Want to listen to this post instead of read? Here you go!
Welcome to the final post in my sixth-annual Goal Setting Series! Each year, I am left in awe of the leaps of faith you take as we go through this process together, and this year tops them all. I am reading every comment and am so excited for your year ahead. You are doing the hard work, making a mess, and making meaningful progress! You are on fire! For me personally, this has been (I can’t believe I’m saying this about goal setting) delightful! I’m so grateful for how this process has been refined over the last six years. What a joy to do this work alongside you! If you are just joining, it’s never too late to begin and you aren’t “behind” one bit. Now is the best time to get started.
Dig in:
2017 Goal Setting, Part 1: What Worked and Where to Start!
2017 Goal Setting, Part 2: What Didn’t Work + What I Learned
2017 Goal Setting, Part 3: Say Yes, Say No, Choose a Word
2017 Goal Setting, Part 4: Uncover Intentional Goals
Okay, now let’s do some dreaming together! Imagine it: the end of 2017. The weather gets colder, December 2017 rolls around, and you start looking back at the year you’ve just lived. What would it take for you to look back and know that you cultivated what mattered? What will you wish you had started today? Fill in the blanks below (get your free printable here!):
Knowing where you want to be at the end of 2017, what do you need to cultivate today? Literally today. My friend Lysa says that every decision we make has an arrow attached to it, pointing us in one direction or another. Your decision arrows have the power to fly through all the distractions and fear and hit the target, OR they can float around and miss it completely. However many hours or minutes are left as you read this (even if you are reading this in bed), how can you shoot one of your decision arrows in the right direction?
I want my decision arrows aimed right at the target. That’s what being intentional is all about.
I made some decisions, aiming my arrows at the target, as I finished my 2017 PowerSheets and this goal uncovering process. The goals I’m about to share with you may seem simple, but they are boldest scariest goals I’ve ever written. I have great hope in these goals, knowing that God can change everything on my path. And you know what? His plans have always been better than mine. I’m up for it.
I’m willing to sit in the restlessness and tend to these goals little by little to get to the end of this year knowing I stewarded what I’ve been given well—not perfectly, but well. Making decisions with focused arrows attached to them will be worth it. The tending and watering, waiting, getting messy, and awkward growing stages in between will be worth it!
I’m all in.
Maybe you are feeling the same hesitation-scary-I’mALLin feeling with me right this second! Maybe it makes you feel a little uneasy, like you’re stepping into the unknown. Let’s step forward together, believing in what we can’t yet see. I’m choosing faith over my fear and I invite you to take the leap with me. Let’s take some steps forward and, little by little, the fear part will dry up. We’re not going to fertilize the fear this year, friend! Are you with me?
Let’s decide to take action on goals that cut through all the things to get to the things that matter.
If you feel hesitant to set goals, remember this my dear, passionate, capable, inspiring friends: you were created to grow and change. We are always “in progress.” Your goals may do the same! As you grow, your goals may shift. As you go through different seasons, your priorities may change. As you learn new lessons, and take on new life responsibilities, your capacity to do different things may change. So, as you write out your goals, remember that you don’t have to set them for the calendar year. Set them for just this season ahead, and refresh your goals every few months. This is why I put a Goal Refresh in the PowerSheets for every season. We were created for seasons. This gives me so much freedom in knowing that these don’t have to be forever, and I hope it encourages you too!
Ahhhh!!! I’m so ready!
Write out your goals using these helpful prompts. I call this the Cultivate What Matters Method. Here are some tips for each prompt help you:
– Goal: Your words don’t have to be perfect. Just write the goal in whatever words you have! We’re just WRITING here, not doing anything about it yet. So, be brave and get the words out!
– Why? Remember by training clients who came to me with arbitrary goals? We aren’t doing that. Write out why you want to cultivate your goal, and connect it to something that really means something to you.
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: How will this goal change you and others? Think of the biggest possibilities here—the most profound positive impact this goal could have. Even if your goal feels “small,” write out the big possibilities! This can be a huge motivating factor when you define the possibilities.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Imagine it. You made progress, finished your goal, or made it to a milestone. How will that feel? Remember: focus on progress, not perfection!
– Starting steps: I used to write out “action steps,” but after listening to thousands of women tell me how stuck they felt in starting things that mattered to them, I realized that the most important steps were the first ones. So, write out some very small starting steps. You’ll see my examples below!
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: Most of my goals don’t have an “end” date, but it’s important to be able to measure your progress somehow. How will you know you made progress on this goal? Write out some ideas.
– Encouraging words: Give yourself a strong pep talk, encouraging words, or a Bible verse to go with each goal.
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Writing this out helped me so much this year! One of my 2016 goals was to pray. A lot. Without ceasing. And the way I envisioned celebrating at the end of 2016 was to, “paint my answered prayers on Christmas Day on a big canvas for our living room with Grace. I already have the canvas. I’m teary-eyed thinking about this!” Well, at Grace’s request, we started early in the fall. And we didn’t use paints, we used pressed flowers. Here’s what we created!
Photo by my dear friend Gina Zeidler
We pressed flowers from our garden and special milestones all year—in cookbooks, Bibles, and anything that had pages! Then, we used some Mod Podge and sealed these onto the canvas. It is so special! Better than we could have imagined. This reminds us of God’s faithfulness and so many answered prayers through each season of this year. I love it so much.
Okay, let’s write out some 2017 goals! Are you ready?
Here are my 2017 Goals for this year of LIGHT (and I can’t wait to hear yours too!):
You’ll see here that some of my prompts are still undone and in-progress. If you don’t have an answer yet, that’s okay! But, don’t get stuck because of fear of your plans or answers not being perfect. For me, some of these things I genuinely don’t know yet, and I’ll wait on God to tell me!
Goal 1: Read the whole Bible again. Like I told you in Part 3, I did this once before, over the course of a year and a half. I didn’t use a fancy reading plan, I just looked at the number of pages in each book of the Bible, and divided them over the course of a year. I put the names of each book I was supposed to read during each particular week on my iCal calendar, and that’s how I stayed on track. It took me longer than I thought, but it was worth it! Every bit of my reading was worth it.
Why? I want to grow my faith by going straight to the source—getting to know more about God Himself. I want to know more of the big picture of His story. I want my mind to be filled with light and truth, so I can live it.
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: When I am filled with truth, I am also filled with PEACE. I don’t worry as much or feel fear about my circumstances. This helps everyone around me (my family, team, friends) to feel steadfast calm too. I’ll know more of God’s wisdom to be able to walk in the light. As my faith grows, I’ll be able to share the fruit of my faith with my children and others. There are endless positive effects this goal could have!
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Lord willing, peaceful, more assured, and more mature in my faith.
Starting steps: 1. Open the Bible and look at the lengths of each book again. 2. Open my iCal and plot out what I could realistically read each week. 3. Pray about having the diligence to complete my reading each week, not for the sake of completing it, but to grow closer to God.
How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I will, Lord willing, see the fruit of this goal in my life, and in turn in the lives of others.
Encouraging words: Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105 ESV
How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: I may not finish this by the end of this calendar year, but I will celebrate my progress by… I’m not sure! Anyone have ideas?
Goal 2: Run, and finally get back into weight training. The former personal trainer in me was a little ashamed of this at first, but as I was writing this I got excited—because I know how quickly strength can be gained! I haven’t had a gym membership since Grace was born, and I haven’t done real weight training in just as long. I used to love being in the gym, and feeling strong. But, the logistics with kids and the gym just haven’t worked out. More on how I’m going to make this work in a minute. This is a goal I didn’t want to write on the blog, because it means y’all are going to keep me accountable, and this one is tricky. But my why is worth taking this leap…
Why? So many reasons! I will live longer, healthier, and more at peace. When I am strong, I’m able to be active with my kids. When my body is healthy and strong, my mind feels the same. Also, I am nearing 40 and feeling my body changing. It’s time to steward well what the Lord has given me.
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: I may have more energy, better focus, and more endurance to love on the people around me well. That’s exciting!
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: SO grateful I leaned into the tension I felt in finally starting this goal, and excited for another year ahead of little-by-little progress.
Starting steps: Since getting to a gym isn’t in the cards with all these kiddos in the mornings, I’m committing to doing this at home with some free weights. My first action step is to ask you for suggestions on other at-home training gear (preferably that doesn’t take up much space!). My second action step is to open my iCal, and write in a gentle plan to ease into weight training again, focusing on large muscle groups and core strength. I’m going to write out a new plan each six weeks based on where I am.
How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I will break this goal down in my monthly PowerSheets pages so that I have measurable milestones to hit, enabling me to track my progress here. Overall though, I will know I made progress by my physical strength and endurance growing over time, and the fruit of my hard work coming out in my interactions with my family.
Encouraging words: (A pep talk to myself!) You did this many times before, Lara! Your body can easily adapt. With His strength, you can gain strength!
How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: The first thing that comes to mind is going on a celebratory family run with the kids in the jogging stroller. I would love ideas here too!
Goal 3: Live a year of radical gratitude and praise. I will keep this plain and simple: I have been doing a lot of complaining lately. Something I realized when writing my upcoming book, Cultivate, is that complaints are clues. They reveal to us places in our hearts where we don’t trust in God’s goodness, or His power. This hit me hard, and it has made me want to do something rather big about it.
Why? To grow my faith like never before! And because when I complain, I’m teaching Grace and our children that God isn’t good or faithful. Ugh. Words have power. I want to use my words well, to grow good things!
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: Lord willing, my heart will change as I choose words that are life-giving. I’ll teach my children so much in this. And in the times I mess up, I’ll get to show them what grace looks like.
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: So good. I know I’ve said the same thing for all of my goals so far, but this will be incredibly satisfying to see God’s word at work in my heart!
Starting steps: One of my monthly goals for January is to memorize scripture about speaking life-giving words, where good words come from, and about gratitude and contentment. Breaking this down, here are my starting steps: 1. Open up BibleGateway.com and look up scriptures. 2. Copy and paste them into a Word doc. 3. Print two copies – one for my desk, and one for the refrigerator where I will see it often. 4. Put a date on my calendar to have a scripture recital party : ) I’ll give the paper to Ari and Grace, and they can tell me if I memorized them correctly. I’ll leave it up to them on how we’ll celebrate if I do!
How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I hope and pray I’ll see a wave of gratitude and contentment sweep through our whole house! I hope to see the fruit of this goal in the words we all use with each other. The possibilities are so exciting to me!
Encouraging words: Well, these are more convicting words, but they do encourage me to take action on this goal. This scripture (“do everything without grumbling'”), this one (“out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks”), and this one too (bridle your tongue)!
How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: This is where I want to do something big—something radical to make this year different from any other. I want to celebrate God’s faithfulness each month, and also at the end of the year. I’m still praying on this and will come back and update you when my plan is formed!
*This goal is a great example of how this goal uncovering process simplifies life! As I looked through all my goal ideas, I realized many of my smaller goals were a part of a bigger picture. Too often, we focus narrowly on tasks, projects, or reaching milestones and forget why we are doing them in the first place. We lose motivation this way! So, here’s an example of how to group several things together under one big picture that motivates you! I’ll be breaking this goal down into monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily goals throughout the year in my PowerSheets.
Goal 4: Cultivate our life-giving home. This includes homeschooling Grace in the fall, living with less, living in a life-giving space, implementing a plan for the office to semi-transition out of our house, growing our marriage, and planting a family legacy within the seemingly-mundane everyday routines of life, and the bigger celebrations of life (holidays, traditions, milestones) too. P.S. My friend Sally wrote a beautiful book about cultivating a life-giving home that I highly recommend! Also, you can catch our live broadcast together here.
Why? Our home is the center of where our children’s hearts are shaped. I want this to be a home that allows them to see God at work—in the small and in the big things.
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: Cultivating our life-giving home will hopefully be a blessing not just to our family, but to many others!
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: We will feel more family unity, and will have cultivated a strong family narrative of faithfulness, love, and joy. This will feel Tony-the-Tiger grrrrrrrreat!
Starting steps: 1. I brought my Life Handbook with me on this trip and I can’t wait to write out our family traditions in it! So, step number one is to open my Life Handbook after the kids go to sleep tonight, and write in just one page. Start small with these starting steps friends! 2. Open my iCal and put a homeschool start date on the calendar! Ahh!! 3. Pray about our office space. (Prayer is an action step!) 4. Put “preparation days” on my iCal for holidays and celebrations. There’s much more here, but I’ll be working it out in my PowerSheets, one step at a time!
How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: This is multi-faceted. I will have a plan in place for homeschooling Grace by the spring and a space to do it in. We’ll have gone on more date nights together (we went on two this year with all of our family transitions, so anything more will be a huge win!). I will do more intentional preparation for holidays and celebrations, allowing us to have meaningful remembrances of God’s faithfulness.
Encouraging words: “All people need a place where their roots can grow deep and they always feel like they belong and have a loving refuge. And all people need a place that gives wings to their dreams, nurturing possibilities of who they might become.” – Sally Clarkson
How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: We’ll have a special, simple meal at the end of 2017, and talk about all we are grateful for from the year—all that God grew in our lives and in our home.
There you have it! My four goals as I begin this new year. I just let out a sign of relief. How these goals will play out over the next weeks will be more specific as I do my monthly PowerSheets pages, but I am so grateful for this process and clarity! I know where I’m going.
Love this series? Please share it with friends!
Whether you came up with two goals or twenty, I hope you feel more focused on what matters most having done each step alongside me! I am excited to check in with you here on the blog throughout the year to see how you are doing and encourage you. Tell me in the comments: what are your 2017 goals?
Lastly, thank you! Thank you for joining me on this journey. I am going to be reading every blog comment here and cheering you on. Taking this little by little has been worth it and I am praying you find the same is true for you. Choose to focus on progress—little by little progress—not perfection. Your seemingly small steps forward today will add up, and a year from now, you will be so grateful you started today! Get messy and make it happen, friend!
Happy New Year from us today!
Need an extra kick in the pants? How about this for motivation? Welcome to the Ultimate New Year’s Giveaway! There are lots of prizes and fun ways to enter. Most of all, though, I hope you comment with your answers from each step in this series—I can’t wait to hear your answers! One person who comments with answers to every step in this series will win a bonus prize: one of everything from the Cultivate Shop! Yes!!! This includes 2017 PowerSheets, the Cultivate What Matters sticker book, the Cultivate What Matters flair pens, books, journals, art prints and so much more!
Enter below and be sure to leave your answers to each step as you go through the series with me!
Pssst! Head to this post to find out if you’re a lucky winner!
P.S. After starting this series, need more direction? Five great places to start:
1. Grab a copy of my book, Make it Happen.
2. Order your PowerSheets for much more goal uncovering goodness!
3. Get on my email list here for more inspiration and encouragement, and to know when our new products release.
4. Join me live each Wednesday at noon EST on my Facebook page for free goal coaching and inspiration! Turn on notifications for the page and you’ll get an alert each time I go live.
5. Join me in person for the Making Things Happen Conference in March. The early-bird rate ends January 31st. See you there!
keep reading
I love how throughly thought our goals are and how you have a celebration for each accomplished goal, that is amazing! I need to definitely do that this next year.
