2019 GOAL SETTING, Part 1: Let’s get started!


Hi, friends! Welcome to Part 1 of the 2019 Goal Setting Series! If you’re new, I’m so glad you landed here. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 are also live!

Note: We are so grateful that ALL of our 2019 One-year PowerSheets are SOLD OUT. But, good news! You can get started at any time with Six-Month Undated PowerSheets (available NOW), which include the same Prep Work as the One-Year Goal Planners! New to the party? Head to the Cultivate Shop or say hello – we’re so glad you’re here!

Want to listen to this post? I’ll happily read it to you! Enjoy!

You came here for a reason. What is it that brought you here?

Maybe you’re feeling frustrated as you look back at 2018.

You didn’t make as much progress as you hoped on some of your goals—or you forgot about them completely.

Perhaps goal setting has failed you before and you feel defeated already thinking about the new year. You’re considering going “goal-less!”

Perhaps you stumbled on this post and it intrigued you because you want change in your life and it feels really far away. You need a way to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Or maybe this year has been great—you made progress on the right goals and you want to keep it going for 2019!

No matter what led you here, you are in the right place.

Your imperfection, your past failures, your heartache, and your triumphs are all welcome here. In fact, they might be the very things that propel you forward on a fresh new path.


Welcome to the Eighth-Annual Intentional Goal Setting Series. We’re eight years strong, friends! Many of you have been doing this process alongside me since year 1 (your goal updates each year blow me away) and I’m so pumped for this year!

If you’ve tried goal setting before and burned yourself out—or didn’t follow through—you’re right where you’re supposed to be.

If you aren’t convinced yet that setting goals could be life-giving for you this year—no perfection required—you’re in the right place, too.

Whatever it is for you, I just want to reassure you that you are here for a reason and you’re about to make it happen. If you are new to this series, a big welcome from all of us—you’re in for a treat this year!

Whether you’re a mom, a student, a business owner, an empty nester, in a season of transition, or a season of starting fresh—in any place where you are in life, we’re going to let go of guilt-filled, fleeting resolutions, and embrace a whole new way of doing this goal setting thing.

Let me back up a bit and introduce myself, because we’re going to have some fun together over the next few days as we go through this 5-part series!

I’m Lara. I’m a mom to three, a grateful wife, CEO of a growing company, and I love getting my hands dirty in my garden here in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I’ve written two books about goal setting and intentional living, I’ve led a conference called Making Things Happen for 9 years, and I was once a personal trainer, a wedding planner, and the Editor-in-Chief of a wedding magazine.

I am the creator of the best-selling PowerSheets® Goal Planner and I don’t love goal setting. No, that’s not a typo. I do not like traditional goal setting. The words “goal setting” give me the heebie-jeebies!

Like you, I have a lot of things to take care of in my life, and I don’t have room to add a lot more (I’m guessing that’s like you, too). I get tense even thinking about the pressure to accomplish something beyond my current capacity. (Areyouwithme?)

Goal setting. No thank you.

If you are feeling this right this second, we are going to be fast friends. You’ve found your people! 🙂

I set out to uncover a process that works for the rest of us. I flipped the usual process on its head and guess what: I started seeing real results with zero pressure. I discovered that I didn’t need to make perfect progress to see results, and it’s SO FREEING. I’m going to guide you through my exact process in this series.

This is goal setting for people who hate goal setting.

We don’t do traditional, pressure-filled, do-it-all goal setting around here. We uncover intentional, less-is-more goals. I call these “cultivated goals.”

Cultivated goals are about growing what you’ve been given—what you already have: your relationships, your money, your possessions, your work, your children, your home, your health, and your time. A little intentional forethought goes a long way!

Consider the script officially flipped!

From here on out, when I mention “goals” or “goal setting,” know that I’m talking about cultivated goals:

Over the last eight years that I’ve been writing this series, as my life has dramatically changed, so has this goal-uncovering process. I’ve studied what makes us feel unmotivated, what causes us to follow-through, and I have listened to you. I’ve followed your stories and challenges and incredible successes over these years as we’ve done this together. Through it all, I’ve discovered some pretty amazing “secrets” to doing this life with intention.

What causes people to change starts with one pivotal moment. It’s the moment when you decide that the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. It’s the moment you decide you are tired of doing the same things you’ve always done and getting the same results you’ve always gotten.

This might just be that moment for you.

Now, you could just stop here and quit before even trying. You could do that and I won’t judge you! 🙂 I’ve given up on a whole lot of things in my life right at the starting line. But, here’s where that might leave you (like it did for me): going through the motions, not feeling confident that you’re on the right path, getting distracted, lacking motivation, not taking care of what you’ve been given, and generally wasting your time.

Or you could end 2019 knowing you lived your best year—no perfection required. Cultivated goals—the kind we are going to uncover together—give you direction and motivation. And it all starts with one small step. (I’ll tell you that one step shortly!)

My 2019 Goal Ideas page from my PowerSheets Goal Planner.

Here’s what you can expect in this five-part series: Each day, I’ll walk you through a mix of goal-uncovering steps from my first book, Make it Happen (which you can sample here); insight from my second book, Cultivate; key questions from a decade of leading the Making Things Happen Conference, prompts from the 2019 PowerSheets®; and a few surprises!

The PowerSheets and my books have many more goal-uncovering insights and guided worksheets than I’ll include in this series. They make it easy to take action on your goals throughout the year instead of just setting them once (and then forgetting about them!). NOW is the perfect time to get your 2019 PowerSheets if you haven’t already—the order deadline for domestic New Year’s delivery is TODAY. Use the code BESTYEAR2019 for 15% off your entire order! (Yes, it even works on our already-discounted Make It Happen Bundle!) Our fulfillment team ships quickly, and you should have yours in time to work through this series with us—hooray!


1. Instead of just thinking your answers, write them down. This is so simple and impactful! As we go through each goal uncovering step together, use the comments section to leave your answers, or write them in your PowerSheets, a journal, or on scrap paper. Don’t just think your answers. Thinking them doesn’t count. Write them out and, if you want accountability, leave them boldly here in the comments. I want to cheer you on, and I’m going to leave my answers in the comments, too!

2. Cheer her on! You know how it feels when someone encourages you? Yes—amazing! Let’s do that for each other throughout this series. You never know how your words might change someone’s life forever.

3. No matter what you use to set your goals, USE IT. If you tend to buy journals or planners and they sit on a shelf for all of time (been there!), let’s turn that habit around starting now. Practice what I call “making a mess.” You aren’t gonna let the need for perfect handwriting or perfect answers or perfect timing keep you from uncovering your best goals, are you? Didn’t think so. (I love you!!!) Use whatever you have to write with, and on. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just dig in. If you need an extra kick in the pants to make it happen, I have a giveaway at the end that might encourage you to get to it!

Ready to dig in?

(Yesssss!!! I’m so pumped for you!)

Step 1, here we go!

Do you know the reason you burned out and gave up on some of your goals (or all of them) somewhere around mid-January or February? Let me guess. You added things to your already-full plate without subtracting a few things first. That’s like planting new seeds in a garden that’s already packed full.

To grow new things, you first have to take a look at what’s already there. Then, you can either keep growing those things, or clear them out and make room for new ones. Let’s do that together right now, taking a look at how we are doing today so we can avoid burnout—and finally follow-through on the things that matter to us. This will feel so good!

Old you: growing allthethings at once. The result: nothing grows well. You do a lot of things mediocrely.

Cultivated you: growing the right things, one step at a time. Doing a few things well and loving it!

STEP ONE: (Remember the one step I told you about earlier? This is it and it might surprise you!) How are you? Really. How are you? Look at the 7 categories below and write a few thoughts about how you are doing in each one:

— Health
— Friends
— Family (including your significant other, if applicable)
— Finances
— Spiritual + Personal Growth
— Work
— Recreation

Feel free to write in your own categories, too! Give each area of your life a rating between 1 and 10, along with a few thoughts on why you chose that number. 1 means you are not satisfied in the area and want to see radical change. 10 means you are happy as a bee on honeysuckle!

This is step one for a reason. “How are you?” seems like a simple question, but when answered from your heart of hearts, it can help set you on an entirely new path.

Knowing where you are now, mess and all, helps you to leap to where you’re going.

The soil you’re standing on right now is your growing ground.

How are you? What’s growing well—or not so well—in your life? Reply in the comments, or on paper. I’ll leave my answers in the comments, too!

Maybe you’re thinking, ‘Oh, Lara, every category is terrible for me!’ Guess what? You might think I’ve lost my marbles, but I think that’s GREAT! It means you have more opportunity for great change ahead than others. That’s exciting! So, call each category what it is—I’m cheering you on as you get honest write it out—and let’s count those challenges as the crazy amazing opportunities they are.

Especially if you gave low ratings to some areas, include thoughts about what is good in each area, too. For instance, as for my feelings about finances: I’ve been challenged by contentment and emotional spending at times. I have felt especially frustrated this year by working hard to keep our finances in order and out-of-the-blue things have happened that knocked us off course. But! The positive it that over the last year, despite it being imperfect, I’ve become more skilled at managing money. (A couple years ago I wouldn’t have been able to type that!)

Allow yourself to write the things that may feel undone, imperfect, or hard, and write in some positive thoughts too—even if the positive feels tiny!

Now, a bonus challenge: let the dirt be dirt. Once you’ve written everything out, be still with your feelings for a moment—whatever they may be—without trying to change them or push them away immediately. Let the challenges and places you’d like to grow sink in a little.

If you’re like me, I often want to fix my circumstances right away instead of letting myself feel anything at all. My instinct is to reach for a distraction when faced with something that feels hard. (Anyone tempted to go scroll Instagram right now?) But, that never brings me peace or clarity. So, let’s not do that. Maybe the soil of your life needs some fresh nutrients, or maybe there are some big rocks in the way of you planting new things. The only way you’ll know though, is to see what’s there first.


All those rocks and weeds?

They are pockets of purpose waiting to be transformed!

STEP TWO: Watch this video (or at least the first 30-ish seconds) that some of my closest friends and I made for you…

What have you been chasing recently, or in the last year? Do you feel like you are “chasing perfect” in some ways—attempting to measure up to an impossible standard? Write or type here what you have been chasing, and how that has been making you feel. Maybe you’ve been chasing success, significance, or approval. Maybe you’ve been trying to keep up, survive, or just get through. Whatever you’ve been chasing, name it boldly and know that you are not alone. To name your chase is to destroy it.

STEP THREE: In traditional goal setting, you focus on the future, and on achieving your goals as fast as humanly possible. That is a recipe for b.u.r.n.o.u.t. I’ve done it many times before, and it’s a dead end. But! Uncovering really good goals means learning from the past in order to cultivate what’s next. The past has a lot to teach us! Let’s take a look back at the last year.

What good things happened in 2018? What grew well? What are you grateful for from the last twelve months?

I know this can be a challenging step. We often don’t like counting our blessings, because it may feel self-indulgent or like it won’t get us anywhere fast—or perhaps you are thinking that there were no good things that happened in 2018! It’s easy to look back at an entire year and see only the hard parts, like when something happens to you at the end of the day and you automatically call it a bad day, regardless of what happened the other twenty-three hours.

Let’s do a little digging! A few tips to unearth the good stuff:

 Talk to your significant other or a close friend about your year and ask him or her to reflect some of the highlights back to you. He or she may remember some that you have forgotten! This is also a great way to celebrate the good things of the past year with others. Make it your dinner conversation tonight. (A tip: try going quarter by quarter – it might help to jog some memories!)

— Take a look back at your calendar, blog posts, social media updates, or photos. Those might give you a clue into some of the good things you’ve forgotten.

— If you are a PowerSheets user, read through your 2018 PowerSheets!

—  Review your finances from the year. This is like reading a journal of places you went, and what some of your priorities were.

My Good Things: My word for 2018 was LIGHTSPACE (I made it up—it just fit!). What that looked like this year: making room for the things that mattered, even when it was hard. And a lot of it was hard. But out of hard things come good things, and pruning is what makes our lives more fruitful!

This was the year…

– We let go of Southern Weddings after a decade of making a magazine that changed the world.
– Grace learned how to read, climb trees and we did some knife skills training in the kitchen—she’s a pro!
– We grew a giant pumpkin.
– Josh learned to use the potty—praise the Lord, we’re so close to being out of diapers.
– Sarah grew leaps and bounds. Through therapy and God’s goodness this year, her sensory challenges have turned into beautiful opportunities.
– Our peach tree grew 100 peaches!
– We fell in love with the mountains and I discovered a new passion for hiking.
– We celebrated 12 years of marriage—a significant anniversary for us. We’ve now been married more years together than apart. Read Make it Happen or listen to episode 1 of my upcoming podcast and this fact will come to life for you!
– Speaking of the above, I felt the fear and started a podcast anyway. (Launching December 27th!)
– We marveled at the 55th Making Things Happen Conference experience. It was so good—this coming year will be our 10th year!
– I learned to trust God more than ever.
– I am on track to finish the Bible by December 31—my number 1 goal for this year!
– We got into a homeschool rhythm using the cultivated homeschool planner.
– I invested in 20 things that paid off.
– And most notably, my husband Ari started rapping.

I set six goals for the year and made more progress in each than I ever thought possible. A year ago, I knew I’d be so grateful I started these goals, and little by little, they happened! Did I mess up along the way? Yes! Did I have some challenges? Definitely. But, imperfect progress is still progress, and when you embrace that fact, you are far less likely to completely jump ship! My imperfect progress added up big time, and yours will too!

A peek at the little by little progress I made each month: February / March
April / May / June / July / AugustSeptemberOctober / November  (and December isn’t over yet!)

Now, name three lessons you learned from the good things. For example, in my life there were many times last year that good things happened when I let go of control—whether getting on my knees (literally) in prayer or in looking at how I could change instead of hoping others would change. The lesson for me was a big one: let go. Surrender. Humble yourself. That’s where change begins.

Your turn! Here are today’s 3 goal-uncovering steps for you:

1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?

2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?

3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.

Then, share your answers here in the comments to encourage others. I can’t wait to personally cheer you on. And remember this: we’re tossing comparison out the window and doing the most radical thing we can do: walking our own unique paths (and cheering other women on as they do the same)!

A page from my 2016 PowerSheets:

lara casey goal setting comparisson

Okay, that’s it for today and that’s plenty to work on. I’ll be back Friday with more goal-uncovering goodness!

Take your time with this and remember, cultivating what matters is about progress, not perfection. This is not about writing the perfect list of perfect goals with a perfect pen. It’s about digging into the dirt, right where you are, to grow, tend, and harvest what you’ve been given. 

This process will have a big payoff, but you have to commit to working through it. Let your 2019 goals bake, like a pan of homemade hot cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. They wouldn’t be flaky and yummy zapped quickly in the microwave, would they? They’d end up as a big pile of mushy dough. I’m not going to hand you your 2019 goals; we’re going to do this right and bake them well together, little-by-little, with some bold leaps of faith along the way. Sound good? Awesome!

Need some extra motivation? The Ultimate New Year’s Giveaway is on! (Amazing! Can I win??) I hope this gives you a little extra encouragement to share your answers as we go through this series. I can’t wait to read your thoughts and hear your aha! moments. One person who comments with answers to every step in this series will win a bonus prize: one of everything from the Cultivate What Matters® Shop! Yes!!! This includes 2019 PowerSheets, the new Celebrations Binder, a Goal-Setting Sticker Book, your choice of Make it Happen zipper pouch, my books, and so much more! There are 35 prizes, so that means 35 of you are going to win one of these prizes—it could be YOU. (Including international friends!)

A big thank you to everyone who entered! What a joy it was to hear your responses and get to chat with you in the comments! Congratulations to our winners below! If you’re a winner, fill out this form to collect your prize within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected!

— 10 sets of 2019 PowerSheets to help 10 of you cultivate your BEST year yet! —Mary Conti, Emily Yost, Amy Wing, Jen Martinez, Brittany Garrett, Chelsea Pirtle, Mariah Meade, Kimberly Boyd, Tonya Kappes, Amber Corey
— A Goal Guide Bundle to help you dig deeper on your specific goals. — Jaimie Tollers
— Five signed copies of Cultivate. —Lisa McMahon, Patrice Pierce Thornton, Steph Conklin, Bonnie Johnson, Kristin Vlasak,
— Five signed copies of Make It Happen. —Michele Lanning, Mariela Capellan, Amy Bain, Stephanie Canete, Amanda Applegate,
— One Write the Word All Seasons Collection to help you cultivate fresh faith all year long. —Becki Sue
— A gift card (YES!) for a massage to kick off your year refreshed! —Ashley Bossong
— A Balanced Life membership – get moving and motivated with a year of at-home pilates! —Heather Renee
— A Floret Flowers puzzle (it’s double-sided and so much fun!) —Leah Meadows
—A Revelation Wellness membership with a ‘Wellness Kickoff Package” to cultivate your health in the New Year. —Elizabeth Hiney
— One Artifact Uprising album to document the people and experiences that matters most to you. —Natalie Gessell
— An Emily Ley Simplified Planner to keep your schedule organized in the new year. —Amanda Burley
— Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course—a life-changing experience to help you pursue financial freedom. —Cindy Booth Carlson
— One Val Marie Paper Yearly Prayer Journal. I’ll be using one this year, too! —Michelle McQueen
— A Hello Fresh boxto keep you fueled with good food. —Kate Mariani
— One Art Bar canvas (up to $150 value) to brighten your walls. —Gina Abatiello
— A Fitbit to help you celebrate your literal steps forward. —Evangelina Cantu
— An Amazon Alexa to keep you dancing. —Rachel Whorley

And the bonus prize for one of you who comments on all 5 posts in this series: ONE OF EVERYTHING Bundle from the Cultivate Shop! —Katie Ledvina

Why am I doing this? I want you—yes YOU—to know what I know now on the other side of burned out and overwhelmed: there’s a different way to do this—a way that works. Step by step, you are going to feel ready, renewed, and clear about your year ahead. I’m so excited for you!

SHARE THIS SERIES WITH YOUR PEOPLE. Don’t keep all this goodness to yourself! I’d be so grateful if you spread the word about this free series. Email this kick-off post to your friends, tweet it, ‘gram it (here are lots of sharable graphics for you to make it easy!), text it—sing it to the rooftops! Let’s get all our friends in on this so they can feel as refreshed and clear about 2019 as we will. Here’s to our best year yet togetherstarting now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends January 30th. Winners will be announced on February 1st here on the blog. Hard goods are for US entrants only. If you don’t claim your prize within 48 hours, another winner will be selected, so mark your planners and stay posted! 🙂 This post contains affiliate links.

P.S. A year from now, you’ll be so grateful you started today! Buy your PowerSheets NOW!


  1. Jacquie on at

    1. My categories & numbers:
    Health – 5
    Friends & Community – 6
    Spouse – 8
    Family & Home – 7
    Learning & Mentoring – 6
    Work & Finances – 5
    Spiritual & Personal Growth – 5
    Recreation & Creativity – 4

    2. As a newly-discovered Enneagram 3, I am always chasing perfection and approval in the eyes of others. This is definitely exhausting and impossible to maintain & something I want to work on letting go of this year.

