2018 GOAL SETTING, Part 3: Choose a Word

lara casey word for 2018

*We are so grateful that ALL of our 2018 PowerSheets are headed to happy homes! Sign up to know when we restock our Six-Month Undated PowerSheets later this Spring!

Welcome to 2018 Goal Setting, Part 3! Oooooh, this is getting good! We have some fun things to do together today. Ready?

If you are just joining us for this series, welcome! Here’s Part 1 and Part 2.

Prefer listening instead of reading? I recorded this post just for you!

As we talked about in Part 1, we’re doing this differently. We’re not choosing goals out of thin air, or because of comparison. We’re not doing fleeting resolutions or quick-fixes that don’t fix anything at all.

Right, friends?! I’m so glad you’re with me on this!

You see, what most of the world misses is that our goals are already there.

Deep below the surface, where the fiery good stuff lives.

It’s just a matter of peeling back the layers of fear and all the things to get to them.

We’re sifting through all the noise and distractions to uncover our cultivated goals.

I’m so excited for today!

If you are just joining us, you aren’t late to this party—there is nothing magical about January 1! Here is Part 1 and Part 2, for your reading (or listening!) pleasure.


STEP 7: What are you going to need to say YES to more often in order to cultivate what matters in 2018, and what are you saying NO to?

Saying no to one thing means you are saying yes to something better!

Write your list of what you are saying YES to in 2018 and what you are saying NO to. There are no wrong answers here, friends. My answers are pictured below, and my lists are a mix of big-picture things (saying no to “comparison”) and specific things (saying yes to “less of me on social media”). Post your lists here in the comments to inspire others, and keep yourself accountable!

These lists are so important! When we say yes and no, we are making decisions. You may find some of your 2018 goals coming to the surface in these lists! These lists serve to summarize where you are going and where you DON’T want to go.


STEP 8: Here’s where the magic starts to happen! Read over all you’ve written so far and circle, mark, or sticker things that stand out to you. Look for common threads or themes in what you’ve written. Add to what you’ve written, if needed. Get out a highlighter or a big bold pen and get messy here! Dig through what you’ve written so far, and notice the threads.

(Side note: lots of you have asked what pens and highlighters we love. I use these, these, and these. I also use our Goal Setting Stickerbook—my favorite!)

This step took me a good 25 minutes, FYI. I went back and read every word I wrote in my PowerSheets prep and highlighted, circled, and stickered things that stood out—things that really mattered to me and things that kept coming up.

The threads point to places that are craving cultivation—patches of your life that are waiting to be transformed.

The threads are little golden strings that tie your goals together.

The threads are your goals in the making.

Let’s do some treasure hunting and find them!

What themes are you seeing in what you’ve written so far? Maybe you’re looking at the threads and wondering if you’re missing something. Maybe the themes you are seeing don’t feel “groundbreaking.” If that’s you, I hope what I’m about to say sinks in deep: goals don’t have to be shiny and “big” to be powerful. What they need to be, though, is real. Connected to the big picture. Authentic to you and your unique path, right where you are.

Maybe you keep thinking that you want to get better at putting your laundry away.
Maybe you want to develop a habit of washing all the dishes before you go to bed.
Maybe you want to reply to your friends’ text messages each day instead of letting them pile up.
Or perhaps you want to get outside for fresh air and a quick walk with the dog twice a day.
Is reading more on your list of things you are saying yes to in 2018?
How about being present and turning the phone off at 9 pm?

These things are important—just as important as starting a new business or running a marathon. Why? Let’s look a level deeper and start to uncover some big picture cultivated goals that are right below the surface…

Little seeds grow into big blooms. Zinnias from the garden this year—my favorite!

Putting your laundry away and washing all the dishes before you go to bed may help you feel more prepared each day, ready to live out your purpose.

Replying to your friends’ text messages each day may help you to serve and love them well.

Getting outside for fresh air and a quick walk may help give you space and perspective to tackle challenges and make meaningful decisions.

Reading more may open your understanding of people’s stories, helping you to grow in compassion.

And being present and turning the phone off at 9 pm will most likely give you a greater connection with your loved ones and better sleep, which makes everything better!

Cultivated goals are about growing what you’ve been given well—what you already have.

Those themes that keep popping up? The things on your yes/no list that you can’t get out of your mind?

These little threads are illuminating your path forward. Notice them. Mark them. And take a shovel and dig into them.

This is cultivating.

Tilling your growing ground, digging in deep, and preparing for new growth.


STEP 9: Pick a word for 2018. When you look at all you’ve written so far, what word keeps popping up in your mind? What one word most resonates with you for the year ahead, pulling together all that you want to grow?

Here are some tips to help you uncover your word:

First, I like to make a list of a few possible words that resonate with me, even if I think they aren’t exactly right. My list for 2018 included:




and a word I made up, Lightspace.

Then, get old school and get out the dictionary (well, Dictionary.com). Look at the definition of each word, it’s origin, and also look at synonyms and antonyms. I love using BlueLetterBible.org to look up the Greek, Hebrew, and related verses, too. You may be amazed at what you discover!

And a note of freedom here: think about this as a word for the season ahead, not for all of time. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you have permission to change your mind later on! Rather than thinking of the whole year, I find so much freedom thinking of just the season ahead.

Repeat after me: it doesn’t have to be perfect. DONE is better than perfect!

Once you have your word, you are welcome to share it here in the comments. Give a virtual high five to those who might have the same word as you—we are bound to have some shared words!

Feel free to use this graphic above to share your word—you never know how you might encourage others!

Now, do something with your word. Write your 2018 word in prominent places in your life. On days you feel overwhelmed or need some direction, your word will help remind you of where you are going. This will help keep you from getting distracted and off track. Put your word on a Post-It in your car. Put it on a note literally inside of your fridge (I have a Post-It in my fridge!). Make it your computer desktop. Write it anywhere and everywhere to remind yourself of where you are going!

My word for 2017 was LIGHT. I didn’t expect this to be my word when I started my PowerSheets, but that’s the beauty of the process. As I uncovered more and more of what mattered (and what didn’t) with every page, the word light kept popping up. Light is what makes things grow well, illuminates the darkness, and leads us on the pathway home. I love this word, and there are so many beautiful scriptures about God’s light.

My 2018 word is the word that I made up! 🙂 Because there are no rules here, right? As I went back through all I wrote in my PowerSheets, looking through all the threads I found and praying on this, “light” remained a theme and “margin” and “space” kept coming up. I hadn’t written it in my PowerSheets before this photo of my Word of the Year page was taken because I wanted to pray more on it, but my 2018 word is…

l i g h t s p a c e

To me this means living in the fullness of His presence, in His Spirit, in surrendered, gentle, humble space. It means space to listen. Space to give. Space to love. Space to live with purpose. It’s a space of peace and trust and clarity.

Your turn! Today’s Goal Uncovering Steps:

1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?

2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!

Whew, this is fun! I love doing this work with you, and I’ll be back tomorrow for Part 4!

Need some extra motivation to dig in? Comment with your answers from each step as we go through this series to enter to win one of the amazing prizes below. I can’t wait to read your answers, and share mine with you too! One person who comments with answers to every step in this series will win a bonus prize: one of everything from the Cultivate Shop! Yes!!! This includes 2018 PowerSheets, the Cultivate What Matters sticker book, books, journals, art prints and so much more!

A big thank you to everyone who entered! What a joy it was to hear your responses and get to chat with you in the comments! Congratulations to our winners below! If you’re a winner, fill out this form to collect your prize!

1. 10 sets of 2018 PowerSheets! — Gail boos, Sara Baker, Carrie Condra, Cydney Levin, Melissa Kelly, Cierra LaShay, Kara Wallitsch Tydlacka, Charis K, Staci Good Bedenbaugh, and Cara Gordon
2. A Fitbit Flex Amber Cavasoz
3. A gift card for a massage — Chris Koiro
4. The 2018 Floret wall calendar — Jen Harris
5. A 2018 Yearly prayer journal from Val Marie PaperHeather Chollar
6. Keepsake Kitchen Diary from Lily and Val — Zulema Uscanga
7. Farmgirl Flowers bouquet — Bianca Norman
8. Our popular PowerSheets Companion Bundle — Christy S
9. 1-year membership to Thrive MarketVanessa Wright
10. 2018 Simplified Planner — Sarah Gonzales
11. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?! A free house cleaning! — Kara Earhart
12. 5 signed copies of Cultivate — Madelyn Smith, Emily Soroka, Julie Davis, Cortney P, and Shannon Hunsley
13. A seat at Financial Peace UniversityKady Curtis
14. 5 signed copies Make It Happen — Keatyn Bergsten, Emily Montgomery, Jenna King,  Samantha Hawthrone, and Kaitlyn Payne
15. Write the Word All Seasons Collection — Lacey Cabalas
16. A Meyer lemon tree – a family favorite around here! — Lindsey Abrego
17. A 6-month membership to Skillshare — Veronica Ilioi
18. A LegacyBox! (Amazing!) — Kerry Batty
19. One of everything from the Cultivate Shop! — Sarah Kemer

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Read Part Four of my 2018 Goal-Setting Series!

Giveaway ends January 30th. Winners will be announced on January 31st here on the blog. Hard goods are for US entrants only. If you don’t claim your prize within 48 hours, another winner will be selected, so mark your planners and stay posted! : ) Also, this post contains some Amazon affiliates links. No extra cost to you and all proceeds are donated!

keep reading


  1. Sarah on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    YES to joy, diligence, space, health, brave, God’s priorities, vulnerability, progress

    NO to.inadequacy, control, doubt, letting others dictate how I feel, feelings of failure, perfect

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    – taking time and patience to grow during the quieter parts of life. Embracing the crazy moments for a steady overall pace.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    GROW IN PLACE. It’s a phrase but it is helpful!!

    • Lara on at

      Yay!!! I LOVE your phrase! That is so good!

    • Sarah Gusky Kemer on at

      Different email address was used here but same person. I’m loving reading everyone’s words and answers to these questions!!

  2. Victoria Hershman on at

    What I am saying no to in 2018: being a dumping ground for other people’s emotional baggage. I’ve been a “catch all” for other people’s rants and issues and it has dragged me down so badly in years past!! I don’t mind being there for people but I don’t want to be used.

    What I’m saying yes to in 2018: not rushing decisions and keeping my “Best Yes” in the forefront of my mind! Taking time to grow!

    Threads I’m seeing: busy-ness over productivity. I fill my life with so much “stuff” and none of it ever gets close to completion because none of it is stuff that actually matters.

    My word for 2018: INTENTIONAL!!! I want to live intentionally, making decisions for me and my family that cultivate growth, even if those decisions are hard. I’m done with second guessing myself on every single step!

    • Lara on at

      YES!!! I love all you shared, Victoria!

  3. Chris on at

    My word for 2018 is grow, growth, growing! Hope is a beautiful thing. This process continues to fuel hope – the year to step into my present and let the past be my past. God is kind and good. Thank you for the words you continue to share that encourage .

    • Lara on at

      You know what we say – it’s okay to grow slow! : ) Excited for you, Chris!!

  4. Julie on at

    Today I’m encouraging my family to think about GOALS for 2018. At breakfast this morning we talked about family goals and personal goals. Very deep–Legos and basketball were on the list. 🤣

    • Lara on at

      I LOVE that, Julie!

  5. Beth on at

    1. YES to being more present with my family, meal planning, work boundaries, reading, finding daily wins, being more gracious, and daily prayer and scripture study.

    NO to wasting money, social media, yelling, poor eating, and buying clothes I don’t need

    2. I am seeing a thread of cultivating discipline.

    3. My word is Intentional

    • Lara on at

      Such a great place to grow from, Beth! Cheering you on!

  6. Julie on at

    1. Saying YES to being stretched a bit.
    Saying YES to attending some long-distance events with my husband that I’ve avoided because of the hassle–kids! babysitters! unfamiliar situations!
    Saying YES to being a consistent parent–with love, discipline, focus.
    Saying NO to being critical (of self, of others). What a waste of time and energy!
    Saying NO to passivity–pray and take action!
    Saying NO to worrying over my son’s education and delays in learning.

    2. Threads: CONFIDENCE. This goal setting process has really shown me that a lot of my “problems” are a result of lacking in confidence–in God, in my own abilities, in others. TRUTH–seeking it, telling it, living it.

    3. My word for 2018–well, I’m glad that Lara set the example of stretching the “one word” idea. Mine is TAKE HEART. I kept coming across the words of Jesus–Take heart, I have overcome the world. Take heart, I am here! I want to live with a brave, courageous HEART this year–to do things that are difficult, challenging, humbling–because, hey! Jesus is with me! He has overcome all that tempts me to fear.
    Anyway–loving this process and excited about 2018.

    • Lara on at

      Haha! We are all rule breakers and I love it! LOVE your “word”!

    • Lisa A Johns on at

      Mm. “Take heart” is such a sweet phrase to me too. An excellent choice for this process and for life!

    • Abby on at

      My word is confidence and I love how you took it further. I have been trying to find different ways to study confidence in the bible and “Take heart” is a beautiful way to embrace it and guide me to passages.

  7. Nicole Street on at

    My word: cultivate. I moved to a new city approximately 1 year ago and I’m finally now just settling in and trying to grow

    • Lara on at

      It takes time for most of us in a new place! Cheering you on, Nicole!

    • Liv on at

      Hi Nicole, I’m facing the challenge of a new city and also find the idea of cultivating a beautiful way to capturing the difficulties facing a ‘transplant.’ Wishing you all the best!

  8. Nicole Street on at

    How I encouraged someone: my sister is stuck between a rock and a hard place, so I sent her a link to your blog!

  9. Gina on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    YES TO
    *Self care
    *More God time
    *More praying
    *More of His word
    *Processing my emotions
    *Time with the littles
    *Loving others
    *Being more open
    *Hard work
    *Focus on goals
    *Moving my body more

    NO TO
    *Burning myself out
    *Screen time
    *Fear of change
    *Being closed minded
    *Self pity

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    I want to live a life more focused on God.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!


    • Lara on at

      I love the word you’ve chosen, Gina!

  10. Holly on at

    My word for 2018 is NOBLE. I am a daughter of the King and He deserves my best. I want to cultivate dignity and honor in relationships with my husband and children; a generous heart in giving; a strong , healthy body so I have the strength to do all He has called me to- this is what noble means to me. I want to be God’s Ambassador to those He put’s in my life. He is worthy of my excellence.

    • Lara on at

      Wow, what a strong word, Holly! Beautiful!

  11. Karis on at

    My 2018 word is “listen.” My usual instinct is to react rather than sit still and listen, so it will take practice and patience, but I’m excited to see what new realizations emerge.

    • Lara on at

      So much potential ahead for you, Karis!

  12. Anna Hughes on at

    Still. Loving this series so much.
    1. I am saying YES to being intentional about my relationship with God and others.
    I am saying NO to lies and distractions from the enemy.
    I am saying NO to “powering through” and over commitment.
    And I am saying YES to filling my mind with truth and trusting the gifts He’s given me and using them to pursue the vocation He’s calling me to as a writer.
    2. Themes: over booking, lack of rest, and distractions.
    3. My word for 2018: SINGLE-MINDED. I want the Lord to be at the forefront of all my thoughts and plans and ideas.

    Also, Lara, for your word- you might’ve already read it, but if you have not you MUST read Unseen by Sara Hagerty. I think it correlates with your word a little bit.

    • Lara on at

      I’m excited to look into it, Anna!

  13. Holly on at

    I am saying yes in 2018 to making space for God to be the first priority in my time, talent and resources….making space for creative endeavors and for nurturing existing and make new relationships.No…to the things that keep me from my Yes’…no to negative self talk and no to shopping unless there is an imminent need.

    I am seeing a thread for the need to be intentional..to make sure what I do and what I choose is consistent with what matters most to me!

    My word is “Intentional”…..but I love yours…..”light space” really describes what I want to be intentional about…I couldn’t find a word to describe that and I love that you made one up!

