Welcome to 2019 Goal Setting, Part 3 (go visit Part 1 and Part 2 before you dig in here or move on to Part 4 and Part 5)!
Note: We are so grateful that ALL of our 2019 One-year PowerSheets are SOLD OUT. But, good news! You can get started at any time with Six-Month Undated PowerSheets (available NOW), which include the same Prep Work as the One-Year Goal Planners! New to the party? Head to the Cultivate Shop or say hello – we’re so glad you’re here!
Oooooh, this is getting good! We have some fun things to do together today. Ready?
As we talked about in Part 1, we’re doing this goal-setting thing differently. We’re not choosing goals out of thin air, or because of comparison. We’re not doing fleeting resolutions or quick fixes that don’t fix anything at all.
Right, friends?! I’m so glad you’re with me on this!
You see, what most of the world misses is that our goals are already there.
Deep below the surface, where the fiery good stuff lives.
It’s just a matter of peeling back the layers of fear and all the things to get to them.
I’m so excited for you today!
At our shoot for the 2019 collection! Treasured Cultivate friends and REAL LIFE PowerSheets® users.
If you are just joining us, you aren’t late for this party! Here’s Part 1 and Part 2, for your reading (or listening!) pleasure.
STEP 7: What are you going to need to say YES to more often in order to cultivate what matters in 2019, and what are you saying NO to?
Saying no to one thing means you are saying yes to something better!
Write your list of what you are saying YES to in 2019 and what you are saying NO to. There are no wrong answers here, friends. Look back through everything you’ve written through this series so far, and making your lists will be easy!
Here’s a peek at what I’m saying yes and no to from my PowerSheets…
These lists are so important! When we say yes and no, we are making decisions. Download my free Intentional Year List printable below (instant download)!
You may find some of your 2019 goals coming to the surface in these lists—they serve to summarize where you’re going and where you DON’T want to go in the year ahead.
STEP 8: Here’s where the magic starts to happen! Read over all you’ve written so far and circle, mark, or sticker things that stand out to you. Look for common threads or themes in what you’ve written. Add to what you’ve written, if needed. Get out a highlighter or a big bold pen and get messy here! Dig through what you’ve written so far, and notice the threads.
(Side note: lots of you have asked what pens and highlighters we love. I use these, these, and these. I also use our Goal Setting Stickerbook—my favorite!)
This step took me a good 25 minutes, FYI. I went back and read every word I wrote in my PowerSheets prep and highlighted, circled, and stickered things that stood out—things that really mattered to me and things that kept coming up.
The threads point to places that are craving cultivation—patches of your life that are waiting to be transformed.
The threads are little golden strings that tie your goals together.
The threads are your goals in the making.
Let’s do some treasure hunting and find them!
What themes are you seeing in what you’ve written so far? Maybe you’re looking at the threads and wondering if you’re missing something. Maybe the themes you are seeing don’t feel “groundbreaking.”
If that’s you, I hope what I’m about to say sinks in deep: goals don’t have to be shiny and “big” to be powerful. What they need to be, though, is real. Connected to the big picture. Authentic to you and your unique path, right where you are.
Maybe you keep thinking about wanting a better system for the paperwork that piles up in your house.
Maybe thoughts of sitting down together at the dinner table as a family a few nights a week keep coming to mind.
Maybe you want to get to know your neighbors.
Or maybe you want to spend more time outside.
Is reading more on your list of things you are saying yes to in 2019?
How about being present and turning the phone off at 9 pm?
These things are important—just as important as starting a new business or running a marathon. Why? Let’s look a level deeper and start to uncover some big picture, cultivated goals that are right below the surface…
Our 7-year peach saga was the sweetest reminder of His faithfulness! I have learned many lessons in the garden, but the greatest is trust. Keep going. Keep tending. Keep trusting.
Taking care of paperwork frees your brain up to focus on more important things, and clutter-free surfaces leave you ready for dinner prep or craft projects.
Dinner together strengthens your family’s bond and gives you a conversation opportunity with your kiddos.
Knowing your neighbors could be a great local support system (and of course, they’re good for the odd cup of sugar, too!).
Getting outside for fresh air and a quick walk may help give you space and perspective to tackle challenges and make meaningful decisions.
Reading more may open your understanding of people’s stories, helping you to grow in compassion.
And being present and turning the phone off at 9 pm will most likely give you a greater connection with your loved ones and better sleep, which makes everything better!
Now is the time to get your 2019 PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner! You’ll get 15% off with the code BESTYEAR2019!
Cultivated goals are about growing what you’ve been given well—what you already have.
Those themes that keep popping up? The things on your yes/no list that you can’t get out of your mind?
These little threads are illuminating your path forward. Notice them. Mark them. And take a shovel and dig into them.
This is cultivating.
Tilling your growing ground, digging in deep, and preparing for new growth.
STEP 9: Pick a word for 2019. When you look at all you’ve written so far, what word keeps popping up in your mind? What one word most resonates with you for the year ahead, summarizing what you want to focus on?
Here are some tips to help you uncover your word:
First, I like to make a list of a few possible words that resonate with me, even if I think they aren’t exactly right.
My list for 2019 included:
- Slow
- Discern – a suggestion from Ari – ask close friends and loved ones, if that helps you!
- Selective
- Cultivate – big surprise, no? 😉
- and Heart
My 2019 Word of the Year?
I didn’t think I would ever choose this as a Word of the Year, but that’s the beauty of this process! Taking time to go through the PowerSheets process and write to you here, search scripture, and pray about where the Lord wants me to go in 2019, helped me see it clearly. Taking time to cultivate my goals slowly and intentionally, I peeled back the layers and found the unexpected.
You’re about to, too!
How did I confidently decide on Heart? I looked through all I had written in my PowerSheets, I marked the threads – or themes, and then I got out the dictionary! Make your list of possibilities and then look at the definition of each word, its origin, and any synonyms and antonyms. I love using BlueLetterBible.org to look up the Greek, Hebrew, and related verses, too. You may be amazed at what you discover!
Heart kept coming up for me, resonating with me, and summarizing all I need to focus on in 2019.
Have some ideas about your word, but worried you’ll choose the wrong one?? Take the pressure off! Think about this as a word for the season ahead, not for all of time. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you have permission to change your mind later on! (In the PowerSheets, you’ll do a goal refresh every three months because, as we grow and change, our goals do too—no pressure needed!)
Repeat after me: it doesn’t have to be perfect. DONE is better than perfect!
Once you have your word, I’d love for you to share it here in the comments. Give a virtual high five to those who might have the same word as you—we are bound to have some shared words!
Now, do something with your word.
