The birds are singing as I type this on a beautiful warm March day. Their song seems a bittersweet contrast to the heartache in the world, doesn’t it? And yet, they remind us to do small things with great love right here—to sow beauty into a world that is so broken.
Faith is believing in what we can’t yet see, planting good seeds in soil that feels bleak, and trusting that they will one day bloom against all odds. As we begin this season of Lent in such a dark time, may the seeds we plant pierce through the darkness with His great light.

February was a month of hard work, anticipation, and experiencing my limits change. We enjoyed celebrating milestone birthdays, watching the daffodils bloom, and having some Valentine’s fun. Homeschool has continued to be a highlight of my week. With the weather warming, we’ve been able to get out more between lessons. I’ve been faithful with my main focus this year: daily habits. My long-time co-worker, Emily, mentioned that she is an all-or-nothing-with-habits person, and I am the same. If I commit to doing something every day, in a way that’s fun and easy, I am more likely to stick with it than if I’d planned to do it just a few times a week. After many years on hiatus from lifting weights because of my neck injury, I decided to do what I can to build my strength in hopes that it will help my neck. I haven’t missed a day since last Thanksgiving. Living with chronic pain is enough of a motivator for me to do it every day. Little by little progress adds up and I’ve made 200% strength gains since starting! PT, I didn’t do as well with but I have a new plan to make this habit easy to do like I have with strength training. I’ve continued to love my Bible reading and journaling as well as praying through my 2022 Prayer List each day. I took each prayer (there are about 20) and made each one a recurring task on my to-do list app. Every day, a few of them pop up and I simple check it off when I’m done praying. Very simple and it keeps me praying consistently for these specific things.

Here’s what’s on my Tending List for the month ahead—all action steps from my 2022 Goals. We’re in the height of product development season right now, hence the swatches on my table! We have covers finalized for 2023 PowerSheets (all-new designs for next year – they are incredible!) and we’re a week away from turning in the inside pages, which have also gone through a beautiful evolution. Accessories and other new products are up next. It’s an exciting time of creativity and collaboration with the best team in the land. Later this month, we’ll visit my parents and take our first trip in… drumroll… our RV! Yes, we did it! This is a PowerSheets goal fulfilled. Our kiddos were in a car accident a couple of weeks ago and, while everyone was physically okay (except the totaled cars), it shook us all up quite a bit. It made Ari and I realize, once more, that we only get so many years with our kids, Lord willing. A few days after the accident, the RV we’ve been looking for came on the market and we took a leap of faith—much sooner than we planned. More to come on our adventures. Psalm 90:12 has rung through our hearts and heads many times over the last couple of weeks.
Overall, I’m keeping my goals simple and clear this month. March will be a month of preparing our seeds and soil to plant the garden in April, essentializing our home and lives, and enjoying and thanking the Lord for His blessings. Also, researching things like sewer hoses and wheel chocks for the RV. We welcome all tips for these first-timers!

What are you focusing on in March that you’re excited about? I’d love to hear!
keep reading
Cannot WAIT to meet the RV in person and so happy for y’all!
That’s a big goal—getting an RV. I hope you and your family enjoy it.
This is a month of hard and fun things—a funeral and then a long-planned trip to visit family in France.
I’m struggling with my few times a week habits, too, but simply can’t them all into my schedule. Work hours are too rigid and take most of my day. Maybe if I create a slot each day for one of them and rotate through the week? I think I’ll try that in March and see if it works for me.
Other than prepping for my trip, my goal this month is to clean out my garden beds and get some early seeds in before I leave. Daily goals to cultivate continue to be devotion and prayer time, vitamins, and reading a chapter in War and Peace (goal is to finish in 2022 and reading one chapter a day will get me there).
Love hearing about your daily goals! We’re cheering you on, Joy!
As RVers ourselves, can’t wait to see your RV and all the adventures you will have! Congrats!
So fun, Jenifer!
We bought our RV in 2020 and have spent around 220 nights in it. It’s a blast and we love to get away from the city and be under the trees or beside the water or wherever together as a family. I’m excited to see what you chose and why. Hugs from a MTH 2016 alum. ❤️
What a fun treat, Paige! Grateful for YOU!