Also I encouraged my husband this morning by telling how much I loved him and that I was proud of him for navigating some family decisions this past month. -
Goal: Create an extra $3000/month in our business by August 31, 2017.
Why? This will allow me to no longer have to work so that we can start our family and I can be home.
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: My future children will be all the better for having a mom at home with them daily, walking them through their journey as they grow up in faith and love and with a mindset and standards we choose to cultivate in them.
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Everything we’ve been working on the past 5 years has led up to this, so I can not even begin to imagine the feeling I will have in my heart!! I know I’ll cry, for sure, and jump around and dance and just have so much more peace in my life when I am no longer tied to someone else’s dream, but can now fully pursue our own calling.
Starting steps: 1. Take daily action toward our business goals. 2. Conquer discipline. 3. Serve our team wholeheartedly & with nothing in return.
How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: Our quarterly conferences will be good check points on the road to accomplishing this.
Encouraging words: I can do this. I add value. I am needed. I am disciplined. I am more than a conqueror.
How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: We will go to eat with our mentors at a restaurant near our house we’ve delayed going to for years until we hit this goal and we will be going on an all-expenses paid trip as well!
Wow, I love this method, this is really helpful…it unveils the WHY and the heart things behind it. The how is nothing without the why. Thank you!
To encourage someone today I texted a friend from our small group who just got married. I also texted another friend who has been sick this week. They both seemed appreciative of me reaching out to them.
my main goal this year is to spend more time with my kiddo and less money – money spent doesn’t equal memories, but time spent does. Save the money we would have spent. Be able to see an increased savings balance. Teach my kiddo the value of money and how important it is to save. Give some to charity at the end of the year. Take some for something special that we will enjoy. Keep saving the rest and let that feeling carryover into the new year.
Love your goals so much! They seem perfect for you for this year and this season. What an encouraging series! 🙂
2017 is going to be all about self care. As a mom of 3, it’s time to save some of the good stuff for myself!
Goals: Taking care of me. Stepping outside my comfort zone. Being more authentic!
Thank you so much for your honesty and transparency in posting your goals for 2017. It has helped my journey and I find encouragement daily through your page. You are a shining light in this world and we are all so thankful. 🙂
Last year wasn’t a very good year in spite of lots of very good things. Last year was the first year I didn’t set goals. I learned– intention matters. This is going to be my year! Thank you for the resources and encouragement to make it happen!
Thanks for all the encouragement, transparency and celebration that you bring to goal setting!
Lara, this has been such a great series, so thank you for doing it! I bought the Power Sheets for the first time this year and it’s been so helpful to read along on the blog while working on the Power Sheets. I’m still working on my complete list of goals, but here’s one of them.
Read through the Bible in 90 days. (I am an empty nester, so have more time available to do this, although honestly it’s a bit intimidating to write that down. I’ve read through in a year before, but not in 90 days.)
Why? to grow in my love for the Lord and in knowledge of His word
Positive effect: My word for the year is “overflow” and my verse to go with it is, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 So the positive effect is that as my love for God and trust in Him increases, it will overflow to others.
Feeling at end? more confidence in God’s truth and wisdom in living it
Steps? Print out a 90 day schedule for reading (already done) and start reading. Do it first thing, before checking e-mail, FB, etc.
How I will know I accomplished? will have completed the actual reading, but more than that, is that it will change me! Romans 12:1-2
Encouraging words: “The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.” Jen Wilkin in her book Women of the Word
How to celebrate? Not sure about this one yet.-
Wow! Go Karen! I hope to do that someday, as well. I’ve heard it is really life-impacting.
This is incredible! I hope it’s going well!!
Thank you for sharing all your goals and the process that you think them out…it really gave me some extra direction to think about my own goals. I have not nailed down my specifics yet but they do include finishing my novel, getting out of debt and following a life with clean(er) eating and exercise program to follow so it becomes part of my everyday not just a fad for a few months. I want to be in good health for myself and my children!
Oh and with your goal to get back into running/weights…what about signing up for a family friendly 5K at the end of the year? Maybe something for a charity or cause that is close to your heart? OR if there isn’t any around you…maybe have your own with friends/family close to you/coworkers? A fun run to celebrate the end of the year! Just a thought…. :-}
Thank you for this wonderful series!!!
As I mentioned yesterday, my goals are:
1) cultivate forgiveness
2) practice contentment
3) root myself in liturgically-minded rhythms and habits
4) love my husband and baby well
5) drink more waterWanted to add a little about my word for the year: ROOT.
May seem weird at first, but I found this definition: the part of a plant that ATTACHES ITSELF TO the ground or to A SUPPORT, typically UNDERGROUND, conveying water and NOURISHMENT to the rest of the plant.I absolutely love this– this year, I need to focus on attaching myself to my ground: my foundation, my faith, my core people inside the 4 walls of my home. It may feel “underground” in the sense that these goals don’t have any medal/award/outward victory attached to it, but after this past year of approval and image chasing and seeking, coming back to what matters and what’s closest to home is most important…and will be the foundation for lasting and more precious fruit!!
Kate, love your goal and word for the year “Root”! I’ve been trying to figure out how to set a goal around similar things like faith and core relationships like my husband, family, and meaningful friendships. Yours gave me great inspiration and ideas! Thanks so much for sharing!
Wow…this is so encouraging, scary, exciting and many other things! I am looking forward to starting this – I just cracked open my 2017 Make It Happen book this morning. Lots of work to do – giving myself grace!
Oh Lara, I can’t even begin to explain what this series, along with reading Make It Happen and as of yesterday, starting to fill out the Powersheets, has done for me. I have tears stinging my eyes because for the first time in years, I feel hopeful. God has been working on my heart so strongly this year and bringing me right here to this point. Last night I broke down and cried in excitement at the thought of what life will look like at the age of 80. It was the first time I’ve cried tears of excitement instead of tears of depression and/or anxiety in years!
You and your team are doing beautiful, life giving work here. The Lord bless you for being so transparent! I have many goals this year, but I’ll just put one down for now. It is one I have wanted to accomplish for years, but I let the excuse of not knowing how stop me.
Goal 1: Start a vegetable garden
Why: I want to teach my kids the value of growing our own food and sharing the bounty with others.
Positive effect: Our whole family will learn how to grow our own food and share it with others.
Feeling at end: Great accomplishment and joy
Steps: Do some research on how to start! Start seedlings inside. Work with my husband to make some planter boxes.
How will I know I accomplished? We will enjoy some amazing homegrown veggies and give away to people in need.
Encouraging words: Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
How to celebrate: As a family, we will give some of our harvest to someone in need. I need to think on this a bit more to plan another way to also celebrate. -
Awesome series-thanks for the encouragement and for sharing your faith!
Such an inspiring post! I’m so excited to set my goals for the new year! Thank you for all your great insight and guidance!
My Dad has been dealing with pain and health issues. I bought a stack of cards to send him and sat down today and got them ready to mail, one a day , to encourage him and let him know I’m thinking of him. I’m hoping this will encourage him each day.
Speaking to my entire team on January 2nd and using your format as a guide!!!! thank you thank you!
This has been such a great series! Thank you for sharing!!!
I’ve really enjoyed this series! Thank you Lara.
My goals for this year revolve a lot around knowing Jesus better and relationships in general: with my husband, with my family and with those around me. I also plan to end 2017 debt-free, so that we can grow in generosity with our money. I even wrote down “get out of my comfort zone and do some scary things.” I’m not sure what that will look like quite yet, but I’m already really scared of this goal, haha! I think I live in so much fear and don’t even realize it. Lastly, I want to grow in self-discipline and self-control and practice better habits daily, and get better at all of the fruits of the spirit!
Also, an idea for Goal 1 I had for you to celebrate was worship and maybe you can get your whole family involved. I really love worship, and it’s so easily enjoyable. Personally, I really love singing and music and worship best in that way, so that’s what I would do to celebrate. Just a thought!
Another idea for celebration for Goal 1 or 3 is to go do something radical for someone else that would produce gratitude and praise in your life. I am extremely passionate about kids who come from difficult and impoverished places and God surely cares about that too. Volunteer, give money away, invite someone over for the holidays who doesn’t have family or a meal, do something special during the holidays that involves the whole family, etc.
My goals this year:
1. Improve the health of myself and family through a balanced diet, increased movement, strength, and flexibility, less stress and ultimately less weight.2. Make my house a sanctuary that we are all excited to return home to and happy to have friends stop by.
3. Strengthen my relationship with my husband, children, extended family, and friends.
4. Deepen my relationship with God.
5. Live debt free.
6. Live more simply and ecofriendly.
I’ve already said it, but I love this series, Lara! Thank you for sharing and helping me to get in the head space this deserves. I have a blog post going live on Monday all about my 2017 goals, so I’ll just share one in your format here:
Goal: Stop telling people I want to visit Hawaii and actually GO in fall 2017.
Why: Travel has been something that lights me up ever since my first trip to Scotland at the age of 2. I love exploring new places, both as a means of broadening my horizons and opinions, and as a mental release from my day to day routine which I tend to get very caught up in.
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: I’ll return revived and re-energized, better able to contribute to the projects and teams I’m part of.
How I’ll feel at the end of the year: Since my plan is to go in October/November, ideally I’ll still be riding that re-energized high! I’ll be proud of myself for having the discipline to save for the trip and plan it out, and excited to share my experience with others.
Starting steps: 1) Determine a target amount of $ to set aside per month in order to have the trip fully paid for by August. 2) Start a Pinterest board of resources and travel tips for Hawaii. 3) Journal about how excited I am for this so that I can refer back to it when I have the urge to make impulse buys on non-essentials.
How I’ll know I’ve made progress: Mini-milestones will include watching my Hawaii savings account grow, booking my flights + accommodation, booking the time off work, and packing!!!
Words of encouragement: “Of all the stories in the world, the best ones are found between the pages of a passport.”
How I’ll celebrate: I’m planning for this trip to be pretty epic so I’d say that’s the celebration!
Goal: Successfully work full time at the art studio
Why? I wanted to be an artist for a long time. God blessed me with the gift of creating beautiful things with my hands. I want to be able to turn the art studio into a profitable business. I want for my bf and I to get married, teach in the studio and cultivate relationships with people around us.
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: How will this goal change you and others? I want for both of us to be able to create and help others who are creative. I want to wake up in the morning and not dread going to work. Nor do I want to waste time. I feel like I’ve wasted so many years waiting for “the right moment”
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: I would feel amazing! We would be able to afford a place to live together! I wouldn’t be house sitting anymore. I will not have to deal with living in a bad enviroment
Starting steps: My starting steps are
1. Work on branding. This December, we hosted an artisan market at the studio! Everyone was local to our region of South Carolina. It was so much fun (and profitable!) and we realized how much the area needed it. We opened the studio for us to have a space to create art and to host art shows featuring our work, but now i’m thinking we can host different artists throughout the year! Our vision definately deviated from what we began, but its totally fine! We just need to step back and make sure our “story” still vibrates throughout our company.
2. Sit down with the accountant, place me on payroll (yay!) and budget 🙁 haha
3. Finalize a plan that has my partner working at the studio by the end of 2017How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I know we will have met this goal if the studio matches both our salaries.
Encouraging words: Phil 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: I would love to take a week long vacation! We don’t have to go anywhere fancy. 🙂
Oh gosh!!! I want to do this exercise with EVERY GOAL but I figured it would be way too much to have listed here sooooooo…I’ll do it in my powersheets!
Thanks for doing this!
Lara, I would love to know more about semi-transitioning your office out of your home. I currently work from home and have 1-3 employees come to my home office. I often wonder if it’s the right thing for work and my family.
I’d love to hear about that also.
Lara, for at home workouts: I love various Jillian Michaels dvds and also Yoga with Adriene is a channel on YouTube with great, free, yoga videos!
My biggest goal is to CHOOSE HAPPINESS.
by changing my thinking, stop letting my emotions rule my world. Steps include : books and study guides , devotions,
Another goal: finishing a quilt. Steps- setting deadlines, finding an accountability partner, perhaps joining a quilt guild. -
My goal for this year is to achieve all the things I have been putting off. Decluttering and decorating my house. Taking steps for my career, and cleaning up my garden.
Goal setting, in all honesty, has always made my palms sweat. And then I read “I’m willing to sit in the restlessness and tend to these goals little be little to get to the end of the year knowing I stewarded what I’ve been given well-not perfectly but well!”
I want to steward well. I want to sit and think and write. I may not write it perfectly or live it perfectly, but I want to end 2017 having lived it intentionally! Oh gosh I’m excited! Oh and defiantly adding the Scripture! Yay! Throwing fake confetti’everywhere right now!!! Thank you Lara for your faithful obedience to His leading! -
How are you?
I’m doing better than I was a year ago. I feel like I can breathe for the first time in my life.
What good things happened in 2016?
I wrote the first draft of a novel! I homeschooled my kids for another year.
What’s one thing I want to cultivate in 2017?
I want to be more purposeful about my time in relation to my kids and my writing.
What were the challenges you experienced in 2016?
I got too distracted by unimportant thing and drawn away from what is important too often.
Who helped you cultivate what matters in 2016?
My husband, hands down is the biggest help! My kids and my mother in law are right up there too though!
What stands out?
I need to be more intentional with my time. Live life instead of
reacting to it.What am I saying yes to?
Stepping away when needed, time spent with the kids and Aaron with no distractions, making writing a priority, and enjoying the small moments.
What am I saying no to?
Too much “busywork”, checking e-mail too often, time wasted on social media.
My word for 2017: LIVE
My goals?
I don’t want to share them all, but establishing morning time with my kids, more family outings, and self-publishing my novel are three of the biggies!
I’m not great at talking about deep feelings in person, but I sent my husband an instant message thanking him for being such an encouragement and help to me. I almost never cry, but when he tells me that he’s proud of me, I feel like I’m going to!
Goal: Preparing my marriage, self, and finances for the next step in our lives and eventually starting our family.
Why? My husband and I will celebrate our two year anniversary in August. I am not saying that we will begin adding to our family this January, February or even this year. However, I want to prepare myself spiritually, mentally, and physically to take on the role of mother. I have such a stirring in my heart for motherhood. I know that I have been called to be a mother. I want to be the best I can be and prepare myself accordingly.
The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: My marriage will be blessed by investing our time in each other and experiences that we will be unable to do once children are in the picture. I want to better my body and be at my healthiest. I want to enjoy time in my nursing career and serve others before I embark on the next step.
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: I will feel successful for accomplishing a healthier body and mind. This year has been a rough one. I had to withdraw from my very last semester of nursing school to have two surgeries and eventually get my gallbladder out. After truly learning the importance of health and resting, I have a newfound feeling of thankfulness and responsibility towards my body.
Starting steps: 1. My first step is what I find the most important: My soul health. I am digging into my bible more and letting the word speak to me as I learn. I am trying to journal more and will begin to read more Christian literature when I pass my licensure exam (for a lesser degree than I was in school for-but that’s a whole other story!)
2. My mental health will be improved by true rest. I suffer from anxiety often and ever since I can remember. With the help of monthly check ins with a therapist and forcing myself to rest and practice deep breaths daily I can improve my mental health.