    I am really loving the materials you have put together…I have stayed away from traditional goal setting in the past because it never seemed to be appropriate for the way I wanted to live..your process has given me a new perspective and excitement!

    • Lara on at

      I am SO glad to hear that, Holly! Traditional goal setting wasn’t for me, either! : )

  14. Kayla Jones on at

    My 2018 word is: SERVICE. Serving Jesus well, others well, and myself well. Really stewarding overall community and wellness.

    • Lara on at

      Beautiful, Kayla!

  15. Teish on at

    OK, so I’m a bit of a rebel. Or incapable of being concise. 😉 I’ve got three words, but it’s for a good reason:

    Faith. Hope. Love.

    The words that got me through 2017 were lifted right out of the Bible and these three were too. These three remain, faith, hope, and love.

    Those are what’s important. Those are my priorities, the things that fit into those three words. 🙂

    • Lara on at

      I don’t think you can go wrong with those words : )

  16. Emily on at

    1. I am saying no to inefficient and wasteful uses of my time and money. Since I work from home, it’s easy to get off track or to even start to feel like my time off from work must be generating money. So, I’m going to say yes to stewarding my time and money well for God’s glory.

    2. I see a thread of fearfulness for many reasons.

    3. My word for 2017 was yes; I said yes to God in as many ways I could. My word for 2018 is trust, which is deeply related to this year.

    • Emily DeArdo on at

      That’s my word, too, Emily! Maybe it’s an Emily thing? 🙂

    • Lara on at

      I love that you’re building off where you came from in 2017, Emily!

  17. Emily DeArdo on at

    My word for the year is TRUST. I chose that a few years ago, but I REALLY want to work on it some more this year. I have to remember that God’s got this and that I just have to follow the path He’s laid down for me, and TRUST in that path.

    On my no list: Spending money on things I do not need. Being afraid, feeling less-than, comparing myself to others, wanting everything to be done NOW!

    On my yes list: Adventure, sitting in the work, planting good seeds, dinner parties, dance parties, self-care, more prayer!

    • Lara on at

      Dinner parties and dance parties! Hooray!

    • Lisa A Johns on at

      Wanting everything to be done now…..Guilty! Love the way you put that, Emily. Makes me realize how selfish and silly it can be!

  18. 1.
    I am saying YES to daily prayer, daily bible, daily stretching of my body, intentional play, more reading, contentment yes to dancing, yes to making due and using what we have, yes to health, yes to noticing joy daily, yes to date nights in, and to the mature view of being the matriarch of the family instead of a martyr, yes to asking for help and saying No.

    I am saying NO to buying excess, beating my worst critic, procrastinating with the lie that “x doesn’t really matter”, too much screen time without purpose, worrying over things(& people) I can’t control. Saying not to the lense of a motherhood martyr.

    2. I see a thread of planting and then becoming impatient and trying to FORCE too much on MY OWN .

    3. My word for 2017 was pursue. And I pushed my way through the year doing stretching myself thin and doing TOO much on my own leaving God in the shadows. I didn’t pursue him. My word for 2018 is YIELD. My word is going to be Yield. Yield to God’s grace and calling, and yield meaning stick with the tending to little things diligently to encourage a generous harvest.

    • Lara on at

      The matriarch of the family instead of the martyr – wow, Christy! That’s powerful!

  19. Ashley on at

    No to worry, doubt, negative self talk
    YES to gratitude, hope, optimism

    Still working on my 2018 Word!

    • Lara on at

      I’m excited to hear it! : )

  20. Alexandra Prosser on at

    Oh, this series is so good. I was a little bit excited for Christmas time to wind down so I could dig back into my power sheets!
    1.) my Yes/No list are mainly big picture; I think I will need to rewrite it each season with appropriate practical yeses and no’s.
    Knows include “no to “flying by the seat of my pants” and yes to intentional forethought. No to negative self talk and guilt trips, and yes to re-centering my identity in Christ . No to comparison and yes to gratitude and seeking God’s will for me – here, now, and today .
    2.) common thread’s are the importance of community, music, and order in my life. Also a common thread of needing more faithfulness and consistency applied in the areas that have eternal value .
    3.) my year of the word is cultivate! I Love the definition I discovered: “to promote growth by labor and attention ”
    So excited to start seeing what this will look like practically as I start clarifying my goals!

    • Lara on at

      I’m excited for you!!

  21. Ashley on at

    Encouraging my friends and family to set 2018 goals and intentions. Writing about setting morning and evening routines that work for you on my blog – https://singlemamathrive.com/create-morning-evening-habits-free-printable/

  22. Emma on at

    My word is Less.

    Less ‘stuff’, clutter, mindless spending and over scheduling so I can have more space to enjoy my family, God , my friends and my home.

    • Lara on at

      Beautiful, Emma!

  23. Madison on at

    My word for 2018 is truth.
    Seeking the truth of God’s Word, becoming more self-aware (ie seeing the lies of comparison etc. for what they are- lies), and using the truth to love the people around me well!
    Phil. 4:8 dwelling on whatever is TRUE.

    • Lara on at

      I love this, Madison!

  24. Christi Stoner on at

    1. No to: doing it all, burning the midnight oil, overloading daily schedule. Yes to: time alone, to bed earlier and awake earlier, more time for family and self.
    2. Threads: not enough time, worn down, too busy, to many irons in the fire, spread too thin.
    3. Word: margin. I am in desperate need of margin in my life. Margin for children to make mistakes. Margin for me to make mistakes. Margin for things to go wrong. Margin for fussy children who need held. I’m tired of hearing myself say, “I don’t have time for this!”
    Looking forward to 2018! Been so good to go thru these power sheets as I reflected on 2017. (First time powersheet user)

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad you’re here, Christi!!

  25. Laura on at

    I’m seeing that I need to be more disciplined. I start so much but rarely finish it.

    • Lara on at

      I pray the PowerSheets will help you with that, Laura!

  26. Rachel McCloud on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018? More Dates nights with my husband

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? Disciple. Do things I know I need to do even if I don’t want to.

    3. What is your word for 2018? Discipline

    • Lara on at

      Powerful, Rachel!

  27. Jenn Parker on at

    I just love starting the new year with cultivating what matters! Thank you for doing this!

    • Lara on at

      It’s my favorite way to end one year and start a new one, too!

  28. Sara on at

    Step 7: I am saying YES to GOD, loving others well, putting myself out there, personal growth, thinking big, continuing to stand up for my opinions and decisions, learning, focusing on my hobbies, overall wellness, being my best me, nurturing my husband and son and saying “no”.
    I am saying NO to comparison/perfection, selfish desires that don’t benefit me, doubt and defeat, unrealistic expectations, standing on the sidelines, impulse shopping, screens over faces, control = fear of faith and too much stuff.

    Step 8: Looking back through prep so far, my common themes seem to be loving others well, cultivating relationships, being an active participant in my life and seeking overall wellness. These things all thread together to create a life well loved/lived.

    Step 9: My word for 2018 is ACTION! I had previously thought it would be active, but after doing a word study, ACTION seemed to fit better. I found James 2:17 about action which says “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” I feel like if I don’t start incorporating action into my life, it’s just going to fall flat. Also, the website you suggested in the post linked action to distraction, deriving from the Greek word “aperispatos”, which means without distraction; solicitude, anxiety or care. All of those things need to be eliminated from my life so, here’s to a 2018 without distraction and anxiety filled with action and faith!

    • Lara on at

      I love everything you wrote here, Sara!!

  29. Bailey Jean on at

    Lara, you are ROCKIN’ that red lipstick! I love it! And I’m loving this series. Digging back through the PowerSheets prep pages I filled out earlier this month has been so energizing!

    1. In 2018, I’m saying:

    YES to planning well, committing to a FEW meaningful things, budgeting intentionally, simplifying health routines, taking time to rest, giving myself and others lots of grace, and CELEBRATING WITH GUSTO!

    NO to procrastination and perfectionism, saying “yes” too often, comparison, over-spending, emotional eating, impulse buying, and guilt tripping myself about the little things.

    2. Heart health (physical and spiritual), simplifying, and choosing to see the good in things appear to be the theme, leading to my vision phrase of STRENGTH, DIGNITY, & LAUGHTER.

    3. My word for 2018 is JOY! Isaiah 51:3 (my verse for 2017) says that “joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song!” That is what I want to live out THIS year!

    • Lara on at

      I am excited for your JOYFUL year ahead, friend!

  30. Colleen on at

    I just came across your blog, planner, and website … I am so thankful to have come across it! I am so excited to start this process and set myself up for a healthy 2018!

    • Lara on at

      Wow, I’m so thankful you’re here, Colleen!!

  31. Suzanne Slagell on at

    1) I’m saying yes to myself. To new adventures, to discovering more of who I really am, to focusing on my own growth, to allowing myself to care for me fully and wholly. I’m saying no to numbing my feelings, to laziness, to view anything that I do for myself as selfishness.
    2) I think the theme I’m uncovering is living fully present. I tend to stuff and stuff and stuff and then finally explode, but neither of those extremes allows me to be present in my life in a healthy way.
    3) My word for 2018 is Health. I hated it when it came to me because it’s not very sexy, but I want better physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Maybe sometimes it’s better to just focus in on what really needs changing with a super specific word. 🙂

    • Lara on at

      I love it, Suzanne! I am completely in support of to-the-point words! They have to mean something to us!

  32. Amy on at

    I am saying yes to dwelling in the Word, abiding in Christ, and trusting God in prayer… more recreation with my family, embracing the season God has for us, all things being illuminated by His grace, joyful giving and stewardship, eternal perspective, cultivating a home where we worship and cherish Christ, simplicity, documenting our Ebenezers, learning my camera, continued photo organization, delighting my family with their taste buds. No to clutter, comparison , praying without engaged faith, ingratitude, and short sightedness.

    I’m still deciding between illuminated or embrace.

    • Lara on at

      Those are both beautiful choices, Amy!

  33. Courtney on at

    My word for the year is Nourish! I am so grateful to be a mother, but I feel like I give 1 million percent to my girls and my personal time and date nights with my husband have taken a hit. I want to drink in a more balanced and wholesome schedule from the Lord this year.

    • Lara on at

      It sounds like you will have a wonderful year ahead, Courtney!

  34. Heather on at

    My word for 2018 is HEALTH. I’m saying yes to the things that will contribute to my health in body, mind, and soul. I’m saying yes to habits that will bring health and life and no to distraction and complaining.

    • Lara on at

      Beautiful, Heather!

  35. Courtney on at

    Saying yes to:
    Green spaces
    Quiet time
    Bible baths
    Good books
    Meal planning
    Afternoons w Charlotte

    No to:
    overuse of social media
    comparison, guilt, shame, fear,
    unrealistic expectations
    weight of other’s opinions
    seeing God as harsh
    being anything less than who God created me to be

    Common threads: True health, quiet (my word for last year but I guess I need more of it) 🙂 , still, not neglecting one area of life to give too much to another area.

    My word for the year is Nourish! I am so grateful to be a mother, but I feel like I give 1 million percent to my girls and my personal time and date nights with my husband have taken a hit. I want to drink in a more balanced and wholesome schedule from the Lord this year.

  36. Melissa on at

    My word for 2018 is CREATE! I am my happiest when I’m being creative. I also want to create change in my life., create goals and dreams. I’m beyond excited about my word for the year and what it will help me do over the next year.

    • Lara on at

      I’m excited for you, Melissa!!

  37. Desemba on at

    This series has been so enlightening for me.
    STEP 7: I am saying YES to better quality time with family, creating art daily, sharing my art, confidence, being present, saving money, a financial plan, me-time, communicating my needs, telling loved ones I love them more often, unplugging and being still, reading more, studying my craft, sleep, prayer/meditation, a daily routine, consistency, daily exercise, quality time with loves, focus, daily laughter, music, and dancing

    I am saying NO to my comfort zone, procrastination, excuses, fear, comparison, lack of focus, wasting time, wasting money, self-imposed stress, clutter (physical and mental), electronics in the bedrooms and dining room, tv and computer screens, micromanaging/control,

    STEP 8: The THREADS from my lists fear, consistency and quality

    STEP 9: My 2018 word is INVEST
    I want to invest focused quality time with the people and activities that I love and that feed my soul.

    • Lara on at

      I’m SO glad, Desemba!

  38. Corie on at

    (7)What I’m saying YES to in 2018: calm, stress-relief, connection with my husband, connection with God, whole, nutritious food, self-care, exercise, simplicity

    What I’m saying NO to in 2018: unrealistic expectations, perfection, spending time on my phone after work, comparison, negative self-talk

    (8)My common threads: health and growing my own reality instead of others’.

    (9) My WORD for 2018: REAL. Being REAL is focusing on the actual instead of the ideal! REAL can mean substantial, essential, stable, sensible, present, sound, and heartfelt.

    • Lara on at

      I love your word, Corie!

  39. Regina on at

    I start praying in December about my one word for the following year and it is a process.

    To learn to ask and listen and hear for what will stretch me, demonstrate who I am (not trying to hustle in my word) and benefit those around me.

    This year’s word was WELL and in order to live in it, God had to make margin. As I boubce back from major surgery, I have to stay away from filling up the space with busy and the word that keeps resonating is PEACE. If I am experiencing godly peace, I will be cultivating the life that really matters.

    • Lara on at

      Beautiful, Regina! I love your thoughtful process!

  40. Rebecca S on at

    THIS was challenging but so good.
    1. Saying NO! to: disorganization, pride, too much phone time, sleeping in when I should work out, fear of failure, unrealistic expectations, selfish wants, focusing on the past, complacency, excuse making, procrastination.
    Saying YES! to: decluttering, humility, proactiveness, more one on one time with my husband, mornings with Jesus, being BRAVE to step out, connect with people, grace, pursuing God’s plan, creating NEW memories and making NEW friends, exercise, serving my husband, practice and improvement, confidence.

    2. I am definitely seeing a thread here of my love to create! I LOVE making things for people and taking something old or blank and giving it life. I wrote a lot about being brave to step past my self doubts. That I need to give myself more grace and others more grace. My relationships are always at the top of my lists. I wrote a lot involving my self confidence and faith in what the Lord has for me. I have been going through a dry season so that faith as really been tested.
    Most of what I am writing revolves around turning my hobby into my dream and around my relationships!
    I wrote out words like brave, courage, confidence, passion, and faith.

    3. in the end, the word I chose for 2018 is
    “Willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage.
    I want to be BOLD in my business and do things that scare me and trust that I am capable of more. I want to be BOLD in my faith and my walk with God! I want to be BOLD with my love for my husband and for other people.
    It is a scary word, but also exciting!

    • Lara on at

      Scary but exciting – a great place to start a year!

  41. K. on at

    My word is PEACE. Will this commitment bring me peace? No – don’t do it. Will this routine or decision or change bring peace to my family? No – don’t do it. Will this use of my time, energy, money, etc. bring peace in my heart, home or mind? No – don’t do it! Peace will guide my way.

    • Lara on at

      I love it!

  42. Becky Miller on at

    Lara, thank you, thank you, thank you! Tough I used the six month PowerSheets for the last six months of 2017, this preparation for 2018 is a BIG boost.

    • Lara on at

      I’m so glad, Becky!

  43. Katie on at

    Had friends over tonight and hopefully encouraged them in the process! Let them know that we appreciated something they do for our church family recently!

  44. Nita K. on at

    I am saying yes to making my home a home, God, exercise, and being intentional with my time. I am saying no to being afraid (covers a lot for me) and time wasted on social media. My word for 2018 is TRUST.

    • Lara on at

      Thank you for sharing, Nita!

  45. Brandy on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018? NO- selfishness, envy, comparison, impulsive buying, loosing my temper, judging, negative thoughts staying around for too long. YES- more date nights, read the bible &/or devotions more. start journaling. reading & playing games with my daughters. start exercising & eating right. communicate more when I’m upset. get rid of clutter.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? I need less stuff physically & mentally.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear! Simplify

    • Lara on at

      You’re in good company, Brandy!

