Contentment Challenge (at least for the first 3 months), simplify, grow in health & wellness, & to try new things. For January I’m focusing mainly on growing my faith (started a Bible-in-a-year plan), loving my husband well (date nights), and the Contentment Challenge. It hasn’t been perfect, but there is progress! 🙂

    • Lara on at

      Leah, this is exciting! No need for perfection here—just little by little progress!

  9. Jamie Walton on at

    My biggest goal this year is to behold my little ones. Be present, pay attention, engage, actively love them, and soak them in as they are right now. I also want to cultivate gratitude (beginning with a spending fast, and continuing with weekly thank you notes), trust God completely (my word of the year is LEAP!), take my work seriously, cultivate a nurturing home, and find wholeness in my God-given body.

    • Lara on at

      Jamie, I love this! Your word of the year is so great!

  10. SuZen on at

    I am sloooowly working my way thru the beginning pages of my PowerSheets and feel pretty good about it. After I’d finally made the decision to relax and work soowly at my own pace, i felt relief and excitement to dig in!

    • Lara on at

      SuZen, I’m so glad to hear that you are working slowly to dig in intentionally!

  11. I have been so inspired by you, Lara, that I am posting my goals on my blog every month so I can have some accountability. Just putting them out there makes me want to achieve them! I hope I am consistent in doing this! Instead of re-writing them, they are here: https://www.kellymcmullin.com/single-post/2019/01/09/Goals-January-2019

    • Lara on at

      Way to go, Kelly! I hope the time with little Addison reading the children’s Bible is fruitful!

  12. Laura on at

    In January, my goals are : starting to build my daily habits of reading scripture, working out, and practicing gratitude, starting to build a weekly habit of meal prep (which helps free up time for the habits above!), de-cluttering my spare room closet (for me, physical clutter translates to mental clutter and gets in the way of me focusing on what matters) doing something purely creative for the fun of it – like making my own soaps (check!), and finishing Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott.

    I’ve set out a few goals for 2019 but my biggest is to read through the entire Bible! I’ve tried a few times and never made it a daily habit so it didn’t stick. But I’m doing it differently this year because it matters to me in the big picture.

    • Lara on at

      Laura, I love hearing that you’re trying again because it matters to you in the big picture!

  13. Ashley E on at

    This month I laid out a few more goals than I could accomplish and already re-evaluated and moved a few back to February! The ones that I’ve settled on are in my Strength, Faith Based Home Base, and Grow Where I’m Planted categories. I’m focusing on doing what I need to do at work and not more (which means having time to eat dinner with friends and love on people!), going to bed on time, walking >250 steps every hour, and reading daily with my husband. I literally tell myself EVERY DAY that little by little is okay because I have a lot of uncrossed off things on my tending sheet already. But, I also know I have to start somewhere, and each little colored in box is a victory.

    • Lara on at

      Ashley, yes! Way to go re-evaluating and moving things to work best for you!

  14. Beth on at

    My big goal for January is to figure out my goals for the year. Can’t wait until my Powersheets come on Monday!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so excited for you to get your PowerSheets, Beth!

  15. Emily Wood on at

    Goal 1: PRAYpare
    Jan mini goals: start reading/praying through the One Year Chronological Bible;
    Set up my prayer binder; set prayer reminders on my phone

    Goal 2: Cherish my life!
    Jan mini goals: plan a date night; pick day to work on Family yearbook

    Goal 3: Plan to celebrate others well. 🎉
    Jan mini goals: work on Celebrations binder

    Goal 4: Steward what we have been given we’ll!
    Jan mini goals: start the Contentment Challenge; make budget; declutter

    Goal 5: Prepare a life giving home.
    Jan mini goals: have a weekly Look Ahead Day; make two week meal plans

    Goal 6: Take steps of faith toward the dreams the Lord has put in my heart.
    Jan mini goals: no social media; call about birth-K certification; write

    Goal 7: Take care of myself.
    Jan mini goals: make eye dr appointment; exercise at least 3x a week.

    • Lara on at

      Emily, I love your goal of cherishing your life! The family yearbook sounds fun, too!

  16. Hanni on at

    Thanks so much for sharing your process with us. I am also trying to figure out sabbath and I found a great resource I thought I would share. Bridge Town Church in Portland is doing a series on sabbath right now and I just listened to the first two sermons and they are so good. They have a whole section of resources on sabbath which I found helpful. Thought I would pass them on to you. https://practicingtheway.org/practices/sabbath

    • Lara on at

      Hanni, I’m so glad you are enjoying it! Thank you for sharing this!

  17. My goals for January are very small and simple, but they will help me keep choosing the next right thing. 🙂

    -Write, send, deliver thank you cards for the people who have rallied around me in this hard season
    -Schedule some yearly doctor appointments
    -Order my yearly prayer journal (done – and using it!)
    -Do the next right thing and make a weekly “must-do” list every Sunday to help me see what’s coming that week
    -Call my grandparents every Sunday to catch up 🙂
    -Weights twice a week
    -Daily prayer, water, scripture, and R E S T

    • Lara on at

      Katie, your goals are great! I love your “must-do” list on Sunday’s—what a great way to look ahead at the week!

  18. Missie on at

    I am late getting to this because of illness and what that means in a large family! But I made progress this month. I didn’t check everything off. I am behind in my daily goals of Reading the Word and the Fresh Faith Challenge. But even with being sick, having sick kiddos, etc., out of 28 days, I only missed 4! And you want to know what’s even better? I can tell a huge difference in the days that I get to those things because they matter to me – they make a difference in my day. So much so, I am carrying on with the Fresh Faith Challenge next month! And because I saw progress rather than failure, I am looking forward to February and more progress!

    • Lara on at

      Missie, I hope everyone is feeling better and that you enjoyed the Fresh Faith Challenge! Cheering you on in what I hope is a much healthier month!

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