3. I will try my best (but not get obsessive!!) about putting real foods into my body, remembering that my body is a temple of the Lord and it will be the place my children will grow and develop. It needs to be healthy.
4. Find exercise I enjoy. I have been a runner for years but am getting back into it after my surgeries and finding such joy with it.
5. Financially, I will be taking my licensure exam for practical nursing. Although, this was not my intention (was in a RN program), I have learned to go where God guides me. I will get a job of atleast 30 hours a week to bring another stable income into our home, to build a decent savings, and buy a home.
6. I will prepare my marriage by serving my husband without expectation or intent. I will pray for him and with him. I will try to keep communication open and foster a loving spirit.How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I will feel it by: the peace I possess in everyday life. I will see it by: the healthy and strong body I possess. It does not have to be the skinniest body, but I do need to be healthy.
Encouraging words: “Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom may not be something you do, but someone you raise.”
How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: I hope that, financially willing, my husband and I are able to take a romantic trip together to enjoy time together and welcome the next stage of our lives.
I don’t have any goals to share right now because I’m still working on my powersheets for 2017. I’ve never done them before and I’m really getting a lot out of them. I also haven’t picked a word for the year yet but I’m close.
I texted my friend Amy and told her she is super mom. She is a single mother to two boys who are active in sports. She is always at a game or a practice.
Your goal of living with gratitude and praise hit home for me. I keep coming back to thoughts of being content and knowing that where I am is where I should be. That perfection isn’t attainable. I love everything you said about memorizing scripture and I already started that yesterday with my toddler. 🙂 I haven’t had time yet to think through other goals but am excited to do that. Another one will probably be something about being focused on What God thinks of me instead of what others think and focusing on pleasing Him instead of others. Thank you for this series and all your encouragement.
Okay, first, this has been the most encouraging week I’ve had all year! Wow! It really is never too late.
Now my goals: My word for 2017 is SOW and I’ve tried to incorporate it somehow into every goal. I’ve got five, so I’ll only expand on my favorite one 🙂
They are:
1. Sow the seeds of a life well lived and enjoyed by growing my community in Austin.
2. Forgive my father and sow love.
3. Sow seeds of joy by moving more and getting outdoors more!
4. Present at a conference–sow seeds of knowledge for others.
5. (My favorite one) Sow seeds of faith by praying every day through a prayer book I was gifted for Christmas “Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals”.
–Why? Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.”
–The positive effect it’ll have on my life and others’ is a deeper relationship with Christ, friends/family who feel prayed for, more faith in God’s plans for me.
–Hopefully, I’ll feel calmer at the end of 2017. I want to feel lighter, more secure, trusting. Hopefully my mind will be quieter because I’ll have given those fears to God.
–3 starting steps: set daily prayer alarms on my phone, create a dedicated prayer space and tidy it up, make bookmarks for my prayer book.
–I’ll hopefully be more in touch wi/my Micah 6:8 spirit (do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God)
–Words of encouragement: AMAZING things happen when we pray! Remember Ruth? Esther? Job???
–I don’t know what I’ll do to celebrate! Maybe creating a piece of art inspired by the ways my prayers have been answered.-
I LOVE your word of the year!!
Goal One: Give my marriage new opportunities to grow our friendship and memories together.
Why? I want love and to be loved in a meaningful, lasting way.
The positive effects will be joy in our marriage and will spill over to our kids, giving them a real, imperfect, loving example of lifelong friendship and marriage.
At the end of this year, we may have saved our marriage.
Starting steps –
1. Date night once a week
2. Share my struggles and emotions in an honest way
3. Ask for help, no more alone
How will I know I accomplished or made progress on this goal? We will have a deeper friendship and our marriage will be different. Maybe I will fall in love again.
Encouraging words – a friend sticks closer than a brother. We can have that kind of friendship.
How will I celebrate at the end of 2017? Christmas will be more meaningful than ever. I have been waiting for a Christmas miracle for a long time.Goal Two: be a good mom to my teen and tween. Grow with them!
Why? I want them to grow up to be fun, motivated and God honoring people.
The positive effect will be bonding, closeness with one another and God and it will keep us living in an alive life.
At the end of this year having made progress on this goal, each child will have grown in the direction of God’s plan for their life.
Starting steps –
1. Fun dinners on the days I work from home
2. Letting them go on adventures with one another, trying out their independence
3. Spending time talking and getting messy with them on their terms (hobbies, humor, growing identities)
How will I know if I accomplish or made progress on this goal?Our relationships they’ll be more loving, trusting and close.
Encouraging words: I can do this!
How will I celebrate at the end of 2017? Maybe let them choose a trip or adventure to go on as a familyGoal 3: delegate what I can’t handle to other believers who care a lot.
This goal is the most abstract because I need to utilize this on a regular basis.
Why? For my health and well-being and so my gifts can ripple even if I am not the one doing the admin work
The positive effect will be giving others the blessing of being a part of a good thing from above and letting go of every detail will be good for me.
At the end of this year having made progress on this goal, I believe the law firm’s community involvement will be bigger than ever. The firm will be stronger than ever as a powerful unit. I will be healthier and free to be creative.
Encouraging words: be confident of this – that He who began a good work in me will continue to the end of the age.
Starting steps –
1. Continue to mentor Letty in her role as community coordinator
2. Continue to mentor Letty and Kim to be closers for the office
3. Give Trish personal assistant type tasks because she’s good at it and she loves me
4. Continue to have Suzanne handle closings.How will I know if I accomplished or made progress on the goal? I will have more time, mental power and physical energy to accomplish the other goals
How will I celebrate at the end of 2017? I will throw a party for the ladies who have been so good to meGoal 3:
Do challenging things in my line of interest and talent: reading, blogging, learning, writing and finding resources that inspire me
Why? This is life to me. This is the foundation of the radical career change I am praying for.
The positive effect will be living my dreams and honoring God.
At the end of the year having made progress on this goal, I believe I will be a more whole person, more reliant on God and living out my creative purposes
Starting steps –
1. Finish book by February 15
2. Blog on Femmefuel once per month
3. Blog or film a video for Law firm once per month
4. Work from home once a week until I have the guts to work from home twice a week
5. Begin to choose books to read in 2017.
6. Explore Instagram, new authors, blogs and other media to inspire me and bring me to a deeper relationship with God
How will I know if I made progress on the school? Goal is quantifiable for the most part
How will I celebrate at the end of the year? I will take a trip with my mom that we have been talking about for years -
Goals: Get my body in good shape; Connect deeply with local friends; Simplify my lifestyle; Invest in my community; Cultivate a LIFE-GIVING home (love that book too!)
I encouraged my 9-year old daughter who struggles with anxiety – she stepped beyond her anxiety today which was a big step of progress for her … I let her know I noticed
2017 will be a turning point for me. I have danced all around what it is that I really want to accomplish this year – and not hitting the target ever…because of fear! Fear of not being enough. Fear that I am not ready to Just Do It. I am a flower farmer and have every thing in place….all I need do is spread my wings. This year I am; #1. Giving Floral workshops on my farm, #2. Attracting more wedding/event floral work, #3 Fixing up and moving in to my office space.#. Focusing my love and attention on my family (Husband at home, grown up kids out in the world). Thanks for this sweet Goals round-up, Lara! Love to you!
I have decided at the end of 2017 I want to see more obedience and less busy. I want to have cultivated my faith, family and really learned to take care of myself as well. Specifically even though it feels big and scary to write it out I want to have lost 40 lbs! I want to have chosen taking care of my home and loving my family well over eating the bread of idleness. In order to make things happen, here is what I need to do today to get started: be in God’s word. I have decided to start now. At the end of the year I will celebrate progress not perfection in all of this by planning a trip with my family
I haven’t had time to flesh things out in detail, but my broad goals for 2017 are
1 – develop a love of running
2 – read through the Bible
3 – practice gratitude -
I have been working through the Power Sheets Prep section myself, but it has been so nice to have you to do this with! I have 2 totally goals fleshed out.
Goal 1. Pay off a certain credit card completely.
Why? It will free up my money, headspace, time, and anxiety.
Positive effects: It will free up money to spend on paying down other debt. It will make me feel so much freer not making that payment every month.
Action Ideas: Figure out then monthly payment needed to pay this off in a year. Don’t add to the debt. Adjust budget. Tend budget and watch spending. Clear out closet. Sell things on eBay and apply that money to my payment.
Resources: Online debt calculator.Goal 2: Don’t let my clothes define me.
Why? To curb my spending and work on the root of my spending…boredom, comparison to others, -!; low confidence.
The positive effect: I will spend less, yet have more time, money, and confidence. I can then spend that time and money in more important things and hopefully be happier.
Action Ideas: Create a capsule wardrobe for each season. Store out of season items. Use Style Book app to track and see what I have. Delete/don’t open shipping emails. Less scrolling.
Resources: The new Minimalism documentary. Project 333.The other goals I’m working on are: Work out 3x per week. Build a happy home (which is multi faceted like yours), Keep learning and growing in my self and my business, Grow in my faith, and start a flower garden.
Again, thank you for this series. 🙂
My first goal is to find time this weekend to reflect and set some goals. 🙂
Goal 1: cultivate confidence in my identity by reading through the Bible
Why: to get to know the character of God and be changed by His words
Positive effect: heart change, mind refocus, speak life to others
End of year: I will feel refreshed
Starting steps: find a plan that is forgiving of getting behind because I know I will! I need to find a way to not become overwhelmed and give in to discouragement when I fail
How I will know I made progress: I will be better equipped to speak and pray the Word because of time spent meditating on it
Encouraging words: “Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.'” John 6:68-69
Celebrate: not sure yet…maybe make art of the passages that stay with me throughout or shed special light that I need this yearGoal 2: cultivate confidence at my job by developing a healthy mindset
Why: to honor the Lord with my work and encourage others with the truth
Positive effect: increased productivity, be an encouragement to my coworkers and in my sphere of influence
End of year: I will feel that I used my time efficiently, I grew, my organization grew, and I cultivated abundance instead of surviving on complacency because of overwhelm
Starting steps: streamline a few processes, clarify responsibilities with my supervisor, restructure my schedule, implement planning ahead, choose words of life instead of words of fear and complaint, alert my coworkers of my plans and invite their accountability
How I will know I made progress: processes are smoother and more productive, events are better planned, relationships are created and developed through networking, I learned lots of new things!
Encouraging words: “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14
Celebrate: not sure?Goal 3: cultivate community by fighting fear and being intentional
Why: to honor the Lord with my relationships, use the gifts He has given me to encourage others and point them to the truth
Positive effect: the building up of the saints and personal growth in ministry
End of year: I will feel that I used my gifts in the way they are supposed to be used–in service to the Lord and to the people around me
Starting steps: be intentional about pursuing conversations with people at church, volunteer to serve in a church ministry, choose to be with family and friends over hiding away to watch TV or scroll through social media
How I will know I made progress: relationships are deepened over time, personal mental, emotional, and spiritual health is better, my concern and energy is turned to others instead of toward myself
Encouraging words: “We live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and private, and therefore starved for meditation and true friendship.” C.S. Lewis
Celebrate: invite a new friend for dinner or coffee or to do something they like, even if it’s out of my comfort zoneGoal 4: cultivate confidence in my creative passions by writing and reading more
Why: to figure out if the Lord has something planned for this unsettling, anxious creative energy I have that I’m still not sure what to do with
Positive effect: maybe I can find a way to serve using my passion for the written word and graphic design
End of year: I will have learned more about why God gave me creative passion and learned about my limits and know what to explore further
Starting steps: journal several times weekly, spend time outside of work on personal design projects, read those tutorials I have archived on Pinterest
How I will know I made progress: I have a clearer direction for what to do next
Encouraging words: “When we stop fearing failure, we start being artists.” Ann Voskamp
Celebrate: maybe start a blog 🙂Thanks so much for this helpful process! I’m learning lots of new, healthier ways of framing goals and pursuing growth, not perfection. 🙂
I encouraged my husband to set goals for 2017. We are starting with joint goals relating to our health.
Wow. I was referred to your site to help fight through depression and anxiety. To set simple achievable goals. I am so sorry I just found you last night and missed the 2017 power sheet!
This is such a beautiful encouraging way to set goals! Thank you so much for sharing your own journey and leading the way for others to find progress in their own lives!
Goal 1: Be united with God in my business
Why: I am tired of being stuck and trying to do things on my own. I have always prayed and sought direction, but have still lived with the belief that I in large part am left to myself to do the work and make things happen. It is true that I have responsibility, but oh how my efforts and progress and vision will increase when I accept that God desires to be part of all of it, not just available for an occasional check-in.
Positive effect: I won’t be doing it all by myself! I will feel encouraged and led and realize that the work I do is also the work of God in helping others to learn and grow.
Feeling at end: Gratitude and complete unity and connection.
Steps: set the intention of being one with Him. Pray at the beginning of each work day, consistently keep my mind and heart tuned to ideas and direction that can come from Him throughout the day. Stop worrying so much about outcomes and trust that He will take care of everything that is legitimately out of my control.
How will I know I accomplished? I will feel it. I will feel supported. I won’t feel alone. I will feel peace.
Encouraging words: This is all new for me. I have lots of old patterns that default me to doing things myself and feeling alone. I must remember that if I do this, that God’s grace is available instantly for me to forgive myself and get back on track. No self sabatoge and suffering. Just forgive myself and start again.
How to celebrate: Give the glory to God. Any success that my business achieves will be a result of His help. I will happily pay tithing, and show gratitude by being a wise steward of my finances. And I totally believe it’s possible to celebrate WITH God 🙂 I believe he would rejoice with me if I used some income to have experiences that were refreshing and renewing… like a family vacation or couple dates! Fun experiences that strengthen the other important relationships in my life. -
Hey, Lara!
My goals were so clear when I wrote the ideas that I’m keeping them the same, but adding a question mark to the podcast. It’s secondary to the others. I’ll do it if it contributes to mentoring well.My husband suggested that we spend some time talking about priorities today so we can make better decisions in the future. We ended up deciding on four family values that will help guide our decision-making. I love that they are in line with my 2017 goals and the qualities I’m teaching my kids about what it means to follow Jesus. Our family values are:
– Relationships
– Generosity
– Integrity
– Faith
– WellnessGoing through this process has been so good for me. My goals feel like freedom, not obstacles to tackle. Sharing my progress with my husband sparked this conversation. I think it helps set us both up for building an even better life together.
Thank you so much for sharing your goals! They have been so helpful for me me during this process of writing out my goals for the next year. This is my first year using the powersheets and I am so excited to see what I accomplish this year because of them, a fresh mindset, and a whole lot of Jesus 🙂
Goal 1: CONTENTMENT IN MY SPACE – Declutter, Refresh, and make steps to meet a long term goal of selling this starter home.
Why? After praying about this a lot, God really revealed to me that our ministry will really be changing as our children’s ages are changing. My long term goal of discipling my children into knowing the Lord will also have a lot to do with their relationships with others.
Goal 2: CONTENTMENT WITH CHURCH – I have been circling around discontentment with church for the past several years and I am so done. Some how it has became my vice.