    3. Some good things & lessons learned:
    My husband and I worked on a Bible study project together for about 1 hour a week for almost the whole year – this was great time together & we saw the value of working on something just a little bit at a time and watching it add up.
    I went through Revelation Wellness Instructor training and discovered how much I love teaching fitness classes – something I never would have imagined.
    I had at least one play date or coffee date each month & realized how life-giving this is to me to be cultivating strong & lasting friendships.

    • Lara on at

      Love all you shared, Jacquie! Learning my Enneagram (I’m a 1 with a 2 wing) has been so eye-opening for me this year too!

  2. Kelly on at

    1. Best areas – Friends, Spiritual & Personal Growth, Health. Areas to improve – Work & Finances.

    2. Not so much lately, but definitely earlier in the year I was seeking approval and external validation. Continuing to refine what I seek from God instead!

    3. Good things: Making incredible friends through small group involvement, serving through church, doing conferences and retreats for spiritual & personal growth, narrowing down wedding focus to do fewer things well, focusing on marriage and communicating, finally kicking alcohol, getting baptized in water and the holy spirit, focusing on experiences and committing to LESS extraneous obligations. SUCH a good year! God gave me a word the other day for 2019 and it was Hebrew for “a good and sweet year” — insanely excited for it!

    • Lara on at

      Kelly, this is so exciting!

  3. Jacquie on at

    Send a text to a friend who I know is struggling with some things & asked how she was doing & let her know I was praying for her.

    • Lara on at

      Jacquie, this is so good. Sending hugs!

  4. Tracy Connaghan on at

    1) My categories and numbers
    Spouse/Significant Other-2
    Spiritual+Personal Growth-6

    2) Lately I have been digging into my personal growth. I’m tired of looking at the glass as half empty. I have so much to give yet I’m so afraid of what others will think of me and I end up keeping it all inside. I feel like the motivation to work on myself has become an addiction. I can’t get enough of motivational podcasts and books.

    3) List of good things and lessons learned
    – I’m learning to let go of fear
    – to do things afraid
    – trust God knows where I’m going and what lessons I need to learn
    – I have the power to change my thoughts
    – I have the power to be a nicer human
    – I choose to life happy no matter what my circumstance
    – I am stronger than I ever thought I was
    – I need to stop limiting myself based on how I was raised
    – life is too short to be miserable

    • Lara on at

      Tracy, these are good lessons and I’m excited to hear you are focusing on personal growth!

  5. Emily DeArdo on at

    Categories and numbers:
    1) Health–5: Need to lose weight, and proved I CAN lose it, but some has crept back on. Need to be consistent here, especially in finding an exercise that I LIKE.
    2) Friends: 10. I have such great friends and I love them!!!!!
    3) Spouse/SO: Not applicable, single. 🙂
    4) Family: 9. It could be better in small ways–I could be more patient and more loving, but I’m so lucky I have a close family that I just love.
    5) Finances: 5. Working through Dave Ramsey’s baby steps and it does bring peace! Doing the contentment challenge in January so that should help, because I do tend to shop to fill holes in my heart.
    6) Spiritual: 7. Always, always, always chasing a deeper relationship with God.
    7) Work: 6.
    8) Recreation–8. I have a lot of hobbies I love, and this year I want to dig in and get better at them!

    What have I been chasing lately? Oh my.Meeting other people’s expectations. Wanting to be good/perfect for THEM, even if it’s not good for ME. Need to work on this!

    Three things I’m proud of, that worked in the last year: Making progress on the financial baby steps, budgeting consistently, and decluttering my house!

    • Lara on at

      Emily – I have to tell you EVERY YEAR I look forward to reading your updates! I’m so grateful for you!

  6. Chelsey Rudd on at

    1) Health-6
    Spouse/Significant Other-7
    Spiritual+Personal Growth – 4

    2) I tend to be a perfectionist – lately I have been chasing the picture of a perfect mama (trying to have it together all the time) and perfect home (decor, tidiness, etc.)… feeling like things need to be ‘just right’ all the time is exhausting.

    3) Good things and lessons learned: a healthy pregnancy and birth of our second boy…learning to let go *a little bit* with having baby #2 this year…I overcame a fear of putting myself out there and started a blog, which is a baby step towards my writing goals.

    • Lara on at

      Way to go, Chelsey! I’m inspired by you starting your blog and letting go of the fear! : )

  7. Cathy Misere on at

    The areas I’ve been struggling to make progress are my health, friends and recreation. I want to take proactive step to a healthy lifestyle (eating healthy and exercise more), cultivate friendship and have more fun. My word for 2019 is Perseverance. I feel God is telling me to be persistent and tenacious. I give up too easily. In 2019, I’m looking forward to strengthen my perseverance muscles. 
    I’ve been chasing approval. Always waiting for a confirmation from someone, always waiting for validation from others but I have learn that if God approves, then it’s all the confirmation that I need.
    My word for 2018 was “crossing over”, as crossing over to a new season… 2018 has been a good year for my family and me:
    – I grew closer to my dad who is living in another country.
    – I gained more confidence in myself
    – I started the steps to continue my studies
    – I’m learning to be financially independent
    – God has been pruning me and working on my character
    – My sister is starting a new wonderful job
    – My mom is more joyful

    Yes, goal setting has been really a game changer for me. 

    • Lara on at

      Cathy! Look at these amazing updates from 2018! I’m so proud of you! More good things to come!

  8. Amanda Murdy on at

    Health: 1 Feeling so defeated and mediocre here. I had gained all of the weight back that I lost this past year and I have not been diligent will keeping my workouts or eating plans. THIS WILL CHANGE THIS YEAR! Here’s to radical turn around
    Friends: 6 I connected with a leadership group of faith based women and those relationships have been so powerful. I also have a great community of neighbors and friends and we are committed to supporting each other and regularly spending quality time with each other.
    Family: 6 I feel manageable right now. We have a blended family and that always leaves room for crazy & chaos. BUT we had great strides in our school schedules and activities this year. My husband and I attended our first marriage conference and loved the re-connection that it brought.
    Finances: 8 I made some major progress in this area in 2018. Still not perfect, but the system is working and I’m feeling more financial success every month.
    Spiritual: 8 Another area where I saw consistent success. I had been trying to finish all of my unfinished Bible Studies. I still have three to go, but almost there! I slacked in reading the Bible in a year. I might be able to double down a few days this month, but I’m not going to let December 31 define my progress. I WILL finish it, just maybe not exactly in the annual mark.
    Work: 1 I’m not working in a field that I am passionate about or that God has designed me for. This year is the time to change that. I’ve heard his call for me and I’m ready to start actively pursuing it. Here’s to RADICAL CHANGE here!
    Recreation: 5 This one made me pause because I don’t feel I have any intentionality with recreation. I always have some down time but no real hobbies that happen routinely. Singing is one of my passions and connects me to my faith. I did return to my old church to sing weekly and one Sunday a month. It’s been a rewarding addition.

    I am chasing control, solutions, and home comparisons. I like to be able to BE everyone’s solution. I see my husband or friends or co-workers struggling and I feel like I need to be the YES that makes it work for them. It’s exhausting and burdensome. The pressure I place on myself to do that is unsustainable. We moved into our home two years ago right before having a baby. Our neighbors have all been in their home for at least 8 years. They are tackling projects that we aspire to, but just aren’t in the same financial picture to be able to do it. My husband craves change and is so frustrated with our home. He needs to start a project to feel fulfilled but then it doesn’t get finished. Having your home constantly out-of-sorts is hard to feel organized in.

    GREAT things in 2018:
    -New mantra: Be the calm to calm the storm. I’ve accepted and adapted to a new perspective that helps me to maintain peace amidst the chaos.
    -Continuing to build friendships with the school moms in our community with our daughters
    -Completed a mini kitchen renovation (still have to do the back splash, but soooo close!)
    -Bought a mini-van!
    -Bought a new bedroom set for our master
    -Quit coaching with BeachBody- was the right “no” at the right time
    -Approved for a home equity loan that is helping us consolidate our debt
    -Added additional insurance for water and electrical lines in our VERY old home (this will aid our renovation dreams with having support financially)
    -Attended The Weekend to Remember with Family Life
    -Began certification for Focus on the Family Mentorship
    -Completed 5 unfinished Bible Studies
    -New budgeting approach gave us enough to pay for a family vacation, marriage conference, mini-trip to Philly, and Christmas WITHOUT credit cards!!!!!
    -Joined L3 a faith based leadership organization that connected me with a Mastermind group that has fostered most of this progress.

    I know I listed more than 3, but I loved the 2016 quote about gratitude making more to defeat comparison. I need to embrace a place of gratitude. I’ve seen how powerful it can be and I need to keep that power to push me forward…away from perfection and in to just beautiful progress!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad you listed all of these! My favorite one is that you completed 5 unfinished Bible studies—that’s so inspiring! : )

  9. Gaby on at

    So excited to make some waves in 2019 and take the time to let myself grow, and work on myself!

    • Lara on at

      Yay! I’m so glad you’re here, Gaby!

  10. Liza Hernandez on at

    Next week I’ll be on vacation and have the opportunity (and some time) to really think about what I want to accomplish in 2019. I’m glad you have this series so I can refer to it as I am starting to think about what I want to focus on. Super excited to listen to your podcast!! Can’t wait.

    • Lara on at

      What a perfect way to spend your vacation! Enjoy! : )

  11. Becki Kugler on at

    Categories and numbers:
    Health – 9: I made amazing progress in this area in 2018, thanks, in part, to Powersheets and little by little progress!
    Friends – 5
    Family 5
    Spouse 3
    Finances – 4
    Personal Growth – 7
    Work – 2
    Play/Recreation/Self-Care – 6

    What have I been chasing lately? The image of the perfect mama. Constantly comparing, reading articles about how to do it right and feeling inadequate when I (constantly) fall short.

    Good things in 2018? Finding Powersheets, rediscovering love of running, Rachel Macy Stafford’s words, trying new action steps and abandoning ones that are not getting me closer to my goals, gratitude is a direct path to LOVE, 3 week Facebook/Instagram ban, 2Bmindset and losing 35 lbs of baby weight, progress on reconnecting with husband, as my veggie consumption increases, so does my children’s!!

    • Lara on at

      Becki!! Your list of good things blows me away! What a year!! Yahoo!!

  12. Thank you for this series Laura!!

    — Health – 7
    — Friends – 8
    — Family/Marriage – 8
    — Finances – 8
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth – 8
    — Business – 4
    — Recreation – 10
    Trying to focus on the progress I’ve made in a lot of these areas, but still be mindful of my room for growth. The main one that I’m not happy with and need to make some changes this year is in our focus and progress on our business goals.

    STEP TWO: What was I chasing? – Thinking that anything is in my control. Give it to God!!

    STEP THREE: Good things that happened…
    -Debt pay off!
    -We are pregnant with our first, a little girl!
    -Our marriage has improved so much.
    -Read the Bible in a year.

    What I learned from those things…
    -God knows the desires of our hearts. He has led me here and He won’t leave me know. How could I have ever doubted that? How could I forget, like the Israelites did? He is orchestrating everything.

    • Lara on at

      I loved reading your good things, Nicole! Congrats on the baby-to-be and so many great milestones!

  13. Susan on at

    This is my third year with power sheets and at first I wanted to accomplish such amazing goals. Which crashed and burned. Too much too soon. But through taking it slow I’ve been able to read the Bible in a year, start a Pilates practice, meal prep, lose 20 pounds, and love my people well. This year I’m going to focus a little more on self-care and simplifying my home.

    • Lara on at

      Susan!! YES!!!! Look at all that amazing progress! I’m so proud of you and excited for your year ahead!

  14. Emily McHenry on at

    Yes!! This is my favorite time of year – reflection, introspection, goal setting (it may have something to do with being a Type 1, haha, but I digress!) Here are my answers to today’s post-
    1. Overall, I’m doing so well! All the little steps over this past year have really paid off and I’m so thankful for it. All areas average a score of 8-9 except for “work” (5): I’m a stay at home mom who just began homeschooling our eldest daughter this fall and I just feel overwhelmed and underequipped, and therefore unmotivated. This is really something my husband and I value and want to give our girls, I just need a fire lit under me to treat it like a job and do it well!

    2. I’ve been chasing margin, rest and family time, particularly during this holiday season. It’s so easy for me to get swept away by all the fun “shoulds” surrounding Christmas, but all we really need is each other and the few meaningful activities we’ve decided to prioritize. And honestly, it’s been lovely.

    3. Oh man, SO many good things: I ran my first 25k in May (a goal last year!) and 6 months later, ran another one! I took a deep dive into my faith journey and invested in spiritual direction (best.decision.ever). I took a hard look at my propensity for distraction, and while I didn’t beat it, I sure made more progress than if I had ignored it. The top lesson I learned is that I actually can do and face hard things, and that I’m never alone in doing so ❤️

    Thank you SO much for continuing to post this series, it’s just the best! 🙌🏻

    • Lara on at

      Yahoo, Emily! I’m so glad you’re here and WOW! What a run! You inspire me, my friend!

  15. Jenny F. on at

    1. There is a lot to be thankful for this year! I am happy to have made a lot of progress this year as a leader, as a wife, in my finances, and in my home.

    2. Lately I’ve been chasing rest and quiet after a busy season. When I chase rest in Jesus, I feel refreshed. When I chase it in time wasters (esp. social media), I don’t feel rested at all.

    3. Too long to list 🙂 But I’ve learned a lot this year. I stepped out and started singing in a choir that I’ve been dreaming about, I started a book club, I got control of finances. I learned a lot about controlling my emotions, about leadership , and about prayer.

    Thank you, Lara & the Cultivate Ladies, for all you do!!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad you’re here, Jenny! I LOVE all you shared, especially, “When I chase rest in Jesus, I feel refreshed.” This!!

  16. Missie on at

    Thank you for doing this!
    -Health – 4 (I have totally put this to the side taking care of others)
    -Spouse – 8
    -Friends – 7
    -Family – 9
    -Finances – 6
    -Work (Homeschooling & Home Management) – 4
    -Spiritual +Personal Growth – 6
    -Recreation – 4
    The areas I am focusing on are Health, Spiritual, and Work. I am in the midst of some long-term family health issues with my dad and taking care of 5 children and I have totally let go of some of these areas. BUT…I am going to focus on them this year and see them from Christ’s perspective instead of my own. (I need to take better care of myself in order to love my family well. I am teaching my children to love and serve well but I also need to focus on the basics and the rest will come when it comes. And, growing my faith is ALWAYS on my list.)

    STEP TWO: I think I have been chasing “easy”. My goal has been to survive until it gets “easier”. This leaves me frustrated because it just hasn’t gotten easier. I have made it a goal to chase sanctification this year. God is growing me through all of this.

    STEP THREE: Good things that happened…
    – a lot of good things happened, but the top three are…
    -God has provided time, funds, patience, again and again
    -Relationships within my family have deepened even more
    -My husband is my hero – He serves us all well!
    – Powersheets – this was my first time using them (I started in July) and they have helped me to put into words things that have swirled around in my head (but sadly never landed in my life) for a long time. I know what I want my life to look like when I am 80! – o.k. that was four, so I will stop.

    What I learned…
    The “weeds” in my life – the clutter and disorganization – are the things that make me feel like I am overwhelmed. It isn’t taking care of my parents or my children or homeschooling or all the crazy.loud.noise of these children that I love.

    I have been seeking “easy” over sanctification and that isn’t at all what I really want.

    “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy: I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10

    And finally, I have learned that “the Lord is merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth”.

    • Lara on at

      Missie, you are a woman of wisdom. Seeking “easy” over sanctification is something I fall into the trap of too often. I’m so grateful for all you shared!

  17. Sarah Gusky Kemer on at

    Phew! Just got back from a crazy fun night with friends and ready to dive in. I started by looking back over my answers from last year. Oh what amazing things can happen in a year!

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    — In my cultivated life evaluation, I mostly gave high marks. Some things are high but not as high as they could be (marriage should be averaging a 10 for instance but it’s really high still! And nothing is wrong but we could always get stronger, right). The ones that are the lowest are Finances and Work. I (we) have made HUGE huge progress with our finances, but it could be better in the long run. Work is going through a transition.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?
    — I’ve been chasing a lot of external, temporary validation, when I really just need sustained confidence. Getting that from the right sources (God, myself) is going to be a big part of what I’m looking at this year I think!

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.
    — Good things:
    • Taking (and rocking) graphic design classes
    • Overall holistic health/well being
    • Self-advocacy and realizing a plan for our family
    • Finances!!!
    • So many family memories

    — Lessons:
    • Kids get demanding in periods of high growth, so we need extra margin when we see this coming.
    • Prioritizing marriage is crucial — time, communication, patience!
    • God leads us to our very best lives — trust in Him, ask for guidance
    • Always follow a prompting! — which means you have to seek after it

    I am so excited to dive in! Going through the Goal Setting Series alongside my Powersheets really helps me get the most out of the experience. Something about having to rephrase things I think!!

    • Lara on at

      SARAH!! Friend! This is all amazing to hear! I’m so excited for what the Lord is doing in your life!

  18. Merryn on at

    I did your goal setting series for the first time last year Lara, and all I can say is thank you!!! God has been incredibly gracious to use your gifts and love of what you do to help transform and grow this one mumma, let alone countless other women around the world I’m sure!
    How Am I? (All of these were only a 2 or 3 last year… slow growth, but growth non the less!)
    Health 6
    Friends 5
    Family 6
    Spiritual Growth 6
    Church 5
    Recreation 5
    What have I been chasing? Still struggle with perfectionism, control, and comparison especially when tired and overwhelmed but…
    What good things have happened?
    Starting to love myself through changing my mindset, trusting the slow growth and rejoice in it; More consistently reading God’s word; Stopping and just enjoying my 3 girls more – staring into their eyes and really listening; Eating and exercising for health/energy rather than weight loss (letting go of fat phobia and constantly seeking the “perfect body” mentality); growth in letting go of perfectionism and having it altogether, but rather humbly depending on God especially as a mum and ministers wife; channeling my love of order in healthier ways (decluttering and organising, setting helpful routines) rather than as a way to control life and minimise messiness (God uses the messiness to grow me!) Much of this feels rather “abstract” rather than concrete good things but I definitely feel like I can breath easier and have more joy than I did 12 months ago – praise God!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so encouraged to hear this, Merryn! Your joy is such an encouragement to me! : )

  19. Gayle E Vehar on at

    I am new to PowerSheets and I am excited to dig in.

    Step One:
    Health: 6
    Friends: 7
    Finances: 5
    Spiritual: 8
    Work: 7
    Recreation: 5

    Step Two: What have I been chasing lately? How does that make you feel?

    I have been chasing “doing it all”. I had a busy schedule and then decided part-way through the school year this year to homeschool my son. That has turned things a little upside-down and I know I can’t do it all but I don’t know where to adjust. I have felt overwhelmed and scattered for the last several months.

