Summer is full of possibilities: activities, adventures, outings, people to spend time with and places to go. We want our summers to be fun and meaningful, but where do we invest the little time and resources we have before we blink and school has started again?
You can plan your summer, or it can plan you.
But, here’s the thing: my favorite summer memories were simple: spending all day outside, playing in the sprinklers with my brother, telling stories on the porch, eating peaches and spotting fireflies as the sun went down. Think back to your childhood: what summer memories stand out to you? And more importantly–what did those experiences grow in you?
We sometimes think of summer as a time to let go and check out, but what if this is your season to check in and dig into what is most important to you?
If you’re ready to dig in, here’s a little behind-the-scenes look at our new Summer Goals Collection. We’ve been working on these new tools and resources for a year and we’re so happy to finally get these tools in hands across the world today!
But, first, you should know this: you don’t need to buy any of these things to have an intentional summer–or an intentional life. They will help you do those things, but this post isn’t about selling you products. I hope, regardless of what tools you use or have, this post inspires you to get out there and do something about what matters to you–with what you have!
Okay, let’s dig in…
There’s nothing magical about January 1st. Why not start fresh with your goals today? Really. I’m actually asking you and I want to know your answer: why not today? What has been holding you back? (Let me know in the comments and I would love to personally encourage you right where you are.) Some truth: good goals are about cultivating what you’ve been given well–your time, resources, and relationships. Good goals are not about striving and doing something just because “everyone else” is doing it, or because you feel like you should. Let’s throw out the “should’s” for a minute and think about your unique assignment here on this earth. Have no idea what that is? Does it feel far away? I hear you. It’s really hard to hear the truth in all the noise and distractions. This is why I created these goal uncovering workbooks because I got tired of wasting my time lost in the noise. I wanted to direct my energy where it mattered.
This first one isn’t new to our shop, but it might be new to you. PowerSheets help you uncover good goals and do something about them. We’re nearing the half-way point of the year, so it’s a perfect time to start a new set of undated six-month PowerSheets.
The Six-Month PowerSheets Workbooks are undated which means you can start as soon as you get them. Choose from Pink, White, or Teal, and we have gold foil Monthly Tab Stickers if you want to customize your tabs instead of writing the months in yourself. Join us in finishing the year strong with goals that are rooted in what’s important to you.
Over the past three years, I have loved walking through Fruitful Summer with you, encouraging you to cultivate meaningful friendships. Last year I shared that we were creating a Fruitful Summer magazine, and after dreaming and sketching, we decided to make a hybrid magazine + workbook. The NEW Fruitful Friendship Workbook is part inspiring (to help you think in a new way) and practical (to help you put it into practice). It will equip and encourage you to dig into community right where you are–no perfection or perfect track-record required.
The Fruitful Friendship Workbook is larger in size than our other goal guides (it’s the same height and width of the PowerSheets so you have lots of room to write!) and is thicker than our Couple’s and Parent’s Goal Guides too. This is going to be tucked in my bag all summer for reading and working through each page and prompt. Side note: this is a GREAT workbook to use in a small group or group of friends to do alongside each other. If any local folks want to join me and do this workbook together, let me know! Gather your friends, put a post up to invite new friends in your area–get out there and let’s come together to make meaningful friendships happen. Don’t wait for the invitation, though, friends–be the invitation. I’m excited!
The PowerSheets Goal Guide for Parents will also be tucked in my bag all summer. After receiving numerous requests about how to set good, grace-filled goals as a family–and wanting a guide like this for my own family–we made it! This guide is will help you uncover your goals and what matters to your family. What do you think of Grace’s drawing of each of our family members? Sarah apparently has purple hair. ; )
I don’t know about your gent, but Ari isn’t as into goal setting as I am. That’s code for: he’d rather do the dishes. But! He loved doing the PowerSheets Goal Guide for Couples with me–so much so that he has asked for several copies to give to work colleagues. We made it fun, easy (you could fill this out together in one sitting!), and impactful. This mini guide will help you uncover your shared goals and what matters to both of you. It’s great for married, dating, or engaged couples. Fill this little book out on a summer date night, on the porch one evening, all at once, or little by little.
If last year’s Fruitful Summer product launch was any indicator, the new Cultivate What Matters Tanks will be a favorite! Our sizes are limited, so if you want to snag one, I recommend adding it to your cart quickly. This is the perfect tank for heading out on my morning walk with the kids or spending the afternoon in my garden.