Why? The past severals years have served a purpose. A lot of wandering, visiting, trying to find our place. I learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot about how discipleship is a 24/7 process, not just an hour Sunday morning. We gained some lifelong friends and realized what a difference it makes to do life with a tribe. Most of all, I grew by leaps and bounds due to a deep dependence on Christ alone. A new season is here. I think I was trying to squeeze myself back into comfortable. I have never attended a big church and I have a lot of stereotypes associated with “seeker friendly” churches. I need to drop the stereotypes and give it a chance. I need to give people grace and give them a chance. Maybe I will end up disappointed, but I am hoping I will end up surprised.
Goal 3: CONTENTMENT WITH WHO I WANT TO BE: Continue to be ok with me and align my comparison with God not with others expectations.
Why? I am in a good place but these new scenarios and changes make me leary. I don’t want to lose the strides I have made.
Goal 4: Expand vision of Rudi International
Why? This is my soul itch. This is God’s call on my life to be a voice. THIS MATTERS!
Read the rest of the details here: https://longlettermemoir.wordpress.com/2016/12/31/2017-goals-for-now/
I love this! I have recently enjoyed goal making and would love a kit helping to set goals and keep myself accountable.
My strange word for the year is WORK, redeeming it from the burden it became to the life purpose it’s supposed to be. I have two main goals, with many starting steps!
Goal #1: prep for work – how I plan to start each day.
To be spiritually and emotionally ready, I will develop my quiet time routine, prayer list, and journaling. To be physically ready for each day’s work, I will workout, eat breakfast, and take my probiotic and vitamins! To be mentally ready for each day, I will make my bed, get dressed and review my planners.Goal #2: Work well
Area 1: homemaking, which includes chores, cooking, and care of my family. It also includes administrative stuff, like finances and the flow of paperwork.
Area 2: homeschool, which includes goal re-writing for the rest of the year and re-establishing a routine after Christmas break.
Area 3: ministry, which includes continuing to meeting one-on-one with two ladies in my church and writing letters and calling my dear friends more regularly for encouragement (both theirs and mine!)
Area 4: personal development. I wasn’t going to add this in for this year, but when I thought about what I would be doing if I were paid for this work, personal development would be part and parcel to my day. So I’m adding in a book list that expands my knowledge on theology, my spiritual gifting, literature for homeschool, and skill areas (from my college degrees).Why? It is the gift of God that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil. There is nothing better for [us] than to be joyful and to do good as long as [we] live! Ecclesiastes 3:13, 12
Why? I don’t mean to sound morbid, but I relate to Paul in Philippians 1 when he thinks about the why’s of his life situation and purpose. It’s for the sake of others, for the Gospel, that he lives and continues to preach, though he knows it’s far better to depart and be with Christ. My day-to-day decisions, words, and actions are for the sake of others, not for my own.It seems like all these goals are aimed at superficial things, but I think that’s the importance of answering the WHY question. The WHY determines whether the goals are superficial or transformational on an identity level. I am not working in order to control my world and make it better, I am working because I am created to bless others in my day-to-day. I am working because it’s the gift of God to work and find joy in it. Who doesn’t like gifts that bring joy? I’m growing into my identity as a laborer for Christ, not working to prove I deserve to be called one.
How will I feel at the end of the year? I think I will be able to consider the ups and downs, the successes and failures that will inevitably happen as all part of the process of growth. In the day-to-day, the ups and downs will most likely feel discouraging sometimes. But at the end of the year, looking back on the big picture progress will feel like it was all worth it!
It’s hard for me to come up with concrete celebration ideas. If I grow a garden, I celebrate by eating its fruits. If I work in a job, I get a Christmas bonus! God created the world in 6 days, saw it was good, and rested on the 7th. So, there is a way to celebrate work well done, I just haven’t figured it out yet 🙂 Maybe take a 2-day retreat with my Bible, journal, 2017 and 2018 power sheets next December?
Pray for my community & spiritual growth through IF:Gathering, run a 5k as a family, cook better meals, care for my house & family
Goal: Grow in thankfulness.
– Why? I’ve seen before the effect that this has on my trust in the Lord.
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: Healthier/calmer/joyful mindset!
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: thankful! Haha 🙂
– Starting steps: Buy a notebook to put this in (or determine how to put it alongside my current journal practice)
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: Proud of myself for doing something that takes extra effort, especially when I have a lot going on.
– Encouraging words: reading over past reasons of thankfulness.
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Something to keep thinking about! I’m not sure what would make the most sense yet, other than reading through them. -
My goals are to:
1. Start working out five days a week, drinking water and meal prepping to lose weight.
2. Document every penny I spend and avoid spending on frivolous things. The goal is to build up savings and lay down debt.
3. Start a business -
Workout ideas: I love Jazzercise and in some areas classes are offered throughout the day so you can work it in your schedule. I have some friends who enjoy Beachbody because they can do it from home and there are short options for busy days. Good luck! Thanks for the PowerSheets and this series…I’m a first-timer and loving it!
Hi Amy! About 1 1/2 years ago I started attending a barre pilates studio in my neighborhood called Barre3. I LOVE their workouts and it has made working out FUN for me! This is important to me because if working out feels too much like working out, I won’t continue haha They have an online option for those who can’t make it in studio or don’t have one near them. Check them out! http://www.barre3.com. I have also tried Beachbody (and am actually a coach) but still prefer barre.
Ugh…I still don’t have my Word for the Year but I do have my goals, my whys and it’s looking good.
Interestingly I’m about to read Simon Sinek’s phenomenonal book “It starts with Why” so kinda doing this out of order but as Lara has said , it’s ok to be messy. At least I’ve started. -
My goals are:
1. Practice Physical Self-Care
2. Practice Mental Self-Care
3. Focus on Family & Friends
4. Work on Health & Fitness
5. Organize & Simplify
6. Create a Cleaning Habit
7. Explore North Carolina
8. Spend Time on Self-Growth
9. Invest Time in The Foodie Patootie (my blog)
10. Be Mindful of Money -
Action Plan 1 – Spend quiet, still and intentional time with the LORD.
WHY? Because I need Christ every minute of my life, and He has to be central.
Positive Results: I hope to be a better Mom, friend, wife because I have filled up first with God.
People to ask for guidance/accountability; My friend Leah
What progress on this goal looks like: Peace and Contentment as I grow deeper with my time with the LORD.
How will I celebrate this goal when I complete it: The reward of knowing God is central and with me at all times.
Starting Steps: Set an alarm to get up earlier in the mornings.
Sign up for 3 Minute Mornings @ hellomornings.org
Journal in Write the Word Journal.
Set up an area/corner/place to consistently go to.
Have a coffee maker set to go for the am on a timer!Action 2 – Declutter/Organize/beautify or home.
Why – Because I feel better when items have a home.
Positive results – I will be able to find items quicker without frustration.
People to ask for guidance: Husband
What progress on this goal looks like: Being able to direct my kids daily about where items go.
How will i celebrate: the feeling of having a home that brings me JOY to be in!
Starting Steps;
Place baskets on steps (with kids names on them) and put items in as day goes along. They put away items at end of the day.
Set up a Chore Chart/Menu planner on wall in Kitchen on display.
Save up each month to buy an item that will help to organize/beautify our home. Eg rug for lounge room, each kid having their own dresser instead of sharing
Clean out 1 room at a time.
Take 1 bag to Goodwill each week.
Keep Items I really love around me.Action 3: Cultivate a warm and inviting Home.
Why: To share and open our home to others and offer hospitality.
Positive result: Deep sense of connection with my family and friends.
People to ask for guidance: Find a Menu planning website or App for food menu ideas.
What progress looks like: Opening our home without worrying if it is perfect/clean enough!
How will I celebrate: Deepened opportunities to love others well.
Starting steps: Have a Chili night on Friday nights each week to invite friends of my kids, people who we might not know well.
Soup night/casual night on Sunday evenings for me to have single girls over for a Mentor Night.
Book Club Group – Hosting onTuesday mornings.
Hosting Baby Shower.
Different kid cooking a meal when their friends come over.I am so Excited about this year and living well, not perfectly, not ruled by fear, but with intention!!!
So thankful for these step, by, step, ways to grow.
Thank you so much for this. My Goal n. 1 will be coming back to the Bible, immersing myself in it. There is so much insight into and so much peace in one’s life once there is Word in it. Thank you again!
This year my goals are to write a book, spend intentional time at home, pray about spending, and dedicate my year to vocational formation.
I have many goals for 2017 but a few of them are not relevant right now. One is in the summer 2017 and there are a few that will be relevant in fall 2017, so I’m leaving them out so I focus on what’s important right now.
1. Focus on the right things
Why? So that I allocate resources properly, maintain my motivation, and achieve the goal/work in front of me. I didn’t do this last year and felt horrible while at work or home with the wrong focus, I want to reduce that feeling of guilt/betrayal. I also want minimal distractions to block me from my goals. Lack of focus allows those distractions to show their ugly faces.2. Become healthier
First off, I know this is vague and I plan on making it more specific when I get more into it. Why? Because I want to be more energetic, confident, positive, focused. I want to be able to play active games with my daughter (like snowball fights with fake snowballs) I want to be well rested and to be strong. I want to be a good role model for my daughter. I also want to be able to buy this amazing warrior outfit and have the confidence to wear it in 2018 as well as participate in the Marine pull up challenge at our state fair – and succeed!3. Finish grad school
Why? So I can start working full time as well as have the ability to the the CPA exam in the summer 2017. This will allow me to complete all 4 exams before I start working which will be a huge burden lifted and less for me to have to try to juggle. I know I’ll pass them because my focus will no be wavered!4. Read 6 book.
Why? This gives my mind a break from school/work/life and is part of my nightly routine. It sets me up for bed but also lets me take care of myself so I’m not as overwhelmed or burnt out. Normally, I have a higher book amount but this year with grad school, part-time work, full-time work, CPA exams, and my daughter/home/life.. I don’t want to stress myself out with reading.5. Less Financial Worry (for lack of better phrase)
Why? Because I stress out a lot about money and I need to figure out a way to earn/manifest/save more so that I can pay for bills in the summer. I’ll be unemployed from May 1 – Nov 1(ish) and I will only be working part-time for 4 months. I have to figure out something so that I can have the money in my bank to help me pay for those 6-7 months of unemployment.I’m still working through my goal sheets for each of these goals but I feel confident and comfortable with them being the goals this year.
OH and I went through last year’s powersheets and read one of my goals – to organize my home. I decided to start in my office so all of my actions steps related to my office. I actually completed it this year and had no idea! I saw the big goal of ‘home’ and didn’t realize that I actually made HUGE progress towards that goal in 2016. 🙂 YAY! I’m taking a break from focusing on that this year because it isn’t a priority. I may bring it back in 2018 but I’m so happy that I achieved that – and surprised!!
I have many goals for 2017 but a few of them are not relevant right now. One is in the summer 2017 and there are a few that will be relevant in fall 2017, so I’m leaving them out so I focus on what’s important right now.
1. Focus on the right things
Why? So that I allocate resources properly, maintain my motivation, and achieve the goal/work in front of me. I didn’t do this last year and felt horrible while at work or home with the wrong focus, I want to reduce that feeling of guilt/betrayal. I also want minimal distractions to block me from my goals. Lack of focus allows those distractions to show their ugly faces.2. Become healthier
First off, I know this is vague and I plan on making it more specific when I get more into it. Why? Because I want to be more energetic, confident, positive, focused. I want to be able to play active games with my daughter (like snowball fights with fake snowballs) I want to be well rested and to be strong. I want to be a good role model for my daughter. I also want to be able to buy this amazing warrior outfit and have the confidence to wear it in 2018 as well as participate in the Marine pull up challenge at our state fair – and succeed!3. Finish grad school
Why? So I can start working full time as well as have the ability to the the CPA exam in the summer 2017. This will allow me to complete all 4 exams before I start working which will be a huge burden lifted and less for me to have to try to juggle. I know I’ll pass them because my focus will no be wavered!4. Read 6 book.
Why? This gives my mind a break from school/work/life and is part of my nightly routine. It sets me up for bed but also lets me take care of myself so I’m not as overwhelmed or burnt out. Normally, I have a higher book amount but this year with grad school, part-time work, full-time work, CPA exams, and my daughter/home/life.. I don’t want to stress myself out with reading.5. Less Financial Worry (for lack of better phrase)
Why? Because I stress out a lot about money and I need to figure out a way to earn/manifest/save more so that I can pay for bills in the summer. I’ll be unemployed from May 1 – Nov 1(ish) and I will only be working part-time for 4 months. I have to figure out something so that I can have the money in my bank to help me pay for those 6-7 months of unemployment.I’m still working through my goal sheets for each of these goals but I feel confident and comfortable with them being the goals this year.
OH and I went through last year’s powersheets and read one of my goals – to organize my home. I decided to start in my office so all of my actions steps related to my office. I actually completed it this year and had no idea! I saw the big goal of ‘home’ and didn’t realize that I actually made HUGE progress towards that goal in 2016. 🙂 YAY! I’m taking a break from focusing on that this year because it isn’t a priority. I may bring it back in 2018 but I’m so happy that I achieved that – and surprised!!
Whoops, commented on wrong post. 🙂
I encouraged my son today with how great he has been with helping load the dishwasher after dinner. We’ve been trying to teach helpful attitudes and behaviors lately.
My goal for 2017 is to steward what I’ve been given well.
I kind of put this into 4 categories: my faith, my body, others, and school. That way I have lots of smaller (and big) goals that come from each, and might change often. Just trying to make it work for me.
But my actual goals besides the big picture are as follows-
1. Read the Old Testament. This year I want to grow in my faith more than ever. I’ve tried steadily to read through the old testament lately and I just couldn’t do it. So by reading 4 pages a day I can read all of it by August! I’m so excited. This way I’m assured I at least have time in the word daily.
Also incorporated into this goal is having genuine personal prayer time, and practicing worship as a lifestyle.
2. Cultivate good health. This looks like daily excessive, real rest, and mindful/healthy eating. Because my body is not mine! It’s God’s and I need to take care of it. Plus, I never know where he’s going to call me next and I need to be prepared, not only physically but spiritually as well.
3. Focus on relationships. No matter the awkwardness of interaction with distant family members, God’s called me to honor my mother and father and I want to obey that. through his strength alone I’m going to reach out to the distant family and try to restore our relationship. This also looks like a lot of prayer, prayer for my family and my friends.
4. Work hard in school and honor God with my diligence. This looks like trying my absolute hardest in order to honor the crazy blessing he’s given me.
Lara, thank you. I went through power sheets last year and they were awesome and an incredible tool that helped me turn to God and watch him change my life. I’m so excited for this year and so incredibly thankful for you and your work. Thank you, God bless you. -
My goal for 2017 is to steward what I’ve been given well.
I kind of put this into 4 categories: my faith, my body, others, and school. That way I have lots of smaller (and big) goals that come from each, and might change often. Just trying to make it work for me.
