Hi, friends! Welcome back to my new weekly series about making progress on what matters, little by little—along with a few links I think you might enjoy. In case you missed them, here are week one, week two, and week three.
I’ve taken this week off of social media to get grounded. After the events last week, I felt a strong pull to disconnect from social media and deeply connect with God. Listen in below for more…
In this time of drawing close to God’s truth, words for my book are finally coming. I am very grateful. A little snippet I’ll share with you here:
Redeeming the Dirt
When I was asked to speak at a Christian women’s conference for the first time a few years ago, a woman told me that she was shocked and wondered why they chose me. She knew that in the early days of my marriage, when I started growing my business, my soil was filled with jagged rocks. What she didn’t know, and what I’d never imagined happening, was that same soil being transformed and infused with new life. Like rich compost, the best soil is filled with transformed remnants of the past. In the same way, your mess can become your message.
My new release date is tentatively May 23, 2017. It seems like a long way away, but not in book land. Lots has to happen between now and then! I hope to turn in this first draft next Friday, the 22nd. I would be so grateful for your continued prayers.
A few things to share—with lots of photos since I haven’t been on social media this week! First, proof of my daughter’s career aspirations. Olympic ribbon dancing, here we come.
So, gospel music has always been my favorite. I love this playlist right now. Do you love gospel too? I always love hearing people’s favorite songs. My friends Ed and Beverly from church recorded an album and it’s SO GOOD. On nights I was leading Bible Bunch last year, Ed would be in the studio recording. It’s a joy to see the fruit of what God created through him!
Little progress is still progress. Love this encouragement for new moms (and all of us!).
Ari and I have been reading this book, and loving it.
Grace has been helping me write this week : )
Put on that swimsuit.
Favorite holidays in our house: Passover (Ari and I love the meaning, Grace loves the parsley), Thanksgiving, and Cow Appreciation Day. Grace and Rhiannon made their cow outfits with sticky felt, and I particularly love the heart patch on Grace’s chest : )
I read very few newsletters, but my friend Lauren is wise. If you are a small business owner, I recommend signing up and reading her weekly tips.
My friend Jen from Unveiled Wife writes another newsletter I love.
We tried to take a family photo last Friday. Josh loves his little sister, and was very curious about her tongue.
And then I told him not to pull on his sweet sister’s tongue.
I love this kid. Even when he’s crying, my heart is so grateful for him. (I should submit this to Reasons My Son is Crying, a hilarious collection of true stories that will make you giggle. Here’s a favorite.)
Our friend Lauren Taylor is in NYC with her husband for the summer, and she sent Grace the coolest gift: a book of New York landmarks and pictures of the two of them at each of them! Isn’t this great?
Learn how to dig in to the power of “little by little,” simplify your life, and dig under the surface for deeper relationships in this week’s Fruitful Summer Guide. I loved writing this–and living out these tips has helped me so much!
I’d love to have you in the next Fruitful Summer Guide that comes out next Wednesday! What are your favorite traditions with friends? Tell me here.
These two make my day every day.
I love her blog.
I love our Fruitful Summer photos from Olivia of Nancy Ray Photography. We all had fun, but I think Grace had the most fun!
Engaged friends, get this planner. It has a whole section on marriage and solid planning advice.
We spent last Saturday morning at the blueberry patch. I had Josh in a carrier, and Ari decided to just hold Sarah.
I think they both enjoyed it : )
We pulled the turnips and rutabagas from the garden. They were so good! My favorite mashed turnip recipe:
- Peel and cut a big bowl of turnips into chunks (we had one large rutabaga mixed into ours too)
- Boil them in chicken broth till they soften
- Sauté a chopped onion with olive oil, thyme, rosemary, and salt and pepper
- Combine it all in the food processor (or Ninja in our case, since we don’t have a food processor)
- Bake for 30 minutes at about 350
We grew these from seeds that a patient of my dad had given him. I’m considering planting a fall crop too, they were so good. This is a Thanksgiving favorite, but was delightful in the heat of July as well!
2017 PowerSheets are going to the printer next week, along with new products for both the Southern Weddings Shop and Lara Casey Shop. Our little Design Assistant had a hard time containing his excitement this week!