Write your 2019 word in prominent places in your life. On days you feel overwhelmed or need some direction, your word will help remind you of where you are going. This will help keep you from getting distracted and off track. Put your word on a sticky note in your car. Put it on a note literally inside of your fridge (I’ve done that!). Make it your computer desktop or phone lock screen. Write it anywhere and everywhere to remind yourself of where you are going!
You can even download one of our hand-lettered iPhone wallpapers! (Casey, our Art Director, is so talented, isn’t she!?)
How fun, right?! (Share this with your friends so they can be reminded of their words, too!)
A fun bonus step that has consistently helped me stay focused on my word of the year and my goals: make a 2019 playlist or choose a 2019 song to kick off the year! Listen in to my 2019 playlist here. I’d love to hear what your 2019 song is, if you have one!
Your turn! Today’s Goal Uncovering Steps:
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
And your optional bonus step: choose a song for 2019!
Whew, this was fun! I love doing this work with you, and I’ll be back on Friday for Part 4. Till then, I’m launching a podcast tomorrow on my 39th birthday. Ahhhhh!!!!
Need some extra motivation? The Ultimate New Year’s Giveaway is on! I hope this gives you a little extra encouragement to share your answers as we go through this series. One person who comments with answers to every step in this series will win a bonus prize: one of everything from the Cultivate What Matters® Shop! Yes!!! This includes 2019 PowerSheets, the new Celebrations Binder, a Goal-Setting Sticker Book, your choice of Make it Happen zipper pouch, my books, and so much more! There are 35 prizes, so that means 35 of you are going to win one of these prizes—it could be YOU. (Including international friends!)
A big thank you to everyone who entered! What a joy it was to hear your responses and get to chat with you in the comments! Congratulations to our winners below! If you’re a winner, fill out this form to collect your prize within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected!
— 10 sets of 2019 PowerSheets to help 10 of you cultivate your BEST year yet! —Mary Conti, Emily Yost, Amy Wing, Jen Martinez, Brittany Garrett, Chelsea Pirtle, Mariah Meade, Kimberly Boyd, Tonya Kappes, Amber Corey
— A Goal Guide Bundle to help you dig deeper on your specific goals. — Jaimie Tollers
— Five signed copies of Cultivate. —Lisa McMahon, Patrice Pierce Thornton, Steph Conklin, Bonnie Johnson, Kristin Vlasak,
— Five signed copies of Make It Happen. —Michele Lanning, Mariela Capellan, Amy Bain, Stephanie Canete, Amanda Applegate,
— One Write the Word All Seasons Collection to help you cultivate fresh faith all year long. —Becki Sue
— A gift card (YES!) for a massage to kick off your year refreshed! —Ashley Bossong
— A Balanced Life membership – get moving and motivated with a year of at-home pilates! —Heather Renee
— A Floret Flowers puzzle (it’s double-sided and so much fun!) —Leah Meadows
—A Revelation Wellness membership with a ‘Wellness Kickoff Package” to cultivate your health in the New Year. —Elizabeth Hiney
— One Artifact Uprising album to document the people and experiences that matters most to you. —Natalie Gessell
— An Emily Ley Simplified Planner to keep your schedule organized in the new year. —Amanda Burley
— Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course—a life-changing experience to help you pursue financial freedom. —Cindy Booth Carlson
— One Val Marie Paper Yearly Prayer Journal. I’ll be using one this year, too! —Michelle McQueen
— A Hello Fresh boxto keep you fueled with good food. —Kate Mariani
— One Art Bar canvas (up to $150 value) to brighten your walls. —Gina Abatiello
— A Fitbit to help you celebrate your literal steps forward. —Evangelina Cantu
— An Amazon Alexa to keep you dancing. —Rachel Whorley
And the bonus prize for one of you who comments on all 5 posts in this series: a ONE OF EVERYTHING Bundle from the Cultivate Shop! —Katie Ledvina
SHARE THIS SERIES WITH YOUR PEOPLE. Don’t keep all this goodness to yourself! I’d be so grateful if you spread the word about this free series. Email this kick-off post to your friends, tweet it, ‘gram it (here are lots of shareable graphics for you to make it easy!), text it—sing it to the rooftops! Let’s get all our friends in on this so they can feel as refreshed and clear about 2019 as we will. Here’s to our best year yet together—starting now!
Giveaway ends January 30th. Winners will be announced on February 1st here on the blog. Hard goods are for US entrants only. If you don’t claim your prize within 48 hours, another winner will be selected, so mark your planners and stay posted! 🙂 This post contains affiliate links.
P.S. There is nothing magical about January 1st, so pick up your PowerSheets and get started now! P.P.S. If you’re not sure which cover fits your personality most, take the goal-setting personality quiz!
keep reading
My word this year is Integrity. As an Obliger, I have learned that I take the expectations and wishes of others far more seriously than my own. The commitments I make to myself get the last bits if my attention and focus. This year I want to work on taking myself seriously. On giving my own goals the same priority I give to the goals of others.
What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
I’m saying yes to obedience, prioritization, great time management, great health, diligence, personal development, financial independence; spend more quality time with the family, assertiveness and confidence.
I’m saying no complacency, people pleasing, time wasting, overspending, and information overload.What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
Maturity. Family. Personal Development. LegacyWhat is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
Perseverance! -
My word is “Mindful”. I kept thinking of the word “stewardship”, but that just doesn’t sound as pretty. I want to be mindful about how I spend my time, treasure, and talent. I want to nurture the important things this year!
“Arise” is my word for 2019. Overflow was my 2018 word.
My word is REFOCUS!! All about getting back to the heart of my business!
My word for the year is Adventure. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do!
My word is Purpose because I want to live on purpose for His purpose this year. With the help of Power Sheets of course!
Elevate! I have been doing so much growing, healing and work on myself these past few years that 2019 is my year to ELEVATE my relationships, my businesses, my faith and my part in this world. I’m so ready for the next level and feel so dang PUMPED 💛
My word is Confidence. Confidence in God! Confidence in myself because of God!
My word of the year? COURAGE! I realized that, after my word of the year for 2018 being Trust, that if I really trust God and His promises and Goodness, then I will be BRAVE and I will do the things that God wants me to do! So this year, I have to step into that and have COURAGE that God is with me and He wants me to do the big things! He’s not going to let me down!
My word is Care. Had a rough 2018 so in 2019 I’m hopeful that I’ll do more to take care of myself and those around me. I’m hoping to create space to care for the things that matter to me – causes, people, things, all of it. Care.
My word of the year is SELF-CARE.