Craving connection this summer? I am. And I have a whole post coming next week about how to cultivate meaningful friendships. One easy way you can stay connected is through real mail. The Fruitful Summer Encouragement Postcard Set contain an assortment of 20 cards featuring fun summer sayings, fruity puns, and friendly messages. My personal favorite? You are the pineapple of my eye. And a tip: Pre-stamp these postcards when you get them (order stamps here) and you’ll be ready to pop them in the mail easily and quickly!
We brainstormed a long list of phrases for our newest Mini Print collection, and it was tough to narrow it down to just three! Our three newest mini prints look great tacked onto a bulletin board for extra encouragement or slipped into a card as a small gift for a friend. In addition to the Take the Leap Gold Foil Mini Print pictured above, we have the What If Today Gold Foil Mini Print (mine and Nicole’s favorite) and the Little by Little Gold Foil Mini Print.
Okay, want one of everything? Me too! Our Fruitful Summer Bundle has everything you need to cultivate what matters this summer! Set meaningful summer goals and grow meaningful friendships this season with our Six-Month Undated PowerSheets Workbook in White, Fruitful Friendship Workbook, Fruitful Summer Postcard Set, and Take the Leap Mini Print. If you already have a set of PowerSheets, this is a great opportunity to get a discounted set in this bundle to give to a friend! Summer goal setting is better with a buddy. There are only 200 of these bundles available today, so get yours while they last.
Also, Write the Word is back in stock (!!!), but we think we will sell out again by the end of the day. Since we opened pre-orders, most of our stock has been reserved. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Get your Write the Word collection and summer goals goodies today.
I’m excited to do summer with you, friends! Remember, this isn’t about products, it’s about purpose. None of these great tools matter unless you DO something with them. Don’t wait to get started planning an intentional second half of the year. Start today. Start now. An easy place to begin? Tell me in the comments what you most want to cultivate this summer and I’ll share my thoughts too. Words have power, friends. Taking a leap of faith to share our dreams and hopes gives us the courage to take the first step. I can’t wait to cheer you on!
P.S. Join me next week for a free live Summer Goals class where I’ll give you my best tips for an intentional summer. I can’t wait to see you there!
keep reading
Hi, Lara!
What I most want to cultivate this summer is HOPE, HEALING, and a CONFIDENT and EXPECTANT FAITH. In the midst of confusing redirection from Him, I find myself in a season of needing to press into the Lord to be made ready for whatever He has next! I want this summer to be FULL of unveiling my heart to Him, trusting Him in bigger ways, and believing that with Him truly anything is possible, and that the dreams of my heart are truly possible when I leave them in His loving and capable Hands.
I want to cultivate the little moments, enjoying my husband this summer. It’s so easy to stay super busy and miss out on the here-and-now! We’d like to start a family but while it is just us, we ‘re hoping to really take advantage of being a family of 2 (plus our pup!) 🙂 I’m totally digging the couples guide to go along with my powersheets. I think it would be perfect for our current season of life!
I want to really work on faith and family this season. Since having my first child in December, I’ve been in overdrive and I just feel like it’s all getting away from me and I’m not savoring the moments. My faith has taken a backseat to everything else (new baby, new wife, going back to work, etc.) and I know I won’t be able to cultivate those things successfully without my faith. I know that I can make goals and get started anytime, but what’s honestly holding me back is the big ‘ol January – May empty pages of my PowerSheets staring at me. Buying my first PowerSheets less than five days before giving birth may not have been the best plan, but I need to find a way to get past the empty pages and dive into June with a clear purpose and vision.
I’m so needing to cultivate better relationships with my kids. One relationship in particular is just so laden with strife amd fear for me right now. Tonight I was praying with friends that the Lord would bring it to a redemptive place, where we could one day tell a story of how he took two sinners and did good with them.
I am all in on cultivating friendships this summer! I ordered the Fruitful Friendships workbook and encouragement cards so I can be intentional about pouring into my friends. So many of them are new moms or about to become mamas and I want to cheer them on as we start these new seasons of our lives!
My husband is a teacher and we are blessed that he can take the entire summer off. But I want to be intentional with the time we are able to spend together as a couple and with our 2 year old son. This will probably be the last summer of just the 3 of us as we hope to add another little one to the family in the near future. I think the Powersheets Guide for parents will really help us focus on the important things this summer. It doesn’t always have to be about going and doing, but just relaxing and spending time together and relishing the stillness. And, I am SO EXCITED about coming up with a family motto, haha! I think that is such a neat idea and I’m shocked that we haven’t done it before now.
My Fruitful Friendships book is scheduled for delivery today! I’m so eager to check it out. 🙂 Lara, I’m local and would love to take you up on your invitation to journey through this book together! When were you thinking of getting started?