But my actual goals besides the big picture are as follows-
1. Read the Old Testament. This year I want to grow in my faith more than ever. I’ve tried steadily to read through the old testament lately and I just couldn’t do it. So by reading 4 pages a day I can read all of it by August! I’m so excited. This way I’m assured I at least have time in the word daily.
Also incorporated into this goal is having genuine personal prayer time, and practicing worship as a lifestyle.
2. Cultivate good health. This looks like daily excessive, real rest, and mindful/healthy eating. Because my body is not mine! It’s God’s and I need to take care of it. Plus, I never know where he’s going to call me next and I need to be prepared, not only physically but spiritually as well.
3. Focus on relationships. No matter the awkwardness of interaction with distant family members, God’s called me to honor my mother and father and I want to obey that. through his strength alone I’m going to reach out to the distant family and try to restore our relationship. This also looks like a lot of prayer, prayer for my family and my friends.
4. Work hard in school and honor God with my diligence. This looks like trying my absolute hardest in order to honor the crazy blessing he’s given me.
Lara, thank you. I went through power sheets last year and they were awesome and an incredible tool that helped me turn to God and watch him change my life. I’m so excited for this year and so incredibly thankful for you and your work. Thank you, God bless you. -
Part 5:
This process has been helpful. I have so many goals though and each area is multifaceted, so I will just share a few.
The areas that I want to cultivate are: my faith, my marriage, intentionality with social media not letting it consume me, reading, health and work.
Goal 1:
Spend intentional time in the word, prayer and worship. Cultivate my prayer life.
Because when I spend time with Jesus my whole outlook on life changes and I am more at peace.
Positive results:
Less fear and anxiety
People to ask for guidance:
My accountability group, community group and husband.
How will I feel at the end of the year:
Thankful that God helped me spend time in His word and joyful.
Already took these steps: 1. Choose Bible study plan 2. Accountability 3. Prayer
How will I know that I made progress:
Daily time in the word and to continue even if I miss a day. Hopefully feel less fear and more peace.
The Word does not return void and the Word is a light to our path.
Praise God.
Goal 2:
Cultivate my marriage by serving my husband and showing gratitude.
Because I want us to have a strong marriage that lasts and reflects Christ.
Positive results:
People to ask for guidance:
Community group, parents, husband.
1. Talk to husband about it and ask how I can serve him better.
2. Text him regularly with encouragementHow will I feel at the end of the year:
Thankful, joyful, stronger marriage
How will I know that I made progress:
Ask my husband how I can serve him better.
Marriage is a gift from God.
Goal 3:
Spend less time on social media
Because when I spend time on social media all the time I am not productive, I compare myself to others and lose sight of the present.
Positive results:
Less anxiety, more productivity
People to ask for guidance:
My accountability group and husband.
1. Fill the time with something else (reading)
2. Ask for accountabilityHow will I feel at the end of the year:
Hopefully freer and filled with joy
How will I know that I made progress:
I no longer reach for my phone first thing when I am bored
There is more to life then the internet, so much is happening around me!
I’m looking forward to cultivating the things that matter the most to me and celebrating progress no matter how big or small!
I am so excited to start my first set of One Year Powersheets! I have been prepping in 2016 to be committed to actually doing and finishing my 2017 Powersheets. I am so thankful for your heart Lara and how you always share so much of your heart with us. I love reading your blog and truly feel motivated to do life messy and make progress little by little. I can’t wait to follow along all year with you! I picked 10 goals but I think 3-4 really fall under one umbrella of truly knowing God and His character more by spending time in prayer and in His word so that I can love my husband better, disciple others in our gospel community, and be focused on the ministry I am called to right now.
This is my first year of doing powersheets and I am so excited! Still working on finishing my goal planning, but I have lots of little goals for both my business & personal life. Thank you for this practical tool. Progress over perfection!
I text a dear friend a word of encouragement. So excited to start 2017 off using the powersheets for the 1st time! 🙂
At the end of 2017, I want to look back and see more confidence in God, joy and living in the freedom that Christ has bought for me, more love and generosity for people near and far from me, more patience and understanding that we are all fighting battles in our hearts and our minds and our lives… and less complaining and stressing over the little things in life, and letting them affect my mood or my marriage for the day, less buying things because it’s pretty to fill up the house with unnecessary things, and less perfection in everything. Done is better than perfect.
I want to have cultivated patience in my life and also in God’s plans, a happy heart that is content and in love with life, a strong marriage that is open, honest and loving.
Specifically, even though it feels big and scary to write out, I want to look back and have done this: used my God-given talents.
I want to have chosen moments over things. Joy over worry. Faith over fear. Grace over perfection. Forgiveness over regret.
In order to make things happen, here’s what I need to do today to get started: study the bible.
I have decided to follow Jesus, and do things that cultivate a happy heart and a happy life.
At the end of the year, I will celebrate progress over perfection in all of these by hugging my husband, doing a happy dance and thanking God for another year of blessings and growth.
2017 GOALS
GOAL 1: Live a full, active life with more exercise and healthy food.
WHY: I know the effect exercise has on my life — without it, I feel lethargic, lazy, lifeless and procrastinate. I want to exercise so that I regain life and strength and live the life God meant for me!
POSITIVE EFFECT ON MY LIFE AND OTHERS: I will have more energy and joy (exercise releases Dopamine!) to serve my business and my people well, especially my husband. I will also be sick / lethargic / anxious / depressed less often and be able to live life more fully.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR: Healthy and strong! Having a fitter body and more strength will make me feel more confident (not only with my body) and more focused.
1. Set aside time for workout everyday.
2. Write it in my Simplified Planner.
3. Prepare gym clothes the night before.
4. Meal plan every week so we can eat in at least 3x a week.HOW I WILL KNOW I MADE PROGRESS / ACCOMPLISHED THIS GOAL: Lose weight to 46kg (I’ve carried a lot of excess fat from being lazy, so I want to feel “lighter”! It’s more than just a number, it’s a Jawbone UP2 calculated goal that I will lose 7kg over a year with my exercise.)
ENCOURAGING WORDS: Take care of the body God gave you so you can do what God wants you to do!
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE AT THE END OF 2017: Have a feast of our favorite (not unhealthy!) food with my husband, being thankful for all that we have and our strong bodies.
GOAL 2: Have 1 hour of prayerful time every day.
WHY: I want to draw closer to God and make Him the center of my life. With Him in control, I feel lighter, happier and more focused. It is for His glory, and not mine. With His guidance, my life and business will go in the right track.
POSITIVE EFFECT ON MY LIFE AND OTHERS: With God, I will be more patient, more understanding, more filled with grace and wisdom, so I can serve everyone else around me better, and get rid of anxiety and depression.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR: Happy Heart!! When I am close to God and let His scripture guide my life, I am confident and happy and content with life.
1. Schedule in prayer time in Simplified Planner every day.
2. Read “How to Study Scripture”.
3. Lay Bible in a place where I will often reach.HOW I WILL KNOW I MADE PROGRESS / ACCOMPLISHED THIS GOAL: Finish reading the Bible! And have a notebook full of notes and revelations. 🙂
ENCOURAGING WORDS: Proverbs 4:20-22
My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.HOW I WILL CELEBRATE AT THE END OF 2017: Not sure yet!
GOAL 3: Make the house a safe refuge for myself and my husband.
WHY: The husband’s work is stressful enough, so I want to make sure that coming home is always a joyful and stress-free experience, compared to this year where cleaning took a toll and mess made emotions run high.
POSITIVE EFFECT ON MY LIFE AND OTHERS: I can enjoy more quality time with my husband, one-on-one time that is filling and joyful. Being at peace with the house will also lower my anxiety and allow me to focus on things that really matter.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR: Lighter. And more joyful knowing I enjoyed the moments and not dwelled in the mess.
1. Look out for cleaning companies.
2. Don’t over-shop at the store: make portable grocery lists (not in my head!)
3. Try a new cleaning schedule.
4. Do Contentment Challenge in February.HOW I WILL KNOW I MADE PROGRESS / ACCOMPLISHED THIS GOAL: Settled in my cleaning schedule and no longer stress out. Less stuff = less things to put away.
ENCOURAGING WORDS: Where there is love in the home, there is joy in the heart. Fill the home with memories, not things. You only need love to build a happy home.
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE AT THE END OF 2017: Do a major clean-out / donation fest!! Donating all the good things that we no longer need OR someone else could be more blessed with makes my heart HAPPY.
GOAL 4: Simplify my business and streamline my process so I can fall in love with my business again.
WHY: I try to do it all — and that just doesn’t work. I want to have a happy heart in my business so I can serve with my BEST self and not do things for the sake of getting “bigger” or earning money. I want to enjoy my business, even if it means making less money.
POSITIVE EFFECT ON MY LIFE AND OTHERS: I will serve my people with a truthful, generous, giving heart and people will be able to sense that! By being more giving, I will also be happier and more creative with what I do.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR: Accomplished. Fulfilled. Like the year meant something. Like goals got reached instead of another year just went by and I didn’t have much to show for it except design clients that I felt “meh” about.
1. Write down dream process.
2. Write down dream client.
3. Check out squarespace (pay for a month and really try it out!).HOW I WILL KNOW I MADE PROGRESS / ACCOMPLISHED THIS GOAL: I will only have 3 services MAX at the end of the year, and all 3 will be waitlisted and will be profitable. People will know me for ONE thing.
ENCOURAGING WORDS: Do what you love, love what you do. Do what matters. What’s the one thing you always wanted to do? Go do that. People don’t remember you for your plans!
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE AT THE END OF 2017: Give back!! Donate to all my favorite charities and do lots of free webinars. WEBINAR PARTY!!!
GOAL 5: Live my legacy.
WHY: God gave me the word LEGACY and instructed me to use it for my business since 2014. And I know that God knows I’m veering away. I want to go back to legacy. Let that guide my life and my business. I want to live like I want to be remembered so that I can have less regrets and more life. Life-giving life.
POSITIVE EFFECT ON MY LIFE AND OTHERS: I will be more present, more giving and more serving. I will also have less regrets at the end of the year.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR: Like my life is well-lived. Like the year wasn’t a waste.
1. Meditate to be less reactionary.
2. Encourage others (right now).
3. When I start worrying over trivial matters, take a deep breath, pray and recalibrate.
4. Social Media Free days 2x a week.HOW I WILL KNOW I MADE PROGRESS / ACCOMPLISHED THIS GOAL: When I stop sweating the small stuff and start looking at the big picture.
ENCOURAGING WORDS: You only have one life to live. 🙂
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE AT THE END OF 2017: Be proud of myself. Like really allow myself to be proud of myself instead of constantly being embarrassed of myself.
One of my goals is to get my body back to healthy. Stress can do alot of damage. Thanks for the wonderful post!
Goals for 2017:
1. Spend less money, get on a budget, and gain financial literacy.
2. Create a family legacy in words and photos for my children.
3. Move my body move; be well; use moderation.
4. Set social media boundaries to be more present and feel more gratitude.
5. Spend time together as a family making memories and led my children by example.
6. Advance my career–explore areas of growth and potential career moves that align with my family’s needs and values (work/life balance).Thanks for this wonderful template which is a great tool for reflection!
I am really excited about my goals this year. I was hesitant to start writing in the powersheets, that first pen to paper is hard! I did the prep work over about a month and I feel focused and hopeful. There’s tons of white-out all over my workbook as I refined my goals. That’s not like me but it got me where I need to be.
I love your idea behind starting steps. One of my goals is to Cultivate a Family Table. This encompasses other things like intentional family time, implementing routines and meal planning. But my starting step was to clear the table. So simple!
Our kitchen table is a landing spot for so much stuff. Clearing it off and making an effort to keep it clear, left it open for us to sit down together twice last week. Not an easy thing with 2 babies on different schedules.
Well lets see…. Goal 1Run! Why? It makes me feel good and gives me perspective on life.
Goal 2 Eat Healthy – no more sugar or grain… Why? Because cancer sucks
Goal 3 Write 500 words per day Why? Because I have writing dreams and I need to write in order to get better at it.
Goal 4 Be more intentional about my bible reading. Why? Because just reading words doesn’t change my life- studying the words I read will change my life and help me to know and love God more.
Goal 5 Love My Family Better Why? Because they are a gift and they need to know it.
Goal 6 Continue to grow our office culture Why? Because our team is a gift and I want them to know it♥
This has been such a powerful series and I am so grateful I made the decision to invest in the power sheets. I can’t wait to see what God does through these intentional goals I’m working on this year!
– Goal 1: To Grow in My Faith
– Why? To fall more in love with my Savior and get to know Him better.
– How will this goal change you and others? I’ll know Him more!!! And others will be able to see His love through me.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: So good! I can’t wait for a deeper relationship and closeness. I think it will spark that in my family too.
– Starting steps: 1. Ask my mom to be my accountability and chat about what we’re learning about him when we talk. 2. Read every morning and have a devotional that I’m going through or write what I’m learning in “SOAP” devotional format. 3. PRAY! Make prayer a conversation throughout each day. 4. Have a CEO meeting with Him every morning before work starts where I can pray through what is on my schedule and any decisions, clients, vendors, etc. 5. Put in my Simplified Planner times that I will fast.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I’ll feel closer and have more relationship with Jesus!
– Encouraging words: Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ” Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: The reward will be in Jesus – more of Him throughout the process!– Goal 2: Cultivate my Marriage
– Why? So we can love each other well, be healthy and whole, and be a light to others.
– How will this goal change you and others? We will be closer and more in love, and others will be able to see what a healthy relationship looks like and get a glimpse of Gods love for them.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: More in love and so grateful!
– Starting steps: 1. Read the bible together after dinner. 2. God on walks after dinner and pray together (also memorize scripture together). 3. Serve him by doing the dishes whenever I see them (beat him to it!) and go to bed with a clean sink each night. 4. Communicate! Be intentional to talk to him instead of internalizing things. 5. Laugh together.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: We will talk more and get to know each other even more.
– Encouraging words: Marriage is a central theme of God’s word and a beautiful picture of His love for us – it is sooo worth digging into the fullness of what that looks like!!!
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: I’m not sure yet! The process itself will be pretty rewarding, but celebrating it will be really amazing too!– Goal 3: Understand and know our finances – especially in the business
– Why? So that we can be good stewards of what we’ve been given and God can trust us with more. Also so we can be more generous!
– How will this goal change you and others? We will be obedient and able to give more! We’ll be doing our part so we can trust God and He can trust us with the rest.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: So good and encouraging. I feel I can trust Him better when I’m aware of what I’m doing.
– Starting steps: 1. Create and keep up a business budget for each month. 2. Master bookkeeping (finish reading Bookkeeping for Dummies!) 3. Master QuickBooks by keeping everything up to date and working in it at least every other week. 4. Hate unnecessary expense (also, not buying any books or online classes until I’ve finished what I have now). 5. Increase the business income through prayer and stewarding my time and resources well (perhaps getting a part time job for a season as well?).
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: We’ll have more peace and be able to be more generous!
– Encouraging words: Luke 16:11 “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” and Proverbs 3:9-10 “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Not sure on this one yet either… Maybe give something away!– Goal 4: Take Care of Myself
– Why? So I can be healthy for my husband and future kids.