I always care for everything but my own self, and I refuse to do it anymore! I’m going on 41 and I need to get healthy so I can be there for my small children. I will make the changes this yr! -
My word for 2019 is rest. Rest in the love & grace of God instead of trying to earn salvation. Rest in the security that I’m loved and don’t have to earn the approval of others. Developing systems for my home & family that will allow me to mentally , emotionally, spiritually, and physically rest instead of just collapsing in exhaustion. 2018 was rooted… rooted in God’s love allows me to rest in it. Rooted in my community allows me to rest when friends stop by because we’ve moved past surface relationships and can stop striving to look perfect cause they know I’m not! Excited for this year!
My word of the year is SURRENDER!
Losing control is not something i do well but I want to work more on giving it all over, knowing that God has bigger and better plans than I could even imagine . -
My word of the year is Savor. I chose this because I want to soak up, remember, life in the moment of. Being a new mom. Haveing given birth to my son just three weeks ago has shown me just how fast time flys. And I don’t want to miss a second of his life out our life as a family of three. So I want to say no to more and Savor all the blessings Gods given is for this new year.
This was on my list, too! I have a one year old and feel really relate with what you’ve written. I’m thinking of “rejoice.”
7. This year I am saying yes to structure, to purposeful rhythms and rest in our home life and my spiritual life. We have two precious little girls, we’re homeschooling – I need to say yes to just plain leaning into this season!
And I’m saying no to comparison, to “ought to’s”, to excuses and to my internal need to constantly justify our family’s choices.8. A major theme/thread I’ve noticed is that meaningful encounters matter most to me – with my girls, with my husband, in friendships, in my faith. Another is that I crave consistency even while I resist routine! I stay home with our girls and I LOVE our freedom, but I need to embrace daily rhythms in my spiritual walk, in our homeschool life, in our family’s nutrition, and in my physical care.
9. My word for 2019 is Attend. It feels really anti-climatic for me, so I tried to think of a more exciting word, haha. But when I looked attend up in the dictionary I found phrases like “to take care of”, “be present at”, “devote one’s service to”, and “to bend or notice”. So it really does capture what I’m feeling called to this year.
Optional bonus step: my song for the year is Glorious by Macklemore – I can’t help it, it pumps me up! 😀
Hi Emily! I just wanted to encourage you that I also LOVE my freedom (we homeschool with three kiddos and my husband is a pilot in the AF so the only that that is the same is that something is always changing!) but I also crave consistency and I have one child (my middle, boy, who is 3, almost 4) is a my scheduled, rules kid. And I’m learning how peaceful schedule and routine can be. I highly recommend “Managers of Their Homes” for help with scheduling It’s changed my life and when we follow it, life is so peaceful!
Oh thank you, Ashley! That’s so kind of you to share your experience. I will definitely check out that book 🙌🏻
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019? Yes to progress. No to perfection.
8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? I give up when I try to be perfect because I just can’t meet perfection.
9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear! Progress. -
Brave is my 2019 word of the year!!
My word for 2019 is Rebuild. I chose this word with help from my friend who also introduced me to Powersheets. I was stuck on the word Restore for sometime and finally landed on Rebuild as I felt like I needed to rebuild my relationships with God and loved ones, rebuild my career and rebuild my health after neglecting myself for so long. To me, Rebuild sounds like a slow, steady step by step process that Restore , which is exactly what I hope my Powersheets goals will help me achieve this year.
– Choosing fear over faith
– Just surviving
-feeling like it has to be perfectWHAT AM I SAYING YES TO IN 2019:
– Celebrating MORE
– Laughing even MORE
– My faith
– Home (the relationships)
– Home (the environment)
Abundant – plentiful; fully sufficient; overflowing
I prayed and prayed and this is what God told me he wants for me – to see His abundance.
John 10:10 KJV
Exodus 34:6BONUS:
Joy by for King & Country -
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
A few of what I am saying yes to:
– peaceful parenting
– meal planning
– Praying!!!
– choosing joy
– staying connected
– choosing gratitude
– spending money on our health
– strengthening my bodyA few of what I’m saying no to:
– caffeine
– binge watching tv or movies
– disconnecting to life
– putting off what needs to be done
– survival mode
– yelling
– numbing myself with food and entertainment8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
– My health: when I take care of it, so many other things thrive
– I need to connect and engage with family and my community
– Making habits will save brain space and energy for the most important: God and relationships
– Many of these small things I need to work on and practice will leave me room to do the bigger things we hope to do this year like adopt and start a nonprofit.9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
Engage – to expose to risk for the attainment or support of some end. -
This year I am
Saying yes to:
-kitchen dance parties
-seing the good in my kids and husband
-be ruthless in what I choose to bring into my home
– be purposefully with our finances
-more water
-more nature
-stepping into my fearsI am saying no to:
-checking my phone first thing in the morning
-prioritizong it hers before my family
-draining my emotional tank
– I would like to prioritize my free time. I want to focus my free time in activities that will nursing me, instead of activities that offer only immediate rewards (shopping or scrolling social media) but will leave me empty.
-I want to be purposeful in the way that I spend and save my money. I want to buy less things, downsize my possessions, to free up time and mental space.My word of the year is Purpose. I want to spend my days with purpose. I want to remember that I always have a choice. I want my choices to have a positive impact in my life.
I love the kitchen dance parties!!!!!!!
Im leaning towards EMBRACE. 2019 holds a lot of big changes for us, many of which I am not keen on accepting. I’m hoping that if I embrace the changes, I will feel less uprooted.
My word for 2019 is ENOUGH. I have enough, I am enough, I have accepted enough. This reinforces so many things for me, especially contentment!
I began to ponder my word of the year when I first received my PowerSheets. #overthinker When I finally made it to taht portion of the journal, it was very clear that my word was Intentional. I have been in cruise for the last four years afraid to commit, to be vulnerable, to dream. This last year I could feel the core-me begin to awaken. I am the girl who dreams idealistic dreams and have a burning to change the world. But I have to return to living intentionally. Thank you for the spark!
7. What am I saying YES to:
-study time
-intentional eating and spending
-purpose and growth
-loving my family
-following my Savior8: What threads am I seeing?
I saw threads about fear stopping me. I saw threads about finding more focus—being intentional. I saw lots of threads about growth.9. Word for 2019:
YIELD. That’s the word! I love it also because it has two meanings so I get a two-for-one: To submit and To produce. In order to see a yield, I need to yield. Amen!
I’m saying no to social media before bed; to thinking “I’ll just do it in the morning;” to impulse spending and casually ignoring our budget; to not drinking enough water; to an overcommitted schedule. I’m saying yes to intentionality with a daily and weekly prep list; to thinking “I can’t take this to heaven with me;” to practicing regular gratitude; to naming concerns/worries/anxieties for what they are, and taking a first step forward to do something about them.