    Step Three: Good things that happened and what I learned.

    I have strengthened spiritually a lot this year and found answers to questions and felt loved through the scriptures in new ways. Our family had some wonderful “family-time” which gets harder the older and more spread out they get. I have been able to help my children through some difficult health challenges this year and have seen great progress from the steps we have taken. I have made some progress in dealing with my health challenges and hope the new year brings even more progress. I have taken time to grow my talents in new ways.

    I have learned that I am a strong and capable mother, wife and woman. I have learned that God will help me mother my children in the ways He knows they need. I have learned that I need help clarifying and simplifying my life a bit!

    • Lara on at

      What an encouragement it is to hear how the Lord moved in your family this year through the time you had together, Gayle!

  20. Sally on at

    This is my first year to buy Power Sheets but I’ve done it from this goal setting series before & gained so much from it. Already feeling my heart hurt in a good eay as I explore how He wants me to grow in 2019.

    • Rosie Lapp on at

      Yay, Sally! This is my second year using Powersheets. You won’t regret it! It’s a good kind of refinement, isn’t it?

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad you’re here, Sally!

  21. Kelsey D on at

    Step 1:
    Health: 4, could loose weight and eat way better
    Friends: 3, pretty nonexistent but thankful for the play group I started a couple months ago
    Family: 9, great and happy
    Finances: Good but wanting to be a little more strict with budgets
    Spiritual: 9, Thriving and learning
    Work: 6, but needs boundaries
    Recreation: 5, a bit lacking

    Step 2: chasing acceptance. Makes the fear of rejection even greater.

    Step 3:
    Eden started walking
    Grew closer with my husband
    Planted our first flowers in our garden
    Kept succulents alive
    Got Guinea pigs
    And had an unexpected Guinea pig baby
    Watch my husband grow in his craftsmanship gift more
    More activities with the kids this year
    First season of TBall
    Josiah turned 4 and Eden turned 2
    Started homeschooling Josiah
    Started a mom ministry for myself and ladies in my church
    Taught Josiah about chores and money and he saved $200

    I already knew this was a great year for us but looking back and doing step 3 really brought all the details to mind! 💕
    Also bought my first set of powersheets today!

    • Lara on at

      An unexpected Guinea pig baby? Sounds like you’ve had quite the year, Kelsey! I’m looking forward to hearing what your goals are for the year ahead! 🙂

  22. Justina on at

    I have come across your page this year for the first time and am so happy I did 🙂 Your words and life have been such an encouragement to me! Thank you for all that you do!

    Here is my assessment:
    1. Yes, I am that person who needs radical change in all the areas but I came to this realization this year so I’ve been working little by little.

    4 Health: I would like to stop eating fast food and loading up on carbs
    2 Friends: Having 4 kids makes it very hard to maintain relationships
    8 Family: Playing games with the kids and truly cherishing the times with them
    6 Finances: Paid off a good amount of debt, much more to go!
    9 Spiritual + Personal Growth: This year has been leaps and bounds of maturity
    3 Work: still finding my groove
    1 Recreation: I associate recreation with sleeping. No bueno!

    2. I definitely have been chasing Perfection and Security. It makes me cringe to even write those words in one sentence. I have felt like a failure and a mess in my pursuit of these. I don’t measure up to my standards and there is no real security outside of God. These are truths I am still learning to accept and live.

    3. Good things in 2018:
    -joined an amazing church filled with authenticity
    -saw my obedience being planted into our next generations
    -connected with my kids on a level I can’t put into words
    -gained loads of wisdom about life with my kids and husband
    -started Dave Ramsey Financial Peace 🙂
    -gave birth to my 4th child and 3rd son after being told I couldn’t
    -celebrated 2 years of marriage
    -my oldest son turned 5
    -received 5 months of paid maternity leave
    -sold my car

    God has blessed us with a year above and beyond what we could ever imagine 🙂

    • Lara on at

      I’m grateful for your boldness in sharing, Justina. It’s amazing to see how many great things happened for you and your family in 2018. Cheering you on as you make some time for recreation! 🙂

  23. Jenifer on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve? I’m ok. Not bad, not great. Learning to make progress.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel? Chasing health, well, I’m wanting to chase health. But zero self control and little motivation makes it feel like chasing wind.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned. Progress is better than perfection (thank you Lara!) It’s ok to take small steps and set smaller goals, as long as I’m making progress.

    • Lara on at

      So glad you’re here, Jenifer!

  24. April Emery on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    👉🏼 I feel really good about the progress I’ve made in the areas of friendships, personal growth, health and my marriage, but I need to improve in the areas of family relationships, work, recreation and finances. These areas seems way out of sync … my priorities are not in the right place.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?
    👉🏼 I have chased perfection, and it leaves me exhausted. I have chased certain benchmarks in my business, burning the candle at both ends, and that has left me exhausted and not giving well to anything.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.
    👉🏼 I sought counseling this year for help in overcoming perfectionism. While I would say I am in recovery right now, every day is a battle to not run and pick up that idol. Through the journey I’ve learned that a lot of what I tell myself I “have” to do and get done or do with utmost excellence is really a matter of me WANTING to have those things checked off on a list … HAVE TO and WANT TO are very different things. Differentiating between those has helped me be okay with some things not being done perfectly or at all.

    • Lara on at

      It sounds like you are doing so many things to set yourself up for success, April!

  25. Kori on at

    2018 was my hardest year yet! I bought powersheets and failed to even use them. I was so scared of not being perfect plus I got diagnosed with a chronic illness that can be debilitating. I am determined to make 2019 my best year and already half way done with the prep work ( more than I did last year )
    Goal step answers:
    1. Best areas – Spiritual Growth and Friendships Worst Areas: Health. and Wellness , Work & Finances.

    2. I am a perfectionist who seeks the approval of others and hates to let people down.

    3. It’s hard to look back at 2018 and find good thins but when I really thought about it and dug deep I did have some amazing things
    1. I have an amazing supportive family who help care for me and my daughter during this year of illness.
    2. I found a church home and was able to do my first bible small group by Internet ( due to illness not always being able to show up)
    3. I kept fighting ( with Gods given strength )for myself and standing up for my health and an answers to be found.

    Thank you Laura and Cultivate for giving me hope when down and keeping me grounded. I know and believe 2019 is going to be the best year yet( and my power sheets will be used joyfully )

    • Lara on at

      I am SO excited for you to use your PowerSheets, Kori! Perfection need not apply! : )

  26. Olivia on at

    1. How Are You Doing
    – Health
    – 5
    – I know where I want to be in terms of how I want to eat and move my body. It is a daily conviction I have. Why don’t I make the decisions that I know to make. Intentionality. I’m not intentional enough. I don’t meal plan let alone meal prep. I haven’t bought enough work clothes and I havent created a plan to follow.
    – Friends
    – 6
    – My friendships have kind of spaced out in the last month but overall this year was a win for cultivating deeper friendships. I still mourn the lost of a few and the out growing of others. I feel so busy with life friendships just seem to take back seat.
    – Family
    – 6
    – I’m closer to my mom than ever before. That feels really good. My brothers and even my sisters have spent some meaningful time together this year. I recognize the need to keep cultivating this family bonding tho.
    – This gets a six because there is work to do in all of my family relationships. Real work. Deep work.
    – Finances
    – 9.5
    – I still have my savings from beginning of year, I paid of a bit of debt, I kept a budget 3/4ths of the year. I managed well and in the setbacks continued to move forward.i am thankful.
    – Spiritual & Personal Growth
    – 7
    – God is good. This year I sense more relationship than anything. I look forward to studying my word.
    – Work
    – 9
    – I just pray I manage the jobs well. I believe I am becoming a better worker. More confident, focused, and aware of what I’m doing. Thankful for these opportunities.
    – Recreational
    – .5
    – I could use maybe a little more of this. Nov was honestly more than enough. But come January I am so excited for vacation. I feel like I should be doing more but truth is I shouldn’t, couldn’t and don’t

    STEP 2:
    What have I been chasing?
    – A Pinterest’d Olivia. I want my house to be homey, my parenting skills to be “successful”, my meals to look and taste gourmet, my prayers to sound effortless, a marriage that’s powerful and delightful. I could on because well it IS what I am chasing. A dream come true in every aspect of life perfectly pictured together.

    How does it make me feel?
    – Dreamy. As though I maybe falling for a fantasy. That I’m trying to live out a life that I don’t really desire but it looks and sounds beautiful. There is a ton of me that says no Olivia you’re a dreamer and so be it. However, another part of me feels behind because those dreams aren’t reality, yet!

    STEP 3:
    What grew well? Highlights?

    A Year of First – I did/experiences so much for the first time this year and because of that I will never forget 2018. Ultimately, I grew well. I connected with myself (apart from roles as mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend). On a individual pluck me up and set me in a foreign land kind of way. That was beautiful. I was way more intentional with my life this year than EVER before. It showed. So thankful to have God with me as friend to discuss all the excitement and intricate details along the way.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you for sharing so boldly, Olivia! Grateful for you!

  27. sarah on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve? Lost. Currently going through a separation and through it I’ve found that I’ve lost a lot of myself over the years. I’m trying to figure out who I am again and rebuild areas of my life that I’ve been neglecting.

    Health – 4 I did so well for a while then 5 months ago my life changed significantly, and things came to a halt. I plan on making my fitness/health a priority in 2019

    Friends – 2
    Family/Marriage – 3
    Finances – 2
    Spiritual + Personal Growth – 2
    Business – 6
    Recreation – 2

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel? I’ve been chasing control. Control in every aspect of my life. It’s making me feel crazy. I realize now that I can not control everything, only myself and the actions I take. I need to take care of myself so that I can take care of my family. My hope is that writing down my goals and making small steps will help me to reach my goals to a happier healthier self so I can be better connected to my friends and family.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.

    Its okay to start over. It’s not the end of something but the start of something new. My kids don’t care how clean the house is, they just want to spend time with me. Hugs are helpful even if they make you cry more at first.

    • Lara on at

      Your lessons are inspiring me, Sarah! I believe 2019 will be an amazing year for you!

  28. sarah on at

    Sorry my first post was my first draft then I spent some time thinking and adding… I suppose this is part of the process, right?

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?

    Lost. Currently going through a separation and through it I’ve found that I’ve lost a lot of myself over the years. I’m trying to figure out who I am again and rebuild areas of my life that I’ve been neglecting.

    Health – 4 I did so well for a while. I felt great, lost some new baby weight and then 5 months ago my life changed significantly, and working out came to a halt. I plan on making my fitness/health a priority in 2019

    Friends – 4. I have some really amazing friends – found some closer friends than I realized. I need to make more time for my friends and actually spend time with them.
    Family/Marriage – 2 this has just been tough. working through some things but trying to figure out if it’s going to make it
    Finances – 2 an incredible amount of debt this year
    Spiritual + Personal Growth – I had lost a lot of my faith and made it my goal to get reconnected again. I have a reading plan to get me through the bible this year and hope to keep it.
    Business – 6 I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished in my career. I want to keep learning and have thought about going back to school but this may be one too many things this year.
    Recreation – ha! Haven’t had any- need to build this back into my life.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel? I’ve been chasing control. Control in every aspect of my life. It’s making me feel crazy. I realize now that I cannot control everything, only myself and the actions I take. I need to take care of myself so that I can take care of my family. My hope is that writing down my goals and making small steps will help me to reach my goals to a happier healthier self so I can be better connected to my friends and family.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.

    Its okay to start over. It’s not the end of something but the start of something new. My kids don’t care how clean the house is, they just want to spend time with me. Hugs are helpful even if they make you cry more at first.

  29. Crystal on at

    2019 should be an exciting and growing year for me! I’m one of the lucky ones with low scores in every section (except learning and mentoring). 2018 was an amazing and challenging year; I moved from Denver to Turkey and welcomed a beautiful baby girl to my family. My life is now set up for me to cultivate all of the dreams that have been growing in my heart. I’m excited and grateful. Yay!

    • Lara on at

      Yes!! Love your perspective, Crystal!

  30. 1. Overall, a strong 7. Finance are good, but I need to save for hubby’s retirement in a few years. Health/weight needs WORK! I gained a few pounds in July when I turned 60 – because you have to celebrate 60, right? – and those are still here, in addition to Thanksgiving weight. 2. What have I been chasing? I may need to ponder on this for a bit. I suppose first thought is: something to give my blog subscribers, a really well-run blog. Which could all equate to PERFECTION. Makes me tired just writing it! 3. The good things? I RETIRED in August! I learned so much from that, but mainly that my hubby likes me to go to boring car club meetings with him. I never went before, too much to do and no time to spare. But I go now, and he enjoys having me with him! Yes, they are still boring to me 🙂 but that’s fine…

    • Lara on at

      Congratulations on your retirement, Ellen! It’s an amazing time of your life to dig in here! : )

  31. Emily S. on at

    I’m super excited about 2019. My son was born last April, so 2018 was a year of major unknowns and a lot of praying and just hanging on by a thread. 🙂 Now that I feel a little bit more settled, I’m excited to really dive deeper and be more intentional this year.

    How am I?
    Health – 6
    Friends – 3
    Spouse – 8
    Family – 7
    Finances – 7
    Spiritual Growth – 4
    Work – 3
    Recreation – 4

    I really want to improve work (I’m a SAHM) and recreation – not necessarily have a job but to engage my mind and learn and grow.

    What have I been chasing lately?
    I’ve been chasing fulfillment in material things and perfection on the surface. And let me tell you, this does not make me feel good!

    What have I learned and what good things happened?
    My son was born, and I survived the newborn stage, yay!
    I learned that accepting help does not make you weak and it is not a crime. I love helping others – I shouldn’t deprive them of the same joy! Also, caring for yourself is not selfish – I have nothing to give others if I’m depleted. And lastly, material items cannot fix emotional needs!

    • Lara on at

      I love your thought about loving helping others – so true!

  32. Kristin on at

    How am I?
    Health – 5
    Friends – 7
    Family -7
    Finances – 4
    Spiritual Growth – 3
    Work – 4
    Recreation – 4

    I’ve been chasing perfection/control. Some close family members have been through major health issues and my immediate reaction is to make everything else perfect and control everything. Then it doesn’t work out and I feel like crap.

    I’ve learned that I’m stronger than I thought. That I can be there and support those I love and care for no matter what. I’ve learned that I’m also more independent than before and don’t always have to be in a relationship to be whole.

    • Lara on at

      You ARE strong, Kristin! So glad you’re here!

  33. Kristin on at

    I texted a friend who is having a rough time and told her I was here for her if she needed anything.

  34. Sheila on at

    Part 1 – How Am I?
    Health – 4
    Friends – 5
    Family -8
    Finances – 3
    Spiritual& Personal Growth – 5
    Work – 8
    Recreation – 2

    Part 2 – What have I been chasing?
    Currently I’m just “trying to get through” each day – perfection is no where in site – living day by day is all I can accomplish. Another part of it is living to make sure others in my life are happy. I put their needs in front of my own.

    Part 3 – What good things happened in 2018?
    I was able to spend some quality moments with my great-nieces and nephews (8 – ages 6 mo to 9 yr). I treasure that time. I have finished some crafty projects on time to gift the items which is motivating me to organize more and be able to do that more often. Health wise I’ve lost 45 lbs in the past year – more due to medication required to control my hives – but any weight loss is a good thing per my doctor/health care team.

    • Lara on at

      So glad you’re here, Sheila!

  35. Samantha Abi-Hanna on at

    Step 1
    — Health : 1. I’m not doing anything to improve my weight.. I’ve gained so much weight since I got married. And have little motivation to get started because I feel like I have no time.
    — Friends : 5. I am making more and more time for my friends and my mentor. I could use some more “girl-time”
    — Family (including your significant other, if applicable) : 7. We are having consistent date nights. I need to work on not being on my phone so much though throughout the week and try to have more meaningful times.
    — Finances : 1. We have debt from our wedding that we were not able to get rid of by the end of the year, the way we had planned.
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth : 5. I need to make more time for prayer, and serving in our local church.
    — Work : 10. Doing well here, I think.
    — Recreation : 6. I make sufficient time for fun. Could use a massage and a mani every once in a while, though.

    Step 2
    I have been chasing approval. Unfortunately, I deal with being a people pleaser. Everything I do seems to revolve around pleasing someone. I know I need to stop doing that. I feel like I’m in this cycle of never doing enough and yet I have no time to do more.

    Step 3
    Good things that happened in 2018: My husband and I took a leap of faith and moved to Dallas to start working with local non-profits. The Lord provided every step of the way. We also got our debt down significantly (it’s not completely paid off but we are in at least 5,000 less than we were when we started). We made time for ourselves and took a lot of little trips just because we wanted to spend time together and see places we’ve never been to. We became members of a great church and have made new friends.

    Lessons I learned: 1. Let go. I don’t have to be in control. We can trust God especially when he’s asking us to take a leap of faith. 2. People are more important than my list of things I need to get done. 3. REST along the way. Not everything is go, go, go. Sometimes, the whole day is a success just because I sat before God in prayer.

    • Lara on at

      It sounds like you had a wonderful year in so many ways, Samantha!

  36. Kim Huitt on at

    Ooooo!!! This podcast recording is so amazing. And your voice gave my good bumps! Like the artist Bob Ross.

    • Lara on at

      I will take that as a huge compliment! Ha!

  37. Brittany on at

    Step 1:
    Generally, I feel like I’m all over the place. I randomly remember things I need/want to do and start working on that until I remember something else important. I really need to fine tune my goals and try to create a schedule.
    — Health: 3, because I care more about my health now but still haven’t fully committed to improving it.
    — Friends: 3, because I really don’t have any friends even though I want them, but not a 1 because I have been trying to gain a friend.
    — Family: 8, because I am generally happy with my relationships with my family and husband. Main things I want to change are improvements in my marriage like spending more time with God together.
    — Finances: 5, because we are not horrible financially but have a LOT of room to improve. We were debt free until this Christmas season so now we need to become debt free again and then work on our finances in the Dave Ramsey set up.
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth: 5, because I take care of myself the least but have a large desire to. Also, I’ve very recently been in a season of having a hard time even wanting to read the Bible even though I know I need to and still want to, so I need to up my spiritual growth.
    — Recreation: 3, because I feel that I generally haven’t done much recreation and would like to be intentional about that for my husband and I.

    Step 2:
    I have been chasing perfection and I have felt sub par in everything in my life. Nothing can ever be good enough. I want to find a healthy balance in my life and learn more of who I was created to be.

    Step 3:
    In 2018 my marriage grew a lot. Some hard questions got brought up and we worked through it and learned. My faith continued to grow. God always provided and is always faithful. I was able to see some bad areas in my life that God was pointing out to me so I could work on improving them. I am grateful for all of this past year, even the parts I didn’t care for because I feel like a different person leaving this year than I did entering it.
    The lessons I learned were that putting my problems in the light helped me begin to change them, that even when times look bad in my marriage we are strong enough to get through it and even grow better and closer from it, and that Jesus is a faithful and loving God and he loves for us to see that!

    Thank you for sharing your blessings with all of us! It’s really life changing.