– How will this goal change you and others? I will feel better and be better for my family.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Healthy! …and encouraged and back to me (I was diagnosed with hashimotos disease two years ago and my body has been off since then).
– Starting steps: 1. Lose 30 lbs by doing the following steps. 2. Create a fitness plan where I do something every weekday morning and write it in my planner. 3. Create a meal plan every Sunday and make healthy choices. 5. Cut out pop completely and limit sugar to Sunday only. 6. Budget my time and set boundaries so I don’t work all the time (set a specific schedule and stick to it). 6. Manage my time while working so I am effective and efficient.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: By sticking to the plan even after I mess up and am imperfect in my progress.
– Encouraging words: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: With new photos!!!! …and maybe we’ll start trying to have kids!!!!!– Goal 5: Save Money
– Why? So we can be more generous
– How will this goal change you and others? We’ll be able to have wiggle room to live and give and there will be more peace in our home.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Peaceful! Grateful and totally aware that it is God’s doing.
– Starting steps: 1. Increase our income so we aren’t living off of any of our savings. 2. Save for the upcoming big expenses this year (traveling out of state for my sisters wedding and mom’s organizations Gala, as well as the new iMac I need for work since my current computer is struggling a bit and Jesus is keeping it going!) 3. Fundraise for an upcoming mission trip to South Africa this fall. 4. Replenish our emergency fund and create a retained earnings fund for the business. 5. Hate unnecessary expense.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: There will be money coming in and staying instead of only going out. And what does go out can be given generously!
– Encouraging words: 2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Giving something else away!– Goal 6: Encourage My Husband
– Why? To build him up to live in his purpose
– How will this goal change you and others? He will be more in love with Jesus and be more fulfilled.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Grateful. My husband is amazing and I love supporting him, so this is a beautiful opportunity.
– Starting steps: 1. Check in with him on Wednesdays (as requested when I asked how to encourage him in this) to see how how his plan to read the bible in one year is going. 2. Check in with him on Wednesdays about his plan to work out and take vitamins as well. 3. Tell him how handsome he is and how good he looks each day. 4. Help him brainstorm and develop a plan for the side business God has put on his heart. 5. Encourage him to start and follow through with the management classes he wants to take in February.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: He will be encouraged and growing.
– Encouraging words: Proverbs 31:10-12 “Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: I’m not sure yet. I’d love to hear some ideas on how to celebrate him!– Goal 7: Grow Me – Always Keep Learning
– Why? So I can experience more of who God created me to be.
– How will this goal change you and others? I will be refreshed and can pour more into others.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Fulfilled and accomplished. Joyful.
– Starting steps: 1. Learn piano so I can worship in this way! (15 minutes of scales and tempo practice each morning and two new songs per month). 2 – Finish taking the online classes that I have by creating a “class schedule” and writing it in my planner. 3. Read in the evenings and on Sundays. 4 – Do and learn more about my art as I work (create more stationery samples, paintings and original pieces – maybe I can give them away). 5. Dance more, just because. Create a playlist and take a break each afternoon to do this.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I will be more knowledgeable in the areas I’m passionate about and refreshed instead of burnt out.
– Encouraging words: Proverbs 1:5 “Let the wise hear and increase in learning.Let those with understanding receive guidance.” and Proverbs 18:15 “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Maybe we can have a worship night with my family and I’ll play piano for it.– Goal 8: Encourage Others
– Why? To build friendships and let Jesus use me to show them how much He loves them.
– How will this goal change you and others? We will both be encouraged with a deeper relationship and more of Jesus.
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Grateful for friendships!
– Starting steps: 1.Send encouraging texts and emails with scriptures, prayers, or just ‘thinking of yous’. 2. Send one handwritten note per week. 3. Ask friends ‘how are you? Like, how are you really?’ 4. Cultivate and be intentional with these friends and colleagues especially: Jenny, Sarah, Loni, Lindsey, Michelle, Brey, Rachel, Jaime, and Meredith.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: There will be real conversations and deeper friendships.
– Encouraging words: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Have friends over for an end of year celebration!– Goal 9: Create Adventure
– Why? So I can experience more of God!
– How will this goal change you and others? More of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit!
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: With mountain top moments!
– Starting steps: 1. Get outside and take daily walks. 2. Take risks and get uncomfortable. 3. Find mountain tops (both literally and figuratively) 4. Plan monthly physical adventures.
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: With mountain top moments to look back on!
– Encouraging words: The life of Paul is so encouraging to me in this adventure.
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Maybe going to our closest mountain top and sharing the memories of the year there with my husband.I can’t wait to look back at the end of 2017 and see all that God did!
This was so encouraging to me. The idea of a fitness goal is so overwhelming and unmotivating to me, but I love how you put the focus on being strong for those around us, instead of just getting skinny. Thank you!
Goals for 2017:
-Grow in faith
-Live a healthy life
-Serve others
-De-Clutter: home, mind, and soul -
I am so excited for this year because I believe that God is going to do amazing things through my intentionality!
Thank you so much for this series – I feel more prepared than I ever have to tackle the new year!
Ok, here’s one of my 7 goals:
Goal: Love my family well and with intention, helping them to each flourish
Why: It is a privilege to be part of each of their journeys (husband and two little girls). By feeling loved, being equipped and poured into in their individual ways, they will then be able to better walk into what God is calling them to do
Positive Effect on My Life & Others: Their love tanks filled! Joy for me in seeing each of them reach new milestones, whether it be in work, learning to read or getting potty trained (all equally important in their own way!). A home that says to each person in it, “You are seen and loved for your unique YOU.”
How Will I Feel At the End of the Year: Like I served Jesus well through loving my greatest responsibilities….the souls entrusted to me to raise and shepherd and encourage.
How Will I Know I Made Progress? Tangible milestones of the kids hitting certain developmental stages well. Less arguing and tension between me and my husband and kids, and more laughter and joy-filled memories to reflect on. Being closer as a family and a sense of home, even if we still don’t have our own “place.”
Encouraging Words: “The Wise Woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears her’s down.” Prov. 14:1. My words and actions have a tangible impact on our home!
How Will I Celebrate at the end of 2017? Hmmm not sure. Maybe a fun family outing? Writing letters to each of them for Christmas that reflects on all I have seen and admired in them the past year as a way of remembering and recording just how much they’ve flourished? Ideas welcome!
My goal this year is to cultivate peace in my heart, family, home, and schedule. I will do this by turning off the internet more and reading my Bible through again this year as well as many good books, by being with my family more instead of being distracted by the internet while next to them, I will say no to renewing some leadership roles when their natural end comes, I will see my home as a special life giving place and treat it as such, and I will find joy in the little things no matter what big things are thrown at us.
My word for 2017 is LOVE. This year, I want to love better (myself, my significant other, my life, my family, my friends, etc.). Simply loving people isn’t enough – I have to do a better job of showing it and infusing that love into the facets of my life.
Goal #1: Love my significant other better.
Why? Because he deserves it and I want to help fill his love bank and make sure he knows every day how important he is to me.
Positive effect: A loving, positive, lasting relationship, for one! Plus a man who feels loved and cherished!
How I’ll feel at the end of the year: Hopefully, wonderful!
Starting steps: Better communication, more positive affirmations, more positive recognition on a daily basis for both big and small things, show him love in the ways he receives it vs. the ways that are most natural for me to give it.
How I’ll know I’ve accomplished or made progress: His feedback and the quality of our relationship
Encouraging words: “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family” – Mother Theresa
How I’ll celebrate at the end of 2017: Date night or going on some adventure together!Goal #2: Get out more!
Why? I moved to a new city for love 1.5 years ago and have not stepped out to make new friends in my new city. This makes me feel lonely.
Positive effect: Going out and doing more things for me will help to fill my bucket so that I can do a better job of loving myself and others.
How I’ll feel at the end of the year: Fulfilled, happy, refreshed
Starting steps: Find a local church, sign up for boxing classes, volunteer, do more things I enjoy outside the home in an effort to meet new people who also enjoy doing what I love
How I’ll know I’ve accomplished or made progress: My social life will be more active, and I’ll feel less lonely!
Encouraging words: “When was the last time you did something for the first time?
How I’ll celebrate at the end of 2017? I’m not sure yet! Have a girls night or something! 🙂 -
This has been such an incredible find for me! Your blog and power sheets are going to be such a huge driving factor in my goal setting for 2017. I’m worked through the first part of my power sheets and have 4 goals: to finally get on a budget, to get my home life more organized by engaging my kiddos to help more, to be more focused on each moment and live each day with intent, and to develop my passions. I have already signed up for dave ramsey’s online class, made my kids a new chore chart and ordered myself some watercolor and lettering supplies to try to respark my creative juices. I feel so good. YAH!
My 2017 Goals:
1. Wake up before 6am so I can have my quiet time, time with my husband before he goes to work and planning time before the kids wake up.
2. Get dressed before the kids. (It’s the small goals:)
3. Workout and tea time with the kids in the afternoon. I don’t workout in the morning, but I want the kids to see and be part of creating a healthy life and they will be my built in accountability partners.
4. Teach and Cultivate doing our best work. We can do a good job on something, but we need to do our best job. This goes for training for the myself and the kids. Did you just eat something, put the bowl in the sink. Did someone just ask you “how are you?” Answer and return the kind gesture. Are there toys on the floor, don’t step over it to get to out the door. -
Love this so much! and thanks for recording it!!! it helped me finally get caught up on this series.
One of my goals is going to be wrapped around creating a life giving home. I love the steps you have broken down. I also love that you didn’t fill all 10 up for goals.
I am in a series now about Winter: A journey of stillness on facebook and have decided to wait to set my goals in mid-January to give myself time and stillness with the Lord to set my goals His ways and not mine.
My goals are as follows:
IMPACT my health
IMPACT my finances
IMPACT my self-awareness
IMPACT my faith
IMPACT my relationships
IMPACT my knowledgeMy tending list is done, and I can’t wait to see where this year takes me!
I’m still working through what my main goals would be. I do know a couple though.
Goal #1- Grow closer to the Lord -by reading the Bible daily, praying whenever I can (even while doing dishes), praising Him, glorifying Him in everything etc. Drawing near to Him. His Word is a Lamp unto my feet! 🙂
Goal #2 – Simplify Our Lives – this one includes decluttering, organizing our days and meals. Just getting a handle on life.
I am not sure what else to put just yet. I’m thinking about the others and if they are “goals” or if they are just ideas till. 🙂
Love this series and really excited about my power sheets! Love the write the word journal as well. 🙂
2017 goals:
1. Live simply.
2. Love my children in the individual ways they need to be loved. (Stole from Lara-it felt right for me, too. )
3. Get my home ready to sell.
4. Nurture my marriage.
5. Save $1,000.
6. Be a devoted teacher.Living simply, saving money, and readying the house to sell tie in perfectly for me. Now to get rid of stuff! Eeek! I have a lot of valuable things that i need to take the time to sell. I need Power Sheets to be back in stock!lol
I sent my friend who was VERY pregnant one of your encouragement cards this week! It read “Do not be anxious”. It was kind of hard to send those words considering I am 37 weeks pregnant myself, but those words are so true. I found myself wishing away this pregnancy and hating how I feel, but the truth is these are precious final weeks that I won’t ever get back and God can use them for good. I felt I needed to share that with her as well! 🙂
I am using Powersheets for the first time this year and am so happy with this new way of goal setting.
Using my Powersheets I realized that spending time in nature brings me great joy and makes me feel closer to God. I never realized how important spending time outside is so me. It used to come naturally to me as a marathon runner but I haven’t been spending nearly as much time outside since I got injured and quit running over a year ago. One of my goals this year is to spend more time outdoors! I can’t wait to get more in touch with nature by spending more time in my garden, exploring hiking trails in my area and taking my dogs to the park. YAY! I used to think my goals had to be about pushing myself to accomplish something new and impressive – now I am slowing down and choosing to spend time doing something that cultivates JOY! 🙂
Encouraged a friend who sent an honest Christmas letter (not just about the good stuff that’s happened) by emailing her a response
Out of my brainstorming came six good goals for the year:
1. Prioritize self-care (mental/physical/emotional)
2. Fuel my spirit daily.
3. Love my tribe well.
4. Nurture my marriage.
5. Be present and intentional in my time with our son.
6. Plan and forge a purposeful career path.Looking forward to pursuing these starting with my action steps this year!
I love that you continue to do this every year. Enjoying this snow day to get started on my goals and be still. Thank you Lara!
I texted a sweet friend letting them know how much they mean to me!
A big thanks for doing this series, Lara. It has meant so much to me. I have been answering your prompts and posting them on my blog and I decided on my 2017 Goals. I’ll be saying a prayer of thanks for you today. 🙂
My 2017 goals:
1. Cultivate my relationship with God
2. Build my business
3. Spend money more wisely
4. Start a special needs ministry at my church
5. Be real with my strugglesToday I encouraged a friend when we hung out…she was sharing about how 2016 didn’t go as she planned because she didn’t accomplish as much as she wanted to, and I shared with her about slow growth, gracious goal setting, and progress not perfection!
I encouraged someone today by commenting on their 2017 word for the year blog post 🙂
It was frustrating to have to take a busy week off with only one step left to go, but I’m so thankful for a husband who pushes me and created the right environment for me to finish this step tonight!
I’m trying to simplify everything because my multi-tasking, rabbit-chasing, list-making, can’t-connect-the-dots-because-I’m-too-worried-about-the-dots-being-perfectly-round mind tends to over complicate things. Here’s what I believe the Lord is calling me to do right now:
Steep my life with the Word. His Word is the sword that I take into battle each day, the lamp that sheds light when I’m confused; his Word is life-giving, and I want more of it!
Spend time pouring into others. Being there for others, introducing them to our good, good Father and the life He gives is one of the few things on this Earth that has eternal value. I want THAT!
Create an organized and simplified home. My mind doesn’t truly rest when things aren’t in their places. To focus completely on everything the Lord wants to tell me, I need to be less distracted by junk drawers and closets full of stuff I didn’t even know I had.
Invest in my husband. His faith. His delight. Pray. Support. Give. Grace. Grace. Grace.
Foster my creativity! This is the one I’m most excited about AND the one I know the Lord wants me to wait for. I’m keeping it on the list because I know when the time is right, He’ll tell me to move forward. I am already praising Him for that!
Now, it feels good to have that all down!
Goal ideas:
1. 4/2 rule with my husband: emotionally connecting for 20 min at least 4x a week. Asking intentional heart questions, not administrative/family matters questions. Have sex at least 2x a week.Why? Increased intimacy, connection, and conscious prioritization of the most important human relationship we have.
2. Get up before my kids.
Wake up at least 1 hr before my kids. Time to gently enter my day, time for scripture reading/prayer, exercise, whatever gives me life and provides alignment for my spirit for the day.Why? Enjoy my day instead of feeling like I’ve been thrown in to it. Taking responsibility to make time for myself. Rediscovering healthy sleep cycle, increased energy, better frame of mind to enter the day. If Jesus woke up early to be by Himself with the Father, it must be a good idea for me too 🙂
3. Make our home a simple refuge
Create an atmosphere where our family wants to be. Where all who enter feel welcomed, at home, and invited to find rest.Why?