I’m seeing themes of preparation, routine, simplification, unprocrastinating (what’s the word for the opposite of procrastination? Hah!). Themes of doing something – of action!
My word for 2019 is action – which I thought was a weird word to choose. Turns out, I might not be the only one! I was so surprised to find that Casey had that word included in her downloadable wallpapers. I’m so glad I’ve got others that have chosen that word as well! I kept seeing things of just doing something – small things, big things – just anything. When I get stressed or worried I tend to shut down as a self-defense mechanism. I want the word “action” to be my reminder – when I get bogged down – to just do one thing. Start with one thing. Take action!
Chisel is my word! I typically want to come in and crush my goals from the start. Chisel is my reminder that I’m chipping away at the goals, they do not have to be accomplished immediately. Progress, not perfection! The chisel was also one of the first tools humans used, this resonated with me.
7. What am I saying “Yes” to? Time spent in Solitude and Silence with God – establishing Rhythms in my work/life balance, a spiritual “Rule of Life” – planning regular time for retreating and resting – prioritizing my health.
What am I saying “No” to? Committing to things out of guilt, fear, or obligation – over-filling my schedule – giving my time/energy to others when there isn’t any left to give – scrolling on social media – distractions.8. What threads am I seeing? Wow, a lot about rest and setting parameters on my time! This is something I’ve been slowly growing in, but want to be more intentional about.
9. What’s my word? For now, it seems to be “Stillness.” I’ll “try it on” over the next couple of weeks and see what comes up!
Bonus : Song! “Breathe” by Sixpence none the richer used to be one of my favorite songs. It seems like an appropriate song for the season. 🙂
Also, Happy Birthday Lara! And congratulations on the new podcast!
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019? // I’m saying yes to diving deeper into God’s word! Growing my relationships with friends, family, and my spouse… I’m saying yes to loving them well. I’m saying no to DISTRACTIONS, anger, and offense.
8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? // I noticed that I have a deep desire to serve my family and thrive in my relationship with the Lord. I crave to live a fruitful life, focused on what matters most. <3
9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear! // Fruitful! The definition really sealed the deal, "producing good results…. [and] producing an abundant growth." <3
And your optional bonus step: choose a song for 2019! // This was super hard. I'll just be honest, my mind went completely blank. Haha! Looking through some of my Spotfiy I remembered! Confident by Steffany Gretzinger has been on constant repeat. <3
7. I’m saying YES to continuing–even after failure. To time with Jesus and time with my husband, and to inviting friends over–even when the house is messy. I’m saying no to compromising on things that matter and to fighting about the things that don’t. I’m saying no to yet another book club/Bible study/group meeting (I have enough already planned!) and to putting off my time with the Lord.
8. The threads I’m seeing are hospitality and time. More time in the moment…less go-go-go.
9. My word is HOSPITALITY! I’m really digging into Romans 12:9-21 and 1 Peter 4:7-11 this year.
Also, I’m LOVING the podcast!! So excited to add it to my list this year. Episode one was fantastic, and I’ll probably listen to the next two before the day is done. Thank you for sharing it!
Kinsey, great word choice, that’s my word of the year: hospitality
My word of the year is stewardship and my phrase is stewardship is worship. I want to be found faithful in the everyday with my time, talents, finances, opportunities, gifts, etc. I look forward to be intentional as I homeschool our boys. And I’m really excited to look at your cultivated homeschool printable! Thank you for making that a free printable!!
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
I’m saying yes to Fervent prayer, being more than my disease, being organized, clean consistent and faithful so that I can be free to love my people well.8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
The biggest one has been a lack of consistency!!! I change things so quickly that I lose what matters. It’s been staring at me like a sore thumb the whole time I’ve been working through this. But also, really wanting to growing in relationships and listening to people – cause it’s hard to love well without first listening well.9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
CONSISTENCY! Being consistent is a huge struggle of mine, and make me feel trapped. I looked up other definitions and fell in love:“agreement or harmony of parts or features to one another – correspondence,” of which another definition is what I’m desiring in prayer and relationships!
“harmony of conduct or practice with profession/confession”
“firmness of constitution or character – persistency” -
My word for 2019 is Wellness – the focus of “wellness” may change each quarter – but to start with it is Physical Wellness…
Step 7:
I am saying no to
– worry
– fear
– believing in lies
– wasting valuable time
– over & under committing
I am saying yes to
– strength
– self confidence
– rest
– success
– quality time with important people
– becoming great outside of my boxStep 8:
My main threads had to do with my health, my spiritual life, and my marriage.Step 9:
My word of the year is: Change! -
I think I am doing something different for this year, as lots of changes will be heading my way, and doing a word for each season (goal refresh). Nervous about what this will look like for the year overall but I think it will help me to better focus on my goals that all seem to be split into different parts of the year for accomplishing them! first word? Cultivate- a word I never thought would be one of my “words” but very much showed up in my threads as I begin 2019
-I’m saying no to trying to please others
no to drawing inward when feeling insecure
no to waiting for things to happen
no to accepting things won’t change
-I’m saying yes to stepping out of my comfort zone to help others.
yes to doing what I feel passionate about
yes to expecting moreMain Threads
health, spiritual, relationshipsWord for the Year
It is Well by Kristene DiMarco -
I am saying no to:
Caring too much what others think
Negative self-talk
WorryingI am saying yes to:
My health
SilenceThreads: Health, marriage, tending to my Mom and brother, growing in faith
My word of the year is BOLD. I am sometimes so worried and overthinking that it holds me back so this year I am going to dream big and live bold. I won’t be afraid of failure but I will dance when I accomplish something step by step. I will boldly step out in faith and do what God wants me to do.
My word of the year for 2019 is consistent!
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
I’m saying no to…
– saying “yes” to everything
– fear of missing out
– people-pleasing
– burying my feelings
– busyness
– comparison
– finding my identity in my achievementsI’m saying yes to…
– being still & being loved
– rest & self care
– friendship & community
– creating
– healthy social media boundaries
– joy & laughter & play
– finding my identity in Jesus8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
Relationships – this is a big thing I see over and over that I want to cultivate. My relationship with God, my husband, my kids, my friends, my neighbours, people in my community, and those God brings me to mentor & disciple.9. What is your word for 2019?
Beloved. I am His BE-loved NOT His DO-loved. I am desirable and worthy of love because of who I am and not what I do. -
My word for 2019: JOY
The joy of the Lord is my strength! -
My word is REMEMBER. My goals this year will reflect my desire to remember: who I am, the Gospel, the character of God, the work of God around me…
Hi Brittany! I too selected the word “remember” for this next season! ” I love what’s motivating your goals 🙂 “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” Psalm 77:11
I’ve never set a word for my year before and loved working my way through this, and the previous 2 parts. I found you at the right time in my life and am grateful to have been brought to you.