    • Lara on at

      It sounds like you are in such a great place for this work, Brittany! So glad you’re here!

  38. Kim Huitt on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?

    What stands out is my desire to put aside striving for achievement and leaning into the Lord to provide and following His Spirit. I also see a trend to build self-discipline muscles instead of following my feels. So the areas that need scaffolding are finances, work, and relationships.


    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?


    I’ve been chasing significance and trying to find worth in my achievements but that leaves me feeling empty so I shop, search, spend on things for homeschooling, self-improvement, and other time-consuming activities that takes away from my real life and real relationships.


    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.


    Jumping into forgiveness. Seeing everyone as an infant and giving grace. Realizing all our days are written in His Book and I have nothing to worry about. Showing up with my little loaves and fish and seeing God work miracles. Deleting Facebook and Instagram. Waiting for God to deliver and provide instead of taking for myself. Decluttering. Believing God. Not listening to voices that cause insecurity and comparison.


    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Kim!

  39. Grace on at

    Health (3), Friends (5), Finances (4), Spiritual Growth (2), Spouce (7), Family (5), Work (4), Recreation (4)
    This year, I want to focus on the areas of Health, Spiritual Growth and Recreation (which I’m looking at with a “self-care” spin this year). I believe all three of these things play off of each other, which is why I’m going to work towards improvement in these areas as if they were all one area – I want to know Jesus better, I want to be able to rest and recharge in that growing knowledge of him, and take good care of his temple (me!).

    I think I’ve been running from something, rather than chasing something. I’ve struggled with doubts and questions in my faith for the past year and a half and I’ve run from those issues so I don’t have to deal with the foundation-shaking truth that I’m questioning what I beleive. I want to stop running this year – to trust that God is big enough and strong enough to handle my questions!

    Good things: I celebrated my first anniversary with my husband; I celebrated nine new unions in Christ by attending NINE weddings this year!; my mother is cancer free (praise God!); I’ve read some great books. Lessons: to keep showing up even when it’s hard (church, friends, etc); the first 10 minutes of any phase in the day (when I get to work, when I get back home) usually dictates how the rest of that phase will go; I am better when I workout regularly!

    • Lara on at

      Love your perceptiveness, Grace!

  40. Nora on at

    1. How am I? Well, I’m pretty (positively) surprised and shocked at how far I got on my first year of PowerSheets (2018). I literally forgot about them from June until October and still made amazing progress in my opinion.

    I am a 2 in Health right now due to circumstances beyond my control (chronic illness, disability, port infection yadda yadda yadda), a 7 in Friends, a 6 in Family, a 4 in Finances, a 3 in Spiritual & Personal Growth, a 5 for Work, and a 3 for Recreation.

    I really want to focus on improving Finances, Health (inasmuch as I have control over it), Spiritual & Personal Growth , and Friends.

    2. I’ve been chasing approval lately, from my partner, from my father, from the internet, from made up standards in my head. It makes me feel inadequate, miserable, never satisfied, never done, must have/be/do more more more…

    3. 2018 good things list:
    – arted more
    – paid off DHs then debt
    – grew in my relationship with my partner
    – started a positive relationship, sort of, with my father
    – got my table for my atelier
    – got a proper decubitus mattress and hospital bed
    – switched to a decent care team
    – switched to a decent BEW
    – celebrated my one year anniversary with my personal assistant
    – celebrated my third anniversary with DH

    And I learned from all this:
    – more Art = happier, more stable me
    – budget-wise: we CAN do it, we just have to follow through
    – proper planning is half the job done well

    • Lara on at

      That is so encouraging to hear, Nora!

  41. Allison on at

    Step One:
    Wow, initially I would have thought my answer was “fine.” But sitting down and writing it out per category was incredibly helpful and eye-opening! Completing this exercise allowed me to realize the two areas I want to work on most in 2019 is my spiritual growth and health.

    Step Two:
    I’ve been chasing perfection. But I haven’t been chasing perfection in that I’ve been working incredibly hard to do everything and be everything. Instead, my version of chasing perfect is to quit before I even begin. I know whatever I complete will not live up to the outrageous expectations I’ve created for myself. So, why even try? Why feel the sting of disappointment at a “failed” project when I don’t have to try at all? What a gross way to live.

    Step Three:
    I moved to a new city about two years ago. I had a solid community in my old home, and making new friends was incredibly difficult at first. However, this year I feel like my husband and I really laid down roots and invested in people. It showed me that doing the hard work and being vulnerable really is worth it.

    I am very much looking forward to the next four days. I want 2019 to be different!!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so encouraged to hear the process is working for you, Allison! Keep going!!

  42. Veronica on at

    1) My categories and numbers
    Spouse/Significant Other-9
    Spiritual+Personal Growth-6

    2) I am forever chasing perfection. Nothing is ever good enough, it can always be improved. That includes my house, my wardrobe, and sadly my kids and husband too. It always leaves me exhausted, empty and feeling guilty. This year I want to learn to be content where I am, with what I have, and to love my people the way they are.

    3) lessons I learned
    – always see the good in my kids
    – I have the power to set the tone in my house
    – I love yoga in the mornings
    – Pilates gives me life!
    -I never regreat working out
    -deep and honest conversations with my husband strengthens our marriage
    -Want to find contentment!

    • Lara on at

      If all you do this year is make progress on being content, Veronica, I think it will be an amazing year for you!

  43. Allison on at

    I texted a friend and let her know how grateful I am for her!

  44. Mari Miranda on at


    Health: 6
    Friends: 4
    Finances: 6
    Spiritual & Personal Growth: 7
    Spouse: 10
    Family: 7
    Work: 8
    Recreation: 4

    I most want to work on friends, spouse and spiritual + personal growth.

    2. Lara, wow. I can’t explain to you what a breakthrough this was for me. I sat at the car and thought, really hard, “What am I chasing?”, and when I finally got to the answer I couldn’t help but cry. Control. I’ve been chasing control. Believing that if I control this or control that, I’ll be able to guarantee for myself the outcomes that I so desperately wish for. God, help me. Praise Him for His grace.

    3. Good things!
    – My husband got a raise
    – I found my dream job
    – My baby girl learned to walk, talk, self-feed, tell us secrets, dance. Everything.
    – I found a good church.
    – People came to Christ!!!!
    – I found Powersheets.
    – We got a new apartment we love.
    – We planted seeds of friendship, which we’ve been praying for a while.
    – My husband found freedom.
    – I started up counseling again.
    – We took trips! Yay!
    And so much more, praise Jesus.

    I learned that it is okay to walk away, and pain can be very good, and that no matter what, God is here.

    • Lara on at

      Wow, Mari!! You all have had quite the year it sounds like with your family! I’m so grateful you’re here!

  45. Ke'Asia M Calhoun on at

    • Cultivated goals: Growing what you already have (relationships, you health, children, your home, your money & your time)
    • STEP ONE: How are you? Really. How are you? Look at the 7 categories below and write a few thoughts about how you are doing in each one:
    • — Friends: 0. I don’t have healthy relationships with my friends, I don’t even consider myself to have friends we’re all in different places in life right now. I should work on building friendships and networking with new people.
    • — Family: 7. I need to work on respecting my family members
    • — Finances: 0. I am not working right now because my school schedule.
    • — Spiritual + Personal Growth: 3. Haven’t been spending enough time with God.
    • — Work: 0
    • — Recreation: 0
    • STEP TWO: What have you been chasing this year? Do you feel like you’re attempting to measure up to an impossible standard?
    • Going to go on A diet
    • Losing weight
    • Opening a clothing line
    • Learn how to sew .
    • STEP THREE: What good things happened in 2018? What grew well? What are you grateful for from the last twelve months?
    • I didn’t realize how much I’ve been lacking on planning my goals and accomplishing them until the end of the year. Which was December. The best thing that happened to me this year was receiving the spiritual awareness on how far behind I am when it comes to committing to the goals listed above. I also realized my relationship with God has not been flourished on my end as much as it should be. So it took me a whole 12 months to realize, I’m thankful for this awarness.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, friend! Sounds like you are in a great place to do this work!

  46. Dory on at

    Looking forward to a fresh year with more intentional goals. I think i misused my first 6 months edition as a kind of to do list for things that were clearly adding too much to my plate so I’m looking forward to hopefully giving this 2019 binder a new approach!

    • Lara on at

      I’m excited for you, Dory!

  47. Jill on at

    New to Power Sheets and just bought my first set for 2019!!
    Step 1
    — Health – 4, need to focus on eating better
    — Friends – 6, just a hair better than mediocre
    — Family (including your significant other, if applicable) – 8
    — Finances – 6, bought a house in 2018 and now trying to get back on the savings train
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth – 4, would like to find something that speaks to me that helps me grow
    — Work – 4, need to feel more secure
    — Recreation – 7, lots of concerts and outings, but want to be more purposeful with leisure time

    Step 2
    I’ve been chasing a world where “I can have it all”. I’ve also been chasing tribe mentality – you know the ladies with their ‘tribe’ of friends? That. It’s exhausting!

    Step 3 List of good things
    -Bought a house on my own with no financial help
    -Started new traditions with friends
    -Had an article published for the first time!!
    -Visited Ethiopia (first time)
    -Found a family in mentoring and nurturing my boyfriends kids
    -Walked in a fashion show (first time)
    -Dipped a toe into volunteering locally

    • Lara on at

      Wow, Jill!! Sounds like you had some amazing “good things”!

  48. Patricia Williams on at

    1. Health-3
    Spiritual growth/personal growth-8

    I’ve been struggling with feeling like I am just floundering. Lack of motivation but yet to the outside world, I am doing a lot. I’ve started counseling so I’m hoping that will help me sort through some deeper issues that are contributing to my lack of motivation and joy. But I am thankful for the power sheet process. I’ve studied Galatians this fall and man am I in need of constant reminder of the gospel in my day to day life and that sanctification is all about process not perfection. I want to improve in health, recreation, and family life. I’m just in need of fun! I know some of this is bc of my own inner struggles so I’m hoping counseling will help cultivate joy too!

    2. I’ve for sure been chasing perfection. I have such high expectations set for myself that I literally drive myself crazy. This has caused me to respond so poorly to any failure but esp with certain relationships in my life that are not easy. Also, I’m seeing how much I compare myself to others in literally every aspect of my life! I really did not see that being a struggle for me until this fall. It’s all in my head which i used as an excuse to it being ok to do. Wrong. I see how judge mental I am being. Thankful for the Spirit revealing that to me and a husband and friends who I’m slowly opening up to about it that are willing to keep me accountable. All this has made me feel like I’m not enough/good enough, depressed, and just ungrateful. Def praying for change this next year in regards to this!
    3. The Gospel meets me in my failure. His grace is big enough for my mistakes. Studying the Word of God has been so good for my heart. Daily Repentance is a mark of the Christian life for me. God has given me friends here in my city that are truly great! I cannot change anyone. God will help me in my weaknesses. The gospel frees me from my own perfectionism. Comparison sucks.

    • Jacque Duran on at

      Oh I feel you, in a lot of these areas. Comparison is an ugly trap and so hard to get out of. Everywhere I turn it’s there. But, thank you for Jesus and the Gospel of Grace. To teach us gently and show us a better way.

    • Lara on at

      Those are some amazing lessons to hold on to, Patricia!

  49. Anna on at

    Step 1: I’m doing better than I thought!! My friends and family are my top categories(which makes me so happy, being an enneagram 2 and all about those relationships). My two lowest were spiritual/personal growth and finances, even though I feel I’ve made some good progress in both those areas this year. There’s so much room for improvement in both! Overall, I’m so thankful to have taken stock and realize how blessed I am, especially in my relationships – they’ve taken so much work, but it’s been so worth it.
    2) what have I been chasing? Approval. The acceptance of others. belonging. I started to give up on those things just a couple weeks ago(full disclosure) and it’s been a lesson in surrendering them to God. Equal parts grief and freedom, at the moment.
    3) what good things happened in 2018?
    SO MANY!! 😍 I got to be a bridesmaid for two different, beautiful friends. I traveled a lot more than previous years. I spent my birthday at a cabin with 10 of my dearest friends (a feat for my oh so introverted self, and one of my highlights of the whole year). I went back to counseling. I paid off ALL my debt in November, sheerly by the grace and power of God. 3 lessons learned : 1. people are my life’s calling. Outside of Jesus, they are more worth investing in than anything. 2. Self-care is not supplemental, It’s vital. If I’m going to love people the way He calls me to, He has called me first to care for my body and soul – and that means more time alone with Him! 3. Mental health is worth investing in. It was a leap of faith to go back to counseling when I was still in debt.but I did, and it’s the best decision I made this year.
    I hope I got it all! These excercises are so good, Lara, and that giveaway is giving me all the heart eyes 😍😍😍😍😍😍

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Anna!!

  50. Dawn on at

    When I picked up my 2019 powersheets I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I knew I needed a change! Going through the first few steps was difficult, but much needed! I now have awareness of where I am and where I’m going in 2019!

    • Lara on at

      Ahhh I’m so happy you’re here, Dawn!!

  51. Amy W on at

    This year was such a big year for our family. I am so thankful for the power sheets. One of my goals was to get a system in place and finally organize our family photos. With this as a goal and Nancy Ray’s PDF how to, I deleted over 10,000 pictures. This is amazing to me as a homeschooling mom of 4 boys ages 7 and under. But it was important and we set aside kid-free time for me each week and I constantly reminded myself that done is better than perfect.

    We also did the couple’s goal guide and we made recreation a big part of our lives. I am choosing progress over perfection and not waiting on the perfect weather or perfect ages of our kids to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

    I am also letting go of the fear of disconnecting and missing out on social media and reminding myself that I should have more care for not wanting to miss out on what the Lord has for me.

    I learned, like you often say, little by little progress really does add up. And then I don’t have to get it all right but to embrace the mess and just start. Good things grow when we take steps of faith. And desiring to honor the Lord as I steward my life. Stewardship is my 2019 word and phrase is Stewardship is worship.

    • Lara on at

      Amazing, Amy!!

  52. Renee on at

    This will be my first year using the Power Sheets and I can’t wait to get started. I have been on a journey of self discovery this past year and with 2019 just around the corner one of my goals is to dig even deeper. I am so looking forward to this. I scored all areas of my life pretty low. My relationship with my husband is the one and only area that is almost perfect!! But the rest have suffered quite a bit unfortunately. It’s ok, I’m ready to improve it all this year ❤️ Thank you so much Lara for this great opportunity!!

    • Lara on at

      A solid relationship is a great foundation for improvement in other areas, Renee! Cheering you on!

  53. Sara S. on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    I am actually feeling very hopeful! This feels huge since the past few years have been incredibly hard physically and emotionally but I am finally coming out of the fog and I am excited about that.
    Health: 6
    Friends: 7
    Spouse/Significant Other: 6
    Family: 6
    Finances: 7
    Spiritual & Personal Growth: 4
    Work: 1 (I’m a stay at home mom but looking at starting a non-profit with my husband so this number is very based off the fact that this is new and up in the air)
    Recreation: 3

    I most want to work on Health, Spouse & Family, Spiritual & Personal Growth, and Work.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?

    I’ve been chasing survival mode and ways to numb myself through food, tv and books so that I don’t have to deal with my own inner turmoil. It has made me feel even more worn out and frustrated that life just keeps passing me by.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.

    Good Things:
    – Finally spending money on our health. I kept putting it off since money was tight but I spent so much more money because I waited to deal with it.
    – Making weekly library trips
    – Listening to audiobooks on Scribd with my girls
    – Studying the Enneagram and actually working through my issues as a type 9.
    – Getting my teeth cleaned.
    – Going to bed earlier.
    – Making sure my 9 year old reads aloud daily and does her math with Teaching Textbooks, even if nothing else gets done that day.
    – When our car broke down, we had no money for a new one and felt pretty strongly that God did not want us to take out a car loan so we stayed in the uncomfortable place of trusting Him, taking the bus and borrowing a friend’s car. A couple months later God provided an almost new car through the people in our church giving to get us one. 😭 So I’d say the good thing was God providing and the church showing up and being the church.
    – Found oils that help so much with my health issues as well as my medication.
    – Having uncomfortable conversations and learning to speak my mind (kindly of course)

    Lessons Learned:
    – Spend money on our health. It pays off.
    – God provides when we literally have nothing.
    – I have a voice and a unique perspective.
    – Taking care of my health makes me a kinder mom and wife.
    – Not following through makes me feel immobilized. Following through makes me feel so good!
    – Caffeine and I are not friends.
    – Just do the thing even when you don’t want to.
    – Less is more.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Sara!

  54. Mandi Palmer on at

    Step 1
    — Health – 7, I feel great, but want to lower my blood pressure and increase my energy!
    — Friends – 6, I have great friends, but I need to see them more.
    — Family (including your significant other, if applicable) – 9- Loving my little family and all the time we spend together. Although, we could use some extra date nights!
    — Finances – 6- Getting better every year, but definitely need to shave off some debt.
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth – 7, Read the entire Bible this year! But need some time for other books and self-development (is that even a word?) 🙂
    — Work – 7- I love teaching, but also am looking for promotion outside the classroom.
    — Recreation – 4- I don’t play enough!

    Step 2
    I’ve been chasing success, wanting to use my Masters degree outside the classroom as an instructional coach or administrator, but I am hoping to come to peace with wherever God wants me.

    Step 3 List of good things and lessons you learned.
    I’ve learned that I can sometimes struggle with anxiety. I need to replace my fear with faith, there’s no room for both! I have many, many blessings and my focus for 2019 will be on the countless ways the Lord has blessed me.

    • Lara on at

      Replacing faith with fear – YES!

  55. Tiffany Hathorn on at

    Step 1

    3- Health- I am taking my thyroid and anxiety meds daily, so that’s an improvement. However, I still need to lose a LOT of weight. I don’t exercise at all since I let my gym membership lapse this summer and we mostly stay home.

    7- Friends (I have good friends I see or speak to regularly, but wish I had more of an active social life. I want to see them more often WITHOUT the kids around. I want to host game nights and go to homecoming for the first time in 10 years.)

    6- Family (I speak to and see my immediate family often, but we don’t hang out for fun anymore. I’d like to have game nights and see my extended family more often. I want to meet my youngest half-sister and get my son connected to that side of the family.)
    1- Finances (My finances are terrible. I’m stuck in famine mode and feel like I’m drowning in expenses and debt.)
    3 – Spiritual + Personal Growth (Spiritually, I’m confused. Personal growth-wise, I have a LOT of mindset work to do. I also have a lot of work to do with time management and productivity. But I think that I’ve made some progress with feeling like I deserve better and am capable of greatness.)

    2- Work (Business is terrible right now. I need to focus on finding a steady remote job that easily covers the bills so that I can focus on building my business the RIGHT way. The one good thing is that I do have courses, membership programs, and a network of entrepreneurs to help. I also have a great business coach. I just need to get to work.)

    3- Recreation (I’ve committed to auditioning for every play possible and just finished up a production. Acting is something that makes me happy, so this is a step in the right direction. However, I need my finances to be better, so that I don’t feel guilty about spending so much recreational time. I also need to spend more time working on other creative pursuits, like my book.

