I saw a sign recently that read: “Don’t count the days, make the days count!”
Let’s take a different spin on that together for a minute!
Let’s do both.
First, let’s count the days (like this):
We’re 131 days into the year. That means there are 234 days ahead to cultivate. There’s still 65% of the year left to live and fill with what matters. That’s a lot of days, friends!
Now, let’s make these 234 days count.
Take a look around. How are you feeling at this point in the year?
Tired? — It’s been a journey since January.
Excited? — New opportunities lie ahead in the next 234 days of this year!
Overwhelmed? —Not where you imagined you’d be by this point in 2018?
You may feel like you’ve messed up on your goals and it’s too late in the year to make progress, but here’s some truth: today can be your January 1st. Who says you can’t refresh you goals, change them, or start fresh right where you are? Not me!
See those words down there on my PowerSheets? Today could be your day. Many times, good change starts with one tiny step forward. One decision in a new direction.
(I love those flowers from my garden above that we used for this shoot in the fall. I’m planting my new zinnia seeds this weekend. Little by little, blooms will come!)
Maybe the gap between where you are and where you want to be seems wide. And maybe the thought of that gap has you stalling at the start!
Step into the garden with me. Let’s take a look around.
Good things grow little by little, and there’s magic in the middle ground.
We don’t like the middle ground though do we? It can feel incomplete, awkward, undone. We’d rather skip that part and get to the finish line.
Think about what we miss seeking instant results and overnight progress though.
If I plant a seed and the next day a full-grown plant appears, do you know what we’d miss? The best parts of gardening! We’d miss celebrating the sprout appearing out of the soil for the first time. We’d miss watching new leaves appear day by day. We’d miss the miracle of seeing blooms unfurl. We’d miss the good stuff.
It’s in the middle ground that life happens. It’s in the space from here to there that we grow too.
I’m digging in with you! Little by little progress adds up.
No matter if you are here on day 131, little-by-little you can have a cultivated rest of the year.
Want to finally move forward on your goals?
Get your Six-Month Undated PowerSheets if you don’t already have them (now is the time!) and join me next Wednesday for a FREE live workshop on How to Finally Move Forward on Your Goals. I’ll be giving you my 5 best practical steps (you are going to love step number 1!) for getting unstuck and making real progress! Save your seat here.
Your turn! Have you felt stuck on a goal or in life lately? Chances are, you aren’t the only one! I’ll share below too!
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I’ve definitely felt tired and overwhelmed this year! I tuned into your webinar earlier and I think maybe your power sheets are exactly what I need to get my year on track. I’ve been eyeing them for quite a while! Might be time to pull the trigger so to speak.
I LOVE this, Lara! After last year’s heartbreak, pruning, healing, and growing, I’m starting to feel EXCITED and READY for all God has next. This summer I’m focusing on flourishing, thriving, and bearing fruit for His glory. I’m ready to step into new seasons, chapters, and adventures, and while I have no idea what that might look like, I’m excited and hopeful to see where He might lead. 🙂