Hi! So, yes… I’m still pregnant. Twelve days past my due date. These twelve days, as short as that may sound in the big picture, have been some of the longest days. They have been challenging and yet good and prayer-packed. It’s hard to describe what it’s like to wait on a baby to come. You want to take note of labor symptoms and get excited and prepare well, yet you have to completely let go as each day passes. You can’t plan for anything and yet you have to keep going, because sitting and thinking about it too much is perhaps the worst thing to do in waiting. And I’ve done a lot of that. Lots of tears and fears and they have all brought me back to a deeper TRUST and surrender. I’ve been learning that this is not waiting time; it is living time. God created these days on purpose, for a reason, and each day has revealed so many beautiful reasons why He has said, “Not yet…”
These photos were taken right before my due date by my sweet friend, Emily.
God’s three answers to prayer:
Not yet.
I have something better in mind.
What’s new: My mom has been here the last couple weeks, which has been a blessing. She and Grace have painted birdhouses, played restaurant, baked, gone swimming, puttered in the garden, and told more than a few funny kitty stories. This has been sweet time for them and us. Ari and I have had little windows of time to read together and have been loving You and Me Forever by Francis Chan. Highly recommend this book! This time has been a blessing for our marriage as we’ve supported each other in the many emotions that have come in waiting. With my mom here, we’ve been able to talk more and prepare for baby. That is such a gift. Also new: we released the Write The Word journals (so excited about them!), new desk cards, and revealed the 2016 PowerSheets options. Read all about them here.
What’s ahead: Well, at some point in the next 72 hours, I will, Lord willing, have a baby. If he doesn’t come on his own by tomorrow morning at 8am, the docs want to induce me because my fluid is getting a little low. I am already 4cm though, so I pray he comes on his own before then! It’s all in the Lord’s hands.
July PowerSheets Goals updates:
- Soak in the Word – Yes! In this time of waiting I have definitely been soaking in the Word and it has sustained me and changed me. I am so grateful!
- Transition to maternity leave – Yes!
- Love Ari and Grace well – Yes. Having this extra unexpected time with just the three of us has been a huge blessing.
- Pray, surrender, listen – I didn’t know how much I would have to do this when I first wrote these goals for July, but this has been the biggest one. I have leaned into this and found peace in the very hard moments of waiting and uncertainty.
- Listen and lead well through an encouraging last Bible Bunch before baby – Yes, the July Bible Bunch was so wonderful!
- Love our family group + friends well before baby – Yes, and I’ve gotten such sweet “extra” time to be with them before baby.
- Release the Write the Word journal series – Yes! And I have been LOVING my own journal the last two weeks. I’m so grateful that y’all are as excited as I am about the Write The Word journals!
- Pray about labor + post-partum – Well, this is an answered prayer. Before this time of waiting for baby, I was plain scared of labor. Now, I crave it. More than I can express. I can’t wait! God sure knows what He is doing in changing our hearts!
I love this photo that Grace took with Emily’s camera! : )
August PowerSheets Goals:
- Have a baby : )
- Glorify God in it all
- Pray over and decide about Gracie’s school plan. I’ve been praying often about whether or not to keep Grace in pre-school for this fall or go ahead and move to homeschool. Still praying!
Weekly goals:
- Continue to encourage others and build them up spiritually, even when baby comes
- “Praise Him in the sanctuary!” The artist who sings this song escapes me right now, but I love it. The goal: be with God and praise Him in all things!
Daily goals:
- Prayer—deep prayer
- Write The Word
- Read and soak in the Word
- Love Grace and Ari well
If you are in a season of waiting–for whatever it may be–I’m with you today and praying for you now. Maybe this challenging time or place is meant for your good. Maybe this season of waiting is really a season of preparation, getting you ready for something better. Something you never expected. : )
“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” Psalm 130:5
keep reading
I love the photo of Grace sitting and holding your tummy. 🙂 Beautiful! Hang in there!
Lara- I’m praying for you right now, that you continue to rest in His peace, for your labor, for the days following your little one’s arrival. Thank you for all of the encouragement and truth that you pour out throughout each step of your journey. It speaks to me so much, especially right now as I navigate a difficult-to-trust season. May His peace continue to pour over you.
Honestly – I’d keep Grace in pre-school for a while. You might love the extra time with just two kids and she might crave time away from them. You can always switch later if it doesn’t work for your new family set-up.
Praying for you friend! Clinging to Him is the best place to be 🙂
This is one of your best blogs! Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed the honesty!
Sent encouraging words to my girls bible study group today. Want to “Make it happen” this year. Love this encouragement
I am so excited for setting goals in 2016 & making a positive change!