My word for the year is GROW. For me, it means growth in many areas. To grow my businesses, of course, but to grow into the woman I am meant to be, to grow relationships with loved ones, to grow my learning and knowledge and finally, to grow my faith. A year ago, that last part was not something I’d ever imagine being on my radar, but this year, I want to grow my faith and go deeper into it.
A huge amount of change and growth happened in 2018. In 2019, I want the growth to continue. And thank you for the reminder in the podcast that it’s OK to grow slow.
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019? YES to family time, healthy eating, joy, perseverance. NO to excessive time on social media and watching tv, comparison, and worry.
8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? My threads are focusing around being purposeful in my relationships, becoming healthy so I can be around for my family, and family legacy.
9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear! I can’t settle on one yet, I’m thinking along the lines of habit or discipline, or grit.
I’m saying YES to gratitude, contentment, being present, connectedness, more snuggles, and listening first.
I’m saying NO to more, indecision, negativity, and the snooze button.
My word for 2019 is ROOM. In the Letting Go section of my Powersheets, I listed what I needed to let go of, and following it just felt right to say what that thing will make room for in its place. It was a thread that kept popping up — making room for God to speak, making room in my calendar, making room for stillness, making room for connection. It’s very unconventional for me, but I can’t shake it.
My word for 2019 is meaningful. I am saying no to anything that does not add positive meaning to my life. 2018 was spent in a fog, my father in law passed in February, my husband spent two months in the hospital, is still working on his recovery. I lost my dog of 16 years while said husband was still in the hospital. I’ve had to practice the idea of letting go and letting God really hard this year. Just really reminded me that life is super short and I don’t want to waste in on things that aren’t meaningful.
I chose “cultivate” as my 2019 word of the year. I want to begin to cultivate an atmosphere of joy and peace in my home this year. We have had a few very rough years homeschooling and I really want to focus on growth in that area.
I’ve decided that my word for this year is going to be grow. I love how you say that it’s ok to grow slow, and it truly is and I know so many times we want things changed overnight. So, I’m going to focus on growing in my spiritual life through intentional time with God, grow in my business through more focused work hours and systems, grow my healthy habits of eating and continuing to make exercise a priority and to grow and deepen my family roots through intentional time with my husband and kids.
Sounds overwhelming, but a little small focused change at a time…
My word is “hope”, and I am terrified and excited to pursue it ferociously in 2019. It’s been a rough year, and the Lord has dared me to hope – it is the bravest thing I can do right now.
I am saying no to:
– Caring about the majority opinion
– Trying to control
– Independence
– Avoiding my pain
– Isolation
– ProcrastinationI am saying yes to:
– Asking for help
– Dependence on God
– Facing my pain head on, with God right by my side.
– Community
– Intentionality
– Rest -
7) In 2019 I’m saying YES to purposeful rest (Sabbath), earlier bedtimes, more outside time, less distraction, more reading and time in the Word, nurturing imagination and wonder in my kiddos. I’m saying NO to staying up too late, mindless/distracted scrolling on IG, spending casually, and clutter on the counters!
8) The threads I am seeing are growing my faith, quality time with my family, a decluttered (and therefore less stressful) environment, health, and habits.
9) I thought my word of the year was going to be “habits,” because I am realizing that a lot of what I want to change has to do with habits…but I also want to invest and grow in my time with the Lord (His Word, prayer), and grow love for truth and beauty in my kiddos. So…I think my word of the the year will be “Cultivate,” since at the heart of these things, I am wanting to prepare, grow, and improve in these areas. 🙂 I want to cultivate habits, rest, intentional use of my time…I’m excited! 🙂
– What am I saying yes and no to?
I am saying yes to spending more intentional time with my husband, family and friends. I am saying no to wasted time on social media and over commiting.
– Common threads?
I kept seeing a common theme of investing intentional time.
– My word of the year!
TIME. It’s super basic…but I really want to invest my time well in 2019. -
Step 7: I am saying YES to my Family, to my Home and to my Health And a BIG YES to learning new ways through the PowersSheets process- little by little growing towards what really matters to me.
I am saying No to toxic relationships, to old ineffective ways of doing things, And NO to going through life by accident and overwhelmed.Step 8: My threads are very simple ones: my health, my relationship with the Lord, decluttering and simplifying in order to spend time doing what’s important to me- taking care of my family, cooking healthy meals, keeping up with my laundry and keeping my home clean and functional to serve our needs comfortably.
Step 9: My word is Trust- trust in the Lord, trust in His Plan for me and for my family, trust in the process am on, trust in my body’s ability to heal. The words that support TRUST in 2019, are Courage and Hope.-
ps My song is Proverbs 3: 5-6
Proverbs 3:5-65 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
7. No to fear in all shapes and forms.
8. Relationships and quality time, creativity, focus, long-term perspective.
9. Focus – developing a sharp and clear outlook on life.
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
I am saying yes to:
-health (more fruits and vegetables, more home-cooked meals, exercise)
-relationship with God (creating a prayer notebook, meditating on Scripture)
-intentional relationships with others at work and home
-setting healthy boundaries with technology
I’m saying no to:
-too much input with too little application
-giving fear a foothold
8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
I am discovering the thread of intentionally planning priorities and completing them as soon as possible in a day, to be proactive rather than reactive. I am seeing the thread of the importance of guilt-free rest for both me and my husband. I’m seeing the thread of working healthier food into our diets which will mean intentional changes in my schedule to work in cooking and to learn how to cook better as well as with healthier options. I’m seeing a thread of setting boundaries with technology so that it doesn’t interfere with priorities.
9. What is your word for 2019? My word for 2019 is intentional. I am using your planner as well as a Panda planner (for specific breakdown of goals/to-do each day) to make sure that I plan in my priorities and do them as soon as possible! I want to be intentional to say yes to priorities and to say no to things that appear to be urgent, but are not connected to my values. I can’t wait to get started!!Optional bonus step: My song for 2019 is “Signs and Wonders” by Lute & Lyre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy5YLm9Tl7k. It is a calming, stunningly beautiful rendition of Jesus’ birth and how it opened the door for signs and wonders to begin. It’s a reminder that HE is the one who has come for us and the HE is with us, and that HE will accomplish his will through us.
A month or so ago I thought my word for 2019 was going to be Savor, but after these exercises I have come to the word Faithful. I want to be faith-full and faithful to the roles and commitments God has called me to.
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
-Yes: God-given confidence, letting go, head down to do my work, listening to & trusting my body, rest & nature, playing, family, reading, UNCERTAINTY, writing, roots.
