Did you wake up on January 1 this year and think one of the following?
—I’m behind!
—I don’t know what my goals are yet—I feel like it’s too late.
—I haven’t followed through before, so why try?!
—I already messed up and I feel like a failure.
—I have to make perfect progress or I won’t accomplish my goals (spoiler alert: not true!).
Maybe you’re feeling these things right this minute. This episode of the Cultivate Your Life Podcast will be the biggest dose of relief because I have a lot of practical advice for you! Let’s talk — LISTEN NOW!

In this episode:
— You’ll feel so relieved when you learn how to get started on your goals—especially if you’ve had an imperfect start this year.
— You’ll find out the “third option” that allowed me to do less and make it mean more last year. Sometimes there are more than two choices.
— You’ll let go of feeling overwhelmed this year. It will feel so good!
— You’ll learn that it’s okay to grow slow—and 3 reasons why slow growth is better than fast by far.
— You’ll hear about a few of the easy ways I keep myself accountable to my goals. They’re practical and simple—you can do them right now!
— You’ll complete the one action step you need to do to make this your best year yet… no matter how it started!
— You’ll hear from some surprise guests. Just wait! 🙂
Interested in some of the things I mentioned throughout this episode? Here you go!

— Never heard of PowerSheets®? This is the tool I use to bridge the gap between where I want to be when I’m 80 and what I’m doing about it today. This is a system that works—you take action on the things that matter to you throughout the year instead of just setting goals once a year and forgetting about them by February 1st. Use code BREAKITDOWN for 25% off your yearly set!
— Tim Herra’s New York Times article: Micro Progress and the Magic of Just Getting Started.
— USA Today article by Joseph Luciani: Why 80 Percent of New Year’s Resolutions Fail.
— Get all the details on my friend Nancy Ray’s Contentment Challenge and read how I’ve modified it for my life in the past.
— The Cultivate Sticky Note Set is just one of the ways I surround myself with reminders of where I’m going. These happy, cheerful notes will keep you motivated and organized!
— It’s not too late to join our Fresh Faith Challenge, where we’re writing out scripture each day in January together – the perfect way to start the new year! I’m using my Write the Word journal, but you can get started with whatever you have on hand.
— Here are my four 2019 Goals for this year of HEART (I can’t wait to hear yours, too!).
—One of my mini goals this year is to read God and Money with Ari.
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