Grace, you are truly a gift from God. I look at you sometimes and I think, how are you my daughter? I am a MOM!? When did this happen!? One year later, life still feels very surreal. Your daddy and I were talking the other day about all of the blessings we’ve experienced this year and, as we recounted so many miraculous events, all we could say was, “We have proof of God.” It’s right here in our lives, clear as day. You. And all the change that has happened in our hearts since the day you were born. I have about 10 minutes to write this to you while you watch Dora, so here goes!
Let’s take a look back first…
We announced your birth and this video STILL makes me cry every time!
Mommy got postpartum depression and learned a whole lot
And then I feel like I blinked and you were one : )
One year ago, I had never changed I diaper in my life. One year ago, I had no idea just how much I’d be changed today. The greatest thing I’ve learned is that I am not in control. God is and I am so grateful. This has been the hardest and best year of my life! Gracie, words can’t express my gratitude for the miracles of this year: your daddy’s strong amazing faith, how our marriage has become centered on Him, our church family, dear giving wonderful friends who love you so much, Grampa David’s new faith and his baptism this year at 77 years old, Grandma Celia’s perseverance through what I think was one of the hardest years for her ever, Great Grandma Celeste being ALIVE and kickin’ at 95!, Uncle Stephen being more healed, Grandpa Michael and Grama Suzy being a wonderful part of your life (you love Skyping with them!), mommy’s work becoming so focused on what matters, the sweet ladies mommy works with being women I hope you look up to one day (they love you so much too!), mommy made it a whole year breastfeeding you (Hallelujah! One of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Sweet girl, someday I will tell you all about the crazy things I had to do to make that happen – I’ve pumped in airplane bathrooms at 30,000 feet, in the car, in airports, oh my!), your daddy and I survived 365 days of sleep deprivation and became better for it, God blessed you with the most amazing nanny ever – Miss Susan – who is a remarkable Godly giving kind angel from above, so many healed relationships, so many new relationships, so much love and far more to tell than I can fit in a blog post. We have a list of answered prayers in the kitchen and it’s jam-packed. But, most of all, I am grateful for God’s amazing grace. I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see.
To celebrate, I made you a little video and sang you a song : ) I had about 20 minutes to make this while you napped yesterday and honestly, had been crying just before because Grandma, Grampa, Uncle Stephen and Great Grandma Celeste has to cancel their plans yesterday and aren’t able to make it for Thanksgiving. Making this helped my heart become full again. I am SO grateful, more than ever, for photographs. [Photographers, thank you for what you do!] These photographs helped me to see just how changed our hearts have become. God is good. Gracie, you already watched all 10 minutes of this once with me and loved it, pointing to daddy on the screen and giggling. Oh, how I love you! Happy birthday, sweet pea : )
One Year of Amazing Grace from lara casey on Vimeo.
P.S. Daddy and I also sang you happy birthday this morning, which I think you really liked : )
keep reading
Happy birthday Grace!
My birthday gift to Grace : ) https://t.co/3SkaVXWx
Happy Birthday Grace!
the Jasiczeks -
Happy Birthday Sweet Gracie! You are loved more than you know! Best wishes on this day.
Happy Birthday dear Grace, you are one of jewel of God. Your smile is so wonderful, my little always says :”Mommy, she’s like mike, look, she’s always smiling and laughing, yes mommy, she’s like me” (3years old). Happy birhtday little pearl, you make the joy of your parents, be blessed, always, may you give His love what is living in you.
The video was so sweet! Happy birthday to your precious baby girl Grace! And happy thanksgiving to you and your family Lara!
So sweet that she already loves it – I know she will cherish it down the road even more! Thanks so much for sharing with us, made me smile and shed a few tears – how perfect is that second song (on top of Amazing Grace, of course!) ?? Lots of love Gracie girl!! Happy Birthday!
P.S. – I’ve only changed a handful of diapers in my life, THAT’S about to change big time 😉 Glad to know I can make it through! Our little guy was kicking away during this video 🙂 -
Happy Birthday Grace!! Congrats to you and Ari. I just read your post about having postpartum…OMG!!!! I can so relate and thank you for being so open. My son is two months old and I went through the same thing you did. I felt so horrible because I keep on asking myself what did I do to myself? I thought for some strange reason having a baby would be so easy! Ha, who was I kidding. I’ve learned A LOT and I am so glad I went through what I did. It made me the mom I am today. Everyday is a new day and I am getting to know my son more and more. I am on my way to being the best mommy I can to him 🙂
What a beautiful gift. Amazing singing and songs, lovely photos, and an abundance of obvious love shines through. You got more than a few tears out of me. Have a wonderful day together. xoxo
HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY, GRACE: Grace, you are truly a gift from God. I look at you sometimes and I think, how are … https://t.co/zQg52bzG
My heart completely melted! Happy Birthday Grace and congrats mama on making it to one year breast feeding- no small feet! Oh, what a year!
“@laracasey: My birthday video for Gracie : ) https://t.co/2VGUWT51” y’all, this is 10 mins well spent. So what we haven’t met & I love them?
So so sweet!!! Loved every minute of the video. Wishing your family and Grace many more blessings in the upcoming year!
Happy Birthday Gracie!!! So sweet, she is such a cutie! 🙂
I just discovered your blog. How beautiful your daughter is! Happy Birthday Grace!