-No: self-doubt, control, comparison, ignoring, idleness, distraction, avoidance, PERFECTION8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
– Fullness. It’s what’s running through this whole prep and was the key ingredient in a 5 year vision meditation I did. But full of the right things, and finding my own fullness. It’s filling our lives with the right things. It’s why my word is….9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
… SUSTENANCE. I’m going to use this to gauge all my priorities and things that come up. If it doesn’t give me/my family spiritual, emotional, or physical sustenance, it isn’t getting done (this year). Part of this is due to large changes coming our way but it feels so so right for this year! -
7. Say yes to…time with family, being authentic, seeing the best in others, slowing down, simplifying, reading more. Saying no to…projects that take too much time from family, feeling like I have to have/look like (fill in the blank), too much stuff, conversations that bring others down (gossip), being easily offended, talking too much, making assumptions, worrying about what others think, mindless scrolling
8. Threads…less, simplify, challenge, finish, host, celebrate, routine
Step 7- What am I saying “no” to? Feeling pressured to do, doing things I feel others expect me to do, trying to control others emotions, living out of fear, criticizing
What am I saying “yes” to? Listening to God and others, reflecting, discerning, my daughters request to have others over, involving the kids in cooking, praying, our home, our children, praying
Step 8 – What threads/themes are you seeing? Embracing others, grace, listening, opening my home, stepping out in faith, letting go of control over others, outcomes, and old stuff, discipline and discerning
Step 9 – Word of the year? I want to have 2 to really captivate my desire for the year:
Grace Embracing -
I am saying yes to God’s word, exploring meaningful rest, connecting (while saying no to neglecting), joy, imperfect learning/growth, songwriting, adventure, and humility. I am then saying no to comparison, fear, too much TV, taking on too much, perfection, unhealthy eating habits, and selfishness.
As I look over my notes, I’m noticing threads of fear. I’m noticing that I need to take active steps to tackle this fear, and some of the other threads I’m noticing are already beginning to tend to it. Threads like adventure, cultivating meaningful moments with loved ones, growing spiritually, saying yes to those small next steps and the little (or big) opportunities that God so graciously places in front of me. I’m also seeing multiple threads about creativity, like songwriting, singing, dancing, and producing music.
I’m still pretty in awe of how I came to my word of the year, and not even a full day after picking it, I already have a crazy story to tell with it. But in short, my word is GO. This word is a call to action, and it inspires courage even in spite of fear. “Go” even reminds me that I belong in the Lord, because one of the definitions is “to have a usual or proper place.” For example, “the books go on the top shelf.” (mind blown)
What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
*Joy in parenting
*Date nights
*Intentional focus
*H20 and veggies!
*Asking for help
*Financial freedom
*Flexible work schedulesNO!
*Taking things personally
*Information overload
*Joy-stealing stress
*Control freak tendencies
*Mindless social media scrollingWhat threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
I think the underlying theme for me is healing and restoring. I’ve allowed my mind to wander down some unfair paths lately (to myself and to others close to me), and this next season should be one of renewal and action. I can’t wait to watch PowerSheets have an impact on my whole life.What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
*God – time with Him in prayer and in His word
*Making Memories
*Date Nights
*Planning ahead (but not too far ahead LOL)
*Working ahead
*Doing more for foster care
*Simplified Planner
*Being intentional
*Being prepared
*Time for myself
*Having people over
*Social media
*Wasted time
*Pride (that I have to be the biggest and best)STEP 8:
Threads I am seeing:
forethought, planning ahead; being intentional; preparing; thinking ahead; cherishing family time; celebrating well; prayer; faith; personal dreams/visions; making space; making roomSTEP 9:
PRAYpare (prayer + prepare)Shout out to Lara! I heard her say this on an IG Live and I immediately knew it was my word!!!
STEP 10:
“Do It Again” by Elevation Worship -
Intentional morning God time
Walks outside
Prayer throughout the day
Experimenting with healthy recipes with children
Scripture memory
Dates with hubby
Dates with kidsNo:
Doing too many things at once!!!
Feeling I’m unworthy
Fear8. Being present and delight in my children, husband, friends, students. Being healthy and taking time for me – it’s ok. Pray often and with fervency. Memorize scripture and disciple children well.
9. I am totally stealing your word: HEART! I love being different and doing my own thing, but I was resonating with so much of what you have been saying even down to the neck pain (so not fun!). But my daughter pointed out a little decoration at Target today that she thought I would like. It said, “The best teachers teach from the heart.” And, I feel like that word keeps coming to mind – I want to do everything with heart. There isn’t much purpose in what we are doing here if we don’t have heart.
10. “It’s Your Life” by Francesca Battistelli
Step 7- I am saying yes to purposeful planning and intentional implementation in my teaching, parenting, and marriage. Yes to reading more, confronting my biases, and exercising. I am saying yes to valuing my nutrition, prayer life, and God’s direction in my life. I am saying no to close-mindedness, dread, and negativity. No to disorganization and unnecessary spending. I am saying no to scrolling social media, running late, and snoozing my alarm.
Step 8: Planning and score study- allows me to teach more fully, less stressfully, provides tracking of material and learning, and gets me out of flying by the seat of my pants.
stop scrolling and read more- to open my understanding, deepen my personal and professional development, confront my biases and judgments, and open my mind to others’ stories.
Saving money- to pay for rich experiences for me and my family, to pay for unexpected things, and to pay off the burden of debt.
Grow my relationship with God- to glorify Him, love Him more deeply, hear His direction more often, and hear HIm speaking to me each day.Step 9:PURPOSE
Saying NO to needless stress with DH, trying to catch myself in the act before it escalates; excessive worrying; overreaching myself; letting people run all over me; saying yes to everyone all the time.
Saying YES to more art; more sewing/crocheting/knitting; far more planned rest; more reading; meal planning; indeed, planning meals that meet my ever more complicated dietary requirements; physio at home as well; getting me a cat.
What threads/themes am I discerning?
Definitely a focus on love, patience, grace, with myself, not just others, self-care, rest, achieving much of this through planning and sticking to the plans!Still struggling between Simplify and Cultivate for 2019, may need to take both, feedback is welcome and appreciated.
My song for this coming season is Counting Crows – Accidentally in Love from Shrek 2 soundtrack.
I’m so excited, my word of the year is Intention. As a work from home mama with a toddler, the past few years have felt messy and left my insides feeling the same way. So I’m thrilled to be going into 2019 focused, driven and with purpose!