    • Lara on at

      It sounds like you have some amazing growing ground to dig into, Tiffany!

  56. Tiffany Hathorn on at

    Step 2:

    Chasing perfection as a mompreneur and a homeschooler has made me feel like a failure, like I’m lacking in so many things, and like things will never be the way they should be.

    Step 3:
    I was going to say that NOTHING good happened in 2018. We got evicted from our home. Business has been terrible. I’ve fallen behind on every single goal. But then I remembered that I taught my son to read and that he is reading like a pro every single day (and enjoying it). That is major! And I’m typing this from our new house (which is actually the home I’ve wanted to live in for the past 3 years). Even though I’m struggling to pay the bills, at least we’re here. And we had a wonderful family help us out with Christmas this year, thanks to a friend mentioning my situation to them. So, things could be a LOT better, but they could also be a LOT worse.

  57. Tiffany Hathorn on at

    I texted a friend that I know is struggling with life and big decisions right now and we chatted about our goals. I also decided to host a vision board party in January and sent out a few invites.

  58. Daryl Morris on at

    I purchased my powersheets planner and have filled it out, up to the page where you list the specific goals you want to set per month, across the year. My biggest takeaway from this was “Progress, Not Perfection”. I LOVE THAT!!

    • Lara on at

      Hooray, Daryl!!

  59. Hillary on at

    How am I? I’m a little haphazard, to be honest! I had my first little babe in August, and while he is a dream, my expectations about motherhood were totally off kilter. I’m calling this a year of highs and lows, because while it has been filled with amazing blessing, there have been so many days when I didn’t know if I could catch a break.

    Categories and numbers:
    Health – 6 …I love carbs too much 🙂
    Friends – 3 …really need to cultivate this area. Since my husband and I moved back to our hometown, this has been a tough area.
    Family – 7 I have a super support family! But on the flip side, am always wondering if I’m letting them down somehow. I let it stress me out instead of embracing memories.
    Spouse – 8 ..my hubby is a Godsend, truly. Tending to our faith together is a big priority this year.
    Finances – 7 ..we are doing well, but my mindset about month (and needing to hold onto it) is dragging me down.
    Personal Growth – 5 ..post-baby, need to work on this!
    Work – 6.. made a career change in January, but adjusting to working/motherhood has been more mentally taxing than I thought it would be!
    Play/Recreation/Self-Care – ..6.5? Haha! I tend to prioritize rest and making sure that I at least do something relaxing.

    What have I been chasing? Eek. This is a tough one. If I’m honest, I am chasing the image that a close family puts out on social media. I know that sounds confusing and weird, but it’s become a mental roadblock for me. This family member is an over-sharer, and I’m constantly comparing my life to the strides they are making in theirs. It’s been probably the biggest hindrance to my mental growth this year. And it’s so silly and crazy when I type it out like that!

    GOOD Things in 2018:
    -Having a healthy pregnancy.
    -Giving birth to my first little love!
    -Finding compassionate doctors to care for his needs and help us tackle some challenges he had as a newborn.
    -Closing on our first home in March.
    -Having the ability and flexibility to work full-time remotely.
    -Stepping into a volunteer team at church.
    -Seeing my husband excel at his job and know that he is exactly in his niche.
    -Being surrounded by supportive family when the postpartum days were tough!
    -Buying the domain for a blog (even though I didn’t do anything with it).

    This will be my first year using PowerSheets ever, and I truly feel like my soul needs them!

    • Lara on at

      Congratulations, Hillary!! So happy you’re here!

  60. Hope on at

    I love your goal setting series! Thank you so much for helping me look back on this year and really see everything that I have accomplished. It is so easy to focus on all of the negative things, like you said, but really reflecting on each aspect individually helped me to see how far I have come!

    • Lara on at

      Yes! Thank you for being here, Hope!

  61. Katie on at

    I’m so excited to get started again on goal setting this year! This goal setting series was so impactful for me last year and these questions really put my life into perspective again. I love it. I’m feeling really good about my family, friends, and personal growth this year. I’m feeling okay with health and recreation and have some ideas with how I can improve. I struggle most with work and finances and I’m still brainstorming ways for little by little improvement this year. After really digging in and ruminating on my year as a whole, my biggest takeaways were:

    1. Persistence pays off; reading is an ingrained habit again, going to the gym feels normal now, and my 50/50 Yoga/Barre class gets me out of the house on Sundays and ready to take on the rest of the week with a good attitude.

    2. I can always find a way to distract myself and I need to work more on really digging into the issues instead of burying them.

    3. I need to dive into something that feels authentic to me; not just what others have done or what works on social media.

    I’m excited for 2019 and more confident than ever that I will see real changes in my life this year! 🙂

    • Lara on at

      I love your takeaways so much, Katie!

  62. Mari on at

    Trying to post. It keeps saying it’s spam.

  63. Mari on at

    First let me say this is my 2nd year with this process and I’m so grateful. It truly have been life giving for me.
    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?

    I’m good. 2018 has been a great year with so many positive things happening. When I compare to what I said last year this time I’ve made so much progress, however I find that my focus areas are the same. I did make progress on finances. I’m happy to say we are Credit Card Debt Free!!!!

    Didn’t make as much progress on my marriage. This continues to be a struggle quite frankly. Another area of opportunity is spiritual growth and lastly I made great progress on health and I want to continue this focus.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?

    Thanks so much for that video. It was powerful and helped me to think about the question in the right way. I’ve been chasing trying to be a perfect mother, with perfect kids, and a perfect career. I am happy to let this go. Because I know it can’t happen. I just want to be the best mother I can be and get help where it’s needed. I let go of that chase for perfection!! It’s freeing.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.

    wow…so many good things happened this year. – which the first thing on my list was using the Cultivate Planning and process

    ..my goals were:

    1. Cultivate financial freedom – –
    – I got a new job paying 50% more of what I made before
    – we reduced our credit card debt
    – we bought a new house and stopped renting – which I Love, love, love
    – we made money in our business for the first time
    – increased our credit scores

    2. Cultivate intimacy
    – while more work is to be done – we did have good moments this year
    – we celebrated our 10 year anniversary
    – we took a anniversary trip which was great
    – we talked more

    3. self care
    – I lost weight – over 90 pounds since Oct 2017!!!
    – did more walking, yoga, barre and started to enjoy doing good things for myself
    – put myself first and went after my personal goals
    – I was accepted into the PhD program I always wanted
    – became a member of a group I wanted
    – spent more time with my best friend and family

    so many many great things…

    so lessons learned from the great things
    1. write down what I want and continue to focus on it
    2. sometimes I just need to do it – don’t over think it – just go for it – even if it seems impossible
    3. little by little really works – I didn’t think we would make eliminating the credit card debit but small decisions made the difference
    4. being intentional made a big difference as well – choosing to play the game with the kids, choosing to not to do sometimes

    • Lara on at

      That is so encouraging, Mari! Thank you for sharing!

  64. Sarah Murphy on at

    I’ve spent a long time chasing validation….to feel like enough. Oh the irony….doing that makes me feel like I will never be enough. I’m excited to dig in and make change

  65. Joining in for this year’s goal-setting series a bit late (and in a much different heart space than usual). We lost my dad unexpectedly about a week ago, and in light of that huge loss, I am doing a lot of thinking and just being still — with God and with friends and family. I had started my Powersheets prior to the loss, and seeing those blessings and good things from 2018 already written down and recorded has been a comfort and a blessing. I’m not sure how to keep moving forward with my Powersheets for 2019, but I want to uncover what that might look like, so I can continue to make the most of this life and honor my dad’s memory in all I do.

    • Jacque Duran on at

      I am so so so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine and I will pray now for you. May it help you bring more clarity to your goals. As you truly are face to face with priorities. I’ve jever lost a parent but went through a season of great loss of loved ones and keeping some positive accountability may be helpful. Adding in some goals to get you outside or moving or whatever gets you in a good mindset. Again prayers for you and your family as you navigate this time now and this whole year ahead. Grief is a process and is not short. I pray people give you grace.

    • Thank you so much for your prayers and words of encouragement, Jacque. I think adding goals that get me outside, moving, etc. is a great idea. I’m sorry about the season of loss you experienced, too. I hope 2019 is full of new opportunities and joys for you.

    • Lara on at

      Wow, Katie. I’m so grateful for the PowerSheets serving you in this season. Praying for you and your family right now!

  66. Carrie on at

    *raises hand to wave* I’m a first time PowerSheet user! I feel like I’m finally in a healthier mindset to even attempt Powersheets. Fear of failure kept me from pursuing this system of goal-setting (hello enneagram 9w1). I have clear direction on what God wants me to do and I need to lean into the details to get me there. This is a practice of discipline for me and I’m so thankful you provide so much support! Excited to keep digging in to my powersheets and uncover my goals for the year.

    • Lara on at

      So happy to have you here, Carrie!!

  67. Natalija Elijas on at

    I can not buy the Powersheet, but last year I played along and did the prep writing all my answers in Evernote and then copying the goals into a notebook. I am planning to do the same thing this year :! I still need to focus a bit better on some goals, but it was very helpful.

    • Lara on at

      Glad to hear it, friend!

  68. I’m 60 years old and so grateful to be here! I am a cancer survivor and am trying to reign in my hyperactivity. I lack focus and I am working to gather my thoughts. My rankings show that nothing was over a 5. Everything needs work, but as you said, it gives me so many choices! I’ve been chasing approval, happiness and a positive relationship with my husband. I’m excited about the possibilities for 2019.

    • Lara on at

      We’re glad to have you here, Terri!

  69. Deanna Wall on at

    Okay!!! I’m NEW here but getting ready to start my 2019 Powersheets. I kind of want to buy a set for my hubby & daughter in law. My biggest hinderance it to have the right writing tool to start my Powersheets! Isn’t that the craziest thing ever? Do I write in pen or pencil? Okay I think I’m just going to break out the colored markers and get busy! The Powersheets are laying out down stairs and I need to write in them hardcore! I’m launching a new product on my Quilting site! Soooo nervous… but your Powersheets tie into them as I have planned a 26 Quilt Blocks into a Live Well Live Strong Quilt Along! I feel like I need to be perfect and do my Planner sheets perfect to lead this thing perfect! Crazy madness… so instead I’m avoiding perfect by not doing anything! Loved your perfect video! And read your Cultivate book in one day. Reading Make It Happen now! Need to find your other videos and posts! Thank you for the inspiration. I’ll post a picture of my first writing in my planner! Do you have a hashtag? Facebook group? Off to search for MORE! XOXO, Deanna

    • Lara on at

      So happy you’re here, Deanna! Yes, we’d love for you to post with hashtag #PowerSheets : )

  70. Joy on at

    My comment disappeared so I’m trying again. This is my first year using powersheets and I’m loving how the prep work almost writes my goals for me. Two areas that need improvement are my health/fitness and my study/writing time. The last few years have been spent at my job, building things there, and I let things go in other areas.

    I have been chasing significance in areas other than my relationship with Christ and it’s something I want to change.

    Two great things this past year have been a job I love and feel called to do and the growth in my friendships.

    • Lara on at

      “The prep work almost writes my goals for me” – YES!!

  71. Sharolyn on at

    Step One : How am I? Doing okay. Trying to build on the 6 month goal setting progress I started last year after learning about Power Sheets from a friend. I made the most progress in connecting with friends. The areas I want to focus on this year are finances (cut back spending and reduce debt), finding more time for the hubby, and making meaningful connections with my teens as the years are numbered that my kids will be at home with me. One has already left for college. It’s a hard transition but I don’t want to lose those moments to other things that matter less than my kiddos.

    Step 2: what have I been chasing? Perfection is the easy answer, but more specifically feeling responsible for the happiness and contentment of those around me, especially my family. It is an impossible standard to meet and leaves me feeling like a failure.

    Step 3: Good things and lessons learned? A smooth running Homeschool year, good friends, seeing God’s hand and hearing His gentle voice despite the disapproval and judegement of some around me. I’ve learned that He is faithful to provide ALL that is needed, not just physically or financially but emotionally and spiritually. I’ve learned to be more discerning in relationship but also that I need to have the courage to just be myself and trust the He will use me as He sees fit and His opinion is the only thing one that matters.

    • Lara YC on at

      I love your point about feeling responsible for everything and everyone around you…that IS impossible, but what a wise thing to notice!

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Sharolyn!

  72. Kat H on at

    The areas I’m choosing to work on are family, health, and finances. Honestly, I have all of the categories a high rating since I’m feeling so great about them. But health, family, and finances are where I want to make the most impact!!

    • Lara on at

      So good, Kat!

  73. Kinsey on at

    I walked through the goal-setting series last year, but without a set of PowerSheets, and I can already tell this year will be better because…..I don’t even know where I wrote last year’s goals down! I am really excited to use the PowerSheets this year and give this goal-setting thing another try.

    To start, here’s what I rated my current life categories: Health – 7; Friends – 7; Spouse – 9; Family – 4; Finances – 6; Spiritual/Personal Growth – 7; Work – 8; Recreation – 10. I’m focusing this year’s goals on Spiritual/Personal Growth, Friends, and Family.

    I’ve been chasing my own comfort, especially toward the end of this year, as work and other aspects of life have gotten tricky. I’ve believed some lies I need to acknowledge and move past, with the grace of God as my reminder of who I am and what He’s created me for.

    Some things that worked were a new favorite workout (Pure Barre for the win!!!), consistency with my small book club, accepting additional responsibilities at work, and spending intentional time with my husband. I’m looking forward to how these things will continue to influence 2019!

    • Jacque Duran on at

      Pure Barre looks like fun. I wish we had a class closer. Good job finding something you like. I too need more intentional time with my spouse. We get caught up with the kids than exhaustion.

    • Lara on at

      I’m excited for you, Kinsey!!

  74. ASHLEY E on at

    I realized all my relationship based areas were better than I thought they were! Everything was an 8 or 9! After a rough start to marriage, my husband and I are getting our footing!!! I have some really wonderful friendships, and we’re doing a good job of prioritizing our family. Finances were also not stressful as I realized last year that now isn’t the time for us to devote massive amounts of attention to our money because there are more pressing things. My two lowest areas were:
    Health – 3
    Work -5

    How to consistently take care of my health has been a challenge since meeting with some issues a few years ago now. And how to know how much to work, be satisfied with normal work hours, and human levels of productivity is also a problem. Thank goodness I have a wonderful boss and co-workers or this would be lower.

    I also was a noticing that although my spiritual relationship with my husband is stronger than ever, my own personal time with my Father is not as much as I’d like or want it to be. . I ranked my overall Spiritual growth as 7, but me personally is probably a little lower, but trending up. Recreation is another areas I am feeling peaceful about, but also want to see change in if possible. But, it’s defintely lower than work and health.

    I’ve been chasing doing everything and the idea that sacrifice is bad. When push comes to shove I change my schedule to make what is urgent happen first and then I let go of the important things, because there’s no time left in the day!

    Last year, I was much much healthier in my sleep schedule! Major win for me. And I developed a support network and grew closer spiritually with my husband through more devoted time. All these things were huge for me and I am so much happier than I was the year before.

    • Lara on at

      What a blessing, Ashley! I’m excited for you!

  75. Amber on at

    1.I’ve written my ratings and summaries below. The top three areas I’d like to cultivate this year are my health, spiritual growth, and work.

    Health (5): I improved a bit this year in the amount of vegetables I consumed and beginning to exercise more as well as implement mindfulness. I have a long way to go, however, with consistency and intentionality! I’m hoping to continue increasing the small changes I’ve made this past year to include less sugar and continue the trend upward with exercise and fruits/vegetables!

    Friends (6): I’d love to cultivate deeper friendships with some couples we have recently met as well as be more intentional with the friendships I already have!

    Spouse (8): We had a great year! I’d love to continue to increase communication and work on finding my own security in the Lord!

    Family (8): I’d love to pray more for my family this year and continue our intentionality in getting together.

    Finances (9): We had a great year overall! I’m looking forward to continuing to take small steps on our side hustle as well as increase my mindfulness when spending.

    Spiritual Growth (6): I maintained consistent devotions this year, but would love to continue cultivating a habit of meditation/application of what I read in the Bible as well as increased prayer.

    Work (6): It’s been a tough stretch at work and I haven’t been depending on the Lord as much. Would love to increase my time in prayer in order to cultivate an attitude of contentment and purpose with what the Lord has entrusted to me in this area.

    Recreation (8): I’d love to improve in scheduling in rest and enjoying it guilt-free!

    2. I’ve been chasing perfection, which ultimately ties into my tendency to connect my identity to peoples’ judgment of me. This is a horrible hamster wheel with no end, and I constantly catch myself here! Positive feedback fuels the wheel just as much as negative feedback, because I want to maintain a reputation. I’m quite weary of it and ready to step off and find my identity in Christ!

    3. There were SO many good things in 2018! We grew our side hustle significantly! We had a lot of quality time with each other and with family. I made lots of small changes that added up in connection to my health. Some of those changes spilled over and affected those around me in a healthy way. We started serving in one area at our church and were able to say no to other areas so that our schedule remained manageable. We improved communication in our marriage. We usually managed to make time for rest and recovery. Thank you, Lord!

    • Lara on at

      Those are some amazing “good things,” Amber!

  76. Lara YC on at

    I might have gotten excited when I first heard about your work, simply because of your awesome name. 😉 I’ve been working through PowerSheets for the last several months but never getting past the first section, so I’m excited to listen to this series and reboot my progress!

    Health – 8 – finally confident in myself and feeling strong, as a once-a-week fitness instructor
    Friends – 8
    Family – 6 for family, 9 for husband – spent most of the year dealing with a military deployment, which was exhausting and trying, with respect to kids, but I’m letting it be dirt…we definitely grew and learned!
    Finances – 9
    Spiritual + Personal Growth – 5 – I spent too much of the year trying to make people happy instead of listening to that still, small (and sometimes loud and blunt, to be honest) voice of God. A change in churches and realizing that I cannot make every single extra Bible study happen have been so helpful and I’ve reignited a desire to truly dig into the Word.
    Work – when I first started my PS I wrote a 4 here, because I was anxious about starting a new venture, but now that we’re plugging along, I’d say it’s more like a 6 or 7. It’s not what I want to do always, but it’s a good place to serve for the time being, and I can see the value in it.
    Recreation – 5 – I really need to devote more time to the things I love, like learning to sew/quilt, reading, and hiking, and stop wasting time on things like social media.

    -I’ve been chasing perfection too. I am SO hard on myself, and I realize that perfection simply isn’t achievable…it’s debilitating. I had a big lightbulb moment after learning about the enneagram (I’m a 1!) and starting to be more cognizant of this perfectionist trait in myself!

    – In that season of deployment, I did a great job keeping our house running, raising & homeschooling kids, and making my marriage a priority! I can pinpoint 1000 mistakes I made, but at the end of the day, I did a hard thing and we did pretty well. I was also willing to make hard decisions and take bold steps, and I’m grateful for the amazing web of supportive, godly people who blessed me in 2018.