  46. Bobbie Jo on at

    My word for 2018 is freedom! I’m doing no to just asking things to check them off and stress without a journey. I’m saying yes to Jesus, relationships, growth, and learning.

  47. Shelby on at

    I’m says YES to- my passions, my walks with the dog, quality time with my husband, self care without guilt, making friends, margin
    NO- social media after 9 pm, busyness, worry, wasteful spending, sugar, fear

    Threads- delegating, contentment, personal growth (begin working out and working on passion projects)

    Word- Grow

    And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

    • Lara on at

      I love the scripture you’ve chosen, Shelby!

  48. 7. What will I say YES to? And no to? YES to less social media, comparison, rest & reflection, being still, clear business boundaries, date nights with my husband, presence with my kids. NO to controlling everything, multi-heart tasking (loved this one Lara), others’ expectations, wasting money, overthinking everything.

    8. What themes am I discovering? Rest, being still, clear boundaries, simpler life, slow lane, living with less

    9. Word for 2018….RETREAT. Noun. A quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax. With three kids under 5 in 2018, I doubt there will be a lot of physical retreat…but a heart retreat is definitely doable. Making space in my mind and heart to rest, reflect and rediscover is something I desperately need. I thought my word was rest, but then I found retreat after I went back through the other questions.

    • Lara on at

      Beautiful choice!

  49. Anne Marie on at

    My 2017 word was Shine. My 2018 word is Faithful. I want to be faithful to the One who created me, and faithful to be who He created me to be!

    • Lara on at

      I love it, Anne Marie!

  50. Julia Noel on at

    7) Here’s my Yes’s and No’s for 2018:
    Yes to reading God’s Word each day–> No to seeking/reading/watching the latest gossip, pop-culture news and trends of 2018

    Yes to becoming a competent professional who puts serving others first and striving for success last–> No to overworking to prove my worth/competence

    Yes to regular walks outdoors to simultaneously exercise, worship and pray–> No to an “all or nothing” attitude toward health/fitness

    Yes to eating whole foods and being “joyfully nourished”–> No to stress eating, mindless eating and overeating junk foods for emotional comfort

    Yes to serving more at my church–> No to comparing my acts of service to those of other church members

    Yes to praying with and for family, friends and those who I don’t know/don’t consider friends–> No to choosing not to pray or just “saying” I’ll pray for them

    Yes to surrendering my past regrets, worries, failures, fears, dreams, hopes, and future to God–> No to finding an “escape” so I can avoid dealing with these

    Yes to doing the “hard things” that the Lord calls me to do (i.e. sharing my testimony)–> No to trying to be “politically correct” and agreeing with everyone and everything to be liked by all

    • Lara on at

      Thank you for sharing, Julia Noel!

  51. Julia Noel on at

    8) My common themes throughout my 2017 PS and current goals:
    My desire to pray, read God’s word and love Him more than anything else

    My desire to serve (recurred a lot!)

    My desire to share my testimony and share the Gospel

    My desire for a meaningful career that allows my to serve with my God-given gifts

    My desire to be helpful and supportive to my family (financially especially)

    My desire to be physically and mentally healthy

    My desire to make a difference

    My desire for financial security/better money management

    My desire to avoid selfish ambition/self-love

    My desire to grow lasting Christ-centered relationships

    My desire to learn new things/go new places

    My desire to rest and find peace

  52. Julia Noel on at

    9) My word for 2018 is…SERVE! This word stood out to me more and more as I reflected back on my 2017 because I feel like I did not serve in the capacity I was called to. But rather than feel guilty, I am going to run with this and seek God’s grace for serving Him and others this new year!

  53. Paula on at

    Saying yes to more Bible time and truly learning God’s truths.

    Saying no to the lie that God doesn’t seem more or care for me.

    Not quite settled on a word, but learning toward courage/trust: Joshua 1:9 — “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

    • Lara on at

      Both great options, Paula!

  54. Mandie on at

    I am saying no to :people pleasing, fake food, wasted time, being fake, overscheduling, too much social media time, living in fear, overspending AND I am saying yes to: doing what is right for my family and me, eating what fuels my body, being intentional with my time, being honest and real, being a better time-keeper, being outside, worship, intentional family time.
    The themes I am seeing throughout my power sheets is God. I am seeing intentional time a lot, in all things. My word of the year is INTENTIONAL, which I thought was way too broad and I tried putting it aside but it kept popping up in my head and whenever I was reading through mu power sheets. Then I went onto BibleHub and saw this “Just as you once lived purposefully and intentionally for yourself, now you do things purposefully and intentionally for Jesus, because it is He that lives, and not you yourself.” And I thought, yes, yes that is exactly what I want, a life full of intention with God, my kids, my husband, my job………

    • Lara on at

      It sounds like it’s a great fit for you, Mandie!

  55. Elena W on at

    Step 7:
    YES: quality time, cultivating friendships, more disciplined nutrition, more Selah time of rest and praise

    NO: comparison, productivity > QT, perfectionism, too much social media

    Step 8: recurring themes include healthy lifestyle, quality time with my husband, lifegiving home and lifestyle

    Step 9: my word for 2018 is life-giving . I want to lean on the life-giving truth of Jesus. I want my words, actions, hospitality, generosity, quality time to be life-giving. I want to engage in healthy lifestyle that is energizing and life-giving

    • Lara on at

      I love it, Elena!

  56. Mackenzie on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    No: Procrastination, clutter and irresponsible spending. Overthinking and over planning. Worry.

    Yes: Discipline. I am saying yes to saying no. Executing and just doing it!

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    This year, this process was different for me. I kept trying to figure out what I was chasing, only to finally realize I am actually running from things. A lot of things. I want to sit in the hurt, process it and move on. I want do to the hard things that pay off down the line. Living paycheck to paycheck, talking about getting my health in order but never doing the required steps will be in the past for me! Sitting still and listening to God, reading his word and just trusting Him.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear! Still working this, but pretty sure “Discipline” or “Dedication”.

    • Lara on at

      Those are great choices, Mackenzie!

  57. Carley Guillorn on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    I am saying no to perfection, to constantly going, and to sacrificing rest and self care to appease others.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Rest, refresh, self care, JESUS, intentional living.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    My word for the year is “intentional” and I am so excited!

    • Lara on at

      You’re in good company here, Carley!

  58. Faythe Eloise on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    YES to my own health, taking time to workout, meal prep, and juice more things.

    NO to overworking and disorder, NO to being unhealthy and making those choices that are not helping me be the best I can.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    – taking time and giving myself grace

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    CONSISTENCY, daily routines and changing our family sleep patterns with kids going to bed on time, dedicated marriage time each evening, and getting up brighter and earlier as a whole family to start the day together, since we can’t always have dinner together with my husband’s work schedule. AND I will add my little boys’ words of the year since as I mentioned in another comment I make them mini power sheets and they set goals too. Alex’s word of the year is Listen and Karson’s word of the year is Patience. At 7 & 8 their vocabulary isn’t very deep but they chose words based on the threads in their own sheets and their goals for the new year.

  59. Sarabeth on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?

    Yes: family-time over busy-time. scheduling with focus. being positive. saying yes. new relationships. seeking new learning opportunities. time management. forgiveness. trying new things. loving my job. living with purpose. being me.

    No: wasting my time. being negative. telling myself no or can’t. negative people. limiting myself and my thoughts. living in my past. distractions.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    I need to re-focus on my family now more than ever. I am seeing this as a driving force for a big decision I am making in 2018.

    3. What is your word for 2018?


  60. Nicole C on at

    The themes and threads really helped me focus on what’s importnat! Thank you!

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    No to control, negative, impatience, fear and doubt, wasted time, laziness, anxiety and worry, checking out, sugar, staying on the ledge, my comfort zone, doublemindedness, ignoring God, avoiding the tough stuff.

    YES to surrender, positive, patience, being present, courage and faith, intentionality, focus, energy, trust, water, the gym, leaping, singlemindedness, letting go, facing the tough stuff, serving others, God’s nudge

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Themes I’m seeing are:
    -Care for my husband and our home
    -Care for myself
    -Financial independence this year/ability to walk away from my job
    -Faith/trust/letting go/prayer/Bible

    3. What is your word for 2018?
    Surrender!!! Options were: rest, harvest, expectation, breathe, and surrender. I went with surrender after a lot of prayer and thought.


  61. Shauna on at

    yes- taking care of me, being patient and kind, growing with God, having financial control, building the future I want.
    no- making excuses, trying to control everything, living through others, spending money and time mindlessly, only helping other build their future/accomplish their goals
    2018 Word: Self-control

  62. Kim Davis on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Life of adventure
    Life filled with laughter
    Spending quality time with friends on a regular basis
    Healthy Lifestyle
    Cooking more dinners for our family
    Being financially responsible
    Spend more time with parents and in-laws each week
    De-clutter home
    Get quality sleep most nights of the week
    Praying BIG Prayers
    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Being disciplined with my health and finances, embrace adventures, and love my husband, family, and friends well.
    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!

  63. Laura Schillaci on at

    Part 3

    Step 7
    What are you going to need to say YES to more often in order to cultivate what matters in 2018 and what are you saying NO to?

    Saying YES to
    -More God in my life…praying more, helping at our church more, reading the Bible more
    -Steps towards a degree…atleast some classes or getting certified
    -working out…atleast walking everyday .. making a goal for steps and adding a few more every month
    -More time as a family….date nights…praying for a baby, if so more time growing and loving every bit of starting a family.
    -Making more goals….would love to start blogging
    -Making list and sticking to them..House chores, getting things done and so on
    -Read more…make a personal day or time a day for just me

    Saying NO to
    -Putting the phone down more
    -taking on too much just because I want to help and not realize I’m doing too much
    -spending too much…need to budget more
    -Less social media
    -Less feeling guilty… my husband and I need to focus on us and making a family and we have been going through a lot and family makes us feel bad for not always taking time out and traveling stressfully to visit all the time when no one comes to us, and then trying to make us feel bad for making us a priority. NO MORE!

    What themes are you seeing in what you’ve written so far?
    Being a better me. Taking my everyday and being more organized, more productive and being able to do more of importance and make my life more of importance

    Step 9
    Pick a word for 2018?


  64. Emily Steinkamp on at

    Loving your posts! My word for 2018 is “intentional”. To be mindful and purposeful in thought, word and action.

  65. Rosemary on at

    Step 7: I’m saying Yes to writing every day, more hugs and kisses, dark chocolate, daily meditation with God, positive reading, encouraging others. I’m saying No to procrastination, too much stuff, anger, discouraging thoughts, thoughts/words/things that drag me down.
    Step 8: My threads and themes are loving, encouraging, being consistent, being myself, and writing!
    Step 9: My word is INSPIRATION. There are so many meanings of this that speak to me – the inspirations of God through the Holy Spirit, animating others, writing inspiration, inspiring others to be holier, inspiring my husband and children, breathing spirit into those around me, but most of all, responding to God’s inspirations.

  66. Alison on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Less time on social media
    More floor time with the kids
    Meal planning
    Putting others first
    Dedicated work time
    Learning more about God
    Learning my kids and loving them well

    Being easily angered
    Wasting money
    Putting work and a clean house before the kids

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    That I want more intentional relationships with my kids

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!


  67. Devan on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?

    YES: seasons, getting to know God’s word, reading, weekly dates, scheduling email / messaging time, saying “let me get back to you” vs. yes right away, random acts of kindness, loving my boys well, less is more, deeper connections

    NO: perfection, comparison, distractions like Netflix, overbooking my calendar, procrastinating, not following through, over promising, stressing about every little thing, drama, friendships for show, impatience

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    A deep longing for connection and purpose. I want to feel alive, teach, guide, and help others deeply through my work. Giving up my way and replacing it with God’s way.

    3. What is your word for 2018?

    PURPOSEFULLY OPEN — I keep singing it to the tune of “gracefully broken” too… and I don’t think that’s by accident. 😉

  68. Charlene on at

    My word is STEADFAST for I want to be planted like a tree with deep roots by the living waters. No to stalling and avoiding. YES to being STEADFAST.

  69. sarah on at

    I am saying NO to the easy way out and saying YES to putting in the work. I’m saying NO to worry/anxiety and saying YES to prayer. I’m saying NO to the lies of the enemy and saying YES to God’s TRUTH! I’m saying NO to selfishness and saying YES to patience.

    I’m seeing threads of cultivating my relationship with Jesus, being patient, scheduling purposeful rest and putting away my phone.

    My word for the year is SURRENDER because I want to submit myself to the Lord like never before!

  70. Karla on at

    1. Saying “no” to distractions – videos, social media; insecurity, feeling guilt for not doing it all, idols, fears, perfection, selfishness, entitlement, contol, indecision,

    Saying “YES” to The MESS!!!, grace, embracing my season, moving out of my comfort zone, a servant attitude, gratitude, taking small steps, adaptability, embracing interruptions with grace, diligence

    2. Threads – time, relationships/people, grace, truth

    3. Word – REFRESH! After a season of overwhelm and burnout, I need to be refreshed deep in my soul and in all my relationships. This begins by placing my worship where it belongs – in God, my Savior! Then the relationship with my husband, children and others will naturally flow out of that.

  71. Elizabeth on at

    1. saying no to:
    *mindless consumption (food, entertainment, information, etc.)
    *getting hung up on details
    *holding onto things longer than necessary
    *punishing my body because I’m ashamed of it

    saying yes to:
    *daily movement
    *loving my husband well
    *creating rituals
    *nourishing my body because I cherish it

    2. threads:
    *creating solid, healthy foundations – taking good care of the things I’ve been given (body, money, relationships, talents)
    *adding brightness, light

    3. my word:
    I chose “Bright Stewardship” but am considering changing to “Foundation”. Both are really striking a chord with me!

  72. Rosie on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    I’m saying no to fear, bitterness, unforgiveness, pride, comparison. And I’m saying yes to, hope, purposeful living, contentment, laughing and smiling more.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    That maybe cultivating what matters in my life isn’t as hard as it seemed at first. Little by little!! I also uncovered discontentment that I didn’t know was there.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    I feel like I actually have two: Cultivate Contentment. Here’s why I think that:
    To cultivate means “to prepare and work on. To promote or improve the growth of by labor and attention.” The word Cultivate is specifically speaking to my family, my marriage, and my friends. The relationships that have begun and are ready to go deeper. God has given me such a deep love and loyalty to those close to me. <3
    The second word, contentment (or to be content) means, "to be satisfied with what one has; not wanting more of anything else." And this word speaks directly to ME. Where I need to grow. Plus, the words work well together too. 🙂

  73. Mhay on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018? No to Satan, negativity, non-essentials, doing it all, pleasing people, taking to heart thoughtless words, and distractions.

    Yes to God, his will, his grace, positivity, kindness, forgiveness, prayer, daily Bible reading, patience, and progress.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    The threads I have connected throughout my prep work was my mindset. What was holding me back wasn’t my circumstances or season in life, but how I viewed them. Then when I had the right mindset I was able to set the appropriate goals for my season in life and take action.

    3. What is your word for 2018? Persevere. (1 Timothy 4:16) I took your advice and looked up the word in the dictionary, synonym, antonyms, and the root word. It all connected with the threads that have been weaving through my prep work. My 2017 word was Rise and it was a word I needed throughout the year and persevere reminds me to keep steadfast in all my ways now that I’m still standing.

  74. Rachel on at

    1. I’m boldly saying Yes to homeschooling without apologizing for it, meaningful friendships, life-giving energy poured into my family and getting an alarm clock and leaving my phone downstairs at night!

    I’s saying no to obligations, culture-driven parenting, excess Social Media, and comparison.

    2. My threads of an appetite for good things – God’s things, as well as pouring life into my kids and hubby. I long for life-giving community for my family, and we are praying for that this year.

    3. My word is “Appetite” but since we are ok with phrases 😉 : ‘Appetite for the things of God’

  75. Kinsey on at

    Step 7: I’m saying NO to disorganization, spending money on books (I own so many I haven’t read!), comparison and unnecessary stress. I’m saying YES to learning new things, establishing a new routine (I have a new job starting January 1!), lighting more candles, and trading most of my podcasts for audiobooks.