We’ve celebrated a lot in the office this past week – Laura Kashner’s birthday, and Lisa and Kristin‘s work anniversaries. Up next is a certain orange-lover’s birthday on July 31st. If you want to send something orange for her, here’s our P.O. Box : ) PO Box 9090, Chapel Hill, NC 27515.
My friend Emily sent me one of her new academic Simplified Planners that starts in August, and I love it. I filled out important dates this week to get it set up. I love that Romans 12:12 is on Ari’s birthday.
We are making little by little progress on our Summer Goals (my July Goals are here) and summer fun list (below). Get a Summer Goals list for free here.
Marissa and Emily knocked it out of the park in this week’s FREE Fruitful Summer Newlywed Guide. Even if you aren’t a newlywed, or married at all, read this one. The list of twists on adulting is excellent! And be sure to sign up to get next week’s Guide. You’ll get a letter from me about how to celebrate marriage in the thick of it, and lots of great advice for marriage.
Scripture on Goals.
I use this website every day to look things up.
Josh is on the move this week, and getting into everything, so we had to do a little furniture re-arranging to close off the living room…
Our friend Carla came to hang with the littles yesterday and enjoyed “Fort Joshua” too : ) Josh to escape the barricades below…
We are often asked if we plan on releasing new editions of Write the Word. I’m excited to share that YES we are, and I made the final edits on the covers with Nicole today. They are wonderful! There are five new editions releasing for 2017 — on sale November 1st.
Now, I know you aren’t supposed to use a Bumbo on a bed, but listen in. This was Ari feeling super proud for handling all three kids by himself while I went to the grocery store. They are watching Praise Baby, and no one is crying. He did good : )
On Wednesday night, after putting Josh to sleep, I came out of his room to a quiet house. I called Ari to see where he was. “We took a walk. We’ll be back in about ten minutes.” Grace came bounding in the door shortly after: “Mom! We found POKEMON!” Ari also succeeded this week in being captivated by the Pokemon phenomenon. I decided to join them last night and it was pretty hilarious…
Below: “Mom, you’re stepping on him!!”
Oops! Well, he is pretty cute : ) Gracie is too.
We’ve got a big weekend ahead. Our first nanny from when Grace was a baby, “Miss Sue,” is getting married tomorrow! Her soon-to-be-husband is a real Irishman and we think the world of him. They met while doing mission work in Ireland together. We can’t wait to celebrate with them! Grace is most excited for cake : ) Aren’t they lovely together? Photo by my friend Emily.
And lastly, a little Sarah love for you. She is a miracle. We’re waiting on one more report from our social worker, one more court hearing, and then we will be finalized.
Sarah from lara casey on Vimeo.
I’d love to hear from you! Do you have a favorite blog post, product, or piece of encouragement that keeps you making little by little progress? Let me know!
This post contains Amazon affiliate links, which is no extra cost to you, but if you make a purchase using one of these links, we send our commissions to the Love One Another project : )
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Lara- So encouraging to see your making progress on your book! I have been praying for those words to come easily! We are missing seeing you on social regularly but it makes these weekly blog posts even more exciting. Cannot wait to see all of these exciting things that are in progress! Especially Grace learning to read 🙂
I’m lucky that I knew most of these things, but I’m still super excited! Yay for progress on the book!
Sarah’s coos are everything! I love her!!
A little Pokemon on Gracie’s face may be the most adorable thing I have ever seen! lol. I am halfway through July and still never sat down to finish writing out my July goals. Fortunately, I’m still SMASHING most of them though! Whoo-hoo! Praying I can steal some time this weekend to just get them on paper for the rest of the month. xoxo
Always so encouraged by your posts… thank you thank you thank you for the recommendation of The Unveiled Wife. Sitting here reading some of her posts in tears knowing that some good will come from it.
You are a true blessing, interweb friend!
Your Friday posts have very quickly become my favorite way to start the weekend. I find myself sitting down with a cup of tea and reading, then journaling + Bible reading. Your words are always so FULL of God’s purpose in your life that I want to dig into His Word and focus my life for the weekend. Thank you so much for taking the time to write these during such a busy time in your life!
Love seeing the glimpses of your everyday. 🙂 Need to hug your neck sooooooooooon.