    – Some lessons learned include… When I listen to God and follow His plan, He comes through so abundantly. Even when it seems so crazy or different from how I’d do things on my own.
    Community (my word for 2018!) is important! We’re meant to do life together, even though it can be awkward and hard.
    Eating well and getting more sleep are important habits to keeping my attitude in check. I can also change my habits, like switching from sugar to stevia for my coffee (after doing Fat Loss Cooking School with Fat Loss Foodies), or waking early in the morning (after reading Miracle Morning), and although it felt hard at first, those were good changes — I wonder what new positive habits I’ll form in 2019!

    • Lara on at

      Yes!! So glad you’re here, Lara! : )

  77. Brittany on at

    I sent this to a friend as we are both working through growth plans for our job. I don’t want to share my stuff publically, but I will say that this is a great resource and I’m thankful that you have put it out here for us! It is very helpful to see where I’ve been the last year before making plans for the next. I hate goal setting, but I greatly desire growth and to see the Holy Spirit working in my life. So I will trust Him to direct me in these steps to show me how He is growing me to bring glory to His Name.

    • Lara on at

      You’re in the right place, Brittany! : )

  78. Joanne Tucker on at

    Friends -7
    Family – 8
    Finances -7
    Spiritual – 5
    Work – 7
    Recreation – 5

    I am constantly chasing a need for more…more ambition, more motivation…a better perspective on things in my life…I am constantly chasing a dream…

    The good things in 2018…I purchased my family home on my own…I have come to terms and peace with my parents death…I have seen my strength and seen God work the bad for good in my life this year.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Joanne!

  79. Laura A on at

    I have a lot of low scores, but am choosing this year to focus on health and finances. I’ve been chasing perfection, but realizing that only leaves me discouraged when I inevitably fall short of perfection.

    Good things from this year include digitizing almost 3,000 of my grandfather’s slide collection. I learned so much family history in the process and brought joy to many aunts/uncles/cousins who now all have copies of the digital files. Another good thing was I read more this year! In the past I’ve written off reading for pleasure since I have 2 young kids. This year, I read 33 books!

    I learned last year that I need the support of others to grow, and to set small habit changes that add up over time.

    • Lara on at

      Wow! Sounds like you’re in the right place – we love little by little progress here! : )

  80. Amanda on at

    I am doing well in family and faith but I struggled with putting my health in importance this year. I am so looking forward to making little by little progress. Because I am a first time Powersheets user, I made a little tending list for myself on blank paper for December. How empowering it has been to see that I am moving more, drinking my water, and eating better. I am so enthused about using these sheets in 2019.

    I have been chasing my health and serving my family. I can tend to be too focused on one goal and let others slide so I am excited about small goals spread out over the year.

    I love my routines and the activities I have done with my kids as a SAHM. I love the family traditions we’ve established, waking up early, and singing more. I’ve learned the importance of giving myself grace.

    I have learned that the death of a loved one changes us and how we can reach out to others in their grief. I have learned that there are no smooth and easy days with toddlers–and that is okay! I have learned that I need to give myself more grace.

    I am excited to see what 2019 holds for me as far as positives, progress, and lessons learned.

    • Lara on at

      Welcome, Amanda! It sounds like you’ve learned some beautiful lessons from 2018!

  81. Jess Hall on at

    I won’t lie. I’m TIRED. And very grateful for a fresh start. Here are my areas, ranked: Spouse (9), Family (9), Recreation (9), Work (8), Friends (7), Health (6), Finances (5), Spiritual and Personal Growth (4).

    The end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 was very difficult for me spiritually, and I’ve been crawling my way out of the whole since. Really hoping to find a new church family early in 2019 and get back in my Bible — I’m excited to be in the Cultivate Your Faith group in January. I also want to work on sticking to a budget and a workout routine in 2019.

    You hit the nail on the head when you wrote about “chasing perfect.” I’ve previously fallen into the trap of giving up on something if I missed a day or something went wrong (a missed exercise or one impulse buy turning into two, etc.). I’ve walked away from great progress because it wasn’t perfect, and that’s silly. I really want to work on this in 2019: to be consistent, to keep trying, and not let a setback derail me.

    Here are a few good things:
    – Our marriage survived a really difficult time (we both were unemployed for 2 months) and we came out stronger because of the trials we faced
    – I read 57 books this year! Yay!
    – I got to enjoy a lot of time with my family.
    – We got a puppy, and he brings so much joy into our home.
    – Meal planning and packing breakfast and lunch for workdays
    – Saturday morning runs and a marathon relay in November
    – A wonderful new job
    – My husband’s health
    – Writing more consistently

    Lessons I learned:
    – Zach (my husband) is my #1, ride-or-die
    – Our parents really do love and support us so well
    – When I realized I didn’t fit around the tables I used to (physical and metaphorical), I stopped fighting it and decided to build my own table and be grateful for the people who gathered around it. So freeing.
    – Our life may be very different from other people’s, but it works for us and we are happier for no longer trying to fit the mold.
    – I’m more selfish and less disciplined than I’d previous realized, but I’m a work in progress

    • Lara on at

      57 books – that alone is a huge accomplishment!

  82. Tiffany Hunsinger on at

    Thank you for this!

    Step 1: How am I?
    -Health (3): My back has been hurting more and more lately, particularly my upper back, so that’s probably why I ranked this so low. Also, I think I could lose some weight, particularly by eating healthier and exercising more. As well as this, my mental health could also probably use a little help.
    -Friends (5) – I could still become closer with people, but I would not say I’m completely friendless.
    – Family (6.5) – I think I’m making progress with becoming closer with my family. I try to spend time with them when I can and answer their calls and texts in a timely manner. Really, my brother and his family are the only members of my family that I feel this is lacking.
    -Finances (5) – I could definitely use more money and should probably have more saved, but I’m not really sure how to do that in this stage of my life (in grad school and all).
    -Spiritual + Personal Growth (7) – I think I’ve grown a lot in the past year; however, I recognize I still have a lot more growing to do. Compared to other areas of my life right now though, it’s really not so bad.
    -Work (6) – I love what I do, but I need to learn to get along with those I work with a little better.
    – Recreation (6) – I don’t really allow for a lot of free time. I keep myself very busy, so I guess this could probably use some work.

    Step 2: What have I been doing?
    I’ve been chasing love, companionship, intimacy, and belonging.
    How has that been making me feel?
    I feel more worthless when I’m not able to find those things. I feel inadequate a lot of the time.

    Step 3: Good things
    – Traveling: Our road trip out West, Nashville, Chicago
    – Nature: Hiking, canoeing, cabin stays, flowers, and I camped for the first time this year!
    -Active Prayer Life/Ministry Work: I’ve learned different perspectives to view God; brilliant spiritual direction; wonderful conversations with priests and religious; fantastic Theology courses; insightful conversation with the students I minister
    -Trusting relationships: I found great new friends in Dayton and I’ve been more intentional with my relationships with my family.

    3 Lessons:
    1) The Light always prevails.
    2) Let God work through you, even in your brokenness.
    3) Sometimes the Light trickled into our lives.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Tiffany!

  83. Jen on at

    I found myself grading my life very harshly, there were no areas over a 5. And then I really started to review this last year…we are so far from our original “plan” but that doesn’t mean that it’s “bad” it just makes it different and you know what? It’s not nearly as glum as thought…there’s actually a lot to see the positive in…so I guess in 2019 a goal should truly be to just be grateful for what is here NOW and stop waiting for PERFECT

    • Lara on at

      That sounds like a great place to start off the year, Jen!

  84. Sara on at

    #1 Categories
    Health 7
    Friends 8
    Family 7
    Finances 5
    Spiritual/Personal growth 7
    Work 8
    Recreation 7
    Home 6

    In 2018 I feel like what I chased most were perfect kids. I wanted kids who got my mold., made my life easy, didn’t embarrass me or disappoint me. Chasing this left me feeling exhausted, frustrated, unsettled and like a failure. A failure, because of course those expectations were unrealistic and impossible to attain.

    I had a list 3 pages long of good things in 2018. Many of them included family and friends. I was happy to see a lot of my list was experiences and not things. Celebrations and everyday moments shared with love. What I have learned is that it’s okay to enjoy the experience and not try to plan or control all the details.

    • Lara on at

      I’ve been there, Sara. So glad you’re here!

  85. Kylie on at

    1) My categories & numbers:

    Health – 6 (would like to continue getting more sleep, more water, and increasing my intentional exercise…I get some with a toddler and a preschooler, but would like to increase my stamina/strength)

    Friends – 6 (would like to consistently check in with my longtime friends in our busy season of motherhood, and also grow new friendships at church)

    Family – 8 (we have a good daily rhythm; would like to schedule in some more family “fun” time, and a more regular date night with my husband. Also, homeschool preschool has been such a blessing!)

    Spiritual/Personal Growth – 7 (I always try to invest in this area, but this year I have struggled sometimes with consistency with Bible reading and intentional prayer time).

    Work – 6 (I am currently staying home with my kiddos, but I would like to improve my consistency with decluttering).

    Recreation – 6 (enjoyed lots of outside time together as a family this year, but would like to do more!)

    Finances – 4 (definitely want to improve in this area this year!)

    2) I am actually happy to say that God has really been working on my heart about being a people-pleaser (He’s done this through motherhood really)…I am finally at a point where I am okay with saying no to things that are not the best for me and/or my family, without feeling guilty. I do sometimes struggle though with my own expectations of what I feel like I “should” do…whether that be in motherhood, finances, exercise, etc. So I want to stop trying to “keep up” this year with how I think things *should* be (which leaves me feeling frazzled, behind, and less patient), and focus more on doing what is right in our season, and doing it well.

    3) Three lessons I learned from all the good things in 2018 are that God goes before us in EVERYTHING (He knows, and therefore I don’t have to figure it out…just trust Him!); that it’s not about perfection, but faithfulness; and that God grows the seeds that we plant! 🙂

    • Lara on at

      He does, indeed! So wonderful, Kylie!

  86. Heidi DK on at

    Step 1: How are you?
    Health – 7, made some good steps in the last few months and will continue to improve on those steps
    Friends – 4, continued moms groups but hope to deepen and develop friendships
    Family – 5, Date nights became a priority and doable
    Spiritual & Personal – 6, morning deco time is great
    Finance – 3, still using a budget but needs work
    Work – 6, cut extra out so I could focus on family and kids
    Recreation – 4, started to get out and do activities more

    Step 2- Chasing who I think I need to be and who I think others want me to be. Always thinking I am not living up to the potential I should be

    Step 3. Good things
    Beginning to workout, Letting go of thing that were stringing me and embracing less, getting out and biking more, Zeke potty trained, starting to do regular time with God

    • Lara on at

      So glad you’re here, Heidi!

  87. Debbie C on at

    Just found this blog and so grateful! My answers:
    Spiritual 4
    Health 5
    Friends 3
    Family 7
    Finances 5
    Work 6
    Recreation 5

    Name my chase?
    My kids behavior, especially in front of others. Also saying yes to responsibilities so I won’t let people down.

    Good things from 2018?
    Just a few: successfully setting aside cash for some big events and expenses this year! My sister got married. I unrolled the two little ones in Mother’s Day out and created space for myself. Started practicing Sabbath. Our youngest successfully walked after months of therapy. All cash Christmas.

    • Lara on at

      I love your good things, Debbie! So glad you’re here!!

  88. Valentina on at

    How am I? Excited, Hopeful, Happy
    Health- 4 doing well for the first time in years. I started losing weight (15kg so far) this year and want to continue introducing fitness back into my life in 2019, I know I have a long way to go- but I know now that my body wasn’t broken and that I can feel healthy again 🙂
    Friends – 6- I have great supportive friends and I want to continue cultivating these friendships.
    Family 7-we are very close and we cherish our moments together.
    Finances- 5 I am happy with my progress this year on managing our household budget, but I would like to be able to put away more each month.
    Spiritual-Personal growth 5- I am growing in my closeness to the Lord and I am committed to continue my study and reading in 2019
    Work 5; I am learning to manage my duties more effectively by being more intentional and less frazzled by my workload- GRACE!!!
    Recreation 5- committed to continue providing opportunities for us to rest, relax and make memories as a family. And as for myself, I am committing for quiet time every morning, and crocheting for 18 minutes every afternoon as part of personal rest, before I go to get my kids from school.

    I have been chasing to keep my head above water, thinking for so many years that was stuck in my circumstances- I had been ill for so many long years I thought it was all downhill from here. But the Lord in his great and abundant mercy brought me to a place where I started healing and losing weight. I have even been able to wean off certain medications : God is so Good!

    Good things and Lessons Learned: our faith in the Lord grew deeper, we were challenged to put all our eggs in the Lord’s basket regarding our kids education. We found a private school, had to pass entrance exams and raise the funds to be able to afford it.. My kiddos were able to experience for themselves, what it means to put our trust in the Lord. It has been a delight to see them grow in their faith and grow active in their service at Church. We traveled to the Arctic circle as a family to celebrate their graduation from primary school and they started middle school with confidence and have been thriving in their first term. We moved permanently to our cottage and garden to simplify our life , live with less, and help the kids thrive in their studies.The unexpected result of this is that I started getting back to Nature and started healing, being more active and eating nutritious foods. I’ve lost over 30 pounds since Sept, and my bloodwork shows a reverse in my insulin resistance and high blood pressure. I do better in the country and away from a lot of toxic relationships. God is Good.
    I am so grateful now to cultivate these gains and to live with purpose as I am turning 50 in 2019. My best year YET!

    • Lara on at

      Sounds like an incredible year, Valentina!

  89. Jennifer Strosnider on at

    So excited to be checking out your blog and shot for the first time!

    • Lara on at

      So glad you’re here! : )

  90. Amanda on at

    Last year I found the blog post by chance and went through the steps. I’m not sure I followed it as well as I could have. Then I sat down to make some decisions about next year. I found my notes from last year purely by accident and wanted to go through the process again. Luckily I was able to track this post down!! This year my numbes this year are nealy identical to last year. Some for different reasons and most for different expectations as I am not the same person I was last year. This year I was better able to articulate the whys for those numbers. Last year I set 6 goals. The first 6 months went well and I felt pretty strong, then I went on a 7 week road trip with my kids. I was able to tie in a few of those goals, but getting back to real life caused me to get a bit side tracked for the remainder of the year. But it is clear to me I was born to travel. I kind of wish I had figured all this out when I was younger…

    • Lara on at

      It’s never too late to start, Amanda! I’m excited for you!

  91. Ezinne on at

    Step 1
    Health – 7
    As someone who runs a health based firm and is also an MD, I am intentional in this area bearing in mind that health isn’t just about food and exercise. Mental health is key too. I have a bad knee so I’ve taken to dancing. In a few months I plan to either register at the community gym or get some dumbbells. I love weight lifting especially since my arms are just fine.

    Friends – 5
    Making progress. I don’t have a lot of friends but I also never really cultivated what I had. Oh they do not support me, oh why didn’t they check up on me first, oh they don’t even share my work. *covers face* When I was busy chasing money & recognition, I had no time either for the ones who cared about me, they were on the backburner. Now, I am more intentional about communicating, reaching out and letting go of pride.

    Family – 7
    Very intentional here though letting go of my business let me see where I fell short and I’m thankful for the opportunity to improve

    Finances – 7
    I have grown in the area of managing finances and being a good steward not spending without a thought or just buying more. Most importantly, when I stopped taking clients, God opened my eyes to see that I could have a really rich & fulfilling life that had nothing to do with money plus I could really enjoy experiences that required my finances regardless of how much I was making.

    Spiritual/Personal Growth – 8 – More on this

    Work – 6
    When I let go of perfection, my work ethic improved. I saw areas where I had become slothful despite the fact that I was always working. It was no longer about blaming my team or chasing perfection. I am more about doing what matters, showing up excellently and paying attention without burning out on both ends.

    Recreation – 7
    For me this is taking a long walk, playing with my daughter, letting go of busy, reading a book, watching a movie or sleeping without feeling guilty that I should be busy instead. When I was chasing perfection this was NULL (except playing with my daughter), I was always in front of my computer.

    Step 2
    I used to be that person who wanted to do EVERYTHING AT ONCE and do it all too perfectly. This meant two things:
    I drove my team over the edge. Its a wonder they stayed with me except I let them go. They were all nice, loving and loyal. Yes, I was a good person but once I was under pressure, I was mad and unkind.
    I stepped in everytime and took over the work. I was burning out at all ends and had little or no time to fully live or work on my business as I was always working in my business. I just wanted to show up perfectly and that I had it all together but I think I ended up showing up unprepared. It was all too D.R.A.I.N.I.N.G.

    I decluttered my Google Drive this week and one thing that stood out for me was how I spent so much time planning my perfection story with little time to actually do the work. I never even paused to celebrate wins because they were not as big as I wanted. Gosh!! I was too hard on myself.
    I have carried a lot of guilt and shame over how I lived my life in the past two years but not anymore, there was a reason I had to go through that part and I started out with very good intentions. I have learnt and I am growing – I am no longer chasing perfection, fame or recognition – I let go of what no longer serves me.
    I used to be so angry at the kind of people that came my way (clients) they mostly wanted medium to low end products and truth is they’d always buy but I was not satisfied. Why were the bigwigs not coming my way? It did not matter that these people loved me and always celebrated me, my eyes were filled with greed to see that. Many times I heard in my heart ‘what if this is your ministry’ but that did not matter – I was chasing profit over people.
    I wanted more – definitely not more of God, more money. Even with all this I still never felt like I measured up. I started this year reading Make It Happen and even have a cute highlight for it on IG cos I was blessed but my heart wasn’t fertile enough to absorb all that was in it.

    Step 3
    The Good Things From 2018
    I took baby steps towards sharing my message on redefining health as it was laid in my heart (I did it afraid), launched my podcast in May 2018 – Beyond A Dress Size and started a new business page on Instagram around August 2018.
    I finally let go of my old business, the first time this dropped in my heart was July 2017 but it was a big struggle. It came strongly again in August 2018 and it took till November for me to finally surrender. I realise I was worried about what people will say and had attached so much of my identity to what I thought I had built. I had peace.
    I started a mentorship with 7 women. I knew it was time to start to pour into others but I had no idea what course it would take. Right now it’s centered on God’s word and filtering everything the world throws at us through the lens of the word. Our goal – making Jesus famous in our hearts, homes and to the world around us.
    This has helped my spiritual life grow too cos when I was so consumed with chasing and getting more, my relationship with God was non-existent. I’m thankful that now I ENJOY studying the scriptures and praying. Plus I have been consistent.
    I now see myself for who I am, it’s a daily work but I’m in a better place, I am not my degrees, my bank account or my businesses.
    I read 41 books just a bit shy of my goal to read 50 this year.
    I got invited to speak at two events. Hosted one offline and one online event. Though these were on my goals for 2018, I never worked towards it and it happened.
    I am no longer competing or jealous of others who seem to be moving right along, I am free to be me and walk in God’s path – less triggered, less angry – choosing to operate each day from a place of love.
    Learnt to listen to my husband more and pray more rather than ask him questions he does not have answers to.
    FREE of people’s opinions. It’s not mine or God’s. Its okay if they choose to stick with it but that’s not me anymore.
    I have learnt to trust God more and lean into his word. Faith over striving.