Motivation to simplify, steward our gifts and possessions well, rejecting clutter to maintain space for others, create space for experiences rather than accumulation of stuff, build family traditions4. Exercise 3x a week
Why? To take care of the gift of this body. Enjoy playing with my kids, increased energy, life expectancy, model example of healthy choices for my kids, enjoy my body more (feel strong, confident, capable, adventurous),
This is the first time in my life I’ve set intentional/achievable goals. Thank you so much for leading us through this meaningful exercise, Lara! My hubby has been curious about what I’ve been brainstorming in my journal. At home date night planned for tonight to let him in on the mystery 🙂
Always encouraging!
Goal 1: Value Spiritual Leadership
Why: to be able to say I was proactive in cultivating my spiritual gifts
Positive effect: strengthen body of Christ
Feeling at end: satisfied in my role in the Kingdom
Steps: bible study, mentoring, preach at youth group, outreach for middle school girls, younglife outreach
How will I know I accomplished? watching spiritual roots grow
Encouraging words: Romans 12:8
How to celebrate: have influence!
Goal 2: gain financial wisdom
Why: to have the means to be generous and financially stable
Positive effect: giving!
Feeling at end: stable and generous
Steps: work, babysit, hanging out at free places, tithe always
How will I know I accomplished? account balance up, more giving
Encouraging words: Luke 6:38
How to celebrate: bless someone big time!
Goal 3: take care of the “temple” (my body)
Why: to honor and worship God with my body, have energy to do His work
Positive effect: physical endurance
Feeling at end: healthy
Steps: veggies everyday, 15 min of cardio
How will I know I accomplished? breathe deeply
Encouraging words: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
How to celebrate: prepare for college -
Thank you. Form to achieve longing. Structure to organize life. Imperfect is good enough. Life enhancing.
Thank you SO MUCH for recording the blog posts! The recordings enabled me to complete the whole series of posts simply while I cooked my lunch and ate is peacefully by myself at my kitchen table. I read along at the same time. The impact was greater than simply reading it myself. Additionally, I like having your voice right there with me. It made a total difference. THANK YOU! Love your heart Lara. xo
As I’ve worked through the Cultivate What Matters method, I’ve written SO MUCH! I’ve come up with my 10 goals, starting with a word, then my “why” and then my steps . Here are my words 🙂
1. Marriage
2. Mommy
3. Career
4. Health
5. Create
6. Friendship
7. Cook
8. Hobbies
9. God
10. Direct -
This has been such a rewarding experience – thank you so much! I’m so excited for this year and the fact that I will live COMMITTED in such an intentional way.
Here are my goals:
1. Become a healthier me. This includes not just my physical health but also my mental health – I want to be engaged in less gossip and negative cycles.
2. Spend my time intentionally. This means letting go of feeling guilty for being behind on shows, spending less time with the TV and social media, carving time daily for reading, and making a phone call (not text!) to someone every week.
3. Say “yes” to more experiences. This means less time at home. I want to take dance lessons, do day trips, see my friends more, get involved in my community, and see more live music.
4. Engage regularly in creative projects. I used to write all the time and let other things come in and take that time away. I have two creative projects I want to do this year and am committed to taking steps to do them.
5. Improve financial intelligence. I love to spend money and have found myself with more debt than I’d like, as a result. I have baby steps to start toward reducing that debt and ensuring that new purchases ENRICH, rather than just ADD. -
Last night, we did a google hangout with three of my writing friends to check in and cheer each other on with our current projects!
So thankful for Lara, power sheets, and this site! The best thing that has come from this process is my children being involved and making their own goals! I have a 10 year old son and 19 year old daughter! It gives us time to sit and talk about life and where we are headed! Love it!
How are you?
8 – Health-Ate healthy for about 10 out of 12 months. Back on track now!
4 – Friends- Was unable to spend much time with friends this year.
7– Family (including your significant other, if applicable)
5– Finances- Way too much wasteful spending this year.
8 – Spiritual
8 – Work
5 – Recreation
9 – Environment
What have you been chasing recently, or in the last year?
Perfection- trying to be the perfect person to everyone. Even now I am trying to make this perfect! It’s exhausting!
What good things happened in 2016?
Finished a Half Marathon!
Great Family trip to Kiawah in the Spring!
We had 5 healthy Boykin Spaniel puppies born in May!
Jacob graduated High School!
Amanda came to live with us for 6 months!
Moved into our new Office Space!
Took a nice trip to Charleston, SC!
Good times this summer at Lake Greenwood!
My daughter Started Pre-Pharmacy School!
Yearly Apple Picking Trip!
End of Year/New Year’s Trip to Kiawah!What’s one thing you want to cultivate in the year ahead?
A better Relationship with God! A Healthier lifestyle!
What were the challenges you experienced in 2016?
This year our family faced lots of sickness and death. My nephew died in a car crash in June and Brunson’s father died after 45 days in ICU. My father also lost a brother (Uncle) and a sister (Aunt) this year. It has been a tough year.
Who helped you cultivate what matters in 2016?
God was there for me through all of it. Brunson. My kids. My Family. My Church. My Sister and Parents church family.One of the things that stands out to you in what you’ve written so far.
Many of things I have written down deal with my self-worth and the comparisons I make daily.Write your list of what you are saying YES to in 2017 and what you are saying NO to.
Accepting God’s Love
Loving Myself
Time Management
Loving Others
Helping OthersNo
Negative Talk
Controlling OthersPick a word for 2017.
Goals for 2017
Spend More Time in God’s Word
Work on Paying off All Debt
Get Healthy
Love Myself
Train for Kiawah Half Marathon
Spend more Quality Time with Family
Cleaner More Organized Home
Be More Thankful
Love Others Unconditionally
Not Be Selfish and Think of Others First -
Finally, I finished! Loved the process so much!
2017 Goals:
1. Consistent in my Bible reading – using the Discipleship Journal reading plan
2. Deeper/more focused prayer life – find a prayer partner again and pray together each week
3. Earlier to bed, earlier to rise! (so extremely essential to my health, my energy, my thinking, my godliness!)
4. Tend family and friend relationships more intentionally (ask the Lord to show me how to love each of them well)
5. Nurture my Mom Heart Group & Be an Encourager to others and myself (stop the negative self-talk by focusing on and memorizing Scripture about what God says about me)
6. Cultivate JOY ~ bubbling up, spilling over JOY (with a sacrifice of Praise instead of complaints)!
7.As part of our continuing to cultivate a life giving home, build out our LIBRARY AND REPRIORITIZE our rhythms, routines, and traditions that provide those ANCHORS in our day and our life (sallyclarkson.com)
Thank you again, Lara. Following your goal setting method was eye-opening & life-changing. I’m so grateful the Lord led me to you!
Blessings, Becky -
At the end of 2017, I want to see myself closer to the person God wants me to be in health, relationships, and in my work. I want to see less excuses. I want to have cultivated my health overall because I believe that is the main thing holding me back in other areas and if I am not healthy, I am not able to pour myself out in service to others. Specifically, even though it sounds big and scary, I want to look back and have lost at least 50 lbs. I did not just choose this number out of the blue, like you talked about in this series, but I have lost 20 lbs this year and did not personally see that much of a difference in my body so I would like to hit 50 lbs to be able to feel the change in my health. I want to have chosen my well-being and health over food that gives you instant gratification and then leaves you feeling worse. I also want to choose honoring God over other sinful desires that give you instant pleasure but then leave you feeling empty afterwards, like gossiping and over-drinking. In order to make this happen, here is what I need to do today to get started: I need to make a meal plan for the week today and then go shopping because I can’t work away a bad diet. I want to be healthy and not just lose weight. I have decided to set mini goals along the way and celebrate myself at each step of the process. At the end of this year, I will celebrate progress not perfection by looking back at how far I’ve come and even though I will not be perfect I will be closer to the woman God created me to be. Other goals are to stay in God’s word every day, to create a prayer time that will help me be more intentional about praying, to workout 5 times a week, and to keep in touch with all of my friends at least once a month. Thank you for this series! It has been amazing!
I encouraged a friend in her contribution to something big.
Goal: develop healthy habits and be intentional with self care
Why? In order to live a fulfilled life my health needs to come first. This will also help ensure I’m around to live out my vision for when I’m 80.
Positive effect: I will be happier, be in better physical shape, and have better mental clarity
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: proud, more energetic and happy
Starting steps:
– in bed by 10 p.m.
– plan meals on Saturdays for the week ahead and prep meals on Sundays
– walk 20 min./day
– schedule a “me” day once a month just for me to refill my wellHow I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: inches and pounds lost, more active, and more energy
Encouraging words: When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.
How will you celebrate at the end of 2017? Treat myself to a new piece of althleisure wear.
Such a great exercise! I’ll continue with the rest of my goal in my PowerSheets! Thanks for doing this series!
I encouraged a coworker on a project at work.
Encouraging my team as we continue to grow God’s kingdom in various ways. Spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth is a big job, but God knows who He calls on, and how we will respond. Reminding those who serve God, who they are in Christ and that they can do ANYTHING is the best encouragement I can share today in times of hardship. God will always prevail!
Encouraged some writing friends by texting the group to let them know how I excited we are to get together tomorrow!
My 2017 goals are:
1. Better my writing
2. Grow as a boss/leader
3. Grow in my faith
4. Invest in my health/body
5. Be a more encouraging friend/family member -
2017 Goals:
Goal 1: Read Bible & Pray every day
Why? I can’t grow as a Christian without God’s Word and communicating with Him in prayer.
Positive effect: Renewing my mind and facing the day with God’s thoughts instead of my thoughts.
How will I feel at the end of the year with progress? Thankful!
Starting steps: Pick a reading plan, a set time, and a place
How will I know I accomplished or made progress? As I see it becoming a priority in my day, something I’m actively doing and enjoying, and seeing that I’m consistently making it important in my life.
Encouraging words: “Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.”
How will I celebrate? Thanking God for His help in accomplishing this goal.Goal 2: Caring for my husband.
Why? He’s the most important human relationship I have.
Positive effect: Harmony in our home, a good marriage
How will I feel at the end of the year? More in love with him!
Starting steps: Taking notice of his schedule and busy days and seeking for ways to make those easier on him; loving him; planning for good meals to nourish him
How will I know I have accomplished or made progress? When I see my husband being a priority in my life and in the choices that I make with my time, choices to serve him.
Encouraging words: Titus 2:4 “So that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands . . . ”
How will I celebrate: Giving thanks to God for the husband He gave me.Goal 3: Financial – Handle our money well
Why? Because our money actually belongs to God and comes from Him. We are to manage well what He has given to us.
Positive effect: Thankfulness to God for what He has given us to manage for Him, and joy when we have extra that we can give to help others.
How will I feel at the end of the year with progress? Thankful for God’s provision as I see how He provides for us in 2017. Thankful for the privilege of managing our resources.
Starting steps: Develop a simple budget; Give to God first; Develop a plan for paying off debt; Plan for excess in the budget for giving to others and ask for God’s leading in giving to others.
How will I know I’ve accomplished or made progress? I will see that we have a plan in place for our giving, saving and spending ahead of the month, so that we are telling our money where it’s going, instead of wondering where it went.
Encouraging words: Proverbs 3:9 “Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce.”
How will I celebrate: Thank God for His help in this area, and maybe plan for a nice dinner out.Goal 4: Managing our home well.
Why? I want my husband to feel at home where we live and to enjoy being home. I desire that for myself too.
Positive effect: A well managed home helps life go more smoothly.
How will I feel at the end of the year with progress? I will feel peace.
Starting steps: Write down what I desire for a home managed well. Develop a simple plan for household systems: laundry, cleaning, shopping, meal planning, entertaining friends.
How will I know I’ve accomplished or made progress? My family will feel at peace in our home, and guests will be welcome and feel comfortable.
Encouraging words: Hospitality is love in action.
How will I celebrate: I think it would be fun to have a party with family and friends, thanking God for those He puts in our lives. -
After looking at my long list in the previous steps I saw some themes and broadened my goals a little more.
2017 Goals:
1. To Get closer to God
2. To Write more and get published
3. Cultivate a loving/joyful home
4. Intentionally Grow ME -
My 2017 goals:
– fully practice my Catholic faith
– exercise regularly
– prepresent for officially homeschooling this fall
– practice art
– practice writing
– read daily (Bible and for pleasure)
– develop a doable housekeeping schedule
– start a business by the end of the year -
I encouraged my husband today by listening to his work problems.
I have 4 Goals for 2017:
GOAL 1 – I will spend time daily worshipping God through reading my Bible and prayer…Why? … because my relationship with God is the most important one I have.
Positive Results – Knowing God’s word will provide wisdom and peace
Starting Steps – select a consistent time each day, start with Write the Word journal or read the book of the Bible we are learning about in church (even if it is just a couple verses)
Encouraging words – Proverbs 2:6
How will I celebrate – do a little danceGOAL 2 – To let go of comparison, I will be disciplined in developing healthy habits with money …
Why? – … because I do not want to be in debt and want to honor God with what He has given me by spending within my means and on things I do not covet
Positive Result – I can do MORE!
Starting – weekly enter my money into our budget
Encouraging words – Don’t let comparison steal your joy
How will I Celebrate – do a random act of kindnessGOAL 3 – I will cultivate relationships that matter (marriage, children, friends)…
WHY? … because God created us to live in community – we are built for community
Starting Steps – send a post card or text message
Positive Result – it will bring His Kingdom closer and encourage community
Encouraging words – Let all that you do be done with love
Celebrate – have a girls’ nightsGOAL 4 – I will make regular time for rest, knowing that I cannot do it all…
WHY? … because even God restedStarting Steps – block off time in my calendar
Positive Results – I will have more energy to give to others and fulfill God’s plan for me
Encouraging Words – Exodus 33:14
Celebrate – Invite others over for a dinnerGOAL 5 – I will be disciplined in developing healthy habits with food and exercise …
WHY? … so that I can be the best mom and wife I can be.Starting Steps – run 3x a week, log food, and drink more water
Positive Results – I will have more energy for others
Encouraging Words – little by little
Celebrate – go on a date with my husband -
2017 Goals:
1. value self
2. read through Bible, journal, prayer foundation for my days
3. Take care of body
4. create with hands
5. create with writing -
In regards to encouraging others, I’ve felt convicted this week to actually text people when they come across in my prayers. I was worried in some cases that it would be a text too out of the blue, but texting them just to let them know has been encouraging both to them as well as to me! Some fantastic conversations have opened up!
My goals for 2017 center around my Word of the Year (which is “Develop”). This year is about enjoying the time between the starting line and the finish line. I want to see myself make progress past the finish line, but I want to savor the process as I grow. Some of the places I want to develop are my goals:
Goal 1: Develop a morning routine that includes time in scripture/prayer, health, house care and a slower pace.
Why? A good morning routine sets a foundation for me to help reach my other goals. It gives me extra time to develop my relationship with the Lord, while also having time for health (morning yoga) and time to clean so that my evenings are free for working on my small business. If I establish this goal, others will more easily fall into place.Goal 2: Put “pen to paper” in my small business. Brainstorming new ideas is fun, but I need to develop those ideas past brainstorming. By the end of 2017, I will have tangible products in hand!
