Cultivate Your Life Podcast Episode 012: Why I Stopped Straightening My Hair


Somewhere along the line, someone told you something about who you are or who you’re NOT and you believed that someone. You feel stifled, held back, stuck in an identity box someone else created. And when glimmers of your true self and life surface, you feel like you’re not the person for the job.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to break that identity box and be the woman you were created to be. LISTEN NOW!

In this episode:

— I tell you the story of my hair—yep, my hair. Everything, for almost my whole life, told me curly hair was something to hide. So I did. And along with hiding my hair, I hid part of who I was created to be.
— I tell you about the day I decided to stop fixing my hair, and what changed in my life.
— We chat about what I do now when I’m battling the desire to hide—how I lean into truth, not feelings.
— You get to meet two of my friends – Maghon and Ashlea! You will love their stories of breaking free from lies that were holding them back.
— I lead you through six simple prompts to help you identify and break out of your own identity box (I can’t wait to hear your lightbulb moments!).
—Finally, I suggest three tools to help you live out this new identity in a world that will want you to keep hiding.

Interested in some of the things I mentioned throughout this episode? Here you go!

— I wrote more about my hair story and feelings of rejection here.
— Do you have curly hair, too? I shared some of my practical hair tips here!
— Get to know Maghon on her site and Instagram (I want to take her new hand-lettering class!).
— Ashlea is your girl for healthy recipes and pep talks on Instagram!
— The PowerSheets® give you a practical way to live out your new identity day by day—one of the many reasons I love the monthly prep pages and Tending List.
— My book, Make It Happen, is the story of how I chose to make “it”—a greater purpose than mine—happen, and how you can too.

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I’D LOVE TO MEET YOU! Come say hi on Instagram! I love sharing my life with you! And if you loved the outro, don’t miss the “Ari Raps” highlight on my Instagram!

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  1. Suzi on at

    I’ve spent thousands of dollars over the years perming my hair to get the beautiful curls that you get free everyday!

  2. TaVia on at

    I’m an African American Woman with Freckles and curly hair, I totally understand and can relate. so grateful that we eventually figured it out!

    • Lara on at

      Yes! So grateful that we both broke the identity box! (:

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