    I know that a lot of good things happened for me and my family in 2018 but the devil has a way of turning your eyes on all the things that went wrong (that do not matter).

    PS: this exercise was good for me. Putting this out here was the the height of my vulnerability cos I worried someone who knows me may see this but I realised it’s about time, can’t drag this with me anymore, put it out there and let go. It’s my growth story and I’m owning it. Also, I’ve always been too proud to enter giveaways and always saw it as beneath me so the old me would never comment😄. Thank you Lara.

    • Lara on at

      Too much planning, not enough doing = I’ve been there! Thank you so much for sharing!

  92. Erin on at

    This is my 2nd year using powersheets and I’m so happy to be starting again! Just getting started on my prep work and goals because things are crazy but I’m counting all progress as good. Because of powersheets and my work last year I’m really happy with where I’m at. The 3 places I want to focus this next year are finances, health, and recreation.

    Lately I’ve been chasing perfection in parenting and caring to much about how others see me. It makes me question every decision I make, anxious and discontent with where I’m at. But I’m letting that go in 2019!

    So much good happened in 2018… after Using Ivf to conceive our two girls—we found out we were pregnant again! This time complete by Gods Grace. We worked a lot in our yard and created a space we love. We prioritized our family and spent quality time together and took several trips together. We were so blessed! Can’t wait to keep moving forward. I’ve learned I need to contralto seek God in my decisions and he is my focus for 2019!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so encouraged by your story, Erin! Happy second year of PowerSheets!

  93. Emily M Wood on at

    STEP 1:
    — Health: 6-7 I have started working out recently…but NOT CONSISTENTLY!!!! I would love to have a better routine and I (along with my family) could definitely eat healthier.
    — Friends: 7-8 I have grown in this area! This year I found a small group of ladies that have become GREAT FRIENDS! We encourage one another and pray for each other. It has been such a gift! I would love to grow in this area by having people over to our house more.
    — Spouse: 8-9 This year we have been more intentional about having date nights! I want to continue this and be a little more consistent. PLUS, I would love for us to plan a getaway for our 15th anniversary!
    — Family: 7-8 I was more intentional this year about making memories and traditions with the boys! I want to continue this. This year I have one child going to preschool and one going to middle school. I want to make these transitions smooth and memorable. Sometimes I still feel a little overwhelmed with keeping a balance.
    — Finances: 4-5 UGH!!! This is the BIGGEST area where I could grow. We are not in debt….but we do not know where our money is going. We have no kind of budget…AT ALL!!! I would love to KNOW where our money is going! I also would love to save and give more!
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth: 8-9 I feel so much stronger in this area!!! My prayer life and Bible reading are more consistent…but there is always room for improvement. Powersheets have been a gamechanger for my personal and spiritual growth!!!!
    — Work: 5-6 I’m a stay at home mom….but I blog…and I help out with a foster care nonprofit. For me this area is a struggle because I want to be a good mom and homemaker….but I also have dreams and passions the Lord has put in my heart! I really want to figure out a balance here.
    — Recreation: 6-7 Still need to work on this. I am doing better….but I still just need to figure out what this looks like!

    STEP 2:
    I‘ve been chasing unrealistic expectations. I want to do ALL THE THINGS as a mom….ALL THE THINGS with my blog and IG…..ALL THE THINGS as a wife….etc. It constantly leaves me feeling guilty and less than.

    STEP 3:
    Good Things:
    I started a swap with one of my momma friends.
    Date with my husband!!
    Started “preschool” at home with my little guys
    Consistently had a social media free weekend
    This year we made so many memories as a family!!! (Carowinds, fields trips, summer bucket list, a staycation….)
    I had the opportunity to organize two events in our county for foster kids! (Shoes of Hope and Hometown Christmas)
    I completed 4 Bible Studies: Discerning God’s Voice; Armor of God; Minor Prophets; and Draw a Circle 40 Day Prayer Challenge.
    We completed several things on our House TO DO list.
    I had the opportunity to speak at a church and I did a radio interview this year.

    Three Things I Learned:
    It just takes a little planning and being intentional to make things happen.
    A memory/tradition doesn’t have to be big and extravagant! It is the simple things that the boys remember most!
    I don’t have to create opportunities….when I am being faithful to what God is asking….HE orchestrates the opportunities!

    • Lara on at

      Those are some amazing good things, Emily! Thank you so much for sharing!

  94. Shea on at

    1. Areas:
    Health 7 – I have been moving toward realizing I have to take time for myself eating more healthfully and exercising. As a busy mom, this can get moved to the back burner, but I’ve had too many health issues lately that I need to be giving my best here.
    Friends 8 I’m so grateful for my friends. The Lord allowed me time to reflect and really connect with them when I had a break in work. It was such a precious time. I want to continue to cultivate and grow those relationships even though if my schedule is busy.
    Family 7 I love my family, but I want my children to treasure each other as friends more.
    Finances 6 I would like to be even more intentional here.
    Spiritual/Personal growth 8 I’m so grateful for all the Lord has brought me through and what I have learned. I want to continually seek Him.
    Work 8 I’m giving this a lot of my attention right now. I would like to be intentional and effective and leave work at work.
    Recreation 6 My kids’ recreation is wonderful. My “recreation” not so much. Ha! This goes back to just realizing I take very little me time, and I’m trying to do better even if it’s an early morning walk. And regular dates with my husband would also be wonderful.
    Home 8
    2. I feel I’m more content than I have been in a long time, and hopefully I’m getting better at being present. However, I have to remind myself to not try and control situations with my children. Love them and see them for who God created them to be – not who I want them to be. They surprise me all the time.

    3. This list could be very long but for the sake of this post I will try and keep it brief. I learned I could try something scary like going to graduate school and actually finish well. I learned it took a toll on my health – probably because I didn’t take enough me time. I tried to do mom and student at 100% all the time. However, I learned to enjoy all the wonderful little blessings God had for me along the way with new faces and opportunities. He gave me a couple months of slow, quiet refresh that allowed me to catch up with so many people I hadn’t been able to truly connect with in so long. And, finally, He gave me a job that wasn’t exactly what I had pictured, but it was perfect for our family and that’s what I had prayed for.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Shea!

  95. Kim Davis on at

    I love this Goal Setting Series each year. It always helps me refocus and provide vision to the year ahead. To answer the questions above. I love the questions where we rated various areas in our lives, as that helped me know what areas I needed to really put some attention into in 2019. These areas included finances, health, and recreation. Lessons I learned included:
    Small Steps Every Day lead to BIG results
    We all have seasons in life.
    Simplify my home (decor, family’s schedule, etc.) is the best thing I have ever done.
    Love others by taking time to listen
    Always be honest
    Live a life of integrity.
    Don’t underestimate taking time to encourage others and to be kind.

    • Lara on at

      I especially love your last one, Kim – I’ve found that to be so true in my own life!

  96. Krista Linegar on at

    I’m not sure if my first comment made it so I will try again:
    1. I feel like I want to improve in every area and I’m not really doing great in any of them but I will say family I have an 8! We are all super close…love having a family group text but I would like to be more intentional with my boys

    2. I feel like lately I’ve been chasing just getting by and it makes me feel yuck and just adds to a lack of motivation

    3. Lots of good this year…traveling, family, work but probably one of the best is having my best friend (and her family-which is my family) move back to Alaska! And lessons learned a step forward is still a step forward even if it’s only 2 pounds. Lol!

    • Lara on at

      If you’re only going to rate one category highly, family is a great one! : )

  97. catherine on at

    My brother traumatically passed away this year unexpectedly at the age of 39. So this year has been one of grief and pain so my reflections are going to look markedly different…but here goes:
    1) How am I?
    Health (5): Grief took a major toll on my health and getting back into healthy rhythms with my body is one of my main goals for the new year. Sleeping, eating, and regular exercise are a high priority.
    Friends (5): Relationships also took a major hit in my world. Many friends didn’t know what to do or say so they’ve stayed silent. But, new friendships have formed and then a few of my nearest and dearest have been a lifeline to me in these early days of grief.
    Family (10): Even though losing my best friend/brother was the most painful experience of my life, my family has banded together in our grief in an incredible way. It has been a gift to watch.
    Finances (5): I haven’t had the self- control and paid attention like I should have in this area the past few months. Definitely need to get back to watching our spending.
    Spiritual/Personal Growth (8): God and I have spent most of 2018 wrestling through the pain and ache of loss. But, I can honestly say He has grown me spiritually in ways that I can not fully see yet.
    Work (9): My work is homeschooling my kids and this is an area that has been one of our best years yet. The perspective of death has made me relax, enjoy my kids and do what we can in a given day.
    Recreation (5): This hasn’t been a priority for me but FUN definitely needs to be a part of 2019.
    2.) Before my brother died, I felt like God was calling me to lay down a non-profit I had started, other ministry stuff I was involved in and to focus solely on being a homeschooling mom. But, the fear of disappointing people paralyzed me. When my brother died, that all changed and I was able to lay it all down, with a “valid excuse.” I was chasing people’s affection and value through what I was doing, not who I was. I was exhausted and wasn’t doing anything well. Even though the reason is devastating, my life now is so much more whole in some ways because I am focusing on what I feel like God is wanting, not what people want from me.
    3.) What good things happened? What grew well? What are you grateful for? This is a hard question in the most painful year of my life. The good things I would say is seeing beauty from ashes. I’ve seen my sister and I bond in a deeper way as we’ve grieved together. I’ve seen my kids grapple in their young minds with some hard questions in their faith, questions I just started wrestling with through loss and I am seeing them coming out of the other side with a deeper, more pure faith. I’ve seen my husband lead our family with a steadfastness and a strength that was so hard to muster as he lost his best friend (my brother) too. I’m grateful that we are still standing, that we haven’t turned from God but we are pressing in hard to the painful things. Three lessons I’ve learned: what people need in deep crisis (your presence), how to walk through darkness, and why what we cultivate during seasons of goodness, light and abundance are so important for the seasons of pain, darkness, and drought.

    • Lara on at

      I’m so sorry about your brother, Catherine. So glad you are here.

  98. Amanda on at

    I feel like I am running 5-7 on all the areas except recreation. I had my fourth baby this year, moved cities, and have been up to my eyes in trying to sort ourselves out for the past six months. I don’t know what sounds fun and restorative to me, so I’m looking forward to diving into that area specifically in 2019!

    I’ve been chasing ideas of who I “should” be and all the things rather than a few intentional things. I overcommitted myself when we moved to our new city, and I’m wanting to backtrack and make sure that any activities I do are intentional and serving our family well rather than sucking us dry.

    I’ve learned that I can trust God with all matters in my life, and He is faithful to His promises. I learned I cannot do everything- I need to ask for help and accept it when offered. And I learned that simplicity helps me enjoy my life and my family more fully than trying to cram everything into our schedule and home.

    • Lara on at

      You’re not alone, Amanda! I’ve seen a desire for recreation come up over and over again in the PowerSheets Facebook group!

  99. Cassandra Stone on at

    Health 6
    Friends 9
    Family 5
    Finances 2
    Spiritual 6.5
    Work 5
    Recreation 6

    Something that really stuck out that I wrote without thinking was “im chasing quiet in my home by yelling” it’s a good desire but because I’m CHASING it , it’s not pretty and this year I’m going to find it in a much better way!

    I learned this year from the good that I need quiet conversation with God and with myself before the chaos of the day. I’m a homeschool mom or 4 and a nanny of a 3 month old….wow, writing that out I feel like girl, why are you even trying to find perfect goals!! You have so much on your plate! I’m so excited about this series and I’m excited about what God has for me this year.

    • Lara on at

      Such a good lesson to learn/pattern to see, Cassandra!

  100. Kendra on at

    I think I commented on this post via Facebook but now I’m doubting myself. 😉 So I’ll post again to add: this is my third year using this series and I’m so grateful for it! These first few steps of evaluating are always painful but also reveal so many reasons to be thankful and celebrate God’s faithfulness this year!

  101. Kayla on at

    This year, more than any other before, I feel God’s leading me towards specific areas of prayer and growth! I’m excited and a little apprehensive but I know He is leading me towards good things!

    • Lara on at

      So good, Kayla!

  102. Ashlei on at

    I stumbled upon this searching for a word of the year, actually part 3 is the one that came up and I liked it so much I decided to go to part one and realized I’ve looked at some of your books and products before, so neat! A groups of friends and I are doing vision boards tomorrow and I think these cultivated goals will work wonders in figuring out what I’d like to put on my board and what I want for 2019 in general. I haven’t done anything like this since highschool, 10 years ago. I’m really excited to see what this new year brings, I’ve sort of lost my identity in this season motherhood in a way and I want to find it again and get a good grip on what I want for myself and my family and live more intentionally. So here are my answers so far..

    Step 1 –
    Health – 5
    Friends – 9
    Family – immediate 9, extended 3
    Finances – 2
    Spritiual / Personal Growth – 5
    Work – 7
    Recreation – 6

    Step 2 – I have been chasing perfection by way of comparison or fear of being judged, even though the ones I worry about judging me never would. I chase routines and schedules and lifettyles that others I love have because I feel like I should be doing the same and it’s been exhausting and stressful and incredibly depressing.

    Step 3 – so many good things

    Successful surgeries for my toddler, my friendships grew closer and stronger, we moved into a bigger place, we got married, my oldest daughter finally potty trained, I completed the Bible as a novel book, I read a few books of the Bible all the way through, and I finished the Sensible Shoes series and met the author.
    I learned to take chances, that God will make a way, and that even unexpected tragedies can have result in something positive.

    • Lara on at

      So very glad you’re here, Ashlei!

  103. Sadie Steffens on at

    1. My categories & numbers:
    Health – 5
    Friends – 8
    Spouse – 9
    Family – 6
    Finances – 8
    Spiritual & Personal Growth – 5
    Recreation – 3
    Work – 6

    2. I am always chasing perfection and approval in the eyes of others. This is Not helping me live a fulfilled life and prevents me from trying things that I want to do for fear of failure.

    3. Lessons learned from good things:
    God is in control; I’m not. Learning to trust him and hold things with a looser grasp.
    The “good things” aren’t things. Spend time cultivating what matters instead of being consumed with material things.
    Work isn’t where I’ll ever be able to find my significance

    • Lara on at

      “The good things aren’t things” – that feels like refreshment to my soul! Thank you for sharing, Sadie!

  104. Carrie Ammerman on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    — Health: 4, my overall health is good, but I personally am not satisfied with my eating and taking care of myself. I had my fourth son in February or last year and I have been having a hard time getting back into a good health style of living in regards to eating and working out.
    — Friends: 4, need to take more time to build these relationships and spend time with my friends.
    — Family (including your significant other, if applicable): 7, I LOVE my large family and my communication with my husband. I do need to work on being more present when I am at home on my days off instead of always doing house hold chores (sometimes they just have to wait)
    — Finances: 1, my husband and I need to sit down together and talk about our next steps and how we want to continue with our finances. I would love to stay at home with my boys.
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth: 2, definitely and area that I would love to see myself grow in. Attend church and get more involved with my spiritual growth and share this with my family
    — Work: 1, I am so unhappy with my current teaching position and would love to find a way to stay at home or find something that makes me happy.
    — Recreation: 2, this has always been an area that I thrived in until this past year. I have already committed myself to working on this.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?
    – Time management
    – Being present
    – Organization
    – Taking on too much
    – Being perfect
    – Perfect relationship
    – Catching my son up in reading and writing
    – Trying to fit in in a new community, being accepted
    All of the above have been things that I have been really focused on and pushing myself to be better. Honestly, it is exhausting. I have my high days and my low days for sure.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.
    – Usborne Books and More: great friends and sharing literacy with others. I am very passionate about literacy and providing that to others is very heart warming for me.
    – Confidence: believe in myself and what I am capable of doing
    – Mother to four amazing boys: be proud of who I am as a mother and how I am raising my boys to be kind and respectful
    – Wife: this is a big role that I sometimes take advantage of. I need to be more present and understanding of both of our roles. In this role as wife I am also a teacher to parenting. We are working together in parenting and have learned how important consistency really is.

    • Lara on at

      I love that you said one of your good things is confidence, Carrie – so many women struggle with that!

  105. marti on at

    Your turn! Here are today’s 3 goal-uncovering steps for you:
    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    Health-5 – Not doing awful but not where I need to be. Need to strengthen my core and try to control my daily back pain. Sleep habits are horrible. Eating too many sweets. Need to be more active – sit on the couch less. I do take my Synthroid with amazing regularity. I need to do the same with D, Calcium, Iron, and Selenium.

    Spouse – 4 – Meh. I need to be kinder, pray for him more… way more… encourage him, and see if we can go on some dates this year.

    Friends/Neighbors – 5 – I did better in 2018 at cultivating current relationships with a few friends. Growing relationships is one of my weakest areas. There are several relationships I need to purposely cultivate.

    Family – 2 – I need authentic, purposeful relationships with my children, grandchildren, and others.

    Finances – 6 – not too bad. Just need to get that budget from my husband, live by it, and work on spending less.

    Work – 8 – I left a job I didn’t want to do anymore. Yay me! I applied for a job I’ve wanted for years but didn’t pursue because of timing. And… I got it. Start next week. Lots to do to grow in it and I’m excited about it!

    Spiritual/Personal – 3 – Completed 2 Precept Bible Studies this year and continue to love the studies. So deep and so encouraging! But… I don’t spend time with the Lord regularly during the in-between times. Personally, I read a lot of books this year (more than 52) but a lot of them ended up being junk. This year, quality over quantity for reading. Much less FaceBook! Learning about essential oils – as an RN I want evidence-based information so I’m searching for more information as I learn about using them and getting rid of chemicals in my home and diet.

    Ministry – 3 – I remain convinced that I don’t grow unless I’m giving myself and my faith away. Not doing much of that lately. I participate in 2 things at work but none of them are actually spending time pouring into the lives of others. Maybe that isn’t what I’m supposed to do, but I really want to hear from the Lord how and where He wants me to participate in the building of His kingdom!

    Home – 3 – I rearranged the Master Bedroom and love it so much more. It is easier to keep clean, I have a comfy chair where I can spend time in the Word and it is just better overall! Otherwise, my house is a wreck> clutter everywhere > no cleaning schedule > the basement is a HUGE load on my shoulders… filled with so much clutter (not all mine) > Yard is huge and needs landscaping.

    Recreation – 3 – too much social media. Such a huge time sucker for me. Too much TV. It is how I spend time with my mom (who lives with us) but not a great use of time for either of us. Grew as a photographer but have a lot more that I’d like to learn. Oh, I’m bogged down by the things I want to learn. Need to determine what I should focus on. I have such a hard time deciding, committing, then following through!

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?

    I’m chasing approval from everyone: in my job, in my friendships, in what I say (fearful of speaking truth because I’m afraid of rejection).