Why? The idea of this small business plan has been in my heart for a couple years. I would love to develop this small business to provide an income for me to stay home with our future children.Goal 3: Develop intentional relationships with those around me. Instead of going to all events I’m invited to and chit-chatting with everyone, I want to work monthly on less events, but more one-on-one quality time of truly getting to know my spouse, neighbors, and friends more intimately.
Why? Second to God, community and people are the most important priority to me. But developing deeper, closer relationships is more fulfilling and life-giving than a full calendar of social events.Goal 4: Develop a plan/structure for social media that includes growth for my small business while simultaneously being on social media LESS than all years before!
Why? I believe that my small business growth CAN happen despite the lie that I need to be constantly connected and always engaged. I want the time that I would have spent on Social Media to be spent on my other goals.Goal 5: Diligently strive to make my work be my worship. Even though I don’t expect to ever “complete” this goal, I don’t want that to deter that I need to work on ways to worship God through all toil.
Why? Because I know that the grass is never greener in another job or even eventually working for myself. If I don’t think through how my work can be my worship now, than I will continually fall into the pit of stress, anxiety, comparison and feeling like I “deserve” a better job.Other goals are:
-Sign up and be certified to begin the foster-to-adopt process
-Develop skills in areas that I want to pursue or feel uncomfortable in my skill (cooking, de-cluttering, yoga, online tutorials)
-Commit to serving our family and friends and make intentional time each month to think of others first before filling the calendar
-Be intentional about enjoying things on the calendar and looking forward to what is to come! -
Thank you Lara… the Cultivate Team and my Fellow Gardeners!
God has truly used you to change my life! Praise Him! I can not convey in words what you have done for me…
I am terrified… yet I too am all in… in faith…not fear…Prayerfully:
– Goal: 1. Read /Listen to the You Version Chronological Bible with my son every morning before our day begins… (The Message version is best for him)
– Why? My Bible Study Mentor shared ”You can’t love someone you don’t know”… The desire of my heart is for my son to read the bible and really develop his own personal relationship with his heavenly Father…
-The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: My sons father is in Heaven… I want him to rely on his Abba… For him to know his heavenly father with a deep abiding love… words can not convey what this will do for him and prayerfully his testimony … heart to serve…
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Elated! Praise Him!
– Starting steps: Set my alarm and we curl up and read/listen together…
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: My son will begin sharing… asking questions or I will witness subtle godly changes… connections…
– Encouraging words: “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: We will prepare our favorite foods set the table and have sparking cider when my mom visits 🙂– Goal: 2. Read my Narrated Bible in Chronological Order every night before bed.
– Why? I yearn to learn and grow in godly humility, love, compassion, a heart for Him….a Heart for all of His people…
-The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: God willing, I will grow in my relationship with God …Prayerfully, I will be better equipped to serve in Ministry…
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Wow… so very thankful…
– Starting steps: Place my Bible on my bed after I make it each morning as a reminder…
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal:Prayerfully I will see the fruits of the spirit lived out in my life… My bookmark will move through the pages of the Bible 🙂
– Encouraging words: Galatians 5:22-24 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Attend a Praise and Worship Night at church and pour out my thanksgiving to God… for His faithfulness… for His unending love…Goal 3. Step out in faith…
– Why? Fear has paralyzed me my entire life… I want to live out His purpose for my life…I love Him so…
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: Prayerfully, God can use me in the ways that are purposeful…
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: So Grateful
– Starting steps: Begin… My theme for this year: Begin
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal:so much less anxiety, and fearful paralysis so much more joy filled service to others…
– Encouraging words: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Bake my late Aunt’s recipe for delicious peach cobbler for Sunday dinner.– Goal: 4. Serve Passionately…
– Why? Anyone I have the privilege of serving I want them to see God is alive and active in my life…
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: I will be joyful in service to others… bringing more kindness, compassion, care, love…
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: so grateful
– Starting steps: Pray before serving, stay connected in that moment and be grateful for the opportunity to serve others…
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: My heart will be full 🙂
– Encouraging words: 1 Peter 4:10 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
-Colossians 3:23 “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Fundraise to provide the food and get people together to decorate and serve at the Family Shelter … On Christmas they have very limited options, short staffed and little to no decorations. I love that the families stay together…– Goal: 5. Pray fervently throughout my day… small or large
– Why? Prayer really does change things…I want to humbly stay connected to the source of change…
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others 🙂
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: At peace
– Starting steps: Pray… short prayers, large prayers over the little things and insurmountable odds… pray throughout my day…
– How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: More time praying less time in angst
– Encouraging words: Ephesians 6:18 NIV “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Go to the prayer room at my church and write expressing how it feels to have accomplished this in my life…– Goal: 6. Allow my nails to grow…
– Why? stop living in constant anxiety… fear…
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: Let go of fear … won’t hide my hands…My son and mom will be elated 🙂
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Peace … So much less anxiety
– Starting steps: Using a habit tracker
-How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: My nails will be heathy
– Encouraging words:1 Peter 5:7 ESV “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: Paint my nails my favorite color …pinkGoal: 7. Apply to Bible College/Attend Bible College
– Why? To grow in knowledge of His word, garner godly clarity, vision and purpose….
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others:Prayerfully, I will develop and become a better godly servant leader…
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: In awe of God’s grace…
– Starting steps: Pray and apply…
-How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I will receive an acceptance letter and begin classes…
– Encouraging words: Psalm 119:105 (ESV) ”Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: I really want a Bible by Hosanna Revival but we shall see if that is in my budget… 🙂– Goal: 8. Be a cheerful giver and steward well…
– Why? To be responsible with every area of my life including my finances.
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: My son will learn good stewardship, I will have peace surrounding my finances and be able to sow in with time and my finances…
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Very thankful
– Starting steps: Financial Peace University and Crown Ministries and workshops
-How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: peace in my finances and the ability to sow into ministry financially without hardship
– Encouraging words: Genesis 2:15 “Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.”
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: We will choose a child to sponsor…Goal: 9. Take a fun class or workout with my son 5-6 days per week…
– Why? To have fun with my son…. play together…– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others:
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: My son and I will have time to just laugh and play together… I hope our bond as son and mother is blessed …
– How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Personally I will be so happy that we shared fun times…Physically I will be happy to workout as well
– Starting steps: We received a great discount at a gym very close to home
-How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: We will use the membership 🙂 and it will become a part of our daily routine 🙂
– Encouraging words: Enjoy this time… laugh… have fun… you have been through so much… take some time to play!
– How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: We will do it again 🙂– Goal: 10.Pray every night at the side of my son’s bed with my mother on speaker phone…
– Why? my son is adopted…His Father is in Heaven…His heavenly Father is the head of our home… I want to give them this time together every night… I want us connected as a family every night in thanks to the Lord…
– The positive effect taking action on this goal may have on my life and others: My prayer is that my son pass the torch and perhaps when he has a family one day… my daughter in love and my grand babies are blessed with this tradition… maybe I will be on speakerphone with my mom 🙂
– Starting steps: He calls my mom they chat awhile then I come in … we place my mom on speakerphone and we pray at his bedside…
-How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: As the days turn to months our prayer life as a family will grow stronger… our love will be stronger through Christ’s love for us…
– Encouraging words: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NIV Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. -
Goal 1: Create a safe place for women to come together to grow, to learn, to encourage and challenge each other.
Why: To help women stop comparing themselves to each other, to help them discover and pursue their God-given dreams, to help them find fulfillment and live with peace and joy regardless of their circumstances
Positive effect: We’ll have a community of strong, empowered women encouraging each other and the next generation of women. We’ll see more confidence and less striving, feel more peace and less stress, give more grace and less judgment.
How I’ll feel at the end of 2017: Blessed to have been able to play a part, humbled and inspired by the women in the group, ready to continue into 2018.
Starting steps: 1 – Sign up as a women’s life group leader at church. 2 – Start a Propel Women chapter that meets 2x/month. 3 – Host monthly IF: Table brunches 2x/month.
How will I know I made progress: Women attend the meetings. They start and continue making progress in their lives.
Encouraging words: On the darkest days, when I feel inadequate, unloved, and unworthy, I remember whose daughter I am and I straighten my crown.
How will I celebrate? With a Gratitude/Goal-setting New Year’s Eve party! -
Well…I wrote a looooonnngggg post last night, but don’t see it anymore, so I will re-post an abbreviated version I guess. Goal #1 is lose 20lbs by Dec 2017. I’ve gained weight over the year, and it has been REALLY hard getting it back off. I think I want it to happen really fast (of course!) and I need to be more patient with myself. To meet this goal I will need to stop buying my little “treats” which end up sabotaging my efforts to eat healthy, whole foods. The result will be looking and feeling better. I’m going to measure progress by aiming for a 2 lb loss/month and I will celebrate by getting back into my “skinny jeans.”
Goal #2is to exercise 3x week with the starting steps to either do a DVD at home or go to the gym. I wrote out lots of different types of things I enjoy so I don’t get bored with one type of activity and the positive result will be increased energy and strength. I will celebrate by buying one new item of workout gear from Lululemon or Athleta.
Goal #3 is to spend time in prayer with God in the morning AND the evening. I’m good about my morning prayer time but not so much with evenings. After I’ve gotten my kids to bed, I either fall asleep with them or go right to my bed and often fall asleep before praying. I want to do this because putting God first helps me prioritize what is most important in life and the result will be enjoying time that brings the kind of peace and contentment that only time with God can give us.
Goal #4 is to simplify our lives by decluttering and reducing wasteful spending. The why is for less mess and clutter around the house to give us a more relaxed environment. The positive is we will be able to say “yes” more often to the kids requests for playdates in addition to inviting friends over more spur of the moment. Progress will look like being able to maintain vs. having to do full on major cleaning freak-outs anytime someone is coming over.
I have a few more goals, but these are the primary ones. I have not done well on goals 1& 2 during Jan, but hey, Feb 1 can be my Jan 1 right? I have made progress on #3 & 4 however, so I really appreciate the “progress over perfection” approach Lara teaches. Looking forward to the motivation of this blog and the Powersheets themselves to help keep me accountable and to continue striving towards progress on my goals over the course of this year. -
GOAL 1: Grow in my faith through spending time with God and memorizing Scripture.
WHY? Spending time with God & in the Word will help me to grow in love, wisdom and maturity to bear good fruit, which will help me to bless others.
POSITIVE RESULT – more peace and patience at home and more love for others.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR HAVING MADE PROGRESS ON THIS GOAL: grateful, grounded, content, full of peace and joy
STARTING STEPS – Determine verses to memorize, schedule weekly tests with JM, start Joy Dare.
WHAT PROGRESS LOOKS LIKE – Developing consistent habits, remembering the verses, finding a new faith community
ENCOURAGING WORDS – Psalm 1: 2-3: Blessed is the one…whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE – Have my son test me on my Bible verses and then go for ice cream to celebrate!
Goal 2: Cultivate a life-giving home.
WHY? My son and I need a place to rest and recharge. Doing this will remove stress and anxiety, create a place to entertain and bless others, and enable me to steward well what I have been given.
POSITIVE RESULT – more peace, less stress and more FUN because we can invite friends over!
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR HAVING MADE PROGRESS ON THIS GOAL: elated!!! This has been on my list of resolutions for years, with little success.
STARTING STEPS – Start tracking system for FlyLady, schedule bids for kitchen remodel
WHAT PROGRESS LOOKS LIKE – A reasonably neat, organized home, and a place for everything so things can be put where they belong.
ENCOURAGING WORDS –still working on this.
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE – Throw a party!
GOAL 3: Complete 80 hours of continuing education to reactivate my CPA license by year-end.
WHY? Updating my skill set will make me a better employee and more marketable if I need to change jobs, I need to make enough money to raise my son well and help with college.
POSITIVE RESULT – more confidence in my abilities, more peace about the future of my career.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR HAVING MADE PROGRESS ON THIS GOAL: relieved! This has been on the list for a long time, and I have been avoiding it because it’s not fun, but having it hanging over my head is worse!
STARTING STEPS – Schedule time weekly to work on CPE, research in-person seminars.
WHAT PROGRESS LOOKS LIKE – Racking up those hours!
ENCOURAGING WORDS – Colossians 3:23-24: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE – Schedule a massage for every 20 hours completed. I am building in a lot of rewards because I anticipate that this will be my most challenging goal.
GOAL 4: Develop life-giving habits to focus on what matters and take good care of myself.
WHY? I want to be a good steward of what I’ve been given, and increase my energy level to keep up with my boy and serve more.
POSITIVE RESULT – better health, ability to be more present to those around me.
HOW I WILL FEEL AT THE END OF THE YEAR HAVING MADE PROGRESS ON THIS GOAL: energized, more positive about the prospect of getting older, joyful
STARTING STEPS – Eliminate or minimize TV and use time to do something constructive, fast from sugar and flour.
WHAT PROGRESS LOOKS LIKE – Developing and maintaining consistent habits, feeling more rested.
ENCOURAGING WORDS – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20: Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
HOW I WILL CELEBRATE – Dinner party with healthy foods! -
Thank you for being so transparent, not only with your personal goals, but also with the incompleteness of some of them. And thank you for taking the time and effort to walk through your steps with each goal – it really helps. My January 1 is probably going to be March 1, as I need to go back through this series again, even more slowly. I’m not a “go through it slowly” girl, so this will be huge for me to embrace going and growing slowly!
Encouraging others: I put together a small care package for an old roommate and friend who lives in another state.
– grow in my faith; build a strong foundation
– cultivate memories so I and others can remember them in the future
– create a welcoming home. Go through the Sally’s clarkson book, invite others into our home.
– prayerfully consider our finances and being smart stewards of what Jesus has given us.
– live well. Take care of my health by being up to date on dr. Appointments, eat well and work my body
– live a more simplified life.donate items. Live with less clutter and it take less time and allow me to speand time elsewhere. -
Lara – thanks so much for sharing this series! I’ve learned so much and am excited to make this an amazing, intentional year.
Here are my goals! They are the same wording as my ideas but I’ve definitely clarified the why behind them so they’re not empty, meaningless goals.
1. Simplify, simplify, simplify! My starting step: organize my desk at the end of each day.
2. Cultivate meaningful relationships! My starting step: respond to messages within 3 days.
3. Manage my time effectively! My starting step: eat the frog at the beginning of each day.
4: An authentic faith. My starting step: heart time in Scripture daily.
5: Become a better communicator. My starting step: be consistent with sending out mentor group emails.
6: Discover my strengths and passions – college prep. My starting step: college research – 30 minutes a day! -
I cannot wait til the 2018 Powersheets come out !!! I am such a ‘planner addict’ and own several different types of planners, but after listening to you for a few months now and watching your videos, I see that I am planning a life and not ‘planting’ a life.
The only thing in my way is me … and I know this. I cried when I read the first 3 chapters of your newest book .. that is ME ! You took each and every word out of my mouth. I cannot wait til the 2018 Powersheets are available to order !!! I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE !!
Thank you and God Bless !! <3