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
Yes to: quiet, empty calendars; slow and steady days; HEALING; self-care; JOY
No to: busying myself as a way to distract; rushing around; bleeding out from grief; neglecting my spiritual, physical and emotional needs; not trusting the Lord
8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
A desire for reordering my life after a devestating year, a focus on eternal vs. temporary, health in all aspects
9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
REVIVAL: it means “to restore to life; to gain new strength.” After losing my brother this year, this is what I need most. Revival. “Even though you’ve let us sink down with trials and troubles, I know you will REVIVE us again, lifting us up from the dust of death.” -Psalm 71:20 TPT -
7. I’m saying no to being on my phone, overspending, wasting time, a to fill schedule, inaction, being unprepared. Saying yes to routines and rhythms, seeking God first, 1:1 kid time, adventuring
8. The common threads that kept coming up were that I must be connected and seek God first. I need routines and rhythms to help me. Finances kept coming up—and getting outdoors.
9. My word of the year is connected. This word wasn’t even on my radar—but when I went back thru my powersheets it came to me. First and foremost I must be connected to the Lord—then what flows from that is connection to my finances, health and family relationships and rhythms. I’m excited about this!
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
No to fear, yes to God’s protection; No to debt, yes to God’s provision; no to comparison, yes to knowing God completes what He started, no negativity and complaining, yes to God’s joy – just a few of my no’s and yes’.8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
Peace, organization and less clutter, bonding with my family, simplifying finances, true reliance on the Lord, faith I we fear
9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
Securely Anchored.
-I was between secure and anchored. They both resonated but together encapsulate my desire to trust and then step out without fear. It reminds me I am kept and turns my eyes back to God and Hisnprovision rather than me and my ability. I want to rest in that this year. -
I had to come back to this step because my original word ‘Optimism’ didn’t seem to be resignating with me. Every time I looked at it I didn’t feel it clicking with what I wanted. So I retraced my steps and my word basically smacked me in the face as I was looking at all my work. My new word for 2019 is ‘Growth’ and it feels exactly like me. I’m in a huge growing process with a lot of things in my life and slowly I am seeing positive changes.
Happy New Year, Lara!
I’m moving slowly with the Powersheets process this year, but I’m making progress little by little. I enjoyed listening to this post this morning, and I love the word you’ve selected for 2019!A few months ago, God gave me the word MORE (based on Ephesians 3:20). In light of the loss my family has experienced this holiday season, I have been tempted to change my word, but I really believe He gave it to me for a reason, so I’m choosing to hold on to it and trust that He will use it in impactful ways.
Here are the things I’m saying Yes and No to in 2019.
Saying No To:
Negativity (and getting stuck there)
Living from a place/faith of scarcity
Dating from a place of striving/fear/frustration
Doubting God’s goodness
Limiting God
Being glued to my phone
Timelines (both self-imposed and imposed by society; God’s plans are better and higher!)
Missing opportunities from HimWhat I’m Saying Yes To:
Believing where He has me is GOOD and purposeful
Positive thoughts
Living an abundant faith
Dating with hope and TRUST in God
Limiting screen time + social-media-free Sundays
Believing His promises in Ephesians 3:20
Self care
Investing in relationships
Growing stronger every day
Eating healthy/nourishing foods
Scripture daily
BSF studies
Immeasurably MORE in Christ
Daily prayer
Counting the fruit
New adventures
Steps of faith
Making the most of every day-
I forgot to include my “thread.” 🙂
I’m seeing these threads: Knowing, trusting, and believing God MORE; not limiting God; simplifying and removing distractions/disorganization; trusting God with the outcome; growing stronger every day; investing in relationships; taking intentional steps forward with faith; trust rest/sabbath; persevering in hope
Thankful! Less of what I don’t have and more focus on the abundance in my life in time,possessions, home,opportunities, family, and God’s goodness.
Im saying yes to finding my needs in God alone, getting lone and quiet at least once a week, love, dance parties, takes nights and beauty breaks with my kids, date nights and listening. I’m saying no to Perfect, distractions , always being available for anyone, being the source of happiness for my husband , saying yes to everyone who needs a sitter stuff(I don’t need more STUFF!) ,
I’m seeing a thread of love , life giving, home, peace and cultivating.
My word for the year is CULTIVATE. And I couldn’t be more excited to see this come about this year
My word for 2019 is WILLING. From Prov. 51:12, “Restore t me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.” and Prov. 31:13: “She works with willing hands.” I want to spend this year cultivating a willing spirit and willing hands.
My yeses: naps; leaning into the Word; creating space; “selfish” sewing and knitting; designing my bathroom to my liking; planning a wedding(!!!)
My nos: being out of the house all five weekdays; taking positions on boards; filling spaces; remodeling solely for resale value; trying to finish coursework on top of everything else; doing all the devotions I come across!
Step 8: My themes are health (mine and my husband’s); relationships and how fulfilling they were when I focused on them last year; and progression: moving incrementally toward my goals.
Step 9: My One Word for 2019 is space! -
So, I’ve gone back and forth with my word – thinking for awhile it would be “renew.” I wanted a word that embodied more of my specific goals this year and how they will affect me so I decided to go with “bloom!” Not only are my goals renewing and refining but they are also pushing me deep into the soil and growth “blooms” will come from it!
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
YES: Year long Bible Plan in NT, Truth over lies, $0 budget each month, Serving my husband before he goes to work, Meal planning with REAL food, laughing, showers @ night to make morning easier. NO: FB, Phone while with family, Buying extra stuff, Processed food, Controlling emotions, Stress & anxiety, what others think.8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? Giving up control to God, Replacing my plans with His, Abiding in Truth, sticking to foundational routines & habits that work, trust, grace…this year looks like a year I will be digging deep into God’s word to not just know His truth but to apply it to my thinking and actions.
9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
AbideAnd your optional bonus step: choose a song for 2019!
New Wine – Hillsong! -
My word is intention. I want to be more intentional with the time I spend with my family and intentional with how I spend the rest of my time. I’m saying yes to lots of laughter and positivity and no to perfectionism and distractions.
Intentional acceptance!
(let’s see if this works now, it hasn’t the other times I tried)
7. Yes- listening to the Holy Spirit, spending intentional time with my husband and kids, having new adventures, Sabbath, going to bed earlier/waking up earlier, spending time in the Word, slowing down, reading books, learning more about who God created me to be and leaning into that actively, taking care of myself, simplicity
No- seeking comfort for comfort’s sake, overcommitment, comparison, people pleasing, procrastinating, numbing out
8. Threads- family, the gospel, adventure, community, wellness/wholehearted living
9. Word of the year: breathe
I need some clarity: are we *supposed* to be doing this blog series with the powersheets? I don’t think I’ve heard that said specifically so I assumed anyone could move through the goal setting series, but I’m starting to wonder if all of this is meant for the powersheets? I’m arill waiting for mine to be shipped out 😬😬 so i’d hate to have to back and re-write all of my answers in the notebook! 🤦🏽♀️ Thanks for your help and clarification!