    I’m chasing what might be right for others but not for me. Comparison really is the thief of joy and so much more!

    I’m chasing too much. As a result I can’t stick with anything! Ugh!. I feel overwhelmed by it all. All of the things I wrote above and more.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.

    Got out of a job I no longer loved – learned that I can’t please everyone and that trying to do so is a source of pride. That was a shock when I learned that and I’m still dwelling on that thought, but it has brought growth as well as taking a risk to apply for a job I’d been asked to take 3 years ago! Feels great to have moved forward!

    Finally wrote that letter to a friend I’d lost touch with. And she replied immediately and we’ve reconnected. Feels amazing!

    Finished our new deck – made those curtains and got them hung. Put up the screens although it took forever.

    Joined the photography team at church – although I fear that I’m not that good, they have used some of my work and continue to ask me to shoot at events. Love that I’m able to contribute!

    Was more purposeful about relationships with a couple of girlfriends.

    So I did make some strides in 2018. I hope to make many, many more in 2019! Lord willing, I’ll be here in a year and able to see where the Lord pruned, watered and grew me!

    Excited to be here!

    • Lara on at

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts so generously, Marti!

  106. Tammy on at

    Step 1: How are you?
    Health = 3
    I need to drink more H20, I haven’t been exercising regularly, and I need to sleep earlier.

    Friends = 5
    I feel like I’m in a good place with having a variety of good friends in my community. I think I could work on expressing love and care to them better.

    Family = 8
    Marriage is going well, though we could always work on improving our communication. Motherhood is always a learning curve, but I am so grateful for what a gift our daughter is. We’re currently going through lots of transition, but I’m not experiencing anxiousness like I normally do. I could always work on improving my relationship with my sisters and my parents.

    Finances = 4
    Nathan needs to find a full-time job, and we’re only just making it by. I’m personally not used to the smaller budget, so that’s a growing experience.

    Spiritual growth and personal growth = 6
    I feel like I’ve been learning to meet Jesus in the day-to-day moments since I don’t get the morning devotional times that I’ve been so used to for most of my life. I don’t feel as closely connected to Jesus as I have in the past, but I don’t feel worried about it. I desire to practice the examen prayers to reflect and pray.

    Work = 7
    I changed careers and left my 7-year long job this year, but my new job has been an amazing experience! I’ve started a new side business and have been trying to figure out if I can sustain it in this season.

    Recreation = 5
    I didn’t feel like I had much margin for recreation this past year. It was go-go-go and fail-fail-fail. I really want to learn how to watercolor and I really want more space to be completely by myself. I definitely get moments of rest and silence, but it leaves me with a hunger for more! And I don’t feel like in the hustle and bustle of transition and this season I’m experiencing any crazy amounts of stress, which is great.

    Step 2:
    I think I am chasing stability. Ever since my daughter was born, life has been non-stop change. Every area of my life has shifted and seems to keep spinning, and I so hunger for routine, predictability, a slower pace and some kind of expectations.

    Step 3: Good things
    -My daughter learned to walk, sleep through the night, and turned 1!
    -My sister got married.
    -I am grateful for my church community.
    There’s plenty more!

    • Lara on at

      Love the thoughts you’ve shared, Tammy, especially about what you’re chasing!

  107. Laura on at

    Step 1:
    Health – 4
    Friends – 7
    Spouse – 6
    Family – 6
    Finances – 5
    Personal growth – 5
    Work – 4
    Recreation – 7

    Step 2: I have been chasing perfection which has led to burnout, procrastination, and the fear of messing up so I don’t finish or even begin. 2018 was such a hard year. I survived and feel like I am stronger than I knew before but also felt like I didn’t make much progress other than simply making it through each day.

    Step 3: I got a lot better at saying no to having too many commitments. I made progress with simplifying some areas of my life. My word of the year for 2018 was simplify. Having small family moments are okay. There doesn’t always have to be big vacations and epic outings for us to connect. In fact connecting at dinner, family game nights, and walks in the evening connect us the most. We paid off some debt and funded our emergency fund.

    So glad to have found PowerSheets for 2019!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad you’re here, Laura!

  108. Elizabeth on at

    How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    Not as good as I’d like. Everything!
    What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?
    Time, staying up to late, little sleep.and worry.

    Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.
    Agreement with husband is essential.
    8 hours of sleep is essential.
    God cares about my dreams!

    • Lara on at

      He does! So glad you’re here, Elizabeth!

  109. Lindsay on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    My top 3 areas of focus in 2019 are Family, Finances & Work. These were the areas that were the main highlights in my prep work – love this process!

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?
    My problem is that I haven’t been chasing anything. Another thing my prep work revealed was a deep rooted laziness. I’ve been able to call it out and ready to combat it in 2019!

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.
    My biggest lesson that I learned was that I needed to stop avoiding those recurring goals. I had several goals in 2018 that I keep moving from one tending list to another (creeping laziness). I realized I needed to just do them – it would have been much better to complete than avoiding them!

    • Lara on at

      I’m so encouraged to hear the prep work is working for you, Lindsay!

  110. JanDe on at

    — Health: 7 eating well and running, need to get gastro figured out fully, focused too much on infertility issues rather than trusting God’s timing
    — Friends: 6 close to those around me, need to improve on the long distance friendships
    — Family (including your spouse):7 loving my kids well, need more intentional time with hubby
    — Finances:5 need to use money app more consistently and impulse buy less often, sell off rest of boutique clothing
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth:4 need to follow through on my goals to read bible daily, be in the Word more, memorize scripture, pray daily, improve my trust in God instead of trying to control things myself
    — Work:8 great relationship with peers and bosses
    — Recreation:6 insist we hike more often, get outside more often bc that’s when i feel most myself

    Perfection, trying to do everything “just right” and be “enough” for everyone in my life… tired, misunderstood, frustrated, lonely, self-loathing

    – My trust in my marriage improved
    – My trust in the Lord improved
    – My relationship with my kids improved
    – My quiet times and reading the Bible increased

    – Finally quit my boutique, which has brought me such peace – learned that the biz is just not my passion in the least bit, but that I can succeed in something big if I put my mind into it
    – Been more assertive and honest with bosses at work, providing me more responsibilities – learned being assertive, not timid, is the way to get things done
    – Been more intentional with my kiddos and stopping to talk through things with them so they learn from mistakes and daily experiences – learned that they don’t respond well to raised voices and would rather have things explained
    – Marriage improved by just being more open and intentional with our personal relationship with each other, focused more on “us” together than as individuals – learned that both hubs and I need to have an accountability group or partner
    – Proved to myself that i could follow an eating plan diligently and for the right reasons – learned I feel much better when i eat right and work out consistently
    – Accepted my body the way it is and for all that it can do – learned that as long as I keep working hard on accepting myself that I will keep moving forward
    – Stopped worrying about why we can’t get pregnant – Learned to wait for God’s perfect timing to get pregnant again

    • Lara on at

      I love all you shared about the lessons you’ve learned!

  111. Teresa on at

    Thank you for helping me to know it is ok to not start on a January 1st. Otherwise I would give up before I even start

    • Lara on at

      Yes! There is nothing magical about January 1! : )

  112. Kaya on at

    So excited for this year! I have been using Powersheets for three years now, and while 2017 was a groundbreaking year, I felt like I just rushed through my 2018 goal setting.

    I have decided to slow things down this year and took the time to *really* think about what my goals are, what I want to change, what I want to grow. Even though I only have five big goals, I am excited to tackle them and cultivate them throughout the year.

    • Lara on at

      You’re in the right place, Kaya! We don’t like to rush through goals over here : )

  113. Ally Howell on at

    Health 3, frustrated but hopeful for the future. Ready to fit in my cute pants.
    Friends 5,growing relationships but wanting more. To give more.
    Family5, want to cultivate relationships ti be strong, open, and fun.
    Bryson8, amazing. I love him and want to grow with him. Feeling too complacent.
    Finances1, ahhhh want to be better
    Spiritual growth, need to be more consistent in relationship with god.
    Recreation1? What’s that? Netflix and screens.

    Chasing perfect: body. Success. APPROVAL.

    Monte, Glade, house, new ward, Bryson’s job, my job, quartet, family reunions. Two years of marriage. Mountains. Daring greatly, Alyssa. Hannah and mission. Mom’s house. BofM 2xs. Gym for 3 months. 10k. Working in the temple

    Family is my everything.
    Cleave to the temple.
    Life is more simple than I thought.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Ally!

  114. Edith on at

    Going to be focusing on improving my health, finances and work this year! I have been quite lax in the way I have been spending money in the past year, making way too many purchases on unnecessary items. I’m looking forward to restarting my home workout regime, following videos on Youtube and signing up for new exercises classes to keep things fresh (going to begin my “Aqua Drumming” classes this month!) I’m also planning to commit to doing more reading up for self-improvement in my line of work to keep myself updated on the newest research and knowledge.

    I related so much with the video about chasing perfection especially because that was the old me that I never thought I could let go of. After letting go of control and trusting God in the Powersheets process, it feels so liberating to be able to experience His grace and goodness and savour the present moment. With that, this sense of “fear of missing out” (FOMO) started to creep into my life and I found myself starting to chase that. It actually makes me feel exhausted as there are just TOO MANY things that I can’t possibly keep up with everything, especially not in this information age.

    -Investing in relationships, old and new, friends and family, even strangers, with the attitude of being there to serve others and not myself to cultivate meaningful relationships whilst establishing and maintaining clear emotional boundaries so that I won’t experience emotional burnout.
    -Embracing grace from God through the downs of my life and the feeling of not ever being good enough
    -Being joyful in the Lord, drawing strength from the Almighty God, experiencing His peace during tough periods
    -Getting the Powersheets! (2018 was my first year doing them!)
    -Finished reading the Bible chronologically for the first time!
    -Being open to new experiences and not being anxious about the need to perform or prove myself

    • Lara on at

      Aqua Drumming! I love your enthusiasm and creativity, Edith!

  115. Erin on at

    I just got my powersheets and am looking forward to starting them tonight. I feel like my health and finances have been steadily moving in a good direction…for which I am so thankful. But the area in which I am really thirsty is my spiritual walk and time with God and good, meaningful connection with people in my life. I really look forward to seeing how I can be more purposeful in pursuing this with purpose this year. And seeing God provide.

    • Lara on at

      I’m thrilled for you, Erin! It sounds like you’re stepping out on a beautiful year ahead!

  116. Melissa Alford on at

    This is my first time using Powersheets. I have stopped setting New Year’s resolutions a long time ago because I never stuck to them. But God has put on my heart to be intentional, to be kind to myself and others. So I am setting out on this journey with you.

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad, Melissa! Welcome!

  117. Alesha on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?

    Health – 4 – not exercising at all and finding myself doing a lot of stress/mindless eating. Realizing that I’m trying to use food as a substitute for God. This is my top area to try to improve in 2019.

    Friends – 6 – able to have more deep and honest conversations with old friends over this past year, but haven’t done a good job in investing in developing friendships where I live

    Spouse – 7 – made time specifically for my spouse in the last quarter of last year and didn’t realize how much that was needed

    Family – 7 – fairly strong relationships with my immediate family, but not good about staying in touch with my in-laws & extended family. Also feeling guilty about not spending enough time with my 3 year old daughter, between work & international travel required for work.

    Finances -6 – achieved some financial goals in 2018, but find myself worrying too much about finances. Need to trust more in God’s provision.

    Work – 7 – starting to see some growth/change, excited to take on new projects in 2018

    Spiritual – 5.5 – feeling the need to spend more time with God, but excited that I have almost read through the entire Bible in a year. This is my second area to try to improve in 2019.

    Recreation – 7.5 – got into a good rhythm of devoting weekends to fun family activities, instead of errands, took some fun trips in 2018.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?
    Recognition from my boss of the changes I made in 2018, which makes me doubt how much I’ve changed in the past year.

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.

    Good things: fun trips to Chincoteague, spending time with extended family, hiring a coach, addressing some of the negative mindsets that have previously held me back, lots of laughs as my 2 year learned to speak, deeper relationship with my husband

    Lessons learned: 1) I’ve always told myself that A-type personalities are the ones that set goals and that it’s just not for my personality type. I convinced myself that my personality type was meant to just coast through life, never really working to attain things. Over the past year, I’ve realized that that mindset is not serving me well, and that in reality, for myself & those I love, I’m better served in setting my sights on things I want to improve and marching to them.

    2) It’s not a bad thing to invest in myself. Until the middle of 2018, I always put everyone else in front of me. I never invested time in myself, including working out, updating my wardrobe, etc. because I thought that time and energy was better placed on my family or others. I’ve realized though that if I take care of myself, I’ll be in a better place to love and care for those around me.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you so much for sharing, Alesha! Those are some good lessons learned!

  118. Stacey Mccarthy on at

    This is my first year using PowerSheets but I so need these messages…to just to it! Be messy and free! I told my support network about purchasing the PowerSheets and I look forward to sharing my progress with them!!!

    • Lara on at

      Yes!! You’ve got it, Stacey!

  119. Pam Bloom on at

    1. How are you? I’m glad you asked. Such a good exercise. I answered candidly in my notebook- challenges and graces. Focus on new health habits first, despite slow physical rehab.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? feel? Lately I’ve been taking risks despite fear and feel (still nervous) encouraged, grateful.

    3. List good things, lessons learned. New friends and gracious family who embolden me and cheer me on. God gives specific help when I’m overwhelmed or at a loss of what to say and take time to listen to him.

    • Lara on at

      Beautiful, Pam! Thank you for sharing!

  120. Emily M Wood on at

    Thought I would share the blog post I wrote about this:

  121. Emerald on at

    While most of the areas you talked about I have been really happy with and pretty happy with progress…I know that health is something I haven’t been as good about. Helping my daughter get the therapies she needs means I haven’t taken care of myself as well as I normally would so that is one big goal this year. I need doctors check up, dentist appointments, get back to my workouts, eating better…etc.

    Good things from last year: We began home schooling, had a third baby, cultivated a better organized peaceful home, prioritized family time and relationships, and did it all with more joy coming out of this house full of people than ever before. It thrills my heart just thinking about it…boy it was hard, but good.

    • Lara on at

      “And did it all with more joy” – hard to ask for anything more! Thank you for sharing, Emerald!

  122. Yvette on at

    1. Used my Power sheets to write how I am in each one of those areas. It felt good to good it down on paper. I’m wanting to improve most on rebuilding my faith, relationships, health and home this year.
    2. I’ve been chasing more and more knowledge as wisdom in the area of racism/patriarchy/marginalization. It makes me like I will never know enough to be effective to help create change. I need to stop chasing this perfect knowledge and move towards getting my feet moving and my hands dirty from doing the work.
    3. So many good things and lessons learned last year. I wrote most out in my power sheets, but there is one I will share here. Darkness and uncertainty can be good and refining.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you for sharing, Yvette! So happy to hear your PowerSheets are working for you!

  123. Daiana Knobloch on at

    1. How are you? Doing best on family and recreation. Have a lot of room for growth in finances, health and spiritual/personal growth.

    2. What have you been chasing lately? Distractions over facing pain and doubts. Not praying instead of opening a hurt heart in prayer. Making sure things look good instead of being present.

    3. Good things & lessons learned? Receiving a surprising answer to the biggest prayer I have prayed in years. First ever real family vacation. Learning to play the ukulele. The time we spent in the garden as a family. More time with extended family and in-laws. Health improving. Seeing my dearest daughter grow so much. Biggest lesson? Too many of my decisions are driven by fear. I need and pray that I may learn to overcome fears that are stopping me from making progress.

    • Lara on at

      Beautiful, Daiana! Thank you for sharing!

  124. Gayle on at

    I am doing OK, but I want to be more present daily. I am chasing the future; I am feeling absent in the present. Lots of good things to past year: laughter with the family, vacation with loved ones, time with dear friends. A lesson I learned and am continuing to learn is to not give up!

  125. Linda Chen on at

    1. How are you? How are you doing in each area of your life and which areas do you most want to improve?
    — Health- 2
    — Friends-7
    — Family (including your significant other, if applicable)-7
    — Finances-8-9
    — Spiritual + Personal Growth-2
    — Work-6
    — Recreation-7

    2. What have you been chasing lately? How is that making you feel?
    Chasing perfection, feeling like I am not enough.
    Chasing comfort, feeling like I am not progressing

    3. Write your list of good things and lessons you learned.
    Good team at work, completed a difficult year, travel with husband, reaching an age milestone, keeping in touch with some friends. learned about self care.

  126. Linda Chen on at

    I posted answers to all the steps this past week but I dont see it published on this page…where did it go? Do I need to retype everything? (i hope not!)

  127. Bailey Swain on at

    1. My three areas I choose to work on this year are health, spiritual and personal growth, and recreation! My health has been a constant battle, I’m in desperate need of a hobby, and spiritual and personal growth is always a goal for me!

    2. I’ve been really falling behind lately. As a college student in my final semester, I’m also planning my wedding and applying for grad school so life is INSANE. I just finished up my goals and I’m ready to get started again!!

    3. I’ve learned to really not progress not perfection seriously with myself. But, I also have to be serious with myself and realize that some tough love is necessary to accomplish goals.

  128. Heidi watson on at

    I love this all so much! Just got my power sheets!

  129. Ashley B. Moyo on at

    Categories and numbers: I did my ratings at the beginning of the new year and it’s interesting to see how they are already growing stronger! My word for the year is stronger.
    1) Health – 4 – This number was because of the lack of attention I was giving my body going into the new year. Putting on weight etc. But I’ve been getting up at 5 a.m. to go to the gym before getting busy with life stuff at 6!
    2) Friends: 7.5 – have wonderful female relationships. Decided to get stronger in this area by having a group of girls I do a 6 a.m. call with once a week. We are all over the country, but with tomorrow as our 5th week, it is already such an invaluable time and such fuel for the fire of growth!!
    3) Spouse/SO: 7.5 – growing this number by having intentional time out of the house together instead of dates at home still needing to mind the baby!
    4) Family: 8 – so thankful for this area! We have some seasonal cookouts on the calendar and that’s exciting!
    5) Finances: 2 – oof. Our finances took a big hit last year. Being very intentional about growing this area without getting out of balance in other areas.
    6) Spiritual: 6 – Write the Word journals have been a life saver since becoming a mom! Carving out intentional time with God so this doesn’t get skipped.
    7) Work: 7 – God has given me a lot of vision for this year, and how growing this in its place will feed back into getting stronger in other areas too. So thankful for that!
    8) Recreation: 4 – really stank at taking time for me last year. This is my biggest not-sure-what-to-do category still!

    What have I been chasing lately? Last year I chased perfection honestly. As an Enneagram 1w2, I want to be perfect and help people too. Learning how to step back from things and invest in priorities and still leave myself watering all the areas- including me!

    Three things I’m proud of, that worked in the last year: Becoming a work from home mom and both getting work done and being intentional with my daughter, 1. Still having a vibrant relationship with my husband through it all and not stopping the habit of taking time for us, 2. Taking time for ministry and not letting seasons of full life take me out of that, 3.

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