    Step 8: When looking back, the common threads I found were routine, Home Group, Bible reading, and co-worker relationships.

    Step 9: My word for the year is DILIGENCE, which means: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken

  76. Kim on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    YES to understanding my true identify as being Beloved, Dearly loved, cherished, opened hearted, nourishing, accepted and accepting.
    NO to comparison, feeling worthless, feeling abandoned, numbing behavior, frantic searching for belonging.
    2. What threads are you seeing?
    What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    I see I’m running from the things that are real life. My time is spent imagining being someone else instead of living my true life. And underneath it all I don’t believe God is enough and that He’s orchestrating all things to our good. I’m behaving in a way that says “I’ve got this God – now get out of the way while I search for life’s real answers.”
    3. What is your word for 2018?
    Compass and Passion
    I need a true “compass” to drive my “passion”.
    I need to see that God sees me with a heart of compassion, tenderness, acceptance, liking me so I can in turn be compassionate, tender, and really appreciate my family and friends.

  77. Jia Ni on at

    1. No to being stuck in the past, comparison, distractions, a lack of gratitude, chasing an elusive end, procrastination, fear of judgement
    YES to contentment, faith, working hard on what matters, intentionally focusing on our future, loving ALL of the journey

    2. I’m seeing a thread in letting Go(d) in every area of my life including the work I do running my own business, building an intentional life, authentic expression, and in cultivating contentment. In doing so, letting go of my control and co-creating instead.

    3. My word is Go(d)! Go, as in zest, spark, energy, spirit, vigour, enthusiasm. And also, inviting God into every space in my life.

  78. Angel on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    No to too much social media and comparison. Yes to a exercise routine and preparing to move closer to family!

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Organization, routine, space for me, prep for the future.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    My word is Free!

  79. Toby on at

    Step 7: I’m saying NO to perfect. period. NO to rumination, unrealistic expectations, too much sleep, extra stuff, complaining and worry. I’m saying YES to mindfulness, being present, change, challenge, slow, balance, what matters, focus, family, marriage, routine, recreation, date nights, intentional living, meal planning, health, rest and restoration, relaxation, spirituality, drinking water, and intentional spending.

    Step 8: What really matters to me
    *Creating memories
    *Slowing down and savoring the moment
    *Helping others
    *Expressing gratitude

    Step 9: Word of 2018
    “To feed or nourish”
    “To feed and protect”
    “To support and encourage”
    Synonyms with:
    Provide, Develop, Nourish, Cultivate, Cherish, Love, Tend, and Support.

  80. Samantha Reid on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    I am saying no to putting things off, to “later,” to ignoring my needs and desires, to guilt

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Self care, have been putting off and putting off, I need to do it now imperfectly,

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    My word for the year is “now” .

  81. Jessica on at

    The way you break down the goal setting is unlike I’ve ever heard before. It’s anazing and mindblowing!!! I LOVE it!

  82. Heather on at

    My word for 2018 is RENEW. I want to focus on renewing my exercise and eating habits, my relationship with my husband and my friendships. My youngest child is now 4 1/2 so I finally feel like I am emerging from the trenches of focusing so much on raising small children that I now I have time to breathe new life into areas that I did not have time to tend to with very little ones.

  83. Kate on at

    I don’t think my comment went through the first time so I’m trying again!

    STEP 7:
    I am saying yes to:
    -Deep breaths
    -Simple disciplines in my walk with God
    -Taking walks outside
    -Time with people I love
    -Good stewardship with my money
    -Using time intentionally
    -Using social media intentionally

    NO to:
    -The voice of fear (False Evidence Appearing Rea)
    -Over-spending my budget
    -Saying “yes” when I need rest
    -Mindlessly scrolling social media

    STEP 8:
    I keep seeing “joy” and being present while I look through my power sheets.

    STEP 9:
    My word for 2018 is Nourish.
    I want to nourish and take care of my walk with God, my relationships, my ministry, and Myself.

  84. Melissa S on at

    I think the biggest thing resonating with me lately as I see what God has been teaching me is that I am never going to magically arrive this side of heaven at a place where I can just coast and not have to prayerfully and humbly depend on Him each day in the areas I struggle with and want to make better. It just isn’t going to happen where I can coast and not have to steward well the things that are most important to me: my marriage, my relationships with friends and family, the gifts and talents I have been given, the possessions I have, etc.. What God is calling me to do each day is humbly depend on His power, grace, and direction for each day, to steward well His blessings, to persevere in the daily “mundane” and do what He has called me to in faith,believing in Him, his character, and His precious promises. So I guess my word/words for this year might be: faithful steward, or endurance, or humble dependence.

  85. Bri Crumbley on at

    Alright. Day3!

    Saying Yes to :
    Head Space / White Space (thanks for that one Lara!)
    Trusting myself
    Writing more
    Caring About my body

    Saying No to:
    Self Doubt
    glorifying business
    fear of change
    obsessing over my body

    8. What kept coming up?
    – trusting, believing in , and caring for myself.
    – a desire to be present with those around me
    – a willingness to trust that i’m safe and i can finally exit survival mode

    9. My word: Body. I’m going to blog about this soon, but my short list also had words like live, present, and community on it, and Body (in it’s various parts of speech) can mean all of those things. So, i’m excited for this!

  86. Chelsea on at

    1. Yes: workouts, books, setting aside time with God, build a routine, more homemade meals, my children, time with Dustin, blog every day for a year.

    No: social media posts that don’t teach, inspire, or motivate. Mindless scrolling. Snapchat. Facebook. Emotional Spending. Controlling behaviors. Not communicating my wants/needs well or expecting others to read my mind.

    2. Build a routine. Make time for God. Make memories with Dustin and the kids. Read more books. Blog post every day for the year.

    Routine. Establish. Adapt. Prepare. Abandon. Looked up thesaurus words for the above 5 words and landed on a synonym for Establish.

    3. Create. It summarizes all I want in 2018.

  87. Laura on at

    1) No to television, yes to reading. No to my phone, yes to writing. No to fear, yes to prayer. No to doubt, yes to courage. No to wine, yes to water. No to idleness, yes to work and being still. No to shame, yes to counseling.
    2) My threads all revolve around self-care, and I need it if I want to take care of the people I love.
    3) Heal. Body, mind, soul. HEAL. With the encouragement of Powersheets, I can do this in 2018!

  88. April on at

    8. Yes and No….

    YES: time to create, deeper connections, intentional and focused prayer, scripture writing, better sleep, decisiveness, trust, follow-through

    NO: clutter, distractions, needlessly wasted time and energy, false guilt, isolation

    9. Themes:

    Focus, undivided attention and quality time for my family and for creating.

    10. Word for 2018…

    Last year it was stability, and I clung to 2 Cor 15:58 “be steadfast in the work of the Lord…”

    Now, there are SO many to narrow down! Diligence, discipline, determined, follow-through, focus, presence, pursuit, dare, trust.

    And there is another word that is special, that I learned this year: emunah, a Hebrew word for faith– not just believing in your mind, but taking action on firm belief. I want this coming year to be characterized by that kind of trust. I’m still working through all this though so I don’t have my final word just yet.

  89. Heather on at

    My word is willfully shine!!

    I took synonyms of intentional and thrive which kept coming up in my powersheets and I’m so excited about this combined word!!

  90. Amy on at

    Yes! My word is SPACE!

    Words like: margin, time, rest, space and making a home kept popping up. I am dreaming of a life wrapped in purpose. For that I need margin, time, room to cultivate and to grow. My fiancé and I bought a house and are getting married in 2018 (whooohoo! making a weird, happy dance right now :)) This requires so much (and sooooooo much FUN) preparation. SPACE summarises so beautifully what I need coming season. 2018, here I come!

  91. Mary Troyer on at

    1.What are you going to say yes to more??! Yes to God!!
    Yes to intentional time with my children ! Yes to their ideas,yes to doing things with my husband whether it’s simply sitting with him while he listens to the game,yes to having guests over!! Yes to adventure, yes to cleaning up our home,yes to my voice!! Yes to transparency! Yes to friends!  Yes to adventure
    What are things you are going to say no to more often?? No to tv,fb media,sugary food!,sayimg no to comparison, no to fears!!
    2.Step 8. What themes are you seeing in what you’ve written so far? God,My family,my home,hospitality, friends!,my voice!!
     Time with God helps be know Him more,gives me more peace ,confidence through out my day, being intentional with my husband and children allows us to continue to grow together. Hospitality allows me to open my home to others and help them along their journey in life,to be a Jesus light to them!! It allows to build friendships and use my voice ,releasing the fears I often unknowingly carry!
    3.Step 9 my word for 2018 is Joy!! Intentional Joy!!

  92. While it feels really cheesy, I’m choosing growth as my word for 2018. I grew a lot in 2017, but I just fluttered like a feather in the process. This year I’m focusing on the act or process or manner of growth as the definition says.

  93. WHAT I’M SAYING NO TO IN 2018:
    Building my Kingdom over God’s Kingdom
    Doubting God and His goodness
    Wasting time and money
    Clinging to the past; looking backward, rather than forward
    Not trusting + hoping in God’s promises (thanks for this one, Lara!! 🙂 )
    Choosing worldly comforts/fulfillment over Jesus
    Too much scrolling/screen time

    God’s plan in God’s time
    Prioritizing people + relationships
    Growing stronger (continuing to work with my personal trainer)
    Eating clean-ish 😉
    Building God’s Kingdom
    Studying and teaching the Word
    Worshiping BIG
    The NEW
    Bold prayers + expectant faith
    Loving and serving God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength (devoted)
    Trusting God with my desire for marriage
    Being humble + willing
    Pouring out all I have to know, love, and serve Him in every season and circumstance

    And my word for 2018 is DEVOTED. 🙂 I was originally going to choose the word NEW, but then felt God challenging me on my motives behind that choice. I felt Him place the word DEVOTED on my heart instead… And I realized DEVOTED was just the word I needed to select, because after all the ways I was changed by the word fully this year – fully choosing to trust and follow Him – I am now choosing to live a year devoted to Him. A year devoted to the study and teaching of His word. A year devoted to knowing Him more and building His Kingdom over my own. A year devoted to trusting, seeking, and putting Him first, regardless of if He brings new circumstances or opportunities my way. This life I’m living is His, and I want to be devoted to Him in all things. It also means I’m devoted to keep pursuing the dreams and callings He places on my heart and my life, and saying YES wherever He leads.
    My heart is to deepen my trust in Him this next year and live with a confident and Expectant Faith.

  94. Katherine on at

    7. Saying YES to: time with my husband, giving him space when he asks, giving God my time and being in His word, kindness and humility, GOD’S PLAN.
    Saying NO to: work after set ‘hours,’ me whenever I tell myself to keep poking, comparison, worrying about money, and MY PLAN.

    8. The thread that I find is ‘LISTEN to God and His plan.’ It came to me really fast because maybe I’m finally… listening…

    9. I had to think on a word for this year, and it’s not ‘listen,’ it is SURRENDER. Giving up my will f or His. My plans, for His. My everything, for His, because it’s all better than anything I can imagine… Other words were gentleness and intentional, but those are encompassed in surrender.

  95. Ronja on at

    This series is so amazing!
    I am saying YES to
    1. time by myself
    2. time for studying
    3. good conversations
    4. writing
    5. coaching
    6. creating my dreams
    7. adventures
    8. movement, fitness, running
    9. cooking healthy meals
    10. doing the work
    11. meditation, prayer, floor moments, journaling
    12. cultivating what matters

    and I am saying NO to
    1. comparison
    2. food as a way to compensate challenges
    3. expectation about others
    4. waisting time with people I feel forced to spend time with and being bored doing so
    5. laziness

    And my word is: BUTTERFLY
    I think it is time to leave the cocoon. It is time to rise above. It is time to fly, to take action, to do the work and leave the past behind! Oh and I cannot wait for this!
    xx Ronja

    • Lisa A Johns on at

      What a sweet concept, Ronja! Butterfly 🙂 Reminds me of the concept of blossoming. From a painfully unfurling seed to a fragile sprout to a blossoming flower.

    • Ronja on at

      Thank you so much Lisa! For reading through my words and your sweet comment! I can’t explain it, but the image of a butterfly just fits so perfectly. And yes, you are so right – it is blossoming <3 I am so excited about 2018 already <3

  96. Carrie on at

    I am saying no to distractions, excuses, comparison, and passivity. Instead, I am saying YES to taking action, being intentional with those I love, healthy choices, finding joy in the everyday. Praying that I will truly let my “yes” be yes and my “no” be no (James 5:12).

    Threads I am finding are a desire to be more intentional with the relationships and responsibilities I have been given. To find JOY in the hard stuff and in the everyday. And the main thread I see is a desire to grow and improve, to not be the same person at the end of 2018 that I was at the beginning. To be a better follow of God, a better wife, stronger and healthier and a more intentional friend and family member.

    I have landed on the word “grow” for my word of the year. Excited to see all the ways that Lord challenges me and all the things he teaches me to help me grow into a person more like Christ.

  97. Lori on at

    My word (words! I’m breaking the rules!) is: PAY ATTENTION.

    To others. To my family. To what God is doing in my life. To why I feel a certain way. To beauty, wonder and goodness.

    No more sleepwalking through life. Pay attention.

  98. Brittany H. on at

    This has been so much fun/helpful to go back through my PS with these posts since I am a first time user. And bonus ME time during toddler nap time!!
    I am saying no to arguing with my husband, instead going to say yes to loving well. I am saying no to trying to FIX IT ALL, instead going to say yes to accept things the way they are and listen to God’s plan. I am saying no to putting myself and needs last, instead saying yes to self care/me time so I can be a better wife and mom. I am saying no to making excuses, instead saying yes to things I have been putting off out of fear.
    After rereading back through my PS, i have noticed threads regarding my marriage/husband, faith/Bible/finding a church home, finances, self care/health, my son and purposeful time together.
    My word for the year is PERSEVERANCE! After much prayer and reading and thinking this verse kept leaping out at me – Romans 5:3-5 …but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

  99. Alaina Monts on at

    This is my favorite part!!

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018? Saying yes to accountability, vulnerability, truth, life-giving self-care, rhythms, playing the long game, and being actively present.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? Consistency matters to me. I’m tired of going hard and then falling off completely because I get worn out. I want slow, steady, always present, rhythmic life.

    3. What is your word for 2018? My word is balance. I want to balance giving with asking for help, serving with being served, work with play, alone time with community, heart and soul faith with faith that requires digging into messy earthly stuff. I can’t wait to get started.

    Thanks Lara for all of this encouragement!

  100. Becky on at

    7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Yes – Health, adventure, margin, learning, growing, stretching, clean spaces, self-care, courage
    No – Comparison, bitterness, perfection, clutter, envy, selfishness, control

    8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    – Fruits of the spirit
    – Clearing the clutter (physically and emotionally)
    – Growth

    9. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear! JOY!

  101. Eli on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Yes – healthy relationships
    No- unhealthy relationships
    2. What threads are you seeing? Lots of pain that was forced due to’ making it work’ ideas. What themes are you discovering under the surface? Boundaries

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    Wholeness <3

  102. Beth on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018? Yes to prayer, exercise, family time and No to social media, selfishness, TV time

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? Need for discipline in quite a few areas

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear! GROW!

  103. Bethie on at

    I was super in love that you created your own word SO I went for the same approach! Two words that were standing out to me were “depths” and “roots.” After playing around in the dictionary and thesaurus for a while, I landed on the words “crux” and “base” that stemmed from “depths” and “roots” therefore making my word CRUXBASE 🙂 Crux means a pivotal point (BONUS points it also means cross. HELLO Jesus!) and base means ground-work. AND there we have a word that means pivotal groundwork with Jesus 🙂

    • Lara on at

      That is awesome!!! I love your word SO much!!

  104. Rachael on at

    1. I’m saying yes to being intentional and fully present in 2018. Yes to time with Him spent in prayer and study. I’m saying no to time wasters and comparison.

    2. I’m seeing that I desperately need to make my relationship with Jesus a priority. At times I fill my surroundings with stuff or my time with time-wasters when what I’m really craving and missing is being in His presence.

    3. I’m still working on my word for 2018; maybe presence? To mean being in God’s presence as well as being more present for myself, my kids, my husband, my family, my friends, etc?

  105. Mari Sifo on at

    1. No to: letting others off the hook, guilt, fear, waste, compassion

    Yes to: me time, rest, God, saying what I want and need

    2. Trends: freedom – I keep saying freedom. I don’t want to feel forced to do anything; increasing intimacy with my husband, relationships

    3. My word is cultivate! Inspired by the book and powersheets. To prepare and work on; promote growth; devote one self; give special attention to; create; evolve

  106. Marla on at

    Thank you…
    May God continue to bless your ministry!

  107. Katrina on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    YES: “yes!”, time with family (quality, engaged, present, intentional time), serving my family, time with the Lord, a health routine, self-care and self-love, moderation and balance, cultivating friendships, date night, putting God first, TIME WELL SPENT
    NO: laziness, excuses, a desperate need to be included, seeking outside validation, frivolous spending, putting myself in a box, walls and boundaries, procrastination, trying to control it all, pretenses and filters, overscheduling and busyness, multitasking, scrolling social media, not being present, time not well spent, distractions

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Becoming the woman God intended!

    3. What is your word for 2018?

  108. Yukiko on at

    Thank you for helping me so much with my purpose filled goal setting for 2018. This is the first time I am doing it and I am so excited!

  109. Yukiko on at

    My word for 2018 is GROW. s this year comes to an end and 2018 peeks in I decided to pick a word, never done this before, but I will be pushing myself a little bit out of my comfort zone this new year. It’s ok to feel a little uncomfortable as I stretch myself out of what feels “safe”. Today while I was listening to @laracasey from @cultivatewhatmatters and @melissapepinphotography from @pursuitcommunity I realized 2017 has been a wonderful year, but some things have to be different and might even feel a little painful to be able to GROW and that’s ok, even exciting. I was blessed to meet so many new wonderful ladies this year, and it feels amazing to be inspired & encouraged through them

  110. Cheri on at

    Step 7: What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Yes: More time spent in exercise, Trusting God more and learning more about God’s word, Taking an active role in my life, Reaching out to friends, old and new, Allowing time for what’s important to me, Feeling peace and contentment, Being happy around my family. No: comparison, fearing change, letting fear or indecision stop me from Doing and Being, not keeping on top of my family’s needs, spending too much time working

    Step 8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? Threads: a need for balance – family, friends, health, God. Themes: It takes work to get there

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    My word for 2018 is Harmony!! Balance, symmetry, peace, friendship, fellowship, sympathy

  111. Grace Hahn on at

    I could not wait to tell you all (via comment obviously) what I’ve decided on for my word of the year: Grace. Ironic – yes – this is my actual name but I have never been good at living it out. I don’t allow grace for myself, others, or things I can’t control (like life). After reflecting this week. don’t think I’m DESERVING of my name – so I need to earn it.

    I also did what you mentioned and looked up bible verses related to my “potential words”and found this one related to grace that just took hold of my heart:

    “Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” – 2 Corinthians 12:8-9

  112. Jenna on at

    YES: to creating memories with family, to working (hustling) hard for a new job, to deepening my coding skills, to embracing challenges, to taking on more financial smarts.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? I crave stability, roots, financial comfort, creating memories with my family, to growing relationships, the home.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear! Thrive. Yup, I’m ready to thrive. The roots are there, it’s up to me to take care of them so I can grow, both inwards and outwards.

  113. Katie on at

    7. Long list warning!
    Yes: food that energizes me, freedom from social media, embracing my own life/body/situations, staying driven, staying focused, perseverance, self confidence, embracing imperfection, realistic expectations, simplified & intentional wardrobe, contentment, meaningful trinkets, being uncomfortable for the sake of my goals, courage, being limitless, endless energy

    No: food that doesn’t benefit me, social media taking over my life, comparison driving me to feel like I have to do all the things, complacency, distractions, quitting, self doubt, perfection, unrealistic expectations, shopping addiction, RANDOM STUFF, comfort, fear, limits, feeling dead all the time, discontentment

    8. My threads were: change, love, build, and simplify.

    9. I chose to BUILD in 2018. To establish, mold, form, create, increase, or strengthen.

  114. Jenny on at

    Hi Kathy and Jenny here, for 2018 goal setting part 3.

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Saying yes to:
    – live a simple, tidy, but fresh, and energetic life, and train my kids to live this way too.
    – grow more gentle and free before God and men.
    – talk mild, and laugh often
    – allow myself not be able to get things done right away, and allow things to end up imperfectly
    – cell phone being used by me, not vice versa
    – acknowledge and accept spontaneous thoughts and ideas
    – pray more for others
    – quality family time
    – continue “cultivate what matters” to the end
    – praise God and people around me more

    Saying no to:
    – complaints, criticism, being picky
    – rush in time
    – stay up late
    – perfectionism and having to be like this
    – all my fears
    – unplanned or repetitive purchase
    – being defined “who I am” by others
    – nagging
    – procrastination

    Kathy – I felt really happy when I came to this part, because I started with the yes list. It was like playing a hymn treasured long in my heart. No list was much easier, I just thought about the contraries to the yes list, as Lara suggested.
    Jenny – I think putting things in writing, not in speech, can be very therapeutic to most Chinese people. It helps us dig out what’s within, and gives deep insights in what clutters or distracts our minds and hearts.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?



    meet your fears: 1. Men, especially close family members, feel disappointed in or complain about me, making me feel not responsible or feel like a failure, which may hinder others to the faith. 2. Harsh words and the following cold war in my relations, that makes me feel stuck and don’t know how to resolve it. 3. Being outstanding, because I am not sure if it is worth all my efforts, and if I deserve that. And more! Wow I found I have so many fears! If I were to step into these fears and take action, my life would be spark and shine! And I would feel free, transparent, and it seems nothing can hold me back from pressing forward.

    what fires me up: talking with my Lord (be with HIM), favorite music, do cleaning, hang out with friends or one of family members, flowers/plants, pray for others/do something for others.

    threads: laugh, praise, relax, gentle, give, bless & be blessed, support, grow

    Kathy – It is a common habit for Chinese that we don’t flip back and review. But here I got reminded to stop now and then and look back. What brought me the breakthrough is “meet your fear”, from which “freedom”, my word of the year, came into being. I got totally fooled by “what fires me up”, because it in Chinese may easily understood as what causes me to lose temper :-). I was grateful that Jenny explained what it really means. But on the second thought, “what causes me to lose temper” can be tremendously helpful for Chinese, that we have a place to dump and clear angers, disappointments and complaints which seem like a common contagious disease in our society. This can help us see the real self and these traps in our lives.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    [translation] freedom

    Kathy – The word “freedom” popped up more and more clearly in my mind as I was walking through PowerSheets, especially after I came to the “meet your fear” step. How amazing! And everytime I think of this word, I just feel unspeakable excitement and want to jump for joy. Now I know it may be the gift God would give me for year 2018!
    Jenny – Our Chinese approach here is to look at ourselves and how we are doing very subjectively and abstractly, then we came up with concrete, but scattered and self-demanding ideas of how we want to improve ourselves. On the contrary, choosing a word as means of planning next year is really a right-to-the point idea for Chinese, especially when this word comes from the evidences/facts supported and better-understood who I am, what matters most to me, and how I lived last year. I can see how this helps clarify, prioritize and guide a personal path much more effectively.

  115. Betsy Hockaday on at

    I think my word is going to be either Kingdom Minded or Kingdom Focusd. My biggest struggle this year has been mindset and I think having a word for the year will be a great way to stay focused on what really matters and not get caught up in things that don’t.

  116. Sherry Weeks on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    YES – more family time outdoors, serving as a family, bedtime stories, my kids, my husband, excersizing, vacations
    NO – limited social media, tv, things that cause known stress, worry about money, fear of failure

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Being intentional for things that are kingdom based, praying more about ALL things, no to let myself grow tired in the mundane but to find blessing in it all

    3. What is your word for 2018? My word is abundant. Abundant blessing, abundant life, abundant service, abundant love.

  117. My word is ROOT.
    Saying YES to being more Grounded in Jesus, more responsive to Spirit, clear and focused on priorities of what matters. Yes to rhythms and rest that connect me more deeply to the Vine.
    Saying NO to avoiding the hard things and distracting myself with reactive social media scrolling. Saying YES to Pruning and getting to the Roots of my dysfunctional behaviours.

  118. Ashley on at

    1. I am saying “YES” to gratitude, being present, boundaries, and slowing down.
    I am saying “NO” to comparison, chasing perfect, distraction, and fear.

    2. The threads/themes that I am seeing are simplify, persevere, letting go, and arise.

    3. My word for 2018 is… *quiet drum roll* ….BREATHE.
    Relax. Slow down. Breathe God. The act of breathing is to expand/open up and release/let go. The act of breathing is awareness. Breathing points to the blatant truth that I am alive!

  119. Liv Lemon on at

    All of the questions from this post are so wonderful! They have floated in and out of my mind. “Yes” or “No” – it’s so simple. And I have been truly inspired by everyone else’s posts.

    Yes to: Dancing * Listening to others’ stories * Breathing * Color * Honesty * Faith * Discipline * Elegance * Meaning.

    No to: Pride in being busy * Heartless art * Bending over backwards * Others’ agendas * Blaming messiness * Negative self-talk * Ignoring relationships * Chasing without a plan *

    The threads! What a great idea! Some themes to improve: Wanting instant change * Fear of burdening others * Running on fumes without room to breath or inspiration
    Positive themes to grow: A desire to cultivate and share my voice * Giving myself permission to dream * Growing my garden of projects * Desire to create * A desire to connect with nature * living with greater intention

    So many great words in this thread! I have been thinking about a couple of words, including roots and shine, but after putting my threads together *LISTEN* kept coming-up time and time again. Listening to others’ stories, listening to God’s message, listening to my heart and body. Thank you Lara for this wonderful exercise!

  120. Erica Leggiero on at

    Lara, I popped on quickly to say, I love this series and I absolutely love your 2018 word! How beautiful! I’m still plugging away at my Powersheets and uncovering my word. 2017 was so good to me and with my Powersheets I was able to accomplish many, many good goals and now I feel stuck. I’m in such a good place and don’t know where to go from here.

  121. Natalie on at

    Step Seven: YES- putting myself out there, openness, trying, healing, positivity, health (eating veggies & moving my body), journaling, gratitude, being outside
    NO- fear of failure, comparison, the snooze button, mindless app scrolling, gossip, procrastination, USING INTROVERSION AS AN EXCUSE

    Step Eight: Threads & Themes
    Spending time outside, physical activity, gratitude, optimism, making myself & others proud, sharing knowledge, advocacy, early rising, purposeful work, creativity, embracing awkward in cultivating relationships

    Step Nine: My word for 2018 is ACTIVE… as in the opposite of passive; lots of exercise, taking initiative at work, & seizing opportunities.

  122. Allie on at

    Step 7: I am saying yes to early, productive mornings, taking care of my body, simplifying, and grace over perfection.
    I am saying no to wasting time, surviving instead of thriving, selfishness, and missed opportunities.

    Step 8: The threads I found in my goal prep include, cultivating, motivation, GRACE, thriving, and selflessness.

    Step 9: My list of word s included: motivation, thrive, grace, and cultivate.

    Ultimately I chose THRIVE because this past year I got by just enough to survive and this year I want to thrive. Synonyms include flourish, bloom, and prevail.

  123. Lucinda Perry on at

    I am saying No to wasting time, wasting money, always saying yes, joining ANY direct sales company this year – i have had several different opportunities presented that I have been in prayer about, but none have given me peace, being controlling, and FEAR
    I am saying YES to meal planning and prep, making my physical health a priority, having TONS of fun, cooking at home with my family, all things family – hubby and kids, ministering to women’s hearts.
    I see the thread of “STEWARDSHIP” ringing throughout the work I have done so far – in finances, time, and family.
    My word for the year is “EMBRACE” – but I will also focus on stewardship.

  124. Jennifer on at

    2018 word: AWE. 2017 had so many threads of mental stretching and mental recognition of where I’ve been trapped (usually by perfection). Also, lots of learning about who I am and how my personality needs to process things so I can grow and break through what’s holding me back.
    So, in 2018, I want to see the change happen through AWE. 1. Notice creation, notice my children, notice my husband, notice my friends, notice me, notice my neighbors. 2. Cultivate space for change, for acting on what I see, for processing what I see. 3. Savor. enjoy, lean into the hard things (and joyful things!)

    Finally, I’m saying no to perfection (I’m going to need some wrote phrases to repeat constantly I think). I’m saying no to distractions. I’m saying no to fear of failure. I’m saying no to being overwhelmed.

    I’m saying yes to cultivating space in my mornings for me. Time with God, time to stretch, time to notice. This is going to be hard. I’m not a morning person–even if I get 8 hours of sleep for days on end!!!! But I’m in a season of little kids, so if I want this space for myself, I need to build this habit of early mornings for this season.
    I’m saying yes to setting goals, knowing that I can change them. This also means, setting aside time for those goals. That’s been one of the best cultive/powersheet mentality shift is the grace and freedom in setting malleable goals–a way to guide my choices and push me forward, not a grey cloud ready to jump on me when I fail)

  125. Ashley on at

    My word is “Awake.”

  126. Lauren Thrasher on at

    7. What are you saying yes to in 2018. I am saying yes to going slow. Slowly chipping away at student loans, slow in my days of a stay at home Mom, slow in my Spiritual growth. I am giving myself permission to not be perfect. To not have to do it all right away.

    8. I have been demanding perfection from myself. I want to see results quickly and when I don’t I get discouraged, feel like a failure and give up. I have never realized this before! My how much room for growth I have.

    9. SAVOR I am choosing to savor the slow. To savor time with my daughters, my marriage, my relationships. I will choose to enjoy and embrace the right now without looking too far ahead!

  127. Michelle on at

    I’m saying yes to finally taking care of myself- physically, emotionally, spiritually.

  128. Kirstin on at

    Simply put, I am saying no to what is seen (phone, tv, stuff, a full calendar) and YES to what is unseen (space, love, Jesus, the word).

    Common threads for me were too much stuff, too much worry, too much, too much…. and the inability to hear god’s voice and direction (in all aspects of life).

    My word for 2018 is REDEEM – allowing space for God to step into each aspect of my life and renew and restore it – make it all His again! Withthe hope that the next season of life will have the word FLOURISH.

    And I love your made-up word! 🙂

  129. Rebecca G on at

    Step 7) I am saying yes to: confidence, liking who I am, self care, GRACE, simplifying my life, and more time with the Lord.
    I am saying NO to comparison, negative self talk, clutter, and laziness.

    Step 8) I am seeing the tread of knowing that I am not living up to my potential, and I want to make that my main goal for 2018.

    Step 9) My word of the year, based on what I see in my prepwork, is CONFIDENCE.

  130. Samantha on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?

    In January 2017 I said NO to Facebook and it has been SO wonderful. So much less mind-clutter. I’m choosing to continue saying no to Facebook for 2018! Yes to more intentional phone time – reading kindle books that fill me with good information, instead of mindless Instagram scrolling (I don’t follow that many people, so I can quickly check my feed a few times a day for updates, but it’s the mindless scrolling through the “other” category that is time and mind wasted!). No to complaining and yes to gratitude. SEEING the good each day, and writing it down so I remember it. No to assumptions, and yes to believing the best in others! Specifically my husband.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    I haven’t done a good job in any relationships for a long time. It’s time to dig deep and fill my heart and theirs.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!

    This sounds really silly, but as I was looking up definitions for a couple of options, the one that really stood out to me was “cultivate – to promote or IMPROVE the GROWTH of by labor and ATTENTION”. I know it’s “your” word – not for this year but a theme of your books and life – but the definition so perfectly fits where my heart is at and where I want to go. There are some people in my life who’s relationships I was to improve with attention! So I think I’m going with cultivate. 🙂

  131. Pauline Ramos on at

    I’m saying yes to early mornings – time in the word, in prayer and working out; I’m saying NO to late nights and TV before bedtime.
    The threads I keep seeing are on being intentional with my time and “being still” – I have a need to “fill” my time…even if its with good stuff (podcasts, books, articles, documentaries) but it doesn’t leave room for prayer, meditating on the word and hearing the voice of God.
    So my 2018 word is STILLNESS!

  132. Lisa A Johns on at

    Hello again!

    I am saying YES to the big picture, grace, peace, good enough, and contentment. And NO to criticism, reacting harshly when I’m stressed, perfection, and extra stuff. I’m also saying yes to fun surprises and little adventures, trusting God with my finances and direction and His promises.

    Therefore, my word is ACCEPTANCE.

    • Ronja on at

      This is so beautiful! And I am with you on adventures – small and big and trusting God with finances and the way I am going.
      Love this!

  133. Barbara on at

    I am new to Powersheets and I love it! I have shared your blog to many friends and sent encouraging notes to those that have blessed me in 2017. My one word for this season in my life is. Rooted. I wanted to be rooted in God, me, family and friends.

  134. Kelly P. on at

    -Carving out prayer time and finally journaling!
    – graciously accepting a compliment
    – taking more showers (translate: me time)
    – life-giving Home
    – sleep
    – family chores
    – intentional family time with kids & husband
    – giving my kids space
    – family exercise
    – social and recreation!
    – gentleness
    – continuing to encourage others with life-giving words (encourage was my 2017 word):: Ephesians 4:29 Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is LIFE GIVING to others!
    – worry
    – resentment
    – dishonoring behavior
    – negative self talk
    – discontentment
    – yelling at the kids all the time
    – messy countertops and cars
    -thinking these nudges of finally DOING something with my creativity are NOT from the Holy Spirit! They are! Listen to them and take a leap of faith here, Kelly (self talk…but not negative!)
    Themes I see…
    Intentionality (cleaning, quality time) discipline (praying, prayer journal, holding my tongue) and obedience (act on the nudges from Him) in more areas of my life to prayerfully achieve the blessings I’m seeking.
    My word for 2018 kind of tickles me because 10 years ago when I married my husband, we wrote our vows. In them, he said I was the most life-giving person he knew. This was before we, as a couple, began following Christ. He has always felt this word was for me before we even knew it as a word. This past year, with the hardships we have endured with my daughter, Ephesians 4:29 has really resonated in me. I really really need to cultivate a more life giving spirit. Definition: giving or having power to create or support life…invigorating…
    With my recent revelation of my spiritual gift of intercession and prophecy- and these words God gives me to give others, and with my interesting history of the word…I just know in my heart THE word for me this year is
    The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain… (Prov 10:11)

    I want to give life to: others, my children, my faith/trust in Him, my creativity, my family’s recreation, my family’s time with God together, our home, our church, my prayer life.

    I need to cultivate more joy and giving life to these things is the ticket! I’m so excited!! Thank you for helping me find my word, Lara!
    In one of the exercises I did from your power sheets, I thought to myself…I want to see more joy in my kids. But I thought- where are they seeing it? I’m stressed all the time! I’m yelling and we are just doggy paddling to stay afloat.
    Be the change you wish to see in the world. I will see more joy if I give more life!
    Father, God- Thank you for Lara and her life-giving spirit and gift to help others give life. I am blessed because of her and I praise you for my sister in Christ and what she does to shine your light! I pray you give her the light space she desires in 2018! All in your Glory and His name, Amen! 😘

  135. Laurel Muff on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Yes to: trying; online boundaries; time outdoors; doing the task at hand; intentional time; more ‘yes’, more ‘smiles’, more ‘joy’; letting go of perfection
    No to: incapability; unfettered, unendless time online; being indoors too much; overthinking; neglecting my well-being/prayer time; not scheduling; unkindness

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? I want to truly connect with those I love. The Internet is actually hindering that a lot of the time. Boundaries need to be set there, and intentional time needs to be scheduled for loving and living.

    3. What is your word for 2018?
    My word for 2017 was CONNECT — and I feel that it was done poorly. So when thinking about this year the word “GRACE” kept coming to mind. I thought that might be my word, but I think more completely it is: CONNECT WITH GRACE. This phrase is what I’m going to make my inspiration: Live a life of grace in His grace.

  136. Baylie on at

    Step 7:
    What do you need to say no to?
    No: fear, excessive phone use, aimlessness, letting anger drive me, “letting myself go” – i.e. – take care of me!, overwhelm, distractions

    Yes: Reaching out, God’s Presence, GRACE!, POSITIVE thinking, creating a schedule, being patient with myself, ONE THING AT A TIME, focus, HOPE, enjoying the season, prioritizing, dates, family fun, intentional alone time

    and a few that go hand in hand

    No to doubt, worry, and anxiety —> Yes to praying FIRST and ALWAYS
    No to guilt and condemnation —> Yes to conviction, repentance, and transformation!
    No to letting failure steal my joy —> Yes to celebration of progress!
    No to taking life too seriously (control!) —> Yes to letting go, letting God, and enjoying life!

    Step 8: Threads

    What themes are you seeing in what you’ve written so far?

    Routines, Rhythms, Prayer, Positivity, COMMUNITY, brave friendships

    Step 9: MY WORD(S) for 2018 are: PREPAREDNESS and PERSEVERANCE. I realized much of what I want to cultivate has to do with planning and preparing well. Meal planning, having daily rhythms in my home and heart so that I am ready for the opportunities I have yet to know about. I can say yes to having people over without the stress of a messy bathroom. I can make time with my loved ones become more intentional if I prepare my life well in the little things. One of the definitions I found for PERSEVERANCE had to do with living a life of consistency in grace. Wow! I need grace and I WILL need grace for my failures to come. Praise God! I’m so excited for the year ahead!

  137. Tanya on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    1. I am saying no to complaining, overthinking, judgment on others, being too serious, staying up too late, fear of the future, not trusting God. I am saying yest to date nights, devoted prayer time, simplicity, laughter, me time, naps and being involved with my church family.

    2. Lighten up. Trust God in all things!

    3. My word is: Trust- reliance on the strength on God, confidence only in him, not people

  138. Stacey Meredith on at

    STEP 7: What are you going to need to say YES to more often in order to cultivate what matters in 2018, and what are you saying NO to?
    Yes: Family, homeschooling my daughter, hands on activities, reading real books (the Bible being 1st), me and my health, meal planning, budgeting, regular dates with my husband, scheduling friend time, one on one with each child, fun, spontaneity, clearing clutter in all areas, being grateful, being present, celebrating small victories and progress, HUGGING, DANCING, LAUGHING MORE, JOY!
    No: too much work, comparison, my phone, too much stuff, bad food, sedentary lifestyle, the WANT MONSTER, the overwhelm, too many yeses, rushing, buying unnecessary stuff, too much screen time, selfishness

    STEP 8: intention, joy+laughter, being a rested and good Mom/Wife to my family, prayer, soul nurturing, self care, schooling with joy

    STEP 9: Intention, gratitude, presence. Intention rising to the top.

  139. Kelsey Badia on at

    1. In 2018 I am saying yes to: “non-productive” time (snuggles with my baby girl and hubby, resting with a cup of coffee and a good book, prayer and scripture, guilt-free rest, contentment) I am saying no to: scrolling through social media, netflix binges, comparison, fear of failure in my business
    2. The number one thread I’m seeing is wanting to feel settled and content where I am. I want to embrace my new home in Denver and really build my life here. I want to create a life-giving home for my little family and nourish new friendships.
    3. My word for the year is ROOTED. I want to put down roots and dig in to the beautiful, blessed life I’ve been given!

  140. Sarah Dispenza on at

    I am saying YES to getting small things done faithfully, planned time for rest and fun, and consistent time with Jesus. I am saying NO to completing lists, letting my calendar drive, and the snooze button 😝

    A big theme I saw in my prep work was rest and activities that cause me to feel refreshed.

    That led me to my word of the year: REFRESH (and thanks for the link to blue letter bible. I’m looking up a verse of the year right now!)

  141. Mary B on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018? Yes: myself / No: Judgement and comparisons

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? I compare myself to others. I worry too much about what others think.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear! Realign. To realign myself to a happy self free of comparisons and judgments.

  142. Stacey Meredith on at

    STEP 7: 
    What are you going to need to say YES to more often in order to cultivate what matters in 2018, and what are you saying NO to?
    Family, homeschooling my daughter, hands on activities, reading real books (the Bible being 1st), me and my health, meal planning, budgeting, regular dates with my husband, scheduling friend time, one on one with each child, fun, spontaneity, clearing clutter in all areas, being grateful, being present, celebrating small victories and progress, HUGGING, DANCING, LAUGHING MORE, JOY!

    No: too much work, comparison, my phone, too much stuff, bad food, sedentary lifestyle, the WANT MONSTER, the overwhelm, too many yeses, rushing, buying unnecessary stuff, too much screen time, selfishness

    STEP 8:
     intention, joy+laughter, being a rested and good Mom/Wife to my family, prayer, soul nurturing, self care, schooling with joy

    STEP 9: Intention, gratitude, presence. Intention rising to the top.

  143. Stacey Meredith on at

    Trying to comment but it says I already have… but I don’t see it anywhere. ?

  144. Tavianna on at

    My word for the year is : initiative! Because after just moving to a new city somethings I need to begin again and some I need to trust that God’s initative is better than mine!

  145. Ellen Grosh on at

    GRACE. This word came to me about a week ago and after considering others I couldn’t get my mind off GRACE! This is grace for others, myself, for the things going well and the things not going well, and most of all for the grace He is giving us ALL. Grace upon grace upon grace upon grace…. for 2018!!! 🎉

  146. Dawn Simpson on at

    It appears that Humility is my word. I was looking at faithfulness, focused, diligence, humility, gentleness, peace, and legacy. As I started to think about humility, I read a post by Mystie Winckler…

    “Your work is to submit and humble yourselves and take no place before God or man, but that of a servant. That is your work. Let that be your one purpose and prayer.”

    From Andrew Murray’s Humility: The Beauty of Holiness

    To serve with no thought of myself means unselfishness, NO “Sweet Martyr” lies. I realized if I have humility then I will be faithful and diligent and focused as a servant to do what God wants me to do.. If I have humility, then I will be gentle with others, thinking more highly of them than myself. If I have humility, then I will have peace trusting what God has called me to do. If I have humility, then I will be leaving a legacy, an example for my children and others…all in Christ alone and for God’s glory. This is what I desire…to stop thinking of what is in it for me or how to get my rights or what I am entitled to or how my rights have been damaged. This is NOT self-condemnation or monasticism, this is the beautiful character of Christ that I want to emulate! I am NOT there, but I have been on this journey…and it is good!

  147. emi on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    Saying yes to…purposeful time, action, courage, TRUTH, staying within budget, focus
    Saying no to…idle time, laziness, fear, what i think others think , spending excessively, distractions

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    time…purposeful, God’s timing, wise steward, time with God, prayer time
    release…discontentment, comparison, anger, laziness, fear, picture-perfect home…approval from others

    3. What is your word for 2018? not sure…but i think it will be “time”

  148. Layale Matta on at

    I am saying NO to Comparison, to underestimating people and pleasing people.To laziness, to wasting money, to keeping useless things. To not trusting the Lord, to frowning, to procrastinating and too giving up.
    I am saying YES to Asking God for help, to smiling, exercising, to celebrating progress, to risking and learning, to forgiving.
    I am FIRED UP when I see someone happy, when showing love, having meaningful conversations. When I bake, when I smile back to someone, when I sing out loud and when we pray in group, I am fired up.
    As my word of the year, I was choosing between Gentleness, Surrender, Trust and Progress.
    I finally chose PROGRESS: growth, development, continuous improvement in my career as well as in my health and spiritual life.
    Thank you for making these powerSheets available and easy for everyone to access. Tonight I am praying for you Lara and your team. Thank you for everything!

  149. Angela Wilson on at

    Hello again! This year I am saying YES to:
    More advice from people I love
    ALL flower opportunities and meeting more farmers and florists
    Taking trips to see friends
    A good balance of work and play
    More faith
    More listening

    This year I am saying NO to:
    Too much work
    Comparing myself to others
    Closing myself off
    Being dishonest in how I feel
    Surrounding myself with negativity

    Common themes when looking through my notes:
    Opening myself up
    Time with friends and family
    Faith – meditation – tarot – the universe is on my side, ready to lend a helping hand
    Next steps in my career
    Finding my flower voice (in design, in farming)
    Be humble and no comparisons

    My 2018 word ended up to be: RECEIVE

    I want to spend 2018 soaking up time with friends and family and letting it fill me with joy. I want to learn SO MUCH at my job so that I can figure out what my next steps are at the end of the flower-growing season. And most importantly, as Job 22:22 states, “Receive the law from his mouth and lay up his words in thine heart”. I want to receive everything the LORD sends my way with open arms, an open heart, and an open mind.

  150. Holly on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    I’m saying yes to: one on one time with my husband; a budget; things that build and fill me up; working through the Bible in a year; contentment; books; FUN!
    I’m saying no to: chasing a career/name for myself; comparing who I am and what I have to everyone else; running away from my thoughts; mindless, random spending

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Themes I see rising up include, creating a rhythm, renewal of my faith and spiritual walk — redefining what that looks like and stripping away expectations. This may sound selfish but another theme that keeps coming up as I work through this is the need to invest in the things that fill me up. I’ve been trying to pour out of such an empty glass and then I get frustrated at myself when I fail. This also goes back to spiritual growth but includes, having time alone in the mornings, walking on the treadmill, listening to podcasts, etc.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    My word for 2018 is HEART CHANGE with a focus on Turning Point for the upcoming season. 🙂

  151. Lisa Manning on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    I am saying yes to more “Face” time with my family & friends and no to Facebook. Yes to writing every day and no to wasting time. Yes to activities that move my goals forward and no to volunteering/doing things that aren’t helping our family accomplish what we need to. Yes to cutting debt and no to spending. Yes to God in the moments He shows me the needs of others. Yes to progress and no to perfection.

    2. What threads are you seeing? Distractions. I need to pay more attention to what is consuming my time.
    What themes are you discovering under the surface? Joy…I need to be joyful in all things; doing laundry, cleaning up after the animals, disciplining my children, and even in the sleepless nights.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    Intentional. 🙂

  152. Step 7: What do you need to say yes to more and what does that mean you need to say no to?
    Yes No

    Jesus Time Late nights
    Walking up before P Sleeping in
    Slowing down pointless Tv
    Giving myself grace Scrolling and trolling my phone
    Making myself a priority Negative self talk
    Family time Lack of planning

    Step 8: Threads – What fires me up
    More quiet, less busy.

    Step 9: My word

  153. Mac on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?

    I loved this! I’m saying no to worry, hiding, cynicism, obsessing, fear of commitment, resignation, automatically saying “no”, ignoring my gut feelings, pride, getting by, and overwhelm. I’m saying yes to resting in God, connection, vulnerability, forethought, contributing, health, adventure, asking for discernment, grace, flowers!, and obedient steps.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    I started to notice so much of my fears and areas of needed growth have to do with pride, humility, vulnerability, and willingness!

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!

    So excited! After such a long season of conservation in most areas of my life, this year my word is CONTRIBUTE! hooray!

  154. Laura on at

    My word for 2018 is possible. I’ve spent way to much time, energy, and frustration trying to accomplish everything as a wife, homeschooling mom, and business owner. It’s time for me to let go, trust in God to make up the rest, and remember that with God all things are possible.

  155. Layale Matta on at

    I didn’t write down my word yesterday, I let myself sleep and dream about the coming 2018. And this morning I found the word BRAVE… It sounds and resonates better than Progress. BRAVE enough to face all the fears that were threatening me for the last 26 years of my life. BRAVE I am BRAVE!

  156. Holly on at

    1. I’m saying no to thoughts of regret. social media time, overfilled weekends, anxiety of things I can and cannot change, work at home, unplanned mornings, clutter piling, blaming others for things. I’m saying yes to cultivating hope, purposeful downtime. fun on weekends, scheduled days with fun, rest, and routine.

    2. Themes..prayer, planning, avoidance, neglect, need for joy and hope

    3. Word of the year.: FIX….2018…The year I fix my eyes on Jesus the author and finisher or my faith as I put my hand to the plow and fix the things that are within my power to change.

  157. Courtney on at

    What God wants
    My kids
    My husband
    Taking steps every week to improve my health
    Relaxing and peace and joy in the present
    Saving money for things that I really love and need
    Personal growth

    What satan tries to tell me
    Negative relationships
    Constant need to go and do
    Spending money on things I don’t really need that will just add clutter and disorder
    Cheap imitation of beauty in whatever form that may take
    Doing things on my own
    Ignoring myself

    My word is actually 2 words Intentional Surrender

  158. 1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    The fruits of the Spirit, REST, White-space, simplicity, prioritizing, discipline, focus, PRIORITIZING, Bible-reading, Book-reading, date nights, surrounding myself with people who celebrate me, the purpose, passion, dreams, and vision God has placed in me, steadfast FAITH, financial literacy, a slower pace, our family vision, gratitude, persistence, GRACE, saying ‘NO’ more!!

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    I truly have to prioritize the areas of my life. I’ve been stressed because I have not been intentional about cultivating what is important to me.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    PRIORITIZE- I have to focus my attention on the areas God has called me to. I have neglected what is most important and placed way too much emphasis on trivial things. By God’s GRACE, I am determined to be intentional about PRIORITIZING my life so I can live on purpose.

  159. Nicole on at

    My word for 2018 is FOSTER. I started thinking about grow/growth, but that felt too passive to me. FOSTER, to me, is about growing with intention!

  160. Amanda on at

    Saying YES to friends and opportunities to see them! Sharing my creative work! Family time without the TV!!
    Helping my babies! Getting on a schedule. Adventure.
    Saying NO to wasting time on the computer. Hiding. Yelling.
    Themes…YES to ADVENTURE and NO to HIDING
    Which brought me to the phrase, “DO IT”

  161. Laura on at

    My words for 2018: consistent and diligent

  162. Louisa on at

    My word for this year is Metamorphosis.
    I know and can feel some big changes this year and I’m excited for growth!

  163. Molly Larson on at

    Scratch that! I went with Purpose! I feel like that is much more encompassing. 🙂

  164. I’m going to say yes to creativity, Nature, making my kids smile, loving my husband, authentic friendships, quality time with extended family members, listening well, sharing from the heart, making decisions out of love.

    I’ll be saying no to making decisions out of fear, being too serious, insisting on doing things my way, talking when I could be listening.

    My word is LOVING. Choosing to focus on LOVING others, loving myself, making sure the actions, words, and choices coming from me are loving ones. Only goodness can come from love.

  165. Emily M Wood on at

    BEWARE this is long!!! But I have to tell you today’s post pushed me over the edge….and I purchased my very first POWERSHEETS!!! Unfortunately, I missed out on the year long journal….I literally missed them by a day….but I got my 6 month journal and I am LOVING IT!!!

    STEP 7 –
    Growing in my relationship with Christ
    More time with the boys | Playing with the boys | Eating lunch with my oldest
    More time with my husband| dates | overnight getaway
    Some “me” time
    Starting a foster parent support group
    Learning more about blogging
    Some speaking/writing opportunities
    Spending more time with family (my parents, my grandparents, my father in law, my sister and brother in law….)
    Having people over to our house
    Healthier meals
    Meal planning
    Having a budget

    Wasting time on social media
    A full schedule
    Wasting money
    Junk food/Fast Food

    STEP 8 –
    I notice the following threads as I look back over what I written so far:
    TIME: Time with my husband; time with my kids; time with family members; time with others; time with God; time for myself; time away from social media; not having a full schedule…
    RELATIONSHIP: I want to grow my relationship with Christ; nurture my relationship with my husband, children, other family members, and others…
    MANAGEMENT: managing time, money, my household, and meals.

    STEP 9 – So I am stuck on picking a word….and I realize that some it is that I don’t want to pick the WRONG word…how silly is that? But here is the list I have so far with some notes.

    Kindness 1Th 4:9 being thoughtful, compassionate, and generous

    Focus (heart, target): a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity: to concentrate; to direct one’s attention or efforts: 1 Timothy 4 / Philippians 4

    Time (moments)

    Priorities: something given special attention; highest or higher in importance, rank, privilege, etc.:

    Harmony: agreement; accord; harmonious relations; a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity.

    2Co 13:11- Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.
    Col 3:14 – Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.
    Rom 12:16 – Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!
    Rom 14:19 – So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up.
    Rom 15:5 – May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus.

    WHEW! Ok, that’s it! ….for now!!! LOL

  166. Emily M Wood on at

    Ok, I lied! One more thing. I encouraged a friend of mine who is going through a hard time….by sending her a text to let her know I was thinking of her!!!

  167. Tiffany Messner on at

    This was an eye opening step!
    This year I am saying “no” to comparison, apathy, and defeat. I am also saying “no” to not hoping in the Lord’s promise. I am choosing with joy to say “yes” to healthy thoughts, spiritual energy, peaceful movement, honesty, messy souls, silver linings, perspective and big ideas/dreams. I am also saying yes to trusting in His ever present arms.

    When I went digging for themes I unearthed the need to cultivate trust and thought patterns. My biggest discovery was the theme of focus. I found that this needs to be my word for 2018. Initially I planned on choosing peace, while this is definitely something I want more of, it didn’t come up in this exercise. When I looked up the word for focus I found that when used as a verb it means “to adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly.” At church we have been going over John 1, so this was especially timely. God is the prevailing light and if I choose to focus on Him instead of tasks I will have a much more fulfilling year!

  168. Linda B on at

    Open is my word! Opening my heart to God, being vulnerable as I rebuild my marriage, to love from others, to love others. Opening my mind and stop judging other people, to receive new information as I embark on grad school adventure. Keeping my eyes open to appreciate the beauty that surrounds mom to be careful of the dangers in the road of life. Open my body to receive nourishing foods and exercise and sleep.

  169. Susanna Zach on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    -Wasting valuable time on my phone
    -Mindless spending and eating
    -Fear of failure
    -Staying surface level
    -Selfishness and looking out only for myself

    -Praying fervently
    -Being active
    -Serving and loving people in my life
    -Hard work and discipline
    -Listening to God’s voice and following where He leads
    -Community and deep friendship

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    I really want to care for the things that the Lord has given me. I want to serve the people in my life, and I want these goals to be more about others than myself.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!

    My word for 2018 is CULTIVATE. I want to care for what I’ve been given and devote myself to those things. I want to plant, tend, and harvest good things by labor and attention. I want to cultivate my health, finances, job, and relationships.

  170. Lisa on at

    My word (words actually…but no rules, right??) is “Authentic Balance.” I originally picked “balance” because all of my work led to a theme of finding a happy medium in so many areas of my physical, mental, and spiritual life, as well as my home/work life. But when I reread every thing I wrote, I noticed that I frequently mentioned wearing too many hats, and trying to please everything. So I settled on “authentic balance” because not only do I want to work on achieving balance, I want to do it in a way that is true to myself.

  171. 1. Saying YES to slow, margin and rest, more reading, cultivating creativity, cultivating joy. YES to surrender and prayer first
    NO to time wasting, TV, NO to control,
    2. Threads – margin, slow
    3. My word WAS ABIDE, but it may change to SLOW 🙂 – however abide is to remain (ie not hurry, stay a while, listen)

  172. Chelsea McCown on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018? No to outside commitments. Yes to my family- homeschool, heart relationships, time, growth, investing, security.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? That I am desperate for more grace and that I need to give more grace. The Lord is really drawing us through this crazy hard transition and I need to let go of my fear and trust. But how do I actually do that?

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear! Space. or some version of it- I’m still praying on it exactly.

  173. Yana on at

    yes – to good routines and following through!!!

    saying no to comparison big deal

    And I think my word for this quarter at least 🙂 is ‘REFINE’.

  174. Ashley on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    so much social media
    allowing anxiety to ruin my day
    spending money on things that aren’t needed and don’t matter
    eating to find peace
    feeling entitled (food, money, quiet time, etc)
    not moving enough
    allowing unimportant/not urgent things run my day
    praying more
    no social media most days
    saving $$
    reading more good books and less FB
    Homeschooling from Rest (if you havn’t , you NEED to read this)
    doing more fun things!

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    contentment is a huge challenge for me & the driving force behind most of the ‘bad’ things i do. I also spend too much time on social media

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!

  175. KathyB on at

    1. In 2018, YES to practicing gratitude, going to bed on time, and eat LOTS more veggies. NO to aimlessly surfing, sitting too much, and complaining.

    2. I’ve noticed threads of health, self-care, and letting go of FOMO.

    3. My word for 2018 is PEACE – freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, or an obsession; tranquility, serenity.

  176. Jolene on at

    Step 7: I am saying yes to saying no! Yes to more physical activity (walking, T-Tapp, Dance Central, and Yoga). Yes to self-imposed deadlines and schedules. Yes to doing it afraid and leaning in to what God says about me more than anyone else, including myself.

    No to book launch teams, webinars, black hole social media scrolling, justifying/arguing/defending/explaining myself, and watching shows when I could read.

    Step 8: The theme is less distractions and less doing tasks of lower importance that suck away my time from the big goals. More slow and steady steps with focus.

    Step 9: My word is Adventure. It came to me a few days ago very organically and just fits. God has shown me a vision for the last couple of years and the next phase includes adventure. With Him.

  177. Kristin G on at

    In 2018 I’m saying yes to some added structure in this season of life. More moving, more room to breathe, more traditions being created. My word is HARMONY for the balance I want to create between school and home, as well as the balance I want to strive for daily.

  178. Word of the Year:
    R E F I N E!
    It’s taken me a little, but I think this is perfect for this season in life… to remove impurities or unwanted elements (those things that pull me away from the Lord). Scripture to accompany this: Zec 13:9… 💗

  179. Jodi Hasbrouck on at

    Step 7: I’m saying yes to: not only trusting God, but ACTING like I believe it; writing more often; going to the Lord when feelings of doubt and loneliness creep in; creativity; time with Jesus; getting out of the apartment to work; going somewhere on my own; prayer

    I’m saying no to: the need to feel in control of everything; mindlessly watching TV to cure boredom; giving up on friendships; skipping a workout when I’ve planned for it; doubt and loneliness

    Step 8: well, a major theme I saw was the desire to be in control, ha! But also a desire to be intentional – with relationships and activities, and a desire to connect with others and Jesus. All this reflection has really shown me how important relationships are to me.

    Step 9: RELINQUISH It’s a voluntary withdrawal – a more active, choice to surrender – to let go and release

  180. Katie on at

    My 2018 Word is: Space. Time, room, and patience seem to be a common thread of the things I am looking for in 2018 but as i looked closer at these words, space seems to hug them all. Space. i’m coming for you 2018!

  181. Becky on at

    Step 7: I’m saying no to believing lies (about myself, my suffering, my children, my future), no to fear, distraction, escaping, stuffing.
    Saying yes to believing the Truth (of what God says about me, his purpose for our pain, and that He works all through the night and shows us treasures in the dark), more tea times, more reading, gratitude, praise, flowers, letting “good enough” be good enough.
    Step 8: Themes: facing, healing, peace, believing
    My word for 2018: BELIEVE!

  182. rosa on at

    This series has been such a blessing for me: Thanks Lara
    1. I am saying no to: negative self talk, less of social media, being around people who don’t add value to my life, less arguing my point, staying at work late, being an exploder & stuffer. I’m saying YES to: playing with my daughter, being present with what’s happening now, developing time for myself, things that bring my joy, exploring who/what I want to be without the noise of the world, spending more time with God.
    2. My thread has been that I spend too much time caring for everyone else and I don’t spend time seeking out God and my own desires. I have given a voice to everything else and not focusing on my own growth and things that bring me joy.
    3. My word for the year is PEACE: To be free from disturbance whether of the world or in my soul. To be still and silent, freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts or emotions. I have the power to figure out what I want in my life and how I will let other people’s word effect me. I am wonderfully made by God and that is more than enough. He decides and then I will follow in His lead and trust Him only!!!!

  183. Rosa on at

    The common thread that I battle with is not feeling like I’m enough and that I want to please others. As I reflect back on my life that has been a common thing I try to deal with every year and every year the same thing happens. I try to please others and I don’t have any real JOY in my own life.
    In 2018 I’m going to say yes to:
    taking time for myself, playing with my daughter and finding ways to spend time with my two adult children, doing things that will bring my JOY, being present with my family & friends, more adventure when they arrive, create and fulfill my bucket list on a regular basis (I don’t need all big ticket items), take pictures more, scrapbooking.
    In 2018, I’m saying NO to:
    arguing less (I don’t have to give anyone my power), being an exploder/stuffer, staying late at work, negative self talk, less on social media, doing things that don’t bring me joy.

    My word for the year is PEACE. the definitions I looked up state: a condition of freedom from disturbance whether outward (the world) or inward (my thoughts), to be silent, to be still and waiting on God, to have peace of the tongue (oh how I can see how much that will help me to grow in Christ Jesus).

  184. Lauren Bugbee on at

    Step 7. I am saying No to the fear of starting something new and it not turning out perfect. Saying yes to rest and letting go.
    Step 8. The threads I see are less doing and more being.
    Step 9. I haven’t quite finished all the prep work so not fully sure what my word is but right now Release is #1.
    More excited for this year than any other.

  185. Faith on at

    My word for 2018 is Valiant! “Worthy Strong Courageous” 🙂 because I’m worthy of a purpose. It takes courage to do God’s will and he calls me to be strong. It’s all the truths I want to tell myself as I take big leaps this year.

  186. Miranda Meenen on at

    My word for 2018 is Intentional. It doesn’t feel very creative or unique, but I know it is something I need. And when I looked at the definition it said, by design. And I am here in this place by His design.

  187. Emily on at

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    *YES* to my husband and our daughters, making time for movement (trail running, crossfit), better grocery choices, less stuff/clutter, morning prayer/meditation, intentional solitude with the Lord, investing in mutual friendships, hosting in our home!
    *NO* to time wasters (ie scrolling on my phone through the day, watching TV late into the night), sleeping until the girls wake up, obligatory relationships, “busy” as a status symbol, comparing our family to other families

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface? I see a desire for investing in our family, making space for “the good stuff” in life, having a life-giving home. Themes: Intentional presence, face-to-face relationships/community

    3. What is your word for 2018? Gratitude and Presence

  188. Julia Carrington on at

    1. Saying no to: letting fear and comparison keep me from venturing down a new career path. Also saying no to distractions that don’t help me grow. So with that, saying a big YES to taking new risks and quality activities!

    2. Threads and Themes: I find myself talking/writing about finding freedom, leaping into the unknown and embracing a new season.

    3. My word has been hard to pick. I got my Power Sheets back in December, but I’ve felt like every word I think of isn’t quite right. After listening to this today, it hit me. Cultivate. The first definition I found on dictionary.com says “prepare and use [land] for crops or gardening”. I really want to prepare my heart, mind, body and soul for new growth. Feeling freed by this epiphany!!

  189. Araceli Day on at

    Step 7: I’m saying YES to: Healthy eating, more sleep, laughter, A life giving home, hospitality, sharing life, New (to me) herbs in the garden, drinking more water, smiling to my kids, hugs, loud music, dancing parties, singing,
    I’m saying NO to: Fake friendships, wasting money,wasting good food, fast food, negative self talk, selfishness, idleness, idolatry, comparison, envy, tons of coffee, convenient food, social media.
    Step 8: I realize that our year has been full of mourning (which is fine) but it is time to LIVE again. Our period of indulging in easy-comfort food and habits has taken a toll and added many pounds to our physical bodies.
    Step 9: HEALTH is my word for 2018.

