Finding Hope in Waiting Seasons

I have a treat–and a first–for you today, friends! In my upcoming book, Cultivate, I share something I have learned in the garden: “I always thought it was unattainable, this elusive thing called “balance.” But as I’ve observed my garden over the years, I have noticed something. In the seasons, we find balance. The seasons allow…

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Three Reasons Why Slow Growth is Better than Fast

This is called a no-fluff intro. I don’t have an inspiring anecdote for you–I have something better: an honesty challenge. Ready? Fill in the blanks: If I could hit the fast-forward button on something, it would be _____. I wish I was better at _____ already. I wish I was done with _____ already. Maybe you’re…

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How to Set Summer Goals + The Fruitful Summer Giveaway!

We get one shot at this life. We can waste it on things that are fleeting or we can GRAB THIS LIFE BY THE HORNS. This is not motivation. This is truth. If you’re reading this, you have breath. You have decisions in front of you. You can take huge leaps of faith to love,…

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The real secret to making close friendships

There is a magic about summer: the smell of blooming flowers in my garden, the taste of watermelon and fresh mint, the sound of kids playing in front yards and jumping through sprinklers, and the thrill of spotting fireflies as the sun goes down. Summer is nostalgic and refreshing because it’s a season of getting…

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