My word is intentional.
Live intentional. -
My word is INTENTIONAL. God spoke to me before that 2019 would be an opportunity to begin again and I know that there are different levels to that for me. I think the two things go hand in hand. I’m someone who thinks that if I can’t do it perfectly or thoroughly then it’s not worth doing but as someone who has a lot of physical clutter that doesn’t help at all! So I’m going to be intentional particularly about sorting the clutter in my home this year, so that my husband and children can live more happily and I can have more peace of mind and feel like i have time to do fun things and not just be tidying up and sorting out all the time! Thank you Lara for your goal setting series, it really has been an invaluable process to go through 🙂
Step Seven:
I’m saying no to:
Believing the lies satan tells me.
Wasting my thoughts and time on social media.
Allowing anxiety to take over control.
Comparison, laziness, bitterness.I’m saying yes to:
A stronger relationship with Jesus.
Jumping into things and investing in them even though I may fail them.
Intentional relationships.
Sustainable living.
Completing activities just to enjoy them.
Time with my husband and good friends.
Rest, relaxation, reading, savoring good food.Step Eight:
Common themes:
I’m afraid to start because I’m afraid of failure, and this leads to laziness.
I want to grow deeper relationships.
I want to dig into a hobby that brings me joy.
I want to prioritize my faith.Step Nine:
My word of the year is COURAGE. -
7. Yes – Noticing the good, being fully present, especially when with family and friends, wholesome foods, water, running opportunities with others (it is safer to run alone [read: introvert], but it is way more fun when running with others) No – Facebook/Instagram mindless scrolling, talking bad or complaining at work, negativity, furrowing my brows, distractions, especially on the phone
8. Threads – Wellness, LOVE, simplify/Declutter/Prune/Organize, Savor Time away, waste not/want note, financial security
9. FOCUS, which is also an acronym for Follow One Course Until Successful.
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
Saying no to screen time to say yes to intentional connection!8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
Themes of family, money and work surfaced to the top of my prep work.9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
Finally settled on a word – INFLUENCE. I want to use my gifts and strengths to bring God glory and empower others in who God has created them to be. -
7. Yes:
More time in the Word
More hiking/Time in nature
Snuggles on the couch
Downtime with kids
Intentional time with hubs
Spontaneous meet ups with friends
Progress over perfection
People over processes
The right medications
Me timeNo:
Time-sucking distractions
Unneeded anger
Processes over people
Unnecessary worry8. I have a hard time trusting God’s plan over what’s happening in front of my face at that given moment. I want to cultivate an inner joy that only comes from knowing and loving Jesus well.
Song: His Eye is on the Sparrow
My word this year is courage. When I looked over what I want to accomplish this year and what I’m saying yes to, I always come back to being open and engaged. I thought back to Brene Brown’s TED talk (if you haven’t seen it you should!) and remembered that she noted that the root of the word is cor- the Latin word for heart. She used a Medieval English definition of courage: ”to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart”. I also toyed with wholehearted, which is another way she defines it, but ultimately came back to courage itself because it encompasses both. Courage to me is being able to tell those you love what’s going on and ask for help. Thank you, Lara, for sharing all your wisdom with us. I’m so excited for this year!
What I am saying yes and no to:
YES to: prayer over worry, pursuit of Jesus over worldly things, my babies when they ask to play with me, intentional time with friends, vulnerability with my faith and career aspirations, more reading and writing, overcoming fear and self-doubt
NO to: excessive TV and social media, comparison to other mothers, wives, writers, & bloggers, not prioritizing my marriage, the enemy in my earWhat threads I’m seeing: pursuit of Jesus, spending my time intentionally/less wasted time, cultivating relationships with friends and family/quality time, cultivating personal goals and interests/writing in some capacity
My word for 2019: INTENTIONAL
My song for 2019: Who You Say I Am / Hillsong Worship
Step 7
Saying YES to?
Awareness of myself
God’s presenceSaying NO to?
Winging itStep 8
What are some common threads in your notes?
* Relationships —> quality
* Growth, movement
* Our kids —> investing in themStep 9
Word of the year
I’m still deciding between “move” and “focus” -
Step 10
Decided to skip this bonus step for now. Too overwhelming to choose as one at this point but I’d love to go back to this once I’ve worked through my goals a bit more! -
I am gearing up to start my prep work tonight and really looking forward to seeing what is unearthed and emerges from this time with myself and God.
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
Saying yes to: being open & vulnerable with others, most especially my husband, intentional times of reflection, prioritizing myself, investing more in my relationship with Christ, claiming confidence, not shrinking away from challenges, dedicated time with my husbandSaying no to: negative self talk that has held me back, feelings of powerlessness & helplessness, eating excessive amounts of sugar, snacking when I’m not hungry, taking what others say over me as the gospel truth, instead of relying on what God says over me, and un-purposeful time; passivity/coasting – letting life happen to me instead of taking charge of moving ahead
8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
Health – eating better, looking to food to fill a void in my life, less sugar & wanting to feel more fit
Connection – open & honest conversations with him & being present
Connection with others – extended family, friends, coworkers
Living purposefully
Deepening relationship with God9. What is your word for 2019? Advance. I’ve never had a word of the year before but if I were to provide a word for the last decade it has been “coast.” This year, I want to intentionally be focused on moving forward!
7. In 2019 I’m saying yes to the secret place with God, reading time, new friends, neighbors. No to too much sugar and podcasts, late bedtimes, critical spirit, late afternoon grocery runs (procrastinating)
8. Threads and themes? Take steps, prepare, boldness, act on dreams, quiet. partnership.
9. My word for the year is Move! It’s a prayer and my response. I used Action from the downloads
(7) Saying “no” to :
Remodeling the basement
Studying a language
Studying Koine Greek
Hours surfing Facebook
International mission trip
Comparision – this will be hard!
People pleasing all the time
Reading junk booksI’m saying “yes” to:
Playing guitar and more music
Planning times with people who matter
Reading fewer books that are better quality/information
Cleaning regularly
Moving more
Photography for fun -
(silly thing posted before I was done. I’ll make this short.)
My word for the year is …… decrease.….
7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2019?
Yes: devotionals, healthy choices, quality people, quality time, self care, confidence, happiness, rest, progress, simplicity.
No: junk food, toxic people, shopping, pride, burn out, wasting time, clutter, fear8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
health/fitness, quality, seldcare, progress, rest, confidence, me-time, growth, energy.9. What is your word for 2019? I can’t wait to hear!
PROGRESS. Life without God has no progress. Progress is building. Progress happens when you ask for it.