  190. Araceli on at

    Step 7: I’m saying YES to: Healthy eating, more sleep, laughter, A life giving home, hospitality, sharing life, New (to me) herbs in the garden, drinking more water, smiling to my kids, hugs, loud music, dancing parties, singing,
    I’m saying NO to: Fake friendships, wasting money,wasting good food, fast food, negative self talk, selfishness, idleness, idolatry, comparison, envy, tons of coffee, convenient food, social media.
    Step 8: I realize that our year has been full of mourning (which is fine) but it is time to LIVE again. Our period of indulging in easy-comfort food and habits has taken a toll and added many pounds to our physical bodies.
    Step 9: HEALTH is my word for 2018.

  191. 1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    YES: Gratitude, Posting encouraging scriptures around my home, praying first thing in the morning, doing things even when I’m scared, finding freedom in healthy choices, resting when I need it, giving myself grace & knowing what I need, running to Him & His goodness

    NO: Comparison, self criticism, online window shopping, searching for the answers online before turning to prayer, waiting until the timing is perfect before doing things, over scrupulosity in food and wellness choices, trying to get everything done before resting, being frustrated with being an introvert, avoiding God out of fear.

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    A need for REST! Self-love, get off the internet!

    3. What is your word for 2018? Abundance!!

  192. Barbara on at

    7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    No: Negativity, zero sum game, gossip and jumping to conclusions, unrealistic expectations
    Yes: Positivity, encouragement, celebrating success – both mine and others’, art for art’s sake, sleep and rest, family culture, learning from failure

    8. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Celebrating successes, being positive, less social media, building family culture

    9. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    “Simplify” It’s the word that came into my mind immediately but then I spent some time looking at synonyms and definitions and I still liked it!

  193. Courtney on at

    Step Seven: What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?

    No: Worrying about our international move / meat on weekdays / wasted time (social media, tv, poor sleep habits) / having to have it all together
    Yes: B, baby, Stephen / Celebration / Healthy meals and snacks / productive, consistent daily habits / hard work / a slower pace with penance, reflection, and gratitude / being fully present / checking in on my goals / forgiveness of myself and others

    Step Eight: What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?

    God, home, slowing down, celebrating, consistent habits

    Step Nine: What is your word for 2018?

    Savor / enjoy to the fullest, season or give flavor to, relish, delight in, enjoy

  194. Andrea on at

    1. Saying Yes to patience and prayer. Saying NO to listening to doubt!
    2. A theme I am seeing is to look at my life as a whole, thinking about my years and legacy and not just trying to “get through” this week.
    3. My word is ABIDE . (John 15)

  195. Cati Grape on at

    7. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?

    Yes to listening to those I trust, simplicity, good enough, I don’t have to prove myself, wise time, mise en place, my family, personally discovering God’s character, my home, rest, surrender, praying “Show me More of You, God!”, putting words to my thoughts, feelings, and desires; Cati — as God made me!; mess — in my heart, goals, home, marriage; dreaming; homeschooling

    saying no to noise, be more/do more, the more more more mentality, not enough, social media, rush and efficiency, elusive hunt for millions of friends or perfect community, believing in an angry God, a “big” mission or calling, rush, control, believing that God is not enough, silencing my thoughts/desires, striving to change myself rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to change me, perfection.

    8. What Threads and Themes are you Seeing? — to embrace the mess, to stay in the mess rather than try to quit and run away, to throw out the be more/do more mentality, to trust God’s love and grace and the moving of the Holy Spirit more than my own efforts.

    9. My word for the year is STAY — rather than seeing mess as a sign that God is not in this and that I should move elsewhere, I am choosing this year to STAY in my faith, STAY in my marriage, STAY in mothering, STAY in homeschooling, STAY in friendships, STAY in the church, STAY in my business

  196. YoAnn on at

    1. No to birthday parties and spontaneous travel. I LOVE both of these but they throw our schedule and finances for a loop. No to my fave purchases: lipstick, hair products, nail polish and expensive skincare (I really have enough).
    Yes to more quality time with my kiddos. Yes to more planning (meal, budget, & homeschool) Yes to forced smiles lol because I have to change my bad attitude sometimes
    2. I think my theme is growth. In almost every area of my life except recreation and friendships because God has put it on the back burner in a way.
    3. I wanted my word to be “LEAN” because I’m tired of being strong. I’m just tired. But God says my word is STRENGTHEN. He shows me that like someone who makes it out of the ICU but then faces physical therapy, yes, we are happy to be well enough as a family to leave ICU…but it’s time to GROW STRONG now. I have the feeling of being pregnant with these goals…they will take time and cause discomfort and pain, but will give birth to beautiful things in 2018.

  197. Step 7: What I am saying “yes” to is self discipline, respecting boundaries that create a healthier me, and finishing what I start

    What I am saying “no” to is over indulgence in “me”. I am not talking about taking time for myself (no, I need to do that more because I rarely do) what I mean is sleeping in, poor eating, procrastination (deriving from laziness), personal social media posting.

    Step 8: common threads that keep coming up are “less of me & more of him”. Making room. Being present.

    Step 9: my word for 2018 is “sanctification”. It seems over and over I am desiring to reflect more of the Lord’s light and love and in order to do that I need to let him work all of that fleshly stuff out of me. In the middle of last year my marriage hit another rocky spot and I remember a friend listening to me mumble and grumble and she responded by passing along a word she had heard from a pastor, “what if marriage wasn’t about us at all and it was more of the sanctification of Jesus in our lives”. Ouch! That one took days to process, as the year wrapped up and things spiraled out of control we landed fit on our faces (and knees) begging God to make us more like him, that we might be able to honor and love each other the way he created us to. As we began to do the work he has shown me more and more that there are many areas in my life I fill with life taking activities when I should be intentionally using that time to bring life, light and love whenever I can. As I look through all of the notes I have jotted down I keep seeing that so much of my stumbling and mumbling is caused by a lack of focus on the sanctification process. If I will remember that it is all to bring sanctification to my life maybe it will be a little easier to deny myself and remember we were created to be just like Jesus!

  198. April Emery on at

    my word for the year is freedom

  199. Katherine Ausmus on at

    Step 7:
    Yes to: more time in the Word, good habits, hobbies and more things that bring life, getting moving and out of my head, healthy choices, godly thoughts about myself, not worrying or living in fear, trusting the Lord, choosing other things over social media
    No to: comparison, allowing stress to rule, fear about not having control

    Step 8:
    Patterns I see are wanting to be intentional, cultivating good habits and choices, growth and maturity, peace and rest in the Lord. I see just a readiness for peace in this transition and in the Lord. And for organization in more than just the work place.

    Step 9:
    I want my word to be intentional. I want to live intentionally, learning to grow and mature in the Lord and allow Him to control my life.

  200. Kelley DOUGLASS on at


  201. Ingle on at

    Step 7 – Yes to: perseverance, contentment, blessings, completion, hearing God’s voice, bravery, happiness, I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:4), quiet patience and strength
    No to: procrastination, comparison, guilt, giving up, negative voices, fear, depression, and anger
    Step 8: Patterns I see are building relationships, working hard for goals, connections
    Step 9: My word is CULTIVATE – it means to promote or improve the growth of by labor & attention; to develop or improve by education or training; to seek to promote or foster (ie. friendships, love, art). I want to grow my relationships by intentionally working on them and giving them the attention I should already have been doing.

  202. Cheryl Caska on at

    Day Three
    Step 7-
    I am saying no to: extra spending, unhealthy food choices, being on my phone when I could be with the people I love or exercising.
    I am saying yes to: fiber, whole grains, exercise, wearing Fitbit, financial discipline.

    Step 8
    What themes am I seeing: budgeting, time and money for travel. Adventure. Discipline. What makes me joyful. Change. Routine. Pattern. Active time.. Strengthing areas in my life.

    Step 9-My word for the year is Strengthen: to make stronger, to give strength to, buttress, reinforce, fortify, support.

  203. Heather Laaman on at

    Step 7: For 2018 I have started to say YES to Trust, to eating well, to stretching, to writing, to grace, and to believing I can do things. I have started to say NO to negative self talk, staying on my phone too late at night, bored eating, complaining, laziness, and staying up too late
    Step 8: It took me a couple of times of reading through my Powersheets prep actually because it seemed so scattered, but I think I keep seeing threads of a longing for peace and security in the Lord, in myself, in my relationships, in my health, and in my finances.
    Step 9: So my word is SECURE! Which was a big shock for me because before my friend had even told me about Powersheets and convinced me to come on board I knew the Lord was bringing the word TRUST into my life, so I was sure when I started that that was going to be my word, but after going through the prep I realized that SECURE was a more “all encompassing word.” If I’m secure in my relationship with God, then I trust him. If I’m secure in myself I can pursue my goals. If I’m secure in my finances it will take away a lot of stress. If I’m secure in my relationships I’ll enjoy my community. I’ve been having trouble putting it in words, so I hope all that makes sense, but I love my word of the year! And I’m so glad I did all the prep with an open mind.

  204. Jordan on at

    These blog posts keep getting better! I love digging through my power sheets. Here are my answers!

    1. What are you saying yes and no to in 2018?
    – being controlled by fear
    – quick-fix attitude
    – wasting time on social media
    – giving into “shy girl” identity

    – resting in the Lord
    – making intentional progress
    – stewarding my time
    – taking initiative

    2. What threads are you seeing? What themes are you discovering under the surface?
    Seeking approval from others, wanting perfection right NOW, and wanting to slow down.

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!
    Joy! or “chara” – resting in God’s sovereign control of things. I crave a deep and abiding inner rejoicing. To delight in the blessings I already possess.

  205. Staci on at

    1. I’m saying yes to… Being present. Being intentional. Appreciation/gratitude. Sabbath Rest. Freedom. Extravagant generosity.

    I’m saying no to…DOing at the expense of BEing. Excuses. Mediocrity. Self-criticism. Unrealistic expectations. Lies. Perfectionism.

    2. The threads or themes I’m seeing are around a deep desire for freedom from the things that have weighed me down for far too long.

    3. What is your word for 2018? Thrive!! (No more just surviving…time to thrive!)

  206. Mandy L on at

    1. I’m saying yes to: valuing my time, rest, time well spent, gratitude, courage/trust in the Lord, reduced social media, being a better friend and spending time with people I love, being purposeful and intentional.

    2. The threads and themes I’m seeing are all connected to being purposeful and intentional, and not wasting my valuable time.

    3. My word for 2018, unsurprisingly (but fitting), is PURPOSE. 🙂

  207. Laura on at

    Step 7: I am saying yes to prayer, God’s Word, laughing, sleep, progress, going first, dating my husband, following Jesus. I am saying no to scrolling, perfection, negativity, pity parties, procrastination, rehearsing lies, control, selfishness.
    Step 8: I keep seeing the words fun and funny show up. I am not generally described as those things, but I want to be, and why shouldn’t I be?! I’ve been given so much! I keep seeing scrolling social media and perfectionism show up as two things that never help anything!
    Step 9: My word for 2018 is “abide”! I’m trusting God to produce much fruit if I focus on staying in close relationship with him. Trying harder to produce more on my own does not work!

  208. 1. YES TO: persistence, gratitude, speaking my truth, simplicity, real food, creativity, forgiveness, my faith community
    NO TO: cynicism, clutter, being silenced, the social media scroll, doubt and endless what ifs, perfectionism, bitterness
    2. Simplicity, rest, peace, letting go, persistence, gratitude
    3. my word for 2018 is endure- I want to build strength and endurance, I want to remember His love endures forever, and I want to eliminate the clutter so I can focus on what endures

    3. What is your word for 2018? I can’t wait to hear!

  209. Trudy McCleskey on at

    Step 7: Things I need to say “yes” to: rest, earlier bedtime – 11pm, set morning alarm, twice a year getaway for prayer and planning, investing in my children, monthly family dinners, plan birthday celebrations for children, perservering in homeschooling, quick to listen, slow to speak, meal planning. Things to say “no” to: retreating and tuning people out, slackness, winging it with meals & healthy snacks, speaking out of turn or interupting, gossip, critical thinking & assumptions, just getting by/existing/floating/surviving.
    Step 8: The things that jumped out off my list are things that require forethought, purpose, planning, strength, perserverance vs winging it, investing in family, & control of tongue.
    Step 9: My main word for 2018 is “intentionality”.Definitions: done on purpose, by design, calculated, conscious, planned, intended, deliberate, purposeful, thoughtful, & an awareness of an end to be acheived.

  210. Trudy McCleskey on at

    Goal 1: To cultivate/foster unity, fellowship, and memories with our family of 7 children, 2 inlaws, and 1 grandaugher. Why? To be a cord of 3 strands not easily broken and so they will have each other to lean on and laugh with. I will be amazing to know that we all truly have each others back and are for each other, not against. I want my children to want to get together after I and their dad are gone. I want them to see their big family as the gift that it is which will probably be more apparent once we/parents are gone. I will feel joy and a sense of accomplishment when I make my action steps happen. Action steps: get monthly family dinners on the calendar, plan girls and guys separate weekend/outing, get a family vacation booked. The calendar will tell the truth of whether or not these goals were accomplished. Psalm 90:12. I will celebrate my progress in prayer, praise and adoration to God for making it possible. 2nd major goal: To be more effective in my r oles as a mom, wife, homemaker, and homeschool teacher. Why? To honor the Lord in all I do, even the repetitive, mundane,and seemingly insignificant things I do. My children & husband will benefit as I grow in these areas. I will feel like I invited God to grow me in the details of my day to day life. Action steps: earlier bedtime starting at 11:30 and going down to 11pm, earlier rising time – set alarm, order Dinner A’Fare to help in meal planning, and declutter to make housekeeping simpler. I will have to evaluate my day to day choices to see if I am growing in these areas. Psalm 90:12 again! I will celebrate with a getaway for me – ha!

  211. Samantha L on at

    1. I’m saying no to: comparison, being ruled by fear, wasting money, spending excessive time on my phone, and looking at social media as the first and las thing before I go to bed/wake up. I’m saying yes to being a better friend, choosing my own health, studying/learning more, and being more spontaneous.
    2. The threads and themes I’m seeing all relate to being more mindful and purpose-driven.
    3. My word for 2018 is intentionality!

  212. Brooke on at

    Oh, this is a wonderful end-of-month refresh of my prep work from earlier this month!

    1. I am saying yes to grace, focus, forethought, simplicity, routine, margin, stillness, white space, vulnerability…I am saying no to grade/test anxiety, guilt, overextension, perfection, screen time, “stuff…”

    2. It’s important that I can serve “my people” well without feeling depleted, so I want to establish routines and systems that facilitate this.

    3. My word is a compound word, sort of like your lightspace, but not nearly as creative as yours: “high-yield,” because I want the ways that I spend my time to be “high-yield” in that they impact people maximally with a level of effort that is life-giving and sustainable, not depleting. I hope that make sense? I’ve been struggling with how to explain this well…

  213. Ally Howell on at

    7: I’m saying yes to simplifying, consecrating my life to God, authenticity, honesty and sincerity, vulnerability, focus-clarity, purpose, discipline and hard work, positive self-talk, letting my enthusiasm show!, encouraging others, gratitude, faith, planning and preparation, making a mess-not waiting to be perfect, others, showing and sharing my confidence, Christ, repenting, communicating, and self awareness.

    I’m saying no to comparison, distractions, need for approval, negative self talk, being lazy, gossiping, complaining, fear, worry, perfectionism, and pride.

    8: What themes or threads?
    Finding excuses to be outside
    Getting to know neighbors
    Cultivating my family relationships
    Making and being a good friend
    Becoming financially free
    Becoming physically capable
    Consecrating my life to God and serving others

    9: Word of the year ideas are sincerity, purpose, intention, fresh, charity.

    Word of the year: consecrate

    Optional 2019 song: How Far I’ll Go (from